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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1898)
The Sioux County Journal. VOL. XI ZEIjIRISOIN", 1TEBBASKA, TIEiTJIESIDjL"2", IsTOV. 17, 1898. 17. Our Xofto 'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--". William J. D.-ran. 1 The Sioux County Journal. RSTABUsUKD The fusion Mate tu ket anil the lour Congressmen, w ho have o ably pepre tv n ted the reform fun esof ehrahka in coneress for tlw past twt fears are r. elected for anither two yeirs. Tlie Ucnul'licaii ! of this ntafe ha've on- rured witlmut dnnht thn lefifiiaturn on ioint hallot aivl hence, will elect a U. H Senator to Micceed Hon. William V l.jn to the upper Iioiim of contrast?. Al- The statV's, recapturwl from the re form ffiv!i hv the repurihci.ns Nov, Mtlj nre, Wrishinixton. Woyinini South Ls liota and K tcsas. I "Two years niro wlieii Klieldnn of IViwes' -o'inl v was a caniiiilate, for Repretwnla live Sioux con illy :ave him 110 majori-. v. This xkni Sioux county had a candidate up for election for the name jtosition Dawes co'inl v popultsts lv niak in:;a political deil hi l.-falf of I. N. I far 1'imch snow wi our candid ite under. I.nves county's vote proves the asser tioo lyorid a j-erndvvtitiirt'. The f:fty flfth Courev is ntntroV-f! hv the rfnihlicans hy a nuijoiity of HI: the ne ("nrfreHM. or the lift v-KixlH. will 1e repnlilicau f.y only 13, as near as can u nscertained at the present time. However, latei4' returns may ivo Hie ontrol of the niv House into the hands of the deinocra's. Tho Cliit o!,''! liter f.en, now conun out boldly for th jniRKiifn of the Mo Cl'-ary hiiiicI", co'd-stundard. cronlt k and U. S, Trisorv note retireuiert and National ( ' 'brini p bill, wfdcli is now before ! .ui.'-.iS for coiixi'leretion. It says, not until how, bus nalioiitl l-iiidn U-en Ktillicient to base the money ciicuiation ol the country upm. Hence it is reasonable to rm-X, the republican party, thrmi.:b their representatives, who will croiitrid both branctu of con presH after March 4th net to retire the ;reenlin:ks and Treiwury notes; the re demption of s Her dollars in gold and huch other lew-dat ion as will inure to the advantage of trusts and corpora tion. The voters of this county, nnld the entire ulate and nation for that mi" ter khould keep tab on national le'ittia tion and learn for themselves if what we will be true or not. Such Populist of liawes county a I. N. Harbaugh of Chatlron, and P.Coop er and Cavin of Crawford, ouk'IiI to feel prouJ of tlie deal nnule in their coitv whereby Oerlach votes were traded for Fisher vote in order to make sure dipt. Fisher and Harbaugh'g elet;tion, whether Hon. Lis (ierlach" or Senator William V. Allen were elected, oue to the Stale IicgiNlature and the other to the U. 8. Senate were defeated or not. If these men had a band in the deal ami from what w liear through noiiroes which we ihv every reawm to believ is true they are not even worthy to utoop down lind buckle the IntolieU of Hon. Lewis ierlach' ihoea. much less those of Sell. Allaa. TUee nu n are Populists, who pretend to ntad for all liiuds of reform iind hence deserve cennure and comlem na tion more than tin other reform par tie hecause they yielded to Kivinf; the Popu list their candidate. No doubt Democals tlgurctl in the deal, and with those Popu list who did, deserve the utmost con tempt of all honest voters in this Di trict. HE JOURNAL a Year ...... h I i 'i 1 If- .... t 4 I fff f '.! - t i, a. ji3..i.Mttt.ii.iV'i. .. Sni st.f)ition I'riro, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6IOIJX COUW V. twi. D. Canon, - . Ed lor. F.ntT"1 nt Harrison jxmt offli n as second eia. mutter, i in.. ,VBL .n v... y.r.i i I J in Open Lct'er Fruoi th Chairman of Hie Democratic Ontral Com mittee, Mrd Kepre-enta- , litre District. tup: km ink. K. Th SATTK1U.EE, 1'roD. C-inlr-n, N-h. ) Nov. 9th, W. f To nil those who were interested in Senator Allen: After the close of n hom-st anil ter:i- lls strogglo ...I. . . . i .. i. . .... w. ..... .. , to be eli cud, in the interest of Senator Allen, and (lie Ptle's cause, which end- ei only t the t.oll s do, we are i met by deft lit, wkiich to us is honorable. Bui in a District Inch Sheldon carrii d hy 740 majority our defeat is not lion orahle to all. Aitswiring the tjnery, we can only Ry ('apt. Fisher's election was not (his sthle, hut for the presence in thhicity, of those fusionis'.K who wero willing to barter an United ft tales) Senator-ship for the otlice of county Attorney, which w,is not delivcitd. Don't you know Gerlacb a 11S votes in ( hadron would have lieeti 197, but for the County Attorney-ship. Ckr it be msihle. that the Precinct which gave 1. O. Cooper but &7 vote ait.iinst '.iil for Arthur M. B-irtlett for Shenir, would honestly ffive 1. N. liur haiij,'h, 0H5 against 217 lo.- V, IL Fain -in. Fellow Democrats, nnd all Populists outside of Dawes county, w hen Reynolds i and Fisher rote for John Lw-wheal Webster for Unite! S'ates Senator, think of 213 votes in Cha Iron for Har haugh for County Attorney. But the cause of t!ie just will prevail. From an honorable defeat, let us begin a now battle for Right. K D. Katti:ki.i:k, ''hairman Certr il Coinmitte .7!Jrd Rinre- sentalive i Ustrct, nvin' in t lie ofiicial re port of the canvassing board, com posed of county clerk Bk'wett, W. II. Davis and county attorney Guthrie for Sioux connty: W. A. Poynter, Gov. M. L. I lay ward " K. A. Gillx-ii. (5. A. Murpliy W. V. Porter Sec Stat 11)7 Mjs 10S 8'.) 107 '20-2 101 102 ;0'2 V) v.c, ir.7 101 91 Duras F.' Cornell 08 A wit. , T Vfathews Vt.l ...e -err,j T 100 I'eaa, p J. Murtoiiscii " . 11. Jacl.'sn 4. Supt, F. Sayl-.r " " 0G 03 V. J. gmyt'iS. Atorny 100 1). Jackson 100 100 104 307 100 00 J. fl V. WolfeR L & n. . P. Williams " 02 w. N. j. (rrecuo Con. lirown " 01 Otto Muh, vS. Henator 101. W. II. Reynolds 107. L. (7er!ac7f Keprubiit M A. G. Fisher " 70 ..84 101 1T.-7 U UOIiell U. AITS' iS" G. Guthrie " 14 E. liohwrforCo. CWrlW 140 J. Mettlen " " Assessor Bowen Prect. Otto Tietze. Aug. Ilnsiselquist 10 u 11 2.3 How To Find Out. Fill a botile or common glass with your wutet and lot It stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if jt stain your linen it is eviden ce of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to jiass it or pain in the buck is abo convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What TO Do. There is comfort in Uio knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot the grtat kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain n the hack, kidneys, liver, bhufder and evry part of the urinary passages. Jt coritetH Inability to hold water and scal ding pain la nuwriOR it, or bad effects fol lowing use of lienor, wine or beer, anil overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, Hnd to get up many times during the night. The Mild and the exlraortl nary elTei't of Swamp Root is soon rcu'ix ed. It slunds the highest for its wondei ful f-ure of the most distiessing cases. If you need a medicine you sh"iltl leiv the lx:st. At druggists lifly rents or oi.e dollar. o J.ast week- election shows one of two j Clings. Either noma people are- loosing .11 ; . . . - . . . . . . I an nneresi in wir government, or hips' i are entirely devoid of appreciating good hone government and holiest servant , "' " K'Veri as som as the child be in olfjee. It ha-) taken years f hard ; co"'es hoarse, or uvea after the croupy work .and toil by cood men to oust i I4 rotOn, a gang us ever infested a sbttt- ho ise, and if ever a- people had a riirht to be gratified, our pjop'e had a righ' t h , f-ir no p irty hud er given any state a more Iirill ant. nnmintrfl ion t inn tl-f . , . l lusion I rces fnvn Nebraska in toe law i two yers. Tim state was put into the loremost I itie states, unanciaiiv, uikj . under ipr linary conilitions one would sup pose tjiat tli) tax-payees would show their appreciation of this by turning out en triads on election day, and returo b; a,arr mai,,rit-v ,han eVer lbe ',ar which bad been ko true to their A legislature was up for re-election to ; finish jp the noble work lepnn two yeari j a.jro. namely, of cleanin;,' up the ba lane . of Republican rottenness and thiever'; ferpeti-ated ill the statfl while in office. Senatdr William V, Allen too, the most J . ...... .... A. ..I .r ii. n . ...... r I .en....., ... toe,., an, up , r n, , , eit-t uori, anu ueserveu o Lie re-riei ten for n4 sta'e ever Kent a more brilliant, si-mitclr to Washington than be. Hi! not oiily was an honor to his state but a pillarlto the reublic and a strong one 3 at 1 hit. But regardless of all this s aajMiw iivtjjfir, me KiA-jjaiu peopitijta I... I, l. I.. I ... t. o Nebraska, stayed at home on electlot ; day fil L-t the same, old rotten Kanff bick In again. Oh what gratitude foil services well performed, RlKpt I""'e in Sioux county, fully . on4 hnndiied voters stayed at home on elec tion jny and defeated our own towns m am Hon. Oerlach for the legis latrfre, to which he so rightfully deserv y to bs elected. No man but must say that Hon. Iewis Gerlach was fully cjuaiilied for the position and would have boen an honor to Sioux county in Lincoln had he been elected. Several of our Representative citizens fougbt fot two days in convention to secure lib nomination, on the clsum that Sioux county was entitled to the same. M?s Oerlach, too, made an honorable cam 1rign over the district, spending both timu and money to secure his election, fi.i he felt himself in duty bound to- tne 1 nient and sample copies will be sent to party that nomiimtcd him, and after air, iny one addressing;, this exertion oil' hundred men in Sioux; : The Youth's Companion, county do not think enough of their'J 1 Columbus Ave.. Boston, Mas. citizenship to spend four or five houre . ... . . .1. .. . . ... .....ii i h in one u iy i go to me pons Tun- vote for him as they would have done, " had they oj)a to too polls. Thil ("a: t-.ui ftate of ftjiturs an! the injustice don' Mr. (Ierlach and his friends is HOiV'e'hjnjf of which some of our citizens noad nut feel proud. So long as people will take the right of citizenship so lightly anu prove so untrue to th miselves as they- have done this year and in years past, they must not grow l or complain of rot- sen government, lor an olil saying is that t'od helps but that helps himself, .i i....... i - .... ' ' Vat-suit Complexion. It does nut require an expert to delect' ', ., , , ttie sufferer from kidney trouble. Tl6 , , ' ' , , Hollow ctieetts, tne minKeu eyes, tne iiaru nti Ify circles under the eyes, the sallow'J parsnip-colored complexion indicates it, A physician would ask if you hadl I phiiiini'iliut.i i lull I, run nn nnha in flu. b.-Lclt or over thn bins. Ktomach trouble. 1 desire to urinate often, or a burning orl r,ni n j i .i . , , j 'of It. 21 allowed Viythecourt as attorn- sculdiiig in passing it: if after passintft , . , . . . h 1 " , lew i said action, with interest on there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it,' ., , r . . . ... 1 said amounts from date of said decree must be at once repeated, or if tin urine ! . ,, rir, , , , , ' , at the rate of 10 pur cent per annum and has a brick dust deposit or strong odor. , . . , ,. , , K .costs and accruing costs and adjudged When these symptoms are present no ' , , , . ,- .. , , , , lbe same to be a first hen on said prenu- time should be lost in removing the . ... , . , , .. ses. Said premises will be sold for the cause, h . . , . , , -luirivose of satisfying said sums. Delay m,iy bmd to gravle, catarrh of j THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff the bladder, inflammation, causing stop- page and sometimes requiring the draw- ' ing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright' Diseasu, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer'.i Swamp-Root, the great discovery of the eminent kidney mid bladder specialist, in a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at wuy ttrujg AKtio mat. no onu neeti stiller any length of lime for want of it. However, if you prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention Till! Sloi'X COCNTY Jot' UN A l. and writij, to Dr. Kil mer & Oo., Binghamton, N. Y, for a sunide bottle ami book telling all about it, both sent ah ilutely free by in ail, Horse Ownerc! Try CQMCAULT'Q Cauofic DaIamim MS tlifl I fit dhtlUiilM '.Hi ? i - J ".5 (' L A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness in a child that in subject to ............. . : .. I : . ' ""I' l uie lnuicauou 01 lue approach i j ol tlits disease. If Chamb-rl.un s Cough rj i . .... - """?" appeared. H will prevent it will prevent the j attack. Many mothers who haveeroupy ! children always keep this remedy at hand and lind that it wives theru much trouble and worry, it can always be depended upon and is pit asaot to take Vd,,l,l,.Il'l: J x linney. I'roia X vv Zealand. R effon New Zealand, Nov. 23. 1$$. I am very pleased to sUte that since I took the agency of Chamberlain's medi eines the sale has teen very lare, more itsoeciallv of theConiHi Jlwnodv. Tn dvn y - 'ars I have sold more of this "particular .emelv than of all oLher makes for the- jrc.vious lve vears A, , ju tfI1(.acVi j )ave bee itlurmel hv scorej) ftf ' of th 1,n , rMU,-.MV .,. lv. "- ed from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pieasarit to lane llial we liave to mace ' th(J ,)oUllJ bevoml , J(J Mt,, of the chil ;j,.c.n li. J. Seautlubury. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phiuisey. The Coiiiiiiiiioiisiew Calender The calenders given by The Compaii- jjionin lormer years to all mbscribers interest at ; have been remarkable for their delicacy '!l .1 : i ..- i .. t, . uesiu anu riciiues ol coloring, But the calendar for IBD9 far surpasses uuy of those. The publishers have endeavor- ed to make it the tinest calendar of the century and readers of the Companion will lie disappointed in it. Those who subscribe now will receive not only the gift of the Calendar, but also all the issues of November and December, from the tune of subscription Free. The new volume will be the best the Companion has ever published. 'Among the con tributions already engaged are '-The Little Demons of war," by Hon. John D. Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex plorers," Sir Clements Markham; "The Boy with a voice," David Bisphani; "The Wonders of Somnambulism," Dr. Will iam A. Hammond; "Police Spies in Rns sia," Poultney Bigelow; and "Where Living is Cheapest," lion. Carroll D. Wright. Fine illustrated announce- Sliorlir Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed, issued hy the Clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court, wherein D. H. Oriswold m plaintiff, and L. J. Simmons, Grace Simmons and Rufus Coffin and Company are defendants, 1 will on the 10th day of December, lliW, at 2 o'clock i p. m., or sam oay at tne east, tioor oi j the Court House, in Harrison, Nebraska, j offer for sale at public sale the following 'i discribed real estate, to-wit: Lot 6 of ! Block !), of the Village of Harrison, .. . . A . , iSionx countv, Jebraska, to satisfy a ' , ' , , . , decree of foreclosure of a tax lien enter- ed in said cause by our said Court at the September A. D. IMS term thereof, to wit: on the 19th day of September A. D. wherein our said Court found due to the said plaintiff, D. H. Oriswold the (sum of S172.44 tocel.her with the sum Slui iff s Salr. Notice is hereby given that by virtue rf an order of sale to rue directed, issued hy the Clerk of the District Court of Sioiix county, Nebraska, in an action pending in said court, wherein J. Y. Cas- le is plaintiff,, and Metta L. Maine, Silas fit. Maine, (Jeot'ge W, Hester, and James Q. Sargent, are defendants, I will on the l!Uh day of December A. D. WIS, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day at the east door of the Court House, in Harrison Nebraska, offer for sale at public sale the following described real estate to wit: Lots !!0 and 31 of Itlock 7, of the Village of Harrison. Sioux county, Ne braska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure !' of a tax lien entered in said cause by our suid Court nt the regular Scplember A. D. 1H!IS term thoreof to-wit; on the Ittth day of Hepleniher A. ), ls;iH, here-1 ia our said Court found due to the said plaintiff, J. Y, Castle the sum of !;!(l.ll.'i j together with the stun of $2:1. (Ill allowed by the Court as attorneys lees in said Iftctioli with inU-rest, on said amounts jjrntii date of said decree at. the rate of 10 nr.u r i iiuiiis- hum ii . Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of , Gents furnishing goods for Fall and; "Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Sunnlv loo se will no! on groceries k Provisions. Come and ba convinced. L. GERLACH, Prop. -THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. E. BiiBvyfrr.n, I'rebideDt D. H. ORISWOLD, Caehier, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS: American Extoakok National Rank, New York, Omaha Nation-at. Bank, Omaha, FinsT National Baxk, Chadron. Interest Paid on OTDRAFTS SOLD ON STOCK BltAMIS. Thk Joijrn-ai. will publish your brnnrt, Ike the following, for 12:00, per veur. Kiu hicl dltioiml briintl 75 cents. .yery inrnier or rant'lnnen In Floux and nitjohitni? rountles should advertise their brands in Tub. Jour nal its it circulates all over tlm state. It limy Ihi the menus of saving money for you. Vn AS'lf K1V Til On Inft side ol cuttle Hint on left jftvlM leftldi-r ol horses. iUT"i Ibmce on Antelope creek )., (iliiicliriHt, Hioui i:o., Neti. ciiaiii, ititin.n. On letl side or hip ol cul l p, ) tin It'l l, shoulder ol horses. liiuiKO on the head ol Wnrbonnet , I-,.,. K Aililress lluri'lsmi, Monx t o. Nidi. on Inft -lion 11 it o cuttle mid hordes. l(:oil!e oil l ittle CoUonwoi d. br. I rnwtord S ':'" f n; -if. t I C u 3 be undersold Nebraska. a r. Coma, Vic-Preeideat. Time Deposits. ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. For We can make to Salt our measure a ine, All-Wool Latest City Stylet You can be a well-dressed man if you know how. Write us lur Samples and booklet "fiotvto J.Mk Will, Dress Well, and Save Money." Larjc Fashion Plato Cnwl and Samples rr' The DAVIS MACHINE CO. CHICAftO kk44 50 YEARS' KXPIRICNCI rt COPVIMHT A. a n.nnit -nilliic a ikatrh and daii'aWia mat nnirkiT utstrtiiln our optnion frae tiiw Inrentlnn istirolinhlr piilMatakta. Comia irniirli!iWf.iiniiiilUl. HaiMHnahoar"rt ,,,. Oiri""t rtvY fnr.ienntiiriwKwa. ,, ..,s til "i I In, ni. Mi mi Co. rMfre ,IUt I'liHTi;.'. Hi TM 1 1 yfns .lll(. l , ' ill cniM H' I. 1x II ft IW ' A. 2 DAN Li 3 , 1 "j I A -A 'i -1 "1 I.