Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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    Ksrrisca Press-Journal
Q. A. rHIPPi. Fabltaba.
The Cur of Russia la a cigaratu
motor. He rolls his own cigarette
from tobacco especially imported from
When bad men combine the good
must associate, else they will fall one
by one an unpitied sacrifice in a con
temptible struggle.
Japan sent 63 ships through the
Sues canal last year, or more than
Spain (34) or Denmark (27), and near
ly as many as Italy (82).
Jackson, Ont, has made a record foi
municipal economy. Of the $2,000 vot
ed for decorations for the reception oi
the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and
1'ork $300 was not spent
Instead of being a modern notion,
the plan of preventing destructive
storms by exploding bombs among the
clouds was suggested nearly 100 yeart
ago by Prof. Parrot, of Riga, in Rus
sia. The Burmese soung Is a harp, the
body being modeled like a boat, with
a long, high prow. The instrument
has a scale from low A in the base
clef to F in the G clef. It is used to
accompany vocal music.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ormsby, oi
Chicago, 111., have been married seven
years, and during that time she has
twice given birth to twins, or.ee to
triplets, and on September 29 of th
present year she added quadruplets tc
her family. In the seven years she
has had fourteen children.
The most valuable kitchen in th
world belongs to the Shah of Persia
With its outfit of cooking utensils and
dishes it is said to be worth about $5,
000,000. Even the cooking pots are
lined with gold, and the plates and
dishes used at the royal table are ol
solid gold, encrusted with preeloui
Tests in the cultivation of potatoes
made last year, show that, whether
planted whole or cut. the large pota
toes gave the biggest yields in every
case; but when the financial results
were looked into, it was found that the
biggest profit was made by planting
whole large potatoes, and the next
largest profit, from whole small ones.
! .
; The people of Spencer, Mass., are
proud of the fact that it was the birth
place of Elias Howe, Jr. Passengers
on the Boston and Albany Railroad,
passing through that town, can see a
buge sign, eighteen feet square, bear
ing these words: "Down In the valley
tbelow Elias Howe, Jr., Inventor of the
isewing machine, and an illustriom
son of Spencer, was born in 1819."
Alaskan dogs are called malamutes,
and are a cross between a dog and s
wolf. About two months after birth
they are trained to draw little wagons,
and soon become very useful. They
do not bark, but utter a melancholy
howl. They have long hair, and can
Ieep in the open air with the ther
mometer sixty degrees below zero.
Their usual food is fish and seal blub
ber. They are fed once a day, usually
at night.
A Carbondale (Col.) man is on his
way to Holland to find three or four
hundred families who will go to Colo
rado, settle down in the irrigated sec
tions, and build up the sugar-beet rais
ing Industry, hia belief being that the
Hollanders, who are thoroughly ac
quainted with the use of ditches for
the purpose of keeping water off the
farming lands of their own country,
will be particularly useful in the use
of ditches used for irrigation purposes.
' Ex-Governor Leedy has engaged in
the practice of law in Alaska, and in o
letter to his old frierd, Dr. Pllcher of
Win field, he says his prospects are
good. He is buildirg a house in the
town of Valdez, and already he is on
of the foremost citizens of the town.
He likes Alaska be':ter every day, and
the town of Valdez he predicts will be
the biggest seaport on that coast. Its
harbor Is open the year round, and the
town is on what is called the "all
American" route to the gold country.
A wealthy business man who runs a
farm for pleasure, but on business
principles, refused to buy a corn-reaper
that left a tall stubble. The Maine
Farmer explains that on well-grown
corn the reaper that leaves six Inches
of stalk standing wastes at least a ton
to the acre of valuable fodder, one
tenth of the crop. Beside this lllumln
tire Incident we place the brief but
pointed speech Mr. Schwab made when
he assumed the presidency of the
United States Steel company: "There
must be a constant effort to look after
the little things." That Is "business,"
whether a man controls a billion-dollar
corporation or a ten-acre farm..
The deepest borehole known, made
by the Prussian government, Is at
ParuschowiU. near Ratlbor, In upper
Silesia, The total depth Is about 6,67?
feet, the diameter decreases from t.9
Inches down to 3.7 Inches. The npper
half of the hole Is tubed.
Ta American shipyards where
ataai Tassel are bailt hare orders
which will keep tarn busy for the
act twtlTa month and tome longer.
Tlia aroa to rards on the great
fcag aa ws3 'a 'host m the saa
tra .
Ha Pratably Know That Gwmmit
OvMnhlp b tka Principal Haaaedy,
Bat Balaf a Yala Pro'aaaor, Ha Daraa
Tat Say So.
Heary Wade Rogers, lately president
of Northwestern university, made a de
parture from recent practice in Tale by
delivering an inaugural address on as
suming his chair in the law school in
that institution.
A dispatch from New Haven states
that Prof. Rogers surprised his audi
ence, consisting of leading members of
the Connecticut bar. Including most ot
the conspicuous corporation lawyers
and members of the supreme court, by
insisting upon the necessity of curbing
the power of corporations, especially
the corporations commonly known as
The professor admitted that these
aggregations may result in a saving of
the wastes of competition and that so
far as they do they are beneficial. But
he pointed out what be regarded as
countervailing evils ot great magni
tude, among which he mentioned stock
watering, high prices to consumers
low prices to producers of materials,
low wages to employes "and, above all
powerful if not corrupting influence
which may be exerted over political
organizations and over every depart
ment of government, the executive, the
legislative and the judicial."
Prof. Rogers admits that thus far
statutes have had little effect to de
stroy or control existing industrial
combinations or to prevent the forma
tion of new ones. He states that twenty-seven
states and territories have
passed such statutes, and that tbey
have had very little practical effect.
It does not appear from the report
given ot his address that Prof. Rogers
was explicit in prescribing a remedy
for the evils be described. It is mere
ly stated in the most general terms
that he set forth "the need of restrain
ing corporations by every constitu
tional limitation and the need of pre
venting corrupt influence by corpora
tions on legislation and on industrial
In the absence of anything more ex
plicit than this the admitted fact that
congress and so many states and terrl -tories
have legislated in vain does not
hold out much hope that they will leg
islate successfully hereafter in the di
rection Indicated. It cannot be pre
tended that in Georgia, Texas. Mis
souri, Kansas and other states legisla
tion has been dictated by corporations
or their attorneys. The anti-trust peo
ple have had things their own way and
exercised all their ingenuity in fram
ing anti-trust legislation. Their ad
mitted failure suggests a suspicion that
they have been working on wrong
lines. It is the national legislature
that must take the initiative govern
ment ownership step.
Perhaps upon mature consideration
Prof. Rogers may conclude, if he has
not already done so, that attempts by
statutory prohibitions and penalties
and hindrances to prevent the massing
of capital in great combinations are
neither practicable nor necessary. He
may conclude that the only thing in
the way of discouragement or prohibi
tion which is really needed is a cessa
tion ot encouragement.
Our tariff laws hold out tbertrong
est possible inducement to the organi
zation of great monopoly combines.
They naturally suggest the combine to
the beneficiaries of the various protec
tive schedules as soon as they begin
to compete against one another and
cut prices from the limit assigned by
the duties which shut out foreign com
petition. Remove the duties which enable
home producers to maintain prices
from 20 to 100 per cent or more above
the level which would result from
open, world-wide competition, and you
remove the motive to the formation of
most combines by taking away nearly
all of the profit to be derived from
their formation. Next to complete
government ownership of the princi
pal monopolies a reduction of the tariff
Is the best remedy.
By repealing tariff and other laws
under which trusts are able to aecumu
late millions we can impose much re
itralnt upon those organizations that
Is much needed for the protection of
Secretary Gage has recently un
bosomed himself to a gathering of
bankers, as follows:
"Permit me to summarize Into sev
eral brief propositions an expression
of my own financial convictions:
"I believe It to be the most desir
able that the demand liabilities of the
government known as legal tender
notes should be put in the way of re
tirement and cancellation.
"I believe that our system of bank
not circulation can be and ought to
be so modified as to make It more re
sponsive to commercial and Industrial
requirement, without any Increase of
risk to the bill holder.
I believe that beyond acting as a
guardian and trustee for the people In
relation to national banks the govern
ment guaranty to bank note Issues
ihould cease.
"I believe that public moneys In ex
cess of reasonable working balance
(or dally ae should be deposited in
national banks. That a simple and
lata system of distribution of funds
:aa ha devised I have no dcibt,
"I believe that In periods of national
sac aad prosperity the public rtre
iae shovld be sdmawhat In excess of
public expenditure and that the sur
plus revenue should be applied to the
reduction of the public debt."
Mr. Gage wants the greenbacks re
tired, because when that is done, there
will be room for more national bank
notes. He wants the government to
withdraw the requirement that the
banker shall secure his notes unques
tionably by a deposit of bonds. When
that is done. the wild cat era will again
be close at hand, says tie Centra!
The second and third paragraphs of
his "beliefs" above show that he ia a
past master in "diplomacy" (which is
the art of using words to conceal
ideas) for the gist of those Items of
his creed. Is that the banks should be
allowed to conduct their business with
only a perfunctory supervision or
guardianship, but without compelling
security to bill holders. There is now
no actual security to depositors, and
if we remove the requirements of se
curity to note holders, chaos will soon
appear. Now add to those brilliant
ideas the other one that follows, of
depositing all excess treasury funds in
the pet "national banks." It will be
seen that the scheme involves all the
uncertainty and weakness that caused
Jackson to overthrow the U. S. bank
and withdraw government deposits
from banks that were not sound. As
a national wrecker Mr. Gage is en
titled to fron,t rank.
New Zealand builds her own rail
roads. The number of miles now in
operation is about 22,000. The pay
on the railroads average about 30 per
cent higher than the wages on our
American roads. The railway hands
have an eight-hour work-day. You
can ride thirty miles for ten cents,
and first-class service is rendered the
people. The annual net profit of the
New Zealand railroads is an average
of $2,250,000. There are 6,000 men
employed, and the government con
tinues to extend the system. The men
elect tbclr own foreman. Workmen
engaged on public works secure a 25
per cent reduction in rates for them
selves and families when away from
An employe can never procure em
ployment through preference, nor can
he be discharged. Every one is un
der civil service regulations rigidly
enforced. No rebates to any persons
with a "pull;" no free passes. For
twenty years the government has
owned and operated railways. The
profits go to the public treasury and
building extensions and improving the
present system.
The roads have been built and
equipped for 139,000 a mile, though it
is a mountainous country, and wages
and materials are both very high.
Work on the railways is carried on by
co-operative groups of workmen, who
tak3 a section together and divide the
contract payments (which are liberal)
equally among the members of the
group. The daily wage for eight hours'
work is 11.75 to 2.
The following is proof that "all" the
people are getting interested in meth
ods wherein "all" the people receive
benefits. This method ot extending
the function of government to include
the benefits to "all" the people Is rap
idly growing. Our public schools are
the best illustration of the practical
working of public ownership, says the
Central Farmer of Omaha, The sub
ject of furnishing free books in our
free schools has been receiving atten
tion. We are glad to note the results,
which are very encouraging in favor ot
public ownership.
Ten states of the union have com
pulsory free text book laws, while
seventeen out of twenty-eight large
cities in the United States provide free
text books. In Philadelphia this idea
has prevailed since 1818. New York
has had it for fifty or sixty years.
Nine out of fourteen cities of less than
100,000 population have adopted it
From all places where the system has
been tried come reports of increased
attendance and a great saving in the
total expenditure for text books.
This steady and widely extended
growth indicates that the free text
book system has Intrinsic merit in It,
and that it is indorsed by leading edu
cators. It is in harmony with the
underlying principles of the free school
system. It further indicates the grow
ing popularity of the co-operative plan
of conducting the affairs o govern
ment In matters wbere the people
bave a common interest.
Frank G. Carpenter has this to say
of New Zealand:
''One of the chief customers for ma
chinery In New Zealand Is the govern
ment. It owns the railroads and It
will eventually control all the street
car plants and electric light plants. It
builds bridges and it is thinklnc of
operating coal mines.
"Tbe railroads have cost the govern
ment of New Zealand $80,000,000, but
they are paying good dividends to the
government, and are giving much bet
ter service than any of our rail
roads giving free transportation In
many cases lo encourage settlement of
the government lands. -The govern
ment Is a large employer of labor, so
that no person Is without good wages
at least from 18 to 1 12 per week.
This has emptied the jails, and a
tramp Is as rare as a millionaire.
"These conditions have practically
been brought about by tbe votes of
organised labor--In fact, labor unions
dominate everything In New Zealand.
Forty-eight hours constitute a week
In almost every kind of labor, and a
violation of this Is severely punished,
A weekly half-holiday Is as generally
observed hero as Sunday la la the
Uatted States.",
He ran I pon Earth for People- Bonod
hj liumaa Tta to do Into Other aa
Thrr Would Bo !obo bj Tho Graat
Mt Good tor tho Gmlnl Naatbor."
In New Zealand no children under 18
are allowed in factories unless they
can show an education certificate, and
none under 16 are allowed to be em
ployed In factories.
In New Zealand the government has
postal savings banks, insuring safe de
posits, and carries parcels for one
juarter what it costs here.
No matter how far the farmer is
from market, the same charge for car
rying produce to market, thus insur
ing a stable price all over the island.
Then think of a land where there
are no tramps, no unemployed men
and no paupers, and hence, it is un
necessary to say, monopolists.
The government here makes it a
:rime to be found without visible
means of support. In New Zealand the
unemployed is found work by some of
:he 200 agencies, and Is not only given
work at 2 per day by tho government
in road or roadways, but is given land,
which he may have thirty-six years
to pay for. Every year he pays 6 per
sent of the assessed value, and of this
VA per cent or 4 per cent is interest,
the remainder going Into a sinking
fund that pays for the land in thirty
six years.
Government is crazy enough to loan
money to farmers at 4 per eent up to
60 per cent of the assessed value,
which interest goes to pay expenses of
government, lessening taxes so much.
Here we insist on borrowing of private
capitalists at high interest and pay
heavy taxes to state besides.
In spite of all their new-fangled and
socialistic reforms, New Zealand fairly
hums with prosperity, exporting per
capita almost four times as much as
this country.
But how sad it is that in New Zea
land old people are pensioned instead
nf sent to the poor house! To be sure
they can afford to do this by turning
the income from railroads, telegraphs,
telephones and interest money from
private capitalists to the government
treasury, but how dreadful it would be
here In America to deprive the Mor
gans, Rockefellers, Carnegies et al. of
their surplus billions In order that the
70,000,000 poor paupers might actually
be sure of having a Jiving.
How inconsiderate this would be to
Morgan et al. thus to attempt to bring
into practice the theory of "the great
est good for the greatest number."
That such reforms will eventually
prevail cannot be doubted, but think
of the misery now, here, all around us,
and do for heaven's sake help to hasten
the day, dear madame, for I am sure
your, heart is with the people. E. W.
Ex-Senator Pettigrew has lately ex
pressed the opinion that an excess of
exports over imports of merchandise
Is an evidence of impoverishment, not
of prosperity, and he cites the case of
Irjdia In support of this view. India
exports, usually, a greater value of
merchandise than It imports and it Is
notoriously a poor country.
There is nothing new in the opinion
and much that is true. The rule which
It suggests for determining whether or
not a country is prosperous must be
applied intelligently. The dominant
principle is that no nation will long
carry on a losing foreign trade, be
cause there is no motive to its con
tinuance, but a powerful motive to its
In accordance with this dominant
principle It Is pretty safe to conclude
that an increasing foreign trade Is
profitable no matter on which side the
"balance" may be found, and that tbe
existence of the balance is susceptible
of an explanation consistent with the
assumption that the trade is profitable.
It Is therefore foolish to bono if
trouble about "the balance of trade."
As a general statement it is true tint
not only tbe cost of an exported cargo
but most of the profit realized on Its
sale abroad Is Invested in foreign mer
chandise to be brought Into this coun
try. We bring homo the profit in tbe
form not of money but of merchan
, In such case we should expect to find
an excess of aggregate Imports equal
to the profits on the aggregate exports.
This Is equivalent to saying that the
excess In vatpe of merchandise Im
ports Is the measure of the profits on
exports or of the prosperity due to for
eign trade.
In practice, however, we cannot often
accept this as the true measure. In
countries like ours, where there are
high duties, either ad valorem or
mixed, there Is an object in under
valuing Imports. This may be carried
so far as to change what would be an
exceas of Imports on a full valuation
Into an excess of exports.
Again. country may be borrowing
sioney abroad for the construction ot
railroads, tbe development of mines
r other Industrial purposes. Tbe cap
tal thus borrowed Is Imported, usu
ally, Iz the form of rails and machin
ery, to be employed In prosecuting the
new enterprises. Thus Imports may
m Increased largely above the normal
ind there may be a large excess of
imports, which should signify pros
perity, and will If the new enterprises
ire profitable.
After a time tbe country may no
longer need to borrow. Ceasing to
borrow. It must pay Interest or dlvl
lends on the capital previously bor
rowed and nay pay off the principal
mors or lass rapidly. These payments,
In turn, are made In merchandise
rather than cah. and so for a tim
exports may exceed I m porta. Thla
too, signifies prosperity.
When a country like Great BriUlf
baa thousands of millions of capita,
profitably invested in all parts of tbi
world tbe owners of the capital tak
the profit In merchandise or in drafU
representing merchandise, which com
to the same thing, because the coun
try has no use for the cash, which 1
a mere instrument of trade rather than
a store of wealth. In such a case there
comes to be a chronic, very large and
increasing excess of imports. This U
a marked indication of great national
From these Instances and illustra
tions It is plain that, wh.ie we are not
to accept at all the protectionist as
sumption that an excess of exports is
an indication of a profitable foreign
trade, neither are we to accept the
Pettigrew rule and apply It Indiscrimi
nately as a sure test In all cases. It
is based on an economic truth, indeed,
but under modern conditions of In
ternational credit we need to apply it
intelligently where It is worth while
to apply It at all. Chicago Chronicle.
Chicago Chronicle: Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts returned
recently from a summer trip to Europe
and he made a speech at Boston last
Saturday on the national situation. It
was of the same Jingo order as that
which he made last June at the open
ing of the Buffalo fair.
What Senator Lodge might say on
the subject of foreign affairs would be
of little interest only but for the fact
that he Is a close Intimate friend of
President Roosevelt, whose views he is
supposed to represent; that he Is a
member of the foreign affairs senate
committee and that about tbe time ot
his Buffalo speech Mr. Roosevelt, then
vice-president, made a speech of a
similar purport.
But what Mr. Roosevelt might have
said when he was vice-president mere
ly and what Mr. Lodge might have said
then had but little weight compared to
what Mr. Lodge says now on subjects
of tbe gravest moment. It Is now said
that Mr. Lodge will become secretary
of state and have charge of tbe foreign
relations of tbe government. He will
not be appointed to that office unless
his opinions and those of President
Roosevelt are the same.
Mr. Lodge sounds the war whcop on
what he supposes to be the Monroe
doctrine, which is not the Monroe doc
trine at all as interpreted by Its au
thor and by our great statesmen. He
announces that even the acquisition of
a naval station by a foreign power
within the western hemisphere "would
be the instant menace of the peace we
are anxious to maintain." Thlrf Is su
preme Jingo nonsense,
Tbe United States are procuring
naval stations in all parts of the
world. The peace of the world Is not
threatened by these acquisitions. We
want naval stations for the use of our
commerce not as a base of military
operations against other countries.
That Is the only purpose for which
naval stations are desired by any of
the great nations.
Mr. Lodge advocates the enlargement
of our navy to terrible dimensions.
He wants "a navy so strong that no
nation would dare attack us." His
Idea of peace Is that it can be main
tained only by threatening other na
tions with war.
This balderdash for it Is nothing
else would be of no account if Mr.
Lodge did not claim to speak for the
president and if he were not to be sec
retary of state. As It Is, his truculent
oratory has a bad effect on the national
tranquillity and may be injurious to
business interests.
Want Partisan Pnttniaatem .Only.
Indianapolis News: Congressman
Watson was guilty of a strange deliv
erance at Rushvllle when he said that
every postmaster should be a working
force for the Republican party. This
utterance may be good politics in Mr.
Watson's own district, but it is not
In line with advanced thought. The
spoils system Is going and under the
present administration It is going fast.
The time when the business primar
ily or secondarily of all government
employes was to look after the Inter
ests of the party that secured thern
places has gone by.
Reform aa lo franchlMa.
New York Evening Post: The fran
chise policy of the Immediate future,
not merely as regards traction, but all
other public service corporations, must
be simple and conservative. Short-term
grams, with subsequent power to re
voke, adequate compensation to the
municipality probably in the form
partly of lower fares and partly of
limitation of profits, with prescribed
bookkeeping these are the fundament
als of franchise reform. With the great
principles established and an ultimate
power of control reserved, minute In
terference with business details will be
neither -wise nor necessary.
Aa Katlraata of Oat Addlrk.
Milwaukee Free Press: This man,
Addlcks. Is an adventurer In politics
who, without one characteristic that
recommends him for a seat In the sen
ate, has spent, It Is said, f 1, 000,000 In
his endeavors to force bis wsy Into
that body. He was able to deadlock
the state legislature last winter and so
prevent tbe election of any senator
where two should have been el-t.t
Tbe consequence Is the state of Dela
ware Is todsy without sny representa
tive in the upper house of congress.
An act of charity usually discounts
an act of heroism.
Tka ahaB It a naataattrf.
Amateur photography Is a tad with
the dbah of Persia, and he has become
quite skillful la the use of tbe camera.
He baa a positive mania for being
taken In every conceivable attitude
and dress, and bas even been photo
graphed In bed.
Uctrleliy for BtMtat Raada,
The Swedish government has under
consideration the substitution of elec
tricity for steam on all the Swedish
railraods, the abundance of water
power in the country not only making
the project feasible, but holding out
promise of a great saving.
For a flying enemy makes a silver
ran b obtained only bf utlns Deflanca
Starch. bUlK Sfttln 4 os. mora for
ama money r.o cooking required.
Some men's minds are cumberel
with useless memories.
Use Red Croat Ball Blue and maka the?
whiu again. Larga 2 ot. package, 6 ceuU.
It avails little the unfortunate U
be brave.
Mr. Winnow l Boothia
Tor children teett'M softens the ran, ""'"fft '"
Stttuittlim, Uni (is. a. cures wluilaillc lieeOutua.
Cupid makes the love matches and
cupidity is responsible for the other
will use no other. Dcflnnce Cold "Water
Btarch ha no equal in Quantity or Qual
ity 1 oz. for 10 cei.ta, Other brand
contain only 12 ot.
The profundity of some people
shows in their ignorance.
I do not believe Plso't Cure for Conmsapttoa
tiu uo equal lor couiibs and colds. Jons F
Dotcu, Trinity Spring. Ind., Feb. 16. WOO,
Chronic kickers give the world many
an upward boost.
Is because made by an entirely different
jjrwes. Defiance Btarch la unlike any
other, better and oue-lhiru mora lor 10
A Woman's prematurely gray hair Is
often the result of marrying a man
to reform him.
Stop" the Cough) and
Works Off the Vohl
Laxative BroujoQuintue Tablets. Price 25c
Wise is the weather prophet wl0
predicts both ways.
IS to 10 or a Chun re of Ratio,
To purchasers of starch. Heretofore
they have been paying 10 cents for 12
ouncrs of even much inferior goods to
that turned out In Nebraska and
known as Defiance starch. Now, how
ever, tbe up-to-date housewife who has
an eye to money saving, insists that
her grocer shall give her Defiance. It
costs less and goes farther than any
other starch made. At your grocer's.
Vlade by Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha.
When a friend asketh, there Is no
He who sows brambles must not
go barefoot.
There Is no necessity for us to suffer
palnsnder.dureu5elessae.anr. There
Is remedy for li aches and pains
for Rheumatism. Gout, Lurr.baro.
Neutaieia. Sciatica. Pleurisy. Sore
Mis, Stiffness, Headache, Backache,
Pains In the Limbs and Pak.a In the
Feet, that remedy Is
St Jacobs Oil
It norer fads. It acts Mce matte.
Instantaneous relief from pain always
Mkrwa. It haa cured thousands of
cases which had been riven up as
Incurable On trial will conrtnc tnf
sufferer that St Jacobs Otl
Conquers Pain
Price, 35c and 50c
" rluow
AJTOWCB C0.,f0M0N.MA3&aa
awjrsvl RgnalaSar DrsstsS Pomasa) Mia
aSar nm prsweuwa M koth iMa aaS
taaSM. Mao nut tuns aad afcie la laeaklrsv
lasarlBf aSry asat let ruter. kaailf amsslBI
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