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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
7 STOCK BRANDS. I 'ress-Joi J U. I FVSL''.V. irnn nti ui;f.t a iVf a r ste 1 1 e r B r o s t Are now jroj.'irMl to show AX lCLi:OAXT LI NIC fll JiTai;i eebltah yenr brand, ll'-e I HI H-iiaV. N.V lyi'2. ('. llwrlir, Irii. urn.. i j,,. tke feuewlac for -ie, per vr. tu n 1 lltoe a4 eraed 7i f eala. K.vrv or i Is and a jottiing ....untie ' DL ou r jni !); ,,,., ,1B , j rV,J J . ni.l. " ' ni4S Nr.lsK. A M.CONI. i I.a-s MtfTtlt KVJ mm W h I ki IHw A of ttr niiiLff Ifir fun i. i A'..i ui nlit 1.!;). " ' I I OFFICIAL 1'APHK OK SIOUX COUNTY. $500 REWARD. For tbe an-est aad eoavictiou ol any pirty or pat-lie atealiag or diaf icnring ny brands a loak b;t'.i l-o the nndtregued pur I!.iri- 1 t . ' r o . r.K t l;..-i l.-r .. 1 ? 8 5 ? FOR MEN. 15 One Dollar Per Year. f-f-niati I. O. A'l 'n-; ',1.1 1 1. t . ".' til '! . f il s. iK '"I 1 1 ! )t ft ' '1 v i if 1 1 ' ' j. v.. r. r. jaspt. 60, 117, on lft hlr mm loft Jnw, as ft hip of ( utile. Foul 0U. Hewitt, fcEOKGE AW ASSOH. hill left trie ldr. mug on !tl1-r t.rrek. Amy t4K'k braM.l.i trfr insr ?try ( from my rj-igr, (lincuvf rcwl by ay tdy KiviBK m informatian will w rewarHed Aaidiitm, Ft. Hnbiioon. Nrbraski I JOHN I'OWLfiS! C. Q. IX-HiANC'E ' J. rARKRR. Hor UrKrtiled on f left hoalir n1 .Vltl mpkhk lift bN hlr. Up brnile1 on i-Hck or t k of !:bep. ttnxe on Rollir Crrek nr White i:ivr. Addi'Mui. Ft. Koblnnou. Nebrilcst. DSBPCRKK"' LIVESTOCK Co CrTido(! n Irft hip of ('Htt'.R jS y7 and en left rlU'T ol rluriw Range oe l)fep Cre?s. ! , l)p Crceli Lire Stock Co.. J. n. HjkLBET, foremm, (lvu, NVbruftka, fHARr.M NEWMAN. The bran.) represented !n thii notice and brauCnd any where oh Wft aide f cattle, aud over lap oat from the tl" '"n hrn " thljrh l liorsvt bloiigti to the an.frdiiied. t;i near Et SprlHK, euntti part fo Uluui cuemy. Cain.tsJituxi, ffarrtaun, 2ebraiika AMUK1. RNOKl. Cattle braarted nny where on left aide of the animal. liange on r"ral- AddreflK. FiarrLx;n( Kebr&ykm to REWARD. I will par IS 00 reward for earh had Of Dare Col ville'a horses brand) ' on tither ja.w op tlntli lurtifi rair. also SI 00. 00 Tor nrrtf t. covict any proo unlawfully hat.duiijr anr of said horm-s. W. J. A. R.u M. FUSION TICKET. For Goveroor W . U. THOMPSON For Lieut. (Jovemor " r.. A' S , For SH. relarv of Stute- For.AuiJitor For Treasurer J.N. LYHN ! for Attorney (Jeneral ! J. U. UK!) l.Y I Fur Comr. I'uIjI.c Lai Dm am lliiiJU ; iiiKH- j J. C. UliENNEN j For Supt. of S hooU ( LAL'l'L SMITH I Fur Conyresrn:in Six 1'iHtru t I. IL HARRY I For Senator, 14th Uialrii t- A. M. MOftRISSEY. For Representative, 53ni bit. ( HAS. II. rULLY. PUP. y7" ltor and cut j J IV br- 11 'nl Ol I I i ,. r . i. iu rut. ' Alt t till. V -" Irfl . I. ...) Ami attj.i briiiid.1 j-, Hd llor-w-. on O'l left i Ml. ' V jnw. C.fV I.. .I- ! ' o i - .i.i. '. ..'. r. ! T I .i I. II. " -' N. o Twenty-itht years of aun-.'o.ful tiiiin. I.uiidinc In live griat f.ftri-a rrp rt-m-nts natisfa.'liun to iniUinnt of nhix) wearers. Kvrrt Jiair f S'.!z Men' - HnStnfrvoiIy tiKtftntt t'tw fact TJ'-y makn y.usr L'tt look Wfli. co n aticr wl.nt aim y u weAr, ami t4- Comljine t in extrvui of tyle ttiih pfrfu.'ti.xi of Cumfurtanil tt raru.gTiiluS Us aiafa JOHN T. S-NOW. Moraea branWeil tP,- on left koul or branded oa left abonhler -tt 't-H vm f "Oie on Miue I'oat (iftie A'ldre. Patrick, I strain le Co. Wye. JOHN A. HANSON triifijr and eh n; li r' AIM) HG on rut- I $ lifi and hof- V "at 1 1 on i rtN!1 , , - - . suouidiT. i-f .... . ., , y , KnhfP on Siyr Sr-rlritr? xrnl fas; f.f., t? ttne. PostoRicw HarrKon Nti. Si -S A.NDKBW CIUITIAN Cattle Wraad c4 on I -.'l aide Bume n cut anl bore branded ou irt i.,,iiw a-iine a4 fti' are th pi "rierty of Andre' CIirixtiMt) an I riinge tributary to Van Tam.rl Siirin-s. Adeiea, I Kit tier, W to. H K.N KT WARNKKF. Meraea branded C15J a riifbt thiffh and alder and branded l&i om rlgbt Jaw Alao, I have tltraea branded en left thlth Foat Ortlre Addreaa, llarrlaon, Sionx Cxi, Mebrivfika I I I I I "ttttle bratu! fi on left utile. Kange on Ktniiijng Water (rwek. O. Admire lUtribon, .'brak. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kind.-; of Gold ami Sihvr work done. Rinj-'H iisadc to order. All work truanintci'd. . HARNESS, SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. IIiirn'.s im:.';" to order, Saddler; re eon red. SUCCESSOR ic G, W. HESTER, DEALER INtnr I.i!U)!)'T, Dov-rs, t.:aIi. Lime, Co:il,':-'ai'onH, " Ihl.irL-.s, and 11:: : !nas:ry of all kind . Alrio Wind Mills. Tower.-s Pijiin. f'i:ninp, RP.d everytl!':::.' in that I ; I al.-o errry a kirge r t. k -f feed, pronnd and unprouiid. I make a .tj i-rialty of n i airing Wind mills. Mail Orders vill receive prompt attention. i (""" f" H tTtT'O I fia itef Vv t; . ; j '-5 -.1.1 j Lwu F. V iV : , w Look for the ff'SsU" It 1 B mirks tlie I'oru!;r Se!z eb for 'i n. Worrifn and fhUdren are Sulii-'actory hhote - Price -CJuaiity Comfort- aaa roe cli"LUnn :!. CPI 7 VHWAH A CO.. ChlCIW. !hcr ".". .it.' " Moreboe." lrgzn Mmufitiyrera et Saeta aad Saaea Ik Stria. rV9 at TeeU. To8 Oommercial Bank.- HARRISON. NE3HASKA. DIRECTORS. C, F. C'oKKKi:. Pre.Hdeiit. F. W.Clamr, Cashier C:ias. Jamkjn. II. ,S. (Tr.AKKK, A. McGixlxt Stoe,kn)i;ti having use for a hank at thi point may rely oi ils to handle their entire Banking buriintis. -iiWf- are iirjiared to take rare of our trade at all tiinr5. i THE ITONEER PHARMACY. 2 . o J . TUCKER. Branded on left (boulder of horaea lr'll (Cfiain on rt aide of eat tie. tszm iw on right aide I Tbla .ii n)-fSr rlfht aide of cattle too. Hang un White River, near Glen. Toat Office addreaa, (ilen, Xebraaka. a.t. iiruiisox. Brind eoeibl doublei ofeattle Horaea aaaie thi.nbler. ir-.x.-Ai janfulb i-aiiie an nenoriieu. Kanfe en Kyle Creek, Foat Office, Ulen Nebraeka mi n left aide 'on right ear cattle. BREWTER A Co. Cattle brand ed mini aa that rut, eltber left b: or oa Wl ahoaider. mm mm Morava branded with any of above branda. Aedreee, J. A. Aananaoa, Kurriann, KebraKka. Cattle briintled at .a on left aide .. lVi;l vactie oranoed &tzr";i on left 4.H'1. '4 I aide - S e e. Cattle bra.ided HF.NKY WEJsk, Forenmn P. O. A'lereo,, tilen. Neb . T. HEWITT. CaeWe Branded 1. 'V-f on left aide. feet Afllee Addreaa, Karrleen, Hebraaka. f t3-JCUIAL $1.00 NOTICE TO .SON REKIDKST DEFENDANT. To CJeorte U, Canon, nou-rewdmit defeoilant: You are hereby notified. Hint on the 26. day ( I September, A. I). 1102. VV. t hauncy Hi.pim and Oeor'e A. Phippa, as plaint it!, liled in the distrii t court of Hioux county, NVhrnka. their ' petition H(;ainat you aa defendant, the ob-1 jm t and prayer of which is for a di re- ! natisfyiti(f and dincharxinr two trtain ' niortL'axa exe uld hy them lo you on ' the 15th day of July, A. It. JM01, awur- in; th ymentor two notes of that date executed hv thenilo you, one for 200 00 due in nix months mid one for $500.00 due in on year, ltti of whu.-li nolea ty vmjr b;en fully paid, one ol aani iiioriBUfrea tvuix "n the plant of the HarriMiii Pre Journal, a new p.ip. r of aia county, atid column of tw.j pri e, oiib piHr ciiltar. one iinpiiii)( tou mid Htaiala, job, dn-pluy and laid) tyf,e, inliidiii) Im.U, rule, aln,, q.i.dn. p;n e, et', elc, an I tlw other of ai.l tilorijCai,'eil heinj on lot IJ'twi 1 1") in' bl.w k t wo ;2y '( lh. !o.-ii :ii i vill ..f ' u .. . . ... i I. . iiarn.-wni, i n mi i m i nvel!, , ( Min l , ninllo rc..vr a pnil.V"f $VMHt lor ..ur hiilur- and reiiiNI t. rei j a id m.t i i(fe ii)ii (my n.nit Iheie or. an 1 pr.'iM-r d in.iiid. and for Kwuonl reli. f. I And mi lire fur'hernolille.j in,( r. o iird ' 10 answer aatd pe! it ion hy t he 10 d.- o Noirih:r, A i. 1U02 Alb. rt W Criles, Attorney for PUntif. HOIiKUT F. NK.i.' K. J. R. in vti:::. ctt Rranded - 1 :'f ' 'eft side Uangu o. .iW J AImi cuttle br Oiled I ;. 1 oil left Mj ' ebo'.iider tr aide. fe?. - J Kai.ii on tl.ui.JJ Uunning Water. I', o. Addiesa Ag. !, vidii ka. sX.- Slk br.indiii J "-".in rl-b ' e 1,. U I el i'n cr l:lp. Aduf . F.d l..;ber, rvreinan I HarriiMM., .Seb. J. l.t VBK. Cattle t;rande.'.J .. Z'i 1 FT.tnir t K2Hi",iJ , ..efc2.JMT,..iaJ i. 'ilf Water, .irea. diadr' r Nebtnuk i i f. O. Addreaa, 5rali.d, Sebr. Of I AVE II ARRIS i att!e brnr.Ued na I(ottn on J lilt aide uiih iver bit on I'f I evr. Its'iK"! o" Knn- k f f Drills. 1 ) r i n,rU i t ' x Sundr i t ? ?s , Paints, Oils. Varnijihtfl, Books Miirl wStatk n ah v. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. o I U I . K M'TIM, tt!e bl 'r . tile l-f ...le t,nd ,. P'l- lf'l i ell alioa:- a ii.irsiiHi. der f i , e. ' A!i .iiiiii-of l!r llur..1. i '.l' xm1 m tl. " ... ' v 8 OM. Il r !:i,- a d ij . , -4 c! I; hbort biiinl . t.'ui ' Addre . 5;jiri e n. !ir .. ' attle'Brantied ... v'.1 Wirbt'aie ae:ilaer P.O. Addre, Crawferd, 5okraka. o S T 2 1,1 U : fc " I I! i S Head-, Letter J I cads, Knvelonen ete. o A ar s 6 r t- tl TV fTr ra -w, e. ! aa I gjy .- l-g-.w-.i .- we. y 6 20 " CQrL . Have mndo much iniprovprrifiit in rc-'.dy-mad tilings. Twenty yt ;ivh ao a i:,an bought a rca ly-mac'.H nuit ui:d';r protect, ?:iid after he put it on loped tlif iljiir; wouldn't but in som prominent pi.-. ce just who: it would be einbarrafiiiar. Twlay a r.: -.n tv a cheap unit becaune he can't a.-'oid a bei.vr one, or a price. .hk bee. uho ho prtinn it to a tailor-made -r-e. ,-i ho Nebra;i a" Hells but one daes oj iei' -n ade Huita and o( -rcoatf (iOOD. I" y.i- buy ,-, a.l wool fuit of u, (as wo are t-h- in our fall eatalo'ue) it won't bo a nhodoy tuit but an dl wool puit. It will bo frood look good wear good. If you buy a unit as we are Khowirif,' on 9, for $15, you'll get an good a suit as anybody el.-) nellri for a quarter of a hundred dollars. vi:S! Tii:: Pi:: -J.rr.NAL doc 8 Job Work. Nmt, J First Class and Pii-'I'o-Date. i all in and get our jhl-i s on r.usines Cards, Note t T 6 TOK BtPORT. Hwt, On. aha. Nb. Nov. fl, 1902. I.i-t week hr.niL'h! over 3.'i,0tK) calile unit a atr..i.j!-r uuictct, bemjf 20 to 25o hl,.htr .11 w.lnr vises. 'llma,k Ope,, Willi f ur rernpi nod a Me;id.v market I'M b.ilk of r ei,ts are of Mwr qunlitv. (i 1 tattle rv in troii( il. iinuid. We q-io'e coriiled U-ef 5.00 to 7 00; ls? ,i i, ,4 f,.(, 4 -5 )o 5 jj.ij. . hoi. el,Kht fw ders iWu 4 50, KK). fair l. e,i,.r, 3.5.I i,i 4 00, coniniou 2 50 to 3 ';"; i f ,t i;r,i. cowa 8 25 lo H 75, M.d 2.75 1.1 .'I 25, . iii.nera 1.50 to 2. Ml; --l i O'l to 6 00; boil. 2 0(1 lo 4 OH. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I- S. t-LiNAloM Jorrn II. Mli.t.iRii ( ua. II. iJirrau it CONi.HK'SMIN l;l.r J. IfmirTT, Hep ut l!t. IUVII) H. Mtllir.H, i.ep. 2ml IbU, John J. Koiiiswis, Iim ;:rd lit. Wm. 1.. SfA;m, t us 4Hi lii A. e. nit m e r.mi.nti, hi. iint. WM. t.VLI., flis.tilll 1.1.1 KTATf. (ilHO.IU Fa F. fcavAfir, i,oniii.r C. f. 'Ten.. , l.lent, governor lif o, VV. Mnm, s, , F,.trv rif -l ,te ( lit. W K- fo ., Auditor rub, ,in t V a. K. lofi.ii, -opt 1 ublie lii.unrtlo. ' ""' K ' '",M ":hii.)f ,'100 f 4')f) fKiSfc .v. i-iioir, At oei,..,i p--i.ii.l-, 4 L'O n.n.otj, hei. rs, 8 Ofl to.'I.MI. I.XlHI.I rdalfM I on, ....I.I ! a . J I 1 . ' ' 1 '' -"-eipi .onlmiiH huhl iii,.t niarait f 'iiii.i... lo d u l l... not B Ma,ly imlny. I.Ik lUaoMi, l.ibr..r,jti cofN rr oi'Fn r.R . J. A. Ilit r, f lerk Jims I. luvi",Tr'. "iirer All! Ij;.I, Hientt a. J. A K. 1 7, cie.k of Ii!,t,i, 1 f nnr. J. II. Ill I II, .,,,! .1 J .,, c j, ,,, ,, J. I( It I Tiii.i , i.i.i-a it. .1 o", oi . , i m. U. 1.. f ,f., -..,,,, I' if I-, t, I oro.ier !'0AR! if ( i.' si T ; , 1 , ; , Jt. ( . Wi 1., t j.. 1.. c 1 ; ! 1-. , ,, 1 4. A. biea..ew, i.t ouit.ei. H 1 . I pr. 6 45 !.. fi (JO. 'Ihis week tiirte fitliatil,' nollior I.H.-I. u.nrk for a aiCKle (lev'a reiwij.-s of I , J, ..i.-l Tbneley brin: 12,000 r .1. j fi 'in; beat feeilera aleilit ' - dv iiii ,,Ht .-ek'a ioa, ollieie I. ..!! )C.ler 4 50-4 75 , V f lmiis ,'1 75-4 00 j '' Iwfs a ftll- 3 7ft 1 is v : r" J. r A 00 - 4 no 0 On- 8 25 2 5 -it O'l 1 2 - 1 30 - -, , .... .i.v.