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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1898)
r:c -:;i.trx county Thursday. DEC!. 1st, 1983. tMeo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. r. E- 4 M. V E. i. lime table. Going Went. UotoS East. 5, mixed, 11 30 i No. 6. Mixed .8:00 T II a! North-Westem LINE y. E. M. V. R. R. is to and from the the best BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD A5T HOT SKINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATEOFF1CEU3: ell.. A. Holcomb -Governor E. Harris Lieutenant ovemoi W F. Porter Secretary of Mate Johur. Cornell Aadltor J. U. Meserve Treasurer .C.J.Smyth- Attorney General , v Wolfe Laii'i CouimUsionei W. R. Jackio"" .-..Supt. Public Instruction COKGUESSlOJiAL DELEGATION": John M. Thurston C. S. Benator. Omaha Wn..V Allen V. 9. Senator. Madison J. B. Strode, CongTessiuun 1st max.. Lincoln 1). II. Mercer, :t,muel Maxwell, W. L.JWark, fx. I. Sutherland, U. (.reeu. 1 Oiuaba Fremont Aurora Nelson Kearncy Snl 4th eth eta JVMCIAF-Y: j 3. sillvan Chief JusUre, Columbus T O. C. Harrison -As'te Judge, Grind Island T. L. Korval Associate Judge. Seward. V. A. CampbelL-Clerk and Eeporter, Uncftiu FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL-DISTBICT : ;M. P. KinkaJd-. W. H. W estovsr M- J- Blewett ..Judge, O'Seill . Kushvillc ..deck, Harrison TEEMS OF COCKT: IHstrlet Court, At Harrison, commences Spring term Jay 9tli, fall " Sejit l'Jth jury 19th. tCounty Coort,-At Harrison, cesnmences ,Art Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: Otto Motz.. Senator, Dint. NcM, Springvtew .A. E. Sheldou Dlst. So. 53, Chadron COUNTY OFFICERS: Robert Wilson..- ..County Judge -M J. Blewett , Clerk Cba. Blehle rjKMe Merriam Tho Holly Treasurer ..Supt. Public Instruction Sheriff .J. E. Phlnney Coroner B. F. Thomas . Surveyor M . J. Blewett , Clerk of District Court ?rant Guthrie County Attorney BOAKD OF COMMISSIONED: Jna C. Meng 1st Dialriet Andrew lTocunier.,., .. .-2d " . Jackson Mitln( Chairman) JUL " VILLAGE OFFICERS E. F. Pontius (chairman) i ..Trustee John Davis.. D. H. Giiswod -. , V. B. Marsteller , .-JS. Rohwer '. ..... -W. It Davis , Jwis Gerlach .......Clerk .Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: ;F.ggert Eobwer ...Director B. L. Smnck , Moderator JjtmlM Gerlach . ... Troasurer CHURCHES AJiD SOCIETIES. ; Methodist Sunday School meets every un alay morning at 10 :00 W. U. Davis, Miss B btcll, Superintend ant. Secretary EPWOBTH LEAGUE. Beffnlar business meeting first Tuesday evcnlnflB caah month. Mua PauiKB, O. Kxxdall, President, hseretarv- Devotional Keetins every Sunday evening - t 6 :&, MBS. aUDilA, Leader. A JTJNIOK LEACFE. Sleeta each Sunday afternoon at 2 :. MM. KtHIULL., Supt. SKBT STJSK POST, Mo. K5, G. A. B. . ' Meets second Monday to each month n - M eestrt house at Harrison. E. K. Livermore, Com. WOODME5 OF THE WORLD, ''arrtson damp. So. SS, insets on eaeh si mate Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, J.A.UAjmo, Clerk. Con. Com. MODEKS WOODMEB OF AMEBIOA. Meets enoh alternate toarj evening r i o'eloek. J. VT Jimlth, T. C i. 11. Babtbll Clerk. W esa Mftts fonr " iws a i I oar if iws s ic. Aj-Wsei ' U--iursttyt MHlUlMdaM ',-'HJ:-. wvjnsV 4 GRANT GUTHK3E. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before ttie United Stat Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. JSLegal papers carefully drawn. HaaRisos. Nebraska. J. E. PHINNEY. M. P. Fhyiscian and Surgeon. All calls givec prompt attention. Offlce Jn Brug Store. -HARBISON NEBRASKA. Special Locals. Special Excursion Rates to Hoi Springs S. JJ,ak. On dates named below at ooe fire for round trip, tickets good for return 20 days from date of sale. June 16 August 9 June !i0 August 28 July 5 September 10 July 19 Seutemtier 20 E. F. Pontics, Agent. NOTICE: There will be Lutheran services at the M. li church Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 1898, at i o'clock P. M. Rkv. F. G. Pastor. NOTICE: Mass will be celebrated at Harrison at 10 o'clock a. m., every Satur day before the Second Sun day of each, month. Michael P. Waldf.on. Pastor. -To thoee who made arrangements tohaulus wood on subscription, we would like very much to have it brought in as booh as possi ble. Editoh. SSTDont forget to look over the large assortment of fine Candies, Nuts fcc. at Smith's Confectionary, b e fore you buy your Christmas supply. Prices the lowest. Carl Leitoff will read the Jocrnal during the coming year. Mrs. Anton Moravek was quite indis poseda few days this week. " Mrs. Perry White who has been so very ill the first of this is now rapidly re covering. Mr. Kendall informed tlie reporter of this sheet that there will be Christmas eve services at the cliurch. Full parti culars will beiveo in our next issue. Burt Archerd who has been stopping with Rev, Kendall during the past two months while attending school, is now keeping batcbelorg ball with sheriff Holly John Hibblen of Eckerd, 8. D, was a pleasant caller at this office one day this week, and while here did not forget to add his name to the Journal's list of readers. Hon. M.' J. .Oayhart of Montrose was in our midst over night the first of the week. As is fais usual custom when at the hub, he did not forget to say a friend ly" bow"to ye editor. Mrs. T. Holly, left for Crawford, on last Monday eveniug accompanied by the children and Miss Archerd, where thev expect to spend the winter. Mr. Holly shipped the household goods by freight ,-4fOB. Judge WWson was out to Wheatland', Wyo., on business for a week or ten days and returned Tuesday. His son Lcn, who hat been farming there for the past nine months came down with him for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright and Miss Wright who have been enjoying a months outing among friends in the east, return ed to their .hoaae on "last Tuesday. We learn though indirectly that this worthy couple while away took to their hearts and home a little boy three month old Mrs.M. J. Blewett who has been at Crawford during- the past three weeks as sisting in the care for her sister who been very sick of tyhpoid fever, rstu to this city yesterday, and the many friends of the -family will be pleased to learn her sister is rapidly improving;. i C-Tha quill pusher of the Journal learned this morning that our enterpris ing merchaot J. 1L Bartell had sold his ranch to J. W, Reed, of Snake creek, the consideration being 1850. Mr. Bead doeei notintsod moving onto the place until next apring, as it In now occupied by A. McOinlsy. John Ostrander of Ardraore 8. Dk. was pleasant caller at this offlce oi last Saturday. We were pleased to ate mm but paiod to leara that be has been and is yet MffartBf from a very bad running sore on ooe of bis bands, which lias incap acitated him for work for some lime, but out friend saenod to think Its wijl won b all right FOitSALK-A mr of year ling steers and two cars of two year-old llcifers and Heifer calves. G. W. Hester. There was a show in town last night The pleasant smile and happy look of our genial friend -'Bub" Wright is a- again seen and heard among us. A. F. Christian, from Rawhide was in town over night Monday, doing trad ing and attending other business. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depen ded upon and is plea.antand safe' to take Sold by Dr. J. E. Pliinney. Miss Claudia Hester and Olney Ken dall, who came up from Chadron to eat thanksgiving turkey with the old folks at home, returned to Chadron Monday eveniog to resume their studies at ths academy until holidays. As stated in the Journal last week that sheriff Holly was aboiit to open a butcher shop we are pleased to say that the market was opened for' business last Monday morning, with Mr. Peterson as butcher and salesman, as well as all round man. Plnlipp I'unn and his wife left for Gordon hopital op last Monday night, where they went to have Mrs. D. exami ned for what they fear to be cancer of the breast. The JouRVSAL hopes that their fears nny not lie realized, and that Mrs. Dunn may receive treatnientand encour agement that will ultimately cause her health to return. Pain in the chest when a person has a col 1 indicates a tendency toward pne umonia. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and hound n to the chest over the Reat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threathened attack of pne umonia. This same treatment will cure n. lame oacK in a lew uoura . oiu oy Dr. J. E. Phinnry. Grand Ma Davis who has been at Oordon hopital during the past several weeks and has had one of her eyes taken out, returned home on last Monday noon very much improved in health' besides her sight is better with the remaining eve, so sny's her son John, and he also feels letter satixfied with the result of ths operation on his mothers eyes than all the treatment she has taken since her sight became impaired. Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of lliedrug store of R. Slirmmaker, Perry, HI., snys: "A man came into our store the other day and said, I want a bottle of that stuff that saves children's lives. I raad in the Nt ws about it The children nxiy gt sick when we can not get the doctor quick enough. It's the medicine you sell for croup." He alluded to Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and bought a bottle before he left the store. For sale l y Lr. J. E. Phinney. School Report of the Yillnir of Ilsr- rUuis. for the jKciitli nf oVODiber. Room No. 1. Pupils Enrolled 41 Average Daily Attendance 'A Number of Tardies 11 No. Neither Absent or Tardy Pupils who were neither absent or tardy were: Willie Bartell, Henry Hewett, Minnie Sutton, Henry Moravek, Gene 'Williams, Eddie Kendall, Edna Robwer, Annie Walker. FHAMC LuXDEMASr, Teacher Room No. 2. Pupils Enrolled oO Average Daily Attendance 42 Number of Tardies 8 No. Neither Absent or Tardy 22 Pupils neither absent nor tardy were: Walter Bowker, Lulu Sherman, Mattie Sherman, John Stnuck, Gordon Sherman, Edward Priddy, Karma Priddy, Ooa Sutton, Lewis Slterril), George Wright, Cora White, Perry White, August Biehle, John Wilson, Lucy Gerlach, Ellery Shemll, Arthur Kline, Effle White, Olive White, e Viola Wallace, Bertha Biehle, Tomroie Wilson, Miss Maria Mablet, Teacher. Montrose Clippings. W. W. Gaybart made business trip to Ardmore, last week. Everyone seemed to have hod a good time at H. Wasserburgers thanksgiving day aqd also at Joe Hoffman's last Sat- urdftfMight. MikaO'Conell and children are to Barrett, Wyo., in a few weeks bar Ausbaod is working in a coal 'Henry DsBock is at home for a it from Skeleton creek, Woy. Cbaa. Wasaerburger, is helping his brother Juke plaster this week. r"Johh Marking is taking a week off, he will work at Sheep canyon bridge for the winter. Sage. 910. REWARD, Strayed from my Ranch ooe dark Bay mare (no Brand;) about 1000 lbs weight, black legs, mane & tail, tuay have very small star, is well halter broken send her to Lusk Wyo , or hold her for me aid get your f JO.OP 0, J. Imnum. lMk Wyo: B 1-ehorfV I "Highest cash price paid for hides. Tuomas Holly. llarrison. Nelj. Commissioners Frrccdiags. Harrison, Keh. Nov. 23, ls" I .Hoard of County Commissioner met a per .call of Clerk. Present commissioner Mettlen, Mengand Clerk. On metion the Treasurer be and hereby Is Instructed to transfer Irom the oetMTul Fund of 1S0O the sum of at 46 tt 161 law " W as " 17 11 ism lsus i. sl 74 Road lt0 as 4 T " - 1HI " 1SVZ " IKWt " I Sill ' l-.'i " lr'JS " 1KM1 " XM 8 47 1 U7 in 4KS 2CKS ari-7 li. in .5 7 4i 14 & 3H !.i 15 IS Bridge Specl.Dbt Advrtlumg Bridge 1S!I7 " " " lMi " " " to the General Fund of On uiotlov Hoard adjourned till 8 a. m Nov. S4, im. M. J. ISLKWETT, Clerk. Harrison, Neb. ) Nov. i, IMS ( Board of County Commissioners met an per adjournment. Present Coiuiulssloner Mettlen, Jlenr and Clerk. I he following claims S?aln't Slonx coun ty were siulitea snd nl!oed and uu mulloii warrant ordered drsttn on the ixeueml r undof lsiis for ninnunt due on s.inie : li. A. Priddy gunr-ung Insuiie jh-isoii i Swi Diedritk 'clou " " ViUt J. w. ftinith " Perry w hite " " " W J. K. Phluiiey fniii'r of insanity ' 10' M. J. Kleu eti H'U 'cel rsr fair lor lnsiic M iy Smforil Crawford wlt-n',.. fe- s A u (? st Meier no-sl l'r pjiiT Dald AiilarMjii supplies ir ' 4 i t) uu 7 Hi 7 hi 7 4 7:iS 7 .A 7 JO Si uu & uu oo ll w 5 (XI 400 lj W son lu III 7S W. C. I'hlpps instructor In Institute John K. Gray " DIeilrk'k Seon overseer of poor Go. I). Cation Printing A htatiouary I-roy Wriuht Pnbllsliiug B, I- llitrr Juror in statu caw Omaha Printing Co. stationary Jeff Hewett Livery hire, claimed W 09 allowed John Alcorn use of house for election Klsle Merriam service as Co. Supt. M. J. Blewett distributing election '.:p- plies etc. Thoin.-is Holly services as SlieilfT Jack Mettlea ser'lecs a Co. Coin'r John S, Tacter Judge of election A. htaudeimiler raw K2 HI 15 m 810 C. J. Martin , W. II. Smoke Clerk L. C. !x!Wi H. J Leeltlng Judge O. W. Mury ' John Herman " S. K. Story Clerk A. L. Ui g J. W. sailtli Judge K. A. Illgelow " ottol'ietzo x J. K. Marsteror Clerk K. K. Livermore -Johu Hplcs Judife S. W. Carey " H. E. llrown " J. W. drove Clerk ' II. S. Clougli , John Elierspchrr Judge Michael Uniting .T'm ph Hon" tt im ' Levis VV oliilieier link J. W. Hunter Jacob J. Wasscrtmrgi;r C'.k Johnllenry Clerk llertnan Kourath Judc I'eU-r Haben ", Joseph Anhuni " W. L. Walla, e Clerk Thos. Cnrreu " John W. Cuddies Juijga L. E. Dickinson John C. Curren " John W. Tldd Clerk yt. t. Jordan John W. HI non Judge' A. P, Ilosenhiirg " J. E. Pelren -Jauies F. Young Edward Irou " J. . I.aCroiie " J.C.Shipley Clerk True " John L, Kay Judge Corwin Lewis " Phillip Kuim J. G. Merriam Clerk Uco. W. Davui " M. J. Weber Judge C. A. Puddy John Nelson " A. E. Gates ' Clerk A. Jenson ' J. F. Cook aw i returns SK) " ,1 W 3m ' Soil " A returns 7 30 8 00 ' 3 00 " S 01 3 l " 3 0!) ' aim " SCO 3 00 3 00 a o " 3 IN " & returns 00 " -A0I " ,IM ; m f(lt) " A returns 7 fi " SOU " ' 300 HOC ' 3XI 300 " 200 & returns II 00 " 03 soo 3 00 8 00 " i. returns 9 00 " 3 00 3 00 " 3 oo 3 oo " A returns s 00 3 00 " 3 00 300 ' 3 00 ' & returns c 00 8 00 " A returns 7 00 " 8 3 00 ' 8 00 3 00 " returns 4 40 M. J. Blewett Canvassing Board 2 00 Grant Guthrie " " 2 00 W. IL Davis " . ', 2 00 The claim of Marsteller Bros., of4S0 for Bridge .pike, was presanusl and on motion allowed and warrant ordered drawn on Bridge fund of UN for same. The claims of J. T. Mason, F- E. Jandt, John Rerres, and O. W. Hester, were on mo tion laid over till next meeting. The affidavits of J. P. LaCrone and Fred Wilt relative to taxes were on motion laid over till next meeting. On motion Jeff Hewett Is hereby author lied and instructed to furnish Sioux county with 12 tons of Hanna Egg Coal for an So per ton as specified In bis bid on file. Moved, second and carried that all Lots in lbe Village of Harrison, the taxes upon which have been delinquent for any three years excepting lot 6 and T of Block 7 and remaining delinquent at this time and uu sold for want of other bidder at the regu lar annnsl tax sal be purchased at tax-sale for ttie ni and benefit sad In the name of Kloux county, Nebraska, and that the Tress- J nrer b and he la hereby Instructed to issue Ills certltlcstc. of sa'.d lots wltbont interest on said delinquent taxes, In the name of sloux county, Nebraska., Moved, seconded and carried that the proposition of Or ant Uulhrte to purchase tax-sale certinuatesof lots of Village of Har rison, held br county at fifty per cent, of the amounyexpreSsed lu said certlncstea plus Vi cents mi earheertlfleaUs bo eccepfd and the Clerg is hereby Instructed and 1 requesM to assign and endorn tlie same ! on presentation to him by s,iid (,'rmit 0i!li-! rle of tl,0 receipt of the treasurer shnvltig that tbs s!d nil. on nt has In-rn p,U'l. i Cu motion Poerd adjourned without day. , M. J, JJI.Lrt'l' Tr, Cierk. I UIIO IS UiSTELLB BtlOS? oo Why, thats where every body trades these days. There is nothing they do not pep for sale. They handle Suitings for Ladies & Gents, Novelty dress goods, Plain dress e-oods. i 7 Flannel for all purposes. Also Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains. We are Head-quart ei H for all kinds of Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed. Right here, before we forget it; we want to call the at tention of the public to our Canadian Maple Syrup, try it and be convinced. We have on exhibition at our store one of the BEST STEEL RANGES that can be bought Any where. Price S33. Call and see that Range. MARSTELLER BROS. . SUES IRIBlU FOIi lTE- JOURNAL. Two Point C I l Xl l I t -H 1 1 0 1 1 s AiiKWorcd. What is the use f making a better ar ticle than j our competitor of you can not get a better price for il? Ans. As there is no difference in the pn; the public will buy only the better ' s that wtnle our proltts mav be smaller j on a sirtr'e sa!a I! o? will l in ji-h gi'e i' S er ia lb: ;ign't ,,''..!. How cad you get the public to kROw your make is the besl? If both articles are brought prominent ly before the public both are certain to be tried and the puolic will very quickly pass judgment on them arid use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have bjeu uiin it for yea-s and have fouud that it can always be decoded on. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the ou remedy that they know to be reliable, und for toughs, colds and croup there is nothing eijual to Chaiii berlaiu's Cough Remedy. For Sale by Dr. J. E. Phintiev. Call for Bids. I desire to let a contract for grubbing qut about five acres of timber-land in Sow belly Canyon, to the lowest bidder. Parties desiring to bid on Contract, please call or write me at Harrison, Neb. Frank Nutto. Estray Xotice. To WnoM It Max Conceen : Notice is hereby given that the under signed has taken up on his premises in Five Points precinct, in Sioux county. Nebraska , one gray horse as an estray, U inf more particularly described as fol lows: One iron gray horse, about six years old; branded uoor key on left shoulder. Dated at Harrison, this 23rd day of November, t898. I B. F. GILBERT. Are you a voKKr: k lo Wea ,.r Hetal T II so snd tor CuUibgijj ct isarmes' i oct Power Machinebv, Practical, Streag, rrWe. W, p. & Juha Iternn Co., ll Uitbv St., K's-srura, iii.flijis. HHl i. '-.! U ta it ,uti,l. m ... lr. '--3' I ro ss p r-f f!rli. M nam ym9m m94m bit. M. j. Kvrf r.m -if, uT-e- ja. - o - o - COME TO THE OFFICE For yot 1 JOB WORK i Stationary. , Some Plain Facts. Crave errors, injustice, wrongs cf greater or less degree, arise from lack cf knowledge of the truth, and T.ort: frequently frorrt deception. 'j lie inost infamous case on record of deception and injustice is the '.t tcmpt to demonetize silver as a money of final redemption in the Unite J States. 'ihere is no learned judge, skilled lawyer, or court of justice that is capable of reconciling the effort wij'i the constitutional laws that govern the issue of n-.oney in coumtv. 'I hi people been d'tuvt J, flfa'.i: !3 i:i pover, ,i J. 'l trj !r j!v.icc t;r:;:tr i ;i i.twr., save ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the scheme that has paralyzed jidustry, reduced property valuta onc-ha!'", and begfjarcd millions. There is no autiiority of bw, cither pecific or Ly inference, by uhich -;old alone is made the only money .vi'.h vIiich to discharge debts, either public cr private. The effort to -nakc it so is unconstitutional and ft national calamity. i'hin and ample information, facts, .rA truth, concerning this almost suc cessful scheme to corner the wealth if the people, is now being printed n the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news paper which the combined power of money has failed to muzzle or buy. The '""okly Enquirer is only 75c. a yeat "he address is Er.!. .-r Company, Cincinnati, O. iO CCNfS aa MONTMIV tCl The II iSialtv im.i.i . Ilaud (land ii,,l V iM-votfii ertwirUT ii f.,...M..i ti .. tml(.,ry..f I'm, im3!1 f..itMir,,i ,,.,7,,di, S,ST.N OS vr. If f TO SI niii Aitriiir ah f.t ir.r. tu V.!l,Ar-.i.ft.Tr,.,,rfi,Wi til? n r A ..rif j i