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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
Press - Journal. vol. xirv. IHIAIRRylSQIsr, NEBBASKA, THXJSIDA. iTTXZLNTE 19, 1902. NO. "51 Harrison 9 HARRISON HAPPENINGS J Hum Thomas was a Monday. Harrison visitor y briMftt i'iunttt reiurned Spring I ant Monday. Come to Hurrison and celebrate. The county commissioners took a from Hot- - drive- Monday to-Montrrme .-vi.ur- u.u t ... unuge. recently built near (in to Patter n'i for Singer Machine arid supplies.' 50tf. and other work supervision. coming thai place, under their L R Priddv will build a horse pnttture for his father this week. Peter ltortcDen. from Olen Harrison visitor last Monday. Nels Adams, from Olen ai doing business at the county emit Monday, Sunday school at 10 o'clock; every body iuvited. W, H. Davis; Supt. Bov a Champion mower BOHWER and look pleasant. from E. 50tf. 11 has been quite col1 the last few days and the wind hai hlown consider:! hie. H. Da viH left Monday evening for Lincoln, where he goes to represent the Republican party of Hioux county, in the state Convention which is to be held at tluit place on June 18. rs. Chiu li leu Hanson went to tlie M.E. Hospital Tuesday night. Mrs. Hanson ban been nick for winie time and we hone she may be benefited l,v the trip and the nieHWiil assistance she will receive at Uie Hospital. vori Jurit received: A new consignment of men and hoys clothtnt; at GERLACHH. Carl Witt Sought a (Villon saddle from J. dorfer. new. No. 131 K. Wtlherms Don't let lice ami mites take prollts. Vu Let's Lice Killer, from J. E. Phinney. your Iluv U.i A A -.1 n, iimi. iKini was in irfm Ills ranch Tuesday. John m kept pretty busy these days looking after the three ranches, and as having time is drawing near lie is making preparations for it, but John is equal to the emergency. More and Setter grr.ds for the ssitie money at (lerlnch's store than any other place, try them! JO-tf The personal proerty of Frank Flem ming deceased which has lieen heretofore advertised will lie sold on his place on the 30ihd.iv of June A. I. 19D3. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock A. M. j J. C. KHlll.KY; Administrator. -JThomas !iinn wnsquite sick last week and I)r .Meredith was called Ironi Craw ford, also the i)r. from Lusk. and after diagu.jsing disease they thought there was a chance for Tom vet, and we are glad to say that he is much belter this week. HARRISON! WILL CELEBRATE, on the 4th. of July. Below will be found the following program, as prepar ed by the committee. SUNRISE SALUTE. Parade 9:80 Heading, Declaration of In dependence and Speaking. 10:00 TIME PURSES HIueKock shooting contest. 11:00 Pony race. 12:30 If 8, f), 3 Free for all foot race 100 yds. 1:15 f, 2.50, 1 Foot race for boys under 14 50 yds 1 :30 $2, Three legged race Commlsloners Proceedings Harrison, Nebr., June 10th (902. The Hoard of county commissioners convened as a Hoard of Equalization. Present commissioners, Meng, Lewis, and Clerk. Board proceeded to ascertain the total Valuation of property assessed, and (lit relative value thereof. On motion Board adjourned until HVctodk, June 11 1902. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison June 11 1902. Board met as per adjournment. Pres ent commissioners, Meng. dewis, Billow, and Wm. J. A. Raum, clerk. Board continued to ascertain the total valuation of property assessed and I In relative value thereof. On motion Boa re adjourned until 8 o'clock A. M. June 1' 1902. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, at J. Jacob's residence, four miles So. Co easLiof Montrose, Sioux on Tuesday, 10 o clock iastAof "o NtM-aska., . IT' July. fst. 10 Cows 8 Cows with calves by side 2 3-yr. old Heifers 2 1-yr. old Professional Cards. 51. J. 0 t'DiimH, - - Co. Alt erne j, -a; Will Prncliee in All Court.. Special Attention Oireu to Land M lice Itiisines. t'olli'ctiuiis and al! business -trtrnxt-edtowenill rccei ve prompt attcutiou. HaNIUSoN - NliUHAsKA. 3 3 4 1 1 ftrewster came in on the west 1tuml train Tuesday to look after Ins Hioux .county interests. Ff' fl,LR:- 190 acrn of land joining the ill-nre of Harrison: for further partic ular inquire at this office. Tliere ban Iwen a large amount of hind Inir trimi shinned in thin week. The farmers must be looking for pood crops V Mr. and Mrs. (', H. Grewell were Harrison visitors last unk and uhiie. hvre they made us a pleasant visit, and they went :o Hoilaro .Saturday to visit fridmls. We are always glad to meet Mr. and Mr. (Jrrwell ns ell ns a great many other of their friends are. so we hope) they will come around oftuier. l:4.r Fat man's race 200 lbs. and NfTlie "onnid P.trsnns re'urnl home Irom f inMln Inat wwk. where he has lieen ttendini; tol at the fiUte University. . Qvrrift Orfir, heirflier of Mm. Smttr k. who ha been viaitinir hre for aeveral week. leH for bin home at Lincoln Inst Wednesday. Rv. Younjjman wnt to (Jordon Tues. dav nijtht to attend tlie Epworth League . : . Cotive-ntin wnicn is in iwsion m. pla- this week. PrH 8aIJ!-Two horn Bulls, 8 yr. Will sell cheap, or V. A. Hester. thoroughbred, short old. Both registered. Inquire of A. McUinley nltf ork on the church bean Momlav mortuiiK audis propressin; rapidly. Mr. 'tarllett. has hari!e cf the mechanical part of Hub work, assisted hv Messrs Wertz, Estler. and Lindsey. Any one wniitm to contribute toward the building- nl would rather work it out can do so Bi.d will receive the same credit us if it were cash. 2:00 2:15 Wliee 2:30 2:45 1, 1.50 50 yds. 3, 2 50 " up $3, 2 50 " 2, 1 Barrow race 50 " $1.50, 1 Baloou ascension Sack race Harrison June 12 1902. Board met as per ndjournmctit. Pres ent commissioners, Menj;, Iwis, Bige low, and Wm J. A, Raum. clerk. Board continued to ascertain tlie total valuation of rojierty assessed, and the relative value thereof. On motion Board nd journell until H o'clock on June 13, 1902. Wm. J. A. Raum, Clerk. Harrison June 13 1902. Board met. as per adjournment Pres ent commissioners, Jlen;, lewis. Mitre- )ow. and Wm. J, A. Raum, clerk. Board continued to ascertain tlie H tM valuation of property assessed, and the relative value thereof. On motion Roard adjourned until H o'oclock A. M. June 11 W m. J. A . Ra tini. Clerk. Harrison. June 14 1902. Board met ns per adj 'ir nment,. Pres ent conimis-toners. Meiij.-, Lewis, Bielow lid1 Wm, J, A. Raum. clerk. On Miotion Board iidjourned until June 10 1902, Win. J. A. liaum, Clerk. 2-yr. 1- yr. 2- yr. Bull 1-yr. old old old old Steers J. E. PHINNEY. U. I). Pliyisciau and Sureeon. All culls Kiveu pronipt utlnnLion Otllcu in DriiK Store. -HAJUtlSON - NKBItASKA. Bull TERMS of sale: G months time with 10 per cent interest on approved note. Stock not to be removed until note isi approved. 3 days time for removal. 5 per c(nt off for cash. Free lunch at noon. L. C. HOFF. E. A. Bioklow; Auctioneer. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law, Prompt attention given to ull.lea matters in Justice, County ami Ihstrict Courts, and before the United Slate Lund Ollice. Fire Insurance written in reliabk companies. '"Legal papers carefully drawn. Hakiuso.n. - Nkhkaska. Harristin, Kebr., June , 16 1902. Estimate of exjiences, of U.e lioard of county commissioners for the year 1902. Histrict Court 1000.00. Road and Bridges HO0O 00. Incidental exeiices 2500.00. Officers saleries 1000 (X). Ollicers fees Printing and Publishing. Siei'ial Roaddisirict Soldiers Relief Hlutioiiiiry Wm. J. , 700.00. 000.00. 500.00. 300.00. 300.00. . Rui n i, Clerk, 1 am now prepared t weave carpets. IB cts. for hit and miss and 12 for tripped. Wnrp furnished nt cost. Mm. J. A. Thayer. 6tf The undersigned are cloini out tlteir tire stock of Groceries at cost evil and we will gave you money on Groceries O'Connor & Dickmann. Yn rUt.R:-On pure bred hereford hnll, 80 months old. in eeerv way. Prk 1100.00 rejristitred All ritht John L. Kay. 'Marsl.nid.Nehr. The way OERLACHS are selling Deer i... u n . r nd Rakes so enrlv in the inK eeason shows that IHferm machinery Ul In the world. Evenliody tmtmt bound to have Deering only 40 The Inunction law of Wvominj; hna had some of our citizens jumping side ways for Uie past week and now the rail -road Co. is doinf some of the jump 3:00 '.1:00 Ball game Fire works $30 $55 Dance after noon, and eve ning. First hour frre. Music by Dunn's orchestra, begining at 1 o'clock. Harrison, June 1G 1902. Board inel us per adjoin -merit. Pr-'s-ent commissioners. Mer.jr, Lewis, Bijjelow and Wm. J. A Rmnn, clerk. On motion Board went, into rerrnlar session km the county Board. The Board proceeded to view bridge "n Hal-creek nrsl locations for bridires ntilioned for. After viewitur the uri.'ui across Ilat- creek. between sections 24 ami 2.1, Tup. i 34. Rifige "). said bridge was accepted and the Clerk ordered to dnnv a w u rant on the hridjre fund 1901 in favor of Aaron Stewart for $2N1 for building said bridge. On motion. Board ndjourned until June 17, 1902 lit 8 o'clock A . M. Wni. J. A. Raum, Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an order ul' sale issued by the cArvk of Hie illstrivl court of Sioux county Nehr.i-dt;!, ujKj.i a decree rendered in rt.ud court, ia f.ivor ol M. J. O'OouncIl jilalulilt, lid iikiiIiihI (ioorge liowcli, Isaac, Henry liowen. lii'll-H of Iri'iir '.(' Howen it ccasefl, John It. liriidley Kuardlun of l.eorge l.uweu an I'Ked, inllriu pi-i'soii, Jtiiiu It. Ilnulley. A H Kradicy, his wile, lio-e true ( hri.stiiiit uunic llliliiiinvn to plaii.tiff, as lielend.tiit 1 111 on Hie Utli. day of .July l'.Hji, atone o'clock in Uie ai ti-ruoou of ' i.a!d day, at the Kast trout door of III.: I'onrl lloasa of sod Count) , at llarrisoi;, Ni-lir.ska, sell at pu i lie Auction to tsc lu-nt hidder lor casll in hand, the following described real estate sit j uated in said Countv to-wit. Tt'. :S '.2 of .V ' K '., mi I the X i. i4 ol the N-K '4 of - a tic a : ! Tun nsld) U.), North oi liaiif?c .V , West of ulh i pi-iiH-.jial .Mcri.lh.ii. To s-tily said ordi-r c f I salt' iu the. titiiii of i MSii.'.KJ i '1'hicii liu.i- died and Kl.liiy 'three I oljiirs and.N:nct Cents, lnli-r si, co t mid ac .Til ing cost, first publication June, Clh. I'.lua. AI.KX. LOW It Y, .sheriff ufsuid County North-Western : E. M; LINE XI. R. is to aud from t he the .Ubjt BLACK HILLS, DICAHWOOD ANll HUT SI'lilNGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. K. K. A M. V 11. it. lime faille. Goinj; est. Ooiux Kast Su. fi, lidxeil, 10:60 I No. s, mixed Eahray Notice. Straved or stolen from my ranch alsiut three weeks ago; one light red brock ie face cow, alsiiit !1 ears old. with short horns. Branded on left hip, low down, thu-loB Any information regarding Iff"-' the Haute, write to William Schleyer, Harrison, Nebraska. I will iav $') for delivery of the above cow. On the 177 billot, M. P. KinKaid was nominated at the Congressional Convent . .. . ,. it . i. ti ion lielil ftl raw torn last wees. v e thought that the state Legislatures were the otily places where 'lead locks occur, but it seems to be catching, and no won der when so many ure desiring to lie fed at the public crib, and especially where there is a chance for a rake off to boot, The Red Cloud Nation conies to us this week with an endorsement ofllr. I tamer ell for tioverner. While we lire not short of timber for the Governorship it is well to bring the different candidate for the nomination before the people. in. The penally for taking stock '"to! whil ther ;i tlead l k in the con My little son had an attack of whoop Inr wia-h ami wa threatened with pneu m.ii; but fnr Chamberlain's Cough lUniedy would have had a serious time of lU It lsn "l him from aevernl never attacks of crnur..-ll. J, fnercKriK!, !" WorM "'"'''yy""' Hv.,Wash. KorsaleHJ-E-PHy b. L. Urn. nml family left Tuesday tnr Nook Hack. Washinirton. Mr. Hmm k hesbeea a resident of Hioux county for twventl years and ! r,'ov'4, Mmself worthy ntiwn, find we "re anrry to have to part "t' '" "n" sli.nabU f I.r, !"t ""at U loss . 'ook Hack's gain. Tlie best wishes of fh Pres-Journsl go with him to his pew home, and my be ever remember Wyoming without insiection is from $1000 to $10,000, so it is plain that a large stock-grower would not last long at this rate, to say nothing of the small man. There it no question, hut what it willatake rigid measures to stamp out the itch that is among the cattle at present, for the chances are that it will be worse next winter than it was tlie last winter, but is the inspector of the slate of Wyoming doing the proper thing in the mallet? From what we can see and learn we think not, On last Monday there were three car load of cattle hilleO for Douglas, hut were held at this place for a short time until they could get lierniission to cross the line into Wyom ing, and the state Insjector gave them iermission to come to Itauglas, and they would insiect litem tliere. Well it seems to us that this a farce on the face of it to lake stock right into the lieart of their state for ii'speclion, for if this stock is infected with do-ease they can not help it being spread to some extent. We do not want to lie understood as up holding violaters of this law, but we do know that some of our citizens that are being harassed and persecuted by the authorities of Wyoming are as much interested hi stamping out this dis ease as are the uuthwrilies of Wyoming. Ho we hoie the ollicers of our sister state will remeniher Ua Oolden Unlet.) for tlie time Is not far distant when tliey will want to reach the markets of the Lust, and we then might be able to even up matters just a little. vention the candidate will be a dead duck when the votes ure counted next Nov, COOL MINNESOTA. Nebraska teachers and their friends have an opportunity this year to attend tlie National Eilcationai, Association meeting, and at the sumo time enjoy the pleasures of cool Minnesota. NOTE THE LOW RATES AND LONO LIMITS: Estray Notice. I have taken up, 3 miles east of (Hen: 1 red cow with white forehead an dehorned, about 6yrs. old, brandei on riirht side. Antl 1 red lieil r m 2yrs. old, bramltdl" Ion left hip. Owner will call 5 'JkJI a nil prove pro- !erty, pay all charges and take annuals awav. Nets Adams. Olen, Nehr. 51 Convention Call, Harrison,, June 10: Pursuant to action taken at a meeting of the count v i-enlral couiiui l.teol' llie People's Independent party of Sioux county, Neb raska, the electors of said parly are here by noulied that on Saturday. June 21, 1002 at 1 o'clock p. in., a county con vention of s-'id party will be held at the court house in llan ison for the purpose I ol nominating and electing delegates to I the slat-, congressional, senatorial, tint, j representative couveutiuns. aud for tin j ti aiisaclioii of any other business which I may he brought before said convention It is recommended that the primaries 1 ! held on Widiiesdav, June the lSlll 100 iii the ilillV-rent precincts. The basis of representation is fixed at .ine delegate at large for each precinct and one for each fifteen votes or niajoi fraction thereof cast for governor. William A. Payner at the general elect ion of 1900. 1 he representation of the various is as follows: Andrews '2 Montrose 4 Antelope . 2 Huimlng water 1 Itowen :i sheep creek 3 ('ot.ton-ivo'sl 4 snake creek Hat creek 5 Sugar Loaf 2 War -bonnet Whistle creek i White Klver 4 Claus Christensen. I) iirnian. u Marsteller Bros. Are now prepared to tsliOw AN ELEGANT LINE Plsue of meeting MlNNKAI-ot IH, MINN. A city of beautiful homes, parks, lakes, and delightful drives. Rate One fare plus $2.00 (mem bership fee). 25 cents will be charged for validating tickets for return. Dates Hale July 5, 6, and 7, Limit Julv 14, 1002, with the, privilege of extension until October 1. 1V02, by depositing return srtion ol ticket with Joint Agent July 8 to 14 In clusive, and paying an additional 25 cents total, 50 cents Joint Agency- fee. Nebraska Headquarters for N. E. A. will be at the Wfxr Hotel, MinnkaPcMJH, Minn., Parlor 126. Ample acconvslat ions may be had at reasonable rates at the numerous family hotels and private boarding houses. J, R. Buchanan, Oeoenil passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. It t 7 zF WORK SHOES WEAR. 8ol "Kroo Calf" Bkin is a simclal tannage, so named to deflne and express ite tough, yet pliable qualities and Us (freat powers of endurance. "Kroo" is the original name of a powerful tribe or nirrrM-H on the Northwest Count of Africa, com monly known as "Kroo Hoys " They are re nowned lor till IT llltrUlliess.Bupiiiein sn nun etaving power; and what the "Khoo Hoy" is among negroes, "Kuoo Calk" is among kins tough, enduring, roliable. Look for the sin ol "Selz" it marks the Popular Dealer. Selz, Schwab & Co., ckicaco. Uricst Manufacturers of Boots and Shot In the World. Wanted Reliable man for Manager of a lhai Ollice we wish to open in this v.oiinty. Here is a good opening for the riht man. Khullv give good reference wlieiu f writing. T. A, MORRIS WHOLESALE IIOU-K. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 ots. stamps 29 a Read It In His Newspaper. George S.-hwah. a well known Herman citizen of New Lebanon, Ohio, is a con stant reader ol the Oavton Volkszit ui. He knows t hat this paier aims to adver tise only the best in its columns, and when he'saw Chamberlain' Pain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buying a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had sulUr ed with the most terrible pains in her hack and could get no relief. He says:: "After using the Pain Balm for a few days my wife said to me, ! feel as. though horn anew,' and before using the entire contents of the Ixittle the nub 'ar able pains bad entirely vanished and she could again take up her household, duties." He is verv thankful and hopes. that all sull'ering likewise will hear of her wonderful recovery. This valuable liniment is for sale by J. E. Phinney. When you lack energy, do not relish, your food, feel dull and stupid, after eating, all you need is a dost of Chaii lierlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you nn appetite like a bear, for ale hv J. E Phinney. ' Clubbing Offer While you are thinking of suhscribiix or your yearly rending matter. revim her that the PHKSH-JoritNAl. will tal; subscriptions to any puier on earth uuj save postage and lima for yuu. . -xt , .."Jit. t, 1 '