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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1903)
PERUNA SAVED MY LIFE," Writes Mrs. W. McRoberts. Women Made Strong and Happy Mothers. Catarrh of the Pelvic Organs Is a Fre quent Cause of Barrenness. Pe-ru-na Eradicates Catarrh From the System. TO the woman "of ifncioiit Isrriel not to liecome a mother wan regnrded sa the grealetit of earthly calamities. Wo lieooine a mother more especially the mother of a sfroni;, htalthy boy wan the height of rl"ry for the faithful Woman of the good old 1'ihle days. Even now, when maternity I not es teemed as of yore, the mother of healthy rhililren la an ohjert of admiration, and sometimes envy, hy her lieihliori. As rompnred with ancient people, the veraxe American woman has a low ap preciation of nintherhood. There are, fcowever, a great many exceptions to Ibin atatement. The accompanying lettera from crate ftil women who have Ix-cn made Htronir, healthy and hajipy mothers need no add ed words of our to rnnke them eon viiirint'. Catarrh had weakened and impaired their entire systems. 1'eruna Blade them (iniind and well. Mrs. 1.. M. (Irilllth. Arco, Idaho, writes: "Your medieiup did me a wonderful amouiii of j!ood. It cured in of harn n tie. I nm .'! years old and never had ny chihlt'efi ; Itut siiKe lieu-inning your "I Do All My House work and Take Care of My Baby and I Feel So Good." t Mrs. V. following: A YOUNQ MOTHER'S LETTER. McHoherts, writes to Dr. Ilartnian Delano, Miss. Doctor S. B. Ilariman. Columbus, Ohio: r Dear Sir:" I feel perfectly well of catarrh. I did as you directed me to and took Peruna and Mar.alin. The third of March I gave birth to a 10-pound baby girl and we ere both well end happy. I am very thankful to you, and I'ertina saved my life. I recommend It to everyone and can't praise It enough. 'I send you my own and my baby's picture. She Is so sweet and good,-she Is a Peruna baby. I have such gixid health now. I do all my own housework and take care of my baby, and feel so good. "There are three or fvur of my neighbors using Peruna now, since It did me so much good. They were just run down, and they think It Is fine. It Is so good to give strength. ""-Mrs. V. McRoberts. medicine I gave birth to 10-pound baby girl. 8he ia now nix months old nd weighs ZTi pounds. My fripndu were II surprised. Home would not believ It until they eanic to free me. "My husband says lie never saw such I change In any one as there was in me ifter 1 had taken three or four bottles of peruna. I am stronger than 1 have been since I was quite young, (iod bless you and your medicine forever. I famiot tell you all. My letter ia too long already; but I will say I'eruna tured me. I never saw or heard of Inyihing half so good. I can never hank you enough for your kindness. In rases of la grippe It works like a tbarm. It cured my baby when other Cedicinea faiied. She was real bad with grippe." Mrs. L. M. Griffith. Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Alpha, Mo., rites: "1 have used your Peruna and Mana- ' ' from Delano, Miss., the 11 J l,'l in ip Chili Con Garni. Two pounds of round steak, two d ppppers, one can kidney beans, one jood-stod 'onion, one lit rgelea i-'poonfut f salt. Cut the beef Into small squares, redce well with flour, place one table- tpoonful of butter In a pan, and whi n this Is hot put In the meat and took tntil the flour adheres to It. Place in stewpan, cover with boiling water tnd simmer slowly until tender, then idd chopped onions and beans; cook ve minutes and serve either hot or K)ld. The gravy should be nearly ooked away before adding the beans. I kWamuxj I q lit). I had been doctoring for several years, but kept getting worse. One day a neighbor woman brought nie your book, the 'Ills of Life,' and wanted me to take your medicine. 1 told her that 1 bad given up all hope of ever getting well. I had tried so much medicine. My neighbors thought I was nearly dead with consumption. "Finally 1 concluded that I would make a last trial. So my husband got me a bottle of I'eruna and Manalin. I commenced tnkitig them according to directions. That was two years ago. A year ago last November I gave birth to i 10-pound baby boy. who is well and ! hearty; and I am doing my own houae j work. I can never give Peruna too I great praise. I think it is the best mcd jieine 1 ever heard of." Mrs. E. K. Thomas. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the uae of peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his Taluable ad vice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 1 :?on n TOBACCO HABIT SOIITIVILV CAN BS CUS1SD. Where our Cure is used and directions fol lowed, we guarantee a cure, No nauseous drags aed, but pleasant, harmless nerhs. Full par ticulars upon receipt of two cent stamp. MAGNETIC REMCDY CO. BOX 10a, HASTINO. NIB. (JefflfrtedwiUi eoreefes, u j Tbompson'sEje Water FREE TO WOMEN! 10 prove tnc Dealing ana cleansing power of fax tine Toilet Antiseptic we will mail a Urge trial package with book of in structions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample, but a large package, enough to convince anyone of its value. Women all over the countTv are prais ing Haxtine lor what it has none in local treatment of female ilia, curing all Innanv maiion and discharges, wonderful as a cleans, ing vagirul douche, for sore throat, nasal ca tarrh, a a mouth wrtsh, and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth. Send to-day; a posta. card will do. !! kj l rasa-Ma seat aalall 7 as, MU, Uw ku. a0.f.O. inrulni. mios CO.. 21 B Commons At , lotos, Mass. 'All you people of this congrega tion," said tbe self-willed mnlister "are entirely too stubborn. You're regular mules. " "Ah, yes." replied the mild member, "now I understand why you always address us as Dear Hrethren. Phila delphia Pres-v A man may outllv biz capasity to do good, but not biz capasity to do evil. Bromo-Selizer Promptly cures all Headaches TO INVESTORS k VERT UNUSUAL OPPORIUNItr Mr. John Brisben Waiter is taking the rreiideuty of a Company which offers un usual features for safe and highly profitable investment; namely, first Mortgage, 6-per cent., Real Eitatc bonds, accompanied by a 6o-prr-cent. botms in the Company i l re ferrcd Stock. This Company takes over more than 900 acres of land within 3!-2 miles of center of Denver. Berkeley Heights is the most beautiful plateau around this rapidly growing metropolis of the Rocky Mountain region the most prosperous city on the continent to-day. The property is to be immediately develoied upon an extensive scale as a residential quarter upon modern plans, with reservations. Mr. Walker will hold a controlling interest in the stock, and personally recommends the investment as absolutely safe and likely to be extremely profitable. For further particulars address James Randolph Walker, Secretary, The llerkcley Heights Investment Co., Irving-ton-on-lhe-Hudson, New York. Bouse Meat or Head Cheese. One small hog's bend, live or six pig's foot., onu pepner pod. cut fine; one ta- Slespoouful of pulverized sage; stilt to iaste. Wash, scrape and singe the head Hid feet clean; then put them over ;he fire In hot' witter and cook until Uie meat fails from thi bones. Pick :liisj meat Into line bits and work In )epper and sage with the hands, pack !n a stone Jar nnd put in a cool place. tVhen cohl, hold the jar over hot water or a few minutes nnd the cake will urn out whole. It will slice nicely. Gluten Ilrend. Mix together a pint of milk and one 5f boiling water and stir In a tea ipoonful of salt and one of melted but ter. When lukewarm add a beaten ise and a quarter of a yeast cake that bas been dissolved In a gill of blood harm milk. Now make Into a batter fcith gluten flour. Set in the warm tltehen, covered with a cloth, for six iours, then add enough gluten flour to nake a douch that can be kneaded and knead for ten minutes. Form Into oaves and knead each for five minutes, then set to rise again. Hake for an kour. Money 1. most alwuss a (frato bother; between the desiie to frit more, and tbe fear ov lose lng what we hav got, men are kept all tbe time In bllelng hot water. The third excuse goes more Into details, but Is none the less Interest log; "Mister sir, my Jason bad to be late to-day. It Is bis blzness to Droll excuses are frequently written by parents In explanation of tbe ab sence of their children from school. Here are a few specimens snlected from a number actually received by teachcu. Tbe success of some people Is unac countable, considering that they never had a baccalaureate sermon preached to tbem. DOAH'S CHANGE DOUBT TO GLAD SURPRISE EvxRirrr, Mass. I received the ample of Doan'i Pills and they stop ped all my trouble of pain la Uie back, from which I have suffered for two rears. I am a aide leather cutter, and being on my feet and lifting heavy dies all day, appreciate tbe help Doan's Pills have fiven me. I feel like new man. Owo. A. BmoKss, ' 168 Belmont Street Aching backs arc eased. Hip, back, and loin pains, limb swellings and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sediment, high colored, pain in pausing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan's Kidney J 'ills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpilulioo, sleeplessness, amine, neauacne, . . . . nervouani BoRUNOTOif Juhctiow, Mo. I received sample of Doan's Pills snd they are all that Is claimed, they re lieved a pain in my back, and did all that was represented. 0. C. Kay. R F. D. No. 1. St. Loots, Mo. Received sample, aad am on my Drat bottle from the 4ruf gist they helped nte wonder f ally. I had a feeling of wanting to jftaata all the time, aad trouble ia psastag, bwrntef and licking. That Is 3 nae Bow, aad I feel thankful & t Imi, BM1 Kastoa Ave. Ooxa. April 10. 1S0S.- Doaa's FJdaay Pills aeeosipHahed aha dattred result la mj ease relief same the seoood day after I corn, ftsenosd taklag theaa. I was troubled wtta rtsssrUoa aad drlhbttaf of the trial Jf aw It ti aatasa) aad fiat as var to my Ma D. L Brarroas. afavaw oa.. aurrako. m. Br2L I fit Sk h . via.' fa TATi.oMTrM.aV Misa No man can tell the good of Doan's Kidney Pills until be tries them for a weak back. I tried everything and aot no relief until I used Doan's Pllla-J. N. Lewis OeaaahevirPbyetaahy mad; madleal adrlea fm Warr TlaAKrn Mint . A nrll 1 1 tk Many thanks for the sample of Doan's juunry nua. TV naa U1CU DUBy remidles with little benefit but found Doan's set Drnmntlv and hit Dmou whioh waaaa annsoaldaaire to urinate had to get op Ave and six times of a nigbt 1 Utak Diabetes was well under way, the feet and anklet swelled. There was sa Intense pals In tbe back, the hast af which would fast Hke putting one's hand op to a lamp ehtaaaey. I have oasd the free vial aad two full boxes of DoaaaPUIs with tat saAkrfactiea of f sails g that I am ewai. They are the taawdy pat etotllasaa. P MkiLAMmX . Peannt Cnnily. Boll a pint of good New Orleans molasses until it hardens In cold wa ter. Stir In two teaspoonfuls of ex tract of vanilla and a scant teasponn Tul of baking soda. Have ready a nuanttly of shelled and skinned per mits. There should have been four nuarts of these freshly roasted before ihelltng. Stir these well Into the mo lasses and turn Into buttered pan.-:. Press flat and smooth with a knife or ipoon and as It begins to stiffen cut ir mark off the candy Into bars with a tnlfe. Fish Hash. Boll six (rood-sized potatoes and one :upful of stripped codfish together and while hot chop them fine together with three or four slices of boiled beet. i'ut the mixture on the stove In a gran ite stewpan, add a good-sized piece of butter and beat thoroughly with a sil- rer fork. Place on a hot plaiter in my form desired, garnish with pars ley, pieces of beet and carrot cut In 'aney shapes, and slices of hard-boiled JSCS. Coffee Cake. Into a cupful of bread dough that ias had the second rising work a half tup of butter, melted and creamed with 1 quarter cupful of sugar, a beaten gg, a quarter -teaspoonful of cinnamon md nutmeg and a half-teaspoonful of toda dissolved In a tablespoouful of milk. Knead for three minutes, make Into a long loaf and set to rise for a half-hour. Now cover the top of the oaf thlcklv with sugar and bake in a iteady oven. German Fritters. Three eggs well beaten, one pint of ji ilk, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one jalf teaspoonful of salt, one saltspoon ful of cinnamon and a small pinch of powdered mace. Cut slices of bread In iquares or oblong pieces, soak In the oilxture until soft, and fry a golden brown In butter, putting a small piece f butter on each before turning Jerve very hot with butter and sugar r mnple syrup. Plain Canaeit Pnmpkln Plea. One canful of pumpkin, two oupfuls if boiled milk, three eggs, one and one palf cupfuls of sugar, butter the size of I walnut, one-half teaspoonful of salt, tine-half teaspoonful of clnnmon. This Will till three pies. Molasses may be qsed Instead of sugar If preferred. Pbort Sna-ajestlona. After washing a saucepan dry It In (he fire before putting It away. To whiten clothes put a tablespoon ful of turpentine In the boiler when Ihey are boiled. To clean plaster of parls ornaments, cover them with a tbiek coating of starch and allow It to become perfect ly dry. Then It may be brushed olf and tbe dirt with It To cover jam pots easily, brush White of egg over white kltcheu paper, tut Into pieces of proper else and cover he pots while they are hot Tbe paper Win stick tightly aad be alrproof, like parchment. Spinach that Is left from dinner may be at once mixed with a French dress lng, packed In small cups or molds st In a bowl and put away. Next dny turn It out on a bed of lettuce, add mora French dressing and It Is ready for the table. To make a cheap floor stain (nix ou part of Brnnawlck black with seven parts of turpeatine. Apply to lhi. wood with a flat braah. Next day aollah with bass wax and turpentine Uat mors or law turpentine to mskt Ibjwar or smraar state. Acgetable PrepanliorvRr As similating rtie Footl ar.d He ula -ling UieSlOiuachs andBcweis of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfiir rtcss and Rest .Contains neillter Opium.Morpluae norliiicral. 'ot Narcotic. Mcf afOUfrSAMl TLPtTCHER flimfjtm Seal Jtx. Struia ' HtKkrttt Utt- trmiht ! '(t-rtima' SJa I trmhtd .)uqnr Waiiyiwi riamr. Apprfccl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour SlouuvlUJiarrboca jj: Worms .Convulsions ,l e voribli !!: nrss ind LOSS OF Sl.EEI. Facsimile SisJnatilK oT new von it. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought . Bears the I Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years W I -MtJ Tc cu co. CITY. Sour Stomach j It Is not always tbe biighest boy wtin turns out to be the ablest man. Phiiatlelpbia Bulletin. ,rir v u Indurrd 1o try CASCA- Jifr.'l . 1 wtU never t.e wilhout thi.nj in tbe house. My liver was in very nn'l unape, sua rry lima fi-.ul !ind 1 hrl h trunlilo. Now. linre talc ing t'wretn. I H-i'l line. My wire has Kino used thom wilh Unoftei'i! results for our stoniseh." J je Ksiuuno, W21 Congress St., bt. Louis, ilo. S5tl BEST FOB f J? THE BOWELS CANDY CATHARTIC tjT I "After all," remarked the man who ' was given to moralizing, "experience is the greatest of all schools." j "That may be," replied the grumb ler, ' out very lew of us live long ;e'iK'h to graduate. Philade'phia Tr. s. PlMint. PsIaUMe. Patent. Tsste, GooS, J Good. Kevr Sicken, Wesiten or Grtpo. ISe, 2. CURE CONSTIPATION Sfrl!nt Rd; fop.r, (,!. Imk. ill m Trt DS Snldsnrl rranteed by ll drag I.U" I U'DAW gliM to tint Tobaeco BsblU An At'hinson man is so well br hivcd lliat the only thing that can Ijj cliargptl against him is a second in .in i;ge. "It is a great mistake, Mabel to trifle with tbe affections of a man who loves you by encouraging some one else." "Well, he's a little slow auntie. I think he needs a pacemaker. Puck. This Trade Mark appears on Cooking Stores of highest merit The "Klaan.Kool Wen Kind" mnlienofmoko, sruell, soot, rllrt, anhes or resU9 heat. Save lltne, work und -worry. liconiirDlrnlnndifoarvd ulwriyn rf arty. ""n ho moved frora rtOTn to room. Ooofelnc tina hHstnir c;irl be done on the ' 'Klean, Kltrhen Kind" n rewilly us on snycoul suiye: hutqnlctxr, wilh more comfi-rt And In a K lean. Kool K ib-non. Hold St ood slovesUires. Ask to sec Hie TratU Mark. N.N.U. 770-19. YORK, NEB. Medicine Never Healed a Wound Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as sist her la doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off diseases. Nine-tenths of the dlse&sesof man and beast have their origin In some form of germs and If allowed to run and multiply form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all . germs dleases and cures them, unless fermentation ana Inflamma tion have too far developed, Is that It contains every antlseptlo and germiclda known to science. All germ diseases such as ho cholera, swine plague, corn stalk diseases.tuberoolosis. blackleg and numerous others can be prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing water, because they are germ diseases and no germ can live where Liquid Koal reaches It. Liquid Koal is unaffected Dy the gastric Juices of the stomach, pawtes through the Intestines and from there Into the circulation, permeating the whole system and still retains all Ha germlolal properties. Diluted with wVar. In the proportion of one to one hundred, It makes the best, lice killer known. Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follow: ONI QUART OAN - I.OO I TIN OAL. KES, Z 0 IS SSI ONE GALLON 3.00 S &AL.-I-2 !... S.SS L FIVS 0ALLON8, $2.78 PtK SAL 60 OAL.-ONB BBU, U 4U AL DSCF.MBia . nva Wa. tha nnflerilfneii stock rsrlssra of Madison Coonty Nabrwka, rs. sins rrsa ICO to 200 head ol hosesrh sr aav, alter a (sir and imiNirtlal trial of IJqnlrf Kaai maiiaUetBwd bf the National Mediaal Com pen jr. of Sheldon, losra, ana Tars, ,..,,-.1 i, ,n t. tK Rmi rMnlMtant. lliirm Deftrovar aad A DDOtlaW that aa DDatiaar t bon onr pleasure to nss, and vt tnlntly think that a man la aUnsUnt. a osra llshl who does not try it. Whaathatr ageat sails wa adrlsa aaf aMok ralaar t bar aad mo nn aoai. Obaa. Ivda, Norfolk, Nshr. Thomas P Wada, Battla Creak, J K. Mrlntosb, Kmerli.k, Nebr. Wm. Hawkins, kfaadosr Orora, Jiabt. M. T. Horaaa, Emeries, Nabr. P. r. Homan, Nawmaa Uiuva, Xaaa, i droruhre, not; Wa, lb nderinel stonk ralaart and farmers sladlr taaUfy ta tba merita ol IJanld Koal maunfMiiired hr tba Nattnual MaSloal Co.. 1 SawMaa, Iswa, nasi Y 1 1 r a , riiaarasaa, wa n a v tarns prun " ,r..i,,., 10 tlva U a ttlal. It ahauM an avsry lara ta 'breaks, Kolas Paarr, Haa, Maar Oirls. Mhall, PWthJM, . Oan. Mills, iaa. Ilebr. (tea. RlairabarfV, Saffard. Neat. It tan dealer doe Bt ketf It wrlU os direct. A li-page book on Um Distaste of Atrlanals nsiM frae upon ap gUwtlonto the NattoBal MsfllotJ Gobi pan y, York, Hebr., aad NBthmtToattle and Sben TMpU tbe beat and ebaapeat Dip fof kllltng at Tick and Llos aod tb trsatBiefrt of Maon, Texss Itch and Soab In Sheep. It form a parfBOt amalatOB with watsr and H harmUBi to the membranes of tba ays. It yor dealer doe not katp It writs nt Mrs. InformaUoa ant free. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY I YORK. NEBRASKA. WQwsTr HI. DON, IOWA