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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1899)
.t "- !.'. ' nesnnlsaaaej . , yi ?.wfcwv-ii a SsssisssOssifce' I'jiio is mam oaes? " " 1 7-" - Mr. - . - - , READ THIS AD. OUR HOME, DEiWITr.HI A. it 1 1 iv ! i ; I 1 SI ' i' . Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH-SUPPLY HOUSE in Harrison, as you can in Chicago at the department stores. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in ,a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will' sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in ;Harrison. Come and see ior yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be convinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. THE SIOUX COUNTY Thcbsday. FEB. 2nd. 1899. tieo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. F. E. M. Y R. it. lime table. Gotaf West. Uolng Emit. Jto. 5, mixed, 11 r So. mixed 8:00 T H K North-Western jF. E. M. V. R. B. U to and from the the best BLACK HILLS, DE AD WOOD AND HOT WRINGS. . 60UTH DAKOTA. eGRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal natters in Justice, County and District .Court, and before the United State iAnd Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. tyLegal papers carefully drawn. Hajhuso. - Nebraska. EADTHE JOURNAL THIS WEEK. Sff"We are requested to announce that there will be Maes celebrated in Harrison, at the residence of Anton Moravek at 10 o'clock, Feb. 11, 1899., -De sure yon read the Jottkial's new xlubbiag rates this week. The last three or (our days have been sure enough winter weather. Remember these will ba southern .aarvices at the M. E. church, on next Saturday. F. B. Hamlin, of Pleasant Ridge was in Harrison tbelrst of the week on business, remaining over night. Mr. 8. B. lmgworthy will with this ' issue Inscribe bis name among: our read mt. All well ordered hones consider the JocnALaa indispensable necessity. atbw Vttim and Louise Qerlacb, left jaa last Monday eveainf for Chadron, . where they will eater the employ Mr. Ed. Hatlerlee, the proprietor of the BUiae Iotel in that city. ,Ur. J. McCroasen. of Be ward, who Jm been ia Harrfawa durior theeet tiro ,or three weew wttn a vetw or tocainw Jiere i the near future, received a, tele ycnuii OS) last datarday evening ioforminir Was of Mte sertows illoees of his wife, he left far Imsm the sasue eveninc;. We no irXaal ttw gaatleeaan was most favor aWy tmtnmwi mM this oeifhborhood iad seoa as ha cm alinst asaturs is MBjd bt laeaaJp to fMsrs 1 fescoiwe 3. E. PHINNEY. 3L D. Fhybiciau ind Snrjreon. All calls given prompt attention. Ofllce In Druj? Store. -HARRLS05 - NEBRASKA. F. E. & M. T. It. It. Special Excursion to Hot Spring, tJ. D. Excursion tickets will be fold Tuesdays Febuary 14th and 28, 1899, at one fair for the round trip, good returning 30 days from date of pale. Fair from Harrison, iA0. F. Avert, Agt. Rev. Burleigh, of Crawford was in town last M mday. January 1989, was ushered into ex istence like a a lamb, but went out like a lion and roaring too. Miss Claudia Heter, who came .up from the CUadron Academy a week or two ago to attend her parent while they were ill of lagnppe, returned toChadroo on lant Friday evening to resume her stu dies. Mrs. A. R. Dew, left for Lincoln. oo last Monday evening, where she will remain indefloetely, rbe will alo take treatment from an experienced Osteopath for her rheumatism, she took bor young est nephew with her, and the older boys will for the present at Ieaxt remain in this vicinity and work. Tcay is ground-hogs day, and ac cording to an old legend, if he see's hid shadow on the 2nd ay of Febuary, i t means six weeks mare winter, and be re- turnes to his den where he will con tinue to hibernate until about tie middle of March. On the other hand should he fail t o see his shadow Febuary 2nd, he remains out and spring is supposed to have come. , The east-bound train from Casper, due in Harrison Tuesday, at 8 05 p. m., did cot arrive until the nest morning at 10 o'clock, caused by the blizzard which commenced the evening before, and from all reports the storm was very much worse the farther west it extended. The snow plow from Chadron, went west yesterday morning to clear the track of drifts, and without doubt trains will be running regularly from now .on. The mail train from Chadron, due here at 11350 a. m., yesterday was Ave hours late as a result ot the snow blockade. Postmaster Rogart went to Cbadron Tuesday ereoiug to ba examined for ao Increase in bis passion. Mr. Bogart only receives 8 dollars a month, and we believe he, or any other old soldier, re gardless of disabilities should receive at the very least $12, per month. Any man who was willing to risk his life and his general health to help save the Union rhen it was assailed by aa enemv, deser ves to ba richly rewarded and it is our dearest wish that the department will not neglect his claim for aa increase. Paw years more will elapse before the old sotdiars will all ba gone and' the asv tion will ba oa the worn off for bar ,jpg ev4 for the old soldiers. STORE TLc place to Get Good Bargains at all times ia at J. H. BARTELL's The following of which is nearly always found, fct the above place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents furnish ing Goods, Dry Goods, Mo tions and Millinery. A Good line of Men's Duck Clothing, Hats and Caps to suit the times. Ladies and Gents Fine Foot Wear a specialty; and Children,s Foot Wear care fully considered. 60 TO J. H. BARTELL'S For HcCormic machinery, Barbed "Wire and Salt; in fact nearly everything kept in a well regulated store. If you are in need of a large or small hill come in and see what we can do for you before you send your money out of the country. Respectfully, J. H. BARTELL. "Highest cash price paid for hides. Thomas Holly. Harrison. Neb. r To parties wishing rugs woven, I desire to say that I will do rug-w.eavintr dnring the first two weeks of Match. Mrs. H.'A. Priudt. We learned only lant evening that a deal is on foot whereby Jeff. Hewtt anp Frank Wright are liable to become owners r,f toe Andrew hall hiiiidiiitf. It is said tholigh we tould not lew a for certain, that their .object is to remodel the building, and bave it changed into a first class hotel and Farnk Wright is to become the popular landlord. Prof. Irl R. Hicks predicted that the month of January, would go out in a st irm. Every one in this country knows whether or he missed it or not. We learn through an indirect source that Father Waldron, of Chadron, has been changed to s-ime other mission or parish church, doubtless on accrunt of the laborious work of this mission as his health is very poor. We understand a number of NeV ka students now at the school of Osteo path at Kirksville, Mo , ace most anxious to have a bill passed by the present state legislative fsession making the practice of Outeopatliy in this state Ii'gat. We xee no reason why thev should not be nermitted to practice, as they frive no medicine so if they do hot Jielp.tbeir patients they certainjly cannot hurt them. 9. B. Lingworthy and brother of Seward, came up and each filed on a quarter section of land, in the neighbor hood of Cbet. Unitt 's last week. One of the brothers we understand is now in the yicinity of Alliance, buying cattle, to stock up their propective ranch, now in its embryonic State- The boys expect to move out on their ranch within the next four or six weeks. We understand an elder brother is backing up the, scheme, financially, and will assist the boys in fixing and stocking .up one of the best ranches in Sioux cuoty. Of course it most of necessity take time labor and a little money to put a ranch in shape, before any returns will begin to come in but we believe Sioux county ranches, when once in running order will yield big returns for the amount of money it takes to stock up with. Dangers of the Grip. Tbe greatest deager from Lagrippe is of its resulting ie pneumonia. Ifrieson able care is used however, and - Cham berlain's Cough Remedy taken, all dan ger will ba avoided, Arooog tei tens of thousands who have used this remedy for lacrippa we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted ia pneumonia which shows conclusively that this rem edy ia a certain preventive of that dan geroue disease. It will cure la grippe in Jest lime than any otnsr treajtmemeot. It to pleasant and sale to take, .For by Dr. J. & Phinoey The place to Get Good Bargains in Bubbers ia at J. H. BARTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Felts and Rubbers, with PRICES ALWAYS right. Our line of GROCERIES are fine, as we always aim to buy Good, Fresh Goods such as we know would suit all our Customers. We carry a complete line of FLOUR & FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry HARDWARE & Building Material. NOTICE: Preaching eve ry other Sabbath at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and every Sab bath evening at the M. E. church. J. L. Kexdall, Pastor. Wanted A man of ability with small capital to sell the cheapest and strongest light on earth. One h undred candle power 14 hours for two cents. Exclusive right for the coun ty Address, THE J5fc,T STREET LIGHT CO., CAi'l OS, 0. Mr. Jake W'asserburgur "big Jake" of Montrose, was a pleasant caller at this sanctum on last Saturday, and spent a few moments in social conversation with ye editor. Call again friend when in town. ' j Mrs, Hattie A. Bailey ,of Hot Springs, S. Dak. Deputy S. O. of R N. is expected to be in Barrition on next Weduesday eve ning. She will give a free rgusicale and a lecture on fraternal insurance. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. W. F. Mortrariega, of Valentine, who has lieen rusticating out tit the ranch of his brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan, of Warbonnet during the past week, returned to bis home on last Thursday evening. Mr. Mnrgariejre was a candidate for Superintendent of public instruction in Sheridan county on the fusion ticket last fall, but was defeated by the stay at home voters, which was done not only in his county' but likewise all over the state. The following i a letter written to the Head Camp, Woodmen of America. Harrison N'ebr., ) Jan. 23 1899. C. W. Hawes, Head clerk of M. W. A Rock Island, Ills. Dear Sir: Have the Modern Woodmen ever had two assessments In any one month? Yours Fraternally. J. W. Smith, V. C, Rock Tlnud, Jan. 27, 193, J. W. Smith, Harrison, Neb. Esteemed Neighbor In June 1890, two bene lit assessments were levied in this society, however, In that year we only had eleven assessments, and the order has not had to exceed eleven aserssmects in any one year. In 1897 and 1898 we had only ten assessments each year, Yours fraternally. C. W. Hawes Head clerk M. W. A, For Im Grlppo. Tho. Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash Av., comer Jackson street oke 'of Chica go oldest and roost prominent druggists recommend Chamberlains Cough Reme dy for lagrippe, as it not only fives prompt and complete relief, hat also counteracts any Uodsncy of lagrippe to result In pneumonia, For aaje by Dr. J. 'j&PbibDev. 0 - 0 - Why, thats where every body trades these days. There is nothing they do not keep for sale. iiaTTmajSisi They handle Suitings for Ladies & Gents, Novelty dress goods, Plain dress goods, Flannel for all purposes. Also Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting Shades and OurtainsJ We are Head quarters for all kinds f Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed. Right here, before we forget it; we want to call the at tention of the public to our Canadian Pure Maple Syrup, try it and be convinced. , Wa have on exhibition at our store one of the BEST STEEL RANGES that can be bought Any where.. Price $33. Call and see that Range. M ARSTELLER BROS. NOTICE: There will be Lutheran services at 'the M. E. church Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1899, at 2 o'clock P. M. Kev. F. G. Wit,es. Pastor. Notice to Sioux County Txa- IlUVCTS. Distress warrants will be issued on nil delinquent ptTHonul taxes in Sioux coun- y, including those of the year dur- ng the coming spring ami summer. Ko further notice will lie giv.n. Tax payers knowing themxelvvn to be in ar rsoirs will save costs of levy by settling it once. t BAR1.BS RlETlt.E, ( (m il v Tr -.(Mirer. ' -Mrs. Jerry Wills jr. and children l-ft ou laut Friday evening fur Gordon, to visit with her pareuts lor a month or six week. -Mr. Clans Christenen, of Mont rose was in Harrison this wee k on business, SI. J. Blewett, bought a row ot him couple of weeks ago, Mr. C. brought her over this wee. . Mr, and Mr. C L. Christian of Kir- tlcy, were down on last Wednesday eve:. ining, to meet their daughter, who has been ill at Orrin Junction, but she failed to come. Over In 'joining. The past week has been such a stormy and Mustering one that your liencil push- v in this pari litiitMl to obtain many items lor this issue, The new books for the Pleasant Ridire school arrived here J.inunry 19th mid the scholars are now fully supplied, and making up for lost lime. While cutting wood on Wednesday of last week, J. U. Newlin met with a pe culiar accident which nearly cest hirq an eve. While striking a hard knot with all the fore' he could muster, the ax caught on an overhanging cloths line and the poll of the re-bounding ax struck hint with such force in the ace as to knock him down. His nose was badlv bruised and a deep cut was made lust above the left eve from whicli the blood flowed quite freely. Mrs. Newlin had to conduct the school that day while be laid up for repairs. At present hecxr rtes a very black eye. Mrs. Knott is still storm bound at Mrs. A. Christian . She intended returning home on Thursday of last week, but up to this writing Jan. 80 she is still in Wyoming. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Zumbrunen, on Friday, Jan. 27, 1899, a son. A postal card from Miss. Dora Chris tian at University Place, Nebraska, says that her brother Charles, Is very sick with the measles. They both went there last September to attend college, and are expected home in March. Ray Whipple, who carries the mail from Klrtloy to Lustt, has made arrange tneets whereby he wilt go to Lusfa one day and return the next. The trip is too hard on a horse to make the round trip in one day as heretofore. The latest report from Miss Amy Chris tian, was to the elfect that she is still sick at her boarding place near Or in Juno tion. At soon as she is able to t'ave he will come home. t Bay Whipple quit school on last Moo day on acoauot of carrying (ha mail. Zonal. 0 - 0 NOTICE: Mass will be celebrated at Harrison at 10 o'clock &. m., every Satur day before the Second Sun day of each month. M. P. Waldkox, Pastor, OBlfUARr. At Rest Dewey Franc:s, sn of Mr. Addie A. .MeDerniott, was called to thfe thjte mT arms of his Savior, at 10:20 o'clock p. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1399, and wa laid to rest Friday in the Plvaxunt Ridge Cenietry. The little one was sick but four days. every thing that could be thought of was doue to save tbe little life, but iu vnin. lid was eight months old the day be fore his death. The funeral services were conducted by O. A. Garton, at the home of Mr. Frank Church, gram father of the littler ' one. The mother, litt'e brother and many relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of a large circle of friends in this their sad bereavement. Our little Iowoy, Is st rest ; liod called our dcur one homo. It wus no hnrd to give huo up, But, God ru t claim Ills own. W know, be la sn Angel, now, Innocent, pure, and fair; Ills sulTerins is endml, lie U hspjiy "oyer there" -llyO.A.t. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors, who so kindly assisted us during tiie sickness aud dVath of our be loved baby, Dewey, who was so sudden ly taken from us. Mrs. Adhb A. McDkrmott, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Church, and Family. Largest RancU In The World. It seems natural that the largest ranch in the world should be found in the larg est state in the Union Texas, writes William Clinton in the February Ladies Home Journal. Iniietd this ranch is so extensive that some states could not con tain it. Connecticut, for vxaniple cnuld not hold it by several thousand acres. The two states of Rhode Island and Dtls ware combined could not contain, thia immense ranch, which consists of three million acres, or about Ave thousand square miles.. "About a doinen vears ago, when Tex as needed a new state cspitol, tbef legls ature adopted a novel plan to get it A promise was held forth that a vast tract of unappropriated land would be given in exchange for a suitable granite build" isg at Austin. Among those tempted by this offer war x-8nalor Charles B. Farwell and his brother John, who ulti mately formed a' syndicate in Chktago nod took upon themselves the responsib lity of erecting Ua proppetd cspitol Their part of the agreement appears to have bean carried out to the satisfaction of the slate, and la doe time they cam Into U a possesion of tha immense oW. main ootan-n a (lit X IT. raaelvr t I 1 f - a Y-'V .V ' '' f- - -. . . O