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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1900)
1 r '".?U NEBRASKA' HQ Harrisc iraatba ia Etel at titer, Gfib. vol. xm The Commercial Bank.- HARRISON. C. F. Coffee, President. Chas. C. Jameson. H. S. Stockmen having u.e for a bank at this point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking businep. HE We are prepared to take care of onr trade at all timesri HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. Subscription Price Official paper of Gko. D. Canont, Entered at the Hahhikon Post Former President Benjamin Harrison lias attacked (lie McKinley administra tion for taking the position that the Constitution applies to the United States exclusive of Porto Uico and the Philip pine Islands. He oVIaitd the cons titution extended to thera in spite of any treaties or Congressional legislation. To deny taxes in other parts of the Un ited States, according to ths former President, is to deny that Porto Rico is a jiart of the United States. He said that while some persons declare that the sound or Dewey ft guns in Manila Bay heralded a new mission for this country. o him it seemed better to let it herald the same old mission sounded by the guns of Washington. National Watch man. Xmas goods at Pioneer Pharmacy. If the Bute Journal, is any authority (a republican paper too), Editor Rie water of the Omaha Bw, in the legisla tive contests in Douglas county is being fliown up in his true light It is such men aft Rosewater, Deitrich and onr own Capt. A. O. Fisher, the camp Thomas hero, who ore respousicle for the land slide in Nebraska, that was no doubt brought almut by fraud and intimidation we predict the public will recognize the fact in less than two years. Among the tens of thousands who rmve used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds and lagrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a sin-.-la case has resulted in pneumonia. Titos. whitiieiB a. Co., 219 Wabash av enue, Chicago, one of the most promi- nenent retail druggists in that city, in in speaking of this, says: "We reccom Chamberlain's Cough remedy for la grippe in many face, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia." For sale by J. E. Piixinney. The army canteen will be ir.ainta ned hv the government do matter whether the Methodist church approves of it or not. As long ax president McKinley, (good old fashioned methodist) is satisfied, it will without doubt receive the appobation cf prohibition, church-going class. When hucIi men as Bishop Fowler and Hartr.ell prefer to go to sea, with boats of stone; with sails of lead and oars of iron, with a gale from hell as a wind to propel their craft, rather than elect a clean, pure man like Mr. Bryan for president of these United states, the army canteen is of very little importance whatever. Many persons bare had the experience of Mr, Peter Sherman, of North Srat ford, N. H., who says, "For years I suff. red torturte from chronic indigestion, but Kodol Dyspepsia cure made a well man of me." It digests what you eat And is a certain cure for dyspepsia and every form of stomach trouble. It gives relief at once even in the worst cases, nnd can't help but do you good. J, E. FlllNNEY. 8tat4 treasurer Unserve, during his list term of office, which will expire about the Oth of January, paid a surity company $1,500 dollars for guaranteeing his honesty and integrity, to the people of Nebraska that he would perform the duties of state treasury without loss to them. It is now stated by republican papers that tha surety companies have raised on the surety bond to $2,100, and tha new state treasurer, elect declares he will give a personal bond instead. Tha surety companies have not fogotten tha eecoru of the last republican state officials, when they had stolen every thing in sight, tearing their finger nails off getting the last penny from the vault in' the different slat department That sy glv ui nntlliiog barJar. """"" 'NO NEBRASKA. F. W.Clarkk, Cashier. Clarke, A. McGisley, Per Year $1.)0. siouc County. - Editor. Oikke Art SmiND (lass Matter. The Tew Century E'ere anotiier issue of this sheet is giv en to our renders, life and death will have met; and offered greetings each of its kind, tha one will the faint groans of the dying nineteenth century, and the other the bright halo and rosy hue of the dawning twentieth . The glad new year will ushar tha one into the re motest oblivion, and the other he will crown with the laurels of conquerer, hero and king, The dieing year and century alike, warns all of two facts, viz: That all that is of time passeth," and that the new year and century are given for a special purpose. Many of us will live to see the commencement of the century; none of us will see its completion; how many will see the end of the year? What next? The following verses may not be out of place on the occasion. "Ode to the Twentieth Century ' by Our M. Quuri. In the splendor of the morning, e'erc the , . star have vanished quite. When the earth awaits her bridal in her rolirsof spotless white, And the millions watch Imniitlent behold with raptured Joy an"! gle"', The dawning of the Now Year, and the Twentieth century. Hull Its bright auspicious dawslng? lnt all strife and cavil cease, May every sword bo burrlcd 'ncath the hlanded bloom of pence, May every son of freedom stand erect to day and see. With lifted soul, the chime that ring tho dawning, of the Twentieth century. Columbia greets the new century srith a welcome fair to see, And brighter grow the stars that gem the lamer of the free; In the flushes of its dawning we can nee a grander lame Than that whoso halo gilds to-day our country's deathless name; From east to west, from north to nOSth thro out Columbia free. I.ct the proudest and the humblest greet tho virgin century. Judge Bond, of Boston, who has sat on the bench over forty years has during the past week, openly proclaimed to the world, that in certain cases, Mercy, is ahead of justice, end he demonstrated the fact in the case of Miss Rogan who desperate because of her ruin, which a Dr. Taylor accomplished, threw Vitrol in his face and destroyed his sight, and otherwise disfigured his face. This ven erable judge in discharging the unfortu nate girl said, of her victim Dr.-Taylor "lie is so vile I have no pity". Bound Over Without Vail. The preliminary hearing of James D. Haguewood, for the killing of Baptiste (iarnier, was held in Chadron yesterday before Justice Babcock. County Attor ney Fanning appeared for the slate, and Allen O. Fisher for the defense. After the testimony was taken Mr. Fisher made ication for the release of hit client on bond. The petition was denied, and the court, after considering the evidence bound the defendant over to tlte district court without bail. Sheriff Dargan was in town Wednes day, serving subpoeans on many of our citizens to appear as witnesses at the pre liminary hearing of James D. ilaeue wood held in Chadron yesterday. The following were summoned by the state: Dr. Meredith, Charles Glaze-, Page T. Francis, George Uhl, Frank Jarvis, Wm. Ogg, John McCarty, Charles Klemp, Mason, U. G. Newcotnb, Wm. Jackson, Ferdin aod Wolff, Joe Butterworth, Frank Mooney, Charles Spearman. Wit nesses for the defense are; Don Papa, Qecrge Pedro, James Boyd, Charles Messenger, II. C. Rincker, Joe Butterworth, J. I). Webster,' John Mc Carty, II, O. Newcomb, Frank Moooay, Charles 8ptarmao. Crawford Oanrtts. QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED Advertise Your Stock Brands in the IWJCUfifJlL STOCK BRANDS. The Journal will publish your brand, like the following, for f',00, per year. Each ud dltKmal brand 78 cents. Everv rai nier or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties saould advertise their brands m TilEJoUK i. as it circulates all over tho state. It may m the means of saving money lor you $500 REWARD. Eor the arrest and conviction of any party or parties stealing or disfiguring any brands on stock belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLV1LLE. Horses branded on ngh shoulder or branded ftPI on right Jaw Also, I have Horses branded ! on left thigh Tost Office Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska. r. E. J A NUT. 60, 117, Iiroiids I on left hi)' left hip of Cattle. Post Ofllce, Hewitt, Sioux County, Nebraska. -o- JOilNT. SNOW. Horses branded Ri--rjl3"j n left shoul- Ilia der branded on left shoulder and Cattle FIY on left side. i in Tost Oflleo Addrexs, Patrick, Laramie Co. Wyo. GKOUUE SWANSOS. !3 o.i left side Cattle branded urn Horses branded WmtiStX on I ft shou Ider, range on Soldier (.reck. Any slock branded as above bl.-ig etr;iy ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving mo information will be r irdnd. Address, Kt. Kobtnsou, Nebraska." J. IS. PAKKKK. Horses branded on FT h ft shoulder and Cuttle same on left Xu2bJ hip. Sheep barnded on back or on back of frheep. ffzirVi liange on Soldier Creek and While Hiver. Address, I't. Itoblnson, Nebraska. Miss Vena Wills Receives her Ten sion. It pavs to be persistent in whatever one undertakes in liTo. S)eciully when you have right and justice on your side Thus Mrs. Vena Will, who commenced where her deceased husband left off, and has done all she possibly could, in order to come into possessions of that which justly belonged to her and her little ones. We are truly glad for Mrs. Will, as she is nw enabled to get herself a home in her declining years, and we know of no one who bus worked harder nor suffe-ed greater privations, to attain it. True Mrs. Will has at times fell somewhat discouraged and almost tem pted to give up the strugle for her pen sion, as ono bv one grew tired of writing seemingly useless letters to tho pension department for her, but the old proverb which says "all things Cometh to him who waits" seems to be verified in hsr case. We rejoice with. Mrs Will, ia her good luck. Just Saved Ills Lire. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Davis of Bowers ton. O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a se vere lung trouble constantly grew worse until it seemed he must die ef Consump tion. Then be began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and lately wrote: "It gave instant rolief and effected a per munent cure." Such wonderful cures have for 25 years, proven it's power to cure all Thrnat, Chest and Lung troub les. Price 50c and 1,00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at J. E. Phinneys drug store. Notice for Presentation of Claims. o Notice U hereby given to all person liav Ing claims or demands against I'etur Brown, commonly known as willlam Haynes, Iste of siou i County, deceased, that the tint flxtd for filling claims against Peter Brown aid estate Is alg Months from the ITth day of December 1000, all persons having in eh claims are required to present tlte asms with the vouchers, to the county Judge of said county, at his olticu therein on or be fore the 17th day of June 1901, anil claims so Iliad will be heard on the first Monday In February 1901 and thereafter On tho first dur of each regular term flf the county court of said county during the time limited as a fnr'sald. CHAILU K. NCMILT K. HCNILT. County UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. " FRANK NUTTO On left side or cattle and on left shoulder ot horses. Itnnge on Antelope crek P. O., Chiiclirist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAKLES 1J1KHLK. On lelt side or hip of cattle, j On left shoulder of horses, 1 iHunge on the head ol Warbonuet crek AUilrcs Ilurilsou, Sioux Co. Nab ( Fi'akk C. Lewis. Cattle Branded rjTSJ ou lef' M" and Horses Branded KfT on left shoulder Kunge on head of Wblte lilver. F. O. Address, IlaiTison, Neb, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow ingbruud ou eith er: Also HS on cat tle and horses cattle on lettsldo horses on left thoukicr. Range on Silver Springs and oast of stato )ne. l'ostofilce Harrison Keii CHAKLKS NEWHAN. The brand represented In this notice ftM and branded any where on left side of cattle, aud over lap .:ut from the Mined right car. r- " Also tho same brand on loft thigh of EJuS horses, belongs to the undersigned. Usage- Hoar East Springs, south part fo Eloux county. Ciniu.KB Nkwmn, . Harrison, Nebraska. t J.S. TCCKEK. Branded ou left shoulder ol horses ind on left sido of cattle. Range on White River, near Glen. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. V DEEPCKKEK LIVE STOCK Co, .KJJJ Branded on left hip of Cattle and on left cheek of Horses, Eangeon Deep Creek. t AudieriktjgJeep Creek Lire Stock Co,. I CltrUAB Ro ,8upt., ' Glen, Nebraska. KOliEKT F. NEECE. Cottle Branded I Kango on Water. 'i on left side. Running I. o. Address Agate, Nebraska. I NOTICE. Have just concluded a contract with A. llospe of Omaha, lor another Kimbal Organ, which we will sell at ft liberal discount. Editor. A Keen Clear Brain. Your best feelings, your social position or business successdepend largely on the perfect action of your Stomach And liver llr. King's New Life Pills give increased stength. a keen, clear brain, high ambi tion. A 25 cent box will make you feel like a new being. Sold by J. E. Piunney LTuggist New is the time when crouD and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that procduces immedi ate results is One Miuute Cough Cure, It is very pleasant to take and can be re lied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It wild prevent consumption. J. E. Piunney. Paid Dear For His Log. B. D. Blanton or Tbackerville, Tex., in two years paid over $300.00 to doctors to cure a Running sore on his leg. Then they wantec to cut it off, but he cured it with one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles, 25 cts a box. Sold by J. E. Phinney druggist. Brave Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well as women,: and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousoess, head ache and tired, listless, rundown feeling. Hut there's no need to feel like that. J. W. Gardner, of Idavill, Ind., says: "Electric Bitters are jU'-t the thing for a man when he dont care whether he lives or dies. It gave me new strength and good appetite. can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 ents, nt J. E. Pninneys Drug Store, Every bottle guaranteed. How To Cure Croup. Mr, R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess county, N. Y.,says: "Chambor Iain's Cough Remedy is the Iwst medicine I have ever used. It is a lln children's remedy for croup and never fails to cure. When given as soon as the child tweomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of tha Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For suit by J. E. PHItWIY. im Si - - Hon. Willi.. J. Bryan.' $10O Reward. For proof to convict any person of steal ing, altering, running oiT, or iu any way dumagings stock branded light side or hip. Address, Jakks Force, Harrison, Neb. A.T. HUGHSON. Brand combl double! on left side uu right ar cattle, of cattle. Horses same shoulder. LJJCut out right! ' V Ml uuue an dehorned. Range on Kvje Crecir, Post Office, Glen Nebraska. LA KS PETERSEN. Cattle ura.ided IWT on left hlu also Cattle branded on left (side. Range on Soldier ( reek aud VV hie Biver. Address, (ilen, Nebraska. Foreuiau, Fkeo Masov. IS BUT EARNEST. Cattle branded on left hip and fame on the lelt jurt. Horses branded on left Jaw, shoulder or flank. Also Horses branded on left flank and on left shoulder. E:inge on head of Van Tassell creek, Wyo. Wi'ost Office address, Harrison, Neb. The best Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Paiu Balm aod bound to the affected par ts is superior to any plas ter. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, giye it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Ta?itBaIri oTso cures rneninia tism. One application gives relief. For sale by J. E. Phinney. Sheriffs Sale. By-virtue of an order of sale issued by the CInrk of tho District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, i pon a decree rendered by said Court In favor of Sioux countv and against Edwin C. Lockwood, Mrs. Edwin C. Look wood bis wife, christian name unknown, Wrights. Lewis, executor of tho estate of Mary A. Lockwood, deceased unknown heirs of Mary A. Lockwood, deceased, de5end ants. I will, on the 12th day of January, A.D. 1501, at o,c!or-!t In h afternoon of said day at ths east front door of tho Court House of said county, in Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to the highest bidder for cash in band, tho following described real estute, situate in said county, towit: The South-cast quarter, of Section twenty-. six, townsnip thirty-four, north of range fifty-five, west of the Sixth principal merid ian la Sioux County, Nebraska, to satisfy said order of sale, in the sum of One hund red and cigbty-feur dollars and eighty-nine cents, interest aud costs and accruing costs. Dated December 11, 18(10. Alex Lowry, Sheriff of said County. A Dastardly Outrage. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's VVitch Hazel salve. Most of them are 'worthless Or liable to cause injury. The originalDe Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases, J. E. PniNNEY. 15-1. PC. r m Read The PRESS-JOURNAL. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk ot the District Court of Sioux count v, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Conrt In lavor of Sioux county, and against Walter Eden, Mrs. Walter Edon, his wife christian name unknown and Benjamin K. Johnson. . I will, on tho 12th day of January, A. D. 1901, at two o.cloek In the afternoon of said day, at tho cast front door of the Court House of said county, in Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to the highest bidder lor cash in hand, the following described reul estate sttualu in said county, to-wtt : The north-west quarter of Section twenty two, in 'lownshlp thirty-one, north oi Range llfty slx, west of tho Sixth principal meridi an In Nebraska, to satisfy said order ot Sale In the sum of seventy-one dHrs and seventy-eight cents, Interest and costs and ac cruing costs. Dated December 11, ltsW. ALKX Lowrt, Sheriff of said County. Help is needed at once when a parson's life is in danger,. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst raes of croup, bronchitis, grippe gnd other throat and lung troab- lts, J, E. E Pmmrgv. JVQ (itHMkl SJ. f All tk The most effective (ittM Jivcr n'llw made are DeWitt's L'ttle Etrlv R rs. Ibey never gripe. J. E Pbinnky. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE A WEEK. Almost a Daily at the Price of Weekly. The presidential campaign ii over brt the world goes on just the same and it is full of news. To learn this news, just as it is-promptly and impartialy ah that you have to do is to look ia the col umns of the Thrice-a-weelt edition of the New York World which comet to the subscriber 156 times a year, ' The Thrice-u Week World' diligence as a publisher of first news has given it circulation wherever the English langu age is spoken and you want it. The Thrice a-Week , World's , regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Press-Journal together one year" for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3.00. Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature-in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive Or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. - No otber preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently carta Dyspepsia, . Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Oastralgla.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and Si. Large sue contains tH tdaea small else. Book all aboutdyspepslsipaiterree Prt pored by E. C OeWITT acO, CttMogSV Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale leaned by tha 'nerk of the District Court of Sioux VMnty. Nshreaka, upon a. decree rendered by said Court In favor oTMonx county feadaaattM John Koaeer, Johanna Koncor, Baowaltet - Mortgage Company ami S. K. Humphry. I will, on the 12th day ofilatiuary, A. I. lixil, at two o'clock ia the afternoon of eaM day, at the east front door of the Court House of said county, ia Harrison, Nebras ka, sell to the highest bidder for cash (u hand, tho following described real estate situate lu said county, to-w!t: The south-west quarter of Section twenty one in Township thirty-four north of Range flfty-Ove west of the 6th principal meridian in Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy sttil order of sale In the sum of sixty-three dol lars aud - thirty two rents, interest and costs and accruing costs. Dated December 11, lSOO. ALCX Lowbt, Storiff of said rnw. SherliTs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by tha Clerk oi the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, npon a decree rendered In saltl court in favor of Sioux County against Id--.raro Maioney, Bueish Maloney his wife snl A. D. Wood, christian name unknown, have levied upon the following doscrlbed real estate as the property of said Edward Maloney, Buelah Maloney, his wife and A. D. Wood, christian name unknown, to-wit: The norih-west quarter ol Bcctlon twenty eight of Township thirty-four N of Kange fifty five, and I will on the ltth day of Janu ary A.J). ;i!Wl, at two o'clock In the after noon of said day, at the east front door of the Court House of said county, in Harrison. Nebraska, sell the said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, the amount due thereon being the sum of $187.97 and costs and accruing costs. ' Harrison, Kebraska,December 10, 1M0. ALEX LowRA, Sheriff of Sioux County. Contest Notice. United States Land ofllce, Alliance. Nebraska, I December 11th. 1900. A sufficient contest affidavit having been (lied In this office by Andrew Johnson eon tostant, against Homestead entry No. 4Ut, make December lf th, ISM, for South Wert quarter Section 19, Township SB H, Ranee M W, by I.eviC. Mathews Contestee, In whteh It Is alleged that Said Levi C. Mathews baa estlrely failed to establish his residence on snld land and has entirely failed to calM vate any of said laud at any time, that tfca said delatilts continue st tbe date of tail affidavit and aru not nor were not cause I bv service of said entryuian in the Army, Navy or marine Corps of the United State during the late war with Spain or any oilier war In which It mar have been engaged. ' Said parties are hereby notified to appear respond and offsr evidence touohlag eon allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on rebraarr ' Ilth, 1901 before Grant Gutkne, Notary Fab He at his ofllce, in Harrlsen, Nebraska, and that final bearing wlll bs bald at I o'clock a. m, on Kebmary, IS, ISOI, before tbo Register and. Keoelver at tbe Baited atatea Ind ofllce in Alliance, Xebraeh. TaSt4 contestant having la a proper afldavtt f' -June , 1900, set forth facta wbleb shww f. nf lor due dlligenaa. ytTeocaTesrrwe f t ' notice cannot be made, it Is bereby a., i- andjllroctadtbat saeb atttce be fta , due and sopetpabllseMesu i.-f : . , i s ? iir" 1 1 "n ' ' ' 'X? v .- ' '' if. t .4 IrvH. ', . T V . . ii 4 ' "' . V'- J i.:4? v&ft-- - fci.'' fwi.-