The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, May 26, 1898, Image 2

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. aaaa
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D)arr(8on 3ournaL
n at casum, mmh4 rN
There are worse thing thaa war!"
amrfar a Wa4h4ngtoa contemporary.
War poetry, for instance.
Of late, Goasal General Lee has
ahaeed off hta chin whiskers, but other
turned hair.
There's Internal evidence that rood
assay of the war bards now rhyming
are spring poets in disguise.
specialist eaye garlic ts good for
th complexion. The real question.
r, la what Is good for garucT
Ifo all one whether whisky or water
fa used Is naming new war ships. The
essential thing la plenty of the spirit
of 19. r
That Delaware doctor who cays that
"hissing te a valuable aid to digestion"
say expect a boom tn hla dyspepsia
A certain physician says he can put
himself to sleep Inside of a m! nine by
nalng a phonograph. Whose sermon is
an the cylinder?
The objection to women taking part
IB century bicycle runs Is spreading. A
great deal is tolerated in the sex, but
Ma is going too far.
The hay trust never can become an
eppressive monopoly. All you have to
do. If you don't like the trust's prices,
Is to bo a farm and raise your own
Another uprising of the Kurds in
Ante has been reported, from which It
would seem that everything is playing
fcreo the hands of the powder makers
this year.
A policeman has been suspended
troax the PlainfleJd, NT J.,' force for
hrting wtth a servant girl. How does
that town hope to recruit her police
Cere henceforth?
Now projectiles ordered for the blg
gest guns In the American navy cost
$212 apiece. But each one of them. If
landed just light, can do at least 1
000,000 worth of good.
The building of war-ships for our own
eaaintry and others will be a greatly
enlarged Industry hereafter. Ameri
can mechanics have already distin
guished themselves In this line.
"Why la It," asks the Atchison Globe,
thai a man will fall asleep In his chair
wtiHe reading In the evening and can t
sleep a wink after he goes to bed V He
has subscribed for the wrong newspa-
Tbere la a movement on foot to erect
a statue to Frances E. Willard In Wash
ington. There is no monument to any
i In this city, and the temperance
i of the country will be asked to
Congress has decided to give the lakes
warship "to take the place of the
MSenlgan." We do not believe naval
architecture of to-day is able to build
ft, for the Michigan, besides being ain
fMMoua, can go sideways like a crab
a weM as forward like a tub.
A Chicago lawyer has devised what
ft ealk a "scheme of Infallible logic."
Mm eays that he la able to "draw abso
fcrtoty Infallible conclusions from any
facta which may be given." But of
be can't distinguish facta from
la all cases, and there' the
Tbe honor of naming oar two new
vessels purenssea irom Brazil is
partially divided between tbe North
the Booth. In naming these twin
for the chief commercial em-
asslam of Louisiana and tbe capital
dry of New York New Orleans and Al
bany the Navy Department has fnr
alahad new evidence that the division
created by oar late civil war are ob
literated. What a mighty drama la unfolded In
tbe development of the Russian empire!
The whole world watches It with ab
sorbing Interest. Bat there la a trag
edy la progress In the empire. A Bus-
staa Journal says that tbe lower classes
hi the Csar's domains nave one-third
less to eat than their grandparents had.
The lack of proper nourishment in un-
saiaHn homes la a shadow which dims
ae apiesdors of imperialism.
M ram baa set a good example by
to p rises), ander a sentence of
a year, a f eraser Secretary of the
ato Senate eeavlcted of secreting a
before the Legislature tor
of defeating Its passage
a law. This manner of defeating
atiea has been resorted to fre-
' la ether States possibly la our
la the first occasion of
t la which we re meal bar to have
saaa tha aaaoaacemeat of the conne
cts and punishment of the purlolner.
It It to he hoped, however, that It Is not
a ha the last, shea Id s like occasion oc
gaw far the esfercesaeat of the law.
bare bsea the subject ef
recent experimeat by a Missouri
A heavily loaded wegoa with
tint was ran over soft etub
aad the rots found to he four-
With broad tires tbe
lead made rots only Ire Inches
Uto eUffersaca la the draft being
' sat la Carer of the broad tire.
fast eVy eaeagli to ilow.
was 11 per cent., as eaor
antlag of borse-rtower
. CT tan at
Ueosive thinkers of the time date his
Interest In public them. to a conversa
tion with a wle country doctor, as the
two drove os a Ilfe-and-deelh errand
over a horrible road. "If those po or fel
lows bleed to death." tbe dontor ex
claimed, "It will be tbe faukt of the nar
row tires that have made thin road al
most impassable. Never make ruts, my
boy; put broad tires on your life."
Tax dodgers are motrtly rich men ami
corporations. And so men argue that.
Inasmuch as we cannot tax them fairly
and equitably on all thedr property, it
is no more than right to tax them
heavily, and perhaps unfairly In some
cases, upon such property as we can
find and lay our hands on. We do not
say that the reluctance of the average
man to pay taxes is altogether due to
the feeding that our laws are unjust.
But we do insist that the rich men of
the country are laying up trouble for
themselves when they fail to perform
their duty in the fullest way.
The Alaska boundary controversy
with Great Britain has been settled.
The Canadians are not very well
pleased because the contention Is con
ceded to us that the three marine
leagues provided for by the treaty be
tween Russia and the United States
shall be measured from the shore of the
mainland Instead of the outer shore of
the islands formed by the Inlet. In
our first survey the lwundary was fixed
In accordance with the treaty that tbe
line should extend from Dixon Inlet or
Port Simpson northward, at a distance
of three marine leagues from the sea,
to a point near Mount St. Elias, and
from there the boundary was to extend
due north along the 141st meridian of
the Northern Ocean. There never ba
been any controversy as to the boun
dary line between the main body of
Alaska and British America. The only
differences were as to the deviation Ln
surveys made by different engineers 1n
locating tbe 141st meridian. The main
controversy has been as to the boun
dary of the narrow strip of Alaska ex
tending southward from Mount St.
Elias to Port Simpson. The Dominion
government took the position that in
establishing the boundary one the three
marine leagues should be measured
from the eater coast of the Islands and
not from tbe coast of the main land.
claiming feat tbe inlets should be re
garded as rivers. This would have
taken away from the United States a
strip of territory rich to minerals, and
would have left ln some doubt the con
trol of the coast The present de
cision is undoubtedly Just, and a cor
rect interpretation of the treaty. More
over, It la wen, at this time of Interna
tional complications to remove this
bone of contention between ourselves
and Great Britain.
The measure known as the "Loud
Bin" was defeated in tbe House of
Representatives. It was reported ia
the last Congress from the PostoiBce
Committee, by Mr. Loud of California,
who was then and la now chairman of
tbe committee. It was Intended to re
form what are regarded as abuses of
the postal laws, ln the eending of "sec
ond-class" mail matter. Second-class
matter consists of newspapers and
other periodicals sent from the offices
of publication, and to entitled to trans
mission at one cent a pound. Under
the law many poMicatloos have been
admitted to second-class rates which
Congress originally did not Intend to
Include In that class, such as printed
books and newspapers for advertising
purposes only. Moreover, publishers
are authorised to send "sample copies;"
and under this cisaee enormous uum
bers of periodicals are sent wtth every
Issue, as a very cheap method of ad
vertising. Tbe cost of sending matter
by mall is much more than one cent a
pound; and thus the government .s
made to bear a part of the expense of
private enterprises. If tola were the
whole argument ln relation to tbe
measure, the bill would have bean pass
ed almost unanimously. There Is an
other side of the question. It Is unlvti-
sally admitted that the sending of bona
fide newspapers and magazines at less
than cost Is desirable. In that it places
Intelligence regarding current events
within the reach of ail men. The dim
culry Hes In drafting a measure that
will lop on the abuses without indict
ing severe injury upon legitimate use
of the "second-class" privilege by pub
lishing bouses ttiat have grown up un
der It Thla may seem s simple mat
ter, bat tn practice It Is not so easy.
Mr. Loud and bis fellow-committeeinen
labored to produce a bill that would
draw the line between the proper and
tbe Improper use of the low-rate pnvl
lege; and they are entitled to the credit
of making a fine effort to protect the
postal revenues. Bat In the opinion of
a majority of ths Hones of Represent
rives the present tow, with Its admitted
evtta. Is to be preferred to the Loud
amendment Of coarse those who profit
by a loose launproutlon of the lew
were united la their opposition to the
measure. They were, however, by uo
mesne the only opponents of it Tbe
bin was objected to la the Interest of
the people wno get ebeap liters ture-
often times, alas! cheap la two seuses
aad ef those Innocent pobHsblng bouses
which would suffer with the guilty,
were the set to ba paased. No doubt
tbe effort to offset a reform will be
continued. If there to say way to ac
complish It wlttMot laddentaOy doing
great barm, M ought to be found, and
Lone: fiagar Nails.
The eeaatrtsa where the long finger
nail Is most affected are Slam, Assam,
Cochin China aad China. The approv
ed length v atiea from three or four to
twenty -three laches. A Siamese exqui
site permits the Bails ea his Angers to
grow to soea aa ex teat that hla beads
n re practically Bailees The aristocrat
whs affect these Balls eaaeot write,
f ' 'V I 4 f
The Ox Warble FIT.
The warble or swelling on the back
of cattle Is caused by the larva of a
fly which attaches Its eggs to the hair
on the legs, flanks and neck of the ani
mal. These hatch and the larvae estab
lish themselves under the skin, usually
on either side of the bai kbonc. Here
tbey feed upon the animal juices until
ready to pupate, causing the swelling
or warble. When growth is completed
the grub leaves the warble, drops to
the ground, crawls under the most con
venient shelter, such as a piece of
board, log, etc., and there transforms
Into the fly or adult stage. There Is a
difference of opinion as to bow the
grub gets under the skin. Some ento-
niologlsts claim that the eggs are taken
Into the stomach by the animals lick
ing themselves, hatch there, adhering
to the walls, then the grubs gradually
work their way toward the surface,
where they remain until fully grown.
Others hold that the eggs batch where
they are laid and the young larvae
bury themselves at once under the
skin. Whatever method Is employed
the results are the same.
The best way to get rid of the pest Is
to kill the maggot This may be done
by squeezing them out. Place the
thumbs near tbe base of the swelling
and press firmly until the grub Is forc
ed out To preveut the attacks of the
fly ln summer, a mixture of four
ounces of flowers of sulphur, one gill
of spirits of tar w ith a quart of train
oil rubbed along '.be spine, loins and
libs Is useful. Train oil can be used
alone. As tbe fly does not move about
from place to place freely. Ita eradica
tion on Individual farms depends al
most completely upon tbe owner.
Orange Judd Farmer.
To Make a Good Roller.
Cast-off mowing machine wheels
may be utilized very readily for mak
ing a land roller. Use narrow stripe of
plank with slightly beveled edges, put
ting them around the wheels in tbe
manner shown In the cut making slots
tn tbe planks to lit tbe cogs on tbe rluis
of the wheels. These strips are held
firmly In place by "shrinking on" two
Iron hoops at tbe endn, as shown. The
frame Is attached in the usual man
ner. American Agriculturist.
To Deatroy Weeds.
The earieot and best way to destroy
all kinds of weeds Is when tbey are just
beginning to appear above ground, as
even a slight stirring of the soil will
then seriously cripple them In growth
or destroy them. If weeds are permit
ted to grow, however, tbey make excel
lent green material for plowing under,
but while they may nearly reach ma
turity before thus utilized, under no
circumstances mut they be permitted
to produce seed. If no weeds are si
lowed to scatter seeds It will be but s
few years before the farm will be en
tirely clear of them. It will' pay tbe
farmer, however, to keep weeds down
by stirring tbe top soil when ths weeds
are young.
Holdlas V the Wa Pels.
Where two horses are driven tbe
weight of the wagon pole la often a
very considerable factor In making
the team tired or fretful. Help the
horses all that la possible. Put a light
pulley on the pole, as showa la the Il
lustration, and carry a small piece of
rope so as to attach to the toad la the
way suggested whenever Ifo possible
to do so. The hast fanners are moat
thoughtful of the comfort of their snl
Fseto Ahoat Wases eads,
h has estimated that we hare
wads la thla OMatry, 1.600,000 miles la
engtb, over which are hauled every
rear 800,000,000 tons of material, the
tvasns haal hstag eight miles, at a
cost of $2 per ton, which makes the to
tal cost of hauling reach tbe enormout
.sum of $1.000.0K),OiiO. It Is urged tha'
with good roods the hauling would cos
only 80 cents per ton lntead of $2, thui
making a savins of (i00,000,000 pel
year, which in one-fourth the value ot
all the farm products of tbe countrj
used on the farms. It is, therefore,
cheaper to exiend a sufficient fund a
once to put roads ln good condition thai
to attempt to repair them every year.
Varietiew of Corn.
Every year new varieties of seed con
are offered which are claimed will g!v
extraordinary yields. Farmers shoult
hesitate before Investing In new seet
corn, except with a Htiiall quantity fo:
experimental purposes. Corn produce!
only when the climatic conditions an
favorable, aiid varieties that flourlut
otfth of Uil Rectlou may fall wber
brought North. Frequently, when th
frotit bas appeared late In spring, am
delayed planting, an early maturing va
riety may be required, as an early frw
In the fall of the yeur may destroy l
variety that requires plenty of time foi
maturing It seed. Do not abandon thi
old and tried varieties until eiperlmea
demonstrates that newer kinds an
much better.
I'olnta in - prarlng-
When to spray apple trees depend,
on tbe purposes desired. UseBordesui
mixture when the buds are swelling
and If canker worms are abundan1
spray also when the blossoms are a bow
to open. After tbe blossoms fall spraj
again with Bordeaux mixture and alst
parts green, repeating both appUcatlom
a week or ten days later. In about tet
days or two weeks another application
may be made of Bordeaux mixture
These remedies or preventives are foi
scab, bud moth, codling moth, ten
caterpillar, curcullo and canker worm
Corn HlantinK.
Before planting the corn crop be care
ful to have tbe land worked as fine ai
possible. Many farmers are aatlsflet
to plow the corn land, harrow It anf
plant tbe seed, trusting to the con
rots to spread and Increase, as the con
Is a gross feeder, but while com ma)
thrive under such conditions yet an In
creased yield over the average can onlj
be obtained when the ground la maw
as fine as that of a garden, aa then thi
feeding capacity of rbe roots Is Increase
and a larger available supply of plan
food can be obtained.
' Which Kss Are Fertile?
The statement Is often made thai
eggs from old bens are best for hatch
lng. Recent experiments at the Utal
station indicate tbe contrary, so far
at least aa concerns the per cent of
fertile egga. Tbe comparative else aw)
strength of tbe chicks la not stated
The percentage of fertility was highest
with Hie curly hatched pullets and low
est wiih Hit- old hens, though the re
sults sre not conclusive. The fertility
of eggs averaging five days old was
300 per cent higher than of eggs aver
aging twenty-two days old.
Management of Hen Messrs,
Tbe best method of handling hen mav
nure la to keep constantly some A)
muck, earth, soil or sand under w
roosts and clean It out at least once a
week. Then mix all with three or four
times Its bulk of dry soli or much, and
keep ln a perfectly dry place. Work
over whenever tbe heap commences ts
heat until ready for use. 8uch fertil
izer should not be plowed or spaded
under deeply, but lightly raked or bar
rowed ln the ground at tbe time ol
planting. Exchange.
Melons sod Tomatoes
To make hills for melons and toma
toes, first dig out tbe earth at each lo
cation where the plants are desired
and fill with clean manure, covsrini
the manure with earth, billing up. Ust
plenty of manure a wbeelbarrowfn
not being too much and when the time
for putting out the plants arrive
work the manure well Into the soil,
covering a space of four feet square,
and dig tbe ground to the depth of a
foot or more.
Halphnr for Potato Beat.
After preparing my potato seed fot
planting last season, I sprinkled tht
greater part of It with sulphur so that
each piece was thoroughly coated. The
remainder I planted In the same field
and gave all like culture. When dig
ging time came those treated with sul
phur were almost free from scab or
other disease, while the untreated seed
produced tubers almoat worthless be
cause of scab. fl. If. Deans.
Grow Clover.
In growing clover for enriching the
soil the only benefit derived la that di
rection Is the nltrogea gained by the
clover. The ground wll also require
potash, lime and phosphoric acid,
which must be supplied In some man
ner, but potash and phosphoric acid
cost only about one-third the sum re
quired for nitrogen, and that to way
clover la so valuable In the ayetem ot
rotation of crops on ths farm.
Karlr Plant.
Heeds for early plants may be sowa
Inboxesof rich earth and kept la a win
dow of the bouse where the warmth of
tbe sun wUl reach them. Flower pots.
old fruit cans, email fruit boxee or egg
bells are aiao excellent ror a garden
supply aearly all of the early ptosis
can be grown la the windows.
Austria Is the only
world which has never had
if ea trinamatiae
. 9
Baral Moll Iellvrryand Good Itoade.
There Is prosjiect that the national
government may get behind the good
roads movement in a peculiarly effec
tive way. If the price of free mall de
livery to tbe farmers is to be tbe con
struction and maintenance or macaua
mlxed country highways It Is believed
that the thrifty agriculturists will not
hesitate to pay It
If the experiments In free rural mall
delivery to be Inaugurated by the pos
tal department are a success, they win
establish a lends of co-operation ana
reciprocity letween the government
n.I tho fnrmera that will luad tO S
siuiiirn fiWkVplittMkl in Llie I)U iUlUK ui
Interurbun highways all over the coun
With the view of testing the efficien
cy of different styles of rodbed I'ost
muster General Gary has authorized
the owning of routes for free rural
Hall delivery through portions of New
lersey and Pennsylvania, which em
brace mncadaniized, gravel, clay and
common dirt roads. The routes are In
;ended to 1? experimental, and will
ihow relatively upon what character of
roads the Ix-st results can be obtained
in the way of prompt and elilieut ser
vice. There Is little doubt that free mail
delivery is just ax practicable In many
of our more thickly populated rural
immunities aa it Is In Kugland. The
continuance of the service, If success
ful, should be deix-ndcnt upon the prop
r maintenance of the roads. If the
farmer wants hla mail delivered at his
door he munt contribute his share to
the building of passable highways.
Chicago Times-Herald.
To Vote for Free Hoad.
The people of Jefferson County, Ken
tucky, are asking for an election to de
cide on the question of free t irnplkes,
which may be secured ln tbe following
The roads can be either leased, given
to the public, or purchased. The magis
trates and the county Judge are the
officials to appoint appraisers to value
tbe respective roads; these appraisers
must be residents and property owners
on the road to be valued by them.
Bonds may lie Issued for the pun-base
Of the roads at the price agreed on by
the appraisers. These bond will 1'
spread over a term of thirty years.
All taxes, which cannot exceed
rents on each $1H) worth .if taxable,
broperty, must be used to keep the
toads turnpike, gravel aud all others
-In good repair; to pay Interest on the
bonds Issued, and to provide a sinking
fund for the redemption of the bouds.
Why Busineaa la Ptagnateil.
'The worst drawback of this section
f country," says the Clifton (Ml.)
Comet, "at the present time. Is tbe ex
ceedingly bad roads we must contend
with at wet seasons of the year. As
has been the case the past few days,
farmers cannot market their products,
and on this account they do little buy
ing of the merchants, and buslnese Is
tagnated at the very season when It
tbould be tbe liveliest of any season of
the year."
Keep the Mod Off.
They are making an effort to keep
mud off the uew macadam roads In
Pennsylvania by paving for fifty feet
or more each side road or lane that
joins the stone roads. Mud xoon rolls
off wagon wheels when they strike a
bard surface, and tbe Intention Is to
have wagons get rid of it before the
main roads are reached. L. A. W. Bul
Early Beliefs About ibn (reat Ikea
W. S. Harwood writes of "The Great
Lakes" to 8t Nicholas. The author
says: All that region to the north of
the lakes and Immediately skirting
tbem from Quebec to Iflke Nlplgon, and
around to and beyond old Fort William,
was tbe exploring ground of the
French. It was their new country the
place where they were to found a
mighty empire, their "Nova Francis,"
or New France. Tbe French eiplorers
and the French priests believed, and
then belief was strengthened and sup
ported by the tales of tbe Indi&o, that
away beyond the Kltlchl Gumml, or
Big Lake our present Superior there
was a vast salt sea. It la hardly possi
ble In these days to understand bow lit
tle tbey knew of that region. They
talked about a northwest pasMtge to
Catbay; and tbey not only talked about
It but tbey wrote learned and laborious
treatises, and spoiled many valuable
reams of paper, and made very many
amusing volumes, ln their efforts to
prove that just beyond the bead of Lake
Rnperior there was a great aud short
river, whose mighty course led to a
mighty sea, which was certainly not
more than 1.500 miles from Japan.
Hralesf of the Bed.
Tbe bed la tbe place where we spend
bout one-third of our Hves. A woman
who has reached S0 has spent twenty
years In bed. Many bad habits and bad
positions are formed during sleep. Rome
persona assume an attitude which
cramps the chest so that respiration Is
not foil and complete. Tbe shoulders
should not be drawn forward, or tbe
arms folded tightly over tbe chest. A
narrow lied Is preferable for growing
girls, so tbey will not have room to
sprawl over a large space, nor to as
sume a dosen grotesque she pes. The
pillow should bo email and hard. A
large, toft pillow should not ba toler
ated by aay girl who desires to bare
her haad well s-t oa her boulders.
Tha bad clothing should ha light bat
i msnn. of ) h a nature as to allow tha
air to tliroueh It frerly. U We air
In a Ixil which lx-comes saturated
with the piTplratln from our bodies,
do. nrt pa- on. "iakMI nn"'
and sound i-ep Is Iminible.
Some women s.ny they csn sleep only
on one side. If o. then there must be
something wrong with them. One side
Is probably ,"pnlT l'loI'd wlll
the other. A healthy woman or girl can
sleep and should sleep on one side and
then oa the other, eveu changing un
consciously in the night Some wom-n
twist and contort their faces during
sleep, and thus form wrinkles which
continue during their waking hours.
The reasous for this are various. Indl
g.ftible food ln tbe stomach Is one
cause. Going to bed In a deceased state
of mind cau-s the corners of the mouth
to be drawn down and give a sad ex
pression. In going to sleep, think of
pleasant thlngs-of your many bl.-w-lngs,
the g.KxIness of God. of the J.iys
of life, the blcwings of home, friends,
parents, o- children. Under "o clrctim
let the enn go down on your
r-, t i. (T hi v tniivi
you have encmle. lorpe u..
I them. Love In the greatest beauUfierof
I .).,. t-.. i.t women, and hateful and
evil thoughts act contrarlw'.tte.-
of Hygiene.
. t e if..
Deception u lo ine "
Name on ro-tera.
It Is strange how largely the bappl
U1s of a tUeatii. nl or operatic star Is
dependent on the size of the letters of
his or her name as it appears on the
handbills and programs. An Incident in
illustration of this Is told In regard
to Adellna Paul's apKarance here at
the lime of the grand opera festival in
the old Exposition Building. She bad
ordered her name to appear on tbe
handbills In letters an Inch tailer than
those used In any of the other stars'
names. When they were printed she
sent for one and went at It with a tape
measure. What u her wrath and
mortliieatlon to find that. Instead of au
Inch, the letters of her name were only
taller by a half Inch than those of Ne
vada, l ursch-Madl aad Scalchl! She
sent at once to her manager for an ex
planation. The poor man was In sore straits. It
was too laic- to have new handbills
printed, aside from the expense of It
yet the great diva mu-t be pacified or
she might fall them at the las', moment
May the deception he was forced to
practice be pardoned him! He cut tbe
handbills In two through the middle
of Pattl's name, and pasted the two
pieces on a piece of paper within half
an Inch of each other; thus with the
use of black Ink he was enabled to elon
gate the letters tbe desired amount, A
printer's boy assisted him to make a
neat Job of It, so that the dwelt nol
apparent. Armed with this be pre
sented himself before the diva aud
measured tbe letters ln her presence,
assuring her that the other could not
have been a correct copy. Pattl was
pacified, and the manager still carries
the sin upon his conscience. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Tell Reporters the Truth.
In his address at the New Orleans
Press club recently Cardinal Gibbous
'If I had one piece of advice to give
a public man more than another It Is,
be frank with tlx- reporter. It has
been my privilege and pleasure to come
In contact with and to know a great
number of reporters. I have steadfast
ly adopted a policy of absolute frank
ness with them, and I have yet to have
a confidence octrayeo. i ney inn
never proved themselves unworthy of
the estimate I placed on tbem as gen
tlemen. It Is the public man who con
ceals, whose very act of concealment Is
perceived by the reporters (for tn tbe
very nature of their business tbey must
be quick to perceive), it la this" very
concealment which Induces the reporter
to further conduct bis Invesllgstlons
and often to get wrong what had be
been In tbe confidences of tbe msa,
whose manner provoked Investigation,
be would have understood and written
Intelligently about And It Is In this
very manner that much of tbe com
plaint against tbe reporter originates
Tell tbe reporters the absolute truth
Never deceive tbem." Baltimore Surw
Mew Home for Italy's Parliament
The Italian Government bas at length
taken steps to provide a more suitable
abode for Its Chamber of Deputies than
the so-called Monte Clteiio, which te
utterly unfitted for legislative work. Its
acoustic properties art eo bad tha
members are obliged to leave tbetr
seats and gather round the speaker If
they do not wish to loss hla words,
while It la Impossible to hear him from
the press gallery. The building Itself
Is ImtMslag, and was partly designed
by Bernini. From the time of Pope In-,
nocent X. It served as Ibe Curia lnne
ueoslana, or Papal Law Courts. But
wbso Rome became tbe capital of Italy
la 170 some two hundred years after'
the Curia was built It wss found that,
by Inclosing tbe courtyard a sufficiently
large chamber of deputies could bo
made. But each year its Inconvenience
bare become more Intolerable. New)
York Tribune.
Long Fast of a Hog.
A hog belonging to Fred Uancer was,
abut la under a driveway during
heavy snowstorm, and when Mr. 1 lan
cer missed Ms porkahlp he made a
search of his own pre m tees and made
Inquiries of bis neigh bore, but was u
able te tosra anything as to what bsi
came of the bog. Twenty -two days af
tor the storm Mr. Ilaacer heard tha
muffled grunting of a hog under tha
driveway, aad, shoveling away tha
now, foaad the BMestag bog. The hag
was very thla, bat after light feeding;
it Became aa nveiy as the other
which had I
well fed do ring Ma.
MtoJ MhlafrUl (town)