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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
Harrison press-journal 0.1EYFUS BREAKS DOWN OEO. D. CANON, Editor. HARRISON. - - NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS. H. F. Bchloaalnger wu Arretted at Gothenburg (or tiling liquor without a license. A March warrant waa issued and a drayload of bottled and keg goods seised. DEVIL'S ISLE PRISONER OIVE9 WAV TO SOBS AND GROANS. The annual meeting- of Clay County Sunday schools was held at Clay Center In the Methodist Episcopal church. A very interesting: program was arranged and a good attendance had. Charles Blake, a brakeman on the Kansas City & Omaha railroad, wai crushed between two freight cars while trying to make a coupling at Clay Cen ter. He waa taken to his home In Fair Held and is in a critical condition. To My Wtfal Duo tho Fact That I Still Live," Aro tho Words Which Fall From His Lips. The grocery store of J. M. Mitchell at 6 tan ton was broken into and about 85C worth of goods were carried away. The robbers gained entrance to the store by prying open a window from the top, after first cutting away the wire screen. There is no clue by which the partiei can be identified. John E. Burns, a member of the Third Nebraska volunteers, is very sick with typhoid fever in the emergency hospital at Omaha. He will be taken to St. Joseph's hospital. He came from Cass county to be with the soldier boys on Wednesday and was prostrated that night with heat. A 15-year-old son of Carl Mayberger, a well-to-do farmer living near Oconee, Platte county, wag drowned in the Loup river while engaged with others in sein ing. He got into quicksand and be fore assistance could reach him he had been drawn under the water. The body was not recovered until the next afternoon. The lad was born in that county. The parents are heartbroken over the aair. Thieves entered the office of the Chi cago Lumber company at Grand Island and blew the door from the safe with giant powder, but secured only a few postage stamps. The money had been all banked the day before. There is no duo to the perpetrators. This is the third time within six months that the same safe has been broken open and in the same office. William H. Moore of St. Louis, pres ident of the State and Interstate Good Roads and Public Improvement associ ation, is In Omaha for a few days and will return early in November to cali a meeting there to organize an associa tion and prepare for representation at the national convention to be held next spring. President Moore says that the good roads sentiment is making aston ishing progress, and that it is becoming especially strong among the farmers of the various states. He now has over forty conventions booked In Illinois, Minenaota, Wisconsin and other middle western states, and each of these will send delegates to the national conven tion. He is trying to enlist the sym pathies of the local commercial organ isations in the movement and will com plete the work on his next visit. Rennea, France. (Special.) Dreyfui had the most trying day he has yet gone through. The strain proved toe great for him, and for the second time In the course of the trial, he gave way to his feelings and sought relief in tears. The generals have branded him as a traitor before the court, tt;!r jsut ordlnates have pointed the finger of scorn at him. But heonly once flinched when the official report of his treat ment on Devil's island was read before him and the pictures of his sufferings, mental and physical, was thrown vivid ly on the screen of his memory. Then he hid his features and wept. He passed through another such cri sis today when, after Captain Lebrun Renault and witness after witness had brought up before him that cold Janu ary morning which ushered to the scene of his degradation, Major Forzlnetti, a man of heart, told in simple words and unaffected manner, the story of Drey fus' struggle with the maddening temp tation to take his life, and the Inter vention of bis wife, as an angel, point ing out the road of duty. Then again the prisoner's breast heaved with emo tion and tear drops trickled down his cheeks. He rose and after forced effort to remain calm, as he spoke a few words concerning his denial to Colonel du Paty de Clam that he wrote the bordereau, he turned to Forzlnetti with a look of thanks for his consolation so needed. Dreyfus then uttered these words of heartfelt irratitude tn hl wif tor me courage with which she inspired him .- "It Is due to her," he cried, "that I am alive today." Hie prisoner could articulate no more. but sat dowB abruptly to conceal his uisiress. STILL WAtTINQ. Lieutenant Colonel Eager called at the office of the adjutant general, and, in accordance with the act of congress regulating the care and custody of regi mental flags of volunteer regiments, turned over to the representatives of the governor the First regiment's flag's. There was no ceremony, apart from the formal discharge of the duty im posed by law upon the late commander of the regiment as the depositor, and upon the adjutant general as the re cipient of the charge. The flags were placed in the vault of the adjutant general's office for safe keeping, until the cases provided by the act of the last legislature are put in place. The flags were guarded by Lieutenant Col onel Eager, and as soon as the duty could be performed they were turned over to the state, in whose care they are precious relics, to be preserved sa credly as long as there is a state of Nebraska Lieutenant Colonel Eager called upon the governor and other friends at the state house during his stay in Lincoln. Arthur Weir, formerly an Omaha printer, has given up the case and gone into a good-paying business. Last spring Mr. Weir left Chadron and went down to Gordon and rented a patch of about fifteen acre of cultivated land under an Irrigation ditch. Then he put the whole thing into onions. In the care of the crop he organised the town hoys Into a Weedy Onion club and took them onto the little farm for a month. Between fishing and swimming and other sports the lads cleaned that big patch of onions as free of weeds as could be. Then Mr. Weir took them all bac kto town and paid them well. Their weeding did tho work, and now Weir has onions that win yield almost a car to the acre, and he expect to net about H cent per bushel at harvest time. He will ship several carloads to the east and will clean up a tew tnou and dollar tor his summer's labors Ms will probably Invest hi money In ttto and raise more onions next year Mas be did thla 2svV rf. Sarah Radcilir. a patient at the a? n for the insane at Lincoln, com- i suicide some time during wed- aigbt of last week. Her body 1 ""Hd the next moraine, banging from m (rating over the window In her oa She had strangled herself by trim; stocking around her neck and then losfdng the stocking with a piece of rS,. which may have been used for spporter. The rag was run A mgk the bar and tied, and then lis. Radellff let her entire weight upon the stocklnr about Bar feet might have touched ht when found her lea were streteked out ou the floor, at til li she hud had hard work t lump from letting her weight rest on ft rftwL Coroner Holyoke being out of t' slty, Supertnteudent Coffin tele J sdaat the Sheriff's office and Deputy MMMk Woodward went out to the aay IWs to investigate the case. He found Utt K was a clear ease of self-destruc-tfea wMw the victim was insane, and t v cl not deem It necessary to hold I tosjueat. Miss Cora Enlow, one of attendants, stated that it was the -1 allow the women patients to I fMthtaf tnt their etU but their i psht, but that Mrs. Badcllft j a Mmti? uecded to mugMns 4 f her steefelasa sad the ran f -wmi above. Clss Batew J4 thai at- tkwt Mr. Ravdenff war but ettrtb- ao m;ui to 1 tAas had sg-.tjr t v r ti Msl t V 1 i -l iMft f.I (T- lelr-i BREAKS DOWN UTTERL. The proceedings concluded a few minutes later and he wasXaken back to his prison, where his wife Waited him, and in the presence of MmeDreyfus ana tee gendarme on guard, he troke aown completely. The tension had be too much for him. He sobebd convul sively and the partner of his sorrows joined mm in a solace of tears. Captain Lebrun-Renault and the sup porters of his assertion of Dreyfus' confession had an Inning lasting near ly the entire Mission, their depositions containing little but what had been presented before the court of cassa tion. Captain Lebrun-Renault Introduced the assertion that the fact that he had not related the Incident of the confes sion to President Casimir-Perier was because be overheard himself called "canaille," "cur" and "traitor." while waiting at the Ely see. He, however, could not explain why he kept this to himself for so long a time -Instead of recounting the incident before the court of cassation. Nor did his explanation as to why he destroyed the page of his notebook containing the record of Dreyfus' confession, sound very con vincing. The other witnesses were a repetition of Captain Lebrun-Renault But a very significant question was put to Colonel Guerln by a member of the court, Lieu tenant Colonel Brongniart, who sits at Colonel Jouaust's right hand and al ways puts pointed questions. He has thoroughly studied the Dreyfus case, and la reputed to be one of the best authorities on the case. It Is certain Colonel Jouaust consults him frequent ly during the proceedings. Brongniart Is said to be a rabid antl-Dreyfusard. and he today, in a quiet tone, asked Colonel Guerin, if he thought M. Well, who Is a friend of Eeterhazy, also knew Dreyfus. The latter at once rose and declared he had never before heard of WelL PLAN OF THE GENERALS. The point of this question was that Ettterhazy has written to Colonel Jou aust, as announced, and has undoubted ly mentioned Weil as a go-between for Dreyfus. This Is the person referred to In previous dispatches as "V," a mis take for "W." If relations can be pro ven between Dreyfus and Well, then he could assume Dreyfus was a traitor. The generals, if sufficient evidence of a Dreyfuo-Weil-Esterhasy connection can be produced, can abandon the con tention that Dreyfus wrote the border eau admit Esterhazy as the author of it. This is possibly the change of tactics hinted at on the part of the generals. It was reported that Generals Mer cler, Roget and Gonse, who are stay- ins; Quietly at the house of a friend some miles outside Rennes, met at Gen eral Merder house and discussed the evidence Colonel Sehwartxkoppen's housekeeper, Mme. Batata, could give. If she were subjected to a severe exam ination, with the result that It was de cided her evidence would not be con clusive enough to Justify summoning her a a witness for the prosecution. She sits in the corner by the green tove and waits for him. She hai waited for over a year, and he ha not come yet. A year is a long to old age as It is to childhood. The sun filters green through the geraniums In the window, and rests on her, but It cannot warm her, says the Westminster Budget. Her bones are cold with the chill of time. On her lap, twined about her knobby hands, lies her rosary of coarse wooden beads strung on a brass chain. From time to time her fingers move, and her violet lips stir silently. She is praying that he may come. And the spring, with its bloesomy plumbough, and the summer, with Us green, purple-globed gloom, slide by. She watches the window an won ders. Then the cold blue of the square of sky is scratched across by bare black boughs and autumn Is here. They pile the stove full of wood and the air quivers dizzily about It The plum tree is streaked with snow, the window shrinks whitely to half Its size. It is winter and still he tarries. The sweat stands on the faces of her sons, as they sit In the tight-closed room evenings, but she shivers under the feather bed they have heaped about her. It is cold. The priest comes and shouts at her that God Is good, that she must be pa tient Then she answers chatterlngly: "J a, J a. Der lleber Gott der lieber Gott" j she can get no further. She Is eigh ty-three years old. She has lived her life. Is this a prologue? Or an epi logue? They are kind to her. Her grand sons carry her to and from her bed, and one of her granddaughters feeds her and wipes her chin. They do their duty. But Llnchen is engaged to the blacksmith's Ernll, and they are waiting, as well as she, for his coming. Will he never come? One day she grows impatient. want to go," she cried to the priest have waited long enough- forgotten me. "The dear God never forgets. "I am only a poor peasant woman, and he has forgotten me," she insists obstinately. "Hush'." She pushes away the feather bed and sits up suddenly. "I am an old woman and you are a boy. 1 tell you, he has forgotten me." en she cries bitterly and begs bis panaon. He quiets her and goes out Into the cold stillness of the December fHy. wonders, t That night she cries out in her sleep. She thinks her Tsaby wants her, and that she cannot go to him. Her baby, a gauntx. man of fifty, comes in and sits by her. "Na. mutter, sei ruhig.'V h say. Then she cries and explains to Dim that she can wait no longer. She musKgo, "Ja. la, you shall go. Only a little patience." The next morning she refuses to eat, and prays for the soul of her tfi' dren now in Purgatory. That mght the wind comes up and the window rat tles frantically in its socket. She Ues not call any one ail night In the morning they go in to see her. She Is lying with her mouth open, her syes half closed. The sun falls on her yellow face. Her daughter crosses herself. "Her mandie Mutter" she began. "Peace be to her soul." Then the half closed eyes open. "MorgeV She is still waiting. TEXTS ON GOLD LEAP. God "I "I has NATIVES RULE THEIR OWN TOWN Washington, D. CL (Special.) Gener al Lawton's course in extending munic ipal government In the Philippine Is explained in detail In Manila newspa pers just received at the war depart ment They state that the general has made a tour of many town along the Una of hi division. Including Santa Ana, Pandacan and San Felipe, and has established in each a complete system of civil government. The Inhabitants of the town are to have entire charge of aair according to General Lawton's system. The general called before him the principal men of the town and after pointing out the general purpose and dtstw of the American govern ment had the native designate mayor, vice mayor and head men for the several ward. General Lawton ex plained to the Inhabitants that the United Stat government did not wish to meddle at all with the local anairs of the people and they were told to proceed with tax levies, to start schools and public Improvement and to estab H mkb civil office a they aw BL T Mfl were told that the tax was to be expended at howii aad f M wa to bo contributed I the 4 i if U A, the first civil r--T-i a captain general I asm j i f t ..,- ' ii mim afeo have huts rt m A Lesson By Kaiser Frederick The memoir of Kaiser Frederick, Just published In Berlin, gives many inter esting anecdotes about the kindly mon arch whose reign was cut off in sueh untimely fashion. Among them Is one In which Jenny Llnd figures. Jenny Llnd was at a small Inn, wait ing for the post chaise that was to car ry her to Coblenz, and. Inspired by the beauty of the landscape and the quiet of the moonlit night, was singing a bal lad for her own amusement, when mine host appeared to beg her to repeat the last verse for the benefit of some Bonn students, newly arrived. The songstress, who was sitting In a vine-clad arbor, responded, and when she had finished a broad-shouldered, tall young man entered, exclaiming: "Only Jenny Llnd can sing so beauti fully." With that he pressed a bou quet of wild roses Into her hand and led her out Into the garden. Tes, that was the face; those were the blond locks of Jenny Llnd! The singer smil ingly accepted the student's thanks and said: "You are a student; sing us one of your own songs " Bowing gracefully, the blond giant sat down at the piano on the veranda, and sang Arndt's great battle hymn: "Was Blasen die Trompeten! Huasaren, Heraus!" ("The Bugle are Sounding! Hussars, ride fast!" "The beautiful melody; I would like to know it," said Jenny Llnd, when the student, whom his comrade called "Frit," hsd ended. "The Swedish nightingale wishes to learn a German war song? Ah, that is superb!" cried Frltx. '11 you will permit me I will repeat the words for your benefit until you know tbem by heart The melody, I dare say. you have mastered already." And for a full hour Frits and Jenny sat side by side at the old piano, singing together, repeating verse after verse, once, thrice, ten times, until the great songstress was letter perfect. Then she sang it once more as only she could sing it, quite unconscious of the fact that in the meantime her audience had Increas ed by a venerable old man whom the student regarded with the greatest re sort. Now the soft notes of the postilion's horn sounded from afar, and a llttlo later the chaise drew up at the gate. Jenny Llnd rose hastily. "I must away," she said, "and may never se . you again, for In a few weeks I will cross the Atlantic to sing In America I shall not forget this evening, though find as I have Introduced myself, I be to know your names, gentlemen, est. tally that of the student who taught ate the Oennan hymn." Tkta the old man spoke up. "1 tiMak yon In the name of my puplh far your kind words," he said. "Thie sjagfasua. la Ms royal highness, Crowi MasM Fraderteh. and I am Ernst Mor- ttS AfSfiL author of tb song you learn People outside of regular dealer In fold leaf are occasionally surprised vhen they purchase books of the ml :erlal to find that the paper leaves be tween the sheets of gold have texts f scripture printed on them. Looking :loser they find that the paper leaves ire actually cut from the Bible, Speaking of this, the head of a Chi cago firm which deals In gold leaf said: "The gold leaf which Is put up In ooks made from paper leaves cut from the bible comes from England, rhere Is no Intention to be irreverent tn packing the gold leaf In this way. Host of it goes to the stores where they sell artist's materials, and is lacked between printed sheets because :he slight Indentations In the paper made by the printing serve to bold the lellcate film of gold in place. "Why Is it that the bible is gen srally used? Simply for the reason that the Bible is usually printed In very small type, and Is always very venly set, and the Impression of th type on the paper Is very light but enough to hold the gold leaf In place without injuring It. Another book that s used for the same nurpose is the jook of common prayer, the small type sdltlon, of course. The paper Is always very fine and smooth and when print Ml the leaves are just adapted for the purpose of holding the gold leaf. The first time I was asked for an planatlon on this point was when I aad a store for the sale of artist's ma terials. A gentleman who bought sev eral books of English-made gold lesf Mime to roe and asked me If paper was to scarce where the gold leaf was made that they had to cut up bibleB for the purpose of packing the leaf. He had noticed that the sheets of gold leaf were packed between sheets of printed paper, but paid no attention to X until his eye caught a scriptural text that had often puzzled him. H was the passage 'Iron sharpeneth Iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance it his friend.' Then he saw that the fold leaf was placed between cut-up pages of the bible. He seemed to ihink that the sheets of the bible were ased by some religious manufacturer who thought some one might be con- ferted by reading a stray text. He laid he was almost startled when he ead the text he was puzzling ov. tnd looked disappointed when I ex ;lalned In a matter-of-fact way why lages of the bible were used, "Once or twice very excellent people nrho bought this gold leaf from me A'ere Indignant when they found that :he bible was cut up to bold It, and told me I should not encourage the profanation by selling that kind of .eaf. Others who were of a different temperament said they were glad to ee it, as it might lead some people to reading texts of scripture,' by glancing with curiosity at the printed sheets, who never took a bible in their hands. Ihey held thsuNio matter what form t took it was a godd thing to circulate texts of scripture.1 IS HE A WIZAAD7 London' Meat Little more than half of the bill that London settles every year goes into the pocket of the English farmer. From the ends of the earth comes this cast supply. This great ogTe of a city f ours, before whose gastronomic ef forts the feats of all the giants of k-B- snd and fairy tale fade into inslgnHl- iance, has taken his toll of the wild ranchers from boundless western prai ries, of the beautiful chestnut-colored herds of the Andalusian mountains, of he plabald-coated cattle that the hon- sst Dutch tend as their own children, ud of the sturdy oxen of the North 3erman plains, says Cassell's Maga slne. Canada and Australia send us ambs and sheep, the Kiver Platte our ax tongues, Hamburg and Rotterdam ur pigs. What an advertisement for the Nevy League! What an object lesson for those who declare our fleet s overgrown! It passes human comprehennlon to think what would become of London If 4)r command of the sea were lost and the foreign supplies failed! If the 100,000 live cattle from America that swell the metropolitan cattle herd during the fear never reached their destination; if Holland's half million of sheep were forced to remain on the home pastures in short, if the 140,000 tons of meat, neither bred nor fed in these Islands, that London annually consumes, ceased to appear In the butchers' ahops of the metropolis. Making of Mirrora. The mirror-making Industry In the United States employs more than Z.O0C persons, and the product Is valued at about 18,000.000 a year. The first step In the manufacture Is the adjustment of a smooth stone table. Around this table, which can be canted to one side by means of a screw set beneath it, Ii groove, tn which mercury may flow from one corner Into bowls. The table is made perfectly level, then tinfoil if carefully laid over it, covering a great er space than the glass to be coated The metal Is then poured upon the foi: till it is nearly a quarter of an inch deep, being prevented from flowing ofl by strips of glass placed along thre sides of the foil. From the open sldt Is slid on the plate of glass, whose ad vancing edge Is kept In the mercury. When Its desired position has beer reached It is held until one edge of th mercury has run off. It la left for sev eral hours and then placed upon i frame, the "back" by this time belnf covered with the amalgam which ad here to It. After th amalgam become! hard the plate I ready for use. Mirror making is generally thought to be dan gerous on account of the Injury to ttu health of the operators from the fumei of the quicksilver, but tb figure col sated by the Insurance companlea it not appear to sua'ain th beUef. Her la a yarn that ha been picked up by the Society for Psychical Re search. Dr. R W. Felkln, who had ac companied Emin Pasha on a tour through Uganda and adjacent territory la responsible for It He says that some time last year his party had got back to Lado, about a thousand miles south of Khartoum, and that he had been without letters from Europe for a year. Naturally, he was Impatient for tidings. In that part of Africa he had often come across wizards, who pre tended to transform themselves Into lions or other animals at night, and to travel Immense distances In this guise. They also assert that they acquire in formation at such times about stolen cattle and other lost property. Dr. Felkln says that, although he has no explanation to offer In regard to these alleged feats, he had a chance to veri fy one of their stories. One morning after his arrival at La- do, a man came to his tent, evidently In great excitement, and said that the local wizard or "miogo," had been roaming about the country the night before, in the form of a jackal, During his rambles, the "m'logo" had visited Meschera el Rek, fully 5D0 miles away, between Lado and Khartoum. The wizard declared that two steamers had lust arrived at tihs point, and had brought mallB. He also described mi nutely the appearance of the English officer accompanying the boats. Dr. Felkln ridiculed the story. But Emin Pasha took the thing more seri- Dusy. He directed that the wizard be brought before him, and questioned the fellow. "Where did you go last night?" "I w as at Mechera-el-Rek." "What were you doing there?" . "I went to see some friends." "What did you see?" "I saw two steamers arriving from Khartoum." "Oh, this Is nonsense! Tou could not possibly have been at Meschera-el-Rek." 'I was there," the wizard replied em phatically. "And with the steamers was an Englishman, a short man, with 1 big beard." "Well, what was his mission?" "He says that the great pasha at Khartoum had sent him, and he has some papers for you. He Is starting n-erland tomorrow, bringing the pa jers with him, and he will be here ibout thirty days from now," Dr. Felkln says that thirty-two days ater tht Englishman did arrive at La- lo, and that be brought letters for the party. The newcomer was Lupton 3ey. Of the wizard. Dr. Felkln says that he is satisfied that the man was lever outside his native village In his lfe. THE DUKE WAS KIND. 1 The late Duke of Buccleugh ! M f his walsk purchased a cow In th elghborhood of Dalkeith, which was to be sent to hla palace the following mornig. The duke. In his morning iress, espied a boy Ineffectually at tempting to drive the animal forward to Its destination. The boy, not know ing the duke, bawled out to him: "HI, nun, come here an' gle's a nan' wi' this beast." The duke walked on slowly, the boy itill craving his assistance, and at ast, In a tone of distress, exclaimed: "Come here, mun, an' help us, an' I'll rl'e you half I get." The duke went and lent the helping hand. "And now." said the duke, as they trudged along, "how much do you think ye'Il get for this Job?" "Oh, I dinna ken," said the boy, "but I'm sure o something, for the folk up at the big house are guld to a' bodies." As they approached the house the duke disappeared from the boy and entered by a different way. Calling a servant, he put a sovereign In his hand, saying: "Give that to the boy who brought the cow." The duke having returned to the avenue, was soon re joined by the bfy. "Well, how much eld you get?" said the Duke. "A shilling," anld the boy "am there's half o' it t'ye." "But you surely got more than a shilling?" said the duke. "No," said the boy, "that's a' I got an' d'ye no think it's plenty?" "I do not,' said the duke; "thfr must be some mistake, and as 1 am ac quainted with the duke, if you return I think I'll get you more." They went back, the duke rang th bell and ordered all the se.rvanta to be assembled. "Now," said the duke to the boy, "point me out the person that gave you the shilling." "It was that chap there," pointing to the butler. The butler confessed, and attempted an apology, but the duke In dignantly ordered him to give the boy the sovereign. "You have lost," said the duke, "your money, your situation tnd your character, by your covetous- ness; learn hencerortn mat 'nonpniy is the best policy.'" The boy by this time recognized his a.ltant In the person of the duke, says the Weekly TelegTaph, and the duke was so de lighted with the sterling worth and honesty of the boy that he ordered him sent to school at his expense. Honest Fair. " 'Taln't everybody that's gt such right feelings as Sally Potter and her ma; l win say mat ror ine roiwrn, Manufacturing an Alibi "One evening some years ago," said New Orleans druggist, to the Times- Democrat, "I was standing behind the ounter, just about where I am now, hen I saw a man slip In very quietly it the door and stop In the rear that tall case of fancy good. I uralked over at once and asked what I u!d do for him. and It was at least lalf a minute before he replied. 'Tou lon't seem very keen for trade," he said it length, and he spoke in a curious, rasping voice like a man out of breath. I've been waiting here,' says he, 'for quarter of an hour,' Now, I was positive that he had just come In, but Is always unwise to contradict a ustomer, so I made no remark. 'I want you to put me up some qul- alne capsules,' he went on, 'and be uick about It, for I have an engage ment at 8:30 o'clock.' I looked at ray eatch and told him that he had twen- y minutes to spare. I was then exactly :10. 'All right,' he said, and 1 went for the quinine. I handed him the package a few monments later, and as tie reached for It he upset a tall vase n the counter and broke It to pieces. It was the clumsiest thing I ever saw, tnd had any possible motive been ap parent I would have sworn he did it on purpose. But he cursed like a pirate, uid after some grumbling paid the bill, which was 13, and went away, and 1 never saw him again. Next morning I read In the paper that a murder had been committed In a house nearly half a mile from tha store it about 8 o clock the previous evening. gave It no special thought, but some thing like a month later 1 received a visit from a lawyer, who told me that he represented a certain man who was nder suspicion for this very murder, ind who expected ally to be placed under arrest 'My client la not guilty,' he continued, 'and at the time of the rime was nowhere near the house. As nearly aa he remembers he waa in thla store making some trifling pur chase. He recalls It, because be ac cidentally broke a vase. Do you re member the circumstance? I did In stantly, and of a sudden the whole thing became clear. Tou aee. my at tention had been called to the hour. and the vase-breaking was evidently a ruse to fix the visit In my mind. 1 looked the lawyer In the eye. 'Tour client entered the store at 8:10,' I said, 'and I have reason to believe he waa runnlg juat before he reached It.' That ended the conversation. The man was never arrested, but toon after left the city." Maud Captain Dash of the Rough Riders haa broken his engagement with Miss Miner. Marie How did she offend him? Maud Sent him gold mounted suspender as a birthday pres. ent "It," said the hen, as she surveyed the slze-and-a-hr-if egg she had Just laid, "will take a pretty good hailstorm to equal that." Even In the lower walki of nature there are ambition and emu lation. "Say, haven't you been eating on ions?" asked the patient, sitting up an sniffing suspiciously. "No," answerec the barber, "that la tha disinfectant." "I've aeen that young fellow some where before." "He draws aoda watni In a downtown drugstore, "That' it ' recognised hi fiss." 1 never saw a man of mora round Ins disposition than Barber." "Tbat'i Barber, all right. Why, he even bellevei bis owu lie." Indianapolis Journal. even If our families aren't going to be connected after al." Mrs. Roberts waa speaking to her next door neighbor, Miss Elizabeth Fprnwle. "They're as honest as the day; I know that," that Miss Sprawle, "and 1 only hope our Ned will find another girl as good as Sally." "There's not a mile of hard feeling betwixt Ned and Sally," answered Mrs, Roberts; "they're good friends still, only they se they made a mist.'tke getting engaged. They were too young to know their own minds, and Mrs, Potter and I both take blame that we didn't counsel them to wait. But that isn't what I was going to tel you. Tou recall that sprigged muslin dres pat tern that Ned guve Sally when the en gagement came out?" "Well,1 continued Mrs. Roberts, "It being so hot last summer. Sally had It made up and wore It, a you probably know, but not enough so but what 'twould have given excellent wear thla year If they'd been married. Well, aa soon as Bally and Ned decided to break off Mrs, Potter came over, and noth ing would do but I should tell her Juwt what the material cost! "I hated to, but she would have It, and at last I told her Ned paid for It; and today Sally brought over the money In an envelope, and there was, not only the 18, but thirty-six cents N Interest for the year! "I told Sally there weren't many folks that would have thought of paying six per cent Interest In such a case, but ahe waa real surprised, and said 'twaa only what waa right Now, what do you think of that?" "Ned neven find another such, I'm afraid!" said Mlsa Sprawle, and Mrs, Roberts agreed with her. The Youth's Companion. A Remarkable Sequel. A little fun at the Birmingham post office led to a remarkable sequeL Among the postal packets waa a parcel containing a pair of handcuffs, which were being sent from Derby to a man ufacturer In Birmingham to be fitted with a key. The paper covering of th package had, during transit, been bad ly torn, with the result that when the handcuffs reached the Birmingham aortlng officer they were exposed to view. They were an object of curiosity, and presently one of the clerks Jocu larly clasped one of the cuffa round the wrlat of hla left hand. To his dismay there was no key to unfasten It, and he therefore went to the central polio station, Here a key was found, but aa the officer waa turning It It broke off In the cuff. The situation, at first com ical, had now become really serious. The broken key would have to be drill ed out or the handcuff filed through be fore the clerk could be released from his unpleasant encumbrance. But it waa Sunday, and no place of twain waa open. The clerk therefore return ed to the postofflre and explained hla plight to the superintendent, by whom he waa ordered to go to Derby by th nrt train the next morning, espials the whole circumstances to the uwnef of th handcuff and apologise; and then return to Birmingham and pro ceed to the manufacturer and have tha Maws"1 off'"HouUl Watoa Dallp