The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 17, 1898, Image 8

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    J" O TT IEL UnT .A. Xj.
Thursday, Mar. iTU.. l.-Os.
(Seu. 1). Olson, Editor ami l'rop.
F. E. K. V U. it. line- t:il:l.-.
Coinij H'eat. omi; Kant.
So. 5, mixed, :2B ! No- , ut o 'I
,,F. E. SI. V. II. K. is the
to and from the
A map of the
United States.
A uu,i li;.ii piR.n.y Hie
Tiurlli'tfton Konte U throe feet
wide by four long; is printed
in seven color; W im.iuiU:'J oa
roller-; ,.Iiovi every state,
rounry, irujxirtaiit tovvn ami
r VcV IW'ai 1 road In thi Union, umi
M "nlKiM or basin,1 e- laulisbme'.il.
I'urciia.vl la ltrgv quanti
l.ii's. tUr iiiiijim eust IJuiiintrLon
Route more thmi fifteen cetiW
pali, but on re.-eijit uf that
.mount in skimps tn timler
hixni it viil ! pleased to wnd
yoti one.
Write bnniediately, cs the
SCP1'1 limited.
J. FbanciS, Gen i i'uf'r Atfent, otnalia, Neb.
STATE (iFilcnriS:
,Si!a!i A. IIo)comb (iovfrnor
Jame E. liarrii Lieutenant Govemol
W. r. Vorter . Stcretury of Kato
John F. Cornt-Sl Auditor
J. R. Meserre Trwwnrer
X'. J. Smyth Attorney General
J. V. Wolfe Land fmmiissSunei
W. li. Jaekston Supt. I'ubiic Instruction
,John M. Thurston IT. S. henator, Omaha
Wm. V. Allen U. S. HiinnUjI, iladiaon
J. B. Strode, Consresaman 1st Lit., Lincoln
p. II. Mercer,
.5miiul Maiwell,
W. L. Stnrlr,
it. D. Sutherland,
W. L. Green,
JS. J. SlllTan Ciief Justiee, Columhng
ft. O. C. Harrlnon ..As'te Judxe, Grand Inland
T. I.. Sorval . .Vijociato JudKC Seward
p. A. Carnpiiell..01erk and llenorter, Lincoln
-M. P. Klnkaid Jode, O'S'-tll
W. H. Westover " Ilushvillt
31. J. Blewett ...Clerk, Harrison
DUtrict Court, At Itarruion, commencen
Spring term May Bth,
Tall " Sept 13th jnry lutli,
jOounty Court, At Harrison, commences
first Monday of each month.
jOtto Matz.Senator, Diat. No. 14, pprinsview
A. E. Sheldon Hist. 'o. 53, Chailron
Kobert Wiloa County Judfje
M. J. Blewett Clerk
("has. Blehle . Treasurer
jElnie Merrlam Supt. Public Instruction
Th08 Holly Sheriff
J. E. Phinney . Coroner
B. T. Thomas . . ..Surveyor
is. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court
,Grant Guthrie County Attorney
ent C. Meng lat Dislrict
Andrew Procunler Id "
Jackson MeitlenCCuairman) 3d "
E. F. Pontius (chairman) Trustee
;JohB Davis
D. II. GrUwod . "
W. B. MaxKteiler "
f.. Rohwar "
W. H. Davts
JLewis Gerlacb
... Treasurer
Tgprert Rohwer Director
15. L. Smuck .... . .... Moderator
ewis Gerlach Treanurer
JMethrxilut Randay School meets every Snn
day morning at 10:00
W. H. Davis, MiksB rtcll,
Saperlntendent. Secretary
Regular buinens meeting first Tuesday
(vulng Is eack month.
Miss Palmes,
O. KCNDALL, I'resldent.
Devotional meeting every Rnnday evening
,t :4. MRS. KKKPALL, Leadf.
Meets sub Sunday af UrnOon at 2 :30.
M. KiSOiLL., Supt.
JEI1PT KUK POST,I'O.3.1,0. A. R.
Mert second Monday In each month In
he ceurt house at Harrison.
E. E. Liverniore, Com.
iirrfwn ntnii. No. M, mets on each al
(rMWli:i ii zoning.
Vf H. VI, J A.lUSO!,
( ink. Con. Com.
y"'8 a Bltrrunt'; attirily evenltn
It-' ' il'X-k.
J. W .Suiltii, V. V.
prompt ultoiita n given to (til !e;:il j Jusi,v. ( Vunty and bistri.t
I'l.ur'n, and ot.-fi.ry the dnted State-
iJiii.l OHice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
Z . jMj-eM carefully draw n.
J. II I'iilNNKV. M. D.
Plijisciun ami
&U calls lvi'li iirotcpt Ktien titin
ciflhe la 1'rtiK .-iore.
Dealer iu IIiles Furn.
nr I Jiay tin." hlirhest iiiarai't price
Home made TJread, Pics
:wA Cake kept con
stantly ou liand.
Lund i Counter
Drown P.iva'l
f-rvei every Saturday.
Prices to yiiit every body.
Firt DiKir south f rota tiie llai non Hons,.'.
U It II ML For your
JOB WORK 3 Stationary.
The rules of the lo-al land office have
recently been amended so that settlers
U) make final proof hhall settle with tlie
publisher before sending in their apjilici
uon. All parties desiring to make iinal
proof can have their papers made out at
The Journal o!!Ue, free of charge, and
promptly transmitted to the land oflke
so tliat no time will lie lost.
frees uikI I'lants,
Ueaerul Assortment of Xarsory Stock.
Jiost rarielics for Nebraska.
Millions of Strawberry apd rrv
Plants at wholesale and retiiii. Our
plants have been irrigated when needing
it therefore very tlinlty and deep rooteti.
Buy the best rietir home preventing loss
by delay and saving extra freight or ex
press from eatitern points.
Write for price list to
North Bend. Dodge Co., Neb.
Special Locals.
Poultry taken on sub
scription at this office.
For sale Salzer marvel
spring wheat G. V. Hes-ter.
A few plows awl harrows
also, one Disk for sale at cost
at Bahtkll's.
A bowl of soup FREE
at Mrs. A. E. Francis' Lunch
Counter Saturday noon.
They can all talk as they
pleanebut the place to get
bargain is at Uap.tixl's call
aod be convinced.
We are able to offer
the Journal, the Thrice-a-Week-World
and the World
Almanac, all for 81. '..3. Now
is the time to subscribe for
the three.
Zf Delinquent subscrib
ers would confer a great fav
or, on the Jocexal, if soon as
possible, they would call or
send, and settle, as we need
the money.
320 acres G miles north
west fora Harrison, running
water on the palace all fenced,
a good frame house, for sale
cheap. Enquire at this office
for particulars.
Old papers for sale at this office, oV:
per bukers dozen.
-3dis Gaoriria Sherill is at present
helping Mrs. Frank Johnscn.
Ou not turret to read The Ranch
Supply House ad., this week.
Now ii the time to nulwcrili for
the Journal only fcl ,00 per y aur.
John Maibtelier Is having a well
- The t'ohi'd's ar. lei-am- S i" ..r
publication, it ill it j i isri '
Out f siv- - .r
't '..V( .
, v.lut .i,:,l
in an appeui-l
present, only ni lie ,
Mr. '. H. Turner of Story v. as j
unimrr our victors tins wctk Irom t:w
! rural i!:trii ts.
jTl H. HadMa "f the V. V.
I r.ttir it r. uuii.l i.oi.i i miiiii i oa l.-.t
j Wtiln-Miay.
'oi.n'y Si 1 1 vrin'.Hidri't llerriaat
went to (iU:!l on i.t -t, Wta'tie
on o'iii iul hu.mes.
Attoreev Guthrif rihJ his son Eddi.
rel timed ft 0111 tiieir violent visit Tuei.iy
.vheiv they snt an trjoyal-lo time.
Little ins Ia!u; baerill returned
from a. week's visit with tier sister Mr.
j l i .ne of Warb.onnct, on last Tuesday.
! And In aootiier lias ndihsl Iiih name
to tlie daily ini'rea.-in mi'nlK-r of Iktih-
diets, in tlie per.soii of J. 15. l'iui!ey of
lie sure and read the JoUEXAL's
special column each wet k as jou
will always find items in it, which you
should know.
Mr. Kirlley brother-in-law cf Mr.
Sutton of this oity, came down from
Pleasant ride Wyo., on last Tuesday
evening and returnotl thi ner.t day.
Noli.c I 1 : n cattle hid' s and all kind
of skins with hair for roU-s, or without
or leatlitr. See x-irnpbj and prices in
J. II. liurtell's ston-.
II. Oi.ti::J'iiT. Glen, Neb.
There will In? L'ltb'-rn s rviccs at the
court house Sundav
2)U Ylzv.
Wunderli; will be prest-nl to filliciate as
usual, if no Providence inter-
Anion;; the visitor freni War -
Ixmni-t tics wi.-. k w ero Mr. Thomas
Dunn, Mr. and Mr. O. A. Garton and
the latter. brother. And from Hlarc
Mr. Eli Smith ai-companiod by his son.
And from Highland Mr. Henry Ilise.
it is said that Frank Lowery and
Uontus AVilis are undecided w hether they
will go to Cula to fight the Spanish or
not. Come boys you should be patriotic
and help to defend tha honor and dignity
of v..ur country.
yH,,!!. W. J. A. P.aum, from Cotton-
the county scat on last Tuesday, com
billing business with pleasure, as 1.3 is
one of Sioux county's assessors, and
was here to attend their meeting on last
Tuesday afternoon.
iOliKIUFD At P.oomer, N. Carolina
March lb, u'i at the home of the bride
parents Ms. Jane Kuruson to Mr J- B.
llrad!", of D,a!arn Neb.
Tbd Journal ofiVx conzraulat;on to
Mr. and Mrs Hradiy, w ho arrive.1 m liar-!
rison Tuesday anl who will niak.-tinir
future home out near Bodarr, ten or
twelvemiles north of town.
hA)n last Monday morning about seven
o'clock commenced one or the worst bliz
zards of the season, and continued until
dusk, at which time snow ceased to fall
but tho wind continued to howl until
nixt "" ""i"!", Imwi-vi-r nt t" " durint'
tl.u hloi iii il.d wo in.'. ,s ;: ! c.j! i
winter weather.
By an unseen explosive, the battle
shin Maine was swent out of sicht. So
also by the use if print'-rs ink, wbicu isi
always ready at the Journal office !
you can blow your business into a most j
enviable position and one wherein neith
er Dons nor "I rones a.i corriete. The
man who uses printer ink in business
uses money, which "add" causes to flow
into liis coffers, try it and vou will be
lieve the scribe of the Journal forty;.
Attorney Guthrie' familar smile
greeted the "boys" on last Tee.jlay.
From observation, you would be- at a
loss to tell just how to answer if asked
the question: Who was the most happy
master Eddie, "the boys" or Grant?
Well the Journal scrilxi will vow h for
the veracity of the statement, wb sn he
answers, Grant was the most delighted
to be with bis old friends. True too
true friend Grant; there's no pluco like
home, E'en humble though it be.
The following are the assessors, 'trho
who were in attendance at the annual
assessors meeting Tuesday.
Z. F. Antrim, liodarc precinct.
W. J. A. liaum, (Yittonwood "
IL Piekunbrock, Montrose '
A. L. Staudenmaier, Andrews "
James Nolan,
Nels Enybrct.
James Cook,
Otto Tietze,
fJavid I'inley.
J. S. Dickinson,
Vartxirinet '
Ilunuirifj Water'
Whi'e River '
Snake creek '
The funeral of Mr. Wilcox wltfise
demise occured on last Sunday !.i;ht
about midnight, of heart failure at his
home in Warlionnet; took place uX 1
o'clock from the M. E. church in Har
rison, Rev J, E. Kendall off ioialuifj servi
ces were oimued by singing "Nearer my
God to the," and the reailing from the
10th chapter of Ht. John, after wliich
prayer was offered and the appropriate
hymn was sang asleep in Jesus. The text
was the 3'ilh and verses of St. John.
After the sernicn was preached and the
remains viewed by friends nd relatives
of the deceased, Ihe members of tho or
er, A. O. U. W. took charge and
concluded the ftervices Mt the K'
The pall bearers were B. F. Thom4 of
this place and Charles C. Jamunon,
Fred Van Houten and RabU C. Scott of
Chadrou, who represent the A. O. U. W.
order, and E. E. Etverniora and J. E.
Bawldin tf this pl.icp, ho rtprewiits the
O. A. li. onler. A large Mnnrf.Aim
were in attendance at the funcial. Mr,
Wilcox was 61 years old,
NoTH '."-Any body i-,h.n,' to buy
inict.ul tthKli do .veil to call on or
metres ' im:u:s iyi. Harrison, Nb.
A byciclo supposed to have Blurted
from the east :iliut the time attorney
Outh-ie left Washington, arrived iu
riisou, I. i-t Monday.
-T.'iotiia 1udo and Llan Slattery,
itl. of arbonnet lassed tlirou::h
nsoii ou last Wednesday, caroulo fur
We understand Miss Anna Moravefc
ay evvnuig j intends to niter the employ of Mrs. Sat
I tcrlee wife of the proprietor of the, Illain
i hoUl at Ctiadron.
j ( n .-ria:ly Vir-il lifter branded
n ..-,,, ()f yeal.!in Klu,M ,lril, .lftrSi
whiru his father had disjiosetl of the day
reviou.s, to Jacob MilU oi Hat crock
W o.
We are ;:. id to hear one more the
sound of the hammer prof eed.o from
tlie direction of II. A. I'riddys shop, aftvr
hi.'in on thy rack of pain during a week,
it must s':em rather a relief to bo able to
work again.
There will bo Mass at tlie court
house in ll.u rison on the cf h at
ten o'c!')':'. tb-irp. As there is l lie a
vm culI t'.iettiii'jr held imnifcihatcl v after
mass; all the members interest-;.! in the
lMtildio issue shotilJ endeavor to at
tend. S I 1 . 1'. Mo"k r.-iir.nanv -i i:i:ies
south of ilat risiKi had heiul of young
cattld shipped liere from tiie eastern part
of Imva wliich arrived here Mond.iy and
were drivec out to their ranch Tuesday.
They were a Ibn; lot of young stock, and
:s we learned cost the coniiKtnv ilS.Uti
I jn liVi. makin(, Uwm' Ci)St io
j llio 1 1.irrison stock yard nearly twenty
' dollar..
As this is Saiut Pa-rick's natal day,
and one dear to tlcj hearts of all Irish
wherever they may 1, whether on the
burning sands of Africa, or on our own
sweet shores of freedom, it matters
naught, for from the four winds of the
earth, on this tnornim.', rises the voi.ocf
that untold niillious. ho proudly call
St. Patrick' thrir p.ilrou aint. And
w hile the Irish iu a more special nianu-r,
claim him as their own; they should
also remember, not one drop of the
Celtic blood coursed in the veins of
Patricia, as he v. .as a Frenchman taken
prisoner and tarried a captive into the
north cf their own dear Erin; "beautiful
isle of the sea'' "Ooa to St. Patrick."
Columbia's hamp.'on saint all hail!
With f thd--s (jlory crownt:!,
Tin; olfspnti of your ardent zeal
This day your praise sliall sound.
lill'.D At the home of her daughter,
Mrs. J. C. Alexander near Ardmore S. 1.
I February "Ulh WH, Mrs. Jane I'oket
a'ed :! yenrs and 1 months. Funeral
services at the school house, conducted
by liev. Hill, the ramains were laid to
rest in the Collins Cenietry on Sabbath
(Jut of the shadows of (sadness.
Into tlm sunshine of gladness,
Into the lifcbtof the blest:
O -I i f a '; nd v --v .' .
;.' ( t v j' '. : : y
Into the laplure ol re t.
:) At his home, in WarWnnct
pre-med, S'iii j;iy kitrht. Man h, F'lh,
ls!i, about luidrdgbt, Mr. J. E. Wilcox,
;c'ei f,i years.
Card of Thank.
I wish to thank all those friends who
so kindly assisted roe in my late hour of
trial, during the death and burial of my
beloved husband Miw, J. E. Wi!;ox.
Curd of Thank.-;.
We wish to extend our sincere thanks
to our friends for their many acts of
kindness and sympathy during thiS sick
ness and death of our loved mother.
Mil k Mils. J. C. ALEXANDER.
A Cunntry'Editor.
Mr. Clark, of Missouri, followed in a
characteristic plea for the "country edi
tor" i;) a speech against the bill.
"The great object ion to this bill" he
said, "is th.-t it Is detrimental to riews
paMTsand diminishes the diffusion of
information. Having once been a coun
try editor myself, I entertain a most
kindly feeling for my old confires. I am
willing to make affidavit that the eleven
months 1 spent editing a rural journal
were the most beneficial of my life to
mvself and perhaps to others. I anil
proud to have belonged to the editorial
guild. I am unalterably opjiosed toanj--thing
that wiil injure the country editor.
Lcurtail his profits, circumscribe his use-
;uiness, or pla'-e an additional tliorn iu
his pathway. The rural editor God bless
him is the most iersistent of tea' hers.
Like charity as described bv St. Paul in
the thirteenth chapter of First Corinth
ians, be "sullereth long and is kind; he
envieth not himself, is not pulled up;
doth not behave himself unseemly; seek
eth not his own; is not easily provoked,
thinketh no evil: rejoiceth in truth: bear
eth all things, liojieth all things, eodur
eth all things."
"He is the baekliorie of every com
munity, the promoter of every laudable
enterprise, the worst underpaid laborer
in the vineyard. Counting his as
his capital, he gives more to charity, his
menus considered, than any other mem
ber of society. He is a power in politics,
a pillar of the church, a leader in the
erus:ule for letter morals. Ho is pre
eminontly the friend of humanity. Line
upon line, paragraphs upon paragraph
day by day, he is embalming incold typo
the f.icts from which th Herodotus,
Tacitus, Sismondi or M.i'.u!ny of the
future will write the history of our times.
He fully chronicles our advent into tho
world, briefly noten our uprising nud our
downsitting and sorrowfully rc-orJs our
C'vMtiut'l :eit Kek,
01 YES! OH YS!
Here We Are Again.
500 pairs cf shoes
The above i.s an addition
W e have the largst
ori li-Wcs; ilir.') kri
iComjietion and are sure
M a rs t e 1 1 e r
V i
t .
'-: .'-I '$ you pay rou jr
.. I'l.v.n i. lid 'O i er uinuth,
f ii!!y (imr"!!',t?ed f..r T- ciir-.
v. fo- fV-i.viyrion end C.i?hin. V.'e will tcii you n.'J
.'-" i ci n tell. i our iriiTi'ls tilniat t!.i i;w H yenrs.
teimix County Assessors Mee ting.
Harrison, N. b. ,
March l.'i, IVjs. f
Tno Assessors of Sioux county, Ne
braska, met let rccpiired by law at the
ollice of the county clerk.
The m.'cting was called to or I. r and
on motion, W. J. A. Ilauin was elected
Present, Nels Engbret, Henry Pieken
broc k, Z. F. Antrim, James Nolan, Otto
Tietze, J. K. Cook, A. E Staudenmier,
David Finloy, J. H. Dickinson and W. J.
A. R.tum.
Oa motion the county clerk was chos
en Si-creUiry of the meeting.
On motion the chair appointed Jarnes
Nolan, J. F. took and A.I Stauden
mier ns a CUP'..!' v .- ! . t--: ..-i. i, tft--.?.
il.i f.i V.'J . 0..-S J -., . ,- i)l.
mittee submitlcd the following scliidu'e
of values:
To le devided into three clanses.
All horses 4 years old and over, 1st class
$20, 2nd class if 10, f!rd class 5.
All colts Vi years old to bo devided into
throe 1st class $15, 2nd class
?H, 3rd class i.
All ColU 2 years old to be devided into
three classes. 1st class f 10, 2nd class
o, 3rd class f !.
All colts 1 ye:ir old to be devided into
three classes. 1st class f 0, 2nd class '3,
llrd class $l.r,0.
All stallions used for breeding purpos
es to lie devided into three classes. l.t
clats $150, 2nd cl.isis $75, 3rd class $25.
J At. ICS.
1st class $100, 2nd class $75, 3rd class
1st class 4 years old and over $20.00
2nd " 4 " ' " ' 15.00
3rd " 4 " 10.00
1st " 3 " " " IS. 00
2nd " 3 ." 12. 00
3rd " 3 " 8.00
lit ' 2 " " " " 1500
2nd " 2 " ' 10.00
3rd " 2 " " " " 5.00
1st " 1 ' 10.00
2nd " 1 " ' 5.00
3rd " 1 " " " ' 3.00
1st class 3 years old and over $20.00
2nd 8 ' 15.00
3rd " 3 " " " " 10.00
1st " 2 ' " 15.00
2nd 3 " " ' " 10.00
3rd " 2 " " " " fi.fK)
1st " 1 " " " ' 10.00
2nd " 1 " 7.00
3rd " 1 " ' " " 4.00
1st class three years old and over $10.00
2nd " " " " " " 12.00
3rd ' " " " h.00
1st class 2 years old $10.00
2nd clans 2 years old H 00
3rd cIms 2 years old 0,00
1st class 1 year old .'.7. 00
2nd class 1 year old.-... 5.00
3rd class 1 year old 3.00
CaUes 0 months old 50
Calvei 8 month old, thorough briC ".."
Just received over
of the latest styles.
to our already large and
assortment ever shown in
:itif n to nriccH we )YjV 1
to suit all who come
13 ro 1 1 i o .
O 'If ,'
x ,.
rr A 7 7
.4 ' '-'
p lS 1
1st class .'5 years old and over $35.00
2nd class IJ years old and over 25.00
3rd class 3 years old aod over 15.00
1st class 2 years old anil over 20.00
2nd class 2 years old ami over 15.0
2i l class 2 years old and over 10.00
All she-p six months old, 1st clans $1.50
All sheep fcXtvpt bucks, 2ud class 1.00
All hogs over sis months old 1 cent per
1st class $25.00
2nd class 15.00
3rd class .8.00
1st class per acre
c.a s ;er acre
3rd class per acre.
Fair value of improvements added.
On motion all improvements on gov
ernment land not o:x:upicd by an actual
resident be assessed at a fair valuation
after tho improvements have been oil
the land five years.
AH homesteads on which parlies have
resided for five year to lie assessed as
real estate,
On motion it was decided tliat tbre b
no values made in cents. Nothing less,
than dollars to he footed up in returns.
On motion tho secretary be and I
hereby ordered to have fifty copies of
the proceedings of this meeting printed.
Oa motion the minutes of the meeting
were read and approved.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
W. J. A. RtCM, Chairman,
M. J. liLKWETT, Secretary. .
One of Two WaYs.
The bladder was created for one pnr
posc, namely, a receptacle for the urine,
and as such it is not liable to any form
of disease except by one of two ays.
The first way is from imperfect action of
tho kidneys. The second way is fiOil
careless local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief cause of bladder troub
les. So Ihe womb, like the bladder, wan
created for one purpos, and If not doctor
ed too much is not liable to weaknem or
disease, except in rare cases. It is situa
ted hack of and very close to tlie bladdej
therefore any pain, disease or inconveni
ence manifested in the kidneys, back,
bladder or urinary inRsage is ofu-n, by
mistake, attributed to female weakness
or womb trouble of some sort The error
Is easily made and may be ns easily avoid
ed. To find out correctly, set your urinu
aside- for twenty four hours; a sediment
or settling indicate kidney or bladder
troubl.!. Tho mild and tlie extraordinary
efhjct of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tho
great kidney, and bladder remedy is soon
realized. If you need a, medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty
cents ari l on dollar. Vou may havsi a
simple bittlo and rfiiiipbli.l, both sent
free by until, upon receipt of three two
cent fc'amps to cover cost of potne on
th bottle. Mention the Siux t di nty
Jot fiN'AL and semi vo'.ir ,i,!,in. t fj,
K'lmr A Co., hm; b.-ml,,:, S.,.. Tl,ts
pr..;..t :if t:o-i ,.,.- j,- .r.mi.- .,,
)i : , tlo : i.ilvr.