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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1901)
"4 t Lbs I ," I Harrison, Press -journal. .I ' VOIj. hxxx. IT-SB. 14. , 1901 NO. 33. Oar Itotto-' NO QUESTION 18 EVER SETTLCj) UNTII. If IS SETTLED BIGHT."Hu WillUm J. Bryan. Advertise Stock Drands in lfief tor it 4. HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. '". . : Subscription Price Per Year fl.OO. Official Paper of Sioux county. : , . , Gko. D. Caxon, -; Editor. b!BD AT THE HAJrnjnrw PcwT Oim AS SbTXWD CLAM MATTER. Mrs. Nation Renovation. lira. Nation, Mr. Nation. AfUr Much deliberation, r tat without procrastination. Too hav found your occupation. And with MmM application To this bub of reeo vatton W itfeoot thought of compensation Yon have gained a reputation. -y. .... Ye have shown determination f Aaoalotof antniatlou, , Working f or emancipation Of.thls thirsty generation. Aasl to Inewaae the complication 'Jolntelghtsshow desolation And their stock depreciation Prom the very last qaoUUuu. Their keeper view with consternation The nwfal work ot deaeerstton And i heir only consolstlon ' . 'Tliey aw hunt a now vocation. i taring yoer inear&trstloa Wttti am pis time for meditation . Yen propose oontlnaattoa Of tlM premnt oglletioii. Yea know the combination , Yoo IndorM tho proclamation ' Of thl great administration. In benevolent amlinllatOii. -U. F. OttKAIl. lnfMnday St. Ijnls Ho (Hiblic. Tho billion-dollar steel trust i now a reality. ' , ' - tT u Ting, the Chinese mininter reeon Iv refused to Hit mi lite name table with Otis. Mr. Nn tii in in wivv to be Imcked op by one tlHiuwin4 uwti of Topeka, in her al- voMvurieHW. . Working Ortrtline Eitfht hour laws are ignored by tlxwe :J:u,:,:r!r lam A, ! lie t inni" aweni" " " " titght nod day, nrng Indigestion, Bill- ,VMineiw, Conslipntion, Rick Henducbe nnH till Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub les. "Eisv, pleasant, snfe, sure. Only SV at J. E. PHiswr'i Drug Store. , TIj only reigning queen in Europe to U U Wilhslmina, the daughter of the l ite king William lint, princes Emma vf Waldeek. who was married on hist Thursdiiv, Fell, 7lh, at the Hague, in all ih. vle ncrtAininir to royalty. It is mid the vouog queen ha the interest of tier ueooie only t heart. i Itrport show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troubles, due to the prevalence of croup, pneumonia indirr.Doe. W advise the use of One Minute Cough Cure in all of these dlffi cullies. It i the only harmless remedy lhAt gives immediate result Children like iU-J. K. Phb.het. ' Those who are in a position to know, My the Frye-Hanna-Pain ship subsidy Wli now Wore cent rses Ukes from in. 000,000 people 9,0O0.M0 and puU it ioto four men's pockeU, but it cant give one cent for isrigMtioo. A powerf ul engine cannot be run with m wank boiler, and we can't keep up the train of aa active life with a weak atom awn; neither can we Mop the human ma- whlna) to make repairs. If the stomach anaot digest oaeugh food to keep the body strenc. each a preparation as Ko- eiol Pjej fgia Cur should bo uesd. It ligte waal you eat aod it simply cant ttrinbwilo fo good. j. E, PHonrrr, . Oej .last Juaa, taw republican party field a swAioaal ooneention, at the ceot-i aitv-Iilaateaia and almost if oreltait unaoiBMualy passed a-plat. Urm at priooipl, la which platform Usar wa a plank opooeed to trust eepe cwUhr bad UusU' and all the campaign iaHj leaders, who were conviaced in I tkeir own mlndi, bewled agalost thsl , whilo other of the party leader I here were no trust. Now CM tiki party war noooesafol aad re- (MMdU power, not a aiagl novo haa will atli f deotruy ta trosts, or even I rBl Ikwm, oo the contrary, tho lttsM eoagress, Ugetber with "tho wawswateat aseirailaAsag" preeideot and I Us exteaet are all witaout donbt work- tajtRMtlasUaror tko frye-HaaWpl eNkaCykiU, aoUilDg eaoro nor lea tbao I a trawt ntaiewr to iv four trust roag- i a menopoly of tae sea faring I far flleWaw Il.t36.000 out of the! Yet our national uongretn eaa at .jearVly 4 aaytlriag for irngatioa 4a tt M n&m oC bt weat. for fee) waaJrii aasl preeAration fol- Umkj tktr la aoUWag so proenpt I htl tSmtif as On ICmats CnoaOetr MBMteMtoMrMy4 ; kzi nmtif tor all threat lmjT tMwwta ad lu earj m raA n was tmst to mn fiteilr.-I.B lira lUbrick, who eleven year ago waa aer Unoed to life servitude by a crim inal court in Liverpool. England, for toe murder of her husband bjr poisoning and who has served 11 yean of that senteoce, has by the grace of hit majesty, been pardoned. Mrr. Maybrick i an amerie an lady and some of the moat prominent and influeocial people of thin country have unceasingly interested themaelTes in her behalf and no doubt it haa been largely thru tlieir effort ttiat aba baa beeo rdooor!. The bone play that bas been going oo down at'Liocolo thief winter in the election of twoU. 8. senator, afford an exceleot object lesson in fnvor of Un ited 8tates senators being elected by di rect vote of J he people of this nation and wo opine ore another decade of year are counted,; the national constitution will be amended, rao the people will have an op portunity to say who shall represent them in the upper house of congress. Special ditpatcbes to the daily press of the) United States, makes the surpris ing announcement that Great Britain liar axked the Portugese government to loan her some of the weakling troops in order that Khe nm y whip the Roers into subjection. If the statements be true, and we have no reason to question them, Lord Kitchner Ims asked his imperial government for 80,003 more troops, it is pretty good indication thut King Ed- wurds kingdom has seen its halcon days and itn darkest ' era has dawned in the form of the cruel South African war. Tom L Johnson's Plans. Cleveland, 0. Jan. 81, Tom I John son, recei ved llw following dispatch from W. J. Bnyan ot Lincoln, Neb., Wednes day: "Is it true as reported, that you have closed out your bvsines and intend to devote the remainder of your life to social and pulitical reform?" Johnson replied: "It is true that I have retired permanently from business and intend to devote all of my time and energy to social ana political qussuous. preliminary in defence of.tnejrincipl lua, nnu "ucl Ju""' w I special privileges to none." Elmira (N. y.) O&zetU A Fireman's Close Call. I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every cerve was racked with pain." writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo comotive Hreman, of Burlington, Iowa., I won weak and pale, without any ap petite and all run down. As I was bout to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and. ftftr taking it, I felt well as I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly, rundown people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed by J. F PBI5XST price 60 cents. (f THE 2S) 1 na-a-S THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIBT OP REVETS Is lb oo bsaorUol mignhM la lb world gtving la la eicturev ha text. In Iti cmilrkW trlieisa, dftorUU tnd oVputoMakj, cecaprilisnsfvt, timsly record of lb world's currant history. Not the tnamertuoo of mer bar (acta, but a cotDreM! plctur ol lb atoam, Hj actMaav In notabl eersonAlrbe, aad aoUkU tier lac. The beet InloraMd mrn and women la U world Bad It ladbpnssbl. . j Tber an many leaden m yoar locality who have yet to Warn ol Hi ustklae. wkh tosUblish acthr ifenUiorvrr dty and township In ms cowalry. wU pay HbtraOy lor met tdiortmrieterBtMua IW moainacAabefllid wtmseasUnKal bcwaai of Incom. Make IU of las pansai la yowr kxaUty who aboald nv Ui.rlolRwwi," and sand to m Im igeaf i lerma, lampl cepWa, aod working outfit. Tata oflctt Ibsfa iiaWriptiuu. It Is A frenpHmenl to asproaca a pwioa wk a mlw iffNfiaii nupunHlua feflbMR4vww ol Rvwwai''sa waniew)lyiKwMd. Tbaaflsi actrrs i leabj ippikiion PHern, U aeewo a wwmkor. taVMawar. tkx (uemv cr nxvaw. ooiahy. ' 4 UeVatrrieas, 1 Buckleua Arnica Balre. Haa world-wide famo for mar vl loos curea It surpasses any other naive, "lo tion, ointment or balm for cuts, Coroa, Burn, Boils, Sore. Felon, Ulcer, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever ors, Chapped Hand, Skin Eruption; Infallible tor Pile. Cure guaranteed. Only 36c at J. E. PfllKKSY'a Drug Store, ' '-J. Mayor, 8am' I M. Jones, while add res'- ing the Men's Guild of the Presbyterian church at Rochester, N. Y., Inst weed, was oaked bi oopinion relative to the Philippine war, he aaid: "I don't believe in murper; we must ouit killing." lie declared; "We are the only nation on the face of the earth ebat barn men at the stake. Ohio scored the south, but when we had a lynching in our yard, we drew in our herns, so did Michigan too," Genl. Christian DeWet. the General Grant, of South Africa, bas achieved' an other, signal victory, over British troop at Fabaksburg mountains. Again the British commander in charge, was forded to retire witn great loss, being .compel led to keen up a running flgbt in the fear thus enabling the king forces to their escape. mike XaOrippo Quickly Cured. - "In the winter of 1888 and 1888. 1 was taken down with a sever attack of what is called LaGrippe" say a E. L. Hewett, a prominent oVruggis of . Winfield, ' III. "The only medicine I used was two bot tles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped' the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Cham berlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. " It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the "most popular preparations in use for thesn ailment. For sale by Dh. J. E. PHorxtrr. Ex-Congressman, Judge Maxwell, X- pi red very suddenly at hi home in Fre-1 moot. Neb., on the 11th lost, of hfart ii..- T..,i m...ii . nn -. " oi age ana pau peen .n puoiicnie almost continuously during bis residence in this I stale wlwrb he had lived since ,1855 and bad much to do with shaping legislation and in conducting the public affairs of this great cohimoo wealth since its en trance into the Union as a state. Recent experiments show that all clas ses of foods 'may be completely digesetd iy a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure' which absolutely digest what you eat. As it is tne only combination of all the natural digestant ever devised the demand for it has become enormous It has never failed to cur the very worst cases ot indigestion and it always gives instant relief. J. E. PBQINET. Call For Bids Eor Bridge. Bids will be received and filed by the County clerk at bis office in Harrison, Nebraska, until noon February, 85th, 1901, for the building of a county bridge Rccroft Monroe Creek, in War bonnet f.recinrt. .. --;-.-'.--.-..-:;.. 1 The Commissioners reserve the right, to reject any and all Aids. Plan and specitlcations are on file at this office. , Wh. J. A. Racm. County Clerk. onoa, riming yow i . . eWTethO.. ,v Y STOCK BRANDS. ! V TMi JoimlrAi. win pnblUh yonr brand, like the following, for (Saw, per year. - Each ad dltioaal Uutl V.onta. Kvery israier or ranebatea In Siona and adjoining eoaoties hoald 4vertlM their brands m THaJoom aL mm it olraafatee all over the state. It may be tan means of earing- money for yon ssda QElVARO. Par the arrest and conylptlon of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on .slock belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLV1LLE. Ildrno branded on rtgh shoulder or J 1 branded on right Jaw Also, I have er: R3FJ Horses branded Ij on lyft thigh Fast Offios Address, ' ''" ' , Harrison, 8ipnx Oo Nebraska. r.V.JAKDT 60, 1(7, E Brands (on left Mr EH Eft on left Jsw, on left hip of Cattle. Sioux CountyjMebraska. Post Office. Hewitt, JOHST.8HOW. Horses iraAded 3 on left noul" 1 (der branded on left shoulder and Cattle PIY on left side. Post Office Address, , . Patrick, Laramle Co. Wyo. GEORGE SWAK80N. 189 aS ; Cattle branded on left side Horses branded on left shou der, range on Soldier Creek. . Any stock branded as above being estray my rMge moo,OTC4 by any body Qa giving me information will be rewarded. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. J.B. PABEER. Hor1rbranded left shonlder and Cattle game on left hip. Sheep barnded on 1-ackorl rJ on bsck Of Sheep. Range on Soldier Oeek and White River. Address, Ft. Robinson, Nebraska. HENRY WARNEKE. Oattle brand ed on left side. Range on Rnnulng Water Creeek. (TP, O. Address Harrison. Nebraska. . UOUNTMN ; NEWS ; DENVER, COLORADO (DAILY & WEEKLY i Tht Great Representative Newspaper of the Becky Xoaataln States and i Tertterles. ' Ail the Now from All the World, 4. V Illustrations, Oartoons, Special ; reaUires,Etc.,Eto. . SUMCfllPTION RATES: Daily and Sandsy-. per month - - S .n ISaadaveoIr ( to a naiceei. per year, Its I Wsakly, Bwr year . - l. ADDKRM 1 B0CKY XOVITAJil HEWRt - Dearor, Colgrado U,AS j I-, - - How To Cure Uie unp. J t Remaia quietly st homo nod tako Chamberlain Congh remedy as diroutoa and a quick recovery is euro to follow. Thai remedy counioracw any 1 of the grip to result in pneumonia, which ' lis really the only sorlou danger. A- moflg tflt IMS OI trouaanaa wuv i) Bead it for the grip not oo cans bs ever barwportod that did not recover. For tatobDm.j. E-PHurm. D I E3SS5r" FRASK XCTTO. Cattle ' braaded side and same on 0 on the left left shoul der of horses. Address, Harrison, Mebrssks. Cattle Branded P"""" on left' side and Horses Branded I 1 1 oa left eboalder Baqge on head of Whit River. P.O. Address, Harrison, Keb, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- Innbrandoa eith Also HQ on cat tle and horses cattle on leftside horses on left snouMsr. Range on Silver Spring sad east of state tne. Postofflee Harrison Neb ' ' CHAFXgS XRWHAX. Tne brand represented In this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over-lap eat from the right ear. Also tbs same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Range near Eaat Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Chalss Nbwmak, ,. Harrison, Nebraska. J.9. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ol horses nd on left side of cattle. ' on right side This on Rangoon White River, near Glen. Post Office address, Glea, Nebraska. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK fo, Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, eJ Range on Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creek Live Stock Co.. J. H. Halbikt. Foremen, Glea, Nebraska, BOCRRET A SONS. Cattle bread. edaaaMosibe oa eat on eith er side of ani mal. ' And following on left side of cattle. mo And this j on stock. And this jj on left side and hip. . Range on Running Water. Post Office sddress, Harrison, Nebraska. CONTEST NOTICE. , URITXO 8TATBS Lasd orrcf. Alllsnce, Nebrsska, January, 11, WH. ' A snffioient affidavit having been flled in this office by Jens Jeneen, contestant, against Homestead entry No. 44, made Jan nary for K!i W)4 N-E! HSl and N-WK 8-EW, Section IS, Township SI, N rang 54 w, by Ramon Cortes, eon testes, in which It Is alleged that said Ramon Cortes bas never settled upon or msde any improve ments whatever on the said land, that it has been wholly abandoned by the Entry- man since date of entry, and that said alleg ed absence from the aaid land was not due to bis hnployement In the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of tne United States as a art ate solkler, officer, soamaa or marine dar m or marine nur- during any other ing the war with Spain, or warln which the United Stotee way be en - aagea, swa pmrww m..i - sDoear. respond and offer evidence tonch lnc said allegation at is e oicx a. m. aaren u. imi. before Grant uutnrte, aosaro raniie at his office in Harrison, noo,, ananaw hea bearing will be held at is o'elock a. m on Jtareh is, 1W1. before the Regtater and nrtr at the United SUte Lead ODoe la Alltaaee, Nebraska. The said oontesunt having, in s proper asuavlt. am jaanary u, im. "r facto which show that after dUllfoae per. n ii . right side of cattle too soesU serrlce of thU notloe can not be wolumf.TS,ofiOM eeontv aad I i. m uw.uj - notice be given by do and proper pabllos - ---- -- ... . MM UH kUI Uon. W. R. absbs. Mginor. Dyopopcio Copo Dbtsta nhit yea cat nafialsllvdlAaUtiialOOdBJkaBAi Katar in sueiiittonalM and taooB suoctinf tba txluuMtal dlgwttl v Qt tans. Us tha Utadtsoottiwaitl Sat aad tooie. Vp otbar prtrr5iosi m armnaea it la Ocincy. II tlf stantly rtHsrasiBd nmmMaOtwm pjipoia, lwioa, Birnbiin, allottaTPssiJtffc:r-wt MwoswaU, PlMSMatftCr--lfCA.C S1QO Reward. For proof to convict any pereoa) mf. steal lag, altering, running off, or in any way damaglags stock bttiaAedJ; on right side or hip. Address, Jambs roam, Harrison, Neb. A.T. nrGHSOX. Brand combl donb! left side right ei of cattle. Horses ssniej shonlder, II t out right! ear esAUe, I Cattle ail dohoriw Range on Kyle Creek, Post Ofoos. Glea Mabrsska. LARSPETERSXN. CatU braaded on left hip also Cattle branded i left (.side. Range on Soldier Creek and Whle Blver. Address, Glen, Nebraska. : roreman, Pun Maooi, BEKT EARNEST. Cattle branded on left hip and same oa the let Jaw. Horses branded no on left Jaw, shonlder or flank. Also Horsss braaded I I! I on left flank .and . , . , jj oa left snouiaer. Range on head of Van Taseell ereek, Wyo. WPost Offloe addree, Harrison, Neb. BREWSTER 4 CO. Cattle brand ed same as that on eat, either left hip or on left shoulder. Piri I lioree brsaded with sf of above braad. gNORI BROS. 0; Cattle branded on left hip, shonl der or side and ' 1 Horses branded same as cattle. Range near Bell, Nob. P. O. Address, Harrises, Nebraska. BOraWTWWCE. ' I Cattle Branded en left side. Running Range on Water. .'Adjdves iv--', Agate, Nebraska. CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hip of eatMe, I On left shoulder of horaos. I Rang oa the head ol Warbeanet cresk .."'.'-. Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb Road Notice. To all whom It may eoaeera: The Commissioners sppotated road commencing at H-aeeraor of thirty three () and thirty-foor (4)ia hip thlrty-nve (ssj aaage iiisyioar inr in Sioux County Nebraska thence Rnaaisw Sooth two (t) miles and terminating at Sa eornerof section four (41 In township thlT- ty.f(mr (M fifty-four (.64) U Sioux I ... v,.k. h aathlthad and all ok- 1 or f or ,umset ms.t be filed in tho oounty Clerk's office on or bw. tore noon of the isth day of February INI or each road will be established wltnoat ref erence thereto. WM.J.A.MA0M. County Cierk. I Shetlfr Bale. i By virtue of an order of sale tossed by tne I mark ths District Coart of svnx oaaaiy, n,,, upon a decree rendered byaH I i. - M r. imwuu. bniwunii . . - - 1 ku wtf ehrtstlaa aaote ankaown. w right s. Lewis, ekeeator ef ta eeteaem Mary A. Loekwood. deeeesed ankaowa heirs of Maty A. Lookwood, ants. t win. an the nth day of Fsbmsry a. p. itoi. ettwooxlonk tn the afternoon of Mid , dav at ths eaat front door of the Coart u. lt maatv. la Hal I ISO n. ha, eell to the highest Udder for mm in bsnd, ths following deesribad real sltnata In said eoenty, towlti -The xi to -east eaerter, ef Seetloa tweary. it. tawnanin thirty -f oar. aorta of Swage Sfty 4ve, west of the suta pnaotaa wmm tmm la Itaax County. VWwkli SO eBAwa ataiireala.mtho lajsaf Ota I red aad etghty fswr dollar sad slckty eeata. latereet aad ieu na aessniag sse i 11, Ma AuaLowaf, aarswl0Wl ses..BsnasBBtwaBaaBl0 YH1 SB t 1 - " i GQIUODu r?vr::i i. 4 m C 1 it i j "(fete" i! ... 'i . - ' 3 - 1 ?: V-.- ... . ( i