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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1903)
t 4 t u' Harrison Press -Journal, VOL. XV. H-A-IRIRISOIN", NBBBASKA,. TUXJRIDY, APRIL 9. 19C3. 3S3 O. -ad y , t LOCAL NEWS OF THE TOWN. Next Sunday U Easter. Dr. W.L Seymour coming. Petor Nels day. wu up from Uleo yester- Oscar Story ru down from Story this week. John Herman waa Itooday. in from 8. Dakota Frank Drier waa iu from Indian crek this week. Bob Jordan waa up tf us week. from the valley Notice the Hollingsworth and Hooper sale in thia iaaue. Ed Uollingworth waadown from Indian ereek Wednesday. J. R. Hunter wu up from Andrews on business yesterday. SI it I I ... n. wrewen, ana nenry Kom were in from Uewitt Monday. George Bannon went west last Friday to work at the VT ranch. 1. Seymour will be in Crawford Neb. May 20th at Oat City Hotel. ounaay scnooi at iu e clock; every body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt. Sim Thomas was in town last Friday, and made a pleasant call at our olHce, IAII O'Connor has secured employment at the Coffee ranch on Running water. W. H. Hoyt, and wife were in from their runch on Running water yesterday. Miss rlorence Christian, of Pleasant Ridge, is visiting friends in Harrison tins week. V. A. Hester is down from Lusk thia week, and has beeu nursing a large dose of grip. E. P. Hubhell, representing Denver type foundary, waa doing business here last Friday. Ed Lyon filed on a quarter section of Uncle Ham's domain, and ia building a house thereon. This firm spring weather is melting the LaGrippe, und people are getting to feel lite themselves again. Scott Sides rame up on the west bound tmin Wednmday, from Crawford to visit friends, and relative for a while. C. F, ("ofTee, and wife came up from Clmd ron last Saturday, and will visit witli John at tke ranch for a while. I wil sell at public sale, my household roods in Harrison, April 11 nt 1 o'clock P. M. B B. Ui-ss. TO tn.'8K A COM) IS ONE DAY. Tske ltiHtivn Hro o Quinine Tablet. Alt Iruiul.u refund the money If It fall to mm. K. W. Orove's lnutore ik on each Imi. Jtc. A car of soldiers passed through on the p isseiifter Tuesday evening. They were I rem California and on their way to Ft. Meade a D. This fine weather is giving our young men the spring fever, and Ihey have be gun to talk about starting out to hunt a aumraer's job. Charley Lee ling was doing business in town this week. Charlie doesn't come to town very often but he manages to get around about once a season. Parties known themaelvea indebted to me, may rail at Commercial Bank or J, H, Lacy 's, and pay up. E. Rohwer, We have a few 912.50 genta Ulster over-coals thit we are cosing out for 10 00. Now is jour chance. M-tf Lewie Oerlach. G HAND BALL. April 17th. at Andrews Hall. Every body invited. Spectators 24 eta. Oood Music. R. C. Duns. D ne'er ad CeUa svnd Grip. The gnsataai danger from colds and grip ia their resulting in pneumenia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Rimed y taken . all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thmiSHnde wh hve used thia remedy (imp tfceee dissasas tea have yet to learn of a aingle case h tvug resulted in pneu monia, which snows conclusively that it lea eerUsln prtvtftiMv of that dangero us dismse. It will ours' a opl or an attack of the gnp ill tm lime than any other treatment. It ia pfetaunt and safe to fck. For sale by all Drugglste, f here and there Miss Maggie Jerdan left for Gilbert Station, Iowa Wednesday evening. Dr. Phianey and sun Earnest have been busy moving to their ranch in South Dakota. They are building a house on the ranch. Bert Earnest waa down from his Wyo. ranch this week. He reports having ex perienced a good winter und stock gener ally in his locality are in good condition. Peter Allisoa, who last fall sold his ranch on Running-water to R. F. Neece expecting to return to Iowa permanently is back again. We hope he will stay in Sioux county. Harrison Nebr. April 7 1903. Wanted Employment for a woman, and boy on a Ranch, or for man. woman and boy after the middle of May. For particulars call at the Press-Journal of Ae. We received a letter from Ed Bowker this week from Omaha Nebr. He has lately moved from Iowa Falls.- Iowa to Omaha. He asks us to announce to all of his old friends, to call and see him when they visit Oinnha. The village election here passed off in its usual quiet manner, there being no contest for alderiuaoic honors. The pres ent trustees, Menem. F. W. Clark ard J. E. Marsteller were elected for two years. The hold-over members of the board are H. Bartell, P. B. Bigelow and J. H. Wilhermsdorfer. CpwortK Leafue. At the M. E. church every Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clo ck. Everybody invited. Subject for April: Danger Signals. Subject fir April 12. The Danger of Idleness. Prov. xxiv 30, 81: Rom. xit 11. W, B. Marsteller; Leader. Grip Kemedlee In Great Demand When colds and grip are prevalent the quickest and surest remedies are in great demand. Mr. Joseph D, Williams, of McDuff, Va. , savs that he was cured of a vry deep awl lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other preparations with do effect. For sale by all Druifeistn W. T. Coffee and son, of Mandeville, Louisiana arrived here Wednexday morn ing on a visit at the home of the former's brother, C. F. Mr. Coffee iscontemplat- ng moving his family to this section and engaging extensively in the stock bus- ness. Whether or not he shou Id decide to do 8o lie will remain here during the summer. In a day or two C. r. wi take his brother up to the Raw hide ranch and his sou, John, will entertain his cousin at Hat creek in Sioux countv. I'hndron Journal, STOCK REPORT. SOUTH OMAHA, Nebr. April 8, 1A03. Two days this week bring heavy receipts both here and in Chicago and the greater part of last week's is taken off. An auvunce soon linngs Urge run s, showing that t'.iere nre lots of cittle back yet. We can see nothing to indicate a permanent advance yet. We quote good beef steers 4 40 to 4.85, fair 4.00 to 4.40, warmed up 3 85 to 4.00, choice cows and heifers 8.60 to 4. 00, fair to good 8 00 to 8.50. canners and cutters 1.75 to 2 M). Choice light stockers, and feeders 4.20 to 4.40, good 8.75 to 4 20, Blocker heifers 3 00 to 815. Bulla alow at 2 00 to 8. HO; veal 4.00 to 6.50. Hog receipts fair. Range 7.10 to 7.85. Shaep receipts moderate, market steady. Lambs 7.00-7 50. Yearling 6 25- 75. Weathers 6 00-6.50. Ewes 4 25-5.50. Nyb & Buchanan Co. SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP. Cure4 by One Bottle of CKamberlali'a Couch Remedy. When I had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Cham bnrlain's Cough Remedy," savs Frank W, Terry, Editor of the Enterprise, at Shorlaville, N. Y. "This is the honest truth. I at time kept from coughing myself to pieces by taking a teaspeonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spall would coma on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that In the briefest interval the cough would pasa off and I would go to sleep ierfectly free from cough and Its acoompuning pains. To say that the remedy aled as a most agreeabU surprise is putting ia very mildly. I had no icfe that It would or could knock nut the grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a ptiqtoae, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of nought ng (lie remedy caused it to not only bo of leas duration, but the pains were far teas as vers, nod I had not i sad the -contents of on bottle he for Mr. Orp had bid me adieu.' Forsslahy. ail ipuKt. I PUBLIC SALE. 207 CATTLE 207 The undersigned will sell at public auction at the Hester place three and a half miles north of Harrison, Xeb., on April 20, 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following- described property, to-wit: 45 Head of cows with calf at foot. 40 Head of diy cows and springers. 60 Head ot two and three year old steers. 23 Head of one year old steers. 26 Head of one year old heifers. 8 Head of milch cows. 5 Head of bulls. No horses, no household goods, no machinery. Nothing but c ttle. TERMS. A credit of 12 months will be given at 10 per cent interest with bankable note. FREE S,UNCH. HO LLINGS WORTH & HOOPER. Bob Keel, Auctioneer. NOTHING NEW. "I just wanted to ask you a question," he stud, as he slipped into the office, and approached a man who waa writing At a desk. ; "Well, fire away," was the reply. "You you never dip your pen into the mucilage bottle by rwt-itake, do you?' "A dozen times a week, sir, and a doz en times a week I dip the mucilage brush into the ink bottle. Why do you ask?" "Oh, I am always doing it myxelf, and I wondered if anybody else did. You say you do. and probably others do and " "Of course of course. Nothing origi nal about that. Come in when you've got something new. Good-day, sir." Denver News. War Bonnet Topics. To-morrow is the day to plant 'Utters remember. S. 8. was a success Sunday although Mr. Burke failed to come. Mr. Scotta children were all on the sick list last week butare all right at present. L'ttle Sadie Grimm has the grip this weekv. ' Mr. Dun lap has moved on Bill Harveys place, more neighbors. Earnest. Lyons, and wife hauled a loud of sand from this place Saturday. Andrew Knon ia hauli-ig poles from here this week. Mrs. Belle Dunn and family, and brother Jack were guests of Mrs. Fuilev Friday and Saturday. The dance at Frank Hubbard was well attended and nil report a good time. They danced till sun up had supper and i breakfast, they may have went home dry but not hungry, fine music was rendered by Srotts orchestra two violins bas, a ml banjo by brother Jack, who was al floor manager. Tom Plunkett is working for Robert Keel this week. MixsDnrman is still at Robert Keels she is privately teaching theirchildren. Jim Mernam has the grip. Mr. Paul Brewster is at the S-E at present from Cheyenne Wyo. Bill Harvey is going hack In his old trade working at Craw fords siwmill. Mr. Leeling was making his way home from town Sunday. a 8. a usual next Sunday at 2.30 P. M. all are invited. PttKIY. Carey Itemi. People are farming in earnest, The last two years of good crops have reviv ed hopes, ami this year almost all of the tillable land in the vallev will be farmed. James Walpole ha- purchased the Geo. Brown place. He will soon move his family thereon and commence farming. Says he is tired of gardening. John Arner moved his family from the Jesse Arner place to his own farm, Jesse Arner sold his property near New Castle Wyoming and is now living en his place on Sand creek, where they expect to re side In the future. Albert C'olcr expects to furni the A.C. Dove place this season. Hartley Haxton has rented the Boesl place and has already moved his family there and is ready to go to work. Mrs. Mary Procunier sold her store at Merriam, Nebr, and is at home again. Friday morning Mrs. Foster Spease and children started for CisMir, Wyo. where they expert to join Mr. Speuse. There was a mistake in my last items. It waa not John Rice, but John Price a former resident, that was her renewing acqunintence-t. Mr and Mrs, T F. OoMen ar! nl hm' again after a six weeks soj iurn In lfwi Whiin hev th-r ,-... n I'llwr hoe s. lii vm hII- iI !.!, u liif' , died. j Janiea Higson of Efkard, B. D, passed ' through the valley last week enroute to Crawford. He stopped to sav "How" and have a chat with some of his old friends. Said he had spent the winter visiting his parents in the Big Horn Mts. and appearances confirmed his report for on ihe back of his carriage were straped some deer skins and the hide of a huge silver tip bear. The later was captured by his brother John while herding sheep in the Shoshone mountains. The story of its capture is very interesting, and Johnnie s friends down here are all glad he got the Bear iusteud of the bear gett iug him as it came so near doing. Tujotht Bodarc Gleanings. 1 he cloudy weather of the past few days luriniiuited in a cold little snow storm aunday evening, which happily seltl! the weather brintrinir a clear Monday and although tiie wind was very culd it rapidly dried the mud up. C. F. Celine came to the valley Satur dav to look alter his interest here, and also to visit his beveriil oilier ranches. iHti was accompanied by his brother Will Coffee from New Orleans, who is visiting with him. J, A. Phipps has been engaged to take charge ol Mrs. Lizcie Coffee's ranch on Kuuiiiug water, and expects to move his family over there in uboui a week. J. L. Anderson and Clareoce Zimmer man iielped Wm. Miller a couple of days last AeeK iu gelling his ditch cleartd Mi's. 0. F. I offee came up from Chud ron a few days ago Mrs. Curtis who ' visiimg her claim iu the valley Mr, Coffee was fortunate in so quickly wcuriug another uian and his wile to uike care of his ranch here in the place of Mr. anil Mrs. Karber, who left lust Tuesday. The new family arrived here Saturday evenu g J. B. Burke y lulled our Sunday School oo Suisiay and called on some of his old neighbors the llrst ol the week. John Ebarspeciier was on the sick list Sunday. Eil Zimmerman came over from Story and spent Suuday with his arents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thayer are contem plating a trip lo Hot Springs in a few days. MissLelia llerren visited with her aisler Mrs, PhipiM Sunday and returned to Harrison Sunday evening with the mail carrier. Bob Jordan and wife have moved into tile old Jordan home in the vallev for the summer, ' Misa Grace Wickersham arrived iu the valley lasl Tuesday to assist Oeorge in carei ng for their new home here. Joe Hoffman has been employed by John Coffee to help them with his spring work. Arthur Miller and his sister Annie made a horseback trip to Harrison Mon day. The farmers are busy Mih week turn ing up the soil and getting the ground ready for planting, M. A. C. Lady eauchamp'a Fan. Seventy ladies of New South Walat have aent a fan to Lady Beauchamp. The fan It made of white ostrich feathers from the alx year-old Barra dough oatrlcb farm a South Head. The tortolseshell atlcks are orna mented with a monogram In Austra lian silver, while the handle pivot and mountings are of Australian gold. May Elevate Bishop fetter. Dop Interest Is manifested by the clnrgy of the Episcopal diocese of New York in tbe suggestion mads by Htt. j Ilr. ' V r..aH n r,l, It- ..u ' Kaw R.VI.HH, th-,t New York auit loirpnu.ig nvo u:acesM. ne created :u- a province and tbat Bishop Potter bemad, an a,chb,.ln and placed I. Andrews Happenings, The Andrew Happenings got misplaced laet week, for I wrote several important items. Ask Mrs. Valdez about it. Verona Valdez ia having a good visit with Birdie and Pansy Jones at this writ ing. She is delighted with Andrews and wants to stay here. How's that? Our school will close April 24, arid we would be plensed to have as many as possible attend the closing programme given the same evening. We assure you of a good time. Mr. D. W. Shepherd and family went to Crawford Friday. Mr. Shepherd came back the following day, and the rest on Monday. Mirl Shepherd got badly burnt Tuesday last week through the carieav playing of his brother. Ralph had heated a poker red hat and was striking against an ax and he says sparks blew and set Mirl's bonnet on fire. Pearl and Ralph burnt their bands but saved the child. The children did well to save Mirl. This hap pened while their mother waa visiting Mrs. Wm. De Somber. Ray Hagerman was on the sick list last week. Mr. J. C. Varley and family vitited Tom Jone's Sunday. Zekiel I thank you for your compli ments, and am glad that you sent in the "Ode to March", otherwise I should never have had an opportunity to read it, Seel I wondered what made the house shake wnao i spose. it must have been your boyish hearty laugh, ha! ha! I visited the schools and found them in good wonting oroer. I enjoyed the literary very much, and will try to visit again It was fine; Keep it going. Verona ValJez returned to her home Monday. Mrs. Chris Christensen and daughter Mabel were Harrison visitors last Mon day. Mr. Qeo. Baldwin went to Harrison Monday to stay for a while. Mr. Tom Jones likts to ride around with the mail or maU as he formerly did the female his wife. Some days it is pretty sumiy but he never complains, and travels just the same like young fellows do when in a hurry to aee their sweetheart.. ANDREWS PROGRAMME Tmt April 34th. 7i30 P. M- Oreeting Lilian E. Harris Welcome Pearl Shepherd "Song of the Rose" By the school Recitation Clara Christensen " Ray Hagerman " Birdie Jones Rec "The Dutchman's Sad Fate' Eva Proctor "The Spanish Cavelier". .Larger Pupils Recitation "Ain't He Cute' Thomas Jones Roy Hagerman Solo "Will there be uuy Stars" Selected Recitation "Only the Babv Pearla Jones Dialogue "Auntie Doleful's Visit' Eva Proctor and Mabel Christensen Song "The Footsteps on the Stairs" By School Dialogue. ."Pearlaand the Postmaster' rear I a Jones and Clura Christensen Recitation "No Bahy in the House' Mabel hristensen Trio "Three Birds" Bv Eva Proctor. Mabel ChriMlensen mid Birdie Jones. Dialogue "Clara Christensen" Eva Proctor and Thomas Jones Rec "An Old Man's Storv" Selected Song "Croquet" By older pupils rive Little Sunflowers" " " "A Slight Mistake" Eva Proctor and Miss Harris Exercise in Music" By the School Deaf and Dumb Song . .Elizabeth Harris Song .."Fairy Moonlifht .....By School Dialogue "How Slw cured Him" Eva Proctor, Thomas and Pearla Jones Rec , Mrs. 8. E. Jones ' D. W. Shepherd Song By older pupils Rec Edward Marshall Dialogue "Oood Night" Smaller pupils Parting Song By School Charcoal Eph's Dally Thought. "Hit am er mouty good thing," said Charcoal Eph, In one of his philo sophic hypnoses, "as Horace Oreeley said, t' take unto yo'se'f a wife, but be mouty keerful whose wife yo' takes, Mlitah Jackson." Baltimore News. Reclaimed From the tea. Six hundred and eighty thousand acres, or more than 1,000 square miles, of land have been reclaimed from the sea In Lincolnshire, Eng land; and at the mouth of the Hum ber about 10 square miles. Rellaknia Condition of England. While the Church of England Is In sisting upon thousands of schools maintained from public funds being converted Into nrvservM for th in. euiratlon of In- particular dogmas, all cnurches are lohlna their hold over he mas. .V an? h Z T uT InS miKfltll. Binn thai n t ton I ra1lfrtii u h,i.. . " ... r . : ii law in bit rnornr mis run aAaeA 'J Professional Caris. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to al' matters in Justice, County ami J Courts, and before the United Land Office. ga Fire Insurance written in rIiab! companies. tyLegal papers carefully drawn, Harrison. - Nebbaf a. T North-Westem i H LINE V. R. R. F. E. M, ia the bar' to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AND HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. J. H. LACY. successor to E. Rohwes DEALER IN Harness, saddles, range goods, lumber, all kinds of building material. Farm machinery and hard ware. Flour, grain and feed. When in need of any thing in my l n give me a call: We will treat you right. F, E. & M. V. R. R. Time Table New Schedule of Train.. Taking effect Sunday Nov. 2-1. West Bound. Eat Bound,. Morning. Ev. ning. No. 59 Frt.4:l(5p.m. No. 60, Frt. . . .2:84 No. 5, Pser. 10:55 No. 4. Psirr. arrivu 6iSi, .depart 7:0 Both trains carry pdssengr rs. Eteatrlc Lamps on Horse, Electric lamps on the bridles of carriage horses are now Quite com-. mon In Berlin. The current is sup-. plied by a storage battery under th carriage seat. Child Labor In Saxony. In Saxony, of 604,600 school chil dren, 137,831, or 23 per cent, are em ploye! la trade. More than half thesa. children are employed In the textile. Industry. Good Night, Brief Cay.. So little done, so little done, And soon comes setting of the sun. So little snld. so little raid, And blue skies (,eponlna to red. So short a time o nrkwsrd nn The sky Is filled with purple hum. So short The veil a time to look afar has fallen from a star. Oood nlht. brief day, adown the d:,rk Flout dewy memories, and, hnrk! To you Beyond rnd me fair angels cail the moonlit, dreamlaml wall: And thou with A happy, holy Time and I w;th SIpph tryst shall keep. Gave Him Too Much Energy. A man In an apparently moribund condition was recently taken Into a hospital In Melbourne, Australia, and In order to revive him an electric, shock was administered. The result were startling and unexpected. A demoniac energy was Instaneoiislr In fused. He sent the doctor sprawling on the floor and flung a couple of as sistants out of the winnow. Then ha proceeded to wreck the ward, while nurses ran away shrieking and barrtr caded themselves. He had done $504 worth of damage before the nolle arrived. QOOO POINTtR FOR GAMBLERS... How to Make Money Out of Easy Going Strangers. "I thought I was pretty wise to all, sorts of games," said a gambler, "but I've just been beaten out of a five spot as easily as though I came from Cohoes. A friend and I had been standing In the doorway of a hotel betting on the odd or even numbers of the next car to pass, and I was loser. Then the other fellow suggested tbat I try to call a coin, head or tall, for 3, as a chance to get my money back. I agreed. He slapped a quarter ci tha back of his hand and I said 'heads.' It waa a tall, and I waa a Ave out. "The experierce was worth It, though, for ha told me tae rtne aftef joshlng me tor a good thing. It la. Instinct, ho said, for almost every one la calling a coin to say head, so he always placed the coin tall us when the other man was to rail It. Ha "ld th,t tb ,am' workoi " mtt ""l m "uu u,u" 1 rvm" cr'- slder It unfair, bocauso be was praox tlcally betting me that I would aav 'hearia.' thone-h 1 didn't krow ir i ilk - - -- nnw the game and Vm go,r,g to try it ou I" It works, too," fv t a