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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1898)
4f ' The Sioux County Journal VOL. XX HABBISOIT, UEBBASKA, THXJSIDY, 3STOV. 3, 1898. Cnr Xuttn"NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Hon. TVilllam J. Bryan. The Sioux County Journal.! 1BTABUSUED 19SS. Subscription Price, 11.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SiOUX COUNTY. to. I. Canon. Eflllor. (Catered at the Harrison pout office an Mkuud class mAtur. The JornxAt, viand fairly tor lw M..-c;ary gold iwnking md nquardy on the Chicago ' ,,iIUt KiVs: No k :Uer is,',ue is l"'fljre tlie platform, but will not Imitate"-'' '. fn n,,J u-orl f,n- ihe H adnnts that the M.Oary Bill w.ll t J , . - i ' j f j ' iw y,j ju, dtf(m,,,e j poll ani, J(rovllla in ltH stead variou office to be voted for lliltion.a ail)l. lK,H Tilttt is a afi. thlH fall HO VUtttCr, irhtther knowiedgoment or the single Man- th-ey are Democrats. Popul'iHt'.tX. or free diver Republican, if ' ' indorsed by all the reform par- j (,!r A. o. Fiir is.arrying the id..-a ties, conditional, however, that i 10 11,8 fr -H sih'"'' v""'- tJ ' . ,. .',, 77 .' , , v 7, ,! standard voters that lie i,afiou silver nun i.i 1 1 vm:ai v uiruttuiiii? in income tax law, opposition to opposed to tlie retirement of the ip-eenlncbi and, treasury notes, j favor aovernment control of railroad, telearaph and tele- phone lilies and the extaMMs went of pontal tavings bank- U iri. ! poed to the it-weing of nation al bond in time of peace. ITSIOX STATE TICKET. Tor Governor: HON. W. A. FOYNTEU. For J.luut. Gorernor: HON. A. F. GILBERT. For See. of Mate: HON. W. F. rOKTETt. I-or State Treasurer: HON. J. n. JIESEUVE. f'or Male Amlltor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. Kor Attorney lleiieial: HON (. J. M1YTH. for Cum. I'iib. Iiinl4 i'liuildliiK: HON. J. V. WOLFE. 1 or Mipl. ril!i: Itit-trnr-tlon : HON. W. R. JACKSON. I Kor 'onttre, f.tli tUMUct. HON. W. II. GREEN. l or Senator Hth SeiiHtorI'd Ill-trk't. HON. OTTO MU'IZ. for Kepreoeiitatlve, I)itrlet, HON. LEWIS GERLACH. Keep Your Party Vote at the Pre cinct Polling Places. The JorjRNAt believes it is the proper thing for the three reform parties in Sioux county the evening of Nov. 5th, next when the precinct vote is be ing canvaswed to keep tal on their respective party vote. Something like the follow ing would keep tho vole in a manner thdt each party could tell iuHt" how lawo a vote each party polled in the coun ty: Bow en Precinct, Free Silver Republican vo'e :0 People's xary Democrat 241 28' C2 Total Voti HEAD THE JOURNAL This Week. The republican riarty ihia year are dtxiyint: every important issue, that is the leaders. If vou ask them about the rooord of the ri'ijuuhcun officials in this btate for the past 20 years all they cans to talk about is the war; ask them the j conduct of t he war department und they begin to hedge on every thing that is at Issue. The republican party should be i e'eat- ed through the United States if lor no other purpose than that they are in fav I or of the infamous Mc'JHary ''Bank Bill" j ojw before congress for consideration, j which means thi distinction of all minor j bunks in the country; tha single gold ! standard, and the oppression of the labor ing class. The Times Herald, Ch cago comes out retire Lrret-tiba':!;, make hilverdo ars re-1 maii Jiimself, which is a falsehood On the verv fave of the statement, or he would ,i.iril ticket. i;ewar of h'n ma. inations. -nu is a wolf in sheep; clothing. ' 1I(,n- i-w (-Jeriadi fusmn nominee (" -f"v.-ntiitiv was in Ohadron, Wed- won a f,,w volM in ,tl,e race from, who w,ll not sup- port Captain Fisher, because he is play ing "fast and loosu" with them and pre tending to Ikj an Allen man to populists. C'hadron News. I It-member that as the result of the I Reform state administration the school I fund of Sioux has been increu:ed cl ise ! t' Jl.ftOO during the past, two years over i ... ... , ... any npuWicn administration in tlie history of the slate if true and tho rec ord of the county Superintendents will show the statement to be true can the people afford to return the republican party to power again, knowing their past record? President McKinley ha? issued the national Thanksgiving proclamation designating Thursday Nov 21 as the day he has set apart when the people of this L'reat nation shall ceace from their lab ors nnd worship God and give him thanks for the blessing and favors he has in his infinite mercy bestowed upon thetn uuriiii: the vear just coming to a chce. The numner of trusts now doing bunt ness under this administration is 30 and the control over two thousand million dollar. Can any body dispute the fact that 1.000 men practicaly own the wealth of these United States. The amount of money represented by the trusts in the United States is ?2,23S, 608,000. How is this for centralization of wealth? Hon. Lewis Gerlach, of Harrison Nebr., was in town last Sunday forming acquaintances hereabouts. He is the caudidato for representative fortius dis trict and seems to be greatly pleased with encouragement that he is receiving Alliance Grip. Capt. Fisher, thinking he would have no show to fool the voters in this representa tiv district, has struck on a novel plan and that is to send Home of his soldier friends around through the district to tell the voters about Capt. Fisher's wonderful fighting record '(a Koosvelt scheme) for suffering humanity while in camp at Chicamauga,. But, 'Capt. Fishery record in Sioux county is too well known; the people know the record he made while in camp down south; the people inthe district know what ho done there defending private (J J. Malier in a court martial trial. Captain, you are not in I it thU year.. It Is Not True. For the benefit of the voters io this Representative District the Jot'&NAL de sires to say that the statement made by Capt. Fisher wherever ho goes that Hod. Lewis Gerlach is traveling on the railroad-s with a pass is ahserdly false and not a word of truth in the story. Look out for all kinds of stories on election day calculated to defeat Hon. Lewis Gerlach and Otto Jlutz for Rep resentative and Senator respectively, j wllilfcl tlle fusion forces seem to attract They should receive the full fusion vote , Kootl The second days regis in thi district. j ti'iu was disappointing to both s.des un- ; ' . . less the last day's registration is un- Ilon. Lewis (icrlach Is Tlie Can-; suallv heavy Omaha will poll a light (1'nlate of the People. jam! this will insure Mr. Hitchcock's The voters of this Representative (list- election but at the same time will pro- rict have reason to feel oroud of their C: ,11 .rlu tiA ftr l?tii iaari'i t i iru 1 l,,i, T.Ati'iu Gerlach of Sioux county Neb), although j he may differ from many of the voters in this district in his pulitiaal belief there is not a man who has had the honor of making his acquaintance but that will say he is just and liberal in his belief, and williug at all times to grant to his fellow man the privilege of worshiping his maker according to the dictates of his own concience, and at all times to exercise the liberties given to him by the 'Created trusts would not now dictate the constitUiion of the United States. laWc, f the land. But Nebraska will do Such a man as Mr. Gerlach, and the , ,r share this year toward helping people of Sioux county regardless of j Uncle Sam out of the mire of ward poli pohtics should make it a point to go to jtics. She will return a statesman to the the mjIIs on election day and do all in j senate and relegate one of his politicians their power to help swell his majority in tins district thereby show ing to the peo ple of Nebraska their appreciation of their candidate. Knowing full well that if eluded his energies will ha directed in the interests of honest legislation. 1 Dont fail to cast your vote for him on election day. Following is how the Indianapolis Sentinal has sized up tlie infamous Mc (Jleary gold standard "Banking Bill" Though the republican candidates dodge the issue that is their ultimate inten tion to pass this bill ifelected: 1. It will retire -18,000,000 of green backs. 2. Stop coinage of silver dollars. a. It will make $.100,000,000 of hilvei redeemable in gold. 4. It will make debt contracts, public and private, payable, in gold. !i. It will turn over to banks all power to issue paper currency. 0. It will secure bank currency by assets only. 7. Leave depositors withot protec tion. 8. It will enable banks to contract A expend their currency at will. 0. Create a hauk monopoly. 10. It will leave honest banks at the mercy of dishonest ones. 11. It will make legitimate banking hazardous. 12. H will increase tho value of our debt obligations, national and private, many hundred million dollars. 13. Jt will open au avenue for wild cat banking. H. H will provide a twelves-year board to control currency. If). "It will make money the master, everything else the servant." Every body should vote against a gold standard man for congress , or for tb state legislature this fall. ;' THEIR RECORD. Defalcations of Republican state and County Olllclals since IS 90 Sinee 1890 defalcations by Republican county officials have amounted to Since 1800, defalcations by republican state ofllcials amounted to Total Inst Amount recovered from Republican count)' ofllcials $ 123,131 Amount reoover- ed from republican state oflioiuts 10,719 Total recovered $ 499,004 B31.M0 11,433,601 - 133,850 1,299,758 Thus after deducting the amount recov ered from the state and counties repub lican emliezzeling officials they are -still in debt to the people $1,299,754. Will it be good policy to return them to power again? Never. In 187 Mr. Mcintosh of Allentown, Tenn., had an attack of dymntery which became chronic. "1 was treated by the best physicians in East TenoeuM without a cure," he say. "Finally I tried Cham berlain' Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy. After using about twelve bot tles I was cured sound and well," Ft t ale by Dr. J, E. Phinney. , The political still hunt of the Itepubllean Omaha, Nov. 1. 1899. Ppcoinl Correapondenv-e to the Jocbsal. J'ow the Expositon is over the cam paign should wax warm. The republi cans seem to have dwelled upon the "still hunt" method of campaign. Thy are evidently afraid to discuss the JrtV Cleary bill or Algerism, or even Mercers "what is it" platform, therefore they have resorted to the hand-shaking pro cess to gain votes for their candidates. Their few meetings they have had were disappointing although well advertised bahlv elect .1 number of rerml.llrans on the legislative ticket; what we desire and about all in this city is a full vote, then j independent votes will decide the fate, land the politicians are cast aside. This I city has been unfortunate and conse quently can sympathize with Uncle Sam iu sending politician instead of states men to the front. The people are paying for their folly now. Had they elected statesmen instead of politicians as cou- gresnnien and legislative lobbyists, ,at last, to private life A Sure Sign of Croup. Hoarseness in achild that is subject to croup is a sure indication of th ; approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Many mothers who bavocroupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is leas:int to take For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. From New Zealand. Rjefton, New Zealand, Nov. 23, 1888. Iain very pleased to Btate that since I took the ngency of Chamberlain's medi 'dotk tbe ie has been very lurge, inore especially of the Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedv than of all other makes for the prOious five years. As to its efficacy, I have been informed by scores of per sons of the good results they have receiv ed from it, and know its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pleasant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the chil dren. E. J. Scantlebury. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. The Companion's new Calender The calenders given by The Compan ion in former years to all subscribers have been remarkable for their delicacy of desiirn and richness of coloring. But the calendar for 1899 far surpasses aoy of those. The publishers have endeavor ed to make it the finest calendar of the century and readers of the Companion will lie disappointed in it. Those wdio subscribe now will receive not only the trift of the Calendar, but also all the issues of November and December, from the time of subscription Free. The new volume will be the best the Companion has ever published. Among the con tributions already engaged are "The Little Demons of war," by Hon. John D. Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex plorers," Sir Clements Markham; "The Boy with u voice," David Bispham; "The Wonders of Somnambulism," Dr. Will iam A. Hammond; "Police Spies in Rus sia," Poultney Bigelow; and "Whore Living is Cheapest," Hon. Carroll 1). Wright. Fine illustrated announce ment and sample copies will be sent to any one addressing. The Youth's Companion, 211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. GULaj.litrtT POSITIONS. It you wi h one of the 160,000 tTvMt.cms in ihc ovfrnincnt fcr vicr, t' is Uurvau can fidvic you turn io prtKcril to secure it, and fit vu (or paMunT the required Civil i'i .S-rtit-f examination therefor. rfry, tun una a common scuiuji m neat ion are all the requirements;icn. "fVi .,.'J t mrriiTf I hi bureau !m 'hr "' f'ci'itim poMble forob- m.iT and copy'd11" in thin and foreign o..m:m!s. T.'ir t.lnrl cn ihii. ntpt. h.i had 20 year penmre Ch ef Krsmincr, Comtniioncr w .cents ant Paunt Aunfnr.y, and i very kucctm ul n e,."i bro id pau nu and in the proKCUlion of all paier.t litlRaiion before the court. SCHC0L OF UW. TtiU Bureau can 111 yu for admiinlnn to the Bir and prepare ymi for aenve praclice In to yean, wilhoiit materially interfering with your other du ties. Onr Instructors are the antral, our ayitetn lhorouith,an1 ourcharirea rraronahle. Three coura et arc tzi(i Univrriily, Buameaa and Special. Send for particular, terraa, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. WW New York Ave., Waahinf ton, D. C SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL. Don't send away sries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. nd the e will not on Groceries 008 Come and be bOnvinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. -THE- COMMERCIAL BANE. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, E. BRXWSTKIt, President. D. H. OBI8WOLD, Cahi. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on "DRAFTS SOLD ON STOCK BMANDS. Tns Journal will publish your brand, Ike the following, for $2 :0O, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. Kvery larmor or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in The Jour nal as it circulates all over the state. It may be tho means of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left fho'Oderot uonwr. iiunge on Antelope creek O., (ibilchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLKS IlIKHLK. On left sldo or hip of cattle, J On left shoulder of hnritcs. IRanffe on the head oi Warbonnet creek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. a, W CARKT. On left shoulder of cattle homes. Ksnire on Little Cottonwood. and Crawford Nebr. - EnEE.ML.'sfs deoar. aarrous deMUMraaat deoar. nenrouj dabtubyatwl lost OB. naiiiT vniv itwwkot II ore. DUVMf. r. for Dry Goods and Ranch SuddIy be undersold 0n n ' & provisions. Nebraska. C. F. CoFfU, Vio-PniUkttt Time Deposito. ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. For We can make to suit your mea ;ure a Fine, Al.-Wool Latest City Styles You can be a well-dressed man if you know how. Write us for Samples and Booklet "How to Loot Will, Drttt WtU. and 5av MofMy." Large Fashion Plate CraMf tad Samples rrwvl The DAVIS MACHINE CO. etticMO ,r-a.niairwc Tram Mapms a. 4 DKSMNS 'tt OowTRiairra Ac. ' Abtom aenoing a aketeh and flaaerlptlnti mty qainkV aeeertaln ear ontnlon free whr Inrentlon le probably paLenUhle. CymnjuBlea ttnna atrtotlr ermfl dentlal. Hanrlnnek Wn nrrenll sent free, (Adea aerirr for ae ring rMfa. Patente taken thrnnfh Munn A Co. receive tjaagtat (lea, without oharse. In In - w- ScitntlTic jflarttcx All A A. A haadeoraely Itlnetraled wertilf . Lameteir . eaJatUw ii aof eetanUato mak'V- -w.Mil Iraaca Me, SS F St, Wajklataea, Q, C, ti ,. . .... , .. ,1' , .,.lT J :-. ' . !'""' (" k4 i i I ; J 'f' 'A e '' ' ' t.