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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1899)
s DAMISON PRESS-JOURNAL OKO. D. CANON, editor. HARRISON. - - NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEWS. csjwaro PMpp. farmer livln Just waagt of Fairmont, had a flnc carriage stolen from him stable. At an adjourned meeting- of the coun ty commissioners at But-well a contract wpp let for the erection of a ateel bridge across the Loup river about a mile weat of town. When completed thla will be the first ateel bridge In the coanty. The "Forty Guards" of Geneva will cob be In uniform at Geneva. The auKa will consist of white aaUora, with red bands, white waists, blue ktrta to ahoe topa and Mack shoes. They are a credit to Geneva and vicinity and also to their captain. About 1 o'clock Thursday morning a farm hand by the name of Thomson waa sitting on the platform of the depot at Johnson waiting for the freight He went to sleep and had one foot over the rail. When the freight came In he was short one foot He Is lying at the hotel In Johnson and Is being cared for at the expense of the county. Mr. Shade, a farmer living just north of Auburn met with a painful accident He was leading a cow, and a hook at tached to the end of the rope penetrat ed the wrist, plowed through the palm of his hand and down the large finger to the first Joint where the (Inzer waa broken and left hanging by shreds of kin. The wound waa exceedingly pain ful and lockjaw was narrowly escaped) While the steam thresher owned by Kennel ft Hose was threshing west of Howe station, Nemaha county, the boiler exploded and the engineer waa caided about the feet and legs. Fire was burled into the straw pile and the separator and one wagon was destroyed white two teams took fright and ran way. They were threshing from the hock, hence but little grain was de stroyed. The engineer, John Riddle, is a deaf mute, though he was considered a careful and experienced engineer. Vend Vrba, a prominent Bohemian farmer living three miles southwest of Dodge, was accidentally killed early Thursday morning. He had gone to his harvest field, a mile distant, on horseback, and waa either thrown off or his feet became entangled In the harness while dismounting, causing the horse to run and drag bin the entire distance home. It was necessary to cut the harness and clothing before be could be extricated. Life was extinct when removed to the residence. He was a member of the Catholic Work- . and Catholic Knights. The application for a permit to con struct a dam and reservoir under the Irrigation laws of Nebraska has been filed in the county clerk's office at Wa hoo. The power behind the scheme is the Fremont Canal and Power com pany of Dodge county, with J. F. Han son, secretary. The water will be ob tained from the Platte river and the reservoir will be located on sections 5, tt, 32, 33, 34. township 17, and section t. In township 16, all In range S, east of Sixth prime meridian. It will contain an area, of 700 acres, with a maximum of 130 feet and an average depth of 40 feet The reservoir will be located on and near the farm of W. J. Harmon n Pohocoo precinct, and will be a stu pendous piece of work when complete. The stipulated capacity is 627.2G4.PO0 cubic feet, and length of dam wtu be 2.406 feet The work of construoUoD is to be begun on or before January 2&, 100, and to be completed on or before July 26, 103. All legal steps have been taken to secure all lights of the Im provement and what it means time will develop. The corner stone of the new ISO, P00 court house at Wayne was laid at noon Thursday under the auspices of the Masonic lodge. Delegations were pres ent from a number of the nelgh'jor ing towns. The ceremonies, under the supervision of Grand Master W. W. Keysor of Omaha, were very Importing. The Wayne Corn Palace band furnished the music At the conclusion of the ex ercises the visiting Masons were ban queted by the local lodge at the Boyd hotel. The grand lodge officers and deputies present were: William Keysor, grand master; Robert E. Evans, grand senior warden; Morris H. Evans, grand junior warden; John A. Ehrhardt, dep uty grand master; C. E. Hunter, grand treasurer; Alvln T. Witter, grand sec retary; E. Hunter, grand orator; John F. Poacher, grand chaplain; Arthur P. Cailds, grand marshal; Z. M. Balrd, grand senior deacon; A. B. Cherry, grand Junior deacon; Anson A. Welsh, grand tyler. A copgrass of tramps who hare been fcnatlssj high carnival in the outskirts ef Oasaba for the last few weeks, was sOeetveily broken up Thursday nlOt whea the pettee discovered and raided temporary rendervous, placing four teen; of the vagrants under arrest Peo- WW nvtag la vicinity or ivrugs nrew 'jtf Pan the railroad yards near Sec MMl aad William streets have made re- f Bated complaints at the police station Mat a email army of tramps frequency pltoh eamp in the neighborhood and an poy all the residents within a radius of J a, spB. It is s veritable hobos Ho- mm they complain, where mtmkn e- UsmiiH themselves to feasting, was. 'j sd tumult. Every night a differ ' cat asmplng ground is chosen, prefer-e-eag- lis last shown for localities along railroad yards. About dusk a root 1 v Asewwbty of vagrants gathers from i J of the city. A dosen of the ir aw cripples and they are dele J to beg provisions aad diing for t'fWMoa thai laflrmlties secure a TfiMBiitsM from charity. Beds aw wait In the box ears aad i flap aw hladled along the tracks j ti mom. reSBiMis a soldiers' .-so, ruea w wbbsu over tee I aaapof I aad tfca It pa tip i of roatataf ssgar pase- i -fagnaw mi oat i goat day tt polios i'u fcaaawi twa onpjptanta Oa - tj'vr!Z 0m a-ai at , i f. A t" ttmm IsaaV ' Vis t jr at am (-v ' I HE BOYS AT SAII FRAN CALIFORNIA PEOPLE LIKE THE NEBRASKA SOLDIERS. The Good Impression They Mao While in Camp There a Year Ago Is Remembered. San Francisco, Cal. (Special.) Con greesman Stark and Adjutant Genera Barry left for home Thursday, after having spent nearly a fortnight here, arranging for the comfort of the First Nebraska. Wednesday they visited the men in the hospitals and Adujtant Gen eral Barry collected such data as will be of use In his office to prepare rec- jrds to at once return to the officers here in completing the muster out rolla They called at the general passenger office of the Southern Pacific to see If better railroad rates could not be mad by the men going home in chartered trains, but were told that It would cost 137.50 from here to the Missouri river, whether one man or a trainload, and lhat tourist sleeping car fares would be 10 a section. So they will try to get better terms from the other end of the line. Thursday the First Nebraska won fresh laurels as the guard of honor for the Tenth Pennsylvania from the ransport Senator to the Presidio, and at night the boys were very sore from their ten-mile march over the cobble stones. They are as yet unused to pavements after leaving the field and the truth must be admitted that the boys arwe none to strong with but their brief rest after leaving the firing line. Although comparison may be unjust. ilnce all of the returning regiments are to deserving ot praise. It must be said that the First Nebraska is the most popular of the three regiments in San Francisco, and attracted more applause jn its second appearance as escort than did the Tenth Pennsylvania. There is noticeable comment among the visitors to the camp who retain pleasant memories of Nebraska boys as regiment of gentlemen when here fifteen months ago, and It is thought they are the same warm-hearted, manly fellows as then. ARE ALL GENTLEMEN. Their fifteen months from home in soldier camps and in the carnage of battle has not given them the air of bravado and reckless moral conduct so often assumed by soldiers, but has rip ened them into men of greater stamina and courage. That's what conservative tailers at the camp notice the first thing and quickly so by contrast The old flag, torn by bullets and the elements until the stars alone are left to wave a faded field of blue but little larger than a handkerchief, were car ried with the regiment The boys are proud of their flags, and the brave ser geants who received them at Lincoln jne year ago last May 7 and have car ried them In every march and every battle since, save one exception. The sergeant are Frank H. Thomas of com pany K of Columbus, who bore the standard, and Otto Todd of company A of York, who carried the colors. The exception referred to waa when Sergeant Thomas broke down under the hardships of the Filipino campaign in April. In a very few days he rushed back to the regiment arriving as the tight at Quingua was on. He received the standard from H. E. CJapp of Lin coln and Clapp was Just returning to his company when a bullet struck his left arm, breaking the bone. He has ust come back on the Relief, still s cripple. With the return of the Tenth Penn sylvania is a pretty coincidence. One rear ago the First Nebraska, wearily returned to Camp Dewey, near Manila, with the dead and wounded of Its first battle, that of the night before. The Nebraska boys found that the neigh borly Pennsylvanians had policed their :amp and made warm welcome for the :ired fighters. Today, t,000 miles nearer home. In a peaceful camp, the Nebras kans welcomed the Pennsylvanians and gave them a good, hot dinner upon their arrival from Manila. - Four men were sent to the hospital today with stomach troubles and nine -a me back to the regiment from the hospital- Most of them had been here tor several weeks waiting for the regl-i raent to return. Those reporting back are: -. Sergeant Hugh Kenoyerr company M; Arthur Scbultx, company M; Ray Wll termuth, company M; Hans C. Peter son, company H; Fred Kuhn, company C; Charles H. Young, company H; Jno. Bronson. company D; George Platford. company B, and H. A. Bennett com pany L Two men of company a nave Deen discharged since coming here: Quarter master (Sergeant John B. Miller receiv ed his discharge yesterday, that he misjbt go to the bedside of a sick father at York, and James O. Connor today, that he might go to his sick father in Indiana. Lieutenant Marrlan of Ural nerd, as sistant surgeon of the Second Nebras ka last summer and since. Is calling on friends In the First He has an ap pointment as contract surgeon In the regular service and la here en route to Manila. Company L will enjoy a banquet at the Colonial Saturday evening, and one week from today (Thursday) will go out on the revenue cutter Golden GaU for an all-day's trip about the harbor. In cluding luncheon. HOW THEY WERE WORKED. The boys have not ceased to feel bit ter over the way they were treated on the Hancock In the way of food. Had It not been for the liberal use of com pany and private funds they would have starved, they assert Every com pany spent money, all the way from tip) to MOO. the average being about t6, thus making a total ot about 3,(00 to supplement the food supplies. The cooks, they charge, cut out the best steaks, the best Hour and the beet vegetables, using only the poor stuff for a vile mixture of "siumgul Hon," which could not be eaten. Then the good stuff was cooked separately and sold to the boy at a quarter a meal by a sneaking process, maeh like running a saloon in Omaha on Sunday. The hoys made a kick aad then no meats could he bought save at night "Many a day I had to bay two meals to satisfy ray hunger," paid one map today. "1 believe uncle Bam furnishes mom food for his soldiers, bat 1 kaow that oa the Hancock it tare H ant to ssV The aaf r that we eaaM aatast ry r t pfl pp the am ftfOs UP sop WmWe" THE COCOANUT INDUSTRY A great proportion of the coeasanta received In thla country are brought here in sailing weails. The auta are Imported calefty from the Ban Bias coast, Trinidad and points along the Orinoco liver, and are consigned to va rious commission merchants through- out the country. A number of ers engaged in the cocoaaut trade ply at intervals Between mis country sad southern ports. The majority ot these vessels discharge their cargoes at Mew York, and from two to four of them Pee t be found at all seasons of the year. An Interesting half hour may be spent on the piers some morning whea ine won of unloading the nuts la un Jer full headway. The auta are drawn from the hold In bushel basks ts sad ire dumped on the pier. Before being placed Into the carta which are waitlac to carry them the nuts are tested. rbls is done by knocking two nuts to gether. If from the force of the con ;ussion milk escapee from the eyes ot i nut the nut is adjudged bad and la thrown away. Every nut Is thus tested "efore It leaves the pier. The nuts must also meet a certain standard of ise and weight The best nuts, it is iaJd, are always the heaviest Some times when a vessel has been delayed 3y adverse winds and the nuts as result have lain In the bold a long time, enough of tbem are spoiled to cut nto the captain s profits seriously. One of the largest of the cocoanut choooera Is the Leila Smith. Captain rralnor, which left New York recently for the 8an Bias coast having dla- harged a cargo of over 260.000 nuts. "The Smith makes three round trips a fear, and besides her regular cargo of nuts, brtngsmacy barrels of Centra American turtle shells, which com mand good prices. Captain Tralnor, when seen recently gave an interesting account of the wbj In which the nuts are gathered and ex ported to this country. 'The best nuts." he said, "are those gathered on the San Bias coast and bring all the way from $20 to M0 a thousand. The nuts are of medium lze and are sold principally to deal ers In desslcated cocoanut When picked the nuts are encased in i thick husk. No unhukei nuts are ex- porte dto this country. In England, tiowever, the demand for nuts in the busk Is large. British merchants have long realised the commercial value of the oocoanut's husk, and it Is put to a variety of usee, principally, however, in the malting of pulp. "The San Bias coast," continued the ain. "ts full of islands and keys which are as wild and as uncivilized as any locality In the world. We work along, collecting cocoanuts at most of the important islands, until we get to the gulf of Dajlen. By that time we have a full cargo and are ready for home. "The San Bias onooanut trade Is en tirely carried on by Indians. Th palm trees grow wild and the native make no attempt at cultivating the trrowth of the nuta. The trees yield in January, February, March and April, Put nuts are gathered at all seasons of the year. The natives are a copper solored race and are not warlike They will not. however, tolerate the pres ence of a white man in their villages White men prospecting for gold occa ilonally pass through the country, and b long as they mind their own busi ness they are not molested. But II they show any disposition to settlf town they are politely requested t move on. "Ttm natives are not pharp at a bar rain, nor do they attempt to drive ona TTvey sell two nuts for S cents, and this standard applies to any number ot outs from two to 2,000. They could not be Induced to either raise or reduct this price, "The Indians have their tribal chiefs and exhibit many of the characterisUi I which mark our more savage NorU American redskins. They love beadt and other finery, and we always find i profitable to carry a load of looking gUuaes,' brass rings and ribbons whlct we give to the natives In return ,foi what they deem their equivalent it outs. They will give more nuts foi a plush bound looking-glass than yov could purchase for K. "The natives are eager for education and especially desire that mlssionarlei be sent to tbem. It certainly would be an excellent field for some mission , ' - iY I learn readily, and are sincere, simple i and honest "Although part aad parcel of the Co lombian governroentthey pay no taxes (hat I am aware of ind have no voice n the government All they want 1 to be let alone and the government ac commodates them." Coaxing Bees. One warm June day a swarm of bees emerged from one of my hives at II o'clock a m., writes George D. Stanton to "Our Animal Friends," and alighted m one of my neighbor's pear trees only i few feet distant from my garden, where, by the way, there were plenty jf trees' which I thought should have ulted their purpose, but they decided differently. However, I placed a table, and hive under the bunch, and Jolted them down upon the table; they at once entered the hive, and again alighted on the tree, and again they Were dropped upon the table, and thtty repeated until the fourth time, when, Instead of realigning on the same tree, they repaired to a tall apple tree in an-, other neighbor's yard, where I let them remain unmolested until nightfall. , I then went to their first place of ren desvoua for the table and hive. I there found moving rapidly about on the cloth overspreading the table a queen bee. apparently In a great state of ex citement I took the queen in my hand and she became very docile. I placed her In a tumbler, where she was secured a prisoner, until an assistant, a ladder and a saw were procured. The llmt holding the bees was carefully sawed off and brought to the ground, and th bees shaken off on the sheet at the mouth of the hive. I took the queen In my thumb and Angers, moved her all around among the bees for several sec. onds, and then placed her at the mouth of the hive; she Immediately walked In and the army of bees followed her with as much regularity as our troops fol lowed General Hhafter Into Santiago, and thry stayed there the hive being played In my garden beside the on from which they had swarmed, where they remained without further trouble Whether they recognised their queen by sense of smell, faculty of communi cation or Instinct, Is a question I leave for others who have a more thorough Insight Into the habits of bees than I have after aa observation of fifty years Two rata, carrying local freight, art now In nee oa the Consolidated Trac tion Unas of PKUfcarg Although the freight PtaHoap have been established for tht priatPt It la Intended U altl- pai-ty bouse aanveriea more care aa the pss-stat a It p aald the Up Trae- V 'jm WHI shortly bagtn a U2 aer WONDERFUL DOGS. The most celebrated breed of shep herd dogs ever known In the west, said Jud Bristol, the old-time sheep maa of Fort Collins, Colo., "were those bred from a pair of New Zealand dogs brought to Colorado In 187&. I had several of their pups on my ranges. and could fill a volume with Instances of their rare Intelligence and falthfui- "I remember one pup In particular. He was only six months old when he was sent out one day to work on the range. At night, when the herd brought up to the corrals, we saw at oaoe that a part of the herd was miss lng. There were l.SSO head In the bunch whea they went out In the morn. lng, but when we put them through th chute we found that two hundred were missing. Weil, all hands turned out for the search. We hunted all the night and all of the next day, and did not find the lost sheep until along toward night. But there they were all bearded In a little draw about Ave miles from borne, and there was the faithful dot standing guard. . The wolves were verj plentiful In those days, and the dog had actually hidden the sheep from th( animals in the draw. The poor fellow was nearly famished, as he had been for thirty-six hours without food oi water. From that day he became hero, but was so badly affected by nun ger, exposure and thirst and subse quent overfeeding and petting that h died not long afterward. "This same pup's mother we an es pecially fine animal One night th herder brought in his docks and hur ried to his cabin to cook himself some supper, for he was more than usually hungry. But he missed the dog, which usually followed him to the cabin of an evening to have her supper. The herd, er thought It rather strange, but made no search for the dog that night But when he went down to the corrals the next morning he found the gate open and the faithful dog standing guard over the flocks. The herder In this haste the night before had forgotten to close the gate, and the dog. more faithful than her master, had remain ed at her post all night though suffer ing from hunger and thirst "On another occasion this same dog was left to watch a flock of sheep near the herder's cabin while the herder got his supper. After he had eaten his sup per he went out to where the sheep were and told the dog to put the sheep In the corral. This she refused to do, and, although she had no supper, she started off over the prairie as fast as she could go. The herder put the sheep In the corral and went to bed. About midnight he was awakened by the loud barking of a dog down by the corrals He got up, dressed himself and went down to the corrals, and there found the dog with a band of about fifty eheep, which had strayed off during the previous dsy without the herder's knowledge; but the poor dog knew it and also knew that they ought to be corralled, and she did It Another good story of this same dog: One day she was sent out with new herder to an outlying ranch, some fifteen miles distant That night she came home and by her actions told US that there was something wrong at the ranch. Well, we mounted our bron chos and went over to the ranch, and very soon found out what the matter The new herder was simply a tramp, who, as soon aa he had got a good feed, had lit out and left the ! Sheep uncared for, save by his more faithful companion, the dog. One tune we had a tenderfoot come to work for us, and the boys had filled him so full of hair-raising stories that he never went out on the range with out expecting to be either eaten by bears or scalped by Indiana One day he come running to the house, all out of breath, declaring that be had seen a bear. We laughed at him and sent him back"to- the ranpes- "A few days afterward he came In again, more scared than ever, and said It was a bear that time, sure. Well, we took our guns and a foxhound and went out and, sure enough, over on a hill we saw a large black animal II wasn't a bear, but we could not make out exactly what It was. We sent th hound and the shepherd dog that was tending the herd out on Its trail, whll we followed on foot The dogs chased the animal over the hill out of sight Soon the shepherd dog came trotting leisurely back and took her place with the herd again. Over In a gulch we found the hound standing over a dead animal, which, upon examination, wt . . ' ... . h found to be a big black Mexican sheep Now, that shepherd dog, as soon as sh found It was nothing but a sheep, had given up the chase and returned to th flock. She knew It was not game, and of no account, while the hound had fol lowed the trail and killed the sheep." Told By the Hand. ' A large hand Is always better than a mall one, says the Ladles' Home Jour nal. It Indicates a person of some un usual powers. The possessor will be s good worker, principally at to details; he will be careful not to make prom ises, but will keep the few he makes tc the letter, even at a loss to himself; h will be easily offended, very quick tc Imagine slights and not ready to forglvt either real or Imagined offenses. The pr assrir of a small hand will attempt almost anything, rarely, how. ever, finishing anything he undertakes Is easily satisfied, both with himself and with the world In general; Is fond of gayety and excitement; makes and loses friends with the same easiness Is Impressionable and Inflammable to a high degree; la religious, but not deeply so; will make promisee and break then: without compunction, and will be un able to bind himself to details. It Is the thumb that betrays thf weakneas or strength ot the who! character. With a weak thumb a band that otherwise shows great nosslbll!. ties will be nerveless, unsuccessful anl remain undeveloped. With a large ptrong thumb, whatever faults or vir tues the subject may have, he will never be petty; be may be either good or bad be Will never be ordinary. A larg thumb Indicates one who Is Independent In both thought and action, who It ready to take the consequences of hli own wrong doing, who Is awsyed onl by reason and la only disgusted and hardened by a display of emotion. The combination of a large thumt pad a broad palm shows courage to th point of rashness; with a long, cleat headline, absolute lack of tear, and gnat calmness and decision In the mo spent of daagor. A small thumb always Indicates s sentimental, Impressionable nature, In capable of forming any very high aim or of executing work of any value. Th opinions of subjects are formed foi him, never by him. although he wll believe himself to have thought then all out, and will quote them aa his own A thumb easily bent back shows ex travagance of thought, adaptability pad a tendency to "fad." The Srat, oi nailed, phalanx of the thumb repre sents will power; the second logjo. II the first la Ism and the second short tap subject wirl bt seU-wUled and vlo lent, having no restraint whatever over his aapaliiaa If the second Is long ane the flrat short, be will be logical" cal cplatlng aad wttl rsas everr actloa bt ssstasa; pat tha apart and daUrs ftp pawas ssajr bt (awtarWV ascrsaesd. MR. MURPHY'S TROUBLES. John Murphy, a longshoreman, was the only Irishman living In the six story tenement at 28 Henry street. Sew York. All the other tenants were He orews, out Murpny might have got along peaceably with his fellow ten ants had It not been for his love of port and intense aversion to onions. Ik Lipschitx, a shoestring peddler, lives on the floor beneath Murphy, and loves onions as dearly as Murphy loves pork. It waa thla difference In tastes that caused the trouble. , Several of the He brew tenants, headed by Lipschitx, called on Murpoy several nights ago. "Ve are a commlddee," said Lipschitx, "vat gomes to deu you, Mr. Murphy aat ae horrible porg smell py youi rooms vas too much. If you don't stob Id ve vtll pud you owd of der pulldlng "Ho, hoi yer will, will y? said Murpny, rubbing his hands at the pros pect of a tight "Thin star-rt In now. it would cause me Intinse pain to do It, but Ul ll tell yes wan thing, and that ain't two, before a Jew, or tin thou and Jews cud put out of this building Ol'll lick ivery van of yes In th' house. And Oi want to auy to yes, ike Lipschitx, if yes cook any more of them lnions Oiil star-rt in at wanee. Now, Ol'll give yex wan mlnoot to git away from me doo-r. The committee hastily got out of dau ger, and word went around the neigh borhood that trouble was likely to hap pen in the house at no distant date, it happened a few days afterward, when Lipechltz arrived home after sell ing all his shoeetiings and began to fry some onions. The odor soon found Its way to Murphy's rooms, and soon Lip schitx turned pale as he heard a well knwn voice suy: "Lave me at him! Ol'll stand it no more." Ltpschlts hastily bartioaded his door. It was proof against the kicks admin. lstered to it a immient later by Murphy, and the Irlnhtiuu) pajused on to the other flats, shouting: "Come out! Coma out!" Bewhlskered men, scantily clothed. swarmed into the hallways, armed with sticks, but none of them went within striking distance of Murphy, and when ne rushed at ihem they hastily retreated Into their rooms. Windows were thrown up and a chorus of shrill female voices shouted: "Bolioe! Murda-! Vatcn!'' Murphy was master of th- situation when Polk-enmn Henry of the Madison street station appeared on the scene. Uegorra! h cried when be saw th policeman. "If Oi can't find a Jew tc whip Oi'H whip a cop." He rushed for the policeman, and botfc rolled down the stairs, but Henry vei his club and Murphy soon subsided. I have heard It said that one Irish- man tan lick four Jews," remarked the magistrate when the man was arraigned before him In the Ksxex Market court "But I'll fine you 16 )uet the same," Murphy's wife paid the fine. "Oi'H move away from the aste side if th rolghts of the Olrish oan't be respicted," her husband threatened as he left the court Buffalo Hunting In Early Daya. If we may believe the old accounts of buffalo hunting in the period before the advent of the horse, it waa not only arduous, but hazardous. We have picture of it in Pere Marquette's Journal of his expedition to discover the Mississippi river. Like all the Jes uit missionaries who explored the con tinent In advance of other white men, Marquette gives familiar Insight Into savage life and ways, and takes pains to record not only his observations of the people, bw " the ah and game as well. On hie way down the Missis sippi river he saw vast herds of pisl klous or wild cattle "more corpulent" than the cattle of France, having great humps and manes which falling over their faces gave them a hideous ap pearance and obscured their vision. They were scattered over the prairie like herds of cattle. Marquette count ed one band of 100. 'They are very nrce," he writes, "and not a year passes without their killing some In dian. When attacked they take a man with their horns, if they can. lift him up, and then dash him to the ground trample oa him and kill him. When you fire at tnetn from a distance with gun or bow you must throw yourself on the ground aa soon aa you fire and hide in the grass, for if they peroeivt the one who fired they rush on him and attack him." This was in 1973, before the firearms brought Into the country 1-y the fut traders had become common, and when the usual weapon of the chas was still the bow. Under these conditions we may well undt-rwtand how the buffalc was a frormldaWe creature, and how the savage who hunted tfoot vertlf took his life In his hands. When horses were acquired by the tribes, and feeble man became a centaur, the sit uation was changed. From this new apparition the buffalo fled In terror When the white man appeared on the scene the fear of human kind grew with experience. From the undaunted creatures which, when attacked. "II they perceive the one who 1red rush on him and attack him," the game stampeded at the sight of their pur suers; and the most vivid and mort lasting picture of the American buffalc as we recall It today Is of herds in re treat a whole species "on the run," en veloped In th dust of the retreat, aitd vanishing Into oblivion. LontrevKy of Ships. The average life of a wooden ship If said to be fifteen years, writes Clark Russell in the Pall Mall Magazine, Thlh was probably assumed as a basil for Insurance purposes, yet a large per. rentage of wooden ships flourish much longer than fifteen years. I could quot many Instances of wooden ships which kept afloat an Incredible number of yeara About eighty out of every hun dred were coasters. Two extraodln ary Instances of longevity In ships may be worth quoting here. In February 1827, the Betsy Cains of Shields sailed from that port with a cargo to Ham burg. She met with a heavy gale from east southeast, and bore up for Shield Harbor. The sea was raging on Tyne mouth bar; the ship struck, waa drivet upon the rocks and lost. What shl was this that waa lost In the year 1827' Will It be believed that she was thi yacht that In MM brought over U iOn gland, William. Prlnee of Orange and that ah waa then called thi Princess Mary? This at all events wat claimed for her. How old waa shi when she carried the prince T For a number of yeara afterward ahf waa ona of Queen Anne's royal yachtr and was reckoned a very fast sallln vessel. The other Instance la that ot a vessel called tha Cognac Packet which, aa aha waa afloat In 1M4. mai still be trading and In good health. I took note of her In that year, what she sailed from Saaharn Harbor, coal laden for Harwich, In command ef Cap tala Button, pad aha waa then ninety four yeara old, having beep built at Barlandmv Kaata In MM. fas aaaf to carry braady to Franca, aad aa thai named bar pp above. Mm waa alsaoat t baa la TRICKS OF SELF-DEFENSE. There Is a lot of talk about new methods of self-defence," said an old sporting man, "but It seems to me that It Is only an elaboration of what al most every man who followed the game in past days had to know or go under. Now, take the case of that Jap a few weeks ago In New York. He had drunk a little wine and was making a noise, and so was arrested. He was a little man, but It took ten big policemen to handle him without hurting him. He did not strike them, simply slung them around. All be did was to upset their balance; this is a wonderful specialty of these people. Now, I remember see ing the same thing done years ago in a row at New Orleans. I and another man were set on by the men on the levee because we had made some big winnings, and I was for pulling my gun, when my pal said: 'No; you'll bring the whole roost on us. There are only six of them. You take the big ona and I'll attend to the others.' He waa a tall, muscular Irishman, and the first man he tackled was a big mulatto with muscles like an ox. He rushed at him and the mulatto stepped to one side, throwing his weight on to his left leg aa be lifted his right arm for a swing. My pal caught him by the right elbow as the arm went back, slid to his wrist twisted it. caught him by the trouser waist lifted him and threw him at the others, felling two and breaking the mulatta's right arm. One of the oth ers rushed at him with a knife, and he reached as if to shake hands, caught the man off his balance, placed his foot behind the man's nearest leg and then throwing his chest and full weight against the man, tripped him and frac tured his skul. The other fled and I had my man down and was sitting on him. My pal's cigar never even went out. and I could not understand how he did it until he told me afterward. I went down to the West Indian Isl ands once. I learned a. trick there. There was a big row one night in the ' street. One man on foot was attacked by three men. He carried only an ordi nary stout cane, and as they set on him he backed against a wall, holding the can in both hands across his chest. One man rushed in on him from the left unnrher from the riant, the third re maining a Httle way off In case e should slip past the others and run. Quieklv stepping to one side he dodged the left man. Both hands went up in the air, the left hand pointed the lower end of the cane at the base of the man's thnmt. there was a quick swing of the arms downward, the lower end of the cane Jarred on the upper part of the sternum, and the fellow dropped M " shot howling with pain. I ne next man followed, and the third bolted. Then the man rolled and lit a cigar ette and walked awa I have tried that trick with good effect Done right ly It Is a dead sure fall, and a hard one. It is even better than the old trick of leading at the forehead with the nwn nalm. thrusting the head back and getting in with the left under ths Jaw. "Anoth- very good plan Is, If tackled by two or more assailants, to get with the back to the wall and with a light cane or umbrella prod at their eyes. A Well known dry goods man was attacx- ed four years ago and put one fellow's eye out and tors a second man's nose. "Not long ago some one asKea boo Fltsslmmons what was the best thing for a man. unversed In self-defence, to do when tackled, and he said: 'Whip off your hat, or pull out your handker chief, dash It in Ore face of the man and quickly follow it up with a left hand blow on the solar plexus.' Now, that Is all right but how many men not accustomed the gloves or me punching bag and hit a blow worth hotherln about with the left hand? Let some of them try it and they will be astonished t Bob's Idea ts all right, however." Rheumatic Potatoes. The most famous man In eastern Washington county, Maine, is Caleb Cushlng Clark, a Cape Cod fisherman, who came ashore at Bailey's Mistake In company with his schooner during the gale or September 4, 13. Ths schooner landed among the rock and alder bushes twenty yards beyond high water mark, and lies where she struck. Clark discreetly remained be low deck until the storm had subsided, when he went to a neighbor's house and was taken down with an attack of rheumatic fever, which kept him in bed three months. The owner of ths bouse liked him so well that he ob tained employment in the sardine fish eries as soon as he was able to work, making him so contented that he has never wished to return to Province town. Though Clark can place an attach ment on fame on account of the perils he has seen, his chief claim to distinc tion lies In the poaeslon of a remark able breed of potatoes, the original seedling of which waa given to him by his benefactor for the purpose of cur ing rheumatism. He began to carry this potato In his pocket In March, 1894. At that time It was larger than a hen's egg, hard and full of Juice. During the summer it began to wrinkle and grow flabby, so that Clark thought of throw ing it away fr a new one, and would have done so several times had he not been assured that to shift a "rheumatic potato" meant bad luck. During the net year it had fallen away to the sire of an English walnut and became hard ened, lying In his pocket like a block of wood. Meanwhile Clark's rheumatism had entirely disappeared, so one day In ths spring of IWi, after getting badly wet ted from dipping sardines, he hung his trousers on a fence to wash out In ths rain and left the osseous potato in one of the pockets. In June the rheumatism returned with fury, which reminded Clark of his potato. On searching his trousers pockets for the talisman ha found It had sprouted and partially decayed. Remembering the good It hsd done him. Clark planted the touber in the garden and procured a fresh potato for his malady. He continued to ache all summer until the potato which had proved so useful to him had produced Its crop of tubers, when he selected a small one from the lot of six and put It In his pocket. That was three years ago. Since then Clar khas been propagating and selling rheumatic potatoes every season. He has sold Individual tubers for as much as fl for a single specimen, though his regular price ts S cents. Tha success of the bicycle and th automobile has led many Inventors tc attempt a resilient wheel, simpler than those In use. A promising Improvement Is described In an English Journal. It consist essentially of two concentric shells at the hub, connected by radial webs which extend the breadth of tht hub. Between each two webs Is insert ed a piece of India rubber, exactly fit ting the sector-shaped space. Tht outer and Inner sides of the hub er covered by circular plates, Into the cen. ter of which Is fitted the sale bearing. Botta pass from the outer plate to tht Inner plats through the India rubber geotora Tha sectors, therefore, are In terpooed between ths carriage, sspport ad oa tha sale and the wheal, aad alt vibration la effectually prevented.