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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
, A '- , 4 " 2 fV 11 4-' -atfCgt. a '4 D. CANON, Fahlishsr. NKBRASXA LSttd eldest MB. RiM au Biaa Mia on to inatralia. ' with Dm father, will retain after Eas ter to England, when he wlU begin his public school career at Eton, Lord Hope to now la bia 14th rear. His brother la a yew or two younger. Lard aa4 Lady Hopetoun hare only i two sons, as their little girl died pears ago. ..,, Prof, James of the University of Chicago, has beea workiat twenty yean to get a rally authenticated caee of death from snake bite. Every case ho investigated tamed out to be en tirely without foundation, or else to be baaed on utterly insufflcieat evidence, a 01 the other day when a snake charmer la Georgia died from the ef fect of a diamond rattler's bite, and adequate p roots were given by the at tending physician. A boat the coolest thieves on record did a Job of work in Philadelphia a few days ago. Barry to the morning, while hand reds of people were going to work, half a dosen men arrayed aa arhinica appeared in front of a Turk ish bath establishment in Walnut street, and with chisels, hammers and wrenches took down the ' handsome broase ornaments and railing which ornamented the place. Then they calmly walked away with the plunder. Merits of eaoeotots as food for troops to the Mds'iypesr to be ba ling rapidly ass widely appreci- In the recent autumn maneuvers of the Austrian army in Gallcia a chacatats ration was found to be equal to about ore times its weight of the priafast best.' From Russia also came ssjnelly favorable reports respecting the use of chocolate and now in Amsr iea it forma a chief coaatiraent of a new emergency ration wiu which Uiaia bare beea lately carried out According to the Norwich press, a syndicate has been formed for a floating Monte Carlo, to be moored off the stogttsh coast somewhere just be yond ths three-mile limit Nagotla . tions are pending for sa obsolste At lantic liner, which would be turned Into a miniature casino, at a total cost, including the first outlay tor the hulk, of M,OM. The Idea la to provide a haunt for gamblers within easy reach vf London, bat beyond the reach of the setting laws of the realm, and, of course, capital far running the tables would have to ha provided to the ad ditional tone of soma hundred thou mni'iissndi It Is understood that the Brighton osast Is ttasught of. It Is eas tended by tat organ of the fsnral ataC that the rapid w wniea cam--- earried out will not allow tans for miaing. A fortress wlU, It Is aCbrmed, be captured by or in by ssmhtnttUnn of the ,sjafcr aa-to- fj traa abaadss:.!, while the s& t C ncStes st tarjess. U Awtxte, tt Is further stated, the szam-rtewa on ths matter are held. ! smi- the sums sto- toward carrying taken. Ths sjiiim smant to hereafter to par rm -fwawta tbe amarteca of British Ths t of furni- ; awsahardsasnt or open sttsf ..-..HSm m he gtosn to net yet spac- .r" OU. but tt wOl include at least the v - bed. a chant of drawers, washstond and f; hntX This saving In hired or other transport at every regimental move will, it to calculated, soon show as a sst-oc or reduction cc ue uiuai out- toy. Hero to a hint for our war de partment Perhaps some omccr good at tgures will help the suggestion by est&BStisg ths coit of srotldisg far- nftors far tuarters would bs Mfutrsd aannml to par h interest am. tUs suss e tHfiH a of awuto ea ktek- -J!tJCMHhU to totted - Z12t the gtea at saomc time. Els ' ,:? trr Btgant Cat whsnvsr they 'J:Z3 3 thaar work, the cow Js'taa CZ aw. taammi ff tying ' 'zm to r cy atrtins V r-Tc -Cr C3 Emv - rtbsst34tnar. v ; t'ir! -m sand who dv y gat tie) wSixt axJ -ncjws. T2 naanss sf Oe 1 J.'r t c3 ru ;wjv tn i 1 -i 7-c j to fa r..- j PUBLIC OWNEBSRIF. RAILROADS CANNOT LONQ HELD BY MONOPOLISTS. BE part ml W staa The Cap At Oearaapt ! aa aa Am as mt MO Far Cm The preliminary report on the in come account of railways In the United States for the year ended June 30, 100, prepared by the statistician to the in terstate commerce commission, con tains returns of operating railway companies representing 1M,M miles of line. The gross earnings of the railways included la this report wore SM80.C73.054. or I7.770 per mile of line 'Of these earnings $3,860.780 were claaaed as passenger earnings, and $1,M8,S,875 as freight eersinc. The gross earnings shown in the final report for the preceding year were IU1I,0,118. Operting expenses for the first fiscal year aggregate S956. $14,412, or $5,025 per mile of line. The net earnings of the roads em braced in this advance report were IS2S.8M.0lz for ISM, or $71,110,747 more than they were for 1899. Income from investments and other sources amounting to $60,(75,700 were received, so that the total Income was $SS4,5J4.tl2.-Preas Dispatch. The railroads of this country are over-capital ixed 300 per cent Divi dends saw paid on three times the sum tor which the roads could te re placed, and yet they earn in net profits for a very few men nearly $(00,000,000 quite enough money to pay the entire cost of thia government economically administered. The railroad Is as much a public utility as the dirt road and there are just as many masons why one should be owned by the state as the other . . The state should own the railroads, but la fact the , railroads own the state. Our government is dominated by the railroads they get Just such legislation as they want they send their servants to congress and the state legislatures and every law is passed by the hired men of these cor porations. '-:; Suppose, now, these roads were owned by the people, as they are in most civilised countries, what would be the result? If rates were kept at the present level the railroads would pay the entire costs of the govern ment and all taxes could be abolished, but rates would be much reduced and even then there would be a handsome surplus to go into the state treasury, wages could be raised, hours could be reduced snd the products of the west sad east the north snd south, could be exchanged at half the present pries of transportation and the Ne braska farmer could go down to Mas sachusetts to see his mother-in-law, without mortgaging the farm to pay the. bin. The same relative saving could be made ia telegraphs, express and in all the public utilities ia towns and cities and the community would get rich on what it now gives sway to millionaire These are plain and simple facta. which have bean fully damonstratea to naanr countries, sad we can apply to ear home government aa as the American voters get sense INITIAL STEAL OF TURY. THS CEN- Mr. Hanna is again exerting every Influence to pass the ship subsidy bill. which has been made aa adminlstra tloa measure snd is, supported by most of the leaders of the Republican party. This bill makes a free gift from the public treasury of $9,000,000 a year for thirty years to s few of the wealthiest men In the United States. By this measure John D. Rockefeller, Mark Hanna and other millionaires will come Into the possession of $270,000,000 of the people's money for which they give no equivalent whatever and that money will be collected from the com mon people and given away as a free gift to men who do not need it and for R there will bs no resulting good to ths nation. 'Not a man west of the Mississippi river will be benefited by this mass are, sad yet we wlU have to bs taxed our full proportion to pay this Stu pendous steal We do at know that this bill will pass. Thaw may atUl bs virtue enough left to'Thr BafuWlcaa party to defeat It There may bs men In congress betoac&z to that party who wl3 follow tiw asaapte of ex- eayrfcwa sad ex-Speaker In bottltx &S totcrsst of their country above oteJaas of their party. - Twatv hsmsst Republicans is ths hoass ana awad tiato monstrosity to tta eTortostSar Mat Are there twelve tasnast Be2ctfl in that swirf Wa tea as, t Ood only Wisest Cl wall foandsd. tt. ttra asked this far ry n3ir2m to Irrirmte ths ca h r -': r trt &H MC SsatV- J 'A tZ2 . awry ser : i CsB cCa of taw, fsaca txi t-Ti kmm. There are tm:tZZi as 34-to ths twft?tBrrxai was. c3 &.1tttttXC.CZ'irt $M.90.K9 for s tpgftsn ajfji harass rul war and not a cent to ' I nervy homes for a greater multitask" than dwelt in any county ct Btrano except Russia. It Is only two months since the people placed the men again in power that do these things. Is It not almost time that said people begin to hang their heads la shame T Do you know what would happen to these two cases If wa had direct legis lation in this country? Why ths steal would be kilted in a holy minute and the plains would be Irrigated as fsst as men and money could do It. Ex. A SOCIALIST NATION. A representative of the Socialist Colony, at Ruskin. Georgia, la now traveling In New Zealand and from his letter to the Coming Nation we ex tract the following in reference to that interesting country: "One of the pleasant features of a railway ride in this country is witness ing the children flocking to the train is going to or returning from school. They get on the train aa If they owned it and no one asks them tor tickets they ride tree of charge. The roads are all narrow gauge and many of them are very winding and have heavy grades, as the country is usually hilly and mountainous. At JteOnwd ttUUMM. 8Utlons are provided for at frequent intervals, and each one la a postofflce, telegraph and telephone office and a savings bank as wc'l as railway and express station, as the govern ment conducts all these classes of business. Think of the saving in office expenses by this system and you will be abls to comprehend why the railway fares and parcels post are so msch cheap er here than in America. In spite of the greater expense of construction and equipment of railways in this land of high wages and short hours, the railway passenger rate is only two-thirds of the average price In the states, while the parcels post and telegraph rates are far cheaper. Cost of TnhaiasM ' A telegram of twelve words is sent to sny part of New Zealand by simply af fixing to It a td stamp (12 cents). Lines run along almost all of the metalled wagon roads ss well ss along the rail way, so that every country postofflce furnishes Its patrons with the accom modations of bank and telegraph fa cilities. The wagoa roads are a mar vel for so new a country. The govern ment builds many of these roada constructing them with no greater grade than one in twelve. In other cases the government losns the local boads one-half the funds necessary for construction, st s low rate of Interest, payable In Installments, covering a period of twenty-six years; the other half Is appropriated by the govern ment These roads are graded and metalled by co-operative laborers, who take the contract in auitable sections, In gangs of about twelve men each, who divide their earnings equally. Woadrfal Dairy Counry. "I am now la a wonderful dairy section snd the home of co-operation. Before co-operative butter and cheese factories sad creameries were estab lished, the farmer was fortunate to receive eight cent a pound tor butter; now he realises eighteen to nineteen cents and has dispensed with ths drudgery of skimming, churning and marketing. He also has the sweet skimmed milk to raise calves and pigs upon. It Is a common thing for a dairy of twenty-five cows to bring Its owner $1,000 per season, besides the calves snd pigs grown on the milk. It is necessary to feed stock very little, if any, hay or grain. Some feed a small amount of hay and root crops for a short time in the winter. ' The Fminn' Ualoa. "The farmers here have also organ ized a co-operative union, which has grown into almost the dimensions at a department store including grocer ies, tools, machinery! dry goods, medi cines, harness, bakery, etc. Their store covers nearly half a block. As a sample of what this union has done for them I might mention that bread which formerly sold tor four cents a pound has been reduced by the union to two and a naif rente. On this, and all their other business, there Is s handsome profit, ths share-holders re ceiving a return of about 6 per cent on all bills purchased, aad an addlUona! dividend of per cent oa their stock. Soma of ths townspeople object to the institution, as it has forced several small individual storekeepers to dis eoattuue buslaess, but the Fanners' union goes merrily on, just the same, aad is oa a solid financial baste. CMtlasj Bettor Price. Encouraged by their success la the dairy sad mercantile lines, the farm ers, last year, organised a co-operative bacon factory, which has resulted la giving them better prices for their hogs, wftbowt ths necessity of slfcC teriag them at hems. They even gat their meat tot their own not amgtta farmers' wives now bah Gatr 1 Ths New Tort chappies who ers g aesdy la awerytt fy cay ar 4 rr" C-J tomato wan arias. Grc3tJ with as other Is a rtCTj atSrOtg sscssss for unsthsr sty tt crr TO 2su was rasc - V a;. ' WANT XI0HE VICTir3 POR THE GODLESS WAR IN THS PAR EAST. Ta Valaata Oaaae CalU Mam BUaratM Am aa la Laasw tha S1(ht la C a tad taw Wane Iba Pnapact A; Secretary Root has canceled the or der for the homecoming of the volun teers in the Philippines. They can't be spared just yet No soldier will come back to America umtll there Is a new soldier to Use his place, says the Non-Conformist Not one can be spared in the present condition of the happy islands. It is said there will be very few re-enlistments. The boys have got enough of jack rabbit warfare. There Is neither honor nor glory In shooting at flying fugitives and burn ing peaceful homes. MacArfhur says he can't get along with less than 00,000 fighting men. Any weakness of our forces is liable to bring dire disaster. The sweet dream of peace is over. The wicked rebels did not lay down their arms when McKinley wss elected. He girded up his loins and took another whack at the Invaders of his country. Soon the recruiting offices will be wide open. Our boys will bs solicited to go to Asia to be killed by the enemy or the climate. We have been lighting for two years and the situation Is worse than ever. The reconstruction com mission claims that many of the insurgents have given their adhesion to our government That is a fairy tale to please the children. Many have surrendered, but every blessed one of them lost his gun before he came Into our lines. There is only one wsy of conquering the Filipinos snd that is by extermina tion. It is a big Job to send eight millions of people to kingdom come. It Is an awful mean job tor the-great republic to exterminate a whole race of people whose only crime is that they are fighting for the freedom of their native land. It will be a long Job, too, and this generation will pass away before our great murder mill can Anally accomplish its appointed work. ANOTHSR TAX ON DEAD MEN. Senator Proctor heads a company that controls the marble quarries cf Vermont He has recently bought the Cararra marble quarries of Italy and thus he controls the marble product of the world. The result will be that there will soon be sn advance in the price of tombstones. No poor man can afford to die it will cost too much to buy s marble headstone oa which is chiseled his virtues. We ran see only-fln way to beat this international trust We will have to cremate our dead until there is a fall in the price of tombstones. After a eremstory gets through with s body there is no occasion for a tombstone all that is needed is s bottle or a saucer. The costly monument is saved aad also is the health of the commun ity. Cremation is a great Improvement In every way over the present method of disposing of dead bodies. Instead of laying your dead in the ground where they will create Impurities in the air and poison the water, you can put them In a small receptacle and lay them on the parlor mantel or hide them In the cellar according to your taste, or better than either you can follow the example of the writer In the disposition he proposes to make of his mortal remains. He has directed bis legal representatives that when death comes and it will probably come soon that they shall hav hl hnriy mated and then cast his ashes Into the flowing current of some great river where they will be carried away and mixed with the boundless waters of the mighty oceans. Senator Proctor of Vermont shall never place a tax on the mortal remains of the associate editor of the Nonconformist Omaha Non conformist NO TIME THIS roR WORSHIP. PETICH Springfield (Mas.) Republican: Ths Democracy that is going to give this country such an opposition ss the great problems projected aad forced along by the men now In political power so Imperatively demand must bs slive to the progress of events sad ready to take advantage of the opportunities and to discharge the duties which a new day brings. There is no place bow for the narrowness of fetich worship, whether of a man or a ratio. If evils oaos bitterly complained of have been abated is ways not looked for, If by s sew patch which no one saw or point ed out the stress of uanetal conditions has beea eased, the fact will have to ha rscognlssd if success to to bs sought The rcMt to the essential thing aad not ths method by which ltas beea achieved, OERMAN POOR PEELING PINCH. Minneapolis Times: Ths beauties of protectiea la Oermany have beea nice ty taustntod Is the condition of ths workings) sn of that country sines ths prohibitory msot law woat Into asset lAfulrtaa at factories buying at whole sale aad asUlM at retail to their em ployes show that ths worklngmaa's asst of ttvtes to IS par east hifhsr Cs tt was last summer, gad tkia doss -art a- tmtm awa ths h pries ef wcrtssarmd tl ta tt report oars fesa X ft s was tU tta n par east tribute tow U far t y fcsaO of ths otrta isxi, fcrts, tai to ttst wtk ft vrcej tm tin by the sod trrA raxrs -7 rit sxis r: ah to O cj Ct ty tJC tart system to easily aasr ROOSEVELT ABOVE THE LAW. Philadelphia North American: Col. Roosevelt has gone to Colorado to work oS some of big exuberaat strenv osity oa a hunting expedition. It so happens that his Irrepressible desire to kill something and Colorado's open asaaoa- for gams do not syadsrontoe, bat the governor of Colorado adjusts that trivial difficulty by the simple ex pedient of declaring that the gams laws do not spply to a vice-president-, lect and ordering tbe wardens to ab stain from performance of their duty. There may be a few old fogies who cling to the antique theory that elec tion to office by the people does not place an American cltixca above the law or relieve him of any of the re sponsibilities of citizenship, but they are becoming mors lonesome every dsy. DAVE HENDERSON ON HIS DIG NITY. Sioux City Tribune; Speaker Hen derson does not accept lnvltetlons to dinner nowadays until he la assured what seat he is to occupy at the table. He explalna that be la not proud, but proposes to vindicate the claims of the exalted position he occupies in the na tion. Tims was when Dave Henderson would have eaten pork and beans with a knife at a Grand Army of the Re public campflre and satisfied himself with the reflection, that where Mac Oregor sst there wss the head of the table, provided only. that MacOregor, by a properly democratic behavior among the voters of an uncomfortably close district, could turn up on the right sids of ths plurality ccIuibs oa election day, and MacGregor always did. V;.,... QUAY'S QUES1 IONABLE METH ODS. :' Boston Herald: Quay was beaten in the election of legislators but ever since he has been detaching members of tbe antl party, one by one, by the arts of intimidation and selection, of which be ia a past master. It Is well understood that he has st his service the resources of several of the great trusts, and the man who Is reputed to have ventured and lost an imn"nse sum of the state's money in bis specu lations and to have replaced it only by the aid of persons and corporations who needed his political favor, la not a man to stickle at any means of per petuating his power. Quay's presence in the United States senate is a na tional scandal. JWOUMD THE PORK BARREL. New Tork World: The only opposi tion to the $60,000,000 river and harW grab In congress comes from members wno think they are not getting , their share of tbe "pork." Most of these live unfortunately la ststes that have neither harbors nor rivers that are navigable within any rational mean ing of the word "commerce." How would it do, In order to render the "divvy" more equal, to make appropri ations in the dry states for the purpose of digging wells? This would "pro ms? the general welfare" quite as di rectly as squsnderlng the public money on sucker brooks and mud-scow ba yous. STUPENDOUS FINANCIERING. Philadelphia Ledger: The eleven principal companies engaged In vari ous forms of steel manufactured have outstanding a total of $730,468,100 of common and prefrrM jtork. The Cir negle company has, in addition, $160, 000,000 of bonds, so that the total capi talization of these eleven companies is $930,468,100, or very close to $1,000,000, 000. If it be true, as reported, that there Is a scheme for uniting these companies in some such way sa is go ing on among railroads, sn idea may be obtained of tbe colosssl dimensions of modern financiering. Think of un derwriting a $1,000,000,000 scheme. ONE-MAN RULE IN CONGRESS. . Kansas City. Times: Ths rules of congress sre such that no representa tive can foe heard and no bill consid ered unless It plesses the cstr who site In ths chair. This is Hamlltonlsm ran mad, tbe centralisation of the pow ers of congress in one man. Tbe people may not realise it bat It is neverthe less a fact that when their representa tive enters congress be is compelled to surrender all the political power with which they have clothed him into the hands of the presiding officer. KEPT MIS WORD POR HIM. Toledo Times: It seems that when ho was re-elected to ths senate six years ago Senator Caaadler promised that ha would not again ha s candidate. After thlnklag ths matter over fee changed his mind, bat ths people of New Hampshire kept his word for COUNT INTELLIGENCE POR ONE . -.. DAY. '. - Wsshington Times: The president Is getting slaaly over the grip, Roosevelt has huisd his flrst mountain lion-a baby asa to) start with Uansa smites over Us etasees of the subsidy Job, ESIssas that the amy tan's winner. 1 asa ts tits world two Now, if I ass tola ret the smaifcet ! t Crta &a aaaaxJ $Zi all tt to tta fcV I anrry a rj. U i O ts ixz&i ittrji, tcJ ty clrj It crs&v I C3 ri Exqr & tx . I trrt r. . , I kabla tost of cuVflowor Eta was mads by a Philadelphia rope. He promised her that she ahoau have a fresh bouquet every day aha wss ob shipboard. So bs had six boxes made sad each labeled for the any It was to bo opened. These ha confided to ths steward of ths stesmsr who placed the boxes ia cold storage aad opened one each morning for tfeo rastplint After she sxrivsd at Liv erpool she wrote home that ths Sow ars' were as fresh aa though newly gathered. A Tfcraa BMIIUa-OaUar City. Ths sssessed valuation of real aetata la New Tork city now excess $3,000, 000,000. The total valuation doesn't look so large, however, considering some of the single instances. There Is ths Equitable Life building, for In stance, which is sssessed on a valua tion of $6,000,000. and the Waldorf Astoria hotel for $6,000,000. James P. Sterling, former chlsf Jos tles of the supreme court or Pennsyl vania, la dead In Philadelphia, from the effects of a carbuncle. He wsa 73 years of age. rmiSENT Cf PRf SCENTS. A IHaHaswHSeS I4r laSasi, Is Haiy B raala, af WalUax, la. Whiting. Ind., Feb. 4, WOL (Spe cial.) The Presidents of ths Ladles of ths Grand Army of ths Republic have aa association composed exclusively of the Presidents of ths different Stats Associations. This Presidents' Asso ciation chooses a President and to this very high aad distinguished position Mrs. Mary & Pools of this place has beea elected. Mrs. Pools Is thoroughly; deserving of this great honor. Her devotion to ths Interssts of ths Asso ciation is very marked, aad her sznarl ence with tbe old soldiers of ths O. A. B, is wide. Mrs. Pools la never alow to take advantage of anything that may benefit ths veterans, aad bar seal has resulted In much that is good to these grand old men. She writes of hsr experiences: "Honor to whom honor Is due, snd having seen ths nu merous cures effected through the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, I gladly en dors them ss being particularly ef fective to curs that dreaded disease of so many of our old soldiers, Brlght s Dtsasss and Kidney Disorders of dif ferent kinds. Kidney Disease soon poisons ths entire system, and as a re sult ths vital organs are attacked, and I have found that no remedy so suraly, completely and quickly finds tbe weak spot snd heals it as Dodd's Kidney. Pills. ' :'. - "I havs used them myself In sUflnfi attacks of biliousness and Indigestion, and usually And that from three to four pills do ths work." Such svidencs from a lady of so much distinction and experience should convince say sufferer from Kid ney Trouble that Dodd's Kidney Pills is the remedy that never falls. SOc a box, six boxes for $2.50. Buy thsm from your local druggist If you can. If ha can't supply you send to ths Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo. M. T. Brittle nana ara remedied tt oUvo oil is rubbed into them. Many complicated diseases sad mush suffering result from constipation. Garfield Tea. the great Herb Tea, will can the most obstinate case. Adversity is often a blessing In dis guise. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCM STARCH, the only 16 ox. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 ox. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. If men were like clocks they could ail go on tick. ------ eiTarmuneat'TCaiwi. juenarn Snt ar v br. (oaf una! w KMUnr, SwS fur rana; SIM Mai fcMtta m uaaMH. lav 8. H. Kuk. UaBU Ana St. rasa fa. Ia 1800 only 4 per cent of fie peo ple of the United States lived in cities. Today 30 per cent live in cities. CaatoSaasAlsaa tebartbebestcf erarrthlas wtilcb la why he eaas Carter's lab. lit knows what's sood, In the race for ws money seems to be quantity. alth too much an Impossible Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 ox. pseksgs for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 os. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Tell your secret to your servant and you promote him to ths position of master. -- !v - $148 will buy new Upright piano oa assy payments. Write for catalogues. SehmoUer Mueller, 121$ Farnam strset, Omaha. Ths Joint senatorial vote from day to day shows but little chugs. TQ CVUM A COLD IV (fsTB DAT, ' Itfca ?jaxros Baoac QcmtsaTiacaTB. AS drsnltM rfaa4 the awNwr M U falls is sum. g w. aieve'ssiSBaiara la en the baa. toe. Ths mora checks a spendthrift has ths faster ha goes. Tabs kj r-if!vin fcwervl MtrtaPi 6CMW3CSMMC9. ir r mJ iHrais 4. 4t f 1 f V.