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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1903)
Q I tMt I M I II M I r The fear HEN a man ha passed his fiftieth year, Is unmarried, bits no near and dear relatives r friends to whom he is) especially at tached, when his life, whether iu busi ness or iu leisure, U methodical and Unchanging, and when things that di vert and give pleasure to others have beei.i ie a 1 urd e n -1 he n let h i i li be ware of h:.s own mind, for he knows not what triek it way be making ready to play upon him. It is with souls as with starvation and ill treatment will ren der even the most gentle of them un-inanag'-able, eccentric and dangerous. , I am moved to set down these re flections by the peculiar fate that re cently overtook Andrew Dawley a man whom 1 Lad known for ten years or more with some degree of intimacy, but whom I hesitate to describe as a friend of mine, for the reason that I have once or twice heard hiiu say coolly and without bitterness that he bad n friends. There were twenty year between our a,res, an interval that would be likely to forbid close relations between two men who were without common tastes and interests. Propinquity gave us acquaintance, for I occupied at that time the room next but one to his, on - the fourth floor. In the east wing of the Hotel MacMahon; but It was an ac quaintance that was as slow of growth and almost as frigid as a glacier. ' The first year, I think, we merely nodded when we met In the halL Dur ing the second and third years we ex changed an occasional word. About that time, I remember, he captured a sneak thief on the stairway, over came his fierce resistance, and held him until the police came, and I, hear ing of It, went to his room to talk it over. , Then I left the hotel for a matter of five or six years, and on my return found Dawley the only one I knew in the place still occupying the same room, and living the same unvarying life. And now, at rare Intervals, we spent an evening together, usually on his Invitation, and In his room. He seemed to be ill at ease elsewhere. ' Upto the time that he explained tome his peculiar theory on the subject of fear, I had regarded him as a dull and commonplace character. Conversation with him was difficult, by reason of my apparent Inability to discover a topic In which he was genuinely inter ested. There were Interminable pauses, during which he drew slowly and regularly at his pipe, and stared Into the fire. ' Our discussion on the subject of fear began with my commenting on the 'fact that a light was burning In bis room the night before at one o'clock, which I had noticed, coming in at that hour, after a dance. "I keep a light in my room all night," aid he; "I hate the dark." Now, this had not been his custom when I was a neighbor of his some years before, and I commented upon the change. j "I suppose it Is an evidence of the weight of years," said he; "but I am troubled of late with peculiar fancies and dreams. Sitting alone here lu the evening, things somehow get on my nerves, and the thought of suddenly waking out of a sound sleep to find myself shut in by blackness is quite intolerable to me." Now this sentiment was so utterly at variance with my conception of An drew Dawley a cold, practical man of business and of the world, as I knew him that instead of dropping the sub ject, as I might have done with a more sensitive man, I pursued it some-; wiiat farther. "As a ehlhl," I remarked, "I had a great terror of the dark; but it ceased entirely when I was old enough to reason with myself." "What was the course of your rea soning?" he asked. "Well, I had become convinced that supernatural things did not exist such as ghosts and goblins and gnomes and, on the other hand, I knew that In a well protected house there was practically no danger from burglars or wild animals. So, having completely assured myself that there was nothing In the dark, any more than there was In the light, I ceased to be afraid of if "Good logic," said Dawley, with a mile. "I remember working out the same conclusion when I was about twelve years old. And it has held with me ever since, until recently I discov ered a flaw In the reasoning. Oh, it doesn't apply to anyone else," he added hastily, "as I undertook to speak. "It Is purely personal, and I hesitate to disturb your equanimity by describ ing It.. "Never fear," said I, with a laugh. "These sentiments are' largely based on temperament, and I don't believe ' anything to likely to change my point ' of view." "Our boyish logic," said he, after a pause, , "disposed of everything that was objective from Um outside whether real or supernatural; but It 414 not toncb Um subjective etemenU ' C Um proWra, of which Um calef , to fen ttJMtf. Now, IteMt believe ,1m pkrrtcftfijr a cawareV-'' "I knew f art Mt," I tatarrvpted. year caatart Uut .CSafc. V 4 ttO, -taCt MS ' "in" t Mii. -i J r I U tj wml er net fcy tbe jt It trzm os txl I ttt -r-r-fr-r-r 1 MfHIHW of Tear i goou reason to know that my courage Is not deficient. Aud I have no super stitionswhich dispot-es of ghosts and supernatural things. So there is noth ing for me to fear. Here is where the reasoning faculty stops, aud something else you call It temperament, do you? begins. 1 do suffer from fear at times to the very edge of my self con trol. What is It? Why is it? I be lieve that what I fear is fear itself." I shook my head. "Thaat statement is meaningless to me," I said. "Is it?" he asked, almost wistfully; "can't you imagine being in terror of a great fright that may overtake you some time, even though you are un able to anticipate a reasonable excuse therefor. Let me give it to you in more concrete form. A year or two ago I bad a dream of a peculiarly vivid and impressive character. It was of my sudden awakening here in bed, in this room, to behold a man leaning over me. He was la strange, uncouth dress not of the modern day, I should Judge and he was surrounded by, and seemed to give out, a fierce red light. He shouted some words to me I don't know what they were; only, at the sound of them, such a mighty and overwhelming terror came upon me that I lay paralyzed as to motion and thought Then I awoke, really awoke this time, and I found my body wet with perspiration, and my heart beat ing so fiercely and with such great pain that I feared some blood vessel must give way." At this point I Interrupted him, for his voice was trembling with excite ment "You say you are not superstitions," I said. "Then you surely are not go ing to allow yourself to be affected by a dream? An overloaded stomach Is always likely to disturb the heart Its rapid movement, c&umrs a stustttluu exactly similar to fright, and the wan dering brain conjures up a scare situ ation to fit It. Did you never dream out an elaborate series of events, cul minating In a pistol shot, and then awaken to find that a window sash had dropped, and you had pieced out the dream backwards, as it were?" "How do you account for my having this same dream, without an lota of change, half a dozen times since that first experience?" asked Dawley. "It results," I answered, with the easy confidence one shows in dispos ing of the problems of others, "from the profound Impression the first dream made on your mind and mem ory." He smiled, and looked at me with half-closed eyes. Then he relighted his pipe, which had gone out, and I remember that the hand holding the match trembled a good deal. By this time the subject had become distasteful to me, revealing a mental weakness or eccentricity in Dawley that was not pleasant to contemplate. So I turned the conversation into oth er channels. Only on one olher occasion did we speak again of this fear and the dream, and then, aB before, it was brought up by a careless question. Entering his room one night, I no ticed a powerful bolt that had been newly fastened on the inside of his door, aud I asked if the lock had been broken. , It was a natural inquiry, and there seemed to be no cause for the tremble in his voice and the peculiar light in his eyes as he replied to me: "A lock can be picked. I wished to satisfy myself that it was Imposs! ble for a human being to euter this room while I sleep." I glanced up at the transom. It wr held shut by a heavy iron bar. Then I looked out of the window. It faced the court between the wings of the building, with a sheer drop of nearly forty feet "Utterly Impossible," said I. Then I noticed for the first time a certain waxiness in the texture of the skin over his forehead, and a sunken depth to his eyes. "Has the dream reappeared?" I asked. "Frequently." "The trouble with you, Dawley," I mused aloud, "is that you are too much alone." "I have no friends," he said, In a calm, dispassionate tone, such as one might use In shaking of some trivial matter of business. "You should make them," I said, with emphasis. "I am over the Divide," be answered. "My course of life will not change very readily, I fear." Then lie deliberately and pointedly changed the topic, and I did not recur to It again at any time. As I say, he was twenty years my settlor, anil w had little In common. I had many friends and many interests, and Daw ley and his oddities formed an unim portant episode. But It was only a week after this conversation that the terrible event took place, which every newspaper rpader In the city will remember. It was at two In the morning that 1 awoke suddenly from a profound slum ber, with the consciousness th-t tome one had run past my door, scream ing. 1 sprang oat of bed, and as I did so beard the crash of breaking glass la Um cowt below, -and saw a brtlllaat red glean through Um Minds at tbe window. I looked oat; tbe kitchen and dining-room la tbe rear of the ho tel bad already buret late lame, aad a great volume of smoke poured out ofj the lower windows of the east wing, i My own room was on the second floor. In the center of the building, and I saw that there was plenty of time for me to escape, aud to help others In that vicinity. I Jumped into a bath robe and slippers, and, rolling my clothes Into a bundle under my arm, ran out into the hall. I hammered at each door that I passed, and yelled In a frenzy of ex citement anil horror. Tbe place was rapidly filling with smoke, aud the light grew brighter. Presently I no ticed that my clothes were gone. I had dropped them while helping a v- -man who seemed to be una Me to walk through pure terror. The man who had first roused me had goue up to the fourth floor, and the people were pouring down the stairways, in their night robes, or wrapped in blan kets, some carrying children of which, thank heaven, there were few in the house others bird cages, aud some dragging truuks, bang, bang! over the steps. I bad several good friends in the hotel, and now that (he alarm seemed to be generally given, I ran to their assistance: but I did not think of Daw ley, uor did I at any time attempt to get over Into the east wing of the building. It was on that side that the flames were fiercest, aud the elevator shaft and stairway between that wiug and the main building were roaring like a furnace. Suddenly the halls be gan to fill with firemen in long coats and helmets, some with axes and oth ers dragging up hose. There seemed to be nothing more for me to do, so I ran down the main stairway and out into the street, where a great crowd was assembled. I no ticed that their faces were turned to ward the east wing, and, as I Instinct ively glanced In that direction, I re membered Dawley and the man of his fearsome dream. Tbe man was on his way a huge bulk of a fireman, running up the long ladder that had been hoisted from the wagon and now rested against the wall. Just below the window of Daw ley's room, But was ii possible that he stiii siept through ail this uproar and the glare of the flame, and the odor of burn ing wood? Surely, he must be asleep, else he would have appeared at the window. Then it suddenly flashed In to my mind what was the meaning of the white skin and sunken eyes a nar cotic! Without doubt, be was still sleeping. The fireman made his way through the heat to the top of the ladder, and swung Into the open window. Streams of watpr played upon the flames be neath him, to protect his retreat. Two other men ran up the ladder, and had JuBt reached the top, when he re turned to the window, carrying a hu man figure wrapped in a blanket. The others assisted him, and they made their way slowly down the ladder again. "Overcome by the smoke," said a man standing near me. .Kut I noticed that uo smoke came out of the open window. I ran forward to a pile of mattresses and bed clothes that had "been carried out from the hotel, and arranged a place for him to be laid. The call for a doctor ilew along the line of sectators. and presently one came running. I asked the fireman what had hapM Ued. "Ke was sound asleep when I en tered the room through the window," he said. "I had to shake hint hard to wake him up. He Just stared at me a moment, and said, 'Ah! You have1 come,' and then his face turned kind of black, and his Jaw dropped, and he went into a dead faint" "How is It?" I asked tbe doctor, as he rose from stooping over the pros trate figure. "Heart action ceased entirely," he replied. "Man Is stone dead from mere terror."---San Francisco Argonaut Squirrel Hum the Machine. Did you ever see a squirrel run a sewing machine? If not, you may, by Jouniej'li'K to East Mtb street. New York, where an enterprising sewing machine company hits hit upon this novel method of attracting attention to Its store. The exercise wheel In the squirrel's cage Is attached by a leather band to the wheel of a ma chine which is alK)ut four ft distant By means of this arrangement the ma chine is started every time the squirrel gels into his wheel and turns It. It Is a peculiar fact that whenever the squirrel starts his whed to spin ning he keeps his back toward the street Never by any chance does he face the street until he hag finished his little "stunt" Then he runs out Into his cage and sit peering out of the window as though to so If any one had lwen watching hliu He breathes hard and acts tired after Mich )nlo rlous trip In his exerciser, but seems (o like it for he keeps It spinning al most constantly. Moreover, he looks sleek and as though the added work were Just what a caged squirrel need ed to kep blm strong and healthy. As the sewing machine for which he furnishes the motive power Is well oiled mid runs smoothly and easily, says the New York Times, perhaps the squirrel's work Isn't as laborious as It scent to be to the casual onlooker. Jut tke Man. "Do you think he would keep tall all rlgbtr "Sure. Ton can count on blm ever tlme."Pblladelphla Bulletin. When a man makes a very long pray er la church, somehow bin, bearers get tbe Impression tbet when be scolds In tbe privacy of hij family be keeps a long tloM at It LAST OF OUR CANNIBALS. Tribe that Long Was tbe Scourge of Indians of Texaa. Cnele Cam's only remaining cannibal tribe is fast dying out. according to James Moouey, of the Bureau of Eth nology. Washing ton, who has been making a study of Ihem, There are now but fifty of this once powerful kingdom left, and iu a few years or more It will be come extinct. T h e peot'le In question are the Tonka was. w h o, even in the timet A CANNIBAL CHItP when eating of human flesh was a common practice among many band of our wild aborigines, were known us tiie most depraved of all New World cannibals. The few remnants of th.-ir tribe are being kept on a reservation in Indian Territory, whither they wcr taken twenty years ago for proleelh ti against their many enemies. To nil other tribes they are still known sim ply as "the man eaters." The old home of the Tonkawa canni bals was about San Antonio, Tei.. Jilst back of the roast, lit their prime they were physically isiwcrful. nimble ath letes, fearless fighters and good huut ers. but Inveterate rovers. The "man eaters" are outlawed anil tabooed by all other Indians. For a century aud uiore the entire red race In America have set their faces against these depraved people. For this the Tonkawas have retaliated by serviux as scouts for the whites and gulden In many government exwdrtion against hostile tribes. In 1807 the government placed them, together with several other smaller tribes, upon a reservation on the up per Brazos. The Texans, who had de clared that no Indians should live In the State, attacked the agency, fired on the soldiers protecting it and scat tered the Indians. This but added n further hardening to the temper of the forsaken "man eaters." Their 300 sur vivors were coiiected upon a new res ervatlon on the Wlshlta, Indian Terri tory. During the civil war, when some In dians were persuaded to fight with th North and others with the South, the Tonkawas, with a few others, pre ferred to remain upon their own reser vation rather than take chances witb the Indians on either side. But, de spite the attitude of the Tonkawas, their agent and all his employes took the oath of allegiance to the Confed erate government. The Tonkawas, though unconsciously, were now Con federate Indians. On the night of October 22, 112, tlx "man eaters' " enemies 140 picked Shawnees, Delawares, Wlchltas and JClckapoos armed with modern rifles, surprised the agency, killed the whlt employes and burned the buildings la the ground. The Tonkawas, only 34 1 1 , i 1 i .... -i i . . i iu an, uau vuiy uurtu uuu tiriowa, olh kept up a stubborn resistance Ions enough for a part of their women and children to escape to the hills. When the battle cuded 130 Tonkawas near ly half of the tribe lay dead upon th ground, more than loo of these victlmi ln-iug defenseless women and children The attacking party lost 27 killed nn! wounded. The hearts of the Tonka was now were hardened still mon than iu their former defeats. The surviving "man eaters," aftet this massacre, were marched In pltifu procession to Fort Arbuckle tmdei guard of a single representative of tin government After a short stay al Fort Arbuckle the "man eaters" drift ed back to Texas, occasionally actlnj as scouts against the wild Comanche The word "Cannibal" Is of Indian origin, according to Mr. Mooney. It it a corruption of "Carlba," of "Cauiba," the proper name of the Carlb, thai dreaded scourge of the Antilles, wht reigned over the West Indies 300 yean ago. Human limbs, hung up iu the sun t dry, like hams, were seen by Span lards who first, vrsltcd the Caribs. Tin Aztecs made a great business of canni balism In connection with their sacri flees of prisoners of war and man eat lug prevailed all through the Orl noco and Amazon regions. American Indians still eat their fellow men on the upper Amazon, and it is alleged that cannibalism is still practiced on l'lburon Island, off Lower California, The Minslng Articles. In a book of memoirs recently pub lisi ed a story worth repeating Is told of a well-known bishop. On one ocra gion he was just starting on a rallw Journey from Chester Station when tht stotloii-imiHter came up to him anc said, referring to his luggage, "How i. i:iii articles are there, my lord?' "Thirty -nine." was the reply. "I cat, only find sixteen," answered the other "Then," said the bishop, "you niUB) lie a Dissenter!" A Neat Itemark. Edmund About once wrote In a fenll letou that Albonl's slnglng-s'he wai very stout was "like a rilgbtliigali piping out of a lump of suet." The In dlgnant prima -donna sent hltn a goose quill through the agency, of a certain tunrquls. Alwut received the pen win his iiioxt charming smile, "I regret, ii. ci tleur." he said, "that Madame Al liunl should have plucked you for mj Mike!" . . Too Tree. Tom How would you analyse ob stinacy I ' Jerry-Well, la tbe dearest definh Hon obstinacy Is noiseless self-conceit -Detroit free Press. . Every big man has a lot of little waya left over from bla little days. The smallest bone in the human body Is lu the lenticular, seated in the hu man ear. The ants of South America have been known to construct a tuuuel three miles In length. Poisoning by salted raw fish is so frequent and little understood that prizes -t)f-3.iW,- f l-.fluO -trtld $7W Iiave been offered In Ittissiu for papers Indi cating the signs, character and action of the poison, with methods of prevent ing its formation and antidotes. . An article iu the Electrical Iteview discusses the size of an 11(0111 of hydro gen, and arrives at the conclusion that these panicles of matter are so small lhat it would take 1 1.".mX),ikiO of them, laid In a line, to extend a distance of one centimeter that Is, an ntum is about one-third of a billionth of an inch In size. The term Indian summer became es tablished about twenty years after Its first appearance, which was in Western Pennsylvania, and spread to New Eng land by 17i.8, to New York by 171"J, to Canada by 1S21 and to England by 130. The term is, then, not an Ameri canism; to write in praise of Indian summer Is now a literary convention of three continents. An estimate of the water-power used for generating electricity has been made by a German engineer. Ger many and Austria thus utilize l.SO.OUO horse power. Switzerland about l'JO. (XX), Sweden 2(X),00 and the United States 400,0(10. The total available pow er In Sweden is placed at 2,000,000 horse power, that of France at 10,000, 000, that of Germany, Austria, Switzer land and Italy together at 10,000,000, while In the United States, Niagara alone could furnish 10,000,0ix). Gustave le Bon, who has made many experiments with cathode rays. X-rays and the various forms of radio-activity, and whose Investigations of such sub jects are well known, expresses, In the Hevue Sclentlflque, the opinion that all these phenomena are particular aspects of a new form of energy which, al though Its manifestations have but re cently been recognized, is as common' in nature as electricity or heat. He also thinks that cloT study along the? lines may reveal to us a connect ing link between matter and energy. A scientific examination of the oil deposits In the great, coast prairie ex tending from Ixiuislaua through Texas to Mexico, a distance of several hun dred miles, has recently bien made by rrof. It. T. Hill, who describes his re sults' In the Journal of the Franklin Institute. The oil was first struck In 1001 by a drill hole driven 1.100 feet deep, through clay and quicksand. More than 200 wells are now in operation, and one has been sunk to'a depth of more than 3,000 feet Sometimes hot water Is struck below the oil, and some times the oil itself Is hot. The deeper It Is founil tbe more salt the water Is. How high do birds fly? This Is still an unsettled question In ornithology, and recently the German -Ornithological Society requested aeronauts engaged In meteorological exploration, with the aid of balloons, to observe the various heights at which birds are found. It Is not to satisfy mere curiosity that the Information is desired, for the ques tion of the elevation of the trucks pur suit! by birds' when migrating has an Important bearing upon other scientific problems concerning the feathered In habitants of the air. At proent It Is believed that birds generally do not rise more than about L.TH0 feet alxive the ground, although occasionally they at tain an elevation of between (i,iK) and 7,000 feet. "GO ON, SIR; GO ONI" It la BtlckluK to It That Conquer Bucceae In Life. Antgo, the great French astronomer, tells us that he became so discouraged In the study of mathematics that he almost resolved (o abando 1 his effort. He was Just alxiut ready to give up when lie happened to notice something printed or written under the paper binding of his book. He unfolded the leaf, and found It was from D'Alein bert: The letter wild: "Go on, sir; go on! The difficulties you meet will re 'solve themselves us you advance. Per severe, and the light will dawn and ,shlue with Increasing clearness upon jyour path." This striking passage 'made an Impression upon the young mathematician's mind which he never forgot. It was a perpetual spur to his ambition, and came to hltn Just lu the nick of time. He ri-solved then and there that he would surmount every difficulty; lhat he would is-come 11 great mathematician himself. He tightened his grip, and urged himself on until Fame look him up and told the world the story of one of tin? great est astronomers of his time. Hanging on was one of (i rant's strong points. He did Hot know how to let go. He would keep pegging away, no matter what the obstacles, until he triumphed. Tbe race Is to the plodder. I have In mind several very brilliant gradu ates of last year, aud years liefore, who promised a great deal, and of whom friends predicted great things, bat somehow they hare disappointed all expectations simply because they lack sticking qualities. They are good scholars, and they Imagined becaoM they ranked high In college that they would rank blgb la life without great effort Bat they lack tbe banging-ou quali ty. They do not realise that la prac tical life the rare Is to the plodder, aud not necessarily to the swift Thle Is why so many brilliant class leaders have become dlf-appolutnieots to their friends. The chain Is no stronger than Its weakest link, and lack of persever ance Is a fatal deficiency which noth ing else will supply. Perhaps the greatest secret of suc cess in life Is due to those sticking qualities. Orip conquers the world the faculty of sticking and hanging on when everylsidy else lets go. Sifting OTHER FOLKS' TIME. 8ln of Wa.tinu It by hot BeldB I'rom s't. I have wasted a great amount of time In my life, by being on time, was a well known saying of Phillip Urooks. Is it not true that women (ex cluding the business women, for they are prompt 1, are guilty of stealing each other's time? You "run In" to your next door neighbors to borrow an egtf or a pattern, and from her busy morn ing take a precious half hour that It la difficult for her to make up. She uiay have to search for the pattern, then explain some of Its Intricacies. Your family may not Include little folks a hers docs, so you sit and chat a while knowing your morning's work Is fin ished. After your departure she sighs nnd wonders w hy you could not have come In nfter dinner Just as well, then hurries with all her energies to finish the morning's duties in time to get her dinner. We are heartily glad that the habit of making n culler wait Is out of, fashion. 1 can remember the tlmej when girls would leisurely HiiIkIi their toilet or retouch an already dainty ouo for the sake of mere vanity, and tbe friend in the "parlor is impatiently tak-j Ing out his watch aud wondering If be.' would be obliged to break a later en gagement or lose a train. Now we take one ieep In the mirror, smooth our hair a bit and hurry downstairs, for the woman of 1902 has no mora time to waste than her caller lias. It Is needless to ieak of committee meetings, for no doubt we all have had, sorrowful experience along that llnej when one tardy member disarranged! the plans of all the others, and bud half the prayer meeting, concert or lecture, was enjoyed because of hen lack of promptness. If we are unable to be present w should mali every effort to send a message that the others, may trar.s-1 act the business, then disperse to tbeltf various engagements. , Our time Is not equally valuable, the lawyer's Is more so than bis Janitoi boy's, and the employer's than tha clerks' who serve hliu, yet we are al dependent upon each other In one way or another and the delay of one may disturb the whole chain of links. Oc casionally the value of time Is rei versed; here Is the washerwoman whi4 comes at 7 o'clock hurp, as you abj ways have a large wash and she has another place In the afternoon. Perhaps you have overslept; the clothes are not sorted, the fire unbuilt, and the result Is that one-half hour la the busiest part of the day Is lost. She! hurries to get through at the usual time; If she succeeds you find tli clothes grimy from Imperfect rinsing; If she Is conscientious she will take the customary pains to have theut white, lie an half hour lute' In getting home to her little ones, have no tinio to get tlicni a wartn dinner, Just a "cold bite" and a hastily swallowed mouthful for herself; then she hurries away to do the second washing with out a few minutes r-t which she so much needs. It pays to be prompt, ami unless something very Important Interferes one should keep their appointments to the minute. How Nations hlecp. As a man tqx-uds on an average on third of his life lu bed. It Is not won derful that care, expense, and trouble are expended 011 his sleeping place. In this country the unhealthy feather bed Is being driven out by the healthier mi ttn-ss. French Ix-d are noted for their hardness, and German Is-ds aru so ridiculously short that English visit ors are often much too big for them. Many Norwegian beds, are made to pull out from recesses. The hammock: rules In Ninth and Central America. The Indians In Guiana plait most lM'atillful hummocks out of grass, which they dye prettily. Japanese lid upon matting laid on the floor, with d stinf, uncomfortable wooden iiead rest It would take an American years to. get accustomed to such a ld of tori lure. The Chlqese use low bedsteads, often elalxiratcly carved, but their only mat trasses 11 ml coverlets are made of malting. In winter they put on heavy clothes wadded with cotton. In which they sleep, of n peop0 thd easiest to suit In the way of sleeping quarters are negroes. An African lie gro, like a wild animal, can curl up uny where. Tim Diplomatic Doctor, Flit Doctor-Why do yotf always uai,e such particular Inquiries as tt what your patients cat? Hoes that as. itlst you In your dlagnoMla? Hecowl I'octoi -Not much; but It enable ie to ascertain their social position and nr.iinge my fees accordingly,, 1 I'nor Mary. . "Have, you noticed the eagerly ex. pedant attitude that Mary Wyshbon drops Into whenever she stands tip?" "Ping pong. Isn't It?" "Ping-pong! No. It's Ute-waltlng. for - tbe proposal that never cornea pose." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tbe man who works elgbt or ten hours a day, and spends bla alfbta at borne, does not work near I r no haM a tbe man who dallies and littie; arouna during tbe day, and baa "1 food time" at night ti. .