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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1900)
Press .HARRISON X VOL. SZIII. HIJLKISOIsr, ZEIBIEJSICu TliUE;SDAY, OV. 29 19QO 25 c. sr. Cur !. 5TION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."Hn. William J. r.ryaii. w J OURNAL The Gominoroia HARRISON, NZ3RA3XA. DIBECTOIS. C. Y. Cokfek, President. F. W. Clarke, Cariiier. Cu.vs. C. Jamkso.n. II. S. Clarke, A. McGixley, Ktoclrmev. having up? for a l)ank at this point may rely on us to handlo their entire Banking bushier". -tj-iWe nr" tn-pnarod to takf r.:trf of mr train at all timoPfj Harrison press-journal. KiiliKcription Price Official Paper of Gko. D. Canon, l-FTKHLD AT 1UK JiAhlOVON Pt l-T If" How at n.irrl is the allcK.itioti of repu Vi'ii'itn IivIhm inH j ip.irs, toutiier with iv fftf 'illed I)(?inocrain, who lavi tlnripe; Ihel'int two National caiiipaipriK, nisfwl Hie repul Iksui part v in Mi Kwt-l-tiriiiiff tha counlry wiili nl! kin li of trusts, from a pin on I iieecllo tru.-t to a n-.on-v truHt. 'A'lwu tionuilliins like a ! zzm, (Usui, nml Imck nuniher, sore tiiilijd prtlilittlatu like J. Stinlter Morton r Arifi 8'rcli trust fiiine, an.l 1id M. 1 'ii kini'on, lulk nf ro-orsrunizin tlie rn nilic i party, whicli pulleil 7,f)Ol,0On -nt" for it itinili l itv, who ii u K:onil Tboiii is JeflVrxon, on the fith of trie ji-:tl month, in tipyotid tli e comprelie lisi.m of fluitB TitnilH T' ! 1 " iin.n p - ' r 'o lif if vnAflrMil puin to tlij ta'ild to ent anil can't rest ut rii'lit on nci;oiint of indigestion. Il!i ry WilfiiiiiiH, of Booneville, lud.. kiv tio Kuirred that way for year, till ho com menced the n of Kodol DyHpf psia Cure mid tulilit,"Now I can eat anything I like and all 1 want and sleep soundly every night." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will di jCest what you e t. Sold by J. E. rifLXNCY Al Llioiiirh, Diniocrsicy, at the late elec tion witi overwhelmingly defeated, it doe not necessarily follow that Hon. William J. Bryan and the 7,000.000 voterii, who weut down to defeat with him did not rpree-it principle for they 1id in every Henne of the word which the term opplie. iJnmocrary need not be !iviiayei, nor caiit down, because mon y, and corruption in liih places has prevailed; truth, justice and right though crubl to earth for a time, will we helievo, arise iiRnio to do battle and K in a Mnal victory for the people n (fiiiijHt the per:ial, priveleged few of mamnn. Not nince the great emancip.v ter, Aoralmm Lincoln wan preHident has nrv party had for its candidate aud tilanilanl. bearer, a did democracy the pint tw campaign; in the rxvion of Hon. William J. Fryan, who has in all his public lifo never made a mistake or changed hi" principle, and no wonder, to uk, that the dead, president Lincoln's ortrait, which rmnifs upon and adorn the wall atlm White houe, fell from it lofty position nan awful foreboding to it occupant that hi ofllcinl act and the corruption of the republican party were detroyin(; without let or hinder am i the preat American Republic, which he in hi life time had exauted every mean in bin power to maintain. I -ft ItemrxTiicy nt ill continue to f iyrht tho hittle of the people an it hu under the lvferhip of Mr. Bryan, the matchless champion of th Inhenint riKht of the irreat common people, the wealth pro ducer of the nation. VmAnt MtKmley, ! dcldel that Vice rnwident elect cannot ride in the wi me rarriufce with him, at tho Innuit Ml, net March, M wnul be lowering lh hili eitaU of hi imperial majesty 'liich h baa attained under Ilaoua. f' ! Bank. Per Vciif $1 .0. Sioux: County. - Editor. dH - 'KE AS Shi-Mi I I.AFS M-ITTK't. C"'. I r. P.rkhnit. the New York city d ! v ne, who a few years ao visited the .fi.otrloiu" Uistrct of that, wicked city dran t b.;er and pbiyd leap-frocj vi h the tjueitionaiilo characM rs of that (Iik Irict now comes to the front ae;nin with a absurd xLttument, how he, by formint; a comp.iny wool I publish a "iibal pap er," one I hit will tell the trutii; that will print all the news; thnt will not le swnyed by adverlisrs; that will lend public; opinions; publish a p:ip:r that the people will lielieve, .0 &c. Just as if thero was no jiucb papers printed now-a-dnys. We behtve the newspaper of today. whether country, or metropolitan i.s as near a jKirfect t.VK of ideality as his em- . .... : .. :.!.. nt ,u, t- our opinion, wheu Dr. J'arkhurst reaches the ideal of perfection in his profession, following in the footsteps of the meek and lowly Jesus, theu it will be time for that sainted dvine to commence I tbe rovolutionization of the newspaper word I, It now transpires (J. II. Dttrich, tho s. o. p. monstrosity who headed the republican state ticket for governor of the j;reat commonwealth of Nehrai-ka, has ll.terantly violated the election laws of the state, passed by a republican lec; slatnre two years ago. By the infracti on of the law, Mr. Deitrich, is not only inulijiible to the high oflice to which be aspired, but has likwise committed a fel out. If the statements are true as r ported by the daily press throughout the state, then indeed should Mr. Deitrich be deprived of his oflice, otherwise he has gained a signal victory, and tha gubernatorial honor will rest must tfruc fully upon his shoulders. Mrs. Amanda J. Marble, vie president I 01 the .ebraka woman sull rage asseiut io. ha recently interviewed the twenty five widows residing in her towship, who pay taxes from six to sixty dollars por year, on their desire for the elective fra nchise. Twenty-four of the twenty-five declared that tltey want the ballot. The "ice trust" that Teddy Roosevelt and the leaders of the republican party howled so much about, becausA the De mocratic Mayor of greater New York, was interested in it, proves upon investi gation, to lie a campaign howl of the republican managers, assisted by th New York World. As a matter of fact the ice trust is a republican concern and its officer are republicans. It wa a case of the "thief crying thief" in order to escape his pursuers. President Kruger, of the TransVaal Repulic, who hn recently nrrived in France, and was received with demonst ration of joy and enthusiasm. He was not eominjr to the United State for con solation. Washington government has more time to spare for king nod queeus, emperors aod dukk ertsse STOCK I'.IIANDS, Tup. JoukSAt. will riKid-Li f lip following, for 12:10, per year, hsch nit dltionnl nrand ".') cents, fcvery tanner or ranchmen ill f ioux snd adjoining count Ia Hiiould Mvcrtise their brand in TilKJouu oaluh it circuit. Ws H'.l over t!i it. ite. Jt may lie Hi') tin miiij of avii,g money f.,r yua S509 REWARD. For tlm HrriMt 2m conviction of imy party or iu'tliMKtciU!ii ur ilif itfttriinj nny );rand on Klock buloiii'liig to tlic uiidcrjIifniMl par DAVID COLVU.I.K. lloi'Sf liriiuiif'l 51 mi riKh Hhouk'.cr or branded i. on right Jaw Al-o, I have Iloi';s branded " I'-'rt tlilgU I'OHt Oflicu AddrCKH, Jliu rlaon, Sioux Co., Mcbrxskn. K. k. J an n r. 60, 117, MM" DrandH left liir left Jaw.l'-V), left hip or Cattle. 1'oxt (dllec, ller:tt, fjloux County, Nebran!ii. JOHN T. SNOW. Hordes branded bi--;J5 j on left Bhoul- der or l briiiided on lett Wioulder Ll-rAJ and ( a tile on left side. l'ost Oiilce Address, I'a'.riek, i.aiauiic Co. Wyo. (IKOltliK SWASSOM. Cattle branded fA,'M on left side Horses branded ?r?fi5i on left shou lder, riinpe on f-rdcp'r t ic k. Any stock branded hsiiImivo belo i( estrny ed from my ra'ig", discovered by any body on giving inn Informtition will be rewarded. Audiexs, Yt, Koliiiison, Nebraska. J. j:. pakkeu. llor-H branded on p?--"? left shoulder and Cattle sainoon left hip. Sheep barniled FsSj on back or EFS'i! on back of Mu-ep. iiikj Hangn on soklicr Creek and While Kiver. Address, f t. Uonlitcon, Kebraska. A Gjrls lU-st Counselor is Ilor FtitlMT. "Trust your fat Iter's udement of your men Iricnds rather than your own at first.," writes Hellen Watterson Moody to prls, in tho Ilfcutiiis-r Ladies Home Journal, "The pny, witty, responsive youn;r man who will probabiy roost at tract you, will not be the one who will be likely to have his serious consideration and respect. Talk over your men friends with your father, and see what healthy, unemotional, f-ane, 'iimn-Btandanls' he will st.t up for you. I foully think if a girl could haxe but one counselor in her love affairs it would better he her father than any one else;. A man's mind is a great tonio to tlie somewhat diluted in tellect uf a girl in her first seiilitncutiil exitfciieiKcs." JConwilhstnndinj,- the leaders of the g o. p., and its party organs alike, most strenously declared, that if president McKinley was re-elected, the war, in the Pu hppines would cease almost immodi ately. Butalsalthe the wholesale der tructtonof life continues, and Oenl. Mo Arthur declares the wrr in the Philippi nes will last indutJuitelv, and more sold i rs are needed there besides. , Hince election, the Unnrse question seems more oifllcult to settle, than at any time since hostilities ceased. The impression most preveluut ot present, hi the mind of thepuhlic is that president McKinley will demand a slice of the mongolian territory, then look out for more war in the orient Over In Wyoming. The Pleasant Ilidgu Literary Associa tion was organized on Wednesday night of last week. The following officers were elf cted: Franci Duel president, J. ZumBrun nen vice pres., J. II. Newlin, Secy, and Treasurer with Miss Abbie M. Fluckey, rssistans, The society . will hold its meetings In the east scIikoI house and meet on Wednesday evenings, A good programme bus been arranged fort next meeting. Miss Abbie Fltickoo visited at the homo of ye scribe on last Friday and Saturday, Mr. Editor, Zekiol is very sorry that you have to dine on crow today, tut you ore not alone, rs Jimmie Mryes, of the Lufk Herald bus the same fare. As the old soog- goes "no you may be thankful 0. MM Your Stock Brands in the PRES KKANK NfTTD ln left side of caLtle ud on left ulionKIcr ot UorHfK. it nijix on Antclopo erevk V, 0., t - In : i hi'iit. Sioux (Jo., Se!. ( II AKI.KS HIEIII.E. "n left .Hour hip of cwttlo, ) ;Ij?'i."55l On lelt slioiil'lcrof lim-sct). ( fliniu on tiiB head ot Warbounet hp J',vj' w!l Address liiirrlnon, Slout t o. Sob l.EWIN. Cattle Rmndcd on left Hldo and on left shoulder Jiorces Uranded JV S'J i limine on head of White I'.iver. 1'. 0. AdiljcuH, IlarrlHon, Ne'o, JOriN A. IIAXriON O'.vns th fnllnv l'i'briiiid oueiih rc: . Also HO On cut- v;-i e:'t.iloo leflldfl V ".'A liorvs on led, f xtioiiUlcr. ,..-'? ,--..., 1 S ' K:ir)iT0 on SlJvtM Rpriirs uml ei:L of stata Inc. il'ojji-olViet UarriMMi N';l till UtlU II tllAMl, jt,WAlAN. Tlie brand represented in th! notice Jl' and branded nny where on lelt side of e:tttlc, and over lap cut from the itTI ri:litrar. Li "2 AlMO "'0 il"lff brand on left thigh of lild'l borsus, belongs to tlio undersigned. Knnge near Kast Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Oiiahi.ks Xkwmx, Dair'.son. Sebrauka. J S. TL'CKEK. Tlra tided on left shoulder ot horses uid on left side of cattle. Jj Hangnou White Kiver, near Clon. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. DEKPCKKKK I.IVK STOCK Co. Ilranded on left hip of Cattle and on lcf t cheek of Ilorsea, j .. ijUtl ICiingeoii Deep i.Teeit. Addresij, Deep Creek Live Ktock Co,. Cei-haS Ho f.Supt., , - Glen, Nebraska. UOBKltT F. NKEC'K (kittle Branded ttango on Water. AAA o. Address Aifate, Nebraska. Tlie liil It. Hicks TfiOl Auuuiac. Whatever may be raid of the scientific ranges upon which the Rev. Irl R. IJicks bases his yearly forecasts of storm and weather, it is a remarkable fact that specific wnrnings of every great storm, flood, cold wave and drouth, have been piainiy printed in his now tamons Al manac for tunny years. The latest star tling proof of this fact was the dustruc- ! tion of Galveston, Texas, on the very 'day named by Prof. Hicks in his 1000 al- mannc, as one of disaster by storm along th gulf coasts. The 10(11 Almanac, by far the finest, most complete and beau tiful yet published, is now ready. This remarkable book of nearly two hundred pacjjas, .splendidly illustrated with charts ard hulf tune engraviugs, goes ns a pre mium to every subscriber who pays one doljitrayear for Prof, Hicks' journal, W'OIiD AND WOUKS. ThoAlmiimc alone is s nt prepaid for only CV. Order from Wokd AM) Woitics Publishing Company 2201 Locust Street, St Louis, Mo. When you feel that life is hirdly worth the candle take a dose of ( I'hih berlain s stomach ana liver lableis. They will cleanse your stomach tone up your liver titid rt-gtilate your bowels m iking vou feel like a new man,, For sale by Dit, J. E. Phlnney. that it isn't the ather bird, the turkey bur.7jird, Fred Duel was on the sick list, the first of the week. The mare of J. II. Mewlin's, that fell over the precipice, is alright and ready for the harness. C. L. Christian, came home from his ranch, near the Laramie county line, on last Friday quite sick. He is now able to be out again. A lyceum was organized at Pine Top shcol house on last Friday night. We did not learn the names fl tha ofllrers. VVe missed a good item by not Iwipg at the post-oflice a sew evenings ago. ZKKIKU Five Point News. Hello, Mr. Zekiel, how are getting al ong, "old sou of tho world". Say I old boy, I hear you are coming back to Sioux county to go into the crane busi ness. A good idea, as crane s legs are sslling at 250, a pair, and you can use the bills for tobth picks, County surveyor Hulling went up to i r 2 Running flOO Rctvanl. For proof to convict any person of steal. ultcriiijf, running off, or In any way duninglnifi utock branded Bide or hip. Addre js, J.iM,i.s Force, Harrison, li. A. T. IK'GHSOy. Unna combl double 'ion left side ot cattle. Jiories aim-j&fit lton right . ... a'.iouli'er. PWCUt OUt right ear cattle, Cattle all dehorned ttuiige oa Kyle, l'ost Olllce. Clien Nebraska. IN THE DISTKHTCOUltTOFSIOUX CCUNlY NEBHAHKA. Patrick Lacy, plalniKr vs c Notice to Non-Hesldent defendant.) Muirgie l.ncy, defendant To Jiuggie l.acy non-resldcntdefendant; You will take notice that on tha i-lth day of October, '..00, Patrick Daey, plaintiff, tiled his petition in the district Court of Moux County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which petition. Is to out tin fin absolute di vorce of the bonds of matrimony existing between you and the said plaintiff, You are require to answer said petition on or before the aid day of December liMX). Patrick Lacy, plaintiff. Grant Guthrie, Attorney lor philuttlf. You can't afford to risk your life 'bv allowing a couali or cold to develop into pneumonia orcunsmnption. One Minute Cough Cure cures throat and long trou bles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors, use it as a speci fic for grippe. It is an infallible remedy for croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Sold by J. E. Phin.ney. ' OTIC OF SATEOF KE.VTj ES TATEBYADM1NIS T HATH IX. In tlie Matter of the Estate of James F. Ilovcy, deceased. Notice is "hereby given that in pursuance ot un order of Hon. W. H. Wostovor. Judge of tho District Court -of Sioux county, miule on the SO tli day of October, 1WKI, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the office of Grant Gnturte, at Harrison, Kebraska on the 6th day of December, 1900, at one o'clock p. m., at public vendue to the highest bidder lor cash in hand, the following described reaj estati, to-wit: The west liall of the north west quarter, the south-east quarter of the north west quarter, the south-west quarter of the north-east quarter Section teu, Township thirty two, Uunge fifty-four, In Sioux Coun- Ltv, Nelirauka. said salu will reuiuln open otio hour. liutcd Novenibor H, 1MW. ' Maktha M. Hover, Administratrix Lstate of James Y. Hoyey, deceased. IN THE COUNTY OOUIIT OF SIOUX COUN TY, NEIS1SASKA. In the Mutter of the Kstate of Joseph J. Jlorsvck, Deceased. Notlco of Probate of Will. Whereas Jouh Moravck, of Hox Butte County, Nebraska, has In accordance with an order heretofore Issued of this court fil ed in my office an Instrument purporting to be the last will an 1 testament of Joseph J. Moravok, deceased, which will relates to both real and personal estate whereupon I have appointed Monday the 17th day of I)e cembe.r icon at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at my oflice in sail county us the time and place of proving said will, at which time ntid place, you and all concern cd may appear aud contest the probate of the same. It Is further ordered that notice to all persons Interested in said estate be notified of tho pendency ot tlie petition, and the time and place set for hearing tlie same by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ilarr son Pkkss Journal, a newspa per published In Harrison, said state, for t ireo weeks successively previous to the day set for said hearing. In testimony whereof, 1 hare hereunto set my olllclul seal tins 27th day of November, Hioo. sr. a I. SCHIt.T. County Judge. Wyoming last week to look after his cat tle, he found a large band of stieep on his range. Mr. Huffing asked the herder how long he intended to stay, the herder replied he did not know, Mike declared if he found him there next morning he'ed certainly blow up his waggon, but lo! under cover of night, sheep, waggon and herder disappeared. Frank Beersack and Thornton Wood bridge, are visiting in the valley, the guests of Mr. Martin. Jake Forster, the Boggie coon hunter, came over from long branch this week' to look after his cattle. J, W. Hunter's hair has turned back to ils natural color since election, it used to be gray but now it is blue. Mr. MikeBrown was married last week to a young lady from Cottonwood, we did nst learn hrf name Mr. George Bannon came home from Montana, this week where he hat been working in the mines. How strange, but we have heard tlat land in so pojrio Wyoming, the farm- UOfflAL THE NEW YORK WOFiL"), THRICI A WEEK. Almost a Daily nt the Price or "Weekly. The presidential campaign is over lift the world goes on just tlie same and it is full of Bews. To learn th s nw. just as it is-promptly and impt.rtialy ah that you have to do rs to look in the col umns of the Thrice-a-week edition of the New York World which comes to the subscriber 16 times a year. Tbo Thrice-a-Week World's cHligerKw as a publisher of first oaws has given it circulation wherever the English langu age is spoken and you waut it. The Thrice a-Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year. We offer t his unequaled newspaper and PitEss Journal together one year for $1.75. The regular subscription! price of the two papers is $2.00. " i If you have ever seen a child in Out agony of croup you can realize how greatful mothers ire for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon aa it is administered. Itqiuickly cures coughs, colds and all thr iat and luu troubles. For Sale by J. E. PlHNNEY. Brave Explorers. . . Like Rtawiley and Livingstone found ifc harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and A true, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals: but thousands have fo.und that Electric bitters is a wonder cure for nil malarial disseases. If you have chills with lever, aches in back of neck and head and tired, worn out feel ing a trial' will convince you of their merit. W. A. Null of Webb 111 , writes: "Mv children suffered tor more, than a' year with chills a,nd fever; then tw holtles of Electric bitters cured them," Only'CO cents. Trv them. Guaranteed, i Sold by DR. J. E. Phinney, Druggist. NOTICE. We would deem it a great favor, if any of onr subscribers, who for any rea son do not receive their Press Journal, regularly; will notify us of the fact. Editor. EXPEfllCNCS frmtnm , COPVRIOHTS ike. Anyone lending tketeti and dwifrtntlofi at? quickly ascertain our opinion frn whatbar an ; liiTnitlon li probably patentable. Comnuaila. tlnns utrlctly conndenttal. Handbook on PatenU sent free. Oldest agency for aecnrlnffnatBta. Patents taken through llnnn A Co. teative tperinl notice, wit boot chance, la the Scientific Atnerican. A handsomely lllnitrated weekly. largest dr. yesr" four Tntinthi."ii.8dld by ail newadealen. MUNN & Co.38,Bw-- New York Branch OtUoe, (St F 8U Waabtnatou, D. C. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially d Igesta the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing tbe exhausted digestive or gam. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsana all other results of imperfect digestion. PrlceSOc. andll. Lsireitze contains IV4 time mall sue. Book ah aboutdyspepiiameiMfrea. Prepared by E. C. OeWITT CO,Cblea4e. fr'ts t.trtaMaM.4ll. mA A ..4 Ml - . . . .... ...... i . wk.,n i " "- rvw vns v v , t.1i- , i Tun ti beautiful MAndcllnolf bf yrr.i. CO. 1. senjoci M exaa.lra-!V cor. li I u q cractir a retire r teijli on r" r- y mo iu-i" rieeaionr ni'Ki ) it u.(-ttr.x irm.tow leuteerore. m,l Hct'M 0'ii ttnrra rhuraf. Thl fa at JJrTalar VOO tnvHumei t,snildrftsnr.iMll r 'v,jfn t p.,rl 4: a ovo-y eneer.e . ji .isu.-e. ei' im tri ruiaemy eusraj ti H1i d ,ur:nlB,ilBiflb.imii I a in ci ikitrKUbr'aieailott'ia. f u i'tw.lli.,) trrT vdn tee aa QM.V W-i ixt t??J'iei-iCa'i AJ-.r. si, X UMe. -v t.f -tap .-aAeakVlf f5k Y PH I LI Stilly Zi'Xmt H7nis-uifnlmcl.r. Twtlmeat mSlaefll. ei h; i-n-l oral offlr. lmMlow. Qneanee I M mm rr ers can hirOly raise disturbance). ' J . Jake Antrim is bawling sawdust, t' put up Ice with. . , : . Mike Jordu Is working for the 0m- 1 ford Bros. tWW. ' , f - v f 'r " 1 a. t