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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1902)
V 4 A.v,- vft 9 I i 1 i 7 .fey stock crr.os. rata JulbbaL will waMtea your bread, like f olaswlag. for K per war, tackid IUi ml Brand 7S cents, trery tanner or r'irwmea In Moos aad adjoining nuHm enouUl adrantM tbelr bxa4 m TncJaoa La It elrcatetea mil eves' tbe state. It n. ay he the Bwianaof vavlBg money for you S5C3 REV.'inO. er Use arree mmd eonTlction of any party BleeteBJtngorctli4Mgnrlngaiiyhrnn4i it ilwt iMtaaglmg to the nndersistied pur r-. K.stnv 60, 117, wt in m - fair rt hip of Cattle. I'tMt OfBce. Hewitt, iwii Couutv. Sebrmaka. aw I .j teutat Wt eboolder JLJ tes fX " rt OflW Ad aria. Patriea, larauite Co. Wye. IRORSC SWAHSON. tattle branded on left iMe on left sbou Joree branded JOIIS T. SNOW. Mil raw braiiSmt r t " lrf shoal 1 der Jaw, range on Soldier Creek. Any stock branded as above bring eatray aas from my re-it, dleeovered by may body ' giving bm Information will be rewarded. Aasrae, n. KoMnaan. !braaka. 4, B. PARKRR. gforafo branded on I left shooMer and Cauie aweon left I 1 hip. dhkaws baruded F 1 on lck or O,"ckor ctj apawa wa, Creek and White River, ft. Rullnon. Hebraakm. JOHN A. HANSON ?waa the fill low -dMbrndonell Alao MA on es. .cattle as lettHlde orai't ao toft Kufe ua MUer tprinra and eaat otataU fju. IteatoAei BmrrlaoB Neb J. TUCKER. Branded on left abonktar of horeee 4iBd on left Bideofeattle. mndtbU I I on rrht aldr fin . j right lde of emttle ton. am WhiU; Rlrer, near Glen. madrmaa, Rlen. Xebnukm. IMMrCRRKK I.IVR STOCK Co. Hrmuded on left blp of Cmttle and on left ehomlr of Home , Range on DeepCroek. tdraai, Deep Creek Live Stock Co.. J. U, HaLbut, Foreman, ' Glen, Xebrnakm. tffARLftft RRWMAR. The brmnd rmprmaanted in thla notice and branded any where an left mMe r emttle, aud ever lap xnt from the light ear. Alan the anme brand on left' thigh of borena, belong to the underalgned. Range near Raat Hprlugn, auuth part to ntf. (AiLma Sbwhai, HarrleiMi. Kebraaka, UL'RRKT SOS. ' And A ad thla I left aid of aba atoek. n laft M and blp. Range on manning Water. i 4trase, Harrleon. ebraabm. 3Mn " J an M- I &! j j 3amm baaMlj jam ncht tug ' agimd jrlglH Jaw Aha, kmva imlniima J oaloft tmlgk ; RjMrABax''.'- I Cf p O PfortWHt If aatl nW4 ,7liRrJ af tt infa j J. I. ITlK lOC. mi Cattle Braadedj On left btp. Alas lloraea Branded the wur.e OB left houluVr. Rang, ftoothweat of Andrew. PootogleeA ddreea Hmrrlain,!tetl J. K. PHI". MKT A SOS. Cattie branded r. U. Addreea, on left aide. Bmrruon, Keb. ASlEW. C RI?SJ A Jl amme sa col are the nrnerty of Andrew Chrlatian anc range tributary to Van Tmaael Aprlngt. AildreM, KirtlfT, Wro. J. I.EVEK. Cmttle branded Port Of floe Addreae. Chadron Mebrmakm BREWSTER Co. Cmttle brmnd ed aame ma that on eat, either left hip or on left shoulder. Hornet branded with may of abore brand. , Addrea, J. A. Axubiwoh, llnrriMM), Kebrmakm. MEILJOUDAX. l Uore pupHrJi - J on cot. CAnd Cat tin branded aide, and iioraea on eft fv llona and cat- branded on either aide amine ma IE on left Jaw. Addreea. Bodmre, Mebrmakm. BKRTEAXSK3T. Cattle branded on left hip and a a aame on the left Jaw. and aame on Honiea. Alao Itoraea branded DO on left law. anuakler or aaatt. Also Haraoa branded I "111 on left Rank d 1.1 I n let t ahonlder. I I Range on head of Van Taneell ereek, Wyo. aVPotit Ofnre mddrea. Ilarrtami, Veb. HKMRY WARSEKE. Cmttle brmnd ed on left eida. Range on Banning Water Craeek. AVP. O. Addreea Harrlaon, Sebraaka. FRAKK "UTTO. Cattla branded aide mod aama on dor if boraea. the baft left aboiil- Alao aame of the Korea tie are branded on aid ahonlder aama ma deatrtb above bmaad. aiMirmt. and the lor the Addraaa, Watilaan, Bebrmakm. ROBERT F. KKECE. Cattle Branded : ira, on left aide Alao Cattle nraaed noaldar or aide. toft h Running Water. P. o. Addreea Agate, Kabrmakm. SAMUEL. RBORI. V V. ;.'.! fd filrwl. IK' i 'in; bdjftnn A4dra,'HarrlMi. Khafc D" Cattla w'wwW aaVgwfvwwaf wateft B taWsfHfA J t v iJ Cattle brmnd p m ed on left ld MIP 1 Z1Z ""llAl branded on y IE' left shoo Me SB - t. prsJou r n a 1 . Tmobbbat, AprU . lJKhJ. EUTERkll IB THE POST OPriCE AT HAR R1SUB BEBR.'AnRCOBO CLAM MATTER OFFICIAL . PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. One Dollar Per Year. Lord's Day's Importance in Christian Observacne. The Rever. nd John L. Brandt Tells of Wi History of the Church of God. I The Revarmnd John L. Brandt, pmatnr of tha Firat Christian, Church preached yanterdy morciog on "The Lord's Uy." No ratUcular text ws mnnonnoed, mod the aerrooo. wma, io part, as lot low: The first day of the week la the queen and chief of days, aod the Chnstiao churoh has ever celebrated it in honor of the resurrection. On this day Christ roe from the gntva. Four times on this day be appeared to his disciples. On this day the Boly 8pirit was poured out on the diauiplai to qualify them for toe ruep- el mioistery. On this day the early cherub met for worship. Here are some of the greatest evidences connected with the nee and growth of the church, all tiaaepinnc on the Lord's Dnv. Particu lar meatioa mode of the firat amy. These are evident grounds of thedinne sanction f the Lard's dty obkervance. Those events fill this day with lofty and inspir ing motives, with sweet and tender mem ories. On this day the disciples met to break bread, to road the scriptures, to lay by in store as the Lord bad proposed them, and thus we will rejoice in these divine precept and examples which laid auch a charge to our worship and make its observance a day of joy and delight. "Early Christian writers from the time of the Apostles for a couple of centuries after give testimony as to the uniform custom of the churches in keeping the Lord's day, the first, day of the week. ll creditable histwrimns agree in their records as to the practice of the early Christians in keeping the Lord's day. They eaUUiah the customs of the apos tolic church of which they are compe tent witoaaawa and historians. Thus it appears from oar appeal to the law and testimonyend to competent church his tory, that those who endeavor to make the seventh day binding on us, fail to rightly divide Odd's word. Which is greater importance, the work of crat.r. aod deliverance of the children of Israel, or the work of redemption? Tea, did tie work of redwfuptioa not coat more? It cost the death of Christ. Hence th Lord's day which commemorate it complex too. Yes,, this day is higher, holier, grander than the Jewish sabbath. Let us resist all attempt to eoslavs us by the old Jewish law. Let us observe with all due reverence and joy the Lord's day to comibeoJbrate the Lord's ressur rectioa,' for in this we honor Christ, follow apostolic preoeoeot aud obey Uie will of God. ' "If we keep this day as given to us for rest and worship, we shall be strong er in body, mind, apd spirit. I la due ob- ssrvaoce ia oo of ihs secrets of America's greatness, Ood forbad that the time shall come when like Kraatw, our nation shall not recognise it, for in the wake of Bun day abolition in France followed blood shed and social disordor until Iter states eAen were compelled to reinstate it. Tne Lord's day is a day so interwoven into oar laws, our customs and our dvilijf mtioo and so intricately connected with our physical, social, business, Boaociml and moral uonditions, that we cannot dispsnsi with it without sacrificing the very beat interests of the country, and the highest welfare of the whole people. That a day of rest and worship are ia the higbast degree prurootive of peace, bap pieeae add prosperity m evidenosd by the fact that many of the States of the Union have enacted laws enforcing Sun day reetrictiona. Statislieiaaa are on-1 aei move ia their decuiow that a failure of Sunday observance is conductive to oriBet, crUee; ae evidence that a vast ma jority of the criminal class are Tiola'ers of Ibis day of rest aad worship. Pby atologieta are universally agreed that sea nead, for physical reason, one day's rest out of the seven. ! There ia a oertaia divine authority in that proelaime this, and thoe who have swea carefnl observers Mate that with both man aad beast pore and eaUer work eaa be aooosBpliabed if a wBfof re-t k obeerved. Doctor Mark BocUMaaysa religieiie okaer ranee of ftasiay woutd taoure the pre emluaU of frea taatitatioas, Be shows rrom hiatary that Mm Bibst ie Oorfs gueie for Uie coa- aad thft atoaeky ia hie appoioted ay fo- .he raoa. Jitioe Mclean of law Suprotjw Court aaysi Where Misre is ao ralsrioue takhath, there ao niofwlttf. Dueatf B-amry Foatavflec lares :t ktw af Oesi, geakllalied m our eoa- e4rt9ttosaVa vlattt AeteaNgsSatal lHw flaw ejf taH gggS eaweVvwatvus). Jehn OriaThi dectares' takMtjlmn't our eB. try 4ssesi Bgsai Mas amtaae iB whieh Uauj ttrf as ROfi, nuambai b watt kiygaw tig ggya OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. V. . SENATORS Jutrn)H. MiiLiBO CM 4. H. DlSTBICN . (XIJIGRKUMEB ELMBB J. Bt'BgKTTvRep- lt Mat. DatiD h. MaBCka, ep.tndtMat. Job" J. RoBIBSOk, Pna. Srd Diet. Wu. L. srakk, Fn. 4th llat. A. C- SHiLLBassmoss, Pn. Hh Diet. Wm. KtILL,'ni.tb Ulat. STATE OPriCERS Ess P. S1VA0B, Goanor C. P. tTr.SLK. Meat, Aovemor Geo, W. Mabsii, secretary of State Cba. Wbstok, Auditor Pob. Acct. 1 Wa. Wars , Trmuarer Wm. K, rutui, ftnpt. Pnblie InsUactlon ras Psot t, Avy. itiirl I GKobck PoWLrJi.Coiii. pnb. Imndasmd bldg Les HCSDwAX, l.lliraiiun ( a it day to tk anme rest, and to ffid tliem an oppor: unity to attend put I c worship. Ahnih in) Lincoln coniniamltii the army and nnvy to jm'it the orderly observance of the Stibhi in by the n n in the military und imul m rvice. Web ster says: 'The len ;' i live the mora highlv do I estimatu tU iniiortmnce of the proper obsorvi i. e ol Uie Sabbath. Voltaire dvclare liters :s no hope of dc stroyiog the Ohr.stiivo religion so long as the Christian SattliaMi is acknowledg ed and kept as n Mured day. Tl-r could be volume of such testimony pro duced. Nearly every eminent stateMuaii has left his testimony upon this qutii and they are all unanimous in deniami " ing one days rest out cf seven for phys iological reason aod for religous olmerv aoce. Sunday then being the first day of the week, as a day of rest and a day of worship, has received sanction and the support of history, the support of law, the support of physiology, the sup port of learned men. A strict observ ance of this day as a day of rest and by those who think proper, as a day of wor ship, will improve business, will rest the tired bookkeeper, recuperate the powers of every factory operative; will start afresh oo Monday every clerk; will in still new life into every wage worker. "Ltt our schools teach it and explain Uie reason for it Let our public press advocate every measure that will add the strict pbservance of Sun day ; let parents by precept aod example sanctify Sunday and throw its blessed influence over their children that they may be educated in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord; let business men close their mills aod shops aod places of business oo Sunday; lot them give per fect rest to their workmen, si id they will receive substantial gain thereby ; let our magistrates maintain our Snnday law and then profanity will lessen; intemper aoce will be diminished, and crime will be decreased; and let us look to thii day, the ilrst day of the week, Uie Lord's day is an institution rich in niatory. nrh n morality, rich in blessing. L ' .101 turd away from it; let uschensii it and llll our niiiJt- with holy memories con nected v a. i it. Let us receive its return with grmfude and gladness as a great type ao earnest of that great uuy be yond, wiitch shell be sweet, unerring, glorious; which shall need no light of the sun nor raooo for the Lord God giv eth it light. The Bepublic. . Leaf Hie Semaage Appease. 'Another new waiter has come and gone," said the vet-ran of the fifteen cent restaurant as he deposited a beef stew in front of his favorite customer. -What was the matter with hiniT asked the favorite customer. Well, it wasn't exactly his fault." explained the veteran. '-Ton see, Uie second day he was here a customer couiee in and asks for a brace of frank furters. 8ausage is all out,' says the new waiter, 'but if you wait awhile 1 think I otto get you some.' He was so eager to be obliging that he was going to asad across the street for Utem. Well sir, as he went through Uie door into the kitchen be happened to tread on the dog's tail. Tnedogsetnp a howl and the customer yells: 'Hey there! Nev er mind that sausage. I guess I don't want it r Then he puts oo his hat ami goes out, "The beat saw the whole; thing, aad that night the new waiter was paid off and quit Pretty tough wasn't it, Ex. A VALUABLE MEDICINE Few Cettga aaat CeMe an Ctkdtfre. "I have not the alighteat hesitancy in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy to all who are suffering from cotinh w cold," says Chat, M. Cramer, Ftq . . it veil known watch maker, of Col- .. "It has beet: aome two ' time the City Dirpenacry flmtcall- i ir.v attention to this valuable metliefne and 1 have repeatedly used it and it has always been beneficial. It has cured me quickly of all bheat colds. It isMtMcial ly effective for children and seldom ukes ie bottle to cure Uiem of 1 have persuaded many to try this valuable medicine, aud they are all as wall piss sill as myself over the For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. the tMl atadlerw not over a mile freea Moeele. A traveling at the hotel far krekfst. At ilew while he on tail U. Ik kawVrd name out the .fewer kali. A aWkail tofcwwl aksMRNjr. - Turning to the fcg ' dkf aavli amagj gakit WfcBl the , tf lare you IsBwIitg ehevft Tow dou'l iVIarsteller Bros, Are now prepared to show AN ELEGANT LINE OK SELZ It ie a probUm solved ia Shavs SoonomywHh a haad ome balanee at the end of the year when Sals School Shoes are purchased rxclu eively for the ehildreu. No manufacturer io the world builds a line of shoes as extensive i u ra b Is handsome aad low priced a the Belt Children's Shoes this year. lbrthcnofMSclz." KRVsrsJbScrpularDcak Seta Bhoee for Men.W Children are 8atiafactory Shoes PrfeeAuality-Comfoii-8tyle. SELZ. SCHWAB & JliBiifiil ftnli i The Commercial Bank. HARRISON. C. b Cw vkk, l'nwident. Chab. Jamn. H. S. Stocknit-a having use for a up to handle their We ar- prepared to take THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Druggist's Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. North-Western LINE F. E. M. V. If. B. is the bo1 to and from the BLACK HILLS, UEADWOOD ASli HOT SPRIBUS, SOUTH DAKOTA. f. E. M. T R. R. Hm. Ukle. tiolng Weat. - Going Bast e. . mixed, 10:1s Ho. 4, mixed 7 M OCTAVE HARRIS, Tattle branded a a bow n on MX .ln with left ear clipped. Range on Run ning Water, P. O. Addreea, Maralaad, Reta-. A. R.KKBRRIIY. m cr Right Hip sboalder I'aUle Rrand f. 0. Addrea, Crawford, Beuraaba. EO. MASOB. OatUe (J oa left Me Range on Raa slag Water Address A gala, Bab. A.T. IIVOHaUB. at deuMsf m left sMs of ealUe Ham Hgkt Ut out rtgbtj 11 lei CMtle all bwwH ear aalUe, oa Kyle Mesa, rawtOfllea, Ulew Ba1 AliC3; 1" sMfeyhiB. 4arsesr Ra. School Shoes '( 7 LIS CO., chicaoo ml r NEBRASKA. F. W.C'v.abkk, Cashier Clarkk, A. ' Mnrunr bank at Urn r int may rely o entire Banking busines. care of our trade at all time)) , CbihMng Offers While you are thinking of subscribing or your yearly reading matter, rem em ber that the Prkw-Jocrbal will tako subai.-rlptionN to any paper no earth and save postage and time for you. Wanted Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Office we wiah to opea in this vicinity. Here is a pood opening- for the rifht man. Kindly give good reference when writing. T. A. MORRIS . WHOLESALE HOUSZ. CnsCDfMATI, OHIO. ' . Illustrated catalogue 4 cte, 1eeap- A neighbor ran in with a bottle of (!hamberlain Colic, Cholera aad Diar I bona Remedy when my son was sufsy lag with geare cramps and was given up as beyond hope by my regular physic ian who stands high In his profession. After administering three doses of ra. saw son regained -onx?kuovs s recovered ertireiy witmu tweniy four houre,N saya Mrs. Msry Haller. of ML Crawford. V. This Bemedy is for sale by J.E. Phinney. A Kansas man called on a girl down in Oklahomo and while ho wag waftiag laf Uie young woman to spsar hs) talked With hae II, ,U. . WUMBTi se9W fcj are you Johmer asked the jgggj anaas. o years OM, aaM Mi "Cvwt be -a ajckr wgg the Mt ,Myu, Hot eauch." ..Er-f fjggefw "1T4, ejaj.." HoW rg t- wtm IreUr "(out gig years ego, "Kim wm tfaj waiter tR,,H ,. wbb";- aw rsw to eat hi n." Tw wasiierd ' K??kwuBeU. m . . I AV w m I jb I1'" aw . T . ' i - r t -f WW r . P. A' h