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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1900)
4 ; Harrison Press OURNAL. 5 1 "VOL. ZHZII. SL.S,ISOIsr, InTIBTSCA., a?KrTJKSZ)-Y-, iTTTZsTIE 21, 1900. US O. 51 Our .IIoIIu-.-'no QUESTION 13 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS C-ITTLED RIGHT.,,--in. William J. Bryan. . H J HARRISON PKliSS-jOURNAL " vs'r. p.i, is 1 1 k i ) 1 w.v Subscription Price Official Paper of Gf.o. I). Caxon, F.NH.Hf.I) AT Tl'K HAHItrM.N l'( ST Otii is a typical creation of tlva Ilanna fyntein. He is a part of tliu imperinliv t ic colony system that lias already cost this fjoverninei.t bo dearly in Mood and treamire and brought so much di'.giace upon the nation in tho eyes of lovers of liherty tho world around. What would .hoiiiu of our youny people do if they ware oldid to do as h tli custum in som countries, far ex ample, in Iiussia, it is not considered (;orx! form, for a jli l to dmn o a wliolo AValtz or polka, with one partner. Three or four men dance a round or two Kiich with the same lady, returning her to Iter original partner at the end of the, dance. lm 1 11 . j "Tiie trusts, which have already forced more than !)0,0flU commercial travulers out of employment and caused . reduc tion in the salaries of thowi remaining are the creation of tliu Republican party and can ouly exist by the will of th preseut Federal udrwitiistmti iu. Every Iniddleman is interested in the result of thin movement; tinl on firi ncijdes of self (ieftsase thiy invits o operation to light the republican party, which fof-tcrs und encouragfis tho trusts. If these ruinous combinations ara not curbed they will eventually destroy all that it is pledged by the declaration of Indepen dence, for their agents have already violated the constitution," Up to this date the record of Itop'ibl can steals in Cuba admitted by the Gov trnrnent is as folio: Surcharged stamps ordered discharg ed, bnt sold by Neely, $-100,000. Estimated embezzlement of C. F. W Koely, aided by Reeves, $100,000. Waste was shown by Bristow's reduc tions to date, f 12,000. Itathbone's "per diem," in addition to Hilary of $(3,000, $1,700. Director's house rent paid out of Cub an revenues, $.1,000. Furnishings of house, unwarranted, $2,500. Miscellaneous exjienditures. not legiti mate, $2 (,772.4:?. Total known theft, 572,9714:3. New York Verdict. The followers of honest Abo Lincoln are ordered by fHnnna to repudiate the teachings of their gnat leader, renounce very principlo lie advocated and vote Cuban frauds, uphold Kagan Hcandals defend Carter roWes and indorse Mc Kinley's imperialism. If Washington. Jeffersor. and tho other revolutionary patriots had been built (in the style of president McKinley this country would have remained a British colony. There would hav been no tea thrown overboard in Boston harbor un der McKinler. lie would have been too timid to do any thing that offended his good friend. Every voter in Sioux county before they cast tneir ballot next fall should read tne iJeclaration of Independence, a! bo the Constitution of the United State. Btudy it well. That what Dooioi racy stands for. Tho strike on the Ht. Louis street car system which has been is progress for the past four or five weeks, is about at An end. The chances ara that the labor federations will declare a boycott on the trot car system at St. Liuis. Senator Wolcott, of t-oloraoo, was made temporary chairman of thn repub lican national convention, which con vened in the city of Philadelphia Tues lny. which, by the way, is quite a ceil- for western state. l'cr Your $1.00. Sioux County. - JCditok. (K V. AS SlTO.Ml CLASS MATTER. Mrs. f I hulstoiic, wife of Willinm K. Gladstone, Ji,- r.n th'i 11: h iiist, it, 11a Marikti cxstlv the family seat, of old age. The trust friend of Iljuuia are the men with whom f rotary (u:reof the treas ury bargained for the t.efaiious ?ew York Custom House deal and the free ETOvcriiinent loan1; to standard Oil banks. Captain Allen i. f isher who gained uneviablu notoriety in the attempted sell out of tho republican flarty in the last legislature , in the interest of Thompson, and defeat the will of the republican cau cus, has again been selected by dough faced republicans in convention at (.'bad ron os a candidate for representative. This action will be condemned by decent republicans over the entire stale. For Khame. Aiiisworlii Star Journal, (re uldican.) ' According to estimates so far made by unofiicUil statistics Licolnspopulntion bv the federal census will not reach over UO.O00, or a loss of about 10,000 over ten years ago. "Kv.-.rybdy favors th.) double stand ard and the Domocratu: party is not go ing to split on a ipiesl.ion of ratio. "Sixteen to one appears to be the right standard, although silver varies at times in value. That .seems to uie to be the only ipiesdion about silver. "Bryan's election will bring prosperity to the country and rights to all. -Richard Crocker. g reat fctpual If we could ),3ai u to crilicisn all our own faulls before wo attempt to critise others, this would indeed, m a happy world: for we believe after we have tnt- iscised ail of our own short cominirs we will be more charitable toward other . When wo have others words of praise and laudation to oiler, let it bo of some one else and never of ourselves. The following old, old rule is a good one: Criticise ouly yourself; praise only others most of us break that rule every day of the vear but it is a splendid .rule never theless. Tho Washington government lias or dered a regiment of troops from Manila to China to protect our citizens and in terests in that country during tho up rising of the ' Boxers." According to the census returns for li)0 the population (if Omaha since the 1(10 census has decreased something like 10,000. This year, all over the world, is an eventful one, ns the sacred scriptures prophesied over 1H hundred years ago, that toward tho end of time it would 1st, "Wars und rumors of wars." When will tliu end !. It keeps Col. W. J. Bryan busy nowr-n- days denouncing republican fabrications, circulated bv a repuclican subsedised press. Tho latest fabrication is that Mr. Bryan had reached (ho point where he was willing to drop the issue of silver in the fall campaign. Mr. Bryan, brands the story ns absolutely false. Tho upri dug in China of lato has a tendency to detract from the British Boer war, but just tho same the brave Burgers will light till the last. The famine in India, the outbreak of tho As h in'.ins in wosler Africa, logethi r wiih the threaliiing war in China, will we Uiliove verti materially redound to the auuanlage of tho ISoers. It looks now as if president Mi. Kinley's Anjflo-Haxon alliance wus aliout to get i l. I T ... 4 ... I M(,.l... .,,r,.M,l in t.n..1li., foreign war for, "Is-imvolent o - simila lion But then its Lu" sh d in t VOU lion nut mcu us uuiisn, o ju b you know. J fOO vO-fC VOC 04-C 0 C -0'K3 'Ca-fC.4GH0- W!HW!HO0itOf THE PIONEER Drills, Drujjit Sundries, I'aintJs, OilvS, Varnishes, ' OOlvS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Prpprietor. The runner for the. KiinmoiiH Hardware Co., of SI. Jjotiis, is authority for the istiiteuiKiit t tiat tlio Ticket nominated at Philadelphia ut Ihu republican conven tion is William Mckinley for president iind Thijdore Koosvelt, of New York" for v ice president' Tho lines'! ion as to the origin of rais inj; the iiat seems to he a much mooted iiuettion just at present, especially at ladies clubs, t hat a word in that direction may not be amiss. In ancient times when a knight entered a company of lad ies bo removed his helmet to indicate that he considered himself among friends and that there was no need of protection. This practice his survived in the) custom of raising tho hat when saluting a lady. A local paper published a long obitu ary of a man who had died in the com munity, closing with the statement that "a long procession of people followed the remains to their last roasting place." The family read the notice and discover ed the support! error and ashed the edi tor 10 make a correction in the word "roasting" but he said ho could not do it until seven years back subscription Hint the deceased owed had been iid. NOTICE. The voters of the Peoples party of Warbonnet precinct Sioux Co. Neb., are hereby notified that the precinct caucus will be held at the usual polling place at at G o'clock P. SI. Friday June 22. 1900 for tho purpose of electing five debjgatss to attend the Peoples Party county convention to lie h hi in Harrison, June 2;!rd, I'M). IilCHI.E, Precinct Committeeman. Peoples Independent Party Reprcseii' tativo CoHveniiun of the 53rd District. A delegate Convention of l!ie peoples Inde pendent 1'iirtv of the .Vhd representative dlxtrnt of Nebraska, is hereby caller to meet In Crnwiord, Nebi a-ika, ou Thursday, the '.lii day of .inly, i'.icC, at o'cIock p. in., of mid day f.r the purpo-o of placing in nomination ft rniididat for represeu i ve I of said aril d. fliict, to be ote,i for ut the j general election. November . and for i th tranw.ii ti'tn of sio n other business as i may properly couie beiore said eonvention 1 ha repre-,eutiit!on of the counties coin priMng said -'itrd di.-trict is linked on the ole cast for Hon. silns A. llolcornb for Supreme Judge, at the general election of of P'iv.i, allow mg one ileli-fjaLe. t lar'e for each county and one delegate tor each 100 votes cast or major fiaclloii thereof cast for said candidate In each county, making the follow ing representation : I!ollutte o Dawes S Sheridan K sioui Total 2il Ills recommended tli.-U no provies be al 1. but that tl.s delegates present cast the lull vole of the county. V. J. A. Hitu. ( balruiiiii. Democratic Coiigrosslonul Con vention. A delegate convent ion of the Democrntle party id' the Sl.xth congressional district of the slate of Neliriikn, Is hereby railed to meet in tho city of llroken How, Cutter county, on Monday, July PniO, nt t o'clock p. lu., for the purtMtue of placing lit noinlna. tlou a candidate for member of congress to represent the Sixth congresKlonol Dlsti lc ol Nebraska, and to transact such oilier bus! ness as may properly come before the con vention. The representation of the various counties lu the convention will he based up on tin? vote of Hon. Win. Neville in the con gresslonal election of HW, one delegate be ing allowed for each our hundred votes anil major fraction I hereof, unit one delegate at large from each .county, which makes tho follow Ing apportionment : banner 1 Howard.... H llliiliie 2 Keith '. 4 Pox Unite U Keyn Paha 4 lloyd S Kimball J I'.rown 4 Lincoln 13 llulfalo ..--.'J Logan . 2 Cherry " Loup. ...1 t hevenne. fl Mcl'hermin .. ......2 Custer 2.1 Koek :i Dawes S Hcoils niufTs 3 I law sen ........ ID sherkbiu.... .-S Denel 3 Sherman B Carfleld .1 Sioux.. .........:! (,i ant 2 'I'hoin in ................ J Crccley (I Valley . 10 Holt 11 Wheeler .1 Hooker t Total His recommended that no proxies be al lowed, but taut tliu delegates present oust the full vote of their respective counties, I'. II. McEvof, Chairman, W. II. MoMEKb, Secretary. - l wSnlGU Msl U63 tilzB fotert ynur wsw; her mjr iirtag yon wesim (r)l yM WKlfliKRiitiKII ft X7lWjt Alter "'' W.lilnli.ii, 1). ('..for tbetr il.ia prlM sQr Saul list Lst Awo kiua U4 UiTtu-'kjos WllSill. PHARMACY. A Vt'cuKh or IJfuuty. Is often hidden by unsijjhty Pimples, Eczema, Tetter, Erysiptlas, 8alt Kheume etc. Bucklein Arnia Salve will glorify the face by curing all skin Eruptions, al ko Cuts, J-iruisos, Burns, Boil, Felons, Ulcers, and vorst forms of Piles. Only 23 cents a oos. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. J. E. PilINNEY, druggist. Contest N'oticc. l.nltf d States Land ollice, Alliance, Xclrie.k!i, t June. ?th, l'.ion. A miflirtent Contest iillidavit having ii"en Hied in t h;s ijt ice ly ( 'laii chii-'oMis,'.i, con te.--tniiT, joriiit t ibiuiesteiil entry No. ln!-i, mailM nctobes j!n, hm, lor hast-haif ' wjiitll ni'.a i,(,-irc.ctioii li and hast half j, North west 1,iSp(-i i(n 7, Tuwuship :it north, ratiKO '.I west, by Uuty t'oote contestue, in which It, Uab -gftd that the a'.d Siary i-ootc has wholly ab onioned said tract, that, she. him changed -her residence therefrom for mure than s x mouths since nnikin iald ntry; that HHld tract is not Mettled upon and cujtlviitu i by said party s required by law, that as-iC defects contlntK? at, the date of this a)!!da vnt and are not nor were not caused by Semico of said entiyirinu in the Army, Navy er Marine Corps ot tho Cnited States during the lale Avar with Spain or nnyvitber w.iv la which It may have been en gaed. -Siiid pnrtiei are hereby notified to appear respond awl; olfer evidence touching uid allegation at. 10 o'clock a. in. on August tlth, I'.-Wi, before iri 'tut tluthrie, a Notary 1'ublie at fiis oilice "u pavison, Ni tiraska. fund that Hint l enrhix will be he.lil at 10 o' clock ii. in. u i Ai-tiu.-t 11th, 1!K1 before t he rf lister and recslver' at the United, States l.nud ollice a Alliance, Nebraska The (said i i -'TV ),i'.i)K, in a proper Hflklnvit, Bt'fiin,ie.fli,"l!H, set. forth facts w hich show i int after due dllb'enee person a! servhai of, Itift jiotiei! eiin not be made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be givon by due and proper publica tion. ' V. M. Docjiimot .n, lii'gistcr. CALL KiKvlJ.N'GUKft lOKALCONVKNTIOS A (leligs ;e convention of the People's IndependCit Party of the Sixth Congres sionnl Dis i'ict of the State of .Nebraska- U hereby ealt-d to meet hi the city of Rrokeu lhiw, Custer County, on .Monday, July, l'.". at i! o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing h; nuimnullun a candidate for ''' r oi rongress u represent tile Mixtli Conress'fcaal l! Uriel, of Nebraska, audio transact ,j'cb otlu r business us may id'opc- rly come before lee convention. The rrp-rcscntatiq-: of the various counties lu the conventiv:-- will be based upon tin? vole of Hon. Wini Seville in the f oiigrcs-donnl fic tion of It Hi, one lb-legate being allow e l I or each one Candied voles and lu.iior fraction then of, nd one delegate nt large from each eooj ty, which makes 11m following npportioi ue.nt: Xamif 2 Howard 14 It Into. 2 Keith 4 Jlox lii'tte ft Keyn I'aha 4 I'-oyil s r.row.i 4 JM! 2:1 ( l.i rV. 7 ( isey ..'lite n K liuball 12 Lincoln ft Logan 1! Loop i Mid'lier-sm 2 Lock Custsr Dawe?.. Iiuwc-n DueU .-.'.'ll Scolls liliilT 3 Sheridan S Sloux .1 Pi S ;rf;", (iriml. 'I Urei-iy '.I Holt 1 Hook'T 1 Sherman .. 9 Thomas 2 alley 1(1 wheeler 3 Total 2.'3 It Is recommended that no proxies be ill weiled, b it lhat the delegates present east the I till vote ot their respective counties. A.JL Pahso, Cbinii. ( on. C 1 - U. E. ( oi rf.h Secy County Convention of Peoples ' JndoiiciHlent party. A dele.iite convention of tin1 leopb''n In (lepelul lit I'ltl tv iif Sloux county, Nebraska, Is here'.f called to meet at Hie Court house In Harrison, in sahl county on t he 'Aird day of Jun, I'.KIo. al 2 o'clock l'.M.,lor the pur pose of selecting delegati'S to the slate eo.i ?resHl.rial, senatorial ami representative conventions el said .party, to nominate a candid lie for the ollice of county attorney and for tho transaction of such other bush ness may properly come before snld con ventior. The rcpreHenlalion of the various prech.ei Is Irtscil on the vote cast for Hon. Silas A . Hob oiiib for Supreme Judge, at the gcm.r'.l election of l-tui allowing one dele gicbe t..r each ten voti'S cust and innjor trac tion I icreof east, for said candidate In each prec; j' t, making th.i follow'lng representa tion Al ' cnoilelegiito at large from each pre elnet. Amtrewf . 2 Antelope 2 Li.'iAon .......... .fi Cot ton wood ........A lint i reek.- .Mom rose .......! Klin ilngwater .....1 snake creek ....1 huivr Unit 3 Whl. He Creek 2 W ;,i ..onuet 4 White Ulver 4 It U I'ecomnieuileil that the primaries be held i't. the regular polling place In each pre elnt'i'cn .June 2nth looo, and that no proxies be s'b wed but that the delegates present (tst lbs full vote of the preoinct. AV.o. rATTi:ttoN, ci.Ais CiiuisTr.ssr, si-Sretary. Chairman hlirriiTs Sule. I'.y virtur of an orler of al: tMnm by the ("IrTk of tliu District luurk of Kiouz county, Nebraska, upon a tiucreu reudered by s iiii Court, in favor of AIlM-rt K. Hill, ia iiluiiillff, auti ThcHnHJ K1IU, Rati Charles ii.'hturdivunt execufor, mi (iclcudmitji, 1 will, ai the! I3tli day of July, A. D. .J00, at three 3 o'clock p in. ut lliirriwin, in Kid County, Hell tho fol lowing described r'iitl .stat4) to-wit: 'J'he north east quarter Jy, Seeliiiu cloven ll, Towuship thirty -two S3, north raiige. ITty . live 5, vvetof the eixth C, principal merdiiiin at HuirSou, in naid County, ut tij Kant ironi uo'ir ot tn ,ourt iioue, Harrison NebraNka, at public Auction to the hiKhet bider for cash, to .sulUl'y 8aid order of sale hi the sum of $ol. 53, with interest, cotaud aei'ruinjf costs. Thomas Hollt, Shcrifl'of said County. SherifTg Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, isnued by the Clerk of the District Court ol Sioux county Nebraska, upon tt decree rendered br said t ourtiiifavor of Frederick w. Knott is plain HIV, iiud Michael O'Xoole, The Alfred Walker Cuinpuny, Nebraska Mortgage and Invest incut Company, re defendants, I will on the 1.1th day of July, A- D. 1!)0U, at 2 o.elock, p. m. at Harrison, In said Couuty, sell the follow ing described real estat.;, to wit: Soiith-wes t i.i, North-cast '4, South .j North-west North-west li, Sotth-casl i4 of "He tlou fifteen J.1, Township thirty-three I n ranffe tilty-flve. S-l, in Hion.v County, Nebraska, tit the Kast front door of the Court Jlouse, in Harrison, Nebraska, ut public auction to the highest bidder for cash tosatisty said order of sale In the sum of td.Mi, with inter est, coats and accruing costs. THOMAS IIOi.l.Y, .sheriff of said Comity. Sin-riff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court iu fayor of Sionx County, is plaintiff, and Poarco Klewett, Sarah K. filowttt, wife of JCdwiinl K. Iilewett, deceased, John Doe, her husband, real utiuie unknown, and Mic hael J. Iilewett, are defendants, I w 11 on the l:ilh, day of July, A. D. l'JOfl, at 1 o'clock I p. in. at Harrison, in said County, sell the following described real estate, to-wit; The South-west quarter , of section nine 9, Township thirty-three S3, North of rung-e fifty lour f4, west, in Nebraska, at Harrisou, in sahl County, at the East front door of tho Court House, in Harrisou, Nebraska, at pub lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash, tosatisty said order of sale, in the sum of $MH.ut, with ' interest, costs, and accruing costs. 1 liOMAS HOLLY, Slielff of Bald County. EM-Hffs Sale. liy virtne of so order of saleissued by Wie Clerk of the District Court, of Sioux County, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court, in favor of SkmHJounty, is plaintiff, and Samuel Tebbct, and Mary Tebbet, his wife, Dakota loan and Trust Company, a Corporation, G. W. Shiirtliff, whose true christiau hnme is uukiiown, are defendants, I will on the 13th, day of July, A. D. IHOO, at I o'cloek. p. in. at Harrison, In said County, sell the following described real estate, to wit; South east quarter li of Section thirty 30, Township thirtp-three. 3:!, North of range fUty-four 'A, west ol tins sixth (i, principal meridian, situated in Sioux County, Nebras ka, at Harrison, in saiii Couuty, at the East front door of the Court House, in Harrison Nebraska, at public Auction, to the highest bidder for cii-h, to satisfy said order of sale, iu the sum of J4'i.(;2, together w ith interest, costs and accruing costs. THOMAS HOLLY, sheriff of said County. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. On the !: day of May IHOO, the board of Trustees ol the village of Harrison, Nebras ka, inadw the following estimate of the ex-icnse-" of the said village for the year l!'i(0: iilllccrs salaries M 00 Printing &0 0" Water pumping . 0 00 Klectiou Expenses 2'i Of Incidental Expenses Sun 00 sinking fund. l'K 00 Interest on Water bonds h0 00 To apply on Judgement of Clark & Leonard Investment Co. 400 00 Total .- -I,l'ii oo Dated, Harrison, Neb., Mav 20, 1WW W. H. Davis, village clerk. WBeriU's Sale. fly virtue of an order or Sale issued by tho clerk of the district court of Sioux county Nebraska npon a decree icndered by said court In favor of 1'ayson It. lilgelow, as Plaintiff and against Michigan Saving and Loan association as defendants: 1 will on the 7th, seventh day of Ju ly, A. D. WOO, at ouo o'clock I'. M ' ut Harrison, In said county sell the fol lowing described real estate to-wit: lj)t Ave fi, of lilock six 0, of the village of Harrison in Sloux county Nebraska lit the East front Doer of the court Home in Har rison Nebraska Bt public auction to tho highest bidder tor cash to satisfy snld order of sale In the sum of 14I.'.'S and interest, costs and accruing costs. Thomas holly, sheriff of Said county. hln'rlir Sale. Ity virtue of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of the District Court of Sioux county .Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said court In favor of Sioux county, Is plaintiff and Martha A. Richardson, John Doe, her husband whose real name Is unknown, Kho waiter Mortgage company, defendants, I will on tho "th day ot July, A. D. l'jon, at 2 o' clock p. in. at Harrison, in said county sell the following described real estate, to-wit : East half V, ot south west quarter i, south half X, of south east quarter , Section thirty three SI. Township thirty two , north of range 111 ty six So, west of the (II h palnclpal mei'tdmi, In Nebraska, at Hani son, In said county, at tho east front door ol the court house lu Harrison, Nebraska, nt public auctlsei to tho highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale In the mini ef 41..V), with interest, costs ami rccrulng costs. Thomas holi.t, sheriff of snld cohnty. STUCK BRANDS. Tim JorrKNAL will publish your brand. Ilk the following, for $2:0), per Tear. Kach wi ditional brand 75 cents. t.vrrj runner ot ranchmen iu Sioux and adjoining counties Mould advertise their braud la The Joiir XALas it circulates all over the state. It may be the means of saving money for yout CHARLES BIKHI.E. On left side er hip of cattle, I On left shoulder of hnrne.. ( (Range on the head oi Warbonnet i creek Addres3 Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb Fbakk C. Lewis. "iiliranded on leftslJe E Maltese k)f Cattle and on lei V Crosa shoulder oi Horses. Uaage ou head of v nite River. F. O. Address Harriaen, Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- iiii-'briud oueiik er: A lso HG on cat tle ami horses entile on leftside llOTSeS ou left shoulder. Range on Silver Springs and east of stat Inc. I'ostofiice Harrison Neb 100 REWARD. Kor proof to convict any person of steal lug auy of my stock. liranded on right shoulder ot - HORSES. i'. u. Addresss DAVID CoLVILLE, Harrison., Nebraska. CHAULKS NEWMAN. The brand represented in this noWce and branded any where on left side of cuttle, and over-lap out from th right ear. Also the same brand oo left thigh of horses, belongs to the underslgued. Hiisgc near Kast Springs, south part fa Sioux county. Chakleh Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. f RANK N'UTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoo Idcr ot horses. Range on Antelope crefk , Ohilettrist, Sioux Co., Neb. r. o, n J S: TUCK.EE. Branded on left shoulder ol norssie Kjyyjund on left side of cattle. itH Range on Whit River, near G!eo. P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska. Final Proof Soticcs. All persons having final proof notices in this paper will receive a marked copy of tbo paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any error exist report the same to this ollice at once. NOTICK FOR IT 15 LIGATION. Land Ofliee at Alliance, Neb., May 1 1900, Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has died notice of his Intern Hon to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska on June 23, 1000, vie: 110 li A ZBKBST, w idow of f redrle Zerbst, deceased, of Harri son, Neb. ou II. E. No. 2801 for the, S H, N E , N-W 'i, S-K H, Section 26, & S-W i, N-W , Section 2.-i, Township S3, N-R 56 W. lie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Gustuve Noreisch, Charles Schllta, Charles lUehlo, Nals Anderson, all of Harrison, Neb. E. M. DORKING TON, Register. NOTICE fOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt Alllane, Nebrska, May IS, 1900 ( Notice Is hereby given the following-named settler mis tiled notice of ills Intention to make tlnul proof in support of his claim. and that snld proof will bo made beforo the Clerk of District Court ant Harrison, Neb. on Jnne, 30th I9o0,vlz: ANUUAKS KNORI. of Harrison, Neb., on ILK- No. 3924 for the N. X S-W 'i H-B. N-W.i Sectioc 23, N.K, S-K h Section 26 Twp. S2,N. R 68 W. He names tho following witnesses to prove his contlu- nous residence upon and cultivation oo said land viz.: Otto Tlctzo, Charles Cainlnzindt frcd lletchnn, John Marsteller all of Har rison, f. M. Dorrlngton. Keglgister. ShcriiTs Sale. By virtue of nn onler of sale, Issued by the Clerk of the Dist rict Court, of Hltiux Coun ty, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by said Court, In favor of Theodore Wagner, is plain tltr.'iind Dakota Mortgage Loan Com puny, Globe Investment Company, llonry A. Wyninn, receiver of the Globe Investment Companp, Cuininerclal Investment Compa ny, R. J. Anguf, christian mime unknown, Mr. R. J. Angus, chrlstirn name unknown, 11. f. I'ensly, christian name unknown, are (lefeiiitaiit.s, I will on the hith, day of July, A-1 b I0O0, at 2 o'clock p. in,, ut Harrison, lu said county, sell the following described real caste to wit: I xiU 3 and 4 and South half i of the North west quarter !s, Hectlou fi, Township 8a, Norjh of Itange r4 west, at Harrison, In said county, nt the East front door erf the Court House, In Harrison, Nebraska, at public auction to the highest bidder foi cash to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of W7.71 with Interest, costs and accruing costs. THOMAS HOLLY, Bhcrlfi of said County. 1 r -i5 is4rY--e-.- ; '"'v"; ,.s V"