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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1902)
Wto j fmim; irrn f 'm-Jfttj.iya , , ,x . J J if . A- v 1 Press -J ournal. VOL. HABBI3QIT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JJLIST. 23, 1902. NO. I I 1 THE LOCAL MEWS- s Clartice Hollingsworth is residence paiated tb week. J nit received: A new consignment of mea and boy clothing el GERLACH8. Mr. D. M. Sutton returned Friday from a visit in Iowa anion relatives and friend. Mr. John Davis ami wife returned from a threw moaUi Uy in Iowa yeiter The REAM. V. section house ana Upot chimney liave been repaired this week. Fattier IMsicri wislie to announce that than will be ruass ill Harrison Thursday Jan. 30. A Sudden Death Word was brought to Harrison yester- dny of tits sudden demise of Miss Rwa Konrath at her ho rue in Montrose cinct, Tuesday evening. fttie was taken suddenly Monday with some aort of paralysis ufler being in ly good health for some tini pre vious. A doctor from Crawford wan called and when he saw her he told them there wan no hope for recovery. She was unconscious to the last. Mi Konrath was one of the lient known and most admired young ladies of the north half of Sioux county. She recent' ly returied from Edgmont, South Da- dato, where she h:td !eeii working find eqpected in about a weeks time to be come a bride. ItMoeedles to add that the family and convi unity are prostrate with grier. Itie sympathy of their many friends is extended to the sorrowing relative and friends. Bod arc Geanings The revival meetings which have been conducted during the pant week by Rev. Rice and Bog'.ie were suddenly brought ciJ by Tie sicklies who returned on Monday to bin The toadies Aid Society will meet st the church Wednesday afternoon Jan. 29 at 1 o'clock. More and better gixsln for Mm same money at Oerlach's store than any other .la, try them. 10-tf liehearsels have commenced for the Woodmen drama whirh will he riven oeue tune next month. W. H. Davis has enlisted with the nWKistarMeM ones aod J. H. WiMierms durfer with the beardless ones. P. O. Brewster came up from Chey enne Monday of last week and returned ffaturday. spending lite intervening time at hit ranch. Hand Car Accident Dr. Weir, the F. E. & M. V. physician wan a passenger on the west bound train Friday. He was enroote to Node Hunch to xiv e medical attention to Mr. Day, he section man at that pluce. ' Tuesday if last week Mr. Day was at work on his Marlion when in some way the handle of the cur knocked him off in front of the car. 1 he car passed over him and let t him almost helpless, lie was able after awhile to gel Uie car off the track and hen started to craw! to the section house ibout three mile away. This accident uippened early io the morning and his wife found him about a mile from home U dark. It is thought that he will re cover although it will be some time he re he is able to work. Walter Smoke Has clvarge of the section in Mr. Day ' sickness. The first load of lumber for trn build trig on main street whih will be built by Mr. Jordan, was hairied yesterday. It t reported that she will start a res tan rant. Notice. All parties who have not settled up tMs fall will pleas call ad do so either y cash or vote. 29-S Mamtbtxkr Bmoa. CHlMtltig Offer. While vmi are thinking of subscribing r vour vearlv reading matter, rwmem ber that tlw pKKKS-JotHNM. will take auhsi-riptions to any paper on earth and eve postage and time for you. Hard Time Dance, Friday tiiglrt, January 3lt, Time Dance" will I" giveu at Andrews IJail. Good music will be furnished and a prize will be given to the most appro priately dressed couple 17 4 Hard All are invited The debate last Saturday night nt the Wnntlmsn of tiie World meeting "should the public land tw leased- was a grea u ccesa. E very body present took a hand i it rw4 ll had an eniovable time. The judge decided the public laml should not be Irii ' At their next meeting me will debate ownership of public institu tee. All Woodmea should be present Spinsters Convention t.'me to the Spinster Convention giv n by Um Royal Neighbor and see Old Maids transferred into beautiful young maiden before your own eyes. On Fri day evening Jatt. 24, at the Opera House at eight o'clock, Admission, adulU IV children 10c. Frooeed for Uie beneUt of the Lodge. A Trip to Lusk. J. I!. Wilhmidorfer and the Pae JOVKWAL man made a trip to Lusk Hat unlay, returning Huaday. Theobjectof their visit was to attend I. O. O. F, Lodge of that city. They brought lionie with them a very favorable impression of that enterprising little city, and her people. Ttie system of waterworks In us there i hardly excelled anywhere as It give the inhabants ample tire proteu tKW Md water for family use at minimum rate per month. The entire cost of the plant including engine, a well and iining and a reservior era only 96,300. The clteapnees I due trt the fact that hill lie Just hack of the town and 90 feet is depth of the wall. The citltens of Lusk are very proud of their little city end a good feeling i ap parent amoog them. la the eveolng several member were teitialed into IU Lodge awd iostderable dngree work wae done. The return tHpHuoday waa matte via the peeJetralo rout and K. B. M. V. heWHlcar. An Unfortunate On Friday Sheriff Reed of Box Butte county arrived in Harrison with Flaming of Sioux county near Urxl,md, Mr. Fleming was in a vry serious con dition and his story is tlte story of an un fortunate man. About Dec. 20 last he was discovered in his house unconscious and with roor of the building on Are, by Will Forbes and Al Hdge. They put out the lire ivnd gave Iti nt what assistance lliey could cooking his supper, etc. The next rauruiog it seems they took him to :ruwford and from there hs rail awav from tliem and Ismtded a li. & M. train going toward Alliance, lie ,is put off the truin eitlier in liciuiiiforil or near there uboMt twelve o'clock ut night. It was during t lie IVcember cold snup and it wan a verv cold niirllt It seeniit that he was found the next inoriiing trying to make some head why on his kinds and koeex. He was taken to the poor house tit Al liance and wus there until lust Friday when the nheriff turned him over to the sheriff of Sioux county. He was iippar ently out of his mind and was in a very precarious state of health. The board of in.ninity set on the case Friday and turned him over to the county commissioners who have secured the services Oscar Ward to take care of him. This is being done at the jail. When seen by a PkksU Journal repre sentative Tuesday he had every apiear ance of being a sick man who was on the road to recovery. His mind seemed reasonably clear und lie told his story as straight as though it had been told to him by another person. Occasionally he woull wander from the subject but a lew word would him right. He says he has a brother in Newark. New 'Jersey, where he was born. He imiiio to this county a short time before it was organized in,1886. He has been married ooce and his wife left him fcfUr living with him fom months and four days. He says that he has 840 acres of laud and a few head of cattle and horses. HesavH that some one helped him off at Hemingford and that it wasn't in Uie country a ha been reported. A letter ha been sent to his brother in New Jersey and an immediate unswer is expected . to a Bogui home in Alliance by way of Ardmore. There is rejoicing al the home of M il l ' Hall over the arrival of a new boy born Jan. 14. Mr, Dunn, of Colorado, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Frank Scott, was in the valley this week. He has been looking around for a location as he thinks of making his home in tiiis pari of the country in the near futnre. Mrs. Len Daut and little dnntrliter are visiting at Grandma Ziiiimerniaus this week. !rippervillk $ t The weather is still good around Rip perville with little coldnri the edges. Married; At Montrose, Jan. 15, 1902, Mr. Orvile Hibblen and Miss Sylva De bock, May their tunes be happy ones and their sorrows little ones. The dance at Bud Johnson's lust Friday nighl whs a decided success, everyone forgetting themselves to the fullest ex tent. All the Rippers from Riprville were there. The Crawford boys closed a deal last Fridav with Mr. Marking for the timber on the Plympton place on West Hat creek and expect to move there soon. The dance at Mr. Hoffmans Tuesday night was well attended and all the dudes of Ripperville attended the hop and one of these made a new "mash." Louis Dehock met with quite a painful accident last wek. He let a loj: fall on one of his feet which caused him to carry his foot in a sling. In spile of this ho and his bMt girl t.i.ik in the dance at Hoffmans. Millard Thayer is workingat Crawfords sawmill. John Elrsiei:her raised 500 bushels of corn jn. the creek valley last year. Pretty good for8ioux county. Try nyaiu John. In Wyo ni i n af." Too Lute For Last Week, Stock Report Receipts of cattle very good, about 7500 for two days. Market as conipard with last week's close is generally i-Uady to strong. On leef steers demand is good lor fair to medium grades, prices are ktuaiiv .md in some rust higher. On choice cattle buyers were not so active and trade rules slow though pricesare fully up to last weeks. There s a liberal supply of cows and mixed stock. Inquiry from all sides is bringing trade generally iict.iveand pricesare from steady to 5 und 10c higher. Supply of stockers and feeders veryf-ir bill wilh liberal impure from all sides market has a firm tone and prides rnlest rong to shadu higher. Sheep receipts moderate and market strong to 10c higher. N'YK & BfCHANAX Co., Houtli Omaha, Neb. HAPPY TIT-BITS. 'But Jones gave you his word, didn't he?" said Friable. "Yes," replied Per kasie, "but I don'l like to take Jone' word. He won't even keep It aim self." Chicago Journal. iaVVas 'looking; through vour II- , ...... , . .v,... i.i. lUiurte, and before tho I iuuhu iwu vr iniee uwjbo iuv uvtUuB , . jrl to me. Whyte Oh, that's all right. They'll always be safe with me, you know. Professional Card GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-aMsw. Prompt attention given tj ;-.w - j matters in Justice, County a. i Land Office. Fire Insurance rxjmpatiics. rntten REMARKABLE CJRE OF CROJP I have a few words to say regarding Ihainberlain's Cough Remedy. It saved my little boy's life and I feel that I can not praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. .Steere of (ioodin, H, I)., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as dir-cted every ten minutes until he 'thrrw up" and then I thought sure tie was going to choke to dealti. We had to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great lotvr sti-iii'rs. I am positive thai if I hud not got that bottle of cough medicine, my bov would not be on earth today. Joel Demont. Inwood, owa. ror sale by J. fc.. f hinney. STAGE WHISPERS. rankle Wallace. Rrandnlece of Gen. U AVallace, made her debut at Tony Pastor's theater recently as a singer. Mtb. Patrick Campbell has accepted Constance Smedley's play of Gypsy Marie," and will produce it uring her American tour. Geo: ge Boniface, tbe veteran actor, has become inst.uctoi in a New York drair.a'lc school. .Mottling to stay on Broadway, you know. Clydu Kirch is wrWtng: the libretto oi a m.isicm cuuieuj i u otiuu i uc Infant Prodigy." Lu-.'wig Kngiandor will fu.-nish the music and anna Held -i!l be the star Viola Giilet.te, the Bait La.e City girl TV'ho ha-s made Uroadwvy hit as Prime Charming In "The. Brsnt.y and the Beast." although Vurr yoivng, has already played all over Australia aud most of '.be I'nlied States. . STRANGE, BUT TRUE. rreeealec kr 'P" flneceMful experlmenU were mad wlta tb electrophone ,at Tunbrldge Welle recently. Ten transmitter were placed In Bt. Jama' church and connected with the corporation tele pbone ytm. People at Edinburgh, Olaagow, Mancheiter, Chelmsford, Weybrldge and Ixndon being enabled to bear the sermon preached. More than 100 local attbacrlber heard the church service dUtlnctly. Tha autbo rltle hop to connect all the place of worship la tb town with the cen tral telephone exchange. "What business brings the heaviest ' returns ?" asked the man who wanted to know. "The literary business, sighed the struggling author, as he opened a two-pound rejected book manuscript. Novelist (desperately) UnieBS my book succeeds at once, I shall starve to death! Publisher (cordially) My dear sir, I commend your resolution. Nothing you could do would better ad vertise your work, I think. Life. "Why didn't the tenor sing tonight? He has such a sympathetic voice." "Well, the reason he didn't sing was that his voice wasn't sympathetic enough to touch the managpr for a week's salary overdue." Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. The through train pulled Into the -.tation at Syracuse, and the facetious brakeman bawled: "Dewey! Dewey! Twenty minutes." "What does he call It that for?" asked the sleepy passen ger. "Stop here for breakfast," said the other. Buffalo Express. It Stands "The death of Ll Hung Chang has been reported so often that I didn't believe It this time, until the news had beeu confirmed," remarked, rhe Observant Boarder. "Oh, this time his death proved fatal," declared the Cross-Eyed Boarder Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. Friend (over the wine after dinner) Your v-ife Is certainly a brilliantly handsome woman. I should think you would bo Jealous of her. His Host (confidentially) To tell you the truth, Seymour, I am. I never invite any body here that a sane woman could possibly take the least fancy to. Lon don Tit-Bits. tlTLegal papers carefully ,J; Hakrihon. - N.j M. J. OT'oiineH, - - ( . Will Practice In All Conn-. Kpeelal Attention Glvc- i Lr : flee liiisiness. Collections and all uiisiiit! ; ed tome will receive prompt iUtf HAHttMOtf - NKWiAsKA. J. E. PHINNEY. M. I). I'hji.sciaii and Sui'gi'nn. All calls given prompt uttentiu Oftlee In Drug Store. -HARKISON - Ni:!!li.V-;X . E.'ROIIWiJK, "Diui.Kr: i v--'-Lumber, llarne-hs, ;i Gruin ami l'" .:, i; anl Windows, !! avy NOTICK TO MIN-KESII.'KV'l A CURE FOR CROUP. W. C. Williamson, of Amherst, Va. , xays: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me en tire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do." Sold by J. E. I'hiiiney. le Brp Beak Perm. Frank Pile of Chicago haa sixteen I art booka ot MWPPr cIP ptaaa that tall tha aaoat atlrrlng his tory of Cfeteafo, III, tnd aurroundlni tut, frewi time a far back a the ay f fort Dearborn. F'ine we ither we are having now, but afraid it won't last long. Ignite a crawd ut church Sunday. Howard Shallo and E. Plaiitx went to Harrison Monday. Chris Christian's young folks visited at the lionie of Mrs. Boyles last Sunday. A number of Pleasant Uidge folks are etlin'' un their Hiiiiinier wood this fine weather. James Petty is doing some carpenter work for Hile Church. Eph and Oscar Hoyles tire breaking them a saddle pouey apiece. Chris Christian is bringing his cattle home from ths lower camp this week. Jake 7-umbrunnen has a new top for his buggy. Mr. and Mrs. James Petty visited at F. H. lUmlinand family .Sunday. Mrs. J. D. Williams had her baby's picture taken Sunday. Quite a crowd at the dance at Sam Por lorx last Friday night. Hill Shatto is talking of drilling him self a well on his ranch this winter. Andrew Anderson was at Boyles Sun day hunting stray cattle. Were they wbitefaced, Andrew. Stastny and Thorpe are hauling llicir rye bay from Hill Hhallo's to their ranch on Mill creek. F. B. Hamlin bought him a new range stove of Kartell last wek. Howard Shatto is working for Jumis Rice. They will soon I ready to saw lumber. Miss Ida Knight went to the Box X ranch Friday night and returned Sunday evening. Lee Zumbrunnen took Holh Ilamlins horse home Sunday. Hile Church has his sheds almost com pleted. The deminsions are 17x72 ft. He is going to build a barn lAx'Ht. John Duel and family visited with Mr, Zumbrunen's Sunday, James Petty delivered posts to Mr. Wolf at Cliimiisy rock this week, Hill Shatto and Bert Hamlin went to Harrison last Thursday. J, D. Williams aud family visited at Mrs. Boyles Sunday, Eph and Oscar Boyles spent Sunday at Chrittuins. Pleasant Ridge Woodmen lire getting the lojfs ready lo build a Woodmen hall. Shrewsbury, Eugland. with a popu lation of 30.000, boats one of tne largest horticultural shows In the world. Since Jan. 1, 11S lives have been loat by accident In the Swiss Alps a largo number than In any similar period in the past. In Java there is an orchid, the zrammatophylliim, all the flowers of which open at once, as if by the stroke of a fairy wand, and they alBO all wither together. The strongest animals exist entirely on vegetable food. It Is the ferocity of the Hon rather than his strength that makes him formidable. An ele phant Is a matrh for several Hons and is a vegetarian. The animals with most speed and endurance the horse, the reindeer and the antelope are also vegetarians. SCRAPS. A Michigan man has given 35,000 .ictck of denuded timber lnnd to the State ForesLry Commission. Nearly 4.000,000 pounds of oatmeal was exported from this country dur ing the month of September. He Ono of my Jokes went all over Ihe country. She Wouldn't any of the papers accept It? Yonkers States man. Tho Boston Journal reiiorts lis dis covery of "IS couples In New England still enjoying married life after fifty years or more of It. The young ladles of Beaumont, Tex., are organizing an oil company, in which every officer and director must be an unmarried woman. Dallas, Texas, manufactures more harness and saddles than any other city In America, and, perhaps, than any other place In the world. Pneumonia at present leads all dis eases In tho number of deaths It causes In the L'nlted States. Consump tion and heart disease come next. It Is predicted in Maine that If the season is favorable about 175,000 tons of Ice will be housed on the Penobscot All Dsji Are Hscrcd. Each day of the week is observed as Sunday by some nation.- The first day of the week is our Christian Sun day; Monday Is the sacred day of the Greeks; Tuesday is the holy day nf the. Persians: Wednesday, of the Assyrians; Thursday, of the Egyp tians; Friday, of the Turks, and Sat urday, of the Jews. rarra Implement Trade el tlallas. The city of Dallas, Texas, Is said to be the largest depot of farm imple ment supplies in the world. Every big j wholesale bouse in the United States j which engages In the business of man- ufacturing tools for the farmer has Its branch at Dallas. There are twenty five nlne-story fc.-.ildings devoted to this trade. Dallas lies In the very heart of the choicest farming region of Texas. It is the trading point of the great black land belt of the northern and central counties, which contain two-thirds of the people and three fourths of the wenlth of the state. To American Investment !,'' ; ; v. poi'ittUm, W.J. Howden, -.vht v- tHhi nuine is known top!n!i f by whose true nimie i u-l. .i lion. resident di'toncliiut Yon and each of yon will l- n v: r, Sarah Wisdom pbilnUfr Hl-.' n- ; 3lie Illstrict Court of KioiiN n-ui llitll .1llV Of OctOb'.T MStlilVU i with Sarah Wisdom, and . Lcf-iv-i heirs of Aaron O. Wistiom di'crusi Ject and prayer of which p?;i h forekHwiure of certain liens tor t the south half of the horlhe.iHt i section twelve and tlm noriii V. northwest quiiT ter of scct'.o-, tt n '. township thirty two .lo.'.r:; ,: I three. west of the 6th p..-ij'i'i ,. ioux C'ounfrv, Sehntskii, .ti tho state, county and sch. ;. levied URiilnst said land f tW, 1898. UWJ, WW, WW and i'vi-. counting may be had of the y s-.ild tax liens, that said jft, . creed to be sold to satisfy .iiu f:t to be due tlieroou, that yon 3 may ) foreclosed and forever right, title, interest oreqnity of in and to the same and for (ti! u You are required to answer r on or before theath day of No Ssrah 'Wi!;7v 1JIDS FOB BKiI Scaled bids to build a lr; Greek, on section line he' and 'i county road No i ceiven op until noon Kch. ;i and specifications od tile i county reserves the rip ;, or all bids. W:.t. 37 4 ' WANTED. Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Ollice we wish to open in this vicinity Here is a pood opening for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. 1 . A. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSK. CINCINNATI, OHIO. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts, stamps. 2M-6 nn Crop In Tnlted Ststes. With reference to weight, the com mercial bean crop of the United States Is more nearly comparable to that of rice than to any other domestic food crop. Excluding the important pro ducing state of New York, for which no rocent statistics are available, the production of beans In the principal producing states in 1895-6, tho record year for that crop, was about 300,000, 000 pounds. NOTl.'X To all whom It may co ic v c CThe commissioner np.' -road commencing at N i 18 Twp. 'M range 54 thec- r tlon line one mile thenc- i line one and a half mi miles on section line ami at NW corner of sec. S 'i thrnce north two miles on the SE corner sec, 81 twp. that portion begining at '.he : SWH,sec 18 twp. 34 range 54 I half section line one half ml from said petition for tho rc county toad, The commissi ed In favor of establisliiii s.. objections thereto or ed must be tiled In tho County ' urbfiforo noon of the 7th - t 1002 or such road will be rsu. 1 reference thereto. Mi Wm. J. A. EaCM. " Order From the Philippines. Among recent orders from Philip pine headquarters is the following: "Tho metallic lining of boxes and i i t..fnr. in h l'nlted . . . , .-a i ni In well-anDOlnted t"K( lalaa llaari In nm VT miimtH BIJU : " - AGOOD RECOMIViEf "1 have noticed tmil i Cbnmberliiin's Stomin h & ! is almost invariably to f . once used them," says X. . .1 a prominent druggist c. ' What Isslter reCoiiini"m! : medicine have than for p. . ; If in need o Try thorn when you feel : ing, when you have a b id mouth, feel bilious. !:ive i, when troubled with ci yon are certain to Ledi : ' prompt relief which u, sale by J. F,. Phinnev, Csrnle's riah Il4ir- Mr. Carnegie has jupt erf the Sklbo castle grounds, : a magnificent salmon ami I' ery, in which 150,000 txi u river the coming winter, almost all of other articles from moisture, and It by the trust, which owns most of ! when no longer needed will be melted the houses. The planet Mercury has been meas ured with the large telescope of the l'nlted States naval observatory at Washington by Dr. Sec, and Its diam eter determined as 4,278 kilometers (2.658 utiles). Out of 6,831 earthquakes which had been recorded in the world from tho earliest times up to 1850 the llrillsh lain were responsible for no fewer than 22'. Indianapolis News. and thrown Into deep water or Other wise disposed of In such manner as to prevent rocovery." Picture Postcards la rranr. It is said that In France 88,000,000 picture postcards pass through the postofflee annually. That country takes the lead of all others. Austria Hungary coming next with 31,000.000. The total In circulation throuhout the world in one year 1 said by ex perls to be 2,360,000,000. nection also with bis Fi.I' o i estate In Sutherlandti.u . , proprietor of extensive . . In Dornoch Firth and ni- n, ' of Sutherland, and there ; lake, both natural ail throughout ble domains tan' stocked with trout, renins hml Dnm UU. v Tbe British cousttl--t ' shed reporU that the rV arc adopting the Bnglli i dres. and that alt artlel clothing are in jraat flanu A. '( ' : u '''.: it P aft"?' CV'A. ;-f'- e- t ' ft i ' , .1 ' a . . ry 4 . - jr. . k 'S - ' iJ ' - , ' ' M i-p m,m,mmwmm,m , -nv, --i-tt.