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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1903)
STOCK BRANDS. Tm J'THKil. will "lMh your brand, like , th toii lux, lor in tr year, haili d f ditM: .at brand rents. Kverv farmer ur ranchmen In Mom and a" Joining comities , kboald ltd rttri tbeir brands in The Jul' k , HAL a it elnil -tw nil ovKr the state. It msy be the iik-imoi saviiiK money for you $500 REWARD. for the arrest and conviction of any party t OT pi lie stealing or dirfiirurinif any brands h siock ueiwmging 10 me uuueritf ilea pur les. r. k. janot." 7 Brand. gQ (7f or Qon left hip n left Jaw, nfthlpol tattle. Post Office, Hewitt, . Siuux Coiuitv, Nebraska. t. !:H(iK SWANSO. , Cn' tie branded . branded n le-t side on left shou Uiey. raiia". t t'wk. Any .nM-k bonded ns above being est'av , ml from my ra-ise, ifiscove ed by y bodv e Oil giving me tiifuiiiKiMB,, w be rewnre'id Addle, r't. Uobtiiron, Nebraska -o- J. B. ( Horses branded on E! Mt 8u0ulder ' , Cattle as me on l-t t nlP- t 3beep barnded on 1-ack or I ' ack of Sheep. t Uanjte oh Soldier Creek ami White Itlver. Aildn-ss. Kt. Robinson. Nebraska. IiKKl' I'UHK" LIVE STOCK to . rWSf"1? ''"""l"1' left hip of Cattle I J &l i " ,ft ,'''e,,' ot Horses Wsaawvbaaaw litmgeon Deep Creek. Audio, leep Creek Live stock Co,. J. If. Hai.dkut, Foremiin, (ilen, Nebraska. CHAISLB NEWMAN. I The brain) represented In this notice and brHiKfd any whfreon left aide feulUe, and over-lap .:at from the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh ot borne, belong to the undersigned. Range near Kuat Springs, eentb part fo Sioux county. CHAKLEH Nkwmax, , Harrison, Kebruska. Prexsi-Jonrnal ThckhimT. May 7 , 118. C. C liurke. Prop. ENTERED IS THK POST OFFICE AT II AK BISON NEHR. ASKCO.Nl CLASS MATTE It OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. JOHN T. SNOW. Horse orusexlLj on left skoal LJ del or fmm branded oh left I and Cattle pjJJ on left aide Post Office Address, Patrick, .arainle Co. Wyo. Owns the follow- nibrund ouelih- er: JOB.V A. HANSON A Iho HA nn rn r- tle ami hurt cattle in leftside itoriN on ieft tiioulder. Kanireon Silver Sprlnjra aod east of state line. Podtofflce Harrison Neh. J. H. vmUSDOilFEfl, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work clone. Rings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. Harness made to order. Saddles re-covered. REMEMBER ASIiREW nK!nAX V1 Cf.tle brand ed on le tslde t. me hh cut ami horhes bT"ided on te't frhoalde rr'iie as cut iu tlie p' .oerly of Andrew ChrlHimii ant ratine tributary to Van Tasw;l Springs. Address, K I ' ley, W vo. JIKSlir AKN KKK. 8AMCELKSOUI. CiLttle branded any where on left side of the aniaial. Range on I'ral- iie I log Mon roe Creeks. Adfi'vuw li-.i' , '.son, Vebraaka CKWACD. will -T 5.00 reward for each head Of Lav Col vi lie's borsea b mlef 00 either law or over to John Die water, also flUO.OO for pi-oo ( m ; iiwi sen u "VI n m or tlnah ti,,,et,v21 Kr on Ki)nTin-.JswJ 0.00 for proof K' I convict any peeaoa uo'aw, j-'y harwi any of said hones. !' W. J. A. Raum. Cat le brand ed on le; t f,:)e. Ivll irse on Uoniilij Water Cieeek. O. Address Ha- soti, ' b n. j. Cattle branded Crttle branded CTtlle brn.ided BIhO. on left t le CHARLES H. tlEWMJ, SUCCESSOR to G. W. HESTER, DEALER IN Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, C a Wagons, Buggies, ' and Macliinery of all kinds. Also W'V-M''K Towers, Piping, Pumps, and evo: y.lj'og that line. I altso carry a la -ge stock f feed, ground and ungr und. I make a specially .f retiring Wind-mills. Mail Orders will receive prompt attominn. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Marsteller Bros Handle three of as good brands ok SflOHS as arr made iv AMERICA. THE SELZ SCHWAB SHOE CO. CHICAGO Is the largest manufacture of Shoes in the world And the old reliable Hue ofM. I). WELLER of Chicago And F. Mayer and Co. Shoe of Milwaukee And a full line of Mens', Womens', jind Childrens' Over Shoes, And we carry a full of Dry Goods, Duck Coats . and Caps, Groceries. Hard-Ware, Flour and Fed And a nice line of fancy Candien. Come aiid get our prices, which are always the best in town. MARSTELLER BROS. Ti n . "in i i I ne uommerciai Hani.. HARRISON. NEBRASKA. DIBEOTOBS. C. F. Cokkee, President. F. W.Clarkr, Cashier Chas. C Jamks...v. H. S. Clarke. A. McGinlkt Stockmen having use for a bank at this point may rely us to handle their entire Banking busines. - JWe are prepared to take care of our trade at all timeHtM I THE PIONEER PHARMACY. on left k d On Left Mip 1IESRY WKISE, Korenuin P. O. Addrei, Ulen. Neb , HonM branded Qg on right thigh and shfHilderand branded f on rijlit Jaw Also, I have . Horse branded . ot le t t i-jb rot Ufficw Add resa, llnrriaon. Sion t Co, Sebraska J.S. TICKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses , iaad on left aid of cttle. And IhN This on .ghtside right side of cattle ton. Range While River, (.len. Poit Ulllee address, Clci, Nebraska. j.r.OIIKRTr.SEKCli. . CatUe Branded I e a f I . J on left side Range on y Also cattle branded almalrter'or side. . ' Range m ' ' ftanhlng Water. P. . Address on le. t hip Af:te, aebraaka. B HEW DTK R Co. t Tattle brand ed Mine as that I- M eat, either jrfl hip or on .to.'tskajaldcr. Ym J J. K. 1ILSTEU. Cattle br; Hded as shown in cat, on side, hip, or 1 shonlde. Also -- on left s'de. K-j-ht eai ellpwd 5100 REWARD will be pnld forevidmice rriiv.rtlnKimr one for runninx off or In any way tampcrl-rr with stock hnvln ...t, of the nbove brand or brand. Ranch at Andrews, Sebr, Addri-ss, llHi't'iaon Nebr. tl'T1' aaajaVj, ajai .. a m. Harass rj ... PEDIGREE. Sired by Kosebery, Xo. 2G5. Dam 1st by Duke of Cleve land, No. S7. 2nd by Michael, No. 205. 3rd by Barnaby, No. 18. 4th. by King George, No. 161, by Victory No. 836. Remarks; Dam was a Hamaletonian mare of rare merits and. a good trotter. Tkk.vcs G.OO to insure colt to stand and suck. 3.U. DESSLoW. Call la branded on :'sal wine as cut. A'.d a'so D oh t:;it ! p. Horses b Jided sVJ M r'T-t lomder orjaw. R.m?e o.i W i:;vr, 0 ie old Dave Col vi 1 1 rrncll. William. Ilunllc-.' foreman. p. o. Address: Glen, Neb-. J. I.KVclt. Cattle bundifl 11N l.Krr VlliK Po t .' e 4dres.Chadron Nebraska. TC("KK A COL! i IN ONE DAlf. Take L xstlvn liro o (nlnlne Tablets. All dmrxlits ruluml Hie money If It falls to c tri!. E. W, move's si;iiiniuie is on uarli box. J.V. K"- a sasaassi ROCK. Druist's Sundries, Paints, Oils- Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. k. K. KKNNKOV, t ritANK NCTTO. ("ill til? ll 'Hllixt Wt if lior-en. AlsiJ Mttu ttf th lit. lHrll'tT Maltltl I'M llfaU'l lit. r.lx, i'V Utttlid. m on the id t ! left si onl- and Cat. ami the eil lor Ills Adi'.e.s, 1 1 f j i sn, Nebraska. Cut' 'e ':.pnMed on RlYht II in Shoulder P.O. Ai'dress to o d, Nebriska. WWI r. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION. Terms: 8. 00 to insure colt to stand and suck. DOCILE. Moraaa branded with any of above brand. A4drew, J. . AauixaoN, f ..garrison, Nebraska. J. T. HEWITT. AltlsaMaaal M left aid. IMOMMiMnu, Kawrtoaa, Nebraska. TDI PatOJOUBNAL 11.00 I VfT 1U jTli rv II ill i vi I S8 f : ' v: STlLLIOt! Will make the season at my place on Monroe Creek, 7 miles north-west, of Harrison. PEDIGREE Wihdom Jr., Sired by imtxrted Clyde. Dam seven-ftltriira Shire, weight 1,500 pounds. Price: .00, to insure living colt. The money for r. . vice of Stallion will be due and payable at once in case mares are sold or removed from the county. ROBERT KEEL. . PERCIIEON am MORGAN STALLION Terms: $7.00 to insure colt to stand and tmck. The above stallions will stand at. our barn in Harrison this Heanon. Fees will be due and payable at once in case mares are disposed of or removed from the countv. Call and see n if you desire the service of horse this season. mW!k'MAKVsVr.AnV PUP NEIL JOCIIAN. and rji- tie bn U'ed 0,1 either il(, an me as on eat. And Cattle branded side, and Homes on Mi on Ivft Jaw, Address, llodarc, Nebraska. EX MAHON. Cattle llranded, Kan-fe on Kun side ng Water Add I esa Afule, Neb. To Cnro q ca every OCrAVE HARRM. C il'e braiili, a shown on left aide lth over bit en left e ir. IMit'URKT SON. 1 E 1 l'gWaler, I P. O. Address, Mursland, Nelw. Cattle brand ed saitia as that o.i cut on eilh er side of anl- 'mil And following on 111 left slda ef cattle tad Ihls I LJLUJEJ on left .nit of she slock. And this I -a L on left side and hip. II, in eon Unnnlng Water, PN..O.ea.l.lfaa, Msrrieon, i I-