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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1899)
- ' . .. ... '-'Il 't 1 1 VOL. XII. HARBISON", UEBBASKA, THuESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1899. Our otto-.-NQ QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED R!GHT."-IIn.VllIia,n J. Bryan. " ' " "nsro. 7. Harrison Jous 1 IvlLuO tr Harrison Press-Journal. KSTABIiSHED 18S8.J o Bulweription Price, fl.00 OFF1CIAC PAPER OF 8I0UX COUNT V. Cieo. ). Canon, 7"..lltor. Entered at the Harrison x,H oiBre as second class matter. Fl'.SIOX STATE TICKET. For Supreme Juc'ic", HON. KlI-AS A. HOLCQMl!. For KeCMitK. M;ite I'nivor.ity, V'.dhos in ;n. J. L. TKETEitS. For roiiKri'Hx, i:th JHs'.rlct, HON. V. II. NKV1LLE. For Jini ;3, 1M b HU'.rU-t. Win, H. Wi-htovwr. Jiwues J. Harnn toii. HEAD THIS WKEK'S PRESS-JQURHAL If Gi-nsrul IJateH, the acen-dited ativni ff MeKifiley, could treat with the kuitf of the Sulu inland-, w-yli could he not enter into a treaty with Aguinoldo, head r f 1 he Tag lot? judo M. I'- of O'Neil, was noniinutyd fot cougreits of this "Bin 8" district by the repuliiitan onvention, Id.l at Lexington, last week. The fall campaign i bcKinin to shap"? itself, 1-'-.e 'fuLi iiiom will he in fu'.! .r..;ii, u to tin Tnu-Herald, ("hica t.'0, charfiM have Ureii liifd a'auist la well H. Otis' the i oiumamidiii general in the Philippine war, for jwrjury in tlw Oltorlin M. Carter c ourt martial procceed ings, of which military court (ienl. Ohs wflRjudn odvocal". Ally. Hlair, who in eounwl fort'upt. I 'arter, also declares that at an early il.ill, he will prefer like harden nciiust I UA. Thomas I! IJarr ami jiresidelit McKinley. Miss Clar.i Hit-ton in un address to charitahly disfiosed peiiple of this coun try, estimates the orphan of C'uha, .caused by war anJ Nlarvatioa, to lie fil),00f. WhiW Mis Iiarton is pleadiiu,' for awsitniice for the orphans of Cuh-i, 1h U. S. novrrin.ent undtr the benevo lent and lieni-n irdlueiice of president McKinley and Hunna in the IMiiilipine islands, with CO.OiK) men, are turning out orphans faster than chanty and hen volnce can feed Ilium. President McKinley, in bin speech at Ocean Grove, N. J., Aug. irt, declares hu rhillipine policy to !m a plain, Ihit frotl Colonial (kjIicv. Here it is, read for yourself: "There has Wen some doubt in some tiarler respecting the policy of the government in tha 1'hilipinen. I sea no harm in statin"; it in this 'r;enc.f. Pa"e llrst, then with charity for all, etv ttbhih a f overnmontof law and order, protecting life and proerty and o-u-ptiH for the well-lteing of the people 'who will articipate in it undor the StAfi and Stripes." RJti"e to some of tha principal is flM ot the presidential campaign of lftOO, tha National Itural family Maga xioe, took a postal card voU of 15,000 farmers, not readers of that paper, bar ring them for the reason that they might be prejudiced as being Its readers. Followinit; re a few of tho most im porUiit quostlons which the National Kent I rif)iiested the tostal card vole: QtOTirt'JM 1. fihmild the Filipinos I free, or subject of the United States? Am.. Frei 17,01.-. HuMwU 4.4'M) Vniticuletl M' 3. Should Culm ho indeHjndent, or coiiejted lo Ue Uuited BLutos? Aus, lndedinderit 15,H2'2 Annexed 4,450 C.hoiM of natives by ballot. . ,1,07H Undocided 100 8. Do you favor the single K"ld stan lurl or the bimetallic ittandjrd fur basic money? jlu. (luM sUntUrd l.PIO Hunelallic, iV,2Hi Hailher Ppr W0 i - 7 W 4. If you favor the bimetallic stan dard do you favor the adoption of tlie present coinage ratio of 10 to 1, or the prevailing market ratio? Ann. 16 to 1 ; IS.G'22 Market ratio I,rl3 Undecided. ,. .1,167 4 Do you favor naual paper money I or would vou dhiL'aiti tl.e rich: to issue i pajter money to thx national Lain-,-? Ans. National napor money. . j'581 T J ' I National hank money. :fl j Both 10 I'nilucidt d r,;9 i 5 Ik) vou think all nalcuial money should he full t-ndr, or that the j creditor or moniiy lender should have the right to avoid its legal lender hy conuact, as is now the will, silver, silver (ertifii ales ami tra-itiry not Ans. Pull le-:al teiiih-r ,'JU,90'l Limited tender I SO No answer -jx-j ADDITIOXAL LOCALS. We understand 5!i; M!-rri Hunter, has lieen ene-a-'d to tea-h tlm waroon net school a very jmmI seiec'icr. Miss fieri rud liourett h.-lt lor ("had ron, on lat Mon lav cvi-nii':; to nttend school th'.-ro dunmr the comiiiL' winter. We h-arui d imlit'C-ctly Saturday, that our local mc-ntion in l:t weeks '!:: .lul'liNAf, iniplicatiiu; Nick Sfliai-fer with the trouhle l?i'tern Ins hrothers atul (J-ine Collins against Jo Kipp was wrong. Therefore we. lalie this way of saying, that our information was wrong through no fan it of ours and just as puhlicly. that we do not intend to mis represent facts if we know it. On last Monday af'.ertlio usual Hum mer vacation the merry hum ofchildi:di voices and the busy tread of little chil drens feet are again heard ond seen, wen ding their way daily towards iho school house. The same h a'-hers are employed in both departments. Mr. l.iu'eman, principal and Miss Marley, primarv teacher. And we feel the directors have atted most, prudent in selecling the teachers, now it remains for the parents to co-oierat,u Willi the teachers. Kheriir Holly, armed with a warrant for the arrest of Mike Jordan for an as suit upon the person of Mrs. liaumgard a week ago last Friday, went, out aft er Mike last vVednesdav. but. was un- ;i 1 I- to ll-nl hhii. Th su(-p"sit,;in is I ! i. liv Ihi-I irn ov.-r i-.t' I .tLiot i, j vth-M he niiuM 1 ;c: -i hi out i f lie" luc! ; of the la"' and its i,;!'e-;r-. if M.l;e ha-l J dune no'hing wrong he shoul I have! stayed and faced the ch.uue, vvliij-i ou tlifi other hand if ho did skip to evade the law, he tacitly adiniU, bv so doing that he was wrong. SCHOOL LAM), The Cutiimissioni r of Public Lands & Buildings, will offer aliont !i,,0i") acres of .school land for lease at Public auct ion at Harrison, at the county Treasur er's office, Is-gining at 1 :00 o'clock p, m. .Sept. 1H, l'i'J'J, untler the follow ing pro vision of the new land law: "If, aftor Using due diligence lo lease said laud, at an annual rental of six per cent, upon the appraised valuation, the Commi siotn.-r is un able to do so, he may oiler the saint) for lease at less than the a;-. raised valuation and lease it to the person or persons w ho pay six per cent on the lugost offered valuation, as an nual rental, if in Ins judgement it is lo tho best interest of the state to ac cept such hid." Persons desiring to examine tho latls to be leased may secure lists of the same showing the present itppraismctit there of, as well as nnv other information, upon application to the County Treas urer or by addressing the I 'omiuissiorn-r, at Lincoln. At the beginning of the auc tion, the Commissioner will gladly ans wer all inquiries in regard to the school land business or the workings of the new law. Similar auctions will be held in the following counties during September at the dates set opposite eat h. Sheridan, fit Ii ; Cherry, 7lh; Hooker, 2'Jnd: Box Butte, 20th; (irant, 21s,; Logan, tilth; Blaine, Zi; Thomas, lioth; I,oup, and Garfield lith; If lists of the lands to be offered in any ot these counties uro desired immed iately advise tho Iiud Commissioner by postal card. NOTICK FOlt PKLSFNTATIOV TO A.NI IlKAIUM, PKF.OHE JfUOL. Notice Is hereby K'Veii to all persons liav It.g rlnlins and diiiiiiiniU ttgalnst Patrick Murphy, late of Hlotix county, deeeased, that the time fixed lor flllhi claims ngaliit said estate In six months from the 1th of HcptemtH-r, 1K.KJ. All such persons ars reipilrcd to present their rlnlins with tho vouchers to the coun ty Judge of said county, at his otttcn therein on or ttefore the 4ln tiny of JIureli, IvW, and all claims so tiled will Is) heard before the Hid Judge oil tho 2nd day of October, lsiw, or nf terwarils, on tint ft rut day of each regti Inr term day of sulil court during tho time IlinlUsl for filing cIhIiiih, as iilTorsiilil. listed tills 4th day of Hcptomlier, IKiiU. . KOHKST WlbSOW, J A True Copy. County Judge. notice or ha i.k ok live stock unoku 1.1 F.N FOIJ K K.EP OF ha.M V.. Vnfice l hereby given. Unit hy virtue of s, ll'-ti aeijuireil by feeding uwl "kecpilug tin; same under ii contract with imp peter o Clurk. the owner Ihcri-of, on thrt '-t flay of A pril I-1!' "ed in Hi-eortlnuci with en Mtu (1 ivit describing ,,,. u,j nxlt: iiiiiniiiit of ZZhZ VfLZ, '; '' ! I,f Angiod i-.r, I the iiiiite.-sigucil ,1'ihil .1. r'"d-''r-! a! n, r.-t iiu-' tn White litii-r prei-im-i, sioii ouiitv. Neb- r;"1',1-, "n ,,! ,"'' I; - ' Clot-K jl Til . 1 4 ! (':.' I'll IT 1 'il y e t pub lie auction to l;- hl:'lii-1 l.i.ij-r for caali in uiMi'l the lollowiiig tit -a-t ilied i;vo htocs tn wit:- 1 whit rnar 12 yeiirn olij, braailf-d ,.lr-r. lnini il. (cull) on C'lii On J"lt;"itl Hllii i 1 luiy nmri' y :Ai riu'ht )KiuiJi'r. 1 ffri-y ijhc 7 yrnr of br;tm!rii fhnif uia mote! 'i'y tm b'ft iilto'Jiiler. 1 buy iiiiii 4 .vi-.T' oi l brroiUiil fhnlf dia nio'iij 'I' . on U-i t -lioui'li r.'. '.I-'Il.-'r, .'."."..i::;: "' l"!U l bay liui 9i' ' . n i'J LnuidfJ (liu.f tl I ;l Inoii'l V ) on b I L .vli'iiil'b-r. 1 l'i ey i'iiu" vi-. :m olil braiii-il (lmlf H:i-fit'm-l 'i ) on Ii ! i ,011 b!i-r. t,;:v slleklrlK eu:l.-i, i lie a'niiimt of lli'll f-i":lnerl tit. tli'- nf the pulillcaLluU Of III 14 nuluc H the Hiu;l ol f 7.J.7.I. John .1, K j;i;lts. sen. xii. r.Asu j.kamxi;. The fnlliiwintf ii -lii-ribi seliool limits In l.ii.i .V)iiiity wiil be oit'-reil for lease nt imbliir nm.-tloit at itt tin- enunly tn-:tf.irer' olHee, on (reil-. H lieKiaalni! at 1 P. .M-, a;el eontinm-iii; u;il.l nil ol aiil liinti-4 llii i- iii-en olfere.l. Tneie laielM may be, b-tMi-'I at mt iinnnv.l relllul nf ti per cent, of the pie-ent valuation by the Hr-a p..T-m oit.-nnt' to tnl: tlm same when Ihi-V ji l it eaiii '! tut- lea.s-t at tin; tine tlna, tiniest ;t jiri-miuin is olferi 1, in w liietl ( ce litas.t eieilriLel tvtli b": to tint person paying tint reiiw-wt, jitlI. ount of biiiiu the.etor. FuUin.f to I'.-rei-.e a bid of si 1 per l-i-Tit lliiii mnl t';-ied vitlneofiiny ut these hnlils, tiiey may be leased to tint person who will jiay i; p -r eetst upon the hiKlie-tt, viiliitit Ion, tt-t iirosMott In sci.-. I'of tile new semini land laws. !a order that, nil interested nniy have tm etpial oi,o! tun i ry lo secure h-it-e-, tiiiTte Unds are hereby wit Ldraw n lio-u te-matk-et until tha In trinlux of the public nu Hon utnreietn!, A porlitm of thttsi: lands ttr vm-ant by Hi'l-n- of or ters of iiie Hoar I of Ivl net 1 tonal Land and l-inel-t, duly tn.nb , icid liny be ic e-cine 1 if (li-Ilnij'lr, teles ntel t-'i-l.t lilt" J)ui Im Ioii: llifl bun! i. I. Inn 1 i... ' all t"'i all a W all to .-A a e.. nil ti'i t, e-&!,... all ab ad .1.- -J.- '' I e ; :,.) a'. nil. ..-"-..- retail.. :.,-. i a:l j C, A s-e.. !' . 1 I all ;: :T ! w 'ti If. I I all !' -;l ,',fi all iir,-'2ri .Vi i s w I- is . .1 . Hi .. v. '.i :.4 ... -'!' 1 . .It; ;n ;j; .. :-,i 1 .-1 -' ..lii 'Jl,'. !i . Ii. V.s- .n; it- all - w ,S, tt-w : It' 1 i ad' r.'.r.V- ! a'l all i i.i i .'-!'. i n ., 'V ...II, -J all ..... nil ii . S' j u f'.'i t ,n , ,' U ,iT: -(s e Itil bill ii s se . h.'i. nt-Aii'ti v. ,,-,.(1,11 ,.Vn tuv nw ft--' jitw .- 11 4 II i- ti- :-... si- ll.liV lW !1U. nil htit nS iii it w :le,'is, .;neA: i i- n w . w ,v , - .1-. ' I .'; : i ,:i'. :.i :i i.i ,vi ,.; :i.i . i A H V, ;-.',.'i ir, i'i.'.'i ,strA iv. - Itell- ,ti w A!1 sivA ii -t unAM 1 -A tw Ki-. n c A s x A u 1 ; se se s v . . . tie A n w u w A a n ' , - t.c seAw .'--a-A iW se tt 1 jln-Asi- lie !l''As,InW'As,, U ' -S'.VA a' mw ne in n tv h'-a s' ,-n all l.nt -in n-v h!. lie. I ii-int Ai-i iw lit An1 , ii Art: i .tr -l vt tv .la ,i.n'- i. vv .'. ii i: .f . tli il W ti vv Ase ;i is Aii'- ll;sif ie s' e'i.l, -ijii ,itr i-'iAe' aiw l:i- s ,-. As1 j.-lC'TLlAe ,V,V DC nv.A t' lev nil bul nt tiw.-.-. ii'iiieAii'inwArt.'.-sw --.!i' ;. ..... .: t :f. hi nflVifiO K!LLS.i TIl- midt'i'sifTMfd is a' cnt for tin? cclcliratcd David P)Uadlky, Wind Motor. Improved Wind Miil.s. the, host made. I am also prepared to furn ish on sliort notice lirst class Puiiip;, Pljifs, Wood & Slerl Towits, Tanks or nnylliine; in (,,, jU). of pump repairs, AT LO W'hs't i'KK i;. -!--!- "Writx! tno for cstimatca be fore conj rat-tints' elsewhere. You will save money hy it. Adpuesh-JOIIN" S. ASIITON. Aril more, li. Duk. THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER P!LL (jr"irwvi,' ns rs;;r rs- ,LrM v o n s 1 1 p a i . on. pop&in, Hoatl- acho and Llvor mm Complaint. SUbAR COATBO. 100 PILLS 26 CT3. Soli br all itriifirlsts V. MM IIIHI1, Ncrvlta MeMulCti., Cklop SOLD BY LB. J. E, Pi UN KEY. IN THE DISTRICT COP RT OF SlOfXCorS- T, nei:i:i:ska. NOTIC'S To S'tS-ULnirLhT W.FENOE.-.TS. Commercial Investment Company, a cor poration, ,J. S. Jjowrenre, uhoe trti.i chris tian namo is unknown, Ke'bmska Security Coiuptttiy. it cgrponitlon, UefendiuilK, will lake n-jilco Mini, on tin- 2nd day of August, A. Ii. K--!1, J'-' r!i Huffman, pi lint-ir, here: n, (lied bis pi Hiout eoan eial Iiive-tU-J. H Limret, iioii la the dlstriet court of , Nebraska, against Connner nt Cotnpaitj', a corporation, , whose, true christian name is unknown, .Nebraska Security Company, ti corporation, tin: object uiid prayer of which. it to forecl'ise a tax lien upon the East, hull' of tin; Nor1 is west, quarter, s,, uth west ijuar tr of tn ."'ortii-eimt ipmrter, North -west (Itinrter of ' tiur.rter, of section tweuty-eltjltt at;, Township thirty-three (:', North of Uuage nfty.ftmr (M), west of the fit h I'riiicii'ttl Meridian, in S'iotn cuunty, Nebraska, t tat the tuxes involved In said cause of acUoit are the taAM assessed and levied thereon for state, county and school district pttritosf s fur the ye-trs l!-":i, l-Dl, IH-.iS, for which .the same was sold to suit! plaiit tiir on the aist iluy of Msy, A. I). IsirT, for tint sum of S; 2. H. to have nu accounting of the lunontH due therefor, and for tins tuxes due thereni) lor the years sw, IMa", I KM, paid by said ill... irtt iff as subsenuent taxes, and tucked to Il's eertlflrate of sale. And said plaiutiiT prays to have said land sold (or Die n.iymeut mm saUsfuction of the ttiiiiiiiittfotiii'l ,iue upon the s.tiiie for said taies and Hitercst thereon together with t he cots of .-nil and e'e-t.s- of s;;lo and stttir ney fee, to b..r, fcireclose and exclude the defendants and e ch nf them from till title, leiu, or eijttity of rcdem jit ion )a uinl to said parcel of P. ml and lor (leueriil relii I'. You and each of you me fut tle-r tt ttifted and re 'pilreil lo answer wild petition on or before tliellth (lay of September A. I. IkKI. JL J. 0'l ovM-a.i.. Attorney lor plaintiff. NOTICE 1(1 NO.N-1: ESI I) v: ST HE l-'EN HANTS. McKlnby I.nniiln; and Tr.isf, Com pa nv, a corpui-ation, investment Cmnji.uty, n Clir.iKirr.tio;i, V-:,!- i,,!.;a security, ,t Ci .."-iralio i, in ; -nd cits, will laice hiilie t that oil - . . '.'ad i i a V 111' A 11 c n s 1 , K.-V. Sarah .."..i'ditit, ( r l,.-r ::i, Hied Iter P'-iition In Uit' distr. ' ni t ol sanis. coun ty, Sciil'iuAa, iljait,sl MttKinley Eaituinj; Loau and Trust Company, Coiiiineicial In vestment I'ouipany, XVhratka fts-uritv Company, irporat inns, il,:fei,ibint, the ob ject end y-.-uyerof wbiidi t-.ri; to .foreclose tlm tax Her. Iteieitntf let- described. In Its ctniae of action s'.atKd in said peti tion the peiinlitV seeks to f n-eciose a tux lien upon A) soniii tiiist rjttnie.r of sVetion tm.-uly (.0) x- 'rr. mp tlilrty (IB) nor til of raiiir-, li dve '..)) went, of the tii.ii prill, el pal inert ilaii In slourt County Nebraska, that the t.i .es involved in said cause of ac tion an- tht taxes that were levied lot state, county am wchool district purposes in Hie t's I st .!, fl'M, lii'.M, for Which I'M slit, ft- Willi s.-,!l to -al i itliiintiiT on the Mil (pty of June '.-'.7, for stun of tfti.W, to ha-.-e hii ae-cn.-i'iin; nf tiie ami, tint due therefor, mid Inr i lie !a '.csd'!" lin-reoii tor the years, 1s t; I--. Is , J .Hid livfahl plainliir us siijii,-(uent tines and l- ck-d to lu.r ccrl.ilb-ale of t.-u sale and said li.itiu' prays to have stid land -oi l Inr llie p lyaii-iil, and s ttislactioit til tile amount fi.i ail i!m upon the same for s-cl iHM't lilltl jliti'l'cst tllereott, t(,j;ct!icr v illi I in- ctislK i f sit ;! all l co t so! sale, lo bar tore- J i-ie-n- and e ' oi lili-ni 1 ' : . lieinpliiiti i ; general n L i further no! ; p --tit, on 0,1 i'nl i; taa de.'en.i.i.'its and each tn a.! liile, ii.'ii orei;itl!y of It;, ii id to Hie i;. il i land mid for f. And you arelerici: of you i,n; iicl and ivijaiivd 1-, an.,-., '.' sui,1, ,r I" -lore Llie lltli day ol Sept ! ember A. 1 1. J. O'O Aim iS.NKI.I,, ney for idalntiir. :r iiicri-riiiAST'-!. NoTH I', 1) S')?. IX T!ti: I:sTl:ltT 1 1 V, N !-. H 1' ol" SU;f ? ii..-i; v. CO UN I. V. Cns le, pinint ilT, Illdan Met la L. ! M-iilie, L. ii. 1! line, l.i-orge V . lo-f lef : -I lines o. s.ii'-ht, 1 ii-t i-1 d an f s. fo .Metia I.. M illie, Sain, 1,. ii. .Maine, mid Jllllie.i O. Safir in'.. I lnii mill riicli ni yn i tviil t 1 lie 1 li-i L ; tiie iib-iv.i tiauied i l!t.:(,.f 11"., l'ii '1 i'.ei iet. tif.ioit 111 tae iltstri,-! i-oui 1 i,i !.itt county , Nctiuiska the oiijft t and p.'ayel id '.vliieit I pel itlot l- I lie In, ciiivn-- ul 11 ii-lllin l;i lien ou lots tininh' rs -i and z i.f bio -K ntoii. lln-1'7 oltj.l vlill.geof llal'i ii, I, .V l,r 1 -I, t . I fur thndedii.jiieni Vw o'i si-d loin for 1 the years p-.i, Istm, l-.'d, I 1-.:I b'.'i, I '.'.'i j and pihl bv piaie.t itf mid ln-i- 11 .'ujunrs, and tiiat the mud lots tuny be mid to isal 1 ty I sild lux hsln. 'i hat you and e.,cli 1,1 you i mny l.e foreclosed itnd li irn-d nl a'l rlglK, i Interest, l.-n, 01 eipntv of redeinptloll jlnortosalil premlsei,. Von are i-ei;uii ed lo ; answer said petition 011 or before Hit; lltli i day of (September lrtti. J. Y. C.'.STI.K, plaiiiMlT. t.HAVT t;i;Tlllti", Attorney forplalnlill'. t'outftst Xotk'i1, LNI I F I) STA'I KH I, AM' CiFFICE, Ai.i.iam k, Neb., August, "Uth, .-'i. A snillcieut contest iilfldiivit having been died lit this oilleii by litjorge VV. Leake, con testant, against Fr -lik K. Hmltl), pntry No, ('ii,, mnde 2nd (September, Isst!, tor 8-W) S L 8-KVi N W'i N Y. H V',, A N Wij HBi Section l!, Township "11, .llange ft", by Frank K. Smith, Contested, In which It is alleged that: Frank It. Smith (ltd not break any part of wild hind, nor CHiise the same lo be broke, nor tint ho at any time plant any trees or seed, or cause same to bo plant.!, ami the said ooiitentunt is ready to prove at such time and plnco its may be named by the licgutcr and liecelver for a hearing in mild cane; itnd he therefore asks to be allowed to prove suld allegation, ha the said contestant paving the expense o the said hearing. Said parties tire her- by notified lo appear, re-pond uud offer evidence touching suld (lilt-gallon at hi o'clock a. lit, on I let. 2-1, isstfi, In-fore the Itegister mid liecelver at the liniti-d billies Land OllP-e in Alliance, No brsska, F, ,M. DOIllllNOON, lleglsler. AdKNT-s WANTF.Il-FOIl THK LUTC AND Achievements of Admiral Itewev," the World's naval hero. II v Mural 1 1 ul stead, the life long Irloitd and admirer of Hie nation's, Idol. Illggest itnd best liook ; over WW pages Si Id Inches; neurly I mi pnges hall tons llltist rnt.lims, Onlv H,Wl, FuorniutiH tletrintid. Hlg Commissions. Outfit free, chance nl a llfetlniti. VVrlteqnlek. The Honilttloti Cotu puny, id d Floor Csxlou l'.lkg., t lilcagti. o OoinoierGie INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (?.. CAITTALSTOCK PAID INT - - SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - DIBECTOBS. IL E. Brkwsteu, President. C. F. Coffke, Vice President. Cuas. C. Jaukson. A. McGixlky, I). II. Gelswold, Cashier. l iPOPf rQCn'JnrfJTC- WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New Yoiik. '.VUUnHuui UilUCS? I w. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. -INTEREST PAID ON Final Proof Notices. All persons having 11 ri it 1 proof notices In this paper will receive u marked copy of tint paper and are requeitcd lo examine their luiilce and if nny error exist report tlm .same to tliis ollice atoin.e. NOTICE KOll I'l.'ill.lC'AlTON.'.TMEM or -run Lstkhior. Lam! Oilice at Alliance, Sep., Aug. K, 1800. Yotice is hereby given tiiat the following named settler has filed not ice of his iniou. lion to make final proof ia support of his claim, uud Unit said proof will he made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September p;. lsti'l, viz : JOSEPH W. EAKNEsT, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made II. K. No. t-UI. for the Sli. .S-W'4, S t!, S-W, and S-EJf, N-W' of s-'c. T.',, T'P- N. UniiKf ,'jti west, lie iiamea the following; witues.scs to prove his eotitiuous re.sidenco upou and cultiva lion of stud hind, viz: sammd p. Coffee, John K- Marsteller, Dwight II. tlrlswold and Lewis Gerlach, all of iiurrison, Nebraska. F. Jl. Ixikbisgtos, Register. 1OTICii FOB PC BLJ CATION. tWARTM NT OF TUB lNTHltlOR. Laud o.liico at Aliliam-e, -n., Aug. S, 1RW. Kotlctj is tier. by given that the tullotv-ing nii'iu-d sfttb-r has tiled notice ol his inten tion to make limd proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will la; mnde be fore Clerk of Idlr;ct Court al Harrison, Nebraska, on September If), IW'J, viz: ii lifilili1-; F. PHILLIPS, of Harrison, Nebraska, who made II. E. No. ., lor the S s-K-4, ft-E'i S-W-4 and Lot-1, Sec. ;ii, Twp. it-', N. Range ' wcs. He names the fullowl-.ig witnesses to prove hii, coiittitunin rehidence upon and cvllivu tion of said bind, v iz : Peter Miller, Waller Pitt, Henry Rose and N'elh hi.giebrccht, ali of Harrison, Nebrsskit. F. JL Houai.voToN, Itegister, NOl ic:; Foil l'l'IU.Ii.'ATIDN. Dr.PAHTMHST of Tun Intckior. Land Oillf at Ailianee, Neb., Aug. 22, lsitll. Notice is hereby given Hie following mimed settler has lllc.l notice of his inten tion to 1101k ; final pi-no'' in support ol Ids claim, and that suld Until proof will he made h.'.fore clerk ot Idstrict Court tit Harrison, Nebraska, on .Septi-miier :i 1, ls'.ci.viz : JOHN WKIitli, of S'orv, Nebra-k.i, who made II. F,. 0. iiO.M , for the d-K'i of see. 21, T 'H.N.5G V, He na.Tic-i the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of sai l luud,v i.t August King siitl Fr.-.leriek Sumner of Story, Neb., and Jacob Henry, sr., and Ja cob Henry Jr., of Montrose, Nebraska. F. JL IxiKUiNi.ToN. Ilegister. XOTICK FOIl PCIlI.rATION. I)K''AKTMKNT of TUB INTEKIOK. Land Ollice at Atllance.'N'eb., Aug 22, ISM. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support of hi claim, mid that said proof w ill be mtido bo fore Clerk of District Court "at Harrison, Nebraoka, on September :, lsw, viz: JOHN W. T1DI), of Ad-lia, Nebraska, who made JL E. NO. tWl for th4 S I.1,, or See. 13, T. 33 I. K. M W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultiva tion of said hind, viz: Robert Harrison, John Moscley, Henry C. Hunter and Kdward J. Pelrati, all oi Ado lis, Nebraska. F. M. Dohkinoton, Itegister. (s!icrlirn Halo. Nfttien is hereby given that by virtue of an ortler of sale issued by tlm Clerk of the District Court of tho county of f-lotix, and slate of Nebraska, upon a decllio rendered by said Court hi favor of American Mortgage Trust Limited, is Pliilntifr, and Andrew J. Ilodgo, Desire II. Hislge, wln of Andrew J. llislge, Defendants; I will on tho Pith day of September, A. D, iwii, nt the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., of mm It tlsy, at tho Kast trout door of the Court llotiso, in Harrison, in said county, (Iffcr and sell the following described real csltttn, to wit: TlieH WH8.F.H See. 1.1, and NJV ES and VT'i M'Ki,; sec. a:, in Twp. 80, Hangs HI, In Sioux county, Nebraska, at public, aurtlon, In the highest bidder for ossh, 1o satisfy aid order of sale In tho sum of tins, with Interest at tun per emit, and costs and uc, u ruing costs. THOMAS' HOLLY, Sheriff, Sioux County, Nebraska, $10,000.0050 8,000.00 or-- TIME DEPOSITS.- STOCIC ISKANDS. Tub JorTiNAt, will publish your brand, like the following, for Sl-M, per year. Koch ad ditional brand 75 cents, hvery rarmer or ratichinen in Kiouy and adjoining counties sitotild advertise their brands In Tub Jour nal us it cireulstes all over the state. It may bo the means of saving money for you. CHARLES H1EITLE. On let t side or hip of cattle, ) jsiJ3 tin left shoulder of liiires. j I"1.iUange on the head 01 Warbonnet fVv 'Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob. CH AHLKS UMPHKNOUit The brnnd repraented in this notio and branded any where on left side of horses and prw-vs fp?5'T?sJ5 Also the L L brand any where on left side of cattle belongs to tho I l-s!tjuiulersi":ned. CllAKLKS LMPIIENOUR. Harrison, Nebraska. CHAULEM NEWMAN. P'k: $ Tl brand represented in this notice IX?'' aa1 hranded any where 011 left side J&fJiy ' 0llttlB -d over-lap eut from the fa t. rirht ear. C the same brand on left thigh of fcA-e'La horses, belongs to the undersigned. Ilunge near East Springs, south part, lo Sioux-con iily.- Nf,wman, Harrison. Nebraska. W f-A IPT.-V M'iICVj 11 "'"- Shoulder of cattle and f. ''i-'s.-'" 1 lor.-es. li)trt?ir lianee on Little Cottonwood. Crawford Nebr. FRANK Nl'TTO. On left side of cattle 'and on left shou Ider ot horses. Range on Antelope creek (ihilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. P. o. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the fnllow iiigbraiid oticlih cr: Also HG on ral- i tie Htnl bore's I Clll.tieoll ieft'dde hnrsi-s on left blunt Idc r. -iga on Silver Strings uud east of sUtl.1 1'ostollicc Ii at rison Nob inc f?100 It Fnr proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattle branded si-i.V.'-S JK& same as cut. A' s, . . .: t - Horses branded sane on light shoulder X or(J on left thigh Sheep, paint brand same as cattle and fire brand c on right side of nose. Address, David Coi.vili.e, Glen Nebr., Democratic Oonnly Convention. A county convention of tho Democratic party of Sioux county, Nebraska, is hereby called to meet at Harrison, In said county, Saturday, Sept. an, lstm, at tho Court House, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of pliu-'ng In nomination candidates for the following olllces: One County Clerk, One County Treasurer, One County Sheriff, Olio County Judge, One County Superintendent of Schools, Ono County Surveyor, One County Coroner. Also, to transact such other business att may properly come before the convention. The several precincts In said county will be entitled to representation In the convention based 011 tho vote cast for Hon. C. J. Stnyiihi) at the general election of lsvs, being one dclegato for each 10 votes or minor fraction thereof, which makes the appor tionment as follows: Andrews lloweu Montrose Sugar I .oaf Wiirbotiiict Whistle Creek Antelope Hal Creek lltiiinltig Water SnHktt Creek Whit Ktvor Cottonwood U Is recommended thai no proxies be al lowed. It Is reeonipntled that the different Pre cinct primaries In the county b held on Tuesday Sept. IHW. M. J. Ulkwutt, Becretary. M. J. car ham -, tiia'riatii. i-as C?i r w" j -i-se, ' '.iV.'?!il7, T'P''- if. i r,a. f 1 i i t ? '5 il I " ,l5 . 1 ' ? ,.a'-''V"'V v;7'q- T"1 "'