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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1900)
C1H21S0N PRESS-JOURNAl D. CANON. Editor. N. - - NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES. U to have a Urge new building. torm did 130,000 worth of at Plattsrnouth. A astl Long of Pierre sustained a bro- ' by a falling tree. Danish Lutheran church, 28x40 built near Ruskln. Pilot, a newspaper of Doug- la just made its debut George Fitch of Herman baa a chicken with four legs. t of horsea belonging to a Hold. termer died from lockjaw. ill grain around Nebraska ttty was badly damaged by hail. ( FMerson of Beatrice was struck y UgBtaing and Instantly killed. Modern Woodmen of Bralnard ob their annual memorial day. A rnral free delivery is to be es tab- between Guernsey and Alliance. Ksvy Center Odd Fellows observed annual memorial services June 20. A lively contest is on for the honor of wsrlanental band of the First Nebraska. Joseph Gibson a hotel man of Cedar committed suicide by taking The wheat was blown down badly in the vicinity of Tecumseh by the recent heavy storm. alfalfa fields near Bennington are visited by a near relative of tne worm. Saline county assessed valuation baa been increased 47,307 over last rami's returns. . has returned to Lincoln, where a will visit until after the Kansas Ctty convention. county farmers are expert with all kinds of machines to the festive grasshopper. fast meat train ran Into a work engine at Plattsmouth and was No one was Injured. deer wandered near Bloomlng- i the other day, escaped the numer i crack shots and disappeared. Theodore Mengres, formerly land agent at KttsbaU, died at Chicago from an op- performed for appendicitis. Q. Bruton. formerly of Schuyler, is Us owner of a patent dehorning ma i hi . which he is operating at Kansas City- unknown parties broke into a the Burlington yards at Platts and stole a large box of cannon area-ackers. body of Jack Wisdom, who lost life in a Wyoming snow storm last .April, baa been returned to his home st Crawford. A man by the name of Blake, a Californian, became Insane on a pas sncer train and jumped off just before It reached Fremont. Tfce Twislness men of Bralnard are aM-TT extensive preparations for a of July celebration. Plenty of has been raised. Dawson county farmers are expert saesHiit wath a grasshopper catching asaesJne, which is said to "catch 'em . goto' and a comin'. " village of Meadow Grove has been It iMjiinsli 1 with these trustees: Will iam McDonald, J. W. Warrick, J. C. Al- , Gay Duel and J. W. Colegrove. total valuation of Butler county. SBcerdlng to the assessments, Includ-t-g railroads, telegraph and telephone llava, to $2.283,4MU0, a gain of (49,782 that of last year. Nebraska Telephone company Is : In attelephone system at Brain- SB's. The line run from that place to Garrison, where it will connect with line to David City. Lents, who mysteriously dis from Ackley twenty years returned Tuesday. He found his sasnied to another man, and all Is his 20-year-old son. fftHXfi OF FASHION. satin ard even vsjvet stocks are with tht cotton shirtwaists, be- more becoming than the stiff X3m dost coat a this season are attractive of all. Borne of in the Empire designs, are osarmlng. ' X"dst-ss of the most popular col Oa, sf the season, and the varying tints C Cm Cftnst materials are more 'T " soft than ever before 4watsvt alrdles art worn with .4 fOsss and ssterty gswns as welL ; 4 raws a laee and ssiwiulssi. CraNtasi rssalss sresad they are .1r aretty far the lowered asus- C 1 G aew modes of trimming CWw issstsls of bands of ?4, tasctsfs stitched is straight Ml sscters, wbtcfa makes as a tats for the -) O iisj la the skirt. .r-,f mem afe stem ittmt Cl'lMw sd i:5t 'Crt- -rtss ot THE NATURAL OUTCOME. Hon. W. H. (Coin) Harvey, in his wonderful book on "Money, TniBts and Imerialism," conducts a school where politics, the science of govern ment, is taught in the plainest and simplest language possible. What is to be the outcome of this riotous trust age Is aptly stated and plainly illustrated by the followin gextract from Ills book, taken from pages 130. 131 and 132: "The money trust began forming soon after the war to control the volume and issue of money, the same as industrial trusts have since sought to control the products in which they deal. The money trust may be said to have succeeded and fastened itself upon the country in 18S. With each year Bince then the bankers have strengthened their organ ization. Of the 12,604 banks in the L'nited States, which means some 300,000 directors and stockholders, nine-tenths of them belong to an or ganization that meets annually, that Is influencing and shaping financial legislation. This organization is the principal ally of the political party that champions the interests of the privileged classes. In each village or town where there is a bank, except in the instance of a very few bankers, who have unselfishly taken up our cause, the local bank or banks are constantly bringing influence to bear on the business men, who are borrowers of the banks, to have these business men support the political party that the banks favor." "What is the outcome If class legislation and trusts continue un checked?" asked Mr. J. F. Glasgow of Indiana. "The financial trust will own all the other trusts." replied Coin. "After the present temporary cause for the increased money In circula tion has passed, the consuming power of the people will diminish. When war and famine money have all passed into the hands of the money lenders In payment of interest, as it will, the situation will be Intensified. Consumption of trust articles will decrease, and industrial trusts will begin to compete with each other by going Into each other's business. This will result In debts, and bonds and mortgages on industrial trusts, till their property passes Into the hands of the money trust." 'I would like to know," said W. J. Corner of Davenport, la., "to what extent the people are small stockholders in trusts?" "In organizing trusts," was the reply, "the main promoters, fre quently, seek to enlarge their capital by getting email sums of money from numerous people. They do this by enticing them to buy the stock as a speculation. The promoters then bear the stock on the stock mar ket and wipe out the holdings of thjese numerous small stockholders, which gives the few who are in charge the ownership of all. In this way, at times," concluded the little teacher, "numerous people become temporarily Interested in trusts." JONES AGAINST IMPERIALISM. We began war to secure the Independence of Cuba, and when we shall have accomplished that end. and Spain has Indemnified u for this enormous war expense, our mission will be done. We hold our position among the powers of the world by reason of the fact that we respect the rights of others, and when we forget that, through territorial greed, we shail, and in justice, forfeit the respect of other nations. One hundred years ago the government enunciated the principle that rights of government rest upon the will of the governed, and that is the policy I ever have and ever shall advocate. It Is wholly opposed to all the established precedents and inbred policies of our government to go. over the world and attach every Island or piece of real estate we can get. The people everywhere should exercise the God-given right to make their own laws and exercise their governmental functions. There is no power Implied in our organ! law for us to take posses sion of territory outside of the United States. I would apply this to Porto Rico and ail other Islands as a genera! principle. The ultra imperialists, had they been in power then, would probably have insisted upon our taking possession of Mexico when we captured their capital, and annexing Canada when we defeated British troops on their soil. The complications that would arise from a gwJ to possess everything we can lay our hands uiion would be boundless and endless, and I do not believe the sober second thought of the masses would tolerate It. The Idea of imperialism in government is primarily founded uion greed and avarice And cannot produce an ideal government, or even that approaching an ideal. Now I believe that the greatest government al crime of the age is British rule in India, and If we should follow the policy of relieving the oppressed to lis logical end, we would give the Brit ish lion's tail a twist over the Indian situation. This Is the reason I believe the United States should not prostitute power to greed and should make an effort to maintain the proud position we have ever held of being self-respecting and respectful of the rights and prerogatives of others. JAMES K. JONES. ARE FRYING OUT THE FAT. Sepubllcan Managers Holding Up Congressional Employes. Washington. D. C (Special.) The republican congressional campaign com mlttee has been endeavoring to collect as a campaign fund a part of the extra month's salary voted to the employes of congress just before adjournment The employes were informed that any con'ribution would be voluntary, and many of them paid no heed to the communication received, while others made only a small contribution, so that the amount collected will not exceed 11.200 or $1,500. instead of 110,000 or more, as had been expected. The extra month's salary voted to employes of congress amounted in the aggregate to about $0,OOO. The repub lican employes were requested by note to call on Mr. Schrader at the Raleigh hotel. Mr. Schrader was assistant sec retary of the congressional committee to the last campaign. The headquarters of the committee are in the Normandle hotel. When the employes called, they were asked for campaign contributions, and any Inqui ries as to the amounts, the Post nays, were answered with the suggestion that half their extra month's pay would be teceptable, but that contributions would be voluntary, and the giver could fix any other amount- The amounts ran all the way from $6 to $10 and up. In one Instance, the Post says, to a whole month's salary. Many employes, learning from others the purpose of the note sent them did, sot call, so that the total contributed was much smaller that expected. TEXAS ANTI-TRUST LAW. Austin, Tea. peclal The Tessa sntl-trsst law, which west Into effect January 1, lt, makes It the duty of the secretary of state to send to the officials of wk incorporated company doing business In Texas a letter of In quiry as to whether the said corpora tion has any part of its business with aay trast, and to require an answer un. der oath. Secretary of State Hardy sill at ones tend oat to companies do- lag b Imjst in Texas s blank form of sOdsvK, which atstt be returned pro party Mbacribed to, in order to es title Ct ewrporsUon a legal rtctt to so la tfc tuts. THE OREGON ELECTIONS. The Truth About the Recent Elec tions In Oregon. Portland, Ore. (Special.) Oregon's election reports well Illustrate the gar bled Information of the G. O. P. and so-called "independent" press. Demo crats were "skinned" or the opposition "staggered" according to each respect ively, the "Independent" party "depend ent, rathpr exceeding Its co-patriots In zeal and such election "lesson." Now the fact Is that neither class of paper had such Information, by "freight" or otherwise. It was only a "guess" by the ass ociated press, based on fragmentary returns "claiming" S.0O0 to 7,000 republican majority, con gressmen 2,000 to 3,000, and the legisla ture "republican." Now, Oregon has never been anything but republican but once since 1872, and that was In '82, when fusion carried by til. The aveiage repub'lcan major ity for the last five presidential elec tions has been near 7,000, and was 15.000 in 184. In the election of 1KM, corre sponding to this (for state officers and congressmen) It was 10.774, and two congressmen having above 2,000 and ,000 respectively, while the legislature was 20 republican majority In the sen ate and 24 In the house, 4 on joint bal lot. Besides there was a full comple ment of republican state officers. The latest reports are that the state has gone republican by about the us ual figure .except that the legislature is largely reduced. Considering the sheen and gloss of "expansion" In this coast state, and all that the national and state machinery, with supposedly copious showers of Hanna money, could do, there Is certainly very little re publican encouragement In Oregon. REAL "SOUND MONET" CAMPAIGN St. Paul, Minn. SpeclaI.)-Twm City old soldiers have received the call of The Old Soldiers' Bryan Silver club of Denver for a convention of old soldier Bryan men, to meet during the J. A It. encampment at Chicago, August M. The call says: "Bring your flags, transparencies. banners, torches, mottoes, badges, fifes arums, bugles and guidons, for use Ir the hall and upon the streets. We art going to whoop It up for Bryan, as wi did for Lincoln in tbe day of good aU MR. BRYAN AS A FARMER. A NEW KIND OP A TRUST. Everybody who goes to Lincoln now lrives over to see the Lincoln farm. :t is a tract of thirty acres of fine airie land, three and one-half miles 'rom town. On Tuesday a press correspondent ode over to the farm with Mr. Bryan. "Before we start I must show you :he Governor," said Mr. Bryan one of the best saddle horses I ever saw and, more than that, he's a gift from William J. Stone of Missouri." As the farm was ap proached Mr. Bryan said: "I want you to pay particular attention to the view which my place commands." The suggestion was timely. The growing crops of corn, wheat and oats In every direction, as far as the eye could reach, with forests thick along Antelope creek, which runs within a few hun dred yards of the farm and neat country homes, surrounded with shade trees, formed an ideal landscape. "I bought this farm for the scenery," ex plained the colonel with a wave of his hand In the direction or the wide landscape. "One day seven years ago Mrs. Bryan and myself wjr driving past here and we stopped to admire the view. We calcu lated that the scenery Is worth tluO an acre, and the climate tlOOand the ground .V. That makes VIM. and that k the price we paid for a patch of five acres. Since then I have ac cumulated the remain der of my farm by de grees." "I am not a farmer, understand," laughed Mr. Bryan, "I am merely i man with a hoe. A trip out here Is a rest." . , Mr. Bryan's hobby Is. chickens. He has a lot of white Wyandottes, and Is as enthusiastic on the subject of chickens es the prize winner at a poul try show. "Now. here Is a coon I Invented," he said with pride, as the visiting party brought ud before the henhouse. The henhouse is an ordinary affair, built by a carpenter, but the chicken-coop it Mr. Bryan's handiwork MR. BRYAN'S HOME. Next to the chickens Mr. Bryan takes an interest In the garden. He planted It and has done most of the cultivating. He gets out here about 9 o'clock In the morning and works for an hour and a half among the onion beds and bean rows. It has supplied the Brysn house hold with some of Its early vegetables. Ten acres of Mr. Bryan's farm are tn wheat, five In oats and rve In corn, Part of each crop was sold lust year, and the stables In town, as well as th one tin the country place, ore supplied from the crop raided on the farm. Tht orchard consists of seventy apple trees, twenty of peach, and a few cherry treet none of which are yet large enough U bear fruit. Mr. Gladstone's statue Is to be set up at Athens in the gardens of the Zap peion. In recognition' of his services tc Creek independence. A CAMPAIGN OP SONG. The most picturesque political cam paigner that has appeared this year s State Senator Charles H. Vandiver ol Missouri. Vandiver Is a one-armed old man, who la singing his way Into office. Senator Vandiver went Into the cam paign for the office of railway and warehouse commissioner on the demo cratic ticket. When he heard candi dates making so much better speeches than he could make, he resolved that the best plan would be to sing a song, and that Is all the senator does when his time arrives to speak. His verses to some homely tune are sung with a spirit that does not fail to catch a srowd. At Elsberry, Mo., last week Senator Vandiver was present at a big demo :ratlc mass meeting. Governor Stone ind others had made addresses. H ;ame Senator Vandlver's time. "While I was silting on the platform )ust now," began the senator, "a small boy, In long trousers that bagged fear fully at the knee, came up. Governor Stone was In the midst of an eloquent speech. He was warmed up to his sub ject and the boy stood watching him Intently. Finally, turning to me, he ald: 1 " 'Fay, mister, when la that feller go In' to get through hollerln'? I want to hear some music pretty soon. Nof.' I expect to satisfy that boy." Senator Vandiver then began one of his plantation melodies, and when the crowd cheered him again and again, he sang another, and then in a few short words told them what he wss there for. This is the Senator's idea of how a canvass may be made. His tall figure and his right sleeve hanging empty at his side never fall to evoke enthusiasm. He Is original In his manner, and bis bright stories, told Is connection with his songs, have proved entertaining, es pecially at the close of a long meeting. One of his songs deals with topics of the time. It js sung to the tune oc tne j "Happy Land o' Canaan," and la as fol lows: ! I look to de south, and I look to de west And see Bill Bryan a-comln', Sixteen to one, de music begun. As we start for de happy land o Canaan. Chorus. then fsll in lis, and follow Mr. Brysn, rob de bimetallic boss am a-galnln , And da democratic band is comln' thro' se land, risjria' "Is st Hspsy Und Cssaaa. j A Wall street bos has a yellow boss, And Mark Hanna has him In trainin' But he can't hold a light in the bi metallic fight, Goln" to de happy land o' Canaan.' There was a Mr. Teller, quite an honest fellow! Who couldn't stand de gold bug do minion, So he put on his coat and picked u( hfs hat. And left for de happy land o' Canaan Chorus. William J. Stone wants- a telephone Connected wld de IJorto Kico station But he wants Uncle Sam, wld de miil lary band, To kecpon de side o' limitation. Now de Philippine wan is goln' too fab From de Monroe line ob dis nation; An' we don't want to fight In a cause dat ain't right. Or git Into foreign complications. If ye want to be In line for to stand wld Mr. Bryan, Wear a button svid hU name In youi collar; Remember the text for is;t, We are still for de old time dollar. Refrain. Den fall Into line, an' folow Mr. Bryan. For the bimetallic hose am a-gainln', And de democratic band Is In the grand stand, Playln" "In de Happy Land o' Canaan.". Springfield Republican: The economic of the late Methodist genetal confer ence left out of work a good many vet eran ministers, who had been corre sponding secretaries and so on In mis sionary bodies and publishing and held editorships of Christian Advocates (the sessile name of the church or gans), for the present these doctors of divinity have Joined the army of tht unemployed. Thus we see the Inexor able tendency toward consolidation It church organisations as In other trusts. Minneapolis Times: A Louisville pas tor who thought Helen Oould was in the congregation, Intimated In 'hit prayer that s million dollars for a cer tain collage would be highly acceptable It happened that Miss Oould had changed her mind st the last moment snd st leaded other eburch, tc the prayer was not answered. Ths Thieves of City of Chicago Havs Formed a Combine. Chicago. 111.. June . The publio. gave a r.ervou start and gasp of as totilshrmnt a few days sgo when a larfe blue Chicago policeman announc d that in poking around among the? 3'ieer lares on the south side be ha maoe the discovery that there was a pickpockets' and burglars' trust oper iting there. The fact that heavy opera tions were taking place in both these? (irofessl ns was well enough known, but the alleged co-operative feature was the thing which occasioned surprise ana no little show of credulity. The officer who.declared the existence of the novel trust haa'yet a little work remaining to be done before the skeptical are con vinced that such a remarkable combi nation actually exists in Chicago. The officer who claims the credit for the alleged discovery says that a con siderable number of pickpockets and other thieves are banded together for the purpose of pooling all of their In terests, even to the financial returns. A general manager of tbe trust, as sisted by a well qualified committee, divides the city Into districts for day and night work. The manager and the lommlttee also assigns the various Must members in details to these different distritcs. Night assignments are saldl to be the most popular and eagerly sought for by ail members, both old and young, for day work Is very fatigu ing to the nervous system. The managers and members of tha steering committee are supposed to be very familiar with all of the kinds ft work that have been lone. They alsu have a perfect knowledge of the pecu liar aptitude and talent of each mem ber of the trust. Fortified with the know ledge of both the work to ; dona and the men who are to accomplish it, the manager and the committee are enabled to devise plans of operation w hich work as smoothly as a wcll-olle'l piece of machinery. , The workers In each particular field) of usefulness have a suborgatilzallon and a committee which co-operates with the committee and the offV-ers of the general association. There Is a Porch Climbers' society, the United Or der of Touchers and Grafters, the Back Door Boys, the Shoplifters' Mutuss Benefit association, the Pocket Pickers- guild, etc. All of these orders are In tegral parts of the trust and foim il pillars of support. The committee of each of these subsocielies keeps close watch on the work of each Individual member. The member Is cosched by the older and more experienced ban.l and great efforts are made to develop. any special talent which he may pos sess. If the man shows that he has a Igher order of talent for some other de partment, as Is often the case with a. new member, he Is at once transferee!! to the section where he can do the most good. The subcommittees report to the general officers on the work of alt the men employed. All legitimate expenses aro paid out nf th genernl treasury and Ini" It lire turned all of the spoils and earnings of the entire trust. Officers and commit teemen receive small salaries Rnd ail the earnings from shoplifting, pocket picking, porch-climbing, etc., are divid ed among the members according to the order in which they belong, some- orders receiving more profits than oth ers on account of the superior expert ncss required or on account of the dan ger Involved. All of the members Irk any one order receive the same amount,, it Is supposed, favoritism being strict ly prohibited. "We' won't do a thing to this trust,"" said a policeman. ."Now that we have cought on to the game we will come pretty near bagging all the bird. When, we once get 'em goln" we'll catch those that are In the trust all the faster. It has been wonderful how some parts ot" thiH towns have been worked in everjr nook and corner. Now that the discov ery of the trust has been made all is; clear. You see, these iwople selectee certain sections of the clly and kept, sending operators over there (ill they worked It to death. But we'll g.-t '&. now. See if we don't" ITEMS OF INTEREST, Sometimes a man with powerful mus cles can't even raise a dollar. After all, there Is no sleep quite so oweet as that which follows honest la no r. Sometimes a girl admires a i fast" ,oung man, that is, when she has him. so fast that he can't get away. "An Incubator Is all light, maybe, "" mused tbe I-eghorn, "but it can't dig" for worms like mother used to do." An engineer employed by an Ameri can company, who recently visited the Cerro del Mercado, in Durang.t, says, that the iron In sight on this mountain' is sufficient to furnish all the smelters, of Kurope with ore for a period of 2S0 years. Livingstone enthusiasts are preparing; to send Into the heart of Africa a Brit ish monument to mark the spot w hers the explorer died. It Is sn obelisk of concrete blocks, twenty feet high, with, metal panels on tbe four sides. Baltimore la to be furnished elect rlo power by a company which Is to erect, a 7,fsM,ttt plant to utilise the power of I he Susqsehsnna river In a manner slm. liar to that employsd at Niagara Falls.. It Is expected that 80,000 electrical horse power will be developed. Frank Hlmes of Bodus, N. T., has been adjudged Insane and committed) to an asylum at his own request. Al though he destroyed the barn In which,, fifteen years ago, bis father committed tuiclde, he still remembers It, and fesrti the fascination of the Idea which st. ttmet overcomes him will lead him do likewise uslesa restrained.