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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1902)
Press - Journal. i '4 oA 70L. HARBISOW, ISTEBR-A-SICA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBBE 13. 1902. K0.2O RRISON HARRISON Saru Nearueu ai m from iiim rn n Tuesday . Sam Swiobank Court Monday. i attending District Bert Earnest and wife were visitors last Tuesday. Harrison C. W. Percy of Ikrttonwood attending Court last Monday. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body invited. W. H. Davis; Supt. J ut received: A new consignment of .a and boys clothing at GEltLACHS. Tb county commissioners will meat Friday, as per special call of county clerk Raum. V We noticed Mob, C. F. Coffee ou our etraauTue-day. Charlie look hale and heerty. Tha tachers association will he held la Crawford va November 2 ami 28 will give program later. Mora and better goods fur the same gjaaey at Gerlach's store than any other place, try trieiu. lO-fl Mrs. Henry Liiidcinaii of Crawford waa viailin frienus ia ilarriion from Saturday uutil Tuesday. Frani the amount of wood being haul ed into town these day s nrn led to behave that our people are going to keep warm Uii winter any wy, Quarterly Meeting Sunday. Nov. 18th. Preaching hv EMer Schamuhorn, both awning and evening. L. W. HORTOS; Pastor. If veil want a snap in Ladies and child reas shoe go to GfcltL UH'S where you caa buy them cheaper than in any aaftaracity. They now have a large aasartaaeat. A Nebraaka Newspaper tells the atory that a drummer asked a certain citizen if there was a newspaper publication in the place to which he replied; oo, we dont need any; we hav two barbershops aad a I adieu aid society." Judge w- H. West over held Court last j Monday and owing to the small nuiniier of cases on the dm kt there was not a very Urge attendance out side of the attorneys. It only took his honor ghout 8 hour to dispose of the docket. GIANDBALL. There will be a .m at Andrews Hall Thanksgiving evening Nov. 27. All cor dially invitad to attend and have a good time. II. C. Dunn, sj M. A. Baonon's team took a spin around town Tuesday wi'h a wagon at tached to them but luckily no one waa hurt uor damage done to t-am jf wagon. They were over In ken hy Earnest Lyons about f mile east of town with thoirheads poioting for borne. The vote in White Rivar Precinct, for M. J. Weber for county commissioner, must he a joke perpetrated on Martin, or they either thought thta waa his year to run far some office, far there waa no vacancy io this commissioners District wa wonder what will c iu next as this aswms to be a year of unusual happen IOC. Cut Utia out and lake it to J. E. Phinney'a drug atore and get a free ear pie of Chamberlain's Kloni ch and Liver Tablets, the best Phvsic. They cleans and invigorate the .Stomach improve tha appetite and n guUte the bowels. Regular sine, 25j, per box. There seems to h a great d-al nt petit larceny going no in Harnsoa hy someone . and if caught should be mad an example of. For a number of years every In. in that was iiiissiuk was charged to a i tain parly, but as that party does in. live in Harrison now; this aame thin was surely with us than for the very aame things are disappearing now that have disappeared iu years gone by. Apolegies might be In order. Ta the Public. Allow ma to any a few words in praise f Chamberlain' though Remedy. I had a reiy severe cough and col. I and feared 1 would get pneumonia, but after taking the awooiio doee of this medicine I fell btier, throe bottles of It cured my cold and the paius in my cheat disappeared hllrlv. I am moat raapavl fully yours fur health, BMm H. METBKs), fta-Thim ever.1ta Ht., Wheeling, W Ta. for al by all HAPPENINGS The vis ting attorneys attending the District court lust Monday were Una. A. W. I'rilea of t'lmdroii J. E. Porter and W. H Fanning of Ciawfoid and R.'. Noleman of Alliance. -We learn that Cottonwood can Istastof a cartoonist but from wiial we can learn he ih one year behind the times. My hut it is too lad that such talent should go to waste, and we hoe his friends will warn him that there is a hoard at Harrison pass upon such subjects as him. NOTICE. Harrison. Nebr. Nov. 12. 1902 Parties holding Sioux county Warrants No. 192. 191, 1!), 190. 194, 177, 59, 112 174, 195, 175, 19tt, 201, 202, 158, 176, 188 are hereby not iflrd to present them for payment. ' John I. Davia, Co. Treasurer. Born Saturday night to Mr. and Mrs. (Jaorge Gt-rl ch, a girl. All par'ie concerned doing nicely, and say Geoige is just toe proudest papa jou evrr saw, every tiody lhs.t smi-kes- can have a smoke, and them that doa't can have a treat anv way; o hurrah for , hut I giH!Ss she is nut tiained yet but we accepted a treat on her coming into ttiil .lome any way. State Woman Scffhaoe onvetticn. Tlie twenty second annual convention of Nebraska Woman ixiffrage Associat ion will he held in Tecmuseh. December 2nd, 3rd, mid 4th. All stale olllcers, and county and local presidents are ex ollicio members of the convention Euch chih is ent.tled to three deli gites at, large. and one delegate additional for every twenty live ineiiilwr. Clara A. Young, President. Ida L, (Jenny, Secretary, Mr R-ium received a letter last week from Georgo Okatie, one of the early settlers of Sioux county and will lie remembered as one of the writers in the controversy over the name of our famous stream, called Sow Belly creek. Mr. Okane savs he spent some time in helping to develop Hioux county, and is now developing the fTte east building sky scrapers and bridges. He writes for a aumple copy of one of Harrison's daily papers, hut as we haven't reached that point yet we send turn a copy of the Press-Journal that has swallowed the old Herald and all other paper of years gone by. Mr. Okane's address is Rivirtgtoa St. Nnw York City. CENTRAL CITY BREEZES. From tha Transient Pen of Clio. Cernral City, Nehr. Nov. 9th. 1902. Will our long silence necessitate knock ing for admit tncy? Seem to us the days and weeks slip away so rapidly we can scarcely keup track of them. No snow yet, and election over once more. It is cool and appears like snow at this writing. Farmers are busy husking corn and they find some of it turning out well and of good quality; Some is soft and chaffy. Potato crop was good and hay plenty hut hard to fake care of on ac count of so much rain. Land buyers from Iowa have lieen keeping tha land agents busy driving about the country with fine livery teams, and of course tell ing all the good qualities of the country and tha drawbacks. Well of coursi the country has none, only that aandhurrs will persist in doing well fare. Iowans feel quite elated when they can sell their farms for hixtj-Uvtf and seventy dollars per acre and come here and buy for for ty or less. All that wait until another year to buy land here will pay more for it. We presume Mrs. Rice and Zkiel are watching the snow fly and enjoying the fireside comforts, while we have not seen a flak yet and are not anxious for snow tins winter. M. A. C will be kept busy looking after the interests of the Hmlarc people but e don't want her to forget that we are still interested iu Sioux county, and each correspondent, Harrison seems to be a lively place and ,uite a seal of learning. Hunt. Burke .ts certainly licen faithful iu discbargiag o cluti'S of Ins oil!'.- aiiJ done well for iioux county. Bessie at tins moment is writing away as if her life depended on it and I guess it does, for she is to read a descriptive essay in college this week and she lias chosen "Hioux County" for her auhject and she has something more at tractive than level country to describe. Oh if we could oaly have the Pino Ridge here how lovely this country would be, Out there is on place to put it so fiiess I'll not petition to have it moved here for an re as I did some txsly would object here as well as at the Pins Rldga. I at tended a ptrl of the county H, H. convent kui at Clark's last week which waa very 4iod. mnde ma think of old times in Hioui county. CT.IO. RHEUMATISM CURED AT LAST. (iooil Sews For All W o SuflVr With Klii umalisut r'rec, . To all who (.ulfer with Rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured ttftr J years o sutlerinii, logeiner wun iub most elaborate treatise on Rheumatism ever published. No matter what your form of Rheu matism is, whether acute, cronic, mus cular, inflammatory, delormant, sciatic, nesralgia, gout, lamhago, etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no mutter how many socalled "sure cures" you have tried I want you to write to me and Ut me tell you how mother was cured. I am neither a Doctor nor a Professor si in nl v a olain man of business but I have a CUKE for Rheumatism, and 1 want to tell everyone who suffers with Rheumatism all about it. 1 wish to lie clearly understood, and trust that all who are buffering with this terrible daaease, however apparently beyond the reach of cure, will write to me this day and I well send you be return mail this work of none. lnpsal especially to the chronically ill" who are wearied, and disc Hinged with "doctoring" and to those ivho have been cast aside as "in curable." All you have thought about Rheumatism may he wrong. Let irie tell you our experience. Surely, if you have Rheumatism, or have a sulfe'ing friend, it will pay you to investigate my offer, anyway, and prove for yourself these claims 1 make. S-nd me your address today a postal carj will do and I will mail you this wonderful ftory. If you have any friends suffering with Rheumatism no matter where locat ed, send me their atihess, and I will mail them a copy. My address is VICTOR RAINBOI.T, BloomKeid, Ind. The most novel expense statement tiled as a candidates election statement was that of Claus hristensen elected assessor of Montrose precinct. It leads thus: one lull roasted chicken 25 ceuis, 3 saudwii-hes 15 cuilb, i pie lOcenls, total expence 50 cents. Carey Items. Corn picking is the order of the day. John Meckem and Carl M Lux think tneir corn will yield 30 bu. ptracre. Election passed of very quietly. Precinct ofBcers were elected m follows: Road uvrser O, C. Tally, Justice of the Peace Anton Kralz, Constable, H. 8. Parks, and Assessor. A. C. Cullers. Mr. Rabeu was in this vicinity looking for a stray cow, last week. II. ftpurgeon is hack again on Cotton wood. There were in attendance at Sunday School last Sunday iu spite of the stormy weather. Deatb again has come in our midct to claim one of our young, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curl M. Lux died at 2 o'clock A.M. Nov 11th. After a short sickness of about 4 hours. The doctor was summoned hut arrived too late. The deceased seemed to he in the Iwst of health uutil the night of her death. The bereaved parentshave a host of friends who morn with them in their loss. The remains will be interred in the catholic cemetery at Crawford Nov. Kill). TIMOTHY. B wezes from Glen. Mr. Ike Lakin is home oo a visit. y The KO cattle cwmpany shipped 4 car loads of cattle to So. Omaha Monday and Chris Hanson, our post mastur, t ccoiu- pained the shipment. There was a "Surprise Party" given in honor of Miss May Weber s eighteenth birthday at her home at lllen, the even ing of Nov, 8th. The friends arrived uboul 8 o'clock and were beautifully entertained until li. A good supper was prared uJ from 10 to 11 the guetls par took of It. Tlwre weie 30 preseu; audall enjoyed themselves very much singing, speaking, and playing games etc. It was reported to have been one ol the best trties given foru long time. We ho we will ail have the pleasure of intend ing another in the near future au.l thank them for the good time a Horded us that night. We it re glad to welcome Christena Jensen as a new pupil to our school, -Mr. M. J. Weber vaccinated Mr. My holm's calves Monday. Mr. Jens Jensen has moved from the Hunter place and caine to Ulan. Hans Jensen is chopping wood for Mr. Adams, and James J jiisen took the west bound train Holiday moruing for Wyo. OFFICIAL ABSTRACT OF VOTES Cast in Sioux County, Nebraska, No vember 4, 1902. CASDIDATE3. I' or Governor: John tl. Mickey, R Wm II iliouipsou, K Samuel f uavies, P Geo. E biguiow, S Litulenaiil Governor: E t Mcliillou, U 18 6 36 23 7 13 1 18 7 24 28 1 E A Gilbert, U ... isaiaii Liguiutii', P Auuiew U feUjjll, fj Secretary of bUte: Gbo. W Mui.Ii, R. 17 7 35 1 7 12 2 Joiin 1 Fuwwrs, U. U u Norton, P J Pmpps Itue, h .... lieanurer oi Stale: P.. Lei ..i..i :i.l,ll. It John N L. uiuii, Li.. 1 8 24 23 1 7 13 1 Vvesley U Maddux I': V lu bto lej , Aud.lwt public Ai ct'.i:.. .uas. WesUiii, It.. yJias y Ln.t i auce, U JollU P i P Lippeiicolt, b.. Alturiicj Oti.udi: riauK A Pi oul, K.. J U Bi'oady, u vy unit i.os. p.. J"S ii iullei0ll, O.. 10 8 3,5 X 17 7 35 1 IU 9 Uoiii. fuooo anu bmi J r.ui.mer, It.. 16 7 35 1 7 13 1 wa.- j UlOIIIJ.tLl. hj. a jj iuii V. Wi lli, P.. tU xiuo.o, t aupt. Puonu Ausli'ucnuu: vv itiuiu h. tow ler, U1 v.lauUu Oaiiiii, i' K L, liOAalU, P Guo. it aoeiiier. S MtiiiiOtr ol luiuics,: il P KlLiS.U, U. Puu-icK a Barry, u.. y, t rirtauuui , f J C L W istiv jj beiiaiur lin L'luinct: VV brown, U A il aiurrivjy, F Kjpreswnuiivu 3;jri uisi :j . tuns L ui rm, R... Chas. U Tuily Chas. Dippeit iJo. i oin. Ikl tistrict: FM (tail, R IHo Joraan, P H T Zerbe, f ..'.'.'.. Jens Meng Co. Com. 2nd District:.. M. J. Weber For Amendment Against Amendment Andrew Happenings. Mr. Mcintosh and family hava mover) ou the Hunter place, it is uncertain whether they yvill remain there perman flit (y or not. We hope they will so that their children can lak3 advantage ol tl school here as it is reported to las one 01 the leading public schools in Sioux Co. Carl Mad en was with us again last week, il seemed natural to see him sil ting in his accustomed seat studying. AJ- R. Hunter, ii. II. Russell, and Mr. 1 J'm Cok and others slopped cattle to Omaha last Mond-iy, J, ft Hunter and II H. ItusMell went along with the same. Mrs. T. Jones was in Harrison Tuesday returning Tuesday evening on the train Mr. Boehrs spent Sunday evening at Mr Tom Jone's. He played on the harp which was appreciated by all. Mr. Tom Jones went to Crawford last Saturday ia search of a stray cow and re turned Sunday, the search being in vain. Mr. Crawford, Madsen and his daughter Marie were in Andrews Sunday visiting their folks. They will move as soon as a house is completed. The workmen of the F. E. A M. V. R. R. are in our burg now and expect to 1)11 in the bridge and change the road. Mr. Fred Belchen was in our town last Monday. Mr, F, C. Lewis who has been visiting at Soward returned on Saturday's west boiind tram. Mr. Wm. Nicholson was in Andrews the 1st. of the week. The workmen removed the large boiler and put In a smalUr one iu the old pump house. I Ezra Tucker returned home again last Saturday. We lire glad to hear that Waddles has returned, The "Surprise Birthday Party" giveu in honor of May Weber was enjoyed by all present. As Mr. and Mrs, UtSomber were alsjilt to leave rice was thrown over them to wish them "Good Luck" and happiness the rest of their lives. Miss Lilian Harris took supper at Mrs. iJesViniher's the evening of Nov. 8th and waa entertain! beautifull) and enj iyd tier visit with the new hnda very mitca). S A 70 17 26 6 24 10 1 9 1 8 13 1 141 149 2 2 284 151 4 1 137 246 5 1 141 146 3 2 140 ill 4 1 142 17 28 S 24 10 1 9 10 7 IS 1 8 14 17 28 7 22 10 1 9 10 8 12 1 7 14 1 13 8 27 23 1 10 1 10 9 11 10 1 1 8 11 8 14 7 19 6 10 1 10 14 6 1 1 17 ; za 22 10 10 7 14 1 8 15 1 17 7 Zo 22 10 1 9 11 7 lo 1 136 iou 14 15 4 37 7 19 9 6 6 10 11 9 8 6 147 B 6 4 2U 13 22 21 4 4 1 9 12 15 6 18iJ 1 1 1 5 2 2 10 5 41 8 18 8 7 7 10 11 10 8 3 154 n 8 3 19 la 20 20 3 4 1 9 12 17 6 137' 11 1 8 1 1 14 4 36 6 19 7 7 8 10 9 8 7 6 140 9 4 22 13 26 21 2 4 1 13 15 7 145 5 18 5 89 7 22 8 6 8 10 10 14 11 8 109139 7 3 22 11 Zi 21 2 1 10 5 15 4 Ut 1 1 1 20 8 9 38 6 15 19 16 56 18 13 4 S 19 1 1 1 14 15 5 3 13 1 1 3 0 5 8 87 27 13 6 1 8 10 f Mr. Cook shipped two car loads of came irom Anurews Dtouuay iasL. Mabel Christensen went home wit Eva Proctor Sunday afternoen and cam to school with her Mondav. We expect a new coal heaver her soon Mr. Haggarman from Harrison will move in the Mudven house. Then we will have 2 scholars more added to our enrollment list. We are always glad to welcome! new scholars but are snrrv at the same j time to loose old ones. Julia and Aksel : Madsen will be missed by the school; j nevertheless we wish them success in the Bodarc school. Mrs. ' hristensen went toCrawford last Wednesday evening on the train and re turned Friday reporting a pleasant visit with friends. DISTRICT . OURT. F. E, Jandt vs Sioux Co Continued Sioux Co. vs Francis A. Osborn " " " vs Marcus L)e Lafayette Bam ford, continued ' " vs Flora R. Fisher, et al " " " ts Martha M. Hovey, Sale con firmed Sioux Co. vs Heirs John R Clark, et al continued Sioux Co. vs Heirs John R. Clark et al continued Thomas B. Snyder vs George W. Leake, et al, cont inued Henry Gulick vs T. B. Snyder, continued M. J. O'connell vs George Bowen, etal, sale confirmed Willis H. Pollen vsM. E Bitzner, etal. I cra for plf. Joseph H Warner vs Robrt Pomeroy et al, Alias summons issued Jnhn K Frisbee vs Cora Frisbee, ab solute divorce I Edwnrd SchwsrU vs F. E. A M. V. R R. (Co., ront'nued Grunt Guthrie vs Btard Sioux Co. com missioners, continued Nbraski Moline Plow (Jo. vs James 8. Romiue, judgment for plf. Benjamin F. Moore vs Lorenzo Hnow, et al, injunction dissolved, plaintiff allowed j 40 for bill of exceptions J M. J. O'Connell vs Adolph Cerrac, atl,j decree for plaintiff I Samuel Soothworth v Lewis M. Hahh, at nl, c.le--k of court onlral aatiactioa and oartif1o.i.U to issue Professional Cards. M. J. O CowH, C. Atterar, Will Practlea Im AH C'oarW. Special itteatioa G'iraa to Laid Of flea Business. Collection aid all baslieM aatraat- ed to me will reeelvc pi oajat attoatloav HutiuooN - Nuiiili. J. E. PHINNEY. If. D Pliylsclia aad Harra. ail calls given prom a-1 atteaktoa ' Office ia Drue Store. -fuiutiaon siiraska. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law; Prompt attention given to all legai matters in Justice, County and District: Courts, and before tha United StaU Land Office. Fire Icsarance written ia reliable"' companies. tJTLegal papers carefully drawn. HAEiuaoM. - NaaaAaYA. North-Western LINE . E. M. V. R. R. rs ta beat to and from tha BLACK HILLS,. IJEADWOOO AMI) HOT eTRlX,. . SOUTH DAKOTA.. r. I. 4M.VK.rt. limt table. Golnrwt. J Going Baa' 4v. , mIMd, 13:6 I So. . mixed - T M E. ROHWER. DEALER in; Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain,, Doors, Sash & WIRE. A LIBERAL OFFCR.. The undersigned will give a free saeipl of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, bihousnesa or constipation. This ia a new remedy and a good on. For sale by J. I. Phinrrey. We have mad arrangementa with the publishers of the Young People's Weekly one of the liest periodicals of its class, so that we can furnish said paper in connect ion with the Press-Journal each one year for the small sum of $1.25 for both papers or t.i those in arrers on subscription who will pay what they owe and 25 cent extra will send the Young Ptoble's Weekly one year. Those who have paid in advance for the Press-Journal and want a first class paper for the young f-.lks cun coane in on the deal also, by pavinK 25 cents extra. The Young People's Weekly has reach ed its marvelous success and attained a circulation of over tlO.OOO copies a weak localise its contents interest young read ers. Its popularity extenda to thought ful parents who recognize in it one of Iba best aids in keepiug young folks i' healthy touch with the active world, gi vinar them a tate for clean, eigoaoua reading, wiJ presealiag trulha ia UMs meat attractive lot is.