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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1899)
V V. ie ' It. "t DY TARIFF MID TRUST HOW THE TIN PLATE INDUSTRY HAS FARED. Trust Shuts Out Competition and Than Closes Down Eighty of the Mills It Gathered In. Washington, D. C Special.) Mr. William H. Griffith, a tin plate maker of Washington, Pa., was before the Industrial commission. He told the commission that bis company, which has since disposed of Its plant, cleared 10 per cent profit last year, when the price of tin was $2.60 per box, the low est ever known for plate. He also said that just previous to the passage of the McKlnley bill and for a year or so afterward, when the price was $6.65, the profit was fully 100 per cent He said that while bis company had sold Its plant to the trust, the transaction bad been without bis sanction and that be bad since undertaken the establish ment of an Independent plant, also lo cated at Washington, Pa., which be eon would have in operation. The sale of the old plant had been made under the representation that the consolidation was necessary to prevent competition and there had been a fear that if they did not go into the pool their business would be injured. He had not accepted this opinion and con sequently was preparing as rapidly as possible to re-enter the field. Nor did he accept the view that a large com bination had any advantage over an Individual, but believed the advantage was rather with the individual. In re-establishing himself he bad found that he was hampered in secur ing machinery, as well as of the man ufacture of plates. In substantiation of this statement be said that a manu facturing company, which had entered Into an agreement with him to supply him for five years, had already refused to fill an order after an official of the trust had become a large owner of the stock of that company. The restric tion, he said, also extended to the in dependent manufacturers of sheet iron. the American company refusing' to Bell to them, except upon the stipulation that they should not sell their product to the makers of tin plate. Further more, they refused to supply jobbers and others with their especial brands except upon condition that they assign their brands to the trust There was a similar restriction upon block tin and half of the "dippers" in the coun try had been forced out of business. EIGHTY MILLS CLOSED. He thought the managers of some of the different plants in the trust were growing restless under these re strictions, as they were not running nearly so steadily as before the com binatlon was effected. Of the 272 mills In the combine eighty had been closed. Mr. Griffith said that since the trust had been organised prices of tin plate had advanced from $2.60 to $4.60. This advance was out of proportion to the advance In wages and raw material. He made a calculation to show that $3.84 would be a profitable price under pres ent conditions. However, he said that notwithstanding this advance in prices, fee had reason to believe some of the members of the combination were wo Tully disappointed In the results. He lso understood that the employes in the trust mills were becoming appre hensive, which he thought was Illus trated by the fact that of the 800 roll ers employed by the combination no fewer than 150 had made application to him for places in his establishment Mr. Griffith said that while the American company was capitalized for $50,000,000, the plants comprising the combination could have been bought at the time the combination was ef fected for $12,000,000i He, therefore, -considered the company overcapitalis ed. He had understood that the pro moters of the combination had receiv ed $10,000,000 In common stock for their services. The standard price paid for mills in forming the trust was $40,000 each. His company, had received an advance of 25 per cent upon cash valu ation. PRESENT TARIFF NOT NEEDED. The witness said he considered the tarlrT essential to the protection of the tin plate Industry in this country, but he would not say that so high a tariff as the present was necessary to its ex istence. Mr. H. F. Going, a tin plate man ufacturer, who was also for several years engaged in canning fruits In BaUi-i tlmnrs aals t"n ,n recent years there had Men much complaint among- can ners on account of the thinness of tbe -tin coating on cans, and this .had been especially noticeable since the organiza tion of tbe trust Previous to this de terioration the American plate was re garded superior to the Welsh article. " Mr. W. L. awyers, secretary of the Corporation Trust company of Dela ware, explained to the commission the operation of the Delaware corporation laws and tbe methods of his company, which acts as the transfer agent for a number of trust combinations. WAXaTKETOTS. National Orange Will Talcs Decided Stand Against Monopolies. Springfield, O. (Special.) There Is every Indication that all Important res olutions submitted to tbe National Orange for adoption win be based upon the grand master's address declaring war upon the trusts In no uncertain manner and carrying with them sug gestions as to the measnrefaecessary to secure the proper legislation to put them eat of the business. As tt was the sentiment of the grand master's speech, so It Is the sentiment ef the btel lobbies where these mat term art d (sen seed In common, and while the National Orange is not on record la this particular, yet it is be lieved that ere more radical action wtt! be taken this year along this par ticular Uu. The ssssirn beginning at o'clock was distinctively an officers' meeting, the uTsraasr, O. H. Hale of New Tork, the lecturer, Alpha Msesar of Vermont, aad f, O. Bares, the chaplain, all sub asttttng their reports, which were of an eaeouragiag nature, indicating the aag fee growing both la member .srtp astt laflsssas. , fm tw atterasMi the grange accepted i"$tlM from the Commercial club te. t tats ef Interest to the city. t -'-a liananntil so far by tbe ir"-r Jrm swtt tnaamnt u "il'A statu $! swbtatttaa 4 tl r e l"enaaoe. xne M c r 'e lertaaoe. The I tl Ur tM ta tne 7'trr a. rtsn $ tat vsv,us- IITU9IDATE0 OFFICERS. B.adley'a Troops Caused Them and Voters Great Fear. Louisville, Ky. (Special.) The work of tabulating the election returns In Louisville Is progressing so slowly thai it Is hardly probable that all of th cincts of the city will be counted before next Tuesday or Wednesday. Numer ous wrangles occur daily at the ses sions of the board of election commis sioners, which delay the progress of the count. The democrats have given notice that they will contest the vote In several precincts on the ground that the democratic officers of the precincts as well as democratic voters, had been intimidated by soldiers. When the vote of the Twentieth precinct of the Ninth ward was reached by the commission ers it was-found that there was no complete record of the vote. Judge Har ris, democratic counsel, said that he would produce affidavits to prove that the democratic officers In this precinct were frightened from the voting places by the report that Governor Bradley's soldiers were coming. On this account they had been unable to make out the returns. Mr. Klnkead, for the repub licans, said that he wouldVprocure evi dence to show that the soldiers were never within a mile of the precincts and that the democrats had other rea sons for not signing the returns. The board voted to pass the precinct until later. WILL BUY MORE BONDS. Treasury Will Purchase Several Million Dollars Worth. New Tork. (Special.) The Evening Post says: It was learned this afternoon that a well known bond house of this city will sell the government a large block of bonds aggregating In value from $, 000,000 to $10,000,000. in a few days. Ar rangements, it is believed, have been practically completed for the transac tion, so that the transfer will be made. A representative of the house declined to go into particulars, but admitted the plan would probably go through. Es timates vary as to the amount of cash that would be released in this city in the case of a government purchase. Some authorities thought $12,000,000 would be released to local banks as a result, while others thought $10,000,000 would represent the assistance felt. Local banks, it is thought, will not to any considerable extent sell their bonds. They only hold now $500,000 free and clear and would not be likely to dis turb securities held to take advantage of the government's offer. A prominent sterling banker said this evening that the treasury's offer to purchase bonds had put an end to the possibility of gold imports. CHEYENNE STRIKE SANCTIONED. National Unions Approve the Action of Boiler Makers and Machinists. Cheyenne, Wyo. (Special.) The Un ion Pacific shop strikers have made the announcement that they have been notified by the grand lodges of the Ma chinists and Boiler Makers associa tions that tbe Cheyenne strike has been sanctioned and that other lodges of the unions along the Union Pacific system have been notified that no work should be done on engines for the Wy oming division. A committee of Cheyenne business men held a conference wltb tbe strikers and agreed to take the matter up with tbe company and have the wage ques tion adjusted if they would return to work. The business men said they be lieved the company would extend tbe working time to nine hours per day and make other concessions in the event of the men returning to work. The boiler makers and eTiachinists held meetings and declined to accept the business men's proposition, con cluding to continue the strike. A num ber of the strikers have) leu me city and others are preparing to seek em ployment elsewhere. There Is a small force of. -machinists working, enough to handle the repair work. New men are being put on as fast as they apply for work. End of Sugar War In Sight. New Tork. (Special.) The Times says: Accoraing to some wan street reports the war between the sugar re fining companies is very near to a set tlement, and that in rather an extraor dinary way. It is said in fact that a consolidation of all the sugar refining companies of the country is shortly to be brought about and that the Amer ican company has the project in charge, wiiile it Is imoossible to get any veri fication of the report. It is regarded MatoMcant That tts spite 6T the pres ent war, which is supposea oy tne puu- 11c to be costing the retlning companies a small fortune by reason of losses, the sugar stocks have been strong and at any recession have been bought by outsiders. But whether this consolidation talk is or is not without foundation It seems to be very generally accepted that an agreement between the warring com panies has practically been reached, the terms of wblcn may oe announceu i any time. . , Big Deal In Broom Corn. Chicago. (Special.) The Chronicle says: Negotiations are neariy com pleted for the transfer of the broom corn of five big local concerns to the Union Broom Supply company, the that was orgoeed two months ago under the laws of Indiana. By the acquisition of wis sioca, it cimu, the corporation will own 6 per cent of the market supply. The price to be paid for the 2,000 tons of broom com which the Chicago concerns possess will reach $600,000, or $280 a ton. It was tbe story ox tne h delegates to the convention of the Broom Msnkers of the United States and Canada to empower tneir executive committee to call a meeting at any time soon to meet any rise In price that is expected 'to follow the lat est move of the trust. - ' Coupled with the announcement that the trust was arranging for. the pur chase of the stock owned by the local concerns. It was the Intimation that th Union Broom Supply company soon will enter the field ef making brooms Itself. - - Hague Confers la Horrified. mt p.inhnr(.-l(. de Maartens, pro fessor of International law at the Uni versity of St Peterson rg, snu tw w a member of the Russian delegation to the peace conference at The Hague, ha pusbsbsd a card In the Official Messenger. In which he expresses his regret that the horrors of war should have appeared within two months after The Hague conference. He declares, however, that the conference had not attempted to avert all wars. but. to defeat the lews and! usages of war, boning thus to mitigate the evil. RUSSIAN BEAR GROWLS threatened to fire on Jap anese ships. Almost a Rupture Between the Two Countries at Port Arthur Trouble Possible. Victoria, B. C (Special.) According to advices from the Orient brought by the steamship Empress of China, the difficulty arising out of the Masampo affair Is evidently far from adjustment. As Masampo lies In a commanding po sition between Fusan and Tsushima, and as it is of immense Importance from a strategical point of view, Rus sia is anxious to gain possession of it to use as a naval base connecting Vla divostok and Port Arthur. - Prior to this Masampo affair, howev er, tt was'said that difficulties which might cause war between Russia and Japan existed, and many southerners living In Port Arthur and Che Foo has tily removed to Shanghai for safety. Tbe story la now told of almost a breach on an occasion when two Japan ese cruisers in the gulf of Pe-Chi-Ll unexpectedly appeared before Port Ar thur. The Russian signal officers at the outer station signaled that the port was closed to foreign ships of war. Disregarding or misunderstanding this signal, however, tbe two Japanese cruisers steamed straight into the har bar. They were Incercepted, however, by a Russian steam launch, having on board an octal who warned the Japan ese captains that the forts would fire on tbe cruisers If they were not imme diately withdrawn. This advice was taken. It is said, by the Japanese commander, but wltb very bad grace. C, P. Greathouse, who was consul general of the United States to Kang awa, Japan, from ISM to 189, died at Seoul October 21. At the time of his death Mr. Greathouse was adviser to tbe Corean government a position be had held without Interruption during his ten years residence in Corea. The emperor of Corea paid all funeral ex penses and ordered an escort of 200 sol diers to attend the obsequies. Mr. Greathouse was the author of a book on Corean folklore. The Empress of China brings the fol lowing advices: Stories are current respecting the dis play of French jealousies in South China. The Honir Kong correspondent of the Ceurier d'Hatphong mentions pi racy prevailing in the Canton delta and goes on to say that the English, who never miss a good opportunity, have made this state of affairs a pretext for sending a gunboat up the West river. Tbe same paper says that the Eng lish wish te police Kwang Tung and Kwangsl for their exclusive profit, and advises the French government to take all necessary measures In order that they may not operate alone. It Is re ported at Hong Kong that the French eonsuls there and at Canton have urg ently requested tbe dispatch of a gun boat from Saigon. Elaborate experiments in wireless tel egraphy have recently been conducted by the Japanese government Success ful results have invariably been ob tained and the various communication companies have put the system Into permanent operation between Obldso Point and Mlkaml island, a distance of nine miles. It Is evident from the tone of Japan and China newspapers that the rela tions between Russia and Japan are far from amicable, official statements to the contrary notwithstanding. An Indication la the statement emanating from Shanghai that the Russian gov. ernment has protested to the Chinese government against Chinese students being sent to Japan, also against th engagement of Mr. Tano as adviser to the Chinese government, and against Japanese officers being engaged to train the Chinese army. The latest development, Just prior to the sailing of the Empress is the re port that a Russian warship arrived at Masampo to enforce Russian demands. A conservative statement, that of the Chinese Gazette, follows:' "The Nippon observes Russia's proceedings in Corea with considerable uneasiness. Conces sions secured in connection with the whale fisheries, acquisition of lease of Ulung Island, purchase of land at Fu san, and apparently determined at tempts to procure property at Masam po, all these Incidents constitute. In our contemporary's opinion, valid evi dence that the great northern power Is pushing for another port of southern Censor Scratches Names. -New York. (Special.) The dispatches from Manila yesterday referred to Ma jor Marsh as commanding the left bat talion of the Thirty-third regiment, commanded by Colonel Luther R. Hare, in tbe sharp engagement with the In surgents near San Fabian, Saturday. Tbe officer Is Major Peyton C. March, formerly captain of the Astor battery and later on General MacArthufs staff. Owing to the character of the censor ship at Manila, General Otis is not per mitting the sending of the names of the killed and wounded. A full sccount of tbe ngagement near Ban Fabian was cabled, but the correspondents were not permitted to send the name of Ma jor John A. Logan, killed In action, or those of others killed or wounded. MeKlnley Cablee Agulnaldo. Washington. D. C (Special.) The president Is making efforts to secure the protection of the Spanish prisoners with the Insurgents in tbe Philippines. A cable message has been sent to Gen srsl Otis, and by blm forwarded to General MacArthur, with Instructions to get It to Agulnaldo, If possible, re lating to this subject The president requests the kindly and humane treat ment of the Spanish prisoners, and the message also contains an Intimation that any of tbe Insurgents responsible for the Ill-treatment of such prisoners will be held to strict account when they are taken by the United States forces operating In the islands. - Mora Troop For Otla. New Tork. (Special.) The transport Meade, ready to start for Manila with tbe Forty-third Infantry, Colonel Arthur Murray In command, and a cargo made up In part of Christmas boxes, did not get away as scheduled because of tbe Besides Colonel Murray's command, there are aboard the Meade four wo men nurses, several assistant surgeons, Major i. C. Mills, an Inspector general; Captain Crosier of the ordnance de partment, who Is also an inspector general, and John Phillips of the Young Men's Christian association, who I soma- to Maalla in connection wltb bis easoetatioa'a work among tbe eollders. TTrerty-thlrd la provided with a eWialn. fear. J. tl. Mitotan.. .. TneMeade was forsserty the PerWa of the American lime It hasLSM $ e board, cadastre of tat crew. B3ERS RAVE CPPER KAX). Play Havoc With the British Ar mored Train. Durban, Natal. (Special.) The arm ored train, which is already reported as wrecked and captured, arrived at Chlevely safely, only a few Boers hav ing been seen there. It started back and was thrown from the track two miles from that station by an obstruc tion. The front car was turned over, the enemy opening a hot fire at the same time from a kopje with a Maxim and two nine-pounders. They got the range accurately, hitting the cars and locomotive, but did not damage to the vital parts of the latter. The naval gun attached fired thrice, but was then put out of action. Lieutenant Churchill, with great bravery and coolness, which is describ ed as magnificent got out a party of men to clear from the tracks the over turned cars, and finally the engine pass ed by the wrecked cars at the side of the track, the Dublin Fuslleers and vol unteers fighting an unequal battle be side the derailed cars. Three times they drove the enemy back. The wounded men's comrades then put them back on the tender and finally the engine and tender with the wounded returned. The men who had been left with the wreck ed cars followed the engine and tender down the railway line, taking advan tage of all the possible cover. It Is hoped that the relief party will assist them in getting back safely. Tt, - tva n up vp re that tele. graph poles and wires were torn down and the cars were hit continually. The Boer guns were posted on Kopjes, cov ered with brushwood, and the sharp shooters were hidden In dongas and be hind boulders. Lieutenant Churchill remained with the retiring party and an ambulance train which went out re turned with only one wounded man. The doctor Is charge of the train got to the Boer lines, but was Informed the other wounded could not be recovered without Joubert's orders. It Is report ed that few men of the retiring party arrived in camp at Estcourt Lieuten ant Churchill is still missing. OVER ONE HUNDRED MISSING. London. (Special.) Special dispatch es from Estcourt estimate the wound ed and missing of the armored train at from 100 to 150. The missing in clude Captain Haldane. It is hoped that some escaped over the veldt and will return to Estcourt in a few days. BIG FIGHT AT LADYSMITH. Estcourt. (Special.) A missionary, a nnMt,A Knf a rAiiaHiA man who arrived here yesterday from Ladysmith, reports that a big fight took place there on Friday, November 10. He says that volunteers went out in the early morn ia anA riranr (Hp nmv from their po sition onto a fiat, where the regular troops, unaer sir ueorga. n mir, uuu neuvered them, by outtlanklng the Bo ers, administering a defeat with great loss. HIS 6RAVE IN THE PHILIPPINES. MaJ. John A. Logan Falls a Victim to Filipino Bullets. Manila. (Special.) The remains of Major John A. Logan, killed In action at San Jacinto Saturday, were buried in Paco cemetery. Many persons fol lowed the body to the grave. Chaplain Pierce officiated and the Twentieth in rantry furnished the escort, which was commanded by Major Rodman. The pallbearers were the captains of the Twentieth Infantry. Reports have been received here from General Toung, dated Humlngam. Hu mtngam is about thirty miles east of Ban Fabian. General Toung Is sup posed to have advanced considerably further toward San Fabian. A correspondent of tbe Associated Press telegraphs an account of the rap Id pace with which General Young covered the road with his cavalry. The Maccabebe scouts demoralized the in surgents around the low country. A messenger and reinforcements, who were captured, say no town from San Jose to San Nicolas expected the ar rival of the Americans until a day or two after they actually arrived. Agulnaldo and his government are said to be making desperate efforts to escape to Bayombong, The Informa tion here Is that he Is still in the low country. Lieutenant Johnston, with Troop M, Third cavalry, captured at San Nicolas twelve barrels containing the wardrobe of Agulnaldo's wife, some personal ef fects, the records of the secretary of war and much commissary and med ical supplies. Senera Agulnaldo prob ably escaped over the divide, but the secretary of war is thought to be in side the lines. Thos. W. Hayes, a civilian, and Cal vin 8. Davis of the Sixteenth Infantry, who were held prisoners by the insur gents, have ben rescued. Colonel Wessels captured at Tayuj several hundred thousand pounds ot rice, 7.500 pounds of salt, 1,500 pounds of flour marked "Dayton, Ohio." 2.500 pounds of sugar, 1.300 new uniforms and hundreds ot thousands of Mauser shells. Tbe names of Lieutenant Gllmore and seven of his men were found written on the walls of the convent of San Quentln. The garrisons of all the towna surprised resisted feebly. Genera) Wbeaton has not yet appeared. CASUALTY LIST FROM MANILA. Gen, Otis Cables Namee of Killed and Wounded. Washington, D. C (Special.) Gener al Otla reported the following casual ties: Wounded In action at San Mateo, No. vember 11. James Wright K. Sixteenth Infantry, both thighs, severe. In ac tion at Arayat, October 12. James Tur ner, Twenty-fourth Infantry, neck, se vere. In action, San Fabian expedi tionary brigade, November 10, John O'Nell, H. Thirteenth Infantry, chest severe; Tony Ederbsrdt, Thirty-third Infantry, abdomen, alight; John F. Coatea, O, right arm, alight; George Puehl, left arm, alight In action at Bambam, 11th, James P. Wyatt, M, Thirty-sixth Infantry, right knee, mod erate. In action at Madelacal, 1Mb. Er nest W. Rhodes, C, Seventh Infantry, back, severe; Dell Cudney, right thigh, severe. In action, road to San Jacinto, November 11, killed, Oscar K. Merrier, acting hospital steward; Thirty-third Infantry, Lovell E. Casteel. sergeant E; John A. Robinson, corporal, H; Wil lie Boone, H; Smack Mitchell, L; Ar thur Pettua, B; wounded, Arthur ttad slnakl. sergeant major, left thorax, se vere; Herbert R Harpold, sergeant, O. right thigh, slight; Oeorge R. Sims, corporal. I. right leg, slight; Oeorge A. Matlock, artificer, A, left forearm, slight; Lasaro C. Castillo, E, left tho rax, severe; Edward A. Hurth, L. left thigh, slight; Duke H. Howell, M, left side, alight; John W. Stokes, U. left shoulder, slight; Francis O. Tanner, E. right wrist, slight; Charles T. Throck morton, h, right thigh, slight; Charles B. Rowe, corporal, ft. sprain of back, severs; Jaaaee M. Boynton, E, submax. Olary, slight. A SPLENDID SHOWING A. REPORT WHICH SHOWS HOW THE PEOPLE CAN AND WILL HELP THEMSELVES IF THEV ARE CIVEN A CHANCE. Hon. W. H- (Coin) Harvey, Reprn sentlng the National Ways and Meana Committee, Turns His Work Over to National Committeeman Thompson. Wnn w XJ ITurvpv who has been m Nebraska since tne miaaie oi last June, as the special representative o rh n.Hnn.1 vara and mpani commit tee, has turned his work over to Hon. W. H. Thompson of Grand lsiana, aem ruratln nnjionfll fwmmjtteeman. and returned to his home In Chicago. For a week or ten aays iir. narvey win take a much needed rest and then he will go to work harder than ever'De During Mr. Harvey's short sojourn In Vi.hrn uL a h rnlaMi frnm the "hew- nw tt wrA anA Hr.wm tif WAtpr" in the field of politics $20,490.35 in sub scriptions, $4,500.35 or wnicn was casn, organized the same set of men Into active workers in fifty counties and provided a way for them all to feel nd know that they were really the parties at interest, ana mat tney are proprietors in pontics. A nan, tnta In T , . U H f ha hopn In augurated, a power which the brutal tactics of the Hannalied republicanism cannot aismay, suoaue or uuuuin.t Th, lunnl. nf Mhraakn will DOW de pend upon Hon. W. H. Thompson to keep up the good work In Nebraska, and to see to it that mere is no bibck HafttuaA all KckhrnRkn. knows that Mr Harvey could not have had a better euccessor In bis efforts. . All parties interested in this work hnniH iilHrm. thlr lettprn to Hon. W. H. Thompson, Grand Island, Neb. The Packers' National Bank of South Oma ha is still the depository or me runa. Th. tr,1niuiTitr la tKp KtAttlR bV CUn ties, of what Is known as the cam paign fund for 1900 in the state or Ne braska, up to November 11: 3 S a. n u t,o c 3 a Ca ? q S3. o tr COUNTIES. o Antelope 1,243 $ 7.00 .. Adams 2.U3S $14. S5 10 lioone ....... 1.170 4).W 3 HufTalo ...... 2.423 49.00 .. Burt 1,235 131.00 10 Butler 2.257 Hs-BO 11 Cass U'i Z 00 12 Cedar 1.61? 1S8.50 12 Clay 1.732 49. (10 I Colfa 1.416 15 00 .. Cuming 1,757 72.00 5 Dakota 934 50.00 B Dixon 1.298 73.00 6 Podg 2.064 41.00 1 Douftlas 11.730 456.00 4 Klllmore .... 1.733 JH.25 1 Kranklln .... 1.093 14.26 .. Gage 2.7 75 .. Greeley ...... 77b 60.00 Hall l.Ml 8 09 6 Hamilton .... l.!4l 114.09 7 Harlan ...... 1,149 SIM 6 Howard 1.27 66. 7S S Jfterson 1.514 101 .00 7 Johnson 1.24J 24.00 2 Kearney 1,173 32.65 t Knox l.M 11 0 7 Lancaster ... 5,677 216.50 4 Lincoln 1.S55 3.00 .. Madlaon 1712 131.00 6 Merrick 1.020 67.00 6 Nnnce 5 2100 3 Nemaha 1.927 127.W 7 Nuckolls .... 1,ST3 83 75 3 Otoe $.512 42.00 .. Phelps 1,176 56.75 S Platte ........ 2,119 149.60 7 Polk 1.466 65.25 4 Red Willow.. 1.0" 60 40 6 Richardson .. 2.533 233.50 9 Saline 2.0i7 46 .00 2 Sarpy 1.116 47.00 4 Saund"rs .... 2.716 93.00 3 t-eward 2.716 49 50 2 Sherman ST.9 1.00 .. fitanion ...... fcS S0.&5 6 Ihumton .... 714 7Urt 10 Thayer . 3.349 25.40 2 Vallfy S6 62.20 7 Washington.. 1.426 53.00 4 Wayne l,l' 46.00 4 Webster 1,341 33.00 2 York 1,799 119.00 1 Vrom outside ot state - 1.00 .. $ 17.00 491.00 41.00 WOO 622-00 531 .50 SI2.00 771.00 397. f S7.09 $72.00 232.00 318 (JO 143.00 1.431.00 396.50 182.00 204.25 565.00 376.25 240.00 224.00 343.00 469.46 166.00 297.00 67.00 794 60 18.00 653.00 161.50 210.00 766.00 .0O 221.00 3SO.0O 367.00 610 00 3fi6.00 1,144.50 3K3.00 90.00 3K3.00 236.(0 16 00 336.00 341.00 m 0 315.00 279.00 264.00 112.(0 278.00 1 00 0.26 .33 .06 .50 .25 .33 .54 .24 .06 .21 .25 .26 .07 .14 .23 .16 .07 .75 .80 .22 .20 .20 .33 .15 .25 .35 .13 Totals $4,500.30 ..$20 ,490.36 SURPLUS IN SOLDIERS' FUND. Lincoln. Neb. (Special.) Governor Poynter has begun the work of refund ing the surplus of money contributed by popular subscription for the First Nebraska travel fund, which he decid ed some time since should be returned to the donors whose contributions were last received. The amount left on hand after the payment of all expenses Is slightly In excess of $2,600. The follow ing letter, which Is being sent out to all the persons In the state who made the latest donations to the fund, will ex plain the plan for refunding the money and the reason for it: "Lincoln, Neb. Dear Sir: After pay ing all expenses Incurred In returning the First regiment Nebraska volunteers from San Francisco to Its points of en listment, out of the fund raised by vol untary contributions for that purpose, I find that a surplus remains. Had I known at the time how much would b required I would have declined to ac cjpt further contributions after the re quired amount was reached. "I have concluded to return this sur plus to the Individual donors, com mencing with the one received last and continuing until the surplus Is exhaust ed. If you desire the return of your contribution of $.... at this time, a check will be forwarded to you on re turn of the receipt Issued to you dated August 21, 1899. Very truly youra, "W. A. POTNTER, Governor." Borne of the sworn statements of campaign expenses which have been filed with the secretary of state are as fotlowa: J. L. Teeters, university regent, $$5 82: William Neville, con gressman In Sixth district, $59. if: Oeo. A. Magney, candidate for district Judge In Fourth judicial district, $101.21; Lin coln Frost, district judge In Third ju dicial district, $161; Ely MeOllton, re publican candidate for university re gent, nothing. Judge Holcomb has filed a statement of his expenditures during the cam paign. The total amount la $179.40. This Is Itemised, and the largest Item Is for a 1,000-mile ticket on the Bur lington railroad. The remainder was expended In railroad fare, sleeping car fare, back and buggy hire-, and hotel bills principally. Although Colonel A. E. Campbell, the commanding officer of the Second regi ment, Nebraska National guard, has not yet sent In bis resignation. It Is generally believed that bis removal from tbe state la permanent end that he will shortly resign. In anticipation of tbs vacancy there Is considerable dlsrusoton among tbe officers of the regiment as to his successor. Tbe col onel Is chosen by the vote of all tbt commissioned Officers of the regtmenL A Pantorium.... Ia a tailoring establishment wblch makes It a business to keep gentlemen and ladlea well dress ed. It la s place where first-class tailors are kept busy all the time cleaning, dyeing, pressing repair ing, overhauling and otherwise making old clothea almost aa good as new. In many Instances these expert tailors work over and fix up a suit and make it look nicer and wear better than it did the day It was first put on. It's like keeping your wagon greased; yon can't do without It very long if you try to you will soon have to get a new wagon. So It is with clothing, keep them in order. It won't cost you much and you will always look neat and smooth and you jyjlj make one suit do you where It took several to answer your purposes hereto fore. The clothing that passes thro' our bran new, up-to-date dyeing establishment comes out bright and new. Give us a trial order. As we told you last week: Ladies' work a specialty. Outside business a specialty. References, any bank or ex press company. Write for catalogue, pricea.ahop plng directions and a great deal of other valuable information. PANTORIUM. 14th and Fa mam Sts., Omaha. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y Free reclining chair cars on all tralna Quick service; close connections. Two daily fast trains each way be tween Omaha and . ' Atchlaon, Kansas City and , St. Loula Unexcelled time and accommodation! to the Famous HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS. Be sure to secure tickets via this line. For complete Information, descrip tive pamphlets, etc., address J. O. Phll llppl A. O. F. & P. A., or W. C. Barnes, T. P. A., southeast corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. HALF RATES SOUTH via OMAHA & ST. LOUIS AND WABASH ROUTES. On the first and. third Tuesday of each month the above lines will aell homeseekers tickets to southern points for one fare (plus two dollars) round trip. WINTER TOURIST RATES now on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all the Winter Resorts at greatly REDUCED RATES. Remember the O. tt St. L. and Wa bash the Shortest and Quickest Route to St Louis. Remember the O. A St. L and O., K. C. A R. Is the Shortest Route to Qulncy. Unexcelled service to Kansas City and the South. For rates, sleeping car accommoda tions and all Information, call at tbe QUINCY ROUTE OFFICE, 1415 Far- nam St. (Paxton Hotel Block), or write Harry E. Moorea. City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. IMPROVED LIVE STOCK BREED ERS' ASSOCIATION MEETING. ' The annual meeting of the Nebraska Improved Live Stock Breeders' Asso ciation will be held In the State Uni versity Chapel, Lincoln, beginning De cember 19, at 7 30 p. m. Three ses sions will be held the following day, for discussing stock breeders' topics; and a business meeting the forenoon of the next day, December 21. An excel- ent program of topics relating to the breeding, feeding, and management of mproved live stock has been prepared. and a very Interesting and valuable meeting will certainly be held. In addition to the regular discussions and business meeting, tbe matter of holding a live stock show and sale of Nebraska slock, in the autumn of 1900, will be considered. The leading stockmen of Nebraska have generally signified their determi nation to be present at this meeting, and it is believed that the largest at tendance will be secured that has ever been brought out in connection with a Nebraska breeders' meeting. The Nebraska Woman Suffrage asso ciation will hold Its eighteenth annual meeting at Lincoln. November 28 and 29 in the senate chamber of the capltol building. Some of the best speaker! In the suffrage ranks, Including Mrs. Clara Chapman Catt of New York and Miss Evelyn H. Belden of Iowa, will b present the friends of equal suffrage throughout Nebraska are urged to at tend. If you cannot be present, how ever, please send us your name and the small sum of 50 rents for a year's membership, thus helping the cause financially and write us a letter telling how suffrage sentiment stands In your community. For any Information con cerning the work of the association, ad dress the corresponding secretary, HeN'' en M. Goff, 1507 Q street, Lincoln. - "At the excavations now In progress at the Roman Forum, over thirty styll or bone pens have come out of the mud of 2.500 years." said Blbllla. "They are In perfect condition. Nearby was found the tholes, or store-pit, which waa uaed as the corn-bin of the Pontt flces. Into It tbe corn waa emptied from the Jars In which It arrived. A clerk must have stood by keeping tally of the number of Jars received and emptied therein. Occasionally looking over the edge to aee the cavity filling up with grain, the stylus he uaed to put behind his ear. being smooth, slip ped and fell, and burled Itself In the wheat until today. There waa alae found here a black bone tabella, or writing tablet, alx Inchea by four In slse, somewhat worn down at one cor ner by the thumb of the holder, and still showing scratches where the was once spread upon It had been pene trated by the sharp point of tbe stylus. The specimens of the stylus are very beautiful, some are abort and stubby, others long and graceful, others scarce ly used at all." No mstter bow elaborately a waist may be trimmed, bloused or draped. It Is Invariably modeled with a tight-fitting lining. The close fitting sleeve Is correctly shaped with slight fatness at tbe shoulder. Ladles' tailors are mak ing up some beautiful cloth awns, fas. tened with single erdouble rows of tailor buttons. We have sera as much of these leose.flttlng and bioused bss aues that this Innovation la sure to gain aoSr'$jsrpe,,,r w,t,, Mtm I ( I s J J