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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
af - - . .... r - - ' r AuQUSHED. OEN. MACARTHUR REPORTS AN ENGAGEMENT. WAR IS HOT ENDED. Part of Fortieth Infantry Caught In Trap and a Number Are Killed and Wounded. Washington, D. C, June 26. The war department hag received the following .cablegram from General MacArthur: "Manila, June 23. Detachment four office, 100 men. Fortieth volunteer In fantry, Captain Millar commanding. left Tagayan, June 13, on reconnaissance up Tagayan river, morning, ambushed by Insurgent In strong position. Fifty men sent to reinforce from Tagayan. Could not take position, and troops withdrew to coant port. "Our loss In killed: Company II, Rob ert H. Coles, John H. Haywood, Fred Holloway, John T. Pelham, 'Frank Sal isbury. Company M, Corporal Jesse G. Moody, Michael J. MeQulrk. "Wounded Company I, Captain Wal ter B. Elliott, slight; company H, Cap tain Thomas. Millar, In thigh, slight; Jeff Efflg, moderate: James W. Jeffries, alight; Roxle Whealon, moderate; Geo. Hollarlf, flight; Murley Phillips, se vere; John W. Smith, severe. Company M, Kdwln B. Williams, severe. Com pany K. George W. Wells, severe; Lex 31. Kamters, moderate. "Missing Company If, Sergeant Wil liam Northerns. "Full detail report not received." NINB K1LLKD, TWELVE WOUNDED Manila, June 26. A di-tachment of forty men of the Fortieth regiment, Captain Miller commanding, left Ca gayan de Mlsamas, Island of Mindanao, scouting. June 13. During the morning of June 14 they encourtered a strongly ambushed and Intrenched force of the enemy. The Americana' attempts to harge were frustrated by the Fili pinos' pitfalls and traps. The advance line consequently was under a heavy fire In front and on Its flanks and fell back on Cagayan. The American loss was nine killed and two officers and ten men wounded. TROUBLE IN RAMAR. Manila, June 24. Reports have reach, ed Manila of troubles In the Island of Samar, whence reinforcements, a bat talion of the Twenty-ninth regiment and a battery of artillery, were dlnpatched , yesterday. The United States cruiser New Or leans has sailed from here, and It la supposed she is on her way to China. It Is expected that the cruiser Brook lyn will proceed to China shortly. STEYN'S FORCES IN A NET. Brisk Flghtin? Expected South of the Vaal River, London, June 25. General Steyn's forces in the Orange River colony are drawing most of the attention of Lord Roberts, rather to the neglect of Commandant-General Louis liotha and President Kruger. The severance between the Trans vaal and the Orange River colony was completed Friday, as Ird Roberts said It would be. by the arrival of General Ruller's advance guard, under Lord Dundonald, at St. Anderson. The wide net around the 6.000 or 8,000 men under General Steyn will now contract. Some adroit maneuvering and brisk fighting are likely to take place, because until all resistance south of the Vaal is at an end the Iiritish line of communica tions will not be safe. President Kruger"s sons, who surren dered to General Baden-Powell. ' are bark on their farms and working peace fully. General Baden-Powell rode with only SrtO men from Mafeklng and he made the last section of his ride to Pretoria with only thirty-five. Lord Roberts met him In the outskirts of the town and e orted him to the presidency. General De Wet's farm houses have been burned by the British. General Buller has Issued a special order eulogising the services of Strath conaa Horse. ' Captsln Jones and the brigade from H. M. S. Foree have been ordered back to the ship at the admiral request. BOERS CAPTURE HEAVY MAIL. The Brltleh Revereee at the Zand River Are Leaking Out. London, June 25. There was almost a total absence of war news from South Africa last night and the telegrams re ceived lark Interest and fall to add to the farts already known. According to a special dispatch from Capetown It seems that In the recent fight at Zand river the Boers captured 1.00S mall bags, containing a three . weeks' accumulation of letters for Lord Roberts' army snd 14.000 worth of tamps Intended for the use of the! troops. At Klmberley Friday evening Dr. Jameson addressed the electors. He sketched the pol"on of ,he ran'1 at the time of Ihe raid, emphasising the discontent of the working classes, who ware ripe for revolt. He denied that the rsld had caused racial trouble. In duced the Boers to arm or hampered the government, Bace feeling always ex isted and an army had commenced to form long before. This Is the first time that Dr. Jamenon hat broken the giletfc OB the subject of the raid. Fe:s n ckim. May Have To Deal With China In. etead of Boxere. Washington. D. C, June 26 Naval officials stated that while Admiral Re meyi force at Manila had been much depleted, there was no present purpose to send more ships. In case they are needed, however, the Atlanta is ready at New York and the Bancroft at Bos ton, both being light draught vessels well suited for Chinese waters, while the New York, Texas, Massachusetts, Indiana. Kearsarge and Kentucky give a reserve of strong vessels which can be drawn upon If the developments seem to warrant such a course. The American naval force In China at pfes- enl consists of the Newark, 400 men; Monocacy, 275; Nashville, 275, ail at Taku; the Yorktown, 300, at Che Foo. The Oregon, which Is under orders to go from Hong Kong, probably started yesterday, but cannot reach the scene of action short of six or seven days. The Iris, a supply ship, also Is on the way. This will give Admiral Kempff a fleet of six ships, Including the Oregon, when they are assembled a week hence. Outside of the Immediate necessity of meeting the military and naval require ments the government Is chiefly con cerned in finding out to what extent the Chinese government is countenanc ing or assisting the warfare at Tien Tsln. One of the highest officials of the administration said that there was some evidence that General Tung Fu Sen, the principal general of the Mo hammedan Chinese, was In command and that poBsibly without orders from the Chinese government he had suc ceeded in leading off some of the reg ular Chinese troops. This was In part explained by Ad miral Kempffs message that the Chi nese army Is engaged In fighting. But the assuiances of the Chinese minister and the communications from LI Hung Chang and several of the Influential viceroys all lead to the belief that the Chinese government does not direct the movements now going on. This uncer tainty must be cleared within the next few hours, and it will then be deter mined whether the authorities here are to deal with China or an uprising of "hlnese rebels. The critical conditions of aftairs has brought out the usual large crop of sensational rumors. There were per sistent reports that an extra session of congress might be called. But mem bers of the cabinet, who would be apt to know If such a move were contem plated, dismissed the report as entirely unfounded. The alarming report from Shanghai that the empress dowager has ordered the extermination of all foreigners In China was received with great allow ance on the part of the state depart ment. Nevertheless this was the elev enth day of the silence of Minister Conger. General MacArthur's report of the ambushing of American troops In Lu ron, resulting In a large casualty list, added somewhat to the perplexity of the war department In providing sol diers for China, as that was another ev loence that General Mac-Arthur needed a considerable force to garrison and protect the many outlying points. ARMY WORMS INVADE DAKOTA. , Attack farm House and Drive Out the Family. Yankton, S. D., June 2u. Millions on millions of pale green army worms have made their appearance on the sandbars along the Missouri river near Yankton. The worms are two or three inches long and In some places the can be taken up by the scoopful. Wil lows are stripped of leaves and bank and grass is being eaten to the roots. In the center of the ground invest the worms are lying dead in heaps for want of something to eat. The Insect! are moving westward like an avenging army and will soon get Into the vege table gardens and potato patches which the sandbar settlers are cultivating, unless something Is done to annihilate them. They Invaded J. C. Hchott's farm and house and drove the family out. He lost his garden and part of his crops. The worms are said to be the genuine army worm, which sweeps all vegeta tion clear as it moves. POWERFUL GAS TRUST FORMED New York, June 26. Behind the re cent agreement of the gas companies to charge $1.00 per thousand cubic feet Is a combination of Interests, which, If successful, will establish the moat pow erful gas corporation known to any city of the world. The Consolidated company, the cen tral concern, soon will Increase Its cap ital from twenty to thirty millions, the exact figure not being announced. The forthcoming circular to stockholders will suggest a means of distributing a present surplus of 11,000,000. During the past year the Consoli dated company has absorbed practically alt the gas and electric light, heat and power companies In Manhattan, Brook lyn and Bronx "boroughs. STREET FAIR PREPARATIONS. North Platte, Neb. (Special.) The drat meeting of the street fair execu tive committee was held at' the Com mercial club rooms last night. Officers were selected and the chairmen of sev. eral subcommittees appointed. The unanimous sentiment of the committee was that no time should be lost In get ting ready for the fair and preparations will begin at once. The officers of the executive committee are: Chairman, John Bratt; vice chairman, W. H. Mc Keen; aecretary, W. H. McDonald! as sistant secretary. Butler Buchanan; treasurer, A. Vollmer. TKEj THE OREGON BATTLESHIP TO REINFORCE THE AMERICAN SQUADRON. TROOPS JOIN BOXERS. Hordea of Chinese Resist Efforts of Americans and Russians to Reach Tien Tsln. Hong Kong, British China, June 23. The United States battleship Oregon has gone north. Reports from Chinese sources- state that Admiral Seymour has taken pos session of the Tartar city In Pekln. There Is not a Chinese port north of Amoy tonight which Is not doubtful of its security. The Boxer movement Is spreading rapidly. Chinese troops' are deserting everywhere to the Boxers, who are be coming the sole authority In the empire. United States Consul Goodnpw showed me private dispatches and official ad vices of the gravest Import. They strengthen the conviction that the sit uation In North China is hourly grow ing worse. Few of the foreign legations are believed to have survived. Admiral Seymour, who commands the allied foreign relief force, Is surrounded If not annihilated, between Tien Tain and Pekln. The allied forces now hold only some five miles of the Tien Tain & Pekin railway (which is about sev enty miles long) and are besieged at that. Not a word has been heard from the relief expedition since the 13th. In the opinion of experts here 20,000 troops. American, British, German and French, Italian and Japanese reinforce ments are needed under a competent commander to force a way to Pekin and protect the survivors of the mas Bacres. The nearest large reinforce ments are Russian peasants at Port Arthur, Japanese at Hiroshima and the Americans at Manila. Shanghai Itself fears an attack. There Is widespread terror and no one is hope ful of early relief. ROAD TO TIBN TSIN BLOCKED. London, June 26. The only dispatches from China received last night are those which give further details of the re pulse of last Thursday's attempt to relieve Pekln. According to a dispatch from Che Foo hordes of Chinese with well posted artillery block the way of the American and the Russian forces. The guns of the allies could make no Impression and It was found impossi ble to shift the enemy's position. Noth ing could be done except to fall back and this was accomplished In good or der. It was ascertained that the for eigners In Tien Tsln were making a gallant defense. The French conces sion buildings had been vigorously at tacked with fire and in all probability have been reduced to ashes. After the force retired an armored train attempt ed to reconnoltcr, but was derailed. More troops are arriving at Taku and another attempt at relief with a force of much greater strength was to have been made Saturday night. The Chi nese legation at Berlin received another telegram Saturday night stating that all the legations In Pekln were safe and that the foreign ministers at that place were all well. POWERS AR EACT1NG AS UNIT. Washington, D. C, June 26. The fol lowing cablegram was received from Admiral Kempff at the Navy depart ment: "Che Foo, June 23. Secretary Navy, Washington: Proclamation issued 20th: The admirals and senior naval officers if the allied powers In China desire In the name of their governments to let it be known to all the viceroys and the authorities of coast and river prov nces and cities In China that they In :end to use armed force only against he Boxers and those people who op jose them on the march to Pekln for :he rescue of their fellow countrymen.' "KEMPFF." Admiral Kempff's message is of im portance as showing the present atti tude of the powers represented in Chi nese waters. It Indicated that for the present at least they are operating In harmony for the release of foreigners who are confined In the Chinese capi tal and that they are taking active steps by means of proclamation to have this fact become known to the peace ably Inclined Chinese. Officers here In terpret the proclamation as a concili atory measure and believe It Is calcu lated to restore the confidence of the Chinese people In the pacific Intentions of the powers. AMMUNITION IS ABOUT GONE New York, June 26. The Journal and Advertiser prints a copyright dispatch from Rev. Frederick Brown, presiding elder of the Tien Tsln district of the Methodist Episcopal church. The dls patch Is dated at Che Foo June 22, and Is as follows: "I have Just got away from Tien Tsln on a German gunboat. The city has been bombarded for several days by the Chinese. All the foreign part of Tien Tsln has been destroyed. "Lieutenant Wright of our navy and 150 others of the white residents, ma rines and sailors sent up to our assist ance are killed or wounded. "The American consulate building has been destroyed. "Ammunition Is almost gone. The garrison are suffering terribly and need instant help." ttSXH RStettES PUS. Will Oo After Opponents Wherever They Are Found. Pittsburg, Pa., June 26. Senator M. A. Hanna, chairman of the republican national committee, was in the city a short time enroute from Philadelphia to Cleveland, and talked at length on the plans of campaign. "I have been assailed on every hand by the question as to what states we will win over from the democrats." said the Ohio senator, "and would like to tell everybody in the country who la Interested In the campaign that the grand old party this year will go after its opponents wherever they are found. No stronger ticket was ever placed In the field. I would not like to predict the majority that will go to McKinley and Roosevelt and I have not heard of Governor Grosvenor having made any forecasts as to the results of this cam paign. However, we will carry Ken tucky, Goebel law or no Goebel law. California will vindicate Itself. Up In the northwest the republicans will have no difficulty in holding sway. There Is no doubt as to the turn things will take In the east." Asked as to his opinion of the result of the fight in Nebraska, the senatoi replied: "We will try hard to keep Bryan's state In the righteous column, too." It will not be an extraordinarily early campaign. Senator Hanna stated that very little would be done for several weeks and seemed to imply that the republicans would wait on the opening maneuvers of the democrats before any active steps would be taken. About August 1, he said, the issues of the campaign would be clearly defined and the national managers will then be ready to co-operate with the commit tees In the various states. "September 1 will see the red fire burning and all the drums will be beating before a fort night later," was the senator's com ment when questioned regarding the time of the opening of the campaign. RI6HTS OF THE FILIPINOS. Col, Bryan Says They Are Identical With Cuban Rights. Knoxvllle, Tenn., June 23. The Sen tinel prints a letter addressed to it by W. J. Bryan, in which he expresses his views upon the relations of the Fili pinos and Cubans and their rights. It is as follows: 'I believe that the rights of the Fili pinos and the rights of the Cubans are Identical. The recognition of the rights of the Cubans by resolution did nol create those rights. They existed be fore. "Jf the Filipinos have a right to their Independence the fact that they fought for 1t does not justify us In carrying on a war of conquest. "It Is no more humiliating for a na tion "to recognize the rights of an op ponent than for an Individual to do so. "We would have had the same trou ble In Cuba if we had treated Ihe Cu bans the same as we have the Filipi nos. We would have no trouble In th Philippine Islands if we had treated the Filipinos as we have treated the Cu bans. If we are going to give the F'tl plnos their Independence we oug.( to say so at once and thus avoid further bloodshed. "How can we Justify the sacrifice of American soldiers and the killing of Filipinos merely to show that we can whip them? "The Bacon resolution received the support of nearly every democratic sen ator and was adopted by a democratic caucus In the house. This resolution prompted independence, ft It had been accepted and acted upon when It was first Introduced there would have been no Filipino war. If It had been adopted at the time the vote was taken It would have stopped the war. "W. J. BRYAN." ROUGH RIDERS IN REUNION. The Soldier Boys Will Celebrate In Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City, Okl., June 26. It Is estimated that 100,000 people will at tend the Roosevelt Rough Rider reunion here July 1, 2, 3 and 4. Governor Roose velt makes his speech on the 3d, the first set speech since his vice presi dential nomination. He will then speak in Missouri and Kansas. The Hough Riders' association has Issued the following program for the four days of the reunion: On Sunday, July 1, there will be wel coming speeches by Governor C. M Barnes and Mayor Van Wycke, and me. morlal services for the Rough Rldtn who fell In Cuba. Monday there will be a free homes Jubilee, an address by Hon. Dennis T. Flynn and an exhibition drill by the Sixth United States cav alry, besides shooting and riding con tests. At night a pyrotechnlcal dis play, the "Battle of San Juan,"-will b given and there will be a military recep tlon In honor of Governor Roosevelt. On Tuesday, July 3, Governor Roose. veil and the Rough Riders will lead e civic and military parade that will be participated In by members of th Sixth cavalry and the Twentieth Kan sas regiment, First Tennessee regiment and First Colorado Regiment, the ex confederates, the Grand Army of th Republic and civic organizations. Gov ernor Roosevelt will Speak. That night a banquet will be given In honor ol Governor Roosevelt. On July 4 theri will be a patriotic celebration. FRUIT CROP DAMAGED BY It A IN, Atlanta, Gn., June 26. The rainfall In this part of the'south has been very heavy the past two days and in Atlanta nearly three Inches of water has fallen. Crops are reported badly Injured. The fruit crop has been damaged one-third. WHEAT. THE PRICES GOING UPWARD BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS. DROUTH IS THE CAUSE. Bulls Talk of 91 Wheat, and Mean while Prlcee Climb While the Excitement Grows. Chicago (Special.) Changes made during the Letter deal were reduced to the ordinary this week, when wheat Jumped upward 11 cents. Of this 4 ?ents was the advance of Saturday. Wheat was the wildest of cereals and strongly supported by the bull element showed no inclination to stop Its ad vance this side of the $1 point, the goal of this bull faction's endeavors. Crop news and a high cable, 2V4 pence advance at Liverpool, and y centimes advance at Paris, were the principal causes for the upward tendency in prices. July wheat closed Friday night at 12 1-8 cents. It opened Saturday at i5H cents, a gain of 3 3-8 cents. It soon advanced to 86 cents, making a gain of 3 7-8 cents. Heavy realizing at this point broke the market to 84 7-8 cents, but the of ferings being quickly snapped up by shorts and greedy speculators, a rally followed, the future going back to 85V& cents and then to 85 7-8 cents. On the Chicago curb Friday night wheat sold around 83 3-4 cents. Sat urday the open board gave quotations as 86 5-8 cents, and later 87 1-4 cents. After the first setbacks had been wiped away, the market began to go ahead more rapidly and at length, with traders yelling themselves hoarse, the July future reached 86 1-8 cents, mak ing a 4c advance for the day. WHEAT COMBINE FORMING. Wichita, Kan., June 26. The grain men and millers of this state and Ok lahoma are attempting, it Is claimed, to form a combine to corner the wheat raised in this section and thereby prac tically, control the wheat market of the world. At a private meeting of the grain men of this city last Wednesday, the matter, it is claimed, was first taken up. Every attempt was made to keep the matter quiet, but it leaked out. The grain men argued that the farmers of Kansas and Oklahoma were well fixed financially and will not be com pelled to sell their wheat at once to raise money. What grain is put on the market will be bought by the millers and grain men and stored. Kansas and Oklahoma are the only two states having large crops of high grade wheat. The northwest has no good wheat and flour for export cannot be made from it. If millers of other states wish to grind flour for export they must obtain the wheat from Kan sas, and being in control of the situa tion, the Kansas and Oklahoma grain men and millers will put the price where they please. WHEAT KILLED BY DROUTH. Chicago, June 26. The Times-Herald publishes a crop report prepared by Snow, the crop expert, who has Just completed a two weeks' trip through the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota. He declares the situation a national calamity and claims the wheat failure the worst ever known. He estimates the Dakotas are promising only 20,000,000 each, and Min nesota 35,000,000, a total of 75,000,000, igalnst 200,000,00 last year and 225,000, HX in 1S98. Oliver Dalrymple, the big wheat frower of North Dakota, writes to his ion at Duluth, Minn., as follows: "Ten Ways ago I wrote you one-third f the spring wheat crop had been de itroyed by drouth. I now am of the pinion that two-thirds of the crop is tilled beyond redemption. The Gran lln farm is running sixty plows in the vheat fields. I shall start plowing to norrow and nearly all spring wheat armers will be plowing under wheat lext week unless heavy rains come." BRYAN TALKS ON PLATFORM. Says Republicans Are Insincere In Their Utterances, Milwaukee, Wis., June 25. W. J. Bry in, while enroute to Chicago from his juting trip in Wisconsin, stated that all ttorles to the effect that there had been tny differences between himself and Chairman Jones of the democratic na tional committee were absolutely with out foundation. Asked for his opinion of the Philadel phia platform, Bryan said: "The Phila delphia platform is the best evidence given thus far of the deception at tempted by the republican party. Taken In connection with the speeches made at the convention, It shows that the republican platform of 1896 was a de liberate fraud so far as International bimetallism was concerned, that the party's attitude on the trust question Is Insincere and that the party Is not willing to state Its attitude on the Philippine question and Invite the Judg ment of the people. Nothing was more manifest In the convention than the military spirit and yet the convention did not dare Indorse the demand of the rresldent in 1898 for a standing irmy of $100,000 men." B. & M. BRIDGE BURNED. Hill City, 8. D. The Burlington A Missouri bridge, three miles from this city, burned, causing the passenger train to be delayed four hours. The cause of the fire Is unknown. KK3 IXIUZZZl. Bryan and MoKlnley Are ToBttfie Guests of Honor. Chicago, III., June M This etty la preparing for the greatest Grand Army encampment ever held in the history of this veteran organisation. Chicago has taken time by the forelock and haa already commenced preparations to re ceive and entertain during encampment week, August 26, 27, 28, 29 and JO, more than 1,000,000 people. The committee on invitations, of which General John C. Black is chair man, is now sending out 6,000 requests for prominent men and organisations from all parts of the United States to attend. President McKinley has already accepted. For the care of visitors in the mat ter of free quarters for veterans the city of Chicago has been particularly liberal. All of the school houses of the city have been placed at the dis posal of the committee, of which Cap tain R. H. Peters Is chairman. Appli cations from posts for these quarters should be made early and posts ap plying should stste what railroad they will travel on to and from Chicago. During the encampment week occr the annual meetings of the following, organizations: Grand Army of the Re public, Woman's Relief corps, ex-Prisoners of War, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Daughters of Veterans, Army Nurses' association. Loyal Home Workers and the Naval veterans. Hon. William H. Harper is executive director and chairman of the finance committee, and headquarters have been opened since January 1, during which active preparations have been going on. for the encampment. The general head quarters are located at room 611, the Temple, where all communication should be addressed. Judge Noel M Longenecker is chairman of the general committee, Major E. A. Blgelow secre tary of the committee and Colonel Jo seph H. Wood, chairman of the execu tive committee. The oomplete list of honored guest will be as follows: President McKinley. William Jennings Bryan, ex-President Harrison, ex-President Cleveland, Gov ernor Roosevelt, Generals Miles, Pal mer, Corbln, Brooke. Otis, Sickles. Mer ritt, Lee, Schofleld, Gordon, Chaffee. Wallace, Howard, Admirals Schley ami Sampson, Captain Clark, Generals Mc Clernand and Wheeler. THE ST. LOUIS STRIKE. Stories of the Dynamite Plots were Pure Invention. St. Louis, June 26. No untoward in cident marked the progress of the great street car strike. The Transit company is augmenting its force of employes and! Its transportation facilities to such an. extent that all semblance of a strike promises to disappear In the near fu ture. The sheriff has begun the reduc tion of his posses and this warlike fea ture of the situation will soon be a thing of the past. The numerous reports that have gained currency during the past week: that dynamite plots were being hatched were proven to be canards by the con fession of a,. Transit company employe. His ambition to shine as a detective and his desire to ingratiate himself in the good graces of the company's offi cials accounts for the circulation of the reports and his own undoing. Havill made this admission after a statement had been made to Chief Campbell by Luther Ferran, a Transit employe, who recently came here from New Madison, O., that he was with; Havill when the latter obtained the dy namite from Ike Crosby, an old negro living near Clayton. Havill is said to have furnished the Transit company with many of the re cently exploded tips about dynamite plots. His position as a detective is believed to be responsible for his pres ent trouble. General Manager Baum hoff made the following statement: 'About ten days ago I was Informed that a dynamite plot was under way. I obtained information that a quantity of dynamite was stored in a house In St. Louis county and that a number of persons were trying to obtain posses sion. I sent Havill and another man out there to run down the plot. They slept in the house several nights, t have since learned from Havlll's wife that when he returned to St. Louis n brought with him three sticks of dyna mite. "Thursday I sent Havill out to the end of the Del mar avenue line to watch the neighborhood of the Wabash bridge. I am convinced that he carried his three sticks of dynamite with him. In the evening he returned to the sheds and told the foreman he had found dynamite In the weeds west of the bridge. I sent him back, accompanied by Smith, who Is a careful and reliable employe. They were instructed to get the explosives. "I am convinced that he had no crim inal Intent, but that he was simply trying to make himself solid with the company and was looking for cheap no toriety." The persistently circulated and pub lished rumor that Attorney General Crow Is about to bring quo warranto proceedings against the St. Louis Tran sit company, was flatly denied by hln at Jefferson City. According to a newspaper dispatch, the attorney general Is much surprise that the rumor was circulated. THET FEEL PROSPEBITT. Grand Rapids, Mich., June H. The. Grand Rapids Bicycle company mas succumbed to the necessities of the bi cycle trust and discharged most oft Itt 1(0 workmen. By August 1 tha will be abandoned, - H ': 4 J '.: i 2 V7 V V- ' K , in 't ViW .'tA ', i " 'i t I J. L f tl