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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1900)
iM-- ...- '.'.i fc " - 4 ,'rTr - ; 'y.9 V JHIarrison . Press - Journal. HTKIISpiSr, NBBEASKA, THURSDAY, , . OCT. 13935" ISO. 13. .1 ' -- ,"w -"- twtn at i i uu unnt T 13 SETTLED RIGHT.' -lion. William J. Bryan. -," ". ' '-. 1 ' - I ' ' - . . " ' ' ' ' ' . ' 1 s HAHRISONJPRESS-JOURNAL. , PubwriiJtloji lri"e IVr Year $1.00. Official pjper of Sioux County.' '- ':(jyo.1). Canon, Donon. Birrs p -at TfK Hakuvi lr t drrt k a toioTTMTiL XfePrestaVas; ' v : v WILLIAM J. BRYAN,.. Lincoln, Xeb. 74 trios FrMblm.ii ' A, & HW.-VEX.SON, Bloomint'toiuUK Tor Protklcu-tial I iwtoi J-HAMCT, K.V,M. Silver Repub. ' ROW. OUERi'lLDLK, in-..i.crai, rUW3 HUGE, " , ;,N3N ft KBLBER. l'onidist ' JXf1tXAAV. H. OARIiET, " l(,-7. fi. WAS, TETEa EBBESON. . " Y riTSIOX STATKTJrXEI. , Mr Goa-cmor i , 'I'' WILLIAM K, POYNTER,'...r3f.iiIirt. Tor !4e!it. tWiverii'!: E. A. GITJBl".kT.. .t-Vee Silver Eepno. '' n - --' . d. HOWAUU, '. llMOdor (iret .for Itliira'r (iennful; . W. V. OLbHAS,.'.: Tot Cum'r Fnb. ,. B. : ' P. J. CAHFY ' Tor Sllpt, flit'. liitra Uont: . c. Fjjp-iv..'. ' WIIXIAK U, NEVILLE " MCISTiATiVKUCKET. , - CHARLF. (Whit: ..DutDOirat ftofe-tiiitm- M'ii ! iattli tf . W. I. UA.YWAKD Popnlibt. ( W. O. PATT,LR.jO.V, Tor Sbrir ri-t'.thiB, . - .ULELCiO W JKY . .w. For totniuUiUii.r ?mt i ixirlct. ' " ' ' . ' . . L C. LKWIH. Ltemotrat Poput i. .' K wotwlr .Vuu8v)iirk, diwd of lifx cattle. wa unUfistAm! h w in faTorof loatinsf t!w public domain in ' , W. F. Hay ward Our candidate for Rtate nwtUit, oq Ui fwon ticket, h bitterly - ppOsd Umy uch rtK.uiU r, tlis inUr cU of our pAopla art ilr. Ilay wards, the inttrtitts of th tm-ts and combine are -tVnf&HkifVn. Tl; pxrty milk whwh Im I'lliM hlmwlf verify our iHuU'ukmjI, TW for fUywunl, for !Uit senator. - : . Th Prplit ,iminisirimr,ii conven 1 tioo for Ui Sad district, chow prodabiT MofUM tit ciUen.i of Hie divtrict f f '3 ?.'j?lJ?Jl jstb to .Jv iiNa of Ho. L. C. Iawi, of JjifTiWb pfBQtiu.'t, wlio vtt IhjIujv will look well fttr tlio inU-resU of tii tount. But, wfo not bflmvo h will t unj rnofe ?owcien'.ign m tlto dilvrp of Ins ofdcil dutin an n public 'servant tlan Co. oemmiiwontr, Andrw l'rwunlerof .Cottonwood will be U(.edl by tMr. htwiiK .".,' ' . rbalth Uie Anieiitui) tiiiwn pnvs 1 tribute to A Uutidrod trust'.; tru keo by '.IMCkueos, do iliiKcd liy tlia drup trojtt; if 1 1 die, tb X)tRa trust wringt tribate . fron bis widow. I Vol for tlw fuhmu undidiitc, from Sryui 4vn to Coi nly ooainiiiitionar. .- tt'inoi.Vioud.t'lh ri.iib!iri(riu'ish rmmw I).ve fvv.ihc J frcqnunt deathi this ycar 0d nure to uso ouiy the yiiuin. Ob'wvts th nme CAr whan yon auk for IVWJuvWitdi Hazed SalV.s. Thare re po!3'Htii counterfeits, I)Wit.i's js tlio otjlv original Witth IJazcd fSjilvo. It u u suU ar.J certain cura for pi! tiud all bkui diseases, J, E, TiiWKy. Tl.b rti)iil)licin irtv )tii'lpr ar asV. imr, "who will pull down the fl;ic' When oll E-Jirtand an-oih-r jiofi?of tde Uitf 1 8U'es t'r,t(jfy, Hillious M(.Kltliy ,wili pull the lian dwn if h in ie--l(-ctd ilitst full, ' Joim BrenHin, i:U)r of' tin) 7(r1h Vwtrn Catbnlii', hiouxCity, In. is')t'!i:i w?re am oni; the 8rrt wordx wo ootitwl I on taiititK up it, wpy f fiAi Utxss:? vr. s; p;ip r this wck, a- iinll ant uj.nd, a nob-1 Lo' i & -!,w In nd tieroiifi heiirt aVul n tnosl fervfnt Jlellnqiicnt Tax Llt. No lua u bucby Kiyn tliut o f tlm lilhMlsy of ivuIht, VU, tbo tuiUI tiny blng the lrt Mgniliiy In MuiU month, lxitwei-j tue liouiu of (I o'clock a. m. mut o tl'x-.k p m., of itrM flay I m offer at public tale all liin'tl in Muux couuty, Kebrnt Va, on iiic-li t.i tiuew of I ho vcir ik!w rmiiiln uuiwlil, t thn offien of ths Treasurer of . ollowi)i(j la & J1t of wai1 luiiJ.i mul, t.'ic uiuonnt lino t.'ievuy:. . ' Axuaews I'jtei.mcT. , Icwr!.t. , S. T. K. Mt. Ijj( ;l A 1 ow nn no niF, 3 ft 4, gvr nc, : ii 1 :w 54 I 10 52 IHS 1 4 2, e n, l.oi 1, J ft 4. $w iiw 2 J M a 47 ljt I, uu 3 30 ft4 6 21 ii 'I c . j r s jyw s J i iiw ' yi ai 54 2 nr. "f 7 01 M M -i v4 tic, I All 2, so uw II St M nso 119 kw, k'4 neftec. SI nw : K! 31. M. UK 8u fcec. U, X v :is M il (12 ii s . 13 31 S!S 6i m r':teHnyr as ai 45 8 07 I IIW, M IIC IIW 3Vi BO dil.-'ian s well a mo,r lovnl 'Aiitpn- toit f,'ivi?.cii," has Wn called from ouriw rantdt, 4 nil lias fiwiruencu to ttm von;e w wincii bade turn "come up higher" how Cfr.o!in to !i,ni, mnit h.iVir li-o t!i: wordu of 'the ri)i.f.tcr ."well drmn,. lliou' ood and faithful ovrvant, tf-eaiise thou Unit. IW3 faithful over a few thing I vi!t now pittrft tliw ovor mnnv'' fenUr thou in! 6 lb ;..v of thv Loixi.'.f 64 i III M AIEl Ol'E l'l!U I HT. The- repti!lin paper tell about J. Slinkjr Mortun. frf (lu ntate one of the staunch advocate of triit. and the golJ Htandnrd nud L'r. Ckyiru L. Millur, who like Mr. ?Xortoi, nod the Iradurs of the r.'uWi'Min party are opposed lr tlia con 1 itutirn of tb jjlyijftUoMowjo ttinctl5,"urT'upnnst Bryan, but' we -un carry eltraeka just the name thin year an vre djd in llfi. T tat, h not .ill bjt Democracy will sveep the country Nov. Ctii ncMt. . Evn Ohio, the borne of president M. Kin ley, will f;ive Mr. Bryan ?0,(M piiirjiity. Watch our pr-diaiofi and if we aa't a giiod- propliot. Our political tnrniifrx, are? dwdfaily worried lieciuse the Pjskss Jwbxai. con tinue to to warn the faithful to im on tlwir guard strainst the wile of thoKA who iai lianna and Dei'rich f umiIm with which to tr:it them. JIovh tako their trat. if you fel o ditipoeed, and then give them t!i cold tthouldur. Vote your booet Dnliment, agaift iaiperialimn and for a n-publir. The' Lite t trial of "AuuT TCinna' ib let Ohio, ciist it electoral vole for the pwple' champion. There aiu a lure number of old veterans in Ohio, and th;y reinenibcr SI;Kirly' rebuke to tlwir oomraittee in rt-g-ard to Evans the prv? ent pension coinoii.iorier. The old cold trs are iiervimj cfall honor nod any at) rout offered should and will 1 rwtit ed by thoimndaof loyfl Ainericf.n citiz erm, who love and venerate Uus armlet coat lreve or the cr-itche which lend 4ipf)0rt the body deprived of a limb, an neit.Uer ilauua nor Mc. ever can, Ycg juxt wait a few ' wt)Vs, and MfKiul'y will be ;i von i rtingiiiff rebuke, by the old soldier at the polls., i 1 '" 1 ' 1 " 1 j'i rat, n'i w n r I oHI & 4, s I aiIt 1 &; li, v. ti ht 2 4rf Hk 1147 41 SJ 1 W II) 35 S6 Jl 84 56 lifH ft! 125 a ,':t m IS Hi M 10 14 M 11 HI I, SI 30 il I tU 1 & 4, e i siv Lulu 2 X S, rtW up, unw )AyWl,!l,!J.t4, and ''t4 iV Ml Lot J., nr. r Ifi bi su v 'IS B 47 s'i ne, lilt aa ' SI 31 37 no ' 84 57 BOWIIX rttKCIMOT. iiw nc, tif mf, hi 4W41)i OW 17.'. 3.W.7 ! 7 40 is rxs 4i 2tw .118 3 IS 3 lu Lot -i "1 1 a1 in .!u . 1 ;! no 5 il tti .' 31 !A 7 ol s! ite, ne ni :ii f at si w II w uc ne w4 ear BO an II'. DIV u'i uc, ti nw l-ot .1 A 4, c-" w s'i 8 rtoc. 17, n't uw, SlCC. i, H'4 HW, f:'j iiw i nw, n hlf r. no n, bnn. 'it, n li!f uwr, Winn- c hlf nu IT Iiw, n nn- II w w lilf ne, w tilf nw w bif w, See. s, unit n till ne e n hlf n, w ue m uw s lie, rtro. J2, hlf nv, nw aw it nf nw n till nt, e tlf nw 2i xi in; w :n at 'ill 111 56 !. "1 V, M 31 W t', II 47 j'l ,t; se ts M ' I )7 SJ W 10 UM M !M 71 17 i Zt 10 vt 14 U K 4.' '.4 19 11 S2 79(10 . : J 40 3 83 7 40 jri.n tW fy 6 ,W ,S8 0 40 J'J SJ iO 15 (K 24 !i Ii6 SI f'j an sj w i;7 sj 56 25 82 M 81 3-4 W 14f. 0 !0 3.140 a-i aa m 6 n DElTftll'lI Va FOJTTBtfR. V, Si Ji ' iWtrWh tn"tHkot 4jounty said: , -,-:stv J '' : "Qor Army J' not large euough yet j It w" lbooW bincrad until it ifjiiaUcoire- '-. jseortftitfly to our (Kipulation Um annle I 4M Rtuuria, England awl othw Europea t "I 0fr nor Pi ynl said u tke Finit Neb- i t1' return home: y' 40JrtMir;hor o'nr repubho lie io , C5T CtUcica eoldter. ft Who Volunteer j V' t when hU Country I tuiiail- - nd return to hi farm or shop to j ymt wealth alam hii country i at TJitrleh at Superior iid:' ' 'Our flair now float over the strive pM and harem of the Siillaa of the Su u. Shall w boul it diwn? No." Poynter at Hebron told: "in tbe dftwunsinn of our treaty with tbeSulus, I nannut condemn ner policy more strongly thao by 'quoting the word o Lincoln when ho ald; When a men govern hiroiwlf, that i ilf govtu ment; but whea he ttovertM notli;r g ainut hie will, that U dtMpotitiin." Duringr peoch at 20th and Ltike itreU..Onjba. DeiUich aid: "flier it no question about' pronperity beitiKn tbe laud. Even here io Boutli Omaha beef j worth 19 ceati per pound." A labarintf man In the audience aroe and mii: ' "tea Mr. Deltrich, tlta-; U no and taf watjei have net been raised for four year! and tfce reeult w I caonot bay any beef for myself r farntly." . , ' !i3 r 5rt 6ft 111 KS .73 M S I M :it M SH 4 u l :r, H'22 IIW ! -Ji U ID Hi w - , , a; ;u 3J a v, n hlf ne, se nu, e -io ' S.'i 31 ,17 1 1 Or COTTowoon rawiNcr. . 8 lilt no, 7 lilf us J .'Si H 4 4H l.ol!i3 4 4, hlf nw 1 St 6 67 71 lilf nn, n hlf m 2 32 M 1 sblf nw,e hlf w ' 2 . l8 lit) Jxt4,Hw. S, total 4)lt; ' . SH S3 SI 71 Ulf ne, to nw, .. , - w S SI U 14 W nw nw, aw sw, sw - nw, kx. S, mi ! . 4 8t M 23 71 l,ot. 3 4 4, Hoo. 3, lul I, H b 1 12 S3 I it 4, Soi', 4, lot 1 ft ' I 2. S S-.' A3 se ..' 1W J.ots a A I, 0 82 W Lot nw i Be tr e hlftw, nw im no , Kin i !!ft SS ! w mnut w - ' ' ' S3 ; 43 ! a lilf oe, five. 85, u I lilfni) Sd 33 51 ! Lot I, t 32 64 I Loin 3, 1ft 4, 1IBT4 I blf iwim hlf uw DIM ee' 82 M Lot 4, w nw, Sec. 4 ,n .'4 l.OtJ.MJUO S ti W lot 1 7 fi 54 - ne, o hlf f, c ' nw-!- , , 7 .ijf m n'J nw, si: mr,ii no t '.tl M a tilt nr. ne nw hitu. 9 .T; .' nw nw tl U 'm uo lie, Sua, 10, w jilt nw '" , 11 K !,) ii lilf ne. wneo! nw JJ 32 it nw ne, a hit t, nw mi 12 37 M w . ' . .11 32 M nw M n hlf nw, nw hw, 'c. 5, u v.y 6 S2 C4 HlTCHKl.K fHUC. N,;T Join 1 ft 2, lij-no 1 ?2 r,i s iiif , w a :t2 15 lxatl&2. fill If no 3 32 :t, e till , w bif tj s ; w tuf o - :,': lli ft 2, 8 lilf ne 4 Si 'i Lots ii A 4, 8 lul nw 4 il ill w ' , i i2 W Ixt H A 4, flw nw 5 fi5 nw, n bit sw, nu . ti-.i 0 - . S i. -.ii w nw, .Stio. (S, me b S .2 5. Lot I (i'i 65 Lou Z & S, aw ue, se tiw . 6 S3 . e i.e, a lilf e. sw scfi Hi M se . ' 7 M tf. Bfl 7 .jJ W- w hlf ne, nw no, tie ' nw ,-"' !B Vi w Ulf u ' , a 32 sr. 4'.f nw, l:j tt'tilt uo, e iilf w 10 Si fi5 e Ulf d.v, n w io fa M mi ne. huo 1'), nw nw H 31 K n blf w - - 11 rfi l) aw r 11 a 5."f nc-THv, blf nw 11 lit! W soW.nwhe I II 5." n li! (;, , II K Kt n h.f ne, n .1 iiw 11 it In ii hit t 14 32 i-i tl' lilt 11 W i u. 1 1, . lill flO ttl .12 f'-Pl .tii-v, y li;f a ' lu ss 3 nn nw 1-i as L$ e n'f m;, n lul no 17 a2 ''5 n tttf na 17 32 u yitiSA 4, elillsv je .ti (-' f.ol 1 & i, c h! I'lWld il Hi m . w U2 yi to ne, f-ec, at, e hlf tiw, sw ii w 21 ,14 n o n 22 ! '. j ,f lilf no, w blf ifs WSf l w hlf aw 5 3K 85 w w I W C5 . so .. ' 13 S blf bw, sw nw It ;S W ,se I 33 M nw .' . , 3 Si M w ir.f aw j xi r.i e s 3 :4 ,l,ot 1 ft a, hlf nn '.i at M Uil 3 ft 4, s hlf nw i 33 M w 3 33 U no. . 4 a-. At w S M r mr - ' ' :- i. I.rit!) .'! ft 4, B hlf nw 5 .4 -'I hw , lis it I Lot 5 & 6 M M I Iitd 1 ft i, 1 XI : t I ao tIM 1,-0 1 , uc sw, luf nw 7 3t lit i n hlf nw, w ni;, I nw S :A M sir 3 i M no A3 54 nw, " I 9 3S nl W ' ' ' .1 61 nw . ,10 3.1 '!54 nlilf nw "II 33 U se nw, n blf w, so ; . . -. mw 11 SJ r nw, .'. is Si M (,e ' . 18.13 S no ' 1 " : - 17 S? ft4 nw . t n'Sl M sc ; 111 ,13 54 no ' ' " U B3 54 tie ; .' : 'j id fi 4 Gov. Poyntor & Hon. D. Oldham, WiU eddrcq tho yotoro .of Sioux coun ty, dt tlio Court Housp in Harrfcon, l;n 2?ridy, Oct. 20, at 2clocl. in tho af- I mcon. Como one Comoall. b end liitcn to that Thich ia oi 32 ii 04 S3 8 33 M a u: H 32 53 mi nr, n hlf w, n w nn ' . nw (blf nceltirnui nw, ne sw, nw se ' i blf w k hl HW, oo. 1'J, it hlf nw ,' . ' UW UW J . ' e hlf w, w hlf m ne , ;'''-' nw ew.aee. 14, nnlfuu ne hetiw ne - W 2 3.1 10 St f..-t tl 32 &3 U32 41 12 il .13 14 .U S3 19 K S3 13 11 M M HI Ml in n si 14 HZ S3 ,11 SIM .17 ii AS ! SJ SI X! U Ail 03S 483 HI 05 w ' 7 en' S3 43 CI 17 ( 35 7 3197 ,JW 1174 24 19 4 41 40 7ii n w w 7200 13 36 124 . IR 12 74 411 ' 6 7 n ,, 2J. wbli nw.nwsw SI nasi a lilf m,- Ijlf nvr 4t S3 e hlf ik , Im '- i. Wbw i ' , n jc S3 ' 4;i7 esMMiSS,'w.M4' " t , W. ; , U,ta Hi n ' v ' v M S3 f ' H tt M ill It n Mf , se s,. si t si a a SUM i&7 ;k-;7 46 29 03 3 36 6 Ii 641 -4 81 32 12 i 34 s (; tow i so ?1 i4 SI 7S 21 fa ;i4: 7 2-i 27 1 '7J fi Sli M 97 73 27 .9S 1713 !ti 14 SI t. 7.1 U .Ii is 32 13 25 7 7 8 73 IS6 0Q '.Vil 1 14 71S est i'J 44 ! 10 02 il ii T., ilO Si .4 27 812 HI T71T7 II 47 'lit ,.lik '. -K S3 4J24 4 Vli 7if7 3 '51, 14 tv 7 76 32 3 6 33 Ur) 73 3tt S02 2 S3 5 U 57? D2 5S4 Bl a T.2 8S4 I 47 53 10 2ft 6 1(1 i SKI , 6 03 II 70 J SW r " fii 6 01 e eu 3HI0 42 'MS 33 37 4'' 8 D5 7 4 e blf sw, Ulf e 9 33 "3 otw Ulf UW, n blf iw 10 83 fid. SIC W II 38 45 5 ID SC 11 33 55 S 13 h?f ne . 12 33 63 15 C ImI I ft.2, e lilf nw 18 "33 65 7 15 c blf uc, Heo. is, e blf I uw e h!f i, fcec. 21, ii blf nw u sw iii r no W lltf HW J w bif ne i blf nw V) 33 54 lOii.Xg 20 33 I 5 37 ti 21 3:1 55 I t 15 H lilf tW tie y n hlf 11 w K hlf uw n blf sw H hlf BW 110 nu, a hlf ue, II lilt KC, SOi,3iSW , 84 33 65 no, - -, M 8.1 .15 e hlf SW,V blf B, B4 83 65 w hit j;w, 3.1 33 55 ue . Sii 33 53 Mll'KTSOSS rUKCISCT. 22 33 f '.ar-33M 1 33 r.5 27 3.") 55 27 33 tfi 27 33 66 IW 33 55 32 S3 r5 il ;!3 55 32 1 i3 33 W 55 33 33 65 il 55 33 33 55 23 15 64 40 '21 44 6I3 Ii tr 661 11 31 477 l?w 10 81 2S70 l7t t, 3, u blf nw, 11 blf vr nw, ci hlf fe, M ik 3 34 54 3 31 54 3 M M- Lot 4, 3), 1 bu" -) Lot 1 4 34 54 4 31 64 5 XI 51 u tj 8 St 54 tl 31 54 10 34 14 .1 1 U 64 i'The Commercial Harrison, Nebraska! DIBECTOBS.. C. V. COTK, Prosideiit. F. W.Clahke, Cashiar. Chas. C. Jamicjon. ' II. S. Clarke,' ' A. McGiaiiir ijISk)ckmen havingusefora bankatthis point may rely on us to' Iiandlo their entirt Banking businee. . , We are prpppwd to tako '-are of. our trade at all times' i' ,-. w U Ulf 1) IHI cblf n, c lilf m b hlf 911 II) 11 blf Tie 14 31 64 1 ucre in nw cr. ne . U 34 51 1 nrre la qw cr, nc rll I : : 1H 34 54 s blf mt U'i n blf ne 19 31 54 Lot. 34, 0 blf w 10 34 61 ur. , . 31 SI 64 e hlf ncHVw bit 32 31 M mi : . 1 34 34 5.1 w hit m W 35 !A lw '' 91 t S4 no ; 21 3-5 54 lot-!, we tin, e hlf so 23 35 M 110 " ii) 35 54 tie nw, j blf n .'W, 26 95 14 nw nw 2i 11 lilf ue 27 5t nw sw 2--19 iitj tic M W ' v - -- 27 35 54 iw 1 . S3 V 111 if 11 lilf, s hlf nw 2'l 51 w: -' 2J 35 51 n lilf ne 3n 35 54 IU .lip, 3'2ll hit cw, , a luf w,w blf nw tK5 Lotn 3 A 4, e tiff aw !3 33 H n Ulf e. n u, oe '. f . 0 ' ; , - - ( J6 iU .M ftSl iiw ,' -' ; ., SO 33 64 'jttt n no., nw , lilf 1 , se ; ; '' Vt 3 54 537 nw .. Kl 33 6t " 402 tie , '11 3 54 I fe iiw , ; a blf sw, e sw, nw ne , ."v . " ne so, a Ulf ee nw e hlf se a hlf ue, s w so n hlf ne, se sw sw n S3 6 e mJ ,IK1 UK S - i " 33 541", 4CT 41 13 S4 27 33 it 27 33 64 n m 5 . 2: U3 SI 591 ! 01 W4i w uw, nw sw, Hue: 117 33 $ scne, iieso ' 2.14 5-1 ' 5h2 S hu se M 8.1 54 2 73 SW . ' ' 83 64 30 71 w hlf nw, Se. 2, - 1 ' '' e hlf ne 2d 33 5 8 3 sw ne, a blf ue, sw SW se . -, ; ltrt -Lot 3, a blf se, ne nw' 1 ' lit; ne, sen nw 33 st 20 33 6 SO 33 64 34 31 35 41) 1 iS 2214, n blf net nw , sw ono,rje,j)s,W),if nw - ne ne,tltf aw ac, so 81 , H 70 31 83 4 OS 12 33 64 C5M if: 33 ;4 tutus 33 S3 54 3 30 34 72 77 81 33 6 ' S 1)3 34 53 6y0l R2 0ti , - :', f w ?l , t. ixitl.skae nw ne 1. .,--., uhis,4ia,M w : - ' " .',' 'v 4 S3 64 31 K3 S4 t 33 U 34 31 S4 ' ' ' J II S6X tail tttsl m 11.1 SIM 1 IN 14,1 3 4S Til Mi S.Ulf0 1. 3 lilf SW SO ' ' SW S SO 30 ne mV, tie . no : sw tiw aw HU n hlf 11 e, ee 30 35 54 S3 35 64 33 35 SI ,':i 3f '34 36 51 12 36 64 13 S5 54 ."'IS U5 84 14 35 54 15 36 54 15 35 5t V 35 54 21 35 64 23 Vi 'ti 23 35 54 23 35 54 54 31 5B3 .6 6a 2UH7 41131 11 49 6 48 5 4H 2H0II 30 75 31 Ho wwrt 2-ni 30 05 8(5 KH S3 67 . 4 41 1 46 7 05 21 0 6 411 8 25 . U 51 1 s:w 17 52 31 34 52 2fi 6 43 5 4S i24 4 21 t)46 3 3 S35 3 Vj 12 ill 11! 43 i. ;i0 '5 30 "3S H21 3169 11 at 3233 6 4b 1160 7 lb 70 59 27 42 C5 14 50 ill STOCK ISBAND Ths Jouhnal will pnliltnh yourlirsB,!lk tb followititt.for ?2:00, purveiwn Kafch sd UltioMal uriia 75 cents. KrxrT raftnor or riuicbmen in iJonx sua ajotntng counties shosla Bdvertis their lrsnds tn Thb Jock sal as It vlronlstns all over tils state.' It ir.ay bo the means of Baring mosey for you obit ne,23)lilf nw2 Vt 55 111 24 14 85 54, 10 21 115 53 5 IS T ' li M l; IV4 S W :. - , e , . . jw ne, ic u r no s. nw s-i nw se ne .6 - . P nw n hlf nc, e hlf nw e blf ue St) n hlf nw ' s blf ne, s hlf nw MV 1 ' 1 . . e 1 lot 1 A I, s hlf ne, l&t H t, Ixit3 ft 4, s Ulf aw tot 3 4 4, sblf nw aw a', ?- - ' - , uw 173 6 96 7 4(1 16 07 7 88 30 SI 179 9 33 , llt'HSINO W ITr.K I'HE'IWCT. 2iS '-I 170 79 2fi 35 54 1I2W 27 35 54 172 34 ,27 35 JVt til 73 27 35 54 27 44 28 34 Sj IW 60 34 31 55 78 83 33 34 55 30 86 35 34 65 llll 03 35 34 5,1 C3 06 36 31 65 162 01 . 10 35 65 66 81 18 35 45. 24 36 55 22 35 65 !3 36 SS 21 35 SB 24 36 65 ' 25 81 65 . S3 STi 55 f.Ot 1 ft 2, ' S 27 6j io3ftt, hUnw , 3 27 56 SW. ' ,'.- . ..'-,.- iZiii lotlftl, Wf he' 4 27 f5 Ixit Sft4, hit' n w 27 55 nw ' , in 27 55 hlf iiw, SW so, 3 23 65 se so 513 6S sw w, 6) s till s-, C 2S 65 T.sesw,) l.nenw 72 55 ep, j , ' . - 7 28 55 n birni', n'lilf nw, 8 56 SWnw,,,' 28 66 se nw, 6U" po, fi) w aw ; -at ne tt, elrtf iw. 23 S3 nw nw 10 28 55 sw '.' ' 34 J So s blf so ! ) , . -34 P fti lot 4,ew, , It. 181 23 53 wwn, slUfaw.nw '' ;; : ,,'. si 29 so lot 3 A 1, e bit sw, Shirs',' . i SW SW.. ''I ' r , nw m. n A S3 a it a' US 20 M 11 M V, 31 24 V, M 2 jfyj 1144M . ' . I- 15 30 3014 sew 6011 40 4(1 iM 22 96 4S Id W 2 Ul 1ft S3 4 77 11 V3 8 71 8A5 3014 .a 183 2 US .182 v 84 2SS 101 3 20 ite (Jlhiprt n ' M re John Uunpr t tiw . " r,. 8 i rv.jtt!,.- )7 lotA3, wno 1 '2i fcttttiX) It , s bir aw, ne sw I- ziuavi , '2 88 SO , , , l-tt 6(1 S40 nhtfswseaw no. I V ilc e t " "' V' 1 4 Wt ' (8 MMt,lune . a isa nr, u w, fcrf.i 31 e ' , 1218 M jiM ue V :'.'. . . Kusi'lRsi ne Bw. s hlf uw sec. 'I t 1.1 se uc ' . 1 Jij 8I1.K1 13 se ''' 8 2 i ttt we ,. - .' , t.t V m CriARLLS BIEffLE. On Iutt, ijiile or hip of cattle, m silionl'lep ol horHea. j liansre on the head ti Waybonnt t uremic r'- .', . -,.! . ..... - Address tturrlson, Sioux C. Neb .'500 ItEVVAIlI). Tor the arreet and conviction of any party or purtfes uteaUpg or aiBiiffuj-iuo; sisy brtnde' ob stock bclonifinz to the undirolcnssv s ties:.:.-' , ' -. - JaVID OOLV1LLK. Homes branded branded m oa righ shoulder or or. tight Jaw Also, f hare Hollies branded : on left thigh Kt'AK C- LSWlS.t ' ' I' " CHttls Branded fSfSI ' on left, side and Horses Brattdeil on left shoulder Range on head of White Klviir. P. O. Address, Harrison, Ne'o, JOfIX A! HANSON W-l J Si 4 Owns the rojlnw lUKiiriaid r: , Also KG on cat tle and borxes carrlti on left-ii'le liorsifs on left niioulder. Range on Sller Sprtni? and ea-st of statu Ine.. I'ostofllce Ilarrlson Nob. CIUKLK9 KtWMAJ!. The hnvrrd represented la this notice and brauded any where oa left Rldo of cattls.snd ttTsr-lnp cut from the riirlit iwc,,.. . - , lot wlne4titf'4M--leWfbi1r'of( horses, belongn ita Vlie undersigned. Hangs near East fcnrings, south bioux county. Vuxolus Newman, . . ,' .Darrisoa, Vebratka. . rPoANlt NUIJI'O. On left side of cattle and on lef stionlderol boraes. ' Ilanp. on Antelope croek i. Ghltchrlst, SIous Ck., Neb. J S. TLXKKR. ' ' Itrandcd on lcl t Blioulder ot horses and on left side of cattle. : P. O. Addi-CBS, Olun, Melrfasha. IJKK1 CUEEK LIVE 8TOPK 00, 355T! Branded on left Uip of Cattle r S3 and oa lef t cheek of Horses, Range on Deep Credr. , AddrexH, Deep; Creek Lire stock (Io,. . - ,traA Ko-s, Supt., .- Ulen, Nebraska. CEOKGE 8WAHSON. Cattle branded Horaus branded on left side on left abon Wer, rwige on Soldier Creek. ; V " Any stock branded as above belnn; eKtray cd from my range, discovered by any body on giving me information will be rewarded. AddresK, ITt. Kiblnson, Nebraska. Tost Offlee XddresB, : - ' - - Harrlstiu, Stoux Co., Xebrsska. Brand a F. . JANUT. 60,117,"!! on left hSj OQ left bip of Cattle. Sioux County, Nebraska. on left Jaw, Post Office, liewlsv JOHN T. BSOW. Horses branded on left sboot- "'.'... (dev - branded on left shoulder of Cattle and FIY on leftside. . .. arm - Office Addresfl, , . , Pati iclc, Laramie Co, Vyo, J. B. PAltKER. Horses branded on left sboulder and Cattle sauieon left hlL Sheep bamdod ! toal-aekvQ. back of Sheep. Kange on. Soldier Creek and White Blrer. Address, Ft. KobiOon, Hebraska.. 100 Keward. lor proef to convict nuy person of steal ing, altering, running off, or fat any way' daDiagiBBs stock brandsd.r Ion right II 1 V i suleorblp. Address, James Toacg, . ' Harrlsoa. Ken. Jrf. Rstray jVo'tlca. TW usami.s uiST wunaim " V. Hooeti vr given byB. r. Gilbert the BnderJfjA-.Jan; She th flay of July A. D.1S00 oa ki'eMwUan4 situated tn Cos, : toowoed ptafctatii r I '": ' County ra .' ttgbf gntylsM'irs taksa up or -' bins as ea trays- 1 j-(i sain hqretis being tn4msec11easar braadest ' and described aa fkra.A , ' . , . , , Tlie laniest Iwmiai isrsta!.. '' hta sat v: loft l,l,la wiv-' v. SG Wsstr1-; t-e hi ,4 s Smallest hc Oft lrft.i; -' ;, 1 ftvowws.: Jlraiid comhl donblcj of cattle, llorae sain sboulder,', I ... - Cut .out right left aide right nn t - ear cstUo, Cattle all dehornuu. , Range oa Kyle Creca, .- ' " ' i Fost Ofaco.Glen Nebraska. Itobbed Tlie Orav. i ' ,-''' ' A Blartlint incident, I narrated by jjjjlifi Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows: I vsras in an awful condition, r'.y skin was almost yellew, eye sunken , tontrue coated, nain continually in batik and side, no appetite, grtHiafr weakee, any nyuay. r jnnis puywcians nau giv n me up. TherI Was- advistxl ta n Electric Hitter;' to my rrBaty, the Drat bottle-mad a decided improvement I continued their use for Uiree 'Week; and am no w well man. I' edjow they, robbed the grave ot another victim" No ens should fall to try them, CMy COc., guaranteed at J. E. FniN5M'g drQf store. - Lardo rua spots, atronomlji ety, rausedtlie'extrem heat thit summer, dnd doctof declare nearly alt th nros! tratious were induced by disorders of th stomal:!), pood health follows good gewtion. Kodol Dyspepaia Cure (Hifett what you eat. - If yen hav Lidiestloti made Ufa a burden.. 8b af: ' Ann all other retoedie and doeto failed tf IBM Ttatoted tbi ptdn Io my ctseat aod t dan nw slp aonndly, somtbiat t eao taaaftj remerabsr doirtf: Won. 1 fewl . like Mndhr ita pnkiasa tlirothoul it , Unlvafs.'' Cr, KiVs New aiomvy 1 k $ mnmutmi to our all utukis'of t; " TtroeACh-satorLonrt. hist Ct Ul,' IL Trial bottle fsrt a J. C Trm -i'i lilfnw.nnMBw ! -rf-r-i-r- V ... . - 7 . ( 1 norctianstntlv cur rmi. J..E. FrRV.- MtJM';'-'-'';' j ' '- :ZZL.nK 'Vt .sTdyp.lilw,ll quickly repaid Dyspopsia Coro ' Digests what you eat. Jtartifloiafiydiiesititlfood.isitKa Satur In treoffthenlof And racon tructlnjf tbe exhausted dlgaiUv Bf gans. it la tbe lateatdlaedraredtfi'V : ant and tonic No othr prtpar Joa can approach It in efficiency. It la. untly relieves and peraiaoentljrtwwi Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartbnii, Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Htssrv Sick Headache, totnhjia,(3ciaiM all otbermulU of lapexiectilyois. . Prtoosoc. sndB. Lsu sle w- small su. okadlimniams .. - 11, ; A ThousNsnd TonutMk Could not expm tb raptur C Aed E. Springs, of Philadalpbia, whan. 7 iuaffw 1'isoovery ourse ner r r'-j- C,' baoklii coqgh that for many, years ui v ''Swt, ri ' V Iw. 1 1 1. 1 4-- 4T)" .1 r 15i v s ; i . 4 i v v ..hw Wm nrt, mw w -v 0 - i i , -ri - - - - , - NVi. 'if .1 V:''l''i'' " 4 4, 4" -r-