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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1902)
- Harrison i RESS -J OURNAL. VOL. XIV. BCJVRRISOIsr, NEBRASKA, TBiTjrSXDA. JIST. GO, 19 O 2 " IS O. 31 I THE LOCAL NEWS- 5 T. B. Snyder of Torrington, Wyo., was in Harrison transacting business Monday. Jutit received: A new consignment or nwn nod boys clothing at GERLACHS. w. H. RoDotll, of Lusk. wa in tlie city yesterday and visited with G. W. Hester J. Lever spent several days in Harrison and vicinity latter jart of tlie week. Miss Mary Moravek came down from Lusk Friday uighl and will remain at home for the present. Mors and better goods fr tbe same money nt Uerlach's store than any other place, try them. 10-tf Mis U jorgia Sherill relurned Sat unlay to busk uf ter a few days visit with the Ixmie folks. Mr, Nat Baker, a prominent cattleman of Lusk was i west Ixuind passenger on the Elkhorn Wednesday. There was weeping in the home of Kilitor Wright when the death of his parrot was discovered Saturday. J. liiok of Ace was in the city Tues cU.v "' transacted business with Harri son merchants, Oeo. Orlnoh left last night for Chad ron where, it is reported, he will lie mar ried to Miss Mahle TebbeL Mrs. Henry Liiidemaii and Mrs. I.. Hutching, of 1,'rawford, attended the Hpiusters Convention last rriday night. There in rejoicing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Knori over the arrival of a ten pound girl, born Jar.. 22. All jiurties concerned doing well. Royce Tebbet was a passenger on the Elkhoru train Monday from Cliudron to Crawford. He w;uenrout to Denver, Col)., wliere his parents are living. We express our most heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors, especially tliotw who so most kindly assisted us dur ung the illness und death of our daughter and sister Anyone who was surprised nt the mid dennis aid sevrtty of the odd snap last week will understand the cause when lluv learn that the rear room of the PllESK-JoCRS-AL underwent a thorou cleaning just previous. Notice " All parties wlio have not settled up this fall will please call !ind do so either by cash or note. 20-2 Maiistk! Hhos. Earl Archard ieut a few days in Harrison last week, lie lias recently lieen released fren) the Industral school al Kearney und lias since then been mnloved ou a freighting line near i--Casper. Mr. MilW, of Stott City. Mo spentj several days in Oiis vicinity with a view to locating here. He contemplated buy ing the B, K. Thomas ranch but was ditappointM. Before leaving, however, 1st purchased the ranch of Bert Earnest. dubbin Offers While you are thinking of subscribing or your yearly reading matter, remem her that the Pnuss JoCKNAL will take ubecrlption to any paper on earth und save postage and time for you. Prof. Robt. Dunn, Harrison's efficient violinist received a letter Thursday from bis grandfather who is 108 years old, which save him the information that his fathers estate would soon be divided. By this division, the Prof. Will receive a considerable iuherilance as his share. Hsrd Time Dane Friday night, January 81st, a "Hard Time Dance" will be given at Andrews Hall, flood music will lie furnished and a prize will I given to the most appro priately dressed couple. All are inuited. Kotle To all paeties using my Und: wj of ec, 18 twp. 83 rangs 56, a a highway, that the road is now closed. Any per sen found trespassing or pulling down my fnc will be dealt with according to law. Ill i AMKH UliSON , Civile Hat an spent Sunday in Crawford He reports a pleasant time. Two posse of men who have been in pursuit of Woodward, the nmn who it is alleged killed (Sheriff Kicker of uri Wyo., passed through Harrison Monday. They have been searching in the Powder Kivu-(Hon I.) country hut were unable to get ( loser than within five day of the fugitive. A dispatch to the daily papers :dale that Chas, Woodward, the elleged mur derer of Sheriff Rieker of Cas(ier, Wyo. has lieen captured near that place by a ranchman and his hired man. The pre sent s,herifi from Caspar passed through Harrison Tuesday night take possession of the man at Killings. O. H. Turner was in the city Thursday and left the wherewithal for 'ti more visits of the ollicial paper. Mr. Turner is one of the PiiEss-JorifNAL's liest eus tomers believing; it to lie a good plan to subscribe for his local pnjier and send it to his friends, He thus keeps them posted on hiiii'ielf and the happenings of this county and saves much letter writ ing. This might ha followed successfully by many others, Now is the time to subscribe. New Firm A was com pleted Tuesday where by George Hickman and Ed O'Connor came into possession of the meat market grocery anil confectionery store formerly ovneil by W. R. Smith. They expect to hike possession uljout the 5th of Febru ary. These young men are well and fiivornblv known in Sioux county and then' many friends will join with the I'KEsH JofBSAI. in predicting for them success in their new venture, Spinsters Convt itlon The long looked for Spinsters Conven tion occured Friday night. The play itself is a very well written burlesque intended to include a numlier of local lake oir. The costuming by the Harrison ladies left little to 13 desired for the complete merriment of the audience. All were dressed elaboratly and fittingly for the occasion and when they nriived at Hie scene of the convention they presented a very vivid picture of spinster land, decorated as they weie- with bright colors in a vain attempt to conceal the ravages of lime and worry over the lac k of male companionship. The program of the convention was well carried out. The voting sign of the order was "man" It was given with u hearty good will on both the afllrmative and negative of each question in order to show the zeal with which he was being pursued by these lonely spiustnrs. The nutation ceremonies for two of I be lonely ones who were outside the fold was very impressive. The solemn oath sworn by a hair sWich, a IsjX of com plexion powder, and a set of false teeth added the proper amount of sacreduess to the occasion us did nKo the renewing of thin zeal in the pursuitof man by swear ing by a sack of tobacco, a merchant pipe and a bundle of suspenders. The reception given these candidates was very cordial. The report of the viglance committee oo the rating of Harrison bachelors was well received, Following is the list, Henry Wert., very steady. John Corbin, immovable, George Weber, cornered, Ed O'Connor, slow but regular. George Oerlach, very uncertain. Ilonry Will, gone to foreign market. Jesse Crawford, very active. Hill Sliitllo, in demand. Honus Will, too slow. Hilly fielden, nothing doing. Clyde Kagan, gone to the higliest bid der. George Phips, to be had for the ask ing. The progarm rendered was very enter taining. The song by Mis. Thornton as Francis Toucbmenot, the declamation by Mrs. Lowry as Betsy Bobliet, tho on "Dress Reform" by Mrs. Priddy as Belinda Bluegrass, and Miss Pontius as Rebecca Sharp, the club siiigiiic, etc. was all highly amusing and entertaining as was evinced by the audience by their hearty laughter und continued applause, Many Harrison people have been curious o to why. Henry Wertz has not long ago tied the fatal knot but it was amply explained at this preformante bv the divulgence of the fact that bis heart refuses to tell him which one of the many to choose, This was discovered w hen his card was presented, and one of ihi number wus called out only to make the discovery that he was engaged to another. This of course caused hard feelings and hard words between the two. The sensation of the evening Was the arrival of Prof. Makeover with his machine for making elderly ladies into younger ones or anything they might choone to lie. The work of Hip machine was very successful and created much merriment in theauilence. John Dirkman as assistant added a very funny touch to this terformaocH. Twice the machine jefused to work. The first time no chantre was made in the appearance of Mrs. Lacy as Clopatra Belle Brow n been use her age was above the capacity of the machine. (72). The second was when Mrs, Maine as Hannah Biggerstair registered too young. The result was utter demolition and only the fragments of her former old maid self renin ined, The result of the passing of Mrs. Pon tius as Jeruslia Matilda Spriggins with her dog was a beautiful singer with a string of . sausage. This part was taken by Mrs, Hnllingsworth who rendered a very pretty vocnl solo. Elmer Smith took the part of a man made from Be linda Bluegaass nud Tiny Short (Mary Gerlach.) He sang u very pleasing solo. Ilelew is the cast of characters. Josphlne Jane Green Frfcllla AliiK.'ili HoflRr Mrs. Smock Mrs. Bartell Mrs, fluthrie Miss Pontius Mary Gerlach Cass Cerla' h Mrs. I'pntius Calamity .Jane disjoins ( Reherca Kacbol .Sharp Tinv Short Mary Ann Frartdler Jernha M.UililaSprlKKins Sophia stuckup Juliet L.OI1K Betsy Hobbett f'harlty Lonnfare Clopatra Belle Brown Mrs. Marslcllcr Mrs.Wrifc'ht Mrs. Lowry Mrs. Lyon Mrs. Lacy Mrs. IIolHri-swortli Mrs. .Davis Mrs. Prldily Polly Jane Pratt Viulet'Ann Haggles Belinda Bluefrra Francis Touch menot Mrs. Thornton -candidates. Hannah BiKK'crstaff ) Mrs. Maine Prof. Makeover W. II. Davis Assistant John Uii.lcman AKTKIl BKLN'(iMAl)K OVKlt. Krmn by two Utile girls Declamation, "llctsy Bnbbet and tier beau" Mrs. I.ow ry Sonft by two Rlrls Instrumental music. Cass Oerlaeli Deciatnattor. "Don't marry a man to rctorm htm" ' Mrs. Mar-iteller Solo Mrs. JkillingHWurlh CCHTMN. Uerltatlon "Nothing too guud for the Wood men" Mrs. Siiiuck CCKTAIN "Fred's J n I tiatlon" CCKTAIN Tablean The declamation by Mrs. Smock, ' thing too good for the Woodmen," ably delivered and was very wel cei veil. The tableiiN, "Fred's Initiation" quite laughable. No was re- Commblonera Proceedings Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska. Jan. 14, VM)'i. ( 'oiiiniissiouers met as iwr adjournment. Present Commissioner Bigeluw , Lcvyis, Meng and County Clerk Wm. J. A. Kauin. The following claims against Sioux county were taken up examined, audited and allowed, Oeo. W iiodgers, Road overseer dist. 13 claimed allowed :2 00 27 00 Frank U-wis, (list. IS 1 1 00 11 00 I lios J Dillon " 11 27 00 27 0b DominqueHaiiH " 4 27 00 27 00 Wm Harvey 3 27 00 27 00 S R Story " 2 14 00 1 1 00 Robert lieiser " 1 2H 00 2S 00 W H Phillip ' IS erlilied 1H 00 II S Paaks " 9 27 00 E A Bigelow ' 12 " 27 00 Ed Pelren ' 8 ' 27 00 The regisnation of Diedrie.k Nelson was on motion accepted. On motion Board adjourned to meet Jan, IS, 1902. Wm J. A. Raim. County Clerk. Harrison, oioii X county. Ncb!sl. J 15. 11)01. Board met, as per adjournment Present Commissioner Meng, Iajwis Bigelow and County (lerk. Win. J. A. Raiim. The following ollicial bonds were ex amined and on motion approved. Put Lucy, Assessor Iftivid ll.tninker, " Joseph Parson, " Wm. Oayhart, j. B. Burke. Deputy County Clerk. On motion the following estimate of expenses for the yeur 11)02 was ordered. Hist net Court Ollicers salaries Printing and publishing Stationery Soldiers Relief Hoods and bridges Incidental expenses Ofllcers fees Special road district Ou motion the 3,000 00 1,000 00 000 00 :ioo oo 300 00 3,000 00 2,500 00 700 00 500 00 Hurrison Press- Journal was und hereby is declared to lie the ollicial puier of Sioux county for the year 11)02, On motion the County Clerk wns and hereby is authorized to make requisition on the Auditor of Public accounts for the necessary Isioks and blanks. On motion Board proceeded to check U,) Recounts in the Treasurers ollice. On motion board adjourned till Jan. 16 1802. Wm. J. A. Rai m, Clerk. Harrison, Sioux county, Neb. Jan. Id. IWHtl- Board uiul us per udjournmcul. Present Commissioner Meng, Irfwis, Blgelow and W'rn, J. A. Ran derk. Board continued to check up accounts in Hie County Treasurers ollice. On motion Board ad journed till Jan. 17 Uim. Wm. ,i. A. Ru m, clerk. Hurrion. Sioux county, Neb., Jan. 17 lHl'i. Board met as per adjournment. Present Couimissioiiei' M'-ng, Lewis, Bigelow, Wm. J A. R.usm, clerk. On motion Alex lowry, slieiilf, is hereby ordered to take charge and make suitable provision fur insane man. Frank Fleming, Board continued to check up accounts in county Treasurers ollice. On ii iu t ion board adjourned li Jan 18 ' 1903. Wm. J A. lt.vL M. clerk. Harrison, Sioux county, Neb,, Jan. i BIOS. -Board met as per adjournment. Present t'-omnussioner Meng, I-cwis Bige low and Win. J. A. Itaiim, clerk, Board continued checking up accounts in 1 lie county Treasurers ollice. On motion Board adjourned till Jan. 2'l 1 1902. Wm j. A. Racm. clerk. Harrison, Sioux county, Neb. Jan. 20, 1902. Board met as per adjournment. PresentCoiunilssionerMerig, Ijewis, Bige low and Wm. J. A. lUuni, Clerk, Board com inued to check up accounts in the county Treasurers ollice. On motion board adjourned till Jan. il VMYi. Wm. J. A. R.U'M, clerk. Harrison, Sioux county, Nebraska, Jan 21, 1002. Board met as per adjourn ment. Present Commissioner -Meng, Lewis, Bigelow and Win. J. A, ICaum, clerk. Ou motion Charles Dippert was ap pointed assessor lor the White River for the y ear VM2. On motion the ollicial bond of Charles Dippert wiis approved. The following claims against Sioux county was taken up examined and al io .ved. Thomas Doyle, labor on bridge $7 00 Box But te coiiuiy care insane man 117 oO On motion the County Tieasurer is instriicied and is hereby so ordered to reload .f!i 00 poll tax lo Will, A. Olu.e I bill be wa unjustly assessed for in the year TiDSf. On motion the County Treasurer is instructed and be ih hereby So ordered to trasnsfere ifin.-iO Irom 1001 bridge lund to 11101 general fund. On motion boa id an joio-ned till Feb. 10 100i. Wm. J. A. KaI'M, clerk. REMARKABLE C J RE CF CR3UP 1 have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Ut-medy. H saved my little boy's life and I feel that 1 can not praise It enough. 1 boulit a bottle of it, Iroiu A. E. Stcere of fioodin, S, I)., uid when 1 got home with it (be poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine ns dic-cled every ten minutes until be '"threw up"' and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We bud to pull the phlegm out of bis mouth in great Ion" strings. 1 am positive that if 1 had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my hov would not be ou earth today. Joel Detnnnt, Inwood, owa. For sale by J. E. Phiutiey. Wolves (Wen, Neb., Jan. 1, 1002.-From four rniles southwest of den, at the head of Kyle creek to eight miles south to the Hamakci ranch, two years ago a pack of seven wolves roamed at their leisure and lived off from the cattle in that part of the country. Six of them were which left one mother wolf, and last spring she had a iitccr of five young vrhioh 'rcw up and did well until two of them were killed leaving four to range in side of that territory, as they are at the present time, now working on the cattle ot about five ranches. The owners of etch ranch could afford to pay $.10 to have those four wolves killed, making In all $2u0 and save money by so doing. The Wolf Assoc iation that was organized some two years ;igo. worked all right for a time. Twentyone were killed at $30 ncr scalp which no doubt made too heavy a call on the faw that belong to the order and caused a gradual falling off of money paid into the treasury, leaving up to date five or six scalps not paid for, Now it seenm to me that some arrangements could be made to pay arrears and start in again with renewed energ , which should last up to November election and at that lime place the matter to a vote to 'evy a 2 cent a head tax on cattle and horses, said tax to be col- lertcd same as other taxes, and py doiiiff so, If carried, would be the. means of exterminating the wolves in Sioux t . Last Thursday the 4 wolves were wen Inside of that territory and also 1 hi ad oi cattle were found lay ing on tbe prairie dead which were killed by them. And this is probably a fair sarnplo of other localities. I will five .'!0.t0 to help adjust arrears on I utility. A. T. HIV.HSOX. USE Or DAMAGED DIMES. Slut Maeliineti Urlvliiff Mutuiated (ula Out uf 'lr-ulaU.tu. "The telephone slot iiiaiditnes are doing an enormous woi k in the mat- ti;r or lakin; worn-out out Mrcnlation." said a ti'eus' 'V official to a Star reporter. "Tlere :-: nothing to prevent woiT.-out. mutii-U-d and ai-; most emootb dimes fiom being put into the slots, and as a result many pwEona keep the worn-out dimes lor I that particular purpose. Many drug gists and others who keep public tele- ' phones make no objection to taking mutilated dimes any more for the rea son that they keep a supply on hand to do. a telephone business with. When ( hey sec that a telephone user Is going I to put a new dime in the slot they I pimply take It in and hand a worn- j out dime In exchange. Of course the i tplriihnue u.ser make? no objection, ! and in goes the wnrn-out or mutilated , coin. After it gets in there the tele- i phone companies do the rest. Kvery ! tlnic- they get a quantity on hand, for ! tho government does not caic to bother j Willi sums of less than $100, they send I them lo a sub-treaaury and in Wash ington to the treasury department di rest for redemption. The result is taat through the telephone companies alone over $1,000 worth of mutilated or voin-o'jt dimes are redeemed each week. Business people have already begun to notice that the great major- ' Creek, on section line between sections 24 1ty of the dimes now in circulation are I and s:, county rouu No. U7, will be re in much better condition than they j "lveu up until noon f,b. 3rd. tW, plans , ,u.. n in a in, i and sped llcatioiis on ft le 111 this office. The were even six months f.go. In a lefser 1 , . WL' , , .,,,. county reserves the right lo re eet nay u'-ft"- w" " ' . ... . . tit.y of quarters and halves is effected through the long-distance telephones." Washington Sta' A CURE FOR CROUP. C. Williamson! of Amherst, Va. , V. says: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. 1 Dually tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me en- tire relief, which all other remedies lu failed to do." Sold by J. E. Pliinney. Influenco of Music on Animals. The influence of music on savage beasts has been interestingly illustrat ed at the Zoo on numerous occasions by musicians of the Fairmount Park band, who have whiled away a morn ing at the garden. All kinds of musi cal sounds, from the boom of the dou ble bass, to the trill of the violin, have been sprung on the Inmates of the j lion house, and each has had its indi-1 vicinal effect on the animals. The lion balked at the double bass. It appar ently Rtrcck him as being a rival, and he soon drowned its notes with a roar of indignant remonstrance. The tlg:rs showed unmistakable pleasure when serenaded with a variety of instru ments until a piccolo player under took to charm them with a solo. Then they worked themselves into a terri fic rage. It seemed odd that the in strument should affect them so, es pecially as they had apparently en joyed a selection on the nuts, but thMr rage was such that the soloist was asked to desist. None of the other animals or the eat tribe showed a pre ference for any particular instrument, but waved their tails in time to the mtiHlc with every indication of de light. Philadelphia Record. Wanted nel.aoie man tor manngeroi a inane; woukj haye ug bellcve; take the car Ollice we wish to open in this v'.cimly. j Iu8lkej -pteinway," and ride for flf Here is a pood opening for the right j teen or twenty minutes out through man. Kindly give good reference when j dreary city edge, past small, uppainted writing. T. A. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts. stamps. 2H-G - , - . ,, ,i , st.'.h.... Arlionn's Apptlostlon for Btntehood. Th. of Arizona for f.d- mission" to the rights of statehood U based less upon Its growth in popu a- tir. thn m wealth und manufactures. tlon than In wealth and manufactures. P,y the census of 1870 the investment j In manufactures in Arizona was on y $150,000. In 1SS0 It was $270,000, .n ! 1SS0 J815.0O0, and last year $10,100,000.1 The llirds' Cbrlsimss. In Norway, the cold northern land, the kind-hearted people wish to have .. nnllnD nf ffllld uveijr cieaiuic icj.jh.d v... o Christmas- season, and they think of the dear little bh'ds; so there is al- ways a sheaf of wheat fastened high on a pole in every farmyard, that tho birds may enjoy a good dinner of grain, and the little Norwegian child- ren are Santa Clans' nepers, when they help to bring Christmas to the birds. ' "" " Talented frinress. The most Interesting member of the Danish Court is the Princess Waldo- mar. She is an artist, her special line belnng scenes from animal life, and judges declare that, if she nau been stimulated by necessity, she might have rivaled Rosa Honheur. She Is to be found In her studio every morning, brush in hand, and clad In a long palnter's blouse, at 7 o'clock, absorbed in her favorite occupation. flettlnc Off )'ir. It 1 suggested that tho curriculum of our public schools might be Improve,; by the addition of rlnssc.i for teaching girls how to gd off utrPt ear.. 13 J KANT (iUTMlilK. - - - - . . Attorney-at-Law. 'lt,t,-'rs ' Justice, twenty (-'1"'ts' :illti before the t! Land Ollice. and District nited State Fire Insurance written in relmbh ompanies. ElT'Igal papers carefully drawn. Hakkison. Nebraska. M. J. OTdiiiiell, - - ( o. Alfcrne), Will Practice in All Courts. Special Attention Given to Land Of lice Business. Cnl lections and all business entrust- ' t " ill receive prompt attention. Hahhison - Nehkask-a. J. K. PHINNKY. M. I). Plivlscian and Surgeon. 411 culls given prompt attention. Ollice in Iriu( Store. -HAKKISON - -NEBKASKA. BIDS FOK BKIlKiK. Sealed bids to build a bridge across Hat or u b da. W M. J. A. KAUM. County Cleric. NOTICE ;' . To all w hom It may concern. C'l lie eonniiUsioner appointed to loctue a. road commencing at N" W corner of SVi sec IS Twp. 'M riinge M thence enst on liiilf sec tion line one mile thence north on section line one and a InUf mile thence east two I fiiiW'iti xmo.lim !lut. ii:ul also eoininencln&r J ttt.NW comer of sec. 8 Twp. 34 range 54 j thence north two miles on section line t the Nii corner sec, ,'il twp. 35 riinge fl also that portion beglnliiK" nt '.lie SW corner of swi4wc 18 twp. : 4 ruige 61 thence east on half section line one lmlf mile to be stricken from said petition fur the reason Is a county ioud, 'I he commissioner has report ed in favor of e-itiiblishing said road and- nil objections lliereto or claims for. damages must be filed In the County Clerks offlce on or before noon of the "til day of March A. l. 1WK or such roud will be established without reference thereto. a0 5 Wm. J.A. Raum, County Clerk. A GOOD RECOMMENDATION "4. lip ve - iioiioed that the sale on Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets is almost invariably I o those who have once used them," says Mr. J. H. Weber, a prominent, druggist of Cascade. Iowii. What better recommendation could any medicine have than for people to call lor If in need of such a reriiedy? Try them when you feel dull after ewt ing. when yon have a bad taste in your mouth, feel bilious, have no appetiler ot when troubled wild constipation, and you lire certain to be deliglHed" wiih the "prompt relief which they afford. For, sale by J. E. Pbinnev. ODD COLONY IN NEW YORK. Chinese Fanners fYho Inhabit i Portion of Long Island. Cross Thirty-fourth street ferry to 1 .-inir Tslnnd cttv ihiph ranltv Hnao ntt "w"f. bttipIi fin nan as ('nrtain nr our nnt manufactories, squalid tenements,, dir ty back yardi and sad vacaat lota that serve as tho last resting place for- de cayed trucks and overworked wagons, says Scrlbner's Magazine. Soon after passing a tumble-down windmill. j which looks like a historic old relic. on a hilltop, but which was built in 1807 , " aI),i tumbled down only last year, tbv te.nway silk uillli will be reached, f " J "Inguls hed by the Jong ' wlngu ot the buildings covered with windows like a hot house. Leavo the cur hpre and strike off to the left. down a lane which will soon be an al ley, ard then 10 yards or so from the highway will be seen Hie first odd, paper covered houses of a colony of. Chinese farmers who earn their living; ! 1)y tninK the soil of greater New York i At gnorl distances are other hul - ,.1 .. -.tft-i-x :iL croucniug at uie loot oi uig trees, w.u i g0i,rda hanging out In front t : ary amI arge unsuai crooks, lyin ; ai,r,t, and huge baskets and matting al ciariy from China; they are a a. : different from what could be bought, .ri j tnfi neighboring avenues as the mr tiw , anu farmcra themselves are C.Uin:ii j fronl mOKt Long Island fara!-?M fanners. Out in the fields, w'.iu-h ur 'tilled In the oriental way, utillzl ', r every inch of ground clean up to tl i fence, and laid out with eve:i dlvinlori at regular intervals, like rnc fields, thi farmers themselves may bo Ee- n. woik- ing with Chinese Implement?, fl el:- pigtails tucKea tip under iir'ir stnw. ; hats, while the western war d wagr ot In Its own way all arouml tfie-.x TBI 1 1 less than Ave miles from the covered parade ground of the Wfcluu.f- Astoria. Jallw Criafu FilUrT. Julius Caesar was an epileptic; h!i attacks ' of this disease eomet!i..Lj seized him while engaged in insert, business, and he frequently reniu.-vi unconscious for hours. Professional Cards