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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1900)
5---t , P. CANON. B4MMT. - NBMAMCA NEWS NOTES Th rsbUcana of Wt Mat tev clak. "CtclM" DtvU addrtMed lug crowa at ooeok. Dlatrtct court U in scralon at W2t Point and Lincoln. lodge of the Bankers' Union of tha World has been formed at Table Rock. Judge J. E. Bush, an old and dlitin- ulahed resident of Beatrice, died of paralysis. ' f" ?"M"'M'""'"M"M'MM,IM-W-'---'"-'"SSSSaSSSSSSS f I f f t . ,711 I ff i 1 i t flli v.. 4 " Jo Alcorn and Frank WiK1nton of Sterling are in Jail at Tecumseh on charge of highway robbery. Prank Slatterman Is in Jail at Ogal alla, charged with burglarising Weer Bros.' store and robbing them of 0. Thieves broke Into the postofflce at Believue, blew open the safe and got money and stamps to the amount of SIM. Governor Poynter spoke at Teka- aaah, Lysle J. Abbott at Weston and O. M. Hitchcock at Plattgmouth last week. The Knights of Pythias of North Platte gave a splendid banquet In honor f the grand chancellor, George E. "French. .. Kugene V. Debs, candiate of the so cial democratic party for president day aight. The remains of Engineer W. P, Rob rta, who was killed in a wreck near Ptottsmouth, were taken to St Joseph tot burial. J. C. Hlchmgn of Omaha has suc Pn Ppw ! gwiatant In the fraughtlng department Of the B, Jf. ft Platttmouth, v - r tJ Ora E. Bhinrock of Omaha won the diamond medal at the state meet' Of the Woman's Christian Temper- union at Aurora. , , . A tpeclal train, carrying a theatrical tempany from Denver to Kansas City, ga said through Wymore at the rate of sixty-five miles an hour, .h, ,.- XJ. E. Halated, Tecumseh's veteran liv- n, has sold his stable and equip- t to Philip Walter, and the new Is now in possession. The fusion forces held a big rally at Valla City and listened to an address tar lieutenant J. T. Smith, who was en- In fighting the Filipinos. Jk aegro giving his name as James MMOck fell from a train near Elm Oaaa, breaking an arm and suffering injuries of a less serious nature. Jdge W. G. Norris opened court at Owkvllle two weeks and ago court Is .ea la session. A large number of i are oeing disposed gi una icna. 1 OkUlM E. Holmes, who Is confined t3ke county Jail at Plattsmouth await' ' $Zg trial upon the charge of stealing Tfelsntly Insane. forty-fourth annual meeting o! i-t3 general association of Congrega f tSnal churches of Nebraska was held ':t Hastings. There was an attendance MO ministers. I- Patrtah McDonald, an old resident Sanders county, was kicked by a '-fgwf twrse in his stable, receiving :7jrttirhlch resulted faulty a few JM Uglr. Be was about 5 years old. f OarlM g. Brundage, a cltlaen of Te Ijast and an employe of Uncle Sam Washington, has been sent to the :'JKSS bt his boyhood days to Inspect "M ral free delivery system in vogue fO' H- c- Bto" ot Beatrice was as 3BsT in loading some chains into a 'm, standing In the rear, when the M started and he was thrown back jM, striking the pavement and badly 'Km tae back of his head. . atflth biennial session of the Ne state council of the Catholic 'tm of America was held Isst week iambus. Delegates were present 1 US parts of the state and a suc t aessioB took place. r 3ttoa for a new trial for Charles convicted two weeks ago of the of A. U ladenmater last May, J overruled at Harrison. Ru ) aserteneed to the penK-ntlary I ojsi the sheriff immediately :tx Lincoln with him, ii, 1 itsrsd the postofflce at 31 fafflod to and anything es y psainlu They also visited tMW of O. B. WUllamaon and f safo, sscating therefrom $11 wttafe were kept as ma Zi a TasaaW gold rtag. MiratT bora burned at 'y N) sorea bead of horses Cm tasjea, white several 1 CgaatMy of hay and ' 'rt'-Tod. By heroic efforts . r:l IX. Boer mldaaeo 'J' tWIli . TIM loss It ? mmm laandry at 1 tsutttftt by Are, iSLXjJ wi oAtaM and 7 tra. Mr. OarV smM t, ,,,1 fetiM . i i i . l i .i i it ill ill ill ii ill 'iirr.t . 1 1 i; i i i i u i 1 1, iw v. v am ii I'll i I I I 1 1 ,i RlQHTriA. MA5TCR5 OF BOTH COW6WSS awo COtSTS I I J I 11 j 1 ' NOr-" S 53 r TO OVERTHROW THE CONSTITUTE eir TO ' I J J J I I I' ' ' lSaL JSTN &&&kx X I OVMTHRO THE MCA, WHO PtRvtRT f! I , UV I ' k I j n 'mMT ' V FOR DIM tHE HASTINGS REPUBLICAN DE CLARES FOR BRYAN. REPUDIATES OLD PARTY Dollvora Hoivy Broadsido Against tho "Ohio Crowd" and Han nalsm in Politics. Hastings, Neb.-Speclal.)-A bomb bell was exploded In the republican camp In Hastings Wednesday, the echo of which will be heard throughout the state. The Hastings Republican, the oldest, Urgent and strongest republicsn newspsper In Central and Western Ne braska, prints the straight fusion ticket at the head of Its editorial columns, and announces that It will no longer submit to the leadership of such men as Hanna, Thompson, Kose water, Dietrich and Morian. In an editorial of great strength and genuine eloquence It tells the ressons that have led It to enlist In the fluht for fusion principles. Hastings repub licans are dased by the o:jw and frank, ly confess that It will have a powerful effect, not only In Adams county, but throughout the mate. They are espe daily dejected that their lesdlng urgan the home of their aubernatorlsl nomi nee should cast Its Influence against him at this critical juncture. CAN'T POLLOW THE PARTY. The Republican has been published here for twelve years, both as a dally and weekly newspaper. It has through u mat iime neanny supported repub lican candidates and measures. In the last few months, however. It has been noticed that though the Republican was still supporting the republican ticket, Its old-time force was lacking. The reason was that Prank A. Watkln. wno nns neen its editor since the flrst number appesred. was beginning to see the light. Mr. Wstklns, man of the Ben Harrison type, a thoughtful, er nost. patriotic eltUen. had been a re paMlMfl from conviction aad principle. We found It dlfflcart to follow hie party frosa on potttlon to another, changing nte conviction every tlm MeKlnley chanced his policies and Wedoesdsy he gave op the attempt PAPER'S mPLVlUCCR. Tht wMlea ,$rt',4 a thr elr aw"" hi . awor I I tepta ,r-M a r v I'T f o county. The signed editorial in which Mr. Watkins announces the change l destined to figure prominently through the balance of Nebraska's campaign. It is an earnest, forceful and logical pre sentation of political conditions which have Impelled his action and at the same time an eloquent and moving ap peal to old party associates to pause and honestly consider the Issues of the campaign. The editorial follows: ITS NEW DECLARATION. "For twelve years the Republican has been a republican newspaper. Since 1K8 It has made as best It could, a Clean. honeRt. manlv flirhr tnw rarnih. Ilcan policies and measures and has upponea repuDiican nominees tor ns tlonal. state, county and city offices. PrOUd fit itn afflllnflrtn nrifh lh. narln of Lincoln and Sumner and Seward and (jnaae. or firnnt n4 main mwA riir. field and Harrison. glorying In the record the Ideas of American government for wnicn iney nao stood, tne Republican has tent their party cheerful and loyal unnnrt XL' m ran mtfri4 thai ........ no longer. From now henceforth the itepuDiican nas lent their party cheer ful and loyal support. We can accord that ii nrmrf nn 1 1 in oi- Wnm nnw henceforth the Republican will be found aavocaung me election of the man who stands for the same fundamental prin ciples for which Abraham Lincoln lived and died William J. Bryan of our own state Of Nebraska. ADHERES TO PRINCIPLE. "It will be found supporting fusion policies and fusion candidates becaune thev renrettent Ihrine rwllr-i,a It mill An this because it finds It eaalur in rihr to the Drincloles in which It ham oeuevea ana wnicn tne republican party has ahanrloned mnA AmrAA ikan tn follow that party In its desertion of those principles. With this statement of fact le desires In justice to Its resd ers and patrons who have accorded such faithful support, as well as In jus. tlce to itself, to Indicate briefly the conditions which hsve msde this an nouncement Imperative. "The republican party once stood for principle, for noble deeds, for American mess, mr acvoiwn to auty, it was a party led by thoughtful patriotic, ear nest men. It represented what was best and most healthful In American politics. That was before what Gov ernor Plngree denominates 'that Ohio crowd' got hold of It. It was before the views of Hannalsm was Inoculated in Its veins. Since that time the repub lican party has undergone a transform, atlon as startling and deplorable as It Is complete and undeniable. CONSPIRACY OP CORPORATIONS. The developments of the last two years have satisfied the Republican that when Marcus A. Hanna, with masuvly kill and matchless craft, took it upon himself to accomplish the and then the election of William Me Klnley four year ago, he acted at the Instance and as the sgent of a pow erful, angonipulovs and audacious com MmUmi of corporate and financial la teresl that were seeking for laair own ost jot tTtatooaaoai ootttroi gg f- . -i trMv,t-.-j d.4- national government That conspir acy was uuccesnful. The trusts and money lenders became the managers of the republican party, placed William JlcKlnley in power and for over three" i!ave dl'',at'd his acts and poli cies. They hsve exacted from him and from congress, which they equally con. trol, gold standard legislation, further privileges to national bank. Immunity for trusts, high tariffs to chleld tlx-m from competition, a larger standing an unjust and un-American ar, corting thousands of lives and mil. nuns oi money. i .(1,E:yEM,E3 OP REPUBLIC. All this has been done that syndi cates may profit though the price were the blood of a brown people, that hun gered for liberty, the blood of Amer lean soldiers and tbe endangered lib erties of American people through the violation and repudiation of funda mental law which Is the charter of their freedom. The republican party today stands for policies as eternally opposed to the principles of the De claratlon of Independence as to the moral code of the Christian religion. It stands not only for special privileges to favored interests, for army and for em pire, but for conquest, rapine and brute force. It has returned to the diccarded ideas of kings and emperors against which our very existence as a nation Is a pr test. It Is the embodiment of a sordid and soullers commercialism and on its every policy Is stamped the dollar mark. CANNOT BE DEFENDED. "This la the product of Hannalsm. It la this against which the Republican protests and which it cannot and will not submit. If we hesitated to doubt the truth of these allegations before this campaign opened we can doubt no longer. The republican party rtands self-convicted. Its silence give assent to the charges preferred against it. Where Is the republican newspaper, where the republican leaders, where the republican campaigner who will discus the Issues of this campaign? Where the one who does not deny facts or distort them, who does not substi tute ridicule for argument or abuse for reason? Truth Is not thus propsgated or defended, It is error alone whlth seeks refuge In these tactics. . . . , CORRUPTION IN THE &TATE. A few words as to Nebraska. The republican feel keenly the disgrace at tending tbe exposure of republican peculations In the slate capliol and In the atate Institutions. But even In Its humiliation It hoped that the repub lican party of Nebraska would march through the fiery furnace to higher and better grounds, that old bosses would be repudiated and old methods dl" carded. We had hoped that the old day of Majors rind MacColl, of Hartley and Moore were gone forever, and that corporation dom nation wculd be thrown off. Yet today the liurilngton railroad I more ttan It ever was before the supreme dictator of Netirarka republic, aniam. A "result 0f it tafloenc the raaejfeJfoas nomine for governor to a Hat!- ass. Tht tUftttttawMi wMId , wf m ih r f Hastings republican for this high posi tion, involving as It does such grave responsibilities. WKTRICH-S CANDIDACY. The nominee they gave us Is C. 11, Dietrich. The Republican has no per sona enmity or malice for Mr. Dietrich, but In all candor we submit he Is riot in man 10 oe governor of Nebraska. The mere fact that every Christian min ister of his own city Is openly opposing him, that many of the best republican buclness men of his own city declare that they cannot alve him their vote speaks more forcefully than anything the Republican mlaht says as to Mr. Dietrich's qualifications for the office to which he aspires. ROSEWATER AND THOMPSON. For Lnlted States senators we find the w hole republican machinery at work In the Interests of D. E. Thompson and fcdward Rosewater. There is not an Intelligent man In Nebraska but knows that a republican legislature means that these men will represent us In the sen ate. Are they the men fit for the po sltlonT Do they stand for honesty and principles In politics? Who dare answer yes? Thompson Is a boss of the Hanna type, representing the B. A M. railroad Rosewater has been at once the bully and the hoodoo of Ne braska republicanism for a genera tion, yet these are the men appealing for our support today. "W 8.. Morian. rruri1lan irfi.i... for congress, Is of the same type as Thompson and Dietrich and takes his orders from the game corporation. Even F. P. Olmstead, who aspires to be float representative, Is tsrred with the same stick. , . . TO REPUBLICANS. "Fellow republicans, do you wonder the Republican cannot stand for Han nalsm on ft lifir ou I Im fk, .. - . i .i "-rt ,,, ,IHII'.II MIIU on a little stale In Nebraska? Do you wunuer mat u is anven to reruse Its SUtittort lo man mlinm It I, .. .1 ...... know stand for what Is bad and un- wortny and unwholesome? Do you Wonder that II hari rulkor mlA l .(.. the republic than the republican psrty snd In guarding the Interests of tax- payers ana neipiess warns of the slste than electing C. H. Dietrich? Way down deep In your hearts don't you know tht republican position on these matters Is your own position? With all earnest ness and sincerity the Republican begs its old party friends from whom It Is Mh to separate, by whose side It has fought shoulder to shoulder through many a hsrd campaign, to pause and consider well what Hannalsm means before costing a ballot to approve and commend snd. perpetuate It In Novem ber. . , "The Republican has hesitated long before taking the final step that must sever It from the cherished associations of decsde. Prom honored leaders whom It. has fevered, from party work ers with whom It ha fought In the rank, It ha found it hard to part nupirrg even againai nop inai isn grand old party would aroaae Itself and aat AST t&a t 1 vrlSHlM s sevaaa II lions of a great name and of great deeds once nobly done . M KINLEY FLOPS. "We can hope no longer. When Wil liam MeKlnley denounced Grover Cleve land for dishonoring silver, for making money the master and ail things else the servsnt; when he declared that deai money made cheap men, we were wltb him. We were with him when, In 18! he promised us International bimetal lism; we were with him when he senl the money commission to Europe, Bui when he discredited his own commis sion and .fastened the gold standard more firmly on the American people our hearts were heavy. "We were with MeKlnley In the wai for the emancipation of the Cuban with him when he declared forcible an nexation would be criminal aggression, that It as contrary to our rode of mor allty and not to be thought of. Bui when he became the criminal aggressoi when he shattered our code of morality and entered upon the unthinkable pol icy of forcible annexation of the Philip, pine Islands, our faith waa turned tc bitter disappointment "We were with him when he declared that It was our plain duty to give free trade to Porto Rico; he violated that plain duty and demanded of congress the levying of an unconstitutional tar iff. We were with him when he prom Ised the people protection from the bad trusts; he tied the hands of his attorney general and gathered all trusts under' his protecting wing. "We were with him when his Cana dian boundary commission declared that the union Jack of England should never be hoisted over one foot of Amer ican soil In Alaska. He has lowered the stars and stripes from 6,000 square miles of Alaska territory, where the Im perial flag of England now floats In Its stead. HOPE OF THE PARTY OONE. " 'Mope deferred maketh the heart sick.' Doubting, fe.aring, hesitating, we have hoped for an explanation of all these things, against which our reason revolted and our conscience rebelled. We have hoped for an explanation of slavery and polygamy under the American flag In the Bulu Islands. We have hoped that even In the eleventh hour the grand old republican party, with the heroism of Its ancient great ness, would repudiate these things, and In the words of Abraham Lincoln, 're turn to the water whose fountain spring close to the Declaration of In dependence.' "We have been cruelly disappointed. The voices of old-time leaders have been silent as the grave; new leaders have ' made light and merry with sm red . things, Mark Hanna ha been sent forth to preach his own gospel and over all his Influence reigns supreme . All these things being true, the Republican can no longer support republican poll cleg In tho vain hope that the party it self wilt acknowledge lis error and re cant. W shall fight for a free people d a, fro republic, doing right a ' thfr.m to Mm tight and ' irif V - , v - - a . - ti y (. .t.,' u ' A-