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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XIY. HABBISOIT, NEBSASK A., THTJBSDAY, ECVEMEER 6. 19C2. LSI O. 19 J II HARRISON John T. 1J -v it in Tuesday. Iji li ii creak. EJ Hallifiwortli was in town, lirel f lb week. J. O., wan a Ian Wednesday. Harrison visilm 'ale Parsons and Joseph lltvi started to school MomliV. The weather Ins l.fii somewhat for lite past (.- d . con I Sunday school ut 10 o'clock; every Udy invited, W. Jl. L'avis; Supt. diet Unite, shipped " "" f"'' to Sewaid county, tins slate, lav. hat unlay. Just received: A new consignment of auea .Hid boys lothing at GhKLACHS. John Mohlev, from Adelia brought in the election return from .Sugar Loaf JJI'cClllCt. Cnarles Smilh, brought in Toil luiil lialiol Irom Runum-, precinct. Ijook cater p. E Jandl relumed from On aha Wednesday ,' win-re he has i -n inaikcl ifg Cattle. The teachers MSMmmti.m will I- liel.i in Crawfoid on November 2H auiJ uy.wnl )4i ve program biter. H It. Huiry, from autolnpfl pr-l-roulit HI the election r Un us lio.i pieciuct Wednesday. met. ! 4 John Hrowu, from near Five J'.mil.s, w-i-t sliukint,' Hands w.tli hij frauds in Hrr,soU WeiliiBsiUy . U ir and better gomis for the same m.Mv at Uerlacli's store than any -.itlier pUc.try them. i(i-ll iA dt-al was coiisiiioaled last Monday ... .i. l. si.,,1 i i.i,f,,rd iIimmwiI of his tlie sawmill to It. U. MaUaeu. I luUrsl, in J Tin juiy wa.silisuossed by Jude Went ovr lor toe Nuvemlier term of couri. liure oe.o no jury i-.-hi uii tiio Uo-.-ki.1- -4Jes Hill anJ Will Hunter, who have bmi. worKniK -Nate Diner ujj neai, reiUrueU Inline last S..,uroa innt. Wesley t.'unou is woram in lh Sun Ollti-.n tins Week, so we giiKi.- uie e,lnor ol lue Ouii in lonilyuin imo.v-l! as did Ihu JoUlOAu luau last week. Johii.HluinberU and M- J. Weber rep re-seuted tlleu III llarrisou. Wednesday , Mint reli made n nkasafll can at our aanclum wiule HI town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry R ;is anil f.imilj from Hewitt, Were visiting Oiainlma Koe, Urn II rut of Uie wuek. I'licy also visited frieuda it til valley. (Juarlerly MeeluiK Sunday, Nov. 19' h. Preaching by Elder Scliamaiioi n, bo.h inoruiu and evening. L. W, HokTuN; Pastor. If veil want a knap in Leliesaud chilu reus lioes (fo lo OfcltL AUl'. where Ji.u can buy them cheaper thai) in auy astern city. They How have a lare Mkurl anal.. Enough returni nave coinn in from Uie norm pari ol the county to asuirr Mi Uail Jordan's election by nbout M n.aj ir lly. Tue olliuial coa it on-y cna;irf Hi s few vole. Harry Ford, who hats been working for F. U. L-inw-orihy nil summer lll fm lim home at Seward l ist S.auiday. He and Frank l-wm iiciiouipamed I ,'hel Unitt Willi the cattle. Election bellljf ore-, our Mnh.lali will hate more tune lor cousid-rnli thouiiht and our cily anil country pa, ri will have more tiine to Inn. I up sim i- thiin; stai IhnK and Mntstliouiil. Joh Ha key, from near f'unton, w ll .rrison visitor Wednesday aa I he i f.irinwl us I tuil they r K"mK I" biv,- , huri'li t ha lin-i of (In ll.i'l i nu He "IX counl.i-s, Imt llllj IMIelUia; Will . ar itrl l.i H cue elite. iViim ifl , to 'ii. Hut Mil (i opia f ''!. pi'l i' tin c- intv i:wi -i i'ir.-'i I ' ' i' Ih hi b nl'liii i.n i. rjo.r -m ii rmp -o all uoplj a iIuvn Ihe houw uf Uud. O. V. Heater Weill, lo f nl liii M-mlay evening. Ill Vi On account of j lartcrly Mi-l iiit; Ihe lQ'h there will fi,,( ;,,,r preaching mi i I-.irrison nrxiSunilaV morning. "Prviich" if'K in III evening at H o'clni k. L. W. ilohTOS; Pastor. Luimuii from C ntrah. K.l' come III oil ! he west b-'Und trail t-ixt Fiinay, itml , wi; tll( rod it1 -i lead liisirnt No l.j tins wuil.-r. we are .;l,d to welcome .11, -s iJoriuan to mo o. r of teachers. ( lit Ihis out mill take it to J, K Piutiniy 's drug; Mure and gel. a In. sample of Chamberlain's S'i.iii .cb am. L,;ver Tablet, toe best Fh.sic. They i'Ii-iivi ami invigoiale the S'om n-b IrnpioVe Ihe npp ille and regulate I he bowels. legu!.u- .iw, 'i''tc. per b.x . Irrigated farm (or ale 4j miles a-r h of Cruwlord, consul nig of tfiil) ai it s, loo acres under UikIi, 'id arret in ailaua. i..rge hew hour, laiv.e kirn. One ol lie test imjrovrd faimsui Dawes Co. 1'iro J 10 jn.r m il-, iiiijn iv ,,f L. C, b-Kih. Han is.nn or ( raw ford Nebr. A LIQER.AL. OFFER.. Tlir- uinkrsig i.fd . il; give a tree unsuph of i luin'it rl.iin's Si iTiiacli and Liv. i laoli-trt l' tins (,iih vv u.Ji 1 1 t-K a ri-iiai,; I' lnnli for ili-oni-rn Ihe mmiu, h, tiiliouvitss or coilliial ion. this Is i. ih- rciiK-dy and n goidom-. Fur nuK UV J- ' i'niiiu-rv. Ov in,' to the ill, l.-u.elicv of (hi- at). r M ,i n;-fh' tic r- was not a v,-rx ,r(.., r,, ,. ,, u,Mil- Q j tt,n of lhH ijrt Jin r-t . u. h.-verai I have Xire-il llieiiiselves as beii.ji will I pleast-d Willi I he Miti-rlainoieiit itml ' runs: s,y th-'ir voici-i were wi-U trail, ed for the- dil!Vrnt. p.irls siin. j VvY.- r.-i eivd 1, follow inK infonnatio, ! 1 r.mi a. n -nl-nt or f t i,,n v. o. i as lo w hi; 1 i crops eiv laised Un-re Ibis year. Vv ., j will (five a f-".v as rample. John Spsiiw Ihrc-n- d UtiT buil al-. !' arl Lux 2'JI7 b i.h, l, Joim M-ck.-.i , v'joll lai-lii N, O.-.-u Ti lv 2Ci3 bo-h-i-. i Aolmi ,M' ( ki-m i l!7 boshi Is. ami il t-r, Wasa L'r..-at non,l-r lh,tt had from 10U t L"W biuhi-ls. All that Sioux cinr -, wants is rainfall an I slid won't la!;e ! hack seat for any counlv in tiaj .stale. To the Pulllc. Allow me lo s, a fw words in prai-e of i li.tuilK-rlaiiiV I ihil; 1 1 U-niiedy. ' 1 hail a Very severe coiih arid co. and fear-,! I would yet piieuitioni i, but after tannic Ihw Kecouu dose oT this medicine 1 fei! loiter, lliree hoii.-s of it cured inv ''old and llm pains in my chest diMippearcd entireU. 1 mn inu-1 respectfully yours for health, Ft ..Liu S. Mkvkkk, Cl-I'h,rty I seventh St., V, lieel n, W. Va. For sale i.y all lrm.-gntt. 'List wni.'-r an ii.f.nil child of nun had croup in a violent foim," says Enln John W. Hod,;. -rs, a i 'hnstuu Evangelist of I'M ley , Mo. "1 K iVe I, el- a few Uosev of hauilsTrlam's ,'oiuh Kmiu-dy tiiifl in a short tune all J.i ,ifer was iast and the chi.'l r-' -ii'i-i'nl." This remedy not only cures croup, but whi-iifciveii as noon as Ihe lint symptoms appear, will prevent the atLu'k. It contains mi piuui or ol her liai uifuT suli.iaiii e and may lie gi veti as conll leiu ly to a baby as to an tul u 1 1. For nale by all Lrugisls. B cezos fro.n. Glen. We liul iin sclniiol Tuesday on nccount of election In-ill held in the school hou-e. A halloweeii 1,'ift to Mr. and M,-. Pudd . a hahy girl. W'e musisl i hurch services last .Sunday because Jt- v. Sloaf, w is t.kan hick and iiiiild not till Ins appoint merit. Ho"ev-r ..e had a o ,d Sunday School as usual, 1 1 .'.') A M. Ini.iij,' In- hour. Wo are ll Aai s ifiad to I ecu ' 'u VIsiLors. Mr. and Mra. M. J. W.-U-r wre visitois .1 Mr. Nn-ce's last wi k. They had a .j.iendid lone and came home Willi ,. I .iy tiiiin li of ducks which w ail mjo ed vi ry niiicii ' We h -ie they will gu i ; am aijii, Jim J olinw n i t feeui proud over Ihe 'my that arrived at his home a Imiv days iii. lie c.nie j isl in time to vole. We are (find to hear that Mr. Moi ieii-4-n's little Hil l is able to Im around nin e nol'O. It is repnrlvd that our cliool r oni ooks la-ller it ever did In-fore. We ire xbid that our nclmnl is ultra' tive an ' eil a MiKtrui live. Perhaps if errry j eai-ber would fix up In r fchool romii Ihe e-holars would le more toai iiml. j laml i iiaxtit. we had our lirsl snow si , ui ed i! wnniirelly hard on ui-nl of Ih iiikh. hut Ibm oiw is still ahle to enjoy, 1.1 ireer.'i aiOUlid (ilell. 'ntn " HAPPENINGS Tire eiittr i laiiioipnl ivt-n l the llairl nn hool Lr d.iy mlit wan largely rti Ifod.-d and I he iirorani aH exi fel Inrit. There wa Home comiilaiiit of undue noise and i,-ai,.-uiioi, bv some, we are sorry to iay . for such hhoii Id not. he the , mi. ie m, much laUir and tune have u.i u sv-nt hy th..ieac!ji-rs :n drilling Ihe aii,n, lor thi.i oc a.-iou. '1 Ins i a work ,,v.n hy the t.-,u ii. rs and should l a) ,i,i i.ilrd In Hi public nou;li to (f.Ve ilt- ail.-niion that all iiocht njoy the exercises. We hope we won'l ie it this ciMiiplaiiit in Harrison afaiii. 'A'e havi- inadf B rraiiifeineiit"! with (he puhli-hars of the Yountf People's Wttkly Oii-j ol lii iiest pi-notlictii id lis L-Ut-.-i, so that we can furnish said aper in coiiiii ct io,i w i; o t ia- I', ,--,s Joo i c.i ! -.icli one ir for Hie small sum of $1.5 lor Uilli papers ,r t tit - m a, tv i's on ;-,iin.scr,pu, .. , u,; will pay wiiiil I lie y owe and ii'nts xtia w will y i.d lii Yi.-.i-j 1'eohleV Weekly one year. Tliose who have paid u a ,v,i:,t:.- li,r ihe I'ltss J urn.ti iom: viiiit a class p;tper for tne youn. hiks can come in on the deal also, h, ia iiij. o cn.ts txtni. 'ihe Yoto. i'r.-p.-.'s Wt-t-kly fins rtai i - d its marvelous success and attaiii'd ., ..iO' -ul.Uioii of ov.r 210,0'GO copies a w --k x-rinise its con'i liis interest j omy rea rs. Its p. jiul... il ei n. is 1,1 til ing'- i'u i p.iivm s w!m n-i offtiiZ'- in il on-! ill- ih-sl auls in keeping Juiin' folks in nl'tiv I'lii. h with t'H! aciive vvur.u. Kiviiiff tln'in a taslu for clean, vioroio i .oil!, , and pls- ill ,'.f ll'li' i.S ill lllell o-'sl allia, liVn loi m. 1 1 - j r i i-i Tl'S'I CUED AT LfiST. (;.)( News !m- Ail '.V o Suffer Willi uiiiiitistn Vtc. Toallwho H-.iir r will Kn-uiin i iMc ! will k- c1 .en i ir lb.- w.nid.rfo s'orv of how my uiollu-r (" i-s ciitnl n't i , iir.s of siilVenti-;, toei h-r w uli (1, iiion elaiiolMI' ti'i-ail.a on ms'-iimtiiisn ver pnhliihcd No m.i'ter what your f ,rrn of Ilia-it ism Is, w liclher ncuie. crnn'.c, mo ular, mil Ui.niatoi'i. , d.-ii.riiiant, i-cialiC u --.raljfia, liOill, liill'uif", etc no lull. , t h"W ii, ;i in d ctin - have faded in m-h M-e-ie. iiiiitt-r I mi iv many i-,ni.iit. so, s vuivk" suj li e,, t rn it -1 wii n; 1 i wrile to nm and lit mo tell vu ho not her w as curi d. 1 am in -i! her a ! 'octor nor a Prof--ssi n .imply a pi i.n man of laism-ss -hut I liav-a I UKL for Kheiiiuai ism, and want to tell everyone w jio siilfers w it.' k i' iimatism all ah'-ut il. I wish to I clearly urder-l.iod, ami trut 'bat all wh- re eiilTenn w ith tins Icrnhly ile-ea-. u,,wever appiirenlly heycn-l (he i-ai of cure, will write to m this day an I .ell vend "ii by return mail lies well ,1 mini'. 1 appeal especially lo lie chronically ill" who are wearied, an hscoiirajj-d w-itli 'doctoriti-.'" and t I,,,.,. iilm have la-en cast iiside as "n curable." All you have llmiuhl about Riii'iiiiiatiKiii may he wronir l?t nm li II you our experience, (Surely, ifyoil liive Ua- U'iui.' isiu, or have a suire'iti;: li.end, it will pay yon to investigate my iirr, anyway, ami prove lor your-eli lase ilaiuiK 1 make 8 r.d me your lilr h loiliiy a pos'al carl will do--iind 1 will mill you this woi derful torv. If you have any fn-i.ds Miiri-nu with Kheu i.alism no matter whrre local d, send me their ad dress, and I Will mail them a c py. My ad iress is VI-TOR RAiNI.OLV, Bioomlleid, Ind. WHY WOMEN SMOVLDVOTE. Tile women who .--t -i becom-s an iii,-Hirttiiit (actor in life, for double reasons. In the firs' pi !, wi en a women vote. Hi-c inda'aie must in lie care that his conduct . .d mcor l ui-i t villi a (tood woiiiiui's appriiV', and Ihu makes l,e!ter m'n of tlie candidates. In Ihe second pi n e, and lar more mi portanl, is tins reason: W hen women shall vote, th" p ihti'-ai i n Ilin nee of t he pood men m the com 'in ty will lietreatlv inctea--l. 'I liei l no doubt whatever lint women, in Hint vn'iti;'. will ! mHuoMced bv the nan whom ll.ey kno'v. H it til -re in a, so ni d aiht that they will Ikji uifl i -m-eil hy ih-(i'Hin ineo whom thy know. Men cm deceive i nch ol her much m m easily than lle-v c an d- i ive womei.-ilie latier heiiiB prov.ded with lh"X-lv nl nliilluainl rcepiinu Tha hliistirii pol it-mi. pr - ncbing what be does in ,1 purine, may hold forlh on the tr, et conn r or in saloon, end mil ieii o th- 1 '' "f olhers a wor'hli ss as himself !',m Im home life willmnre Ibwn oli'snt his pohlieai in fluence iinuiiie; woiiicn. I hu bad hu-biiid mfiy ( -ciisionaily the vole of ii deluded or friifhli'n. d wife Hut tie will surely hv. the voles nl lli w.ves and il iuuliler ln-xl door Vol ill-' I'V imi'en w ill .Mipr -te till" S l ay s I;' 1V1! 1. ' ..ifr-.-T, 'I -M r '.'.K' BtHS TH i' I'I 'I 'V .1. ' F V(i-4f s Uur s .1 nl svii.-ci i'iiir.,v -i ,n T portii ii tin ncn i i r re .u!1iiii " ! bv its il .v-nii'Mi -Now Y irk joiii ael, Andrev Happenings. Tla-re wire 23 present a our Sunil-iy , ! hool last Sunday. 1'ive cainn from ! 1 lrr;son - v z: Mr. I low aril and Juliu-., aod E ;,tii Bin k'-. On i Sier and hi r j -'"l-r. The tln.-e Kirln Kiinf a tmautifu' i 'ng for us. We hopx '.lint, ih- HarriMxi j J1"'"; ifO)le can come often and favor lls with a so i iff or talk as they choose; il j -"ids interest in our work here. All are coriiaily luviltu to alleial. Mr. Jom s took his family and Miss L' ban Harris lo Ha iTison to enjoy tt. entertainment, Thev arrived at Mr. Hal w n.'s in 1 1 me for supper and a 1 1 went to the tnlerti.iiiiii-r.t and enjoyed it very much. A fler lli-i eillei'iaiiiiiient Ihey re 'urnec! to Mr , Hal wins when- they were well car. d (or. They arrived at Andrews .Saturday i o'clock. lar i (,'lirisleusen and Lor tn Lewis were also present, at Uw i n'ei tainnieiit ; i .n , w-.'il tip on the mornirii; train, L 'Tan oi, horseback. The " I'airy Pub" nt M--s. S E. Join '. was a suciass. Mi-s Ei.zal.elh Harris 'roin Itien w- is presenl, also i ris .Iei.--o, rr.uCs ll'f.i lit , ol In is ( t,e nadall lie; i airy 'I'd peanut candy lln-v I ii id ea t , tes.di-s I iik f nil I hat -fill l, ill li-iswln-ll; ,ei,,le pu, talf A : lerw .-, er-suiiji and all II. happy. Mr ' r, i w ford w in in Andrews Sun,':! ' ie ret uruisi lo the mi w iiu! I takir M . ' '. !s. n and Ins ii i u. h'r r Maiie with lu.i . ' v. is!, Mac; - sin'ci-ss in her ne ,v pot: ion as cook there. Andrew s school hud a. change in lie ,' : .ay al eino- i roiriue. Tl.e sciiota' - .!i s-l-. te i iii-i pnein i.r i .ci;iu nh- 1 lay tcinler-'d In a ui ifn i !y , Salic; Soli: , ew in llieir !i.iiu; lab'. -Is some fim 'ciies, tie-a at:,, r sp-ion,,' were ih- iil-sed. Miss l ;al) Harr-s will visit her sister -I Grid) lllls weik. Klin will leav nib e w s Fr.d t ai d return Sunday lot nil l.i v t'li li an at Sail). i KC-eO'OCK34-vO-0''Ce-0-K:v In AVyoi 1 1 i i it'- Alter a two w ei k's will n i o pencil a ft'w ilen.. Evvi y one is busy pre;iiirin for w iat, i and eo1 ii'ini; e;.' ii.ii - K"in on, so in. . . seluns fo lie scarce. A couple of tii-n were camped in om iieihlxii hood lor a few days la -t wii, who setm lo be leadui-f an Uiinpio hi- . liny were traveliii.with two wagons, p ovided w ith lent and other pRrnp!nnia lor such a life, TheT husmess w.d any His' poll It ry , lud-s, mid nils. Th ; hauled the poultry around with them and oeii toey caiiipeo, ji-e...-, enn kens, um okas were mined out to hr. .'.', and ,, ,i. one,! doe. was pin iu i ii-aig,; ol the,, who sure knew ho. business tt, d meant o do it. i ney wire on llieir way lo asp. r nut were woikinif in ihe uiu-resls of an Omaha lirm. We are glad to welcome mir young friend 'A'.sltv i.'iiiii.iiu kick to the land of mild winters once inure, but are al most afraid to look info Ihe printers den I ir 1. ai t may jo-t bred We hear I hat (i-orge Shatto has dei id- ed to make his home here as he has tak. 11 a ipi. 11 Itr section ol Uncle's land, L'go! winter seems to have arrived al list. U.i lasi .Saturday it began raining early in the morning, then resn d an hoiii and began with Iresh v.gor wlnclisoon turned into snow. It sum. id most ol tne tone Irom leu o'clock until nifcht. Ye serine, l.-ii and Jim 1 hnsiiaii made the trip lo Los,, and hit K and say mister, one niii'e g-it Km h-ueillol the changes T. H Talma.i started lor Walla Wada V'a.. Ii, week ago Monday. I hi ind uoi sill his farm nut. lelt 11 with Ins son 10 law, 11. rauciiei, L 1 u.sjiose ol 11 hn can (jet a buyer, As this is written tha day before elect ion we ,.1 a not .1 1 1 1 e lo c ni'u uo-i-s mil w ill ant icip.ite and s-.v tne wnine Republican In set lor si ite an t county wast'lciteii 1)1 .'Ourse evea v one in !ii 1 1 h partiys know f al ( . iiin .nl, and F. W. Moiid. Il, i. C wul h.v- Walk a av. Word reached us of the sii ld-ii in-.ill-. at 1'ix.el, loWa, ol K.l 'V l,on l"i .on' wife, w huh oil-ill red oil Friday , I , . -J Mr Conner ivus 1111 uncle of Mi's K-.t L. hi is'lan and Mis. J. II Neivlin. 'in news were very meager hit st ite that the bus! and died al. .1 n'clo, I, 111 tn morning and loe nil- Hi the if -riei on Th -y were terv iini an I b- an i.heir ileiiiise II 1. 1 b- eu xp -' if lor s en tllllU. We are g' nl lo wel ohm I lie Andrew corn si ui dcii' l- . "r 1 h ks unit I '-pn Ii will nut i 1, 1 ml t 1 tfto I'i-r now )' 1 1, ;. , l.m 'I. ell 1 lib' , drinkon; cnl-r to t'en out, ln-ie who b , - I ill in,, 1 r- II . . e 1 1 1 a ;i I ' I' lll l.i'i'i We an- unable at the time of ffomtf orfss. lo five anv delinile news as to r,sut of ,,,B '.Uun. Ho far as we can ! learn it will probahly require the eflicial ! count lo decide the result of Governor and ihe U,-pre-.eniative of this district.! Ilitch'-ok of Omaha was elected over M uiocr. - THKCOI NTKY PAPER. Amid the pile of papers That swamp my desk each day And drive me weak with clipping And liluiif i.tulf away, i nines once :!, week on Thursday That (plaint old fou r pa-ce sheet That's printed up in Pelharu, A drowsy county seat You Kf-e, 't was up in Pelham Tln.t first I saw the light, And- well, my heart grows softer And 1 feel my eyes shine bright; Right reverent my touch is. It spreads the columns wale, The local's whul i'lll Seeking Not the patented inside. Ah, here it is, "The County." And ' Jottings," Local Xws" lou learn w Do s 1 railed h rsen An 1 who have ren ed pews; Il tells al out the school bouse. Where we us-d to sit and dream, A-w ate'iui dust spacts dancing; In 1 1 io suniight's shifty beam. The s' nri' v name, of , .yhood ("oni" tumbling through our thoughts, Of Tom ind P.-ick and Pa'sey How we loved and how we fought! inn tra-iHls when years grew graver, (allied now heyond our ken. In Ihe t;, pe lines of the paper They live ,ii.d speak again. O ', toilets in life's w nrlishcps, A.' n-1 these (h-eain n is's sweet, riieiuoi-y cast about us When past, i-i present meet? And so, I love thai paper From Mm v !l..-e in tlei hills, For (be old life that it wakens, For Ihe w ear mess it siiils. Nathaniel S. Olds. The Shippenburfe' Chronicle. WASHINGTON LETTER. The gravest is felt in minimis! rait, n circle over the statement w Inch Presid, nl Baer made to the Ariihr cile Coal Sirike 1 'oniinisM.iii, that there w-re huinciuus onerators in the ;int hr- m ite Held who were not comrnil ted to the arbitiaiiou proceed. ngs and who wrre not even cm suited in the nego tiations preliminary therelo. Were il not for the fact that the election is so close and that so much hinged on Ihe belief that the coal strike was settled and settled for three years, it is more than probable that the President would have communicated w itli Mr. Baer and asked him what he meant by that statement, in view of Ins r-presentation!! nt th-Wliil'- House. As it is, Ihe people believe Ilia' Mr. R '(if-evelt hass-tlled be strike and it. isia-sir-d that they shall do so. at least until alt r election. Tii argument which it is feared Mr Ilaer and his associates, in the event that the Commission finds against them, will advance, is that it w,,uid lei unreason able of the President to ask them to a bide hy t he decision of the Commission without insisting on that decisions being eiii:illv ivspecied by their competitors. Of cour.e the Pr-s;deiit cannot insisi on anything except, through liaer and ihe oilier railway presidents who participat ed in l lie coid.-rence and subsequent agreement at the V'h te House. The Commission has invited Ii - other oper ators, those whom M' It e-r declares were "in ho nav compfomiseil" hy his agreement, lo participate in lb" sessions of the Commission and to voluntarily submit themselves to the same inquisit ion as t h-rail w, it president hut thero 1 ii no reason to li,-ln v-i that Ihev 1 1 1 (1 so unless Mr. K.ier anil Hie other trust I ma'nn'es nisie' nnil that Ihey have j pr-icti, -ally refused to iin. There is no ; 1 1 .11 l.i Ian thiit the work of the commiss ion wdl be !c!-i-d with painful anxiety from Wash njion and it is more than possible that th next meeting will bring out imporlanl dev loemetit s. rnill. "I thoucbt cniuiKs went with tflK- cnacb.n, but a n rod innuy ix'.-mlo tDuat IlKc l'i( 111 yet." mild a lio;iprr wU pnlnlcd lo a collec'ilul. of oi..dli;lcka. nil of the ut Hit v iiort, iirrayisl In a , - ,i , . n-t ho'ine furoialiing depariuiciit. Ibrre were big nnU little. cninia.-Htftl mid plnlti. pradaMl !iiit1 iir.pi iiclu-iil onea, Sonic lisul br aid tray a. iind others bid none nt nil, uinl i-ot.ic luiu rtevlcrs for llftln;, (he iiiidl.-. while nth. is wrre mnJc wbh ilrt p in'cl Th'-ro still re- main i opb' who cling to the tradition of their iiiiochioi-a anil will have none of be tnoili-n. llgl.tli.3 Invontlons for thi'Ir sleeping; romna. Ccrtnln womon ir"f. r ft ll'.'ht In their licdrooina Until they pre nnlccp. ond for thin liHrpnwo a cniii'Ie l J'.mt Hip Ib'.iit'. for It Ti'lll put lti' !f i t al the tiit - ro'.ir rflonrsl by It.s. I 'ir.X- N'riv Y i ',' T Cb-irip. " to Ihe! Professional Cards. .ti. J. 0 Conor.., C. AtWrMj, Will Practice in All CorU. Special AHmtioH Uirea ( Land Of flee Puslness. Collect ioiu and all besiietf eatrt- ed to inert 111 recelye jnompt atteatlua, Harrlsos Nkbaa. J. a PIILVNEY. M. 1) Pbyisrian flB(j iBrtre0B All call g nun prompt sttentloa OIKee In Drur store. -HARRISOV - ."fEBItASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all lega-. matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United State Land Office. Fire InsMranre written in reliable oompanies. t""Ig'Kl papers carefully drawn. llAIilUSON. NEBKA6KA. North-Western LINE F- E. M. V. R. R. j, to and from the the beet BLACK HILLS, DKADWOOI) AXI) "HOT RPHlNUn, SOUTH DAKOTA. F. K. &H. VR. it. lime table. iJolnar"-8t. Golngr Kas- o. 5. ir.iied 10.90 No. , mixed ..... 7 Dealer in;; - Harness, Saddles, Lumber, Grain, Doors, Sash & WIRE. NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS. To all to whom It may concern. The ronnrilssloners appointed 10 eatiilillen a roail, roiiunnncluK at tlie SIV corner of unetioii M, Tup, 33, N. riinife Wj w., and rini nliin llienreeasl on correetion linn to the NK corner of section 4, Twp. N , ranife M W ami ternilniUinir at that point to lie iillmvcl and esislillsiieil, anrl nil ot.iectlons tlieielo, or i-l.ilius lor ibiimiRcs niiist be tiled In 1lie roiinty clerk's nffleeon or before noon of lh intli day if NoTnmlinr A. 1). H12, or said mid will ha estuhlUlied wlltio'it rofernnce tlmre . t- Win. J. A. Kauin, l"- (,011 u ty flrrk The Vooih'e Companion Cnlondar Free The publishers of TbrYouTH'rCojipaN I'iN" are Hetiiling free to new mibscribers to llie paper Inr l''U,l a very bandsonnj Calendar, litographed in twelve color- with a border embossed in gold. Th ' ,.x,)Uisite home w.eim which forms l .-e , ,ri()!i , fett,,fl f ,lw ,;,,.-, r ls mvi. . , , , ,., ,, able lor framing. 1 in (,a einar ih n- I hi non-subsi ribers for llftv cents, hul !. n"iV "ibsi fibers for Pin:! it is sent fr-.,, witli all the isus of Tim Companion ! r the remaining woeks of the p:oi, r then being sent for a full year, to Jm i- nry iohj THE YOUTH'S COMPAN'ON ... . ' ... ' ' ' ' ' 144 1Wkek-' blrgyt v ' , County Maa. 1 sw-Jh;hnal has printed n iterl number of map on Mantll'i Imard which can he aecured for Klc 1'hey will nno Ue rten ae a prMtii. Bw ,ulieTihor, it'll I M )4 ,1 1- l it l'WCNC.e -&&j4- PJL Raving -pROcJ&, ZiviM&C -.1 s