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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1900)
K 0 Harrison Press - Journal. ; i' vol. xm J-Jn..cvCvi0wa.N , -ln juaxoADJi. A., J-,JLTJSD-A.-ST1 DEO. 6 1900 rv-- m. . 25QO. - IT eP U B U KT 1 I I vn I HTI I IT S 0 Sr mm . mm w.... w- ' ' Ot I LtD RIGMT. ""HB. nil HAM 4. NryBB. i'The Commercial Bank. HARRISON, NEBRASKA. DIBEOTORS. C. F. Cokfkk, President F. W.Clarke, Cashier. Ciiasl C. Jamesox. II. S. Clark k, A. McGixlet, Stockmen having use for a bank at thin point may rely on us to handle their entire Banking busines. -ftWft arc prepared to take care of our trade at all timeBwfr. HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. TKST A BUSHED 1 8 88 .gCT o . Sutwcriptloa Price Per Year 91.00. Official Paper of Sioux: County. Geo. D. Canon, - Editor. Entkkkd at the Hakmhon Pikt Senator C. K. Davis, of Mionnesota, a 'tor a long and paiuful illne-w caus xl by blond poisoning, Nov. 27 at 8:30, passed to the great bevood, from whence no traveler ever returns, no matter how low, or Jifgb up in learning, position and soeety he may occupy. Senator DavU, no doubt, wax one of the most honorable and brainy tueo in the National Con- ffr ' - " ' '' ' ' ' Special Dispatches to the daily press of the conn try from London, report tho formation of the moat .gigantic trust the world ban ever known. It in to be a gold mine trust The African, Austral ian and Alaskan mioe,' it is reported, are already secured. The mines of Col orado are being examined for initiation into the mammoth trust, which is des tined to control the yellow metal of the world. Verily, this is a trust breeding age. Yea, we beleive, if Chas. IL Deitrich, the republican candidate for governor, in his canvass during the late campaign has willfully broken the election laws of our state In order to attain to the governorship, be should receive the tatutary repremand of the law, which his own party is responsible for, uot only the governor elect according to the face of the returns should be pun ished but every public offieial, down to road supervisor who has obtaided his of flckl position through fraud, bo matter what political party or person he may represent should suffer the penalty of the law. If the ballot cannot be kept pert and inviolate then, there is little hope for toe future ef our Republic. Don't use ear of the counterfeits of De Witt's Witch Hazel salve. ! Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The originalDs Witt's Witch HaselSalveisa certain cure for pi lest ectema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and slue diseases, J. E. Phirnet. We wish to call the attention of oer readers to the fact that we have adopted tbe new spelling of the words recom meaded by the state legislature; thru, tho, altho, thoro, catalog, and thruout We prefer these forms because they are shorter, accord better with the pronunci attoa, and befog aa Institution fer ad vanoesnent, we desire to keep pace with the U dms. -The Chadron (Academy) Envoy. Ne one caa reaeooably hope for good health unless hie bowels move oace each day. Waea this is not itteoded to, distMders of the etoenech arise, bilWous- nees, headache, dyspepsia aad piles soon follow. If y wtah to avoid these all men U keep your bowtli raffolar by Uk- ing Chamber Iain's 8tomach aod liver tablets whoa reouired. They are so miM and geotlo to effeci For oale by 1. Z. Ywamt. . OrricE as Sietond Ci.awi Matteh. The instituting of contest proceedings by CapU A. O. Fisher, the hero of Fort Thomas, to prevent Hon, Chas. F. Cof fee, from taking his seat in the legislat ure at Lincoln, this winter, is but a nam pie of the low groveling means, the Capt wilt resort to, in order to accomplish bis own selfish ends. The charges which Mr. fisher prefers against , Mr. Coffee,, in as much as as they relate to Sioux county are absurd in every particular and it is our individual opinon, that the charges so far as Dawes, Box Butte and Sheridan counties, are equally as groundless and base. Wc question whether or not Mi', Coffee's election expenses during the en tire campaign, aiirauuved iu $25 to'd. in'tlie entire district. After such an overwhelming defeat as was administer ed to Mr. Fisher, by , the voters of the 53rd represntative district, it would seem aa if heed take his defeat philosoflcally, and yield presedence to the honest vict tor, but as it is, we think he is the most minute, insignificant political trickster we have ever known or heard of. May Ood have mercy upon a legislative body who would lend its assistance to unseat a man of spotless character, such as the Hon. Chas. Coffee, is universally known to be, and seat in his stead a man of A. 0. Fisher's caliber. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but we can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eat all the good food yoq want while it is res toring the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digest all kinds of food. If special dispatches to tbe Daily Press of this country, from the Orient, can be relied upon for truth and veracity, Great Briton has just about received her All of the South African war and is about ready to treat with the Boer people. Help is needed at once when a person's life is in daosrer.. A oeirlected courh or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe god other throat and lung troub les, J. E. E PrTJHNET. Bravo Men Fall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney trouble aa wall as women, and all feel tho results in lose of appetite, poisons ia tho blood, backache, nervousness, head ache and tired, listless, rundown feeling. Bet there's no need to feel like that. J. W. Gardner, of Idavlll, lad., eays: Electric Bitterj are just tho thing for a man when no com care wnetoer do uvea or dies. It gave mo now strength and good appetite. I can now oat anything and have a new lease en Ufa" Only 00 cento, at 2. E. Pnlaaeyi Drug Store. Every vottlo guaranteed. Advertise Your Stock Brands in the PHESS-JOUIfflilL STOCK BRAND. ThsJodska twill publish your brand, like tlie following, fur S2 .-00, per rear. Kmeh ad rtltional brand 71 cent. Every tinner er ranchmen ln Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in ThkJobb- ml as It circulates all over the state. It may he the means of saving money for you $500 REWARD. For the arrest and conviction of any purty or parties stealing or dtsflg urine; any brands on stock belonging to the undersigned par ties: DAVID COLVILLE. ES Horses branded on rlgh shoulder or branded on right Jaw Also, I have Horses branded on left thigh Post Office Address, Harrison, Sioux Co., Nebraska. r. E. JAtiDT. 60.117, H Brands on left hlr on left Jaw, left hip or Cattle. Post Office, Hewitt, Sioux County, Nebraska. JOHN T. 8NOW. Horses branded B1 on left shoal der or rWM branded on left shoulder and Cattle PI Y on left side. Post Office Address, Patrick, I-aiamle Co. Wyo. o tiKORUE 8W ANSON. Cattle branded Horses branded on left side on-left shou ldcr, range on Midler Creek. Any stock branded as above being eatrny. ed from my range, discovered by any body on giving me Information will be rewarded. Address, Ft. Uoblnaon, Nebraska. J. B. PARKER. Horses branded on Iff t shoulder and Cattle same on left BMaasl hip. Sheep Intruded on back or back of sheen. i&iZJl Ranee on Soldier Creek and White ltlver. , Address, Ft. Itobliisoii. Nebraska. RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were adopted by the National Irrigation Congress, November 24, 1900. "We hail with satisfaction the or the nation in the last campaign declared in favor of the reclamation of arid America, in order that settlers might build homes on the public domain, and to that end we urge upon Congress that national appropriations commensurate with the magnitud of the problem should be made for the preservation of the forests and the reforestation of denuded areas as natural storage reservoihrs and for the construction by tbe National Government as part of its policy internal improve ment of storage reservoirs and other works for flood protection and to save for use in aid of navigation and irrigrtion the waters which now run to waste aad for the development of artesian and subteraniao sources of water supply. "Tbe waters of all streams should and the riclit of the use of the watea for gation, and beneficial use be the basis of "The work of building the reservoirs done directly by the government under ment of labor and work and under laws that will give to all American citizens a free and equal opportunity to get first employment, and a home on the laad. " We commend the efficient work government in the investigation of the ditions relating to irrigation and in promoting the adoption ef more effective aw customs and methods of irrigated agrculture, and urge upon congress the necessity of providing liberal appropriations for this A Letter From Dr. Shaefer. Sarcy, Ark, Nov. 36, 1900 Geo. D. Canon, Editor Press-Journal, " Dear Sir: I arrived here some two weeks ago all safe and sound. It has been nice and except two small frosts, aad it has been last night it froze a little ice. But, at present writing it is nice and warm, near ly all the time since I am here. Kids, white and black go barefooted. I have been through all the oouotry east, west, north aad south, and I find the country for six or eight miles around this town the laad all worn out I have been oat to the land I traded for, but I diwovered that I bad been badly defrauded; the sur veyor did not survey the land my deed called for, It i two miles north of tbe land that was surveyed to me, and the land lays in tbe hills and rocks and Is no good. I shall not improve it. The principle product is cotton. I was to th cotton market ssvsral times and I was surprised at tho amount of cotton on the market it looks like an ocean of teams loadsd with from one to three bales of cottoo; a bale of cotton weighs about 873 to 400 Iba I counted the teams on one street and there were 387. other streets loading to tho market bad not so many teams on them. This country is good for fruit, especially apples are very nice and plenty; Peaches are not a sure crop, every year, Not Tory much grain raised hero and do grass tor pasture, only such as grow s Is so food and I find there can he no tamegrass started to last, It soon haras out I think I will stay here this win tor and will in toe spriug go to some other place. 1 have not made up my miod where I will go, to. My health is specially good eves since I arrived. Plenty of work here of all kinds aod good schools, cattle, horses sod mules, also sheep are high ia price. Some very mod horses here, worth 1100 to flM; Mules 7S to t100;Oowir)Ut;rWtt;IIog TeonTs7Tra1y,a.J.bWr,M,a FRANK KUTTO Oa left aide of cattle and oa left shoulder ot horses. Bange on Antelope creek P. O., ChUchrist, Slonx Co., Neb. . CHARLES BIEHI.E. On lelt side or blp of cattle, I On left shoulder of hnraes. ( Range on the bead 01 Warbonnet icnwk Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb Kmr. Lewis. Cattle Branded I 1 on ieft gMe and Horses Branded W& 1 j on left shoulder Kunge on bead of White River. I P. O. Address, Harrison, Neb, JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow-luguraadonelib.-wr: Also HQ on cat tle and horse cattle 00 leftxlde horses on left shoulder. Range on Rllver Kprlnes and east of state Inc. Postcfficc-UarrUia Sub CHAUI.K3 NEWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over lap not from the light ear. Also tbe same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Raage near East Springs, south part fo Slonx county. Chakles Newmak, Harrison. Nebraska. J.S. TUCKER. Branded on left shoulder ot horses S MnnA nn lffc .1.1 nf i.tH. I 1 1 I Range on W hlte River, near Glen. yVv I P-O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. DEEP CREEK LIVE STOCK Co. 5531 Brnled on left hip of Cattle 1 and oa left cheek of Horses, sBMatasaasl Bange on Deep Creek. Address, Deep Creak Live Stock Co.. Cephas Rove, Supt., len. Nebraska. KOBEirrr. KEECK. Cote"B Banded t7f on ,ef ' ilde Range on I II 3 Running Water. P. o. Address ' Agate, vebraska. fact that both of the ereat political parties forever remain subject to public contro irritation should inhere in tbe land irri measur and the limit of the right. necessary to store the floods should be existing statutes relating to the employ of tbe various bureaus of tbe national physical and legal problems and ether con important work. ' warm weather since I arrived here, raining more or rem svery other day, but f 100 Reward. . For proof to convict any person of steal. Ing, altering, running off, or in auy way damagings stock branded! right side or hip. Address, Jakes Fobcb, Harrison, Neb. A.T. HUGHRON. Brand oombl doubl of cattle. Horses samekaJ lassoi shoulder. lyogcut out rlgir cattle. ryw Cattle all deborne Range on Kyle Creek, Post Office, Glen Nebraska, III THE COUNTT COURT OF SIOUX COUN . TV, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph J. Moruvek, Deceased. Notice of Probate of Will. Whereas Jonh Moruvek, of Box Butte County, Nebraska, has tn accordance wltb an order heretofore Issued of this court fil ed n my office au instrument purporting to be tbe last will and testumeut of Joseph J. Moravek, deceased, which will relates to both rsai and personal estnie wiiereuiiou I have appointed Monday tbe 17th day of De cember WOO at one o'clock ln the afternoon of said day, at my office in said county as the time and place of proving ssld will, at which time and place, yon and all concern ed may appear and contest theprobatoof the same. '" It is further ordered tbat notice to all persons interested ln sold estate be notified of tbe pendency ot the petition, and the time and place set for hearing the same by causing a copy of this order to be published ln tbe Harrison Psess-Joubkai., a newspa per published ln Harrison, said state, for three weeks successively previous to tbe day set for said bearing. ln testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my official seal this Z7tb day of November, 1110. Chables Schii.t. County Judge. How To Cure Croup. Mr. B. Gray, who lives near Ameniu, Ducbess countv, N. Y .says: "Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a floe children's remedy for croup and never fails to curs." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe croupy cough has developed, it will prevent tbe attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use as soon as these symptoms appear. For sale by J, E. Phinney. A bill introduced by representative Crumfarker at the opening of congress for the re-apportionment of the congres sional districts, will if tbe bill passes re duc? NbraV wnwwn tat ion in cong ress to Ave members. President McKinley's message to Con gress is out, and in it he recommends a standing army of 100,000 men; the ship subsidy bill, which means a steal from the government of $10 000 000 a year; Paid Dear For His Leg. ED. Blanton of Tbackerville, Tex., in two years paid over $800.00 to doctors to cure a Running sore on bis leg. Then they wan tec to cut it off, but 'he cured it with one box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles, 35 cts a box. Sold by J. E. Phinney druggist The Irll R. Hicks 1001 Aaartac. Whatever may be said of tbe scientific causes upon which tbe Rev. Irl R. Hicks bases his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, it is a remarkable fact that Mm ssssa 1 k m t THE HOSPE PIANO. Uioawu.eo m vrvka oa oi Of Oaoss. Prices imi laiPEiSE TT Bead Tho PEESS-JOUrUTAlie THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-A WCEK. Almost a Daily at the Price or a, Weekly. The presidential campaign is over bet the world goes on just tbe same aod it is full or news. To learn this news, just as it is-promptly aad impartialy alt that you have to do is to look in the col umns of the Tbrioe-a-week edition of tbe New York World which comes to the subscriber 156 times a year. The Thrice-a-Week World's diligence, as a publisher of first news has given is. circulation wherever the English langu age is spoken and you want it The Thrice-a-Weefc World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer this unequaled newspaper and Prehb-Journal together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers is $2.00. THE TWICE-A-WEEK BEPUI UC. Evry Monday and Thurs-ijiy a news paper as good as a magazine and bet ter, for it contains the latest by tele graph as well as interesting stories is sent to the subscribers of the "Twice a Week" Republic, which is only $1 a year. The man who reads the "Twice-a-week" Republic knows all about affairs, politic il domestic and foreign events; is. posted about tbe markets and commer. cial matters generally. Tl e woman who reads tbe "Twice-a-Week" Republic gathers a bit of value ble information about household affairs, and late fashions and Anas recreation ia tbe bright stories that come under both. the headings of fact and fiction. There is gosip about new books and a doxen other topics of especial interest to tho wideawake man and woman. Dyspopsio Cui'o Digests what you eat. It artificlsily digesU the food aod nlin Naturo In strengthening aod recon structing the exuusted dlsTWtlv or gain. It Is tbe latest discovered -w. ant nd tonic. No other frnm .lt on approach it in efficiency. Htm tantly relieves and pennaaently earn Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbarn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gattralgia,Cramps ana an uuiex resuitsoi imperroc aigesuoix RUsKsrsndn. Lamas St mail tir, CwkaUiteatj Him tsaored ay e. c oowrrr scrx cwooe. specific warnings of every great storm, flood, cold wave aad drouth, have been plainly printed in his now famous Al manac for many yean. Tbe latest star tling proof of this fact was the' destruc tion of Galveston, Texas, oa the very day named by Prof. Hicks in his 1900 al manac, as one of disaster by storm along tbe gulf coasta The 1901 Almanac, bv far the finest, most complete and beau tiful yet published, is now ready. This remarkable book of nearly two hundred pages, splendidly illustrated with charts and half tone engravings, goes as a pre mium to every subscriber who pays one dollar a year for Prof, Hicks' journal. Word and Works. The Almanic alone is sent prepaid for only 35c. Order from Word and Wobkb Publishing Company 3201 Locust Street, St Louis, Mo. - . We tja to ronslafe tkt sea aaaae ssaai ble. sidle sstl H as) eke tVweMp sis a IS rlee. Iieanrlptlcei of eajv gts4o s naao: f 1-4 Oetssae. I Vitlariaat 0yttw Ttata, Pall Ire rises, sWiSnd aad ateated. rebts laavsvjtfSJS AcMdsj. Onus ir as. SSI Vn Dswt, inishsSJIeO'k, Hurra aad w1 ee. isse rr uaTi i r saeta. lati If DasHti RTellluS Fiyn fslB- ns lhajeas oa ftori Ntrkal PKssO Vail ans.4. TWres f-saare (Tnel Tim Njsx ittiisi. "syi far an iMfv 4 5-n.l ls: -(. 4 lws I.r'h: 1 aw, s 1-11 . lHa Wasas as C.vtf fj(a. MeO OVk, Aiew flNaaed fidMiMif WvSas Oar Vasae ssd ltereav sasew alessBS SVse Is aasaeareasT v esrast 0aae fes ssasv seialaa, saasesVp ee saerewT - CwmZ!lL CM 'iff r- -V ; As- bi v M 4 V - ) i r ? v , 3 -V