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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1898)
1 "vol. xi: The Sioux County Journal. fKSTAJ3JX-HfcD 1S-W.J Subscription Price, ? 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. 'fo. I), ('mmn, i:aiir. Kmwil nt the Ilurrlwin poft oltlie hk ocjiiu eiium mutter. TsS-kHi V M "4Ai2aWiJai4i Election day m Kioux county oiiened with a Hht pp.ow Ktonn iu prosre: and wvih very unfavorable for a full vote bein w-t. How ever tlio following figures will hhow how well tin; vot 'n? turned out on that day, by the vtjte lolled for the var ious filate, eonKm-tsIonal, re presentative and-roanty o!ii rer;j: Following shows how well the fusion state t'e'eet fared in Sioux county from govern or down to atvseBi-or in Bowen precinct. Not- withstanding the Hliowing made it i con ceded at least one hundred VICTORY 1 I s!om EiOiTf. VfKvk.V 'ill fusion VOteS Stayed from tlieicnydrutore-thatno one need stiirer poll on election day. Just the Kime, our ROOSTER will crow for the majorities given to the fusion ticket in this county. W. A. Poynter, Gov. 114 Mjs M. L. Hayward " 1(7 E. A. Gilbert, " ()!)5 (i. A. Murphy " UM W. F. Porter Sec Stat I'.m; C. Duras " " 77 07 00 80 J.F.Cornell Audt. 1V8 T. L. Mathews " 00 102 J. B. Meserve Treas. ll5 P. Morteiirien " DO W. K. Jackaii R. Snpt 195 J. F.Kay lor " 00 C. J. SmythS. Atorny 107 N. D. Jackaon " 107 J. V. Wolfe P. L. fc 13. 104 . R. Williams " OS W. L. Greene Cong. 191 N. Brown " 105 Otto Mutz, S. Senator 10.') W. Li. UeynoldH 104 00 00 07 00 86 01 L. Gerlach Repreant 237 A. 0. Finher " 8(5 1G1 M. J.O'ConcllC. AttylGf) (, Guthrie " 19 146 E. Roh wr for Co. Com'ras .1. Mettlen " " " 25 AesepHor I3owen Prcct. OttoTieti. 34 Aug. Happelcp:iiBt 11 13 23 A ftptoial from Waxl)ini;ton D. (.'., to the World Herald on the 6th Inst wait to the eflert that the ntionl capital had ranght fire tha night before caused by fxplosion of gas in one of U aub-baae-moti. I-XTVISOIsr, Our Motto-' I ?;ebra wm to iat et rt'imrti; U very rio.e and uiay require the re turns to dtrvla the contest exi-opt on Congressmen, which Ftanrls. Fusion 4 l.e imblioaiiHU legislature is in doubt. C'lialnu.m Kerr of lh na tional Democratic congm--ioiial eonimittee estimates thy election of IS'.) anti-adminia-tration Congressmen last Tuesday. According to World-Herald Democrats made a ;rain of 12 conresfqiien in New York !tato 51:1,1 'ol. ftconelt was ' 1 t I piunuirv. n .... ... , ..,," . ,, ' iiv i wiij-a 1 1 nil t.tniuroii v t.T. v. r.iw -ford, thai Hon. Lnivis Ucriiich lud U-n (l.'fcu'u.l in this district fop the U-gi.-da t'Hti hy n .majority of 40 vote.-. It is a nalnral ivsult uf Hint one hundred Cier- vof'H, it in reported candidate Hai- banj;h h.i.i i i Cliiulron, for FUlier vott-s in order that his election might i madu sure for County Attorney. If the liuri.uii(;h tc Iislier pohlitiil iIimI m true, as it now l,wik by tii- and Mr. Finhfi's votu in t'hiidi'oii, Mr. II irhaugh deji r.'cs to 1)0 deh'atrd; besides it tdi'j'.vs he is a tra,t:r to tlia party he stands for and also iu principals. Wyoming aeeoniing to the latest reports i republican. "Pi ) qiiPi n of banditts and the terror i f all ieaceabie trave!ers in t'.ie east, m FJ.ib Daueha a woman who of choice became a Banditt, yet is of gentle and n-spclcd parentage. IJer favorite haunts are the mount lins and siiiirnlar as it may stem she lik.s to work alone. Pursuit) ("oiiijlcxlon. It dot's not require an exjiert to dctct the snlf-'ier from kidney troube Tlie hollow chuck, thi! Htinkcn eyes, tiie d irl; I ulfy circles im lor the eyes, the willow p,ra:i:p-coloi'd complexion indicates it. A would ask if you had rhi'umatisin a dull pain or ache in th -ba'.'lt or over the hijis, stomach trouble, liesire to uriiiiite ollcii, or a biirnui or ocaldiutf in pas'-ai.' it: if , after parsing theraisun ui!.-,j.Uslied fe-din as if it must In at once r.'pj.ite I, or if ths urine has a brick dust deposit or hi rung odor. When these symptom are present no tune should be lost iu reuiuviiig the Cause. Delay m ly lend to jrr.ivlo, catanh of the bladder, inflammation, causiiijf istop pae and sometimes ratjtiit-in the draw in: of the urine with instruments, or may run into Briht's Disease, the most dangerous htiixa of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmei'j S'wamp Root, the great discovery of tha eminent kidney and bladder specialist, is a positive remedy for Kiich diseases. Its reputation is world wuKi and it is so easy to Ket at any length of time for wint of it, Jl nvevtr, if yoii prefer to first test its wonderful merits, mention Ti E .Stot'X t'ofNTY Jot'I'.NU. and write to Or. Kil tinr& ()o., ISmKharnton, N. Y. for a la.mnlu I, ,,.L- ,;r,.r .,11 it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Tlio ('oniianiiirK now C'aleii'Ior Tlie calemiers (jiven by The C-'ompan-ion in former years to all subscnliers have been remarkable for their delicacy of design and richness of coloring. Hut the calendar for JH'JU far surpasses any of lliosi). The publisher have endeavor ed to make it the finest calendar of the century and readers of the Companion will Ihi disappointed in it. Those who Riibfscrilie now will receive not only the ; jjift of the Calendar, but also all the issues of November and December, from the time of subscription Free. The new volume will lie the best the Companion has ever published. Among' the con tributions already engaged are "The Little Demons of war," by Hon. John D. Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex plorers," Sir Clements Markhatn; "The Hoy with a voice," Itavid Bispham; "The Wonders of Somnambulism," Dr.' Will iam A. Hammond ; "l'olice Spied in Hns sia," I'oultney Oigulow; and "Where Living is Cliea.iest," Hon. Carroll I). Wright. Fine illustrated announce ment and sample copies will Im sent 'to any one addressing. The Youth's Companion, 211 CoIuinbiiH Ave., boston, Maw. THE JOURNAL 1 a Yea r 1 ! i 1TEBSASKA, NO GUZSTION 13 EVER CETTLED UNTIL IT 15 SETTLED RIGHT. "Hon. TTUIUm J. Bryan.- Afiure Kltpt of Cronji. IIouri-m-v in a child that is subject 10 croup ix a mire indication oftb"i!.pr.,aoh of the itiw-aHC ' Jf Uiairibsrliiii'i, tough K-medy is givn as wj.m as lira child In comes hoar3, or even after tlie croupy cough ban iipp.-iriJ. it will prevent tlif attnek. Many mothers who havycroiipv children always It-ep this remeJy at hand and hid that, it saves them much trouble anil worry. It Cau ulwayi b'i dfpnded upon and is pleasant t.) takj For sale by J)r. .1. 12. Piiinney. From Xfw Zealatnl. U--cfton, New Z aland, Nov. 21, H83, Inm very pleawid to state that since I to k the nfe-i My of C'huiiibt rlaiua modi ciues the .sale has lieeu very larye, more especiiilly of the Coiif;h Kt-mcdy. In lvo yeari I have wild more .f this jirtj.Mi!i,r re nedv thuii rif all otlicr makes for (hn pr.:vjoin live years. As t- its t fh'cacy, I have Iwen informed hy scores of per sons of thegnod re.sultn they have receiv ed from it, and know its value from the u: of it in tn v own household. It is so pl iisant to hika that we have to place the bottle beyond the roach of the chil-dri-u. E. J. Hcantlcburj. For ssaio by Dr. J. I:. Fhinuey. G5Vt3Ktt:;T P0SIT!CfJ3. I' vc-u wrh on ol die J i, COO -UijOs in ihe ovcrnm?ut str- , .- ; '.y',t.:'"f V t'-i". I;ur-rm can r.dvie you - 'rjy. ft ti Ur ;j;iss ui t"c Tt;t;u!uJ Civil 1 n" --v I i t ut fl 9 t (tnunnn I m'ucj:-ju mciJl tje rcquueornis Tint 1j.i-c.hj :' i r,yi 'r; ,i t:.i :m- foreign .o.iniriri. I i.v hi I o. i f ! 'tfln r.i-a w jri ftxrricn'--! a - C i-i Ktrnnif, t mntitv wner ol ,itn an 1 p4un- AU--K1' y. n:1 i V.Ty mhxcss hil in hru "t pin n;n .ni m t'e prosecuuoo ol U pAimi btik' ' l?i'Ja ll.e cour;a. cc;io:i c? lav. ; Tliii Pcwt? c ;i it. yon for tt'eri-ien to the Rar jirfp.nrtf yoa tor nfivf f.tiu:i -ce in two years, within m-'.f;i'iH int rtt-riri tv-lu yowr ulhtr tln tiM. Oir ir.Mrjc !(.- ctt- tiie at'lt-ti, our Hyitem l!-orutii;h1n t otrc or,;- rrpsonuble. Three cours ts are Uu ;tit: Un vtrsay, Itt)jmti5 ar.d Special. Send for pnrfind. if tT'Tift, tc. ' N A P'OVAl, lN'FOliMA'riON UD'REAU. ?-cv Vorlt Ave., Washing '.on, V. C Nothing: Else fquuh Ayif fills for stimiilathij; a torpid liver, sti'engthoimig digestion, anil rega l.iting the actlou oi tlie loweli. Tlieyootb taiu no calomel, nor any oilier Injurious drag, but are composed of the active jirinci ples of tlie beat venetable catliartli:9. . - " X was a Hultfrcr lor years from dyspppiJL ami liver troubles, and found 110 perui mi t rellel until I commenced Uiklng Aycr's I'ilu. They have effeeted a cumpleto eure."v Ceorpo Hooncy, Wullii, Walla, W. T. "Whenever I am troubled with constipa tion, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's Tills set mo rlftfit again." A. J. Klser, Jr., Itock House, Va. " For the euro of headache, Ayer's Ca thartic fills are tlio most effective medicine I ever used," 1!. K. James, Iiorcliester, Mans. "Two boxes of Ayer's 1'ills cured inc "of vere headache, from lilidi I m loii(,' sf. ieier."-Emma Kcycs, !lnbbanlston,Couii Ayer's Pills, ; PHHPA RED 117 DR. J. C. ATER & CO., Lowell, Maea. Sold by all Ucalers lu Medlclnea. i 'MP BEST V4 iZ i i Y.'hon ytn .rc oott to rrjy a -Se.vinff rr,jy b' i t't tliinW yoa aid Ltt u(. Most Popular !r,r a mere long. So. to it t'oat voa buy froia rer;.utf rirtnu fai turen have fcidetd h reputatiou t,y hones. nnl ' uare douliHK, Y''a will turn (;et a Powinji I.tttchitia hat is noted llio world over for iu ilnni bility. Yoa iritnt t'le ore tiit u easiest to auauu udi is t Light Running O ' "r Thero none In the worll thai VKCr'T "'"-''7 cun enual in tnechanicid con . 21: CU aimetien. durabilitv of worlttfic t'-'M liri-'iR' iuiei;eK ot nniKii, OIV.'M in iippcarAKve, or ban u vrli'4 ij-ptovcaicntnacths b-aisrv Ufi UyfcliV New Home It be.a An'oRintie Trrslon, Double Fd. attbe on both sides of needle i patented), no other fcii it ; New bland ( fntnlett, driving wheel hinged on nd jU'itahle cuutera, thiu rcdueing Irictioa to the iniaiiiiuan. t VJRITZ FOH CIRCULARS. THE HEW IIOTSE SEWING MACHIHE CO. Oiutron, Mawi. nonTAri, Mas, i T-hioti BoAitR, H,T VUICIKI, IU CT. i'f'I, Ml'. I !.!,. TKLAJk I UAJI I ILAJfeUi'. , CAt.. ATI.AKTA, 04. j . FOB pm r r.v . tu .v j..-?; bounty TZKTJIE&SIDj, jn r b - i On All News Stands. Jt J JS Jt J Jt JZ Jt J & i Larger, Better, More Complete Tharp Ever. yTl'e most icidely told Annual Rcfef (tue Book and Political Manual published. THE WORLD, Tulitzer Building, New York. Mzchln'i Co. as '""r "'fi 0fC9 f.' r V e f" ,v io -: '. jt - -v .v...-i ..oj y ; v Crescent 18.43 ;V r7l?i$ I, '-? 'Ji'f !"irrt n.'ii hi.yf. !!:8 .sjon'. f ( s-aainii. !i Mi'.hir;" i.; ret r ifpn:-;eated aHer ''Ji'..'iV tr'.:!, V ::1 re;, l.-J s;w ,;. :.ej. Or V C '"'!:! I.Ie'p i it. V.. A-;:t:i j r-,jt-. ol '" '-' !" trtil, oa receipt "f a'.';. '.e. ..r t.:;!jin. i'li? ir-jrt ) !-r.dret..e. U;T'h'.-I!ur:' in,-; N'-'Ire-h.": '-i:.ii:!ie, ac.ttrd fn ed i. i1'!; v.oii:. rei-thie idevj c.:i:i ler fei'.-iuic. rionl le f.rti 1, yi;e.i:'t;c tu:in'. ron ;i ,e !r-,lfi.llv up t ee; Io In civit v ", Th'. lust ic'il fiurV.blc lir a ol S.U n;hr.-!-.its. ail I ui;'u'! by OM:ni theoidert ar.d l.iiO'Ut sewing r.irr.luuc 'Co u l:ic v.cnd. Hci.l vitS .1 firstt!;i-i !i siv etid re fir:rtbj (wsi.!. Hen t ktac:i bit oi.r :tp,-ciel!'ati!: t.i tlii'ie C.'ii iSoirii?, weiUi tells you : .'i e!..j ;t ii, uiid ix'.v sciii a Mawl.iiic ori 'liitlj. The D-2vis Mscis! Co., GUIcaco. Some Plain Fccis. Grave crrcrf, injustice, wro)ii;3 f greater cr less choree, arse fcr, l.i of kiiowledge cf tlie truth, aaj n:c-. frequently from deuepiion. '1 lie most infaniou:; case ca rccer. of deception and irjustics is tlie tt j tempt to demonetize silver as a ivor.e; j of final redemption i.t the Uniicu I States. ' i 'Jhere h r.o learned juc'.e, skilled lawyer, or court of justice thut is capable of reconciling the effort with the constitutional Ijwb that govern the issue of rtcnf y in this country. The peopls hive teen deceived, officials in power, chosen to adminis ter justice undjr the laws, have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the scheme that has paralyzed industry, reduced property values one-half, and beggared millions. There h; no authority of law, either specific or hy i;,)"ertnr.r, by v.hich gold alone is made the only money with which to discharge debts, either public cr private. The effort to make it so is unconstitutional and a national calamity. Flain and ample information, facto, arxi truth, concerning this almost suc t ssful scheme to corner tlie wealth .' the people, is now being printed in the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news paper which the combined power of money has failed to muzzle or buy. The Weekly Enquirer i3 only 75c. a year. The address is r Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O. j The -World W Encyclopedia I Will JUS Question Ei?cyclcps9ia Ask It ' Standard $ American Annual. CLkr.jc. j Journal iTOV. lO, 189S. Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the D A A TOTJ CTTDDT V 11 OU1J in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. n o b Fa 1 una me m MB. "IS b B MS6 win 1101 m m on orocenes Come and fcebOnvinced. COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1C38. Harrison, G. ', President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashiar. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. ; nsacts a General v CORRESPONDENTS; American Exctianoe National Rank, New York, Omaha National Dank, Omnha, First National Bank, Chad ron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. STOCK ItKANOS. The JoritXAL will publtuli your brand, ike tlio following, for 2 :00, pur venr. Kai-h ad ditioniil iirnnd 75 cejits. Kvi-ry runner or rnnchtnnn In Sioux and ndJolniii(r counties should ndvortlHo tboir lirandn tu TiieJoub naluji It clmilntos all over tlio state. H may tio Itio inciins of sitviuff money for yon. lug. I fin loft, fl.lo of rattln hiuJ on lrft a--I vhotii'b'r ol hornnu. Hitni;i-on Anttdopa creek V. O., Ciliilola wt. Sioux Co., Nob. OHAKLKS BIKHLK. On li-l t mdo or hip nf cutt le, I On lolt nlionl'Ji'r of lioiHcs. j iKanjra on tho tiend ot Wnruonnet orek Addromi llarrlnon, Ploux Co. Nob. B . w.cnrcY. On left bouldor of cuttle and JlKlMOH. ItHiilroon l.lttln (Vitf.,iii'fwI iu. ;ruw-lord Nolir. duaiy, nervous debiuty mmI DR. WARbttST. 130 1. 1 K if. WDIJ, ti 2STO. 19. HOUSE j I VJ. nan Mipp R I S lersGio provisions. L. GSRLACH, Prop. " - y - J 1. s.-vcl Nebraska. F. form, Vica-rreiident. Banking BusineLS. .qtm no etiij sun 1:1 osnoi( 0ST$ mats anui mm O0P0IMO 4,00 8UIl9PW.91ABa 851 w44 BO YEARS' .4 Traoc SJMM 't'' COWIWIITIM. Anrone Mnitlni UMh nd Jwnlip wf qtncklr uoerutn oar oparioa pm jnmbm w InTenUnn l prntokblr MlMbla. CtmuMiiifaa. tloni Mrlotlr onnr)(1ntUL haMnoM on tmumu tent frM. OldMt Mner (orcmam MM. I'MmU Ukm throtiih MunOjk W tmteialMUM. vHboat MMTM bM&t - 4. T ftft44.u A tuMuMomtlr I1ratrati waaM. f calatlon nf an MMiitaka tmmA f ( -anaoitijca repsdg joj daiig pasg '-MaMMSMIillllllMMM m-. m w a a. faar; fonrwnth,SL 8oaTM '' "' s 4 1 ; 3 1 1 M i :y