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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1898)
j ) I ,1 V r II ' UK rOW SONNOWFUL SONQ. ia the af a esifwfsi sung? in mmt ef aiM. mm11. troabkss tknnc. fetal a bister and fris b lea 4 Aa Mm is tee Biaca giss. M. wfcat is abe aae ef a earrowral M4, Vkn we meat stag mm of lJiuk-!T- at oeeer a soul to tee eep ' wrong. yvsrs re besvj i voe, Te etnas to truest lirmc! what is the see of a sorrowful tria Tfcet brin but tears ami grieving! TWn t nerer a life full of pain Bat hope in some mtj may bud fjn, AaJ bloom hMu nwt believing. Ok. what the use of a aorrowful Tkat. m cot one heart's aching! Tfce hearts that are happiest paaa it along, Ker mirth ia heHless and joy i strong; Bat it biV in the heart that is break ing. !irit Free Vrr-m. JERRY'S CHOICE. "New, gee here, Jerry," exclaimed Pfcrraer Johnson to his man of all work. 3re cet-dn't fit oneasy Jest because old Jedgr-rs h-x offerel ye a dollar a month, aaore'a I'm payin' ye. I reckon I've got about ez much money an' kin afford to B3 tp a bo at ex much ex I'odgers kin or meblte a little more. ""Yer" a fust-class worker, Jerry. I'll admit that, an' I don't want ye to be -iUiif dissatisfied or thlukin' of diggin' of. so I'll make a bargain with ye right now before we go any further. If ye stick to me an' work (z well ez ye've Mb workln' right along fer the next years, I'll pay ye the aame as Tod- Mif D TK HAT TO THAT, JhKRV! iiff'-rod" ypj an 'at the eud of the iwo rears I'll give ye tbe best critter on 4 be jilare. Yes. slrree, Jerry, ye kin tkerer pick of any critter on the hull tore, from a sheep tip to a borne, or u-a gi-raffe or elephant, if I happen bate one of 'em on hand w hen it aaoi 'uue to take yer choice. -What d'ye say to that, Jerry? Is it kart'iiinf "Til do 'it,' answered Jerry P.rant. jieJ.v, "and there's my band to biud tbe Iwireain." No further incti'tteii as inade of the Ivarfrain lietwwn Jerry and his era jteyer umil they were seated at the Tinner table, later in the day. anl thfii Mr. Johnson, ivith a merry twiti fclr in his eyw. glanced a-f the table a: bis lieifcr fraction, and said: . "Weil, motiicr. I liad to imnuinr Jerry an' hire him over ajrin to-day, v "Yon wmmh to be In very jrood hiiinor aruiui it, so 1 Indue tbe iliffiTsrnce rtii'ln't have been very serious." com BMnlei1 .Mrs. Johnson, who used to be a Yankee school ma'am lwfore sh-e mar rUnl and therefore didn't handle the 1". K. diab-cf with the olT-iiatid familiarity of her hilband." ; , ".HousV-'.l'e kin. b-r ir 1 Jjkh Itl Mr. JLhsonj Vhyl'leiot 10 pay him vl a niotith more'n I oid be fore, a.' at the end uf two years, if he stays rijiht alon. he s to liaVe his pick out of (lie critters on the place to take Ion;: with liiii) and keep fur his own. .1 eip-cl he'll fake a horse, but I can't he4p iL I wasn't t'oin' ter let old I'od-pei-H hire him away from me, an' then po arotirtd clim-klin' over it behind my back fur the next six months." "iir. I'fftj-'its attempt to hire him. didleV" "Yes, 9n" ptM-i.v nervy attunipt at that. Offered lii'm -SJ more a iiionth, but I settled the iii;(itcr iu a hurry by pilin' the best critter on the place on top of rhr.. iiut-Jf fie stay the. hull two years t recgoii he'll earn' it eh. Jerry r Jf-rry blushed; and aiwwetedj that he uull do his best. "JJidn't you exempt my pony, papa? I rr-al!y can't think f allowing Mr. Brant to run ((f with that, even jf lie Awn earn It;" exclaimed Farmer J oil u enn's pjcMy 18-year-old daughter, ilay, w-im a ftidelouK K'ance of admiration at Jerry'n broad slioiihlers and manly t ratoivn. "O. Jerry wouldn't be mean enough take the pony, I jruess," Interposed hr father. "Snt,' said Jerry, "I don't want the pony tinle the rider coe with It," he dbs1. ftotto t, ' "KW what'i tlwt?". demanded ., iff, imbnifihl'Wnltm what? I didn't keteh1 liM ttl end f that rejiiark,'fXft4tly." JrrV'a, far; turned erimaon, 'and he was atwut t,rsarjhe:'remark, ttln'n the Arek'-witteil young lady eattie to llw rewnev -Mr. Hitinf he alwiy(i called Irlni fry 'beVriflOi orXHse- ohf considered It KiorMnKMrtag and djgnfflod thau Jft ry Otr,r Brunt uyf, he doerti't want tbe pvnyunleab tbe bridle goes with It. I tielleTe," abe explained. Ingenlobflfy, -nogii! I reckot a baiter la all he'll get wJti her If .taken that pony. There wm'wt 'anrtblag In the wrttlnV nboiit IValhl' ! bridle," aald Farmer worry, fatber. I thfiik tit. Oaat vfll be jteneroas enough to bm mf pV. aald najr. reas- "To, ymm aaajr kaa ywm Mf' agreed J err, with ttatiagalae. f laa af aaastratlaa at rae pmt face eppaalte him. May,' a eyes feM before bie, but awt un til tbey had Bashed beck a look tkat caused hi heart w beat high with hope. Tbe faet of the matter waa that stal wart, food look tog Jerry had long ad mired bla employer' handsome and ac complished daughter, but to-day waa the 6 rut time he bad dared to let her know It, eWber by look or s-ech. After that, however, their acquaint ance rapidly ripened, and a few weeka later Jerry surprised Mr. Johnou by aaklng for the hand of his daughter in marriage. Mr. Johnson wit engaged Id the pas toral occupation of milking a cow at the moment this quewtlou apriing upon him, anil he nearly fell off the atool In astonishment. "Want to marry my darter. May?; be gasped. "1 guesa not, young man! Not if the eourfkuowa Itself. I've bin edyercatiu" her fer nuthtu' higher than niarrylu' her father' hired man." "O, If that Is tbe only objection. It can easily lie removed." Interposed Jerry: "I don't expect to remain any body's hired man after my two years are up. I believe I told you when I came here that I bad juHt graduated from college, and intended to make the pursuit of agriculture my life buslues, Instead of going Into medicine or law, or any other of the already over-crowded profession. I believe a man with brains can put them to as good use In farming a in anything else, and I pro pose to prove It. "I am attidylug the practical side of tbe business now, and at tbe end of my two years 1 proose to go West and buy a ranch and strike out for myself. As far as my education Is concerned, I don't think I shall ever give your daughter occasion to la- atfhamed of me. and as to supporting her comfort ably and In becoming etyle, 1 believe 1 shall )e abundantly able to do so, and " 'Can't help that. Jerry T broke In Mr. Johnsou. "I hain't gointer have ye lug gin' May off Jet because ye two young folks imagine ye'r In love. A woman Is a mighty queer an' ousartin sort of critter, anyhow, as ye ll find out xu enough when ye get hooked up In double harness fer life with one of 'em. an' If I was Iu your place I wouldn't be In any hurry 'lut takin' a yoke of that kind on my shoulders." "Anyhow, if ye luslst on gettin' mar ried In spite of my warnln' ye'll hafter pick out ijome other partner beside tbe one .' ve got ycr eyes sot on at pres ent. .My darter is goin' back to college next week to finish up her edyereation, au' when site gets through her school-iu"- it will be plenty time enough fer ber to commence thiukiu' lwut the men. She'll forgii ye by that time faHt enough, ho ye might as well give up all hope rigtit now of ever gitttu' her. "I like ye well enough other ways, Jerry, but I don't ' are fer ye In the role of a sfMi-iu-liiw. .'JHiere, now, Vve got ycr answer fair and square, and If ye want to stay an' work out the balann' of ycr time, we'll Urop'Ue kvx biznes right Jjete, an'. I'll treat ye as well as ever; but If ye don't care to stay" timTef the circumstances it Ik all right., an' I shan't blyim; ye any fer gojr". ' NoV. which is it to lnv Jerry, stay or qfiil T ' "I'll stay," said Jerry, quietly. And stay he did. iM-rformiug his duties as conscientiously and thorough ly as everalthough the farm life sud denly grew sordid anil dull when May went back to her college studies. The months rolled swiftly round. Innvevcr, as months have a habit -of doing, until eighteen of tliein hud hM'ri crossed ofT the calendar of time. Then May, as bright and winsome us of old, ca'uie'home with her dimples aud diplo ma, and though he did not even dare to look his admiration, Jerry was straightway transported to paradise. Jerry's term of service finally ex pired, and he regretfully announced that the time bad come for blm to strike out In life for himself. ' "That's so, Jerry," said Farmer John son. "I had clean forgol 'Isut yer J wo years beln' up to-day. Waal, lit look over accounts an' settle up with ye af ter dinner, an' In the meantime ye kin be lookln' round an' sorter makln' up yex minil which one of the critters on thp place ye w-jint. f ltelieve ye was ter take yer choice when ye quit." "Well," 'said Jerry promptly, "It won't take nie long to make up my mind." Here he stepped quickly across the room to where May was gaziug discon solately from the window and whis pered a question In her ear. For an In stant her eyes met his, then she rote with a smile, placed her baud coufid- "THIS IS TH OS! I WAST." Ingly In his and together they fared her father. "This Is my first and only choice," e clalmed Jerry, with a ring of mingled pride iHid triumph In hi tone. "But ye can't do that-tain't In the agreement. I said rritter, not wlnunen boU't folater aiiew a sue " Juat a BtoaDeat, If you plea, air. Jefcaaon," taterrupted Jerry Hrant. drawiaff biwaelf erect, with proudly aatiuf eyea. and till retaining May's baad. "Haven't 1 heard you allude tm the women a queer critters, couame4 crKtera, plaguey critters, and I don't know how many other kinds of erittera during the past two years and upwards thttt 1 have beu with you?" "Ye. I s'iose ye have," acknowl edged Mr. Johnson, "but er " "All right, sir," Interposed Jerry, briskly. You promised me the best critter on tbe place, and this is the one I aut and the only one." r'aruier Johnson gazed at the hand some and smiling young couple Itefore blm. In a half Indignant, half Indulgent sort of way for a moment, and then the latter feeling got the ls-tler of the struggle, aud be quietly remarked: "Waal, a bargain Is a bargain, an' I a'potse I'll hafter keep my word: but I say. young man" and Mr. Johnson's eyes tw inkled mischievously "don't ye thluk ye sorter missed yer vocation, not beln' a lawyer luxteud of a farm er?" I'tiea iilo!e. HE COULD KICK. A Mule that Would Be try I'noop ulsr ou the Avenue. At rare Intervals along the mountain roads of West Virginia aud Kentucky the traveler may come upon a black smith shop, but he Is much safer iu the shoeing of his horse If be w ill carry a few nails and tools In the lsittom of bis buggy. On a trip by Hound Gap on one occasion I found a blacksmith shop at the forks of the road. aud. as usual, a half dozen or more men sitting around It In the shade. My turnout needed some repairs and an the smith was pot terltig about it Inside, 1 made talk w Ith the men outside. One of them wanted to sell uie a mule which be had huug up on the feuce aud I started In for a dick er. After we had been talking for per haps a quarter of au honr. the smith asked me to step Inside and show blm something aliout the work he was do ing. As soon a he got me away from the crowd be came close and grew con fidential. 'Y'aln't tliinkiu' uv buyln' that crit ter, air you?" he a.sked In all sincerity. "Well. I don't know. I want a mule and that one hxiks all right," I said. "You can't tell a mule by his looks, mister. Mules is fer all the world like women. "What's the matter with him?" I In quired, quite ignoring the comparison. "He ain't safe. Course I ain't got notiiin' agin' the mule ner the owner aud I'd be glad enough fer him to git the money fer him, fer he owes me fer the shoeiu" uv him, but I don't like ter see a strauger tuck In an' done up like he's tryin' to do you." "But you haven't told me what's the matter w itb the mule," I "Will he kick?" ., That's his weakness. mister," re- -ponded the smith. Jetting his voice fall to a whisper. iou wont Relieve me, p'raps, but Tin lelliu' yotl he's the kiek in'est critter iu the mountain He bore Is. mister, and I hope I may die tight here, ef he can't kick the sody outen a biscuit, an' never crack the ervtst. lie kin, mister, cr I m a brother to him." A Kainbow in the Moonlight. The great lunar rainlKnr seen from the houses on the t'lHTs at ,Nali;uit and ilong Marghml road ou the night of a reeetit gr-;it storuj was, on the word or an astronomer, a, most unusual, an It wan a umbo spluudiilr and Impressive. sight. Halo rainbows alioiit Lady Lu nar or bits of i:iiiiboC Oil "the little clouds sailing around the moon ' are not uncommon, but a full Isiw span ning the heavens is not of ten seen by night. It needs a full and brilliant moon anil a small shoAer. The -one-which hung In the heavens above Tswaiup scott and lteach Bluff showed with pe- uliar radiance across the water to the l-op!e at Nahant whose backs were to the big bright moon that came out of her flying storm clouds long enough to show a quarter hour of the phenomc- nonl The red ami blue in the great tow were fairly pronounced, tue or age was fainter and It required help from the Imagination to distinguish my of the other four prismatic colors Is'fore the rainbow bgau to fade. Then the most distant right end of It glow ed with luereasbig yet "inrffveiunl ilres." If a "rainlsiw at night is thei sailor s delight. 1i fmtely. tiie solar ImiW which Is so often seen before sun set. The astronomer who has never seeu but one full arching moonbow In his observant career notes that the chances are few Indeed for mortals to olwrrethls glory of the Lady Luna. In the llnt place, there must be a full moon, and there are only almtit thirty six chance In a year, a tenth of the chances to see a solar rainlsnv, an4 these may ) quartered by the fact that most people are not up all night, as they are all day. If there were quite as many nioonbowg as sutibows propor tionatelyand this is Improbable we have only one fortieth as much opimr tunlty to observe them. Hoston Even ing Transcript. A Woman Mini Farmer. A woman living In Louisiana Is sup isirting herself comfortably on the pro ceeds of a farm on which she raises nothing but mint. All tbe principal hotels and restaurants In Now Orleans ptirchane their mint from her, and she makes enough dining the summer moLit!,i, when Jub-ps ami other cooling (1 links containing mint are In demand, to mmlde ber to live comfortably through the winter. When Halmon Were High. On June 12, 1775, upward of 2.400 salmon were taken above tbe bridge In the River Tyne, and sold In New castle at 11 aod 1V41 per pound. aa' I ONCI A rM-ACt OF ORANOCUN. alM ml ike Wrtr4 rilr i: Iteaire, areaate ta jafer. rrofeaeer William M Hotauea, eura tr of the Xattwal Mimmmuu at H' aetata-tea, baa rrtt-uUy ex.a4wed Ut ruiui of lb deserted eUy of l'xu,al. Vu Mex ico. Countless ieuturiea go It w aa abe abode of a highly vivilixed race, but uow tbe once malre buildlugs are fast crumbling into dust and this fvrm r metropolis of a people who loug ago ceased to exint will mood have faded into nolhinguros. Ixuial lie amid dense swamps, the Hd aud uure slraiued forest growth of age. Tbe auclent city waa a pile of rulius when Columbus discovered the "new world," and It Is shrouded In the deepeut mys tery. A few hardy explorers have pen etrated the wilderness aud caught a glimpse of It, but It remaiued for Pro fessor Holmes to ghe a detailed de scription of the wonders of the deserted city. Over 1 xmal hangs the spell of death. Here, as i'rofeto-or Holmes says, may Ik- seen the walls of enor mous palaces slowly rotting away un der the unrclcullug hand of ttiue. A mighty pyramid, with a base '!! feet long by bid feel wide, rises to a height ef eighty feet, and uisiii its summit are the ruins of wlmt was ouce a gorgeous temple. A broad stairway leads from the base of the pyramid to the struc ture which rests upon Its top. The fa cade of the temple Is a uii-t oraate piece of composite architecture. Among the ornamentations are a coUsal face twelve feet square, a pair of tigers placed together, w Ith heads turned out ward, and groups of device resem bling glyphs, lin mauiuioth pile of stone, pyramid aud temple, w a ex quisitely hewed, a piece of workman ship of which the most skilled modern artisans might 1m- proud. An immense structure, fairly well preserved as ruins go, Is the governor's palace, of which Professor Holmes gives a iiioe-t luieresting description. Nowhere on the American continent can such another ruin be found. The building rises mnjcotlcally upon tbe summit of a broad, triple terrace. Court uisiD court, rows of mighty pil lars, space upon space of empty t-hntn-lsrs pnTCtif them-selvee to the view. All are tottering before the Irresistible forces of Ut ay, but tliey N-ar eloquent testimony to the iM.ldue and original ity of the aie ieiii architect and build ers. Front the top of fl pyramid, grand cr even than that wiiW-h w as surmount ed by a temple. Professor lUlmcs and his party were enabled to tt"t a view of the entire city as it lay before them in swamp and plain. This pyramid Is ;N) feet long by 'Jt feet wide at its Uise. Its height is 7ii feet, a.nd at the top Is a summit platform 75 fret fcqnare. From this point the explorer could see ruined temple and palaces. enormous -.lone buildings, once tbe res! deuces of long forgotten lot Is. aud the houses of those who were ei-s p'owt ful, many of the buihUugs being roof-' lei and half burled In the dis-p forest growth that has sprang np arotind them. The wails of all the larger strue-. tures bore evidence of elalsiratc arcbl tectiiral ornaineiMatioti, jndicaUttg that In It prime, numberh centuries ago, Uxmal was an ai loving as .well as wealthy and Impojtatit city. A sight so uibjestie and supreme. lTo fessor Holmes says be has never wit nessed. It was lM-autiftil but dreary, for ou all sides were desolation, decay and death. ISut it does not require a vivid Imagination to people the ancK-rit city again wish bti-tl'ng. ib-rsure lw lug and ctiHiatcd inliflbitauts. Tbe l:uitk( t places in which the tnerchauts traded are now deserted, and the Ohiy( sound which Is heard I- the roar of Jhu Mexican Hon. The temple and the nunnerits, the palaces .of the nobility hnd the gymnasium, where the popu Jace' congregated to witness the sports of their athlete, hnveiwen in ruins so long that evert tradition doo not hay when they were' peopled, lint there the city wiatids. showing that centuries 1tjfore Columbus landed In Uie "ni'W world" there i-xitcl hej-e civ)l!,aUHi $0 old It was iu the last stages of de cay. It In not necessary for us to go to the far east In search of rulna, for, according to Professor Holmes, there .arc Kysleries en this continent which oeflle us as much as Muevth and Haby. Ion. Cxtnal was once a mighty city, but how long it has been since It was In the. height of Its glory no man can tell, uiid we must reckon by centuric to form even a faint uiiccptloii of the t!r:e which has elajwed since It we the habitation of Uie living. Baltimore Sun. In Office MrTenty-fouX Y'ears. , KetiUtrD C. Heavers of Campbell poilii ty, Ca., is the champion long distance ottice holder ef the Culled states, lie has becu holding oilier slnee he w as 21 vearw ohl. and as he is UOW i., hua a record of almost three-quurters of :eutury u a public otllcer -' "L'mie Iteuben," as he Is called by all residents of the county, secured the position of clerk of the first court held In that uart of Georgia. After two years the Legislature established an Inferior court In Campbell County ami Mr. Beavers decided that be would like to be clerk of that court. His ambition was gratified, aud when a few years later, the court of ordinary was esinh llahed, be waa elected the clerk of that court. lie baa held that ollice almost continuously ever since. By common consent It Is now admit ted tbat Uncle Keuben owns the Job. It la bla private property, and at the election he Is the only candidate for the office. No one questions his right. Last fall the Populists decided to nom inate another candidate, lut" no man could be found to contest l'mie Ken ben'a claim, aud again be was elected without any opposition. Uncle Reuben has temporarily aban donedbut never 'resigned the office on several occasions to go to w ur. He fouabt la various battles with tbe Caerokea aaA 0rae ladaaaa ta aaafy year la aeargta. aa4 afterward haipatf ceaqaer tbat fatooaa aWailaa nklmt, Oaceeto. la tbe erergiaeVs of liorlda. He foils wed Oeat. Ceatt through tbe Mexican war, aad Waa praaevt at tbe eUirmlng of Cbapoltepae and tbe rap ture of the City of Mtllce. He foufbt during the rehellloa and cried when Gen. Lee surrendered. Then he returned to bla borne and re turned his interrupted oecnpation of holding office. Joseph A. Armstrong, of Toronto, ol fers JlL'l in prices for the best poen. on Niagara. Bishop Spald'ng, of Peoria, has a new volume In press with tbe McClurg Company, called "Thoughts and Thi0 ries of Life ind Education." Miss Katharine Prescott Woruieley's translations of Balzac have placed her in the front rank of American translat ors. Mir is now engaged upon lo Here's dramatic works. l.miisou, W olff, ic Co. announce a new historical novel of the civil wttr as It pffeeted the mountain region ot Kentucky. It Is called "A Hero' In Homespun," Is written by Wllllanl E. Barton, anil is said to be an accurate and graphic tale of the loyal South. "The Clash of Arms," Mr. Blo:iu- delle-Burtou's new romance of adven ture, will be published In a few days. li deals with the attempt of the hero, an F.ugllsh free lance, serving under rurerine, to rescue a countrywoman of his from a fortress In the Yosges in which she Is kept prisoner. Mrs. Meynell Is at work on an an thology of the best English poems to be published In one volume under the title, "The Flower of tbe Mlud." It gives the Elizabethan pocta a large space and deals lilierally with tbe works of Wordsworth, Shelley, and Coleridge, the length of "The Ancient Mariner" being no bar to lis admis sion among these "isx-ma of genius." White literature certainly pays mar- velotisly well In England, literary men ilo occasionally go outside of litera ture to make money. A case In point Is Hint of Mr. George K. Kims, who, though hardly a man of letters, Is eer talnty a prolific aud popular writer. It seems that Mr. .Sims was ouce bald, and now he Is not. The concoct! n used by blm Ui restore his hair was made from a recipe which he poe,H- . The restoration was so marvelous that he has organized a company and Is putting his nostrum on the market. The novelty of a writer becoming a patent-miilleinc irran has atuacluil wide attention in Ktjglaiid and given Mr. Sims more advertising than he could get Lw any other means, so thfit he now stands a chance of making' more money than "he has evcrMiade out of literature. "' ' ' "' '" Mr. l'.atrie is quoted a saying td 'a lecturer who wished him to xpenk tu public of his experiences In Not ting-' ham ou the staff of ihe Impress of that, own: 'i thank you for your letter and wish you had a better euPJcct or your lecture. I don't know of any per sonal article about myself .that Is' not Imaginary and largely erroictjtis. Bu(" there i really nothing to lei! that' 'would interest any one. Yes, I wit In Nottingham for a year 'and liked'it well, though I Was known to scarce any one. If you ever met an. uncouth stranger wandering In the dark around the castle, ten or twelve years ago, his appearance unimpressive, a look 'n each pocket and his thought .100 miles iltie north,-It might have !een the sub ject of your lecture." This ret-alln to an English coulmcntator another m ecdote of. Mr. Baffle. "I am always at Thrums," lie said, "except when the paper say I a In." llloiiile Indians. One of the mystcrlce of Mexico la pre sented by the Maya Indians, who In habit the Sierra Madre Mountains,-In the lower part iff Soitora. Tliey have fair skins, blue eyes and light hair, ani Hludentx of ethnology have always been -..puzzled.-, to account for them. J There is a tradition,,, however, that these Indiana are the descendant of the crew and passengers of a Swedish vessel, wrecked on the Mexican const centuries Is'fore Columlms discovered the new world. Hut ibis tradition Is founded irti nothing more sulss'tantlal than a folklore tale current among them that their amn-stor came over the big salt water hundreds of nioona ago. The Mexicans have never been able to conquer these people. Nominally, Indeed, they are under Mexican rule, but really they are governed by their ow n chief, and whenever the Mexican Government has Interfered with thein they have (aketl up arme, getting the best of the scrimmage every time. Their nearest Indian neighbors are the Vaquls, ami these two warlike trlles 1 have reciprocity down to a fine point. ; Kn1i lii'ls the other when the Mexi cans attack the.'"- The Mayas live prin cipally by the chase, although they cul tivate some corn and garden truck. The men are large and well formed, and some of the women are remarka bly handsome blonde. Ohio State Journal. Mynipalhy r "og Owners, A woman arrested for keeping a dog without a license In London pleaded extreme poverty, and the Magistrate, allowed her 11 days to ralso the money. The newspapers sske of the case, ami within a week the Clerk of the Court received ll&l from British dog fanciers fir her relief. i - -,, - Trifles light as hair somct.UiuM Itirn t ie whole course of a uian'a appetite. dcatn mr tiaiMywiw. Bastwrasaarr Ara e a Ftaa eaia Maa's My. . Tbe rfferl ot Hfbraiuf a K aaaa to earah through the body nt a asaai vary wiaMa aa aatealahlagty ,eah) r.n It -aoineriBiea kaaueaa skat a' person t hIMsd ontrtfbt wlthsat aar aympioBt or sign ot inyary. it saay mm tbat drafh is preceded by oaHapse, paralysis or rooviilelon. Csually Chat are isarfc where rhe eurrent baa ea ter ed or left the body, or clothe assy bare been scorched, or kemorrfcafas may have occurred, aud nmre thaa oaa case has been recorded where beeta ' . have been lorn off the ffet and Italia driven out of tbe soles of the boots. KH- dom doi-a It hapen that llghtalBf 1 oaves such appalling evidence or ita transit as tttat disclosed at an Inquest held at Hulford House, near GuHd ford. The evidence snowed tbat tha previous Wednesday there had been a single flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, and about half an hour after ward Maj. Jameson was found lying oa his face In a field quite dead. Around hiui, lu a radius of several yards, wera . his clothes and boots, whi pad been torn ail scattered atsmt In an extm- ordiuary manner. The Hghtnlng ap pears o have etnn k him oa tbe rlgJit side W the heud. tearing his cap U pleo'S and burning his hair off. It then nsssed luelde his collar down tne from of his tfcdy and lsth )s Into his Iksjui. vtiilcb were torn to piece. an,d tnea nnswd Into the ground, making a bobj about eighteen Inches In cirriuiiferenea and three inches deep. His collar waa torn to piece, the front of hi shirt waa rent Into riblsius. rhe Jacket and under- , vest were literally torn to sbreds, anil the knickerlsicker he was wearing were strlpissl from him and arattere on the ground. Ills s1s king and ga4t- crs were similarly torn In pieces, an on the Issits the lightning had a re markable cffs-t. They were burst ope a. some of the brass eyelet boles were tora off. Tbe skin had Wen torn off tae chest, and the right teg was torn and blackened: blood was Issuing from tfbe mouth and right ear. In connect! with tills fatality two circumstances of a more or less unusual kind may be no tlccd. There Is, first, the single light- . nine ftaah. neither tircceded nor follow-. ed by othiTs In the ndghlsro(d, and. secondly, the fact that the peixoo wn was struck was "In the open," Tha latter coiuparatlvely seldom , -happens, ticrhaiw Us-ause shelter Is Instinctively and unwisely sought. Here there waa no warning aixl no time for this, aul so. without nnv nelghlsirlnz otilect at hand to subdivide ami share the dis charge, the latter had only one route t earth, viz., the Isxly of 11 victim. Tim wet or drv condition of Uie clothe la - nil 111 iMirt;i lit imjI lit In stieh rases, it often happens that In pTsous expow-J to a ttnituiersiorm tne ciortii-s are wet, and therefore afford a eouiitarttlivcly . easy passage to any electric current, la the case alsive dctaihsV Uie eiotJk-s w ero orrsumitlilr di-v, nod tturrf,irs tiad elec-trjc conducirN, and t!u: , (le slriftive effect. .of the llghjnlng would ', oe hi proportion h tne reswrauce ea conntereil In transit. Lancet. ' Xew I'ycie ;.imic. After many experiments a 'really-1-icrestlng' and prattlcal 'game to be pla.VHl by inert a nl Women iiionntfsl oa blcj'ch'S lma been evolved. It is called , "Itoyal" and meets with great fuvtr tir'all cycling ceiiteis. The game ro- ' Htirts vm teaj;is of -nine riders each, tw o, a tlniek'-epcr. t woieki'Dpi,, er: . and a rc-fvr--, Thu held or courij; upon whi.ii it Is played U divided litki -, a right and left Held. Biding r,iirsta.','".'! are ch.'ilked out Indicating the Ibid". ' The cables -form two upright sides. An alleyway consinirted of i-abh exte!iU -from tbe upper to the lower Ibid illx division line, between the right ami left , field. The cable form two . upright ' fides, ln't'ifll Whlc'h they ,1v wlieej rolls, and Is driven kii-kiv.nd or for ward by the riders In ia..iiig at any jsilnt Ix'tween the lower and upper field. This play wheel Is a single twen-ty-elght-lnch bicycle rim, having a fnw and a half-Inch pneuihatlc tire. Tbe Idea of the game Is to drive this play wheel from the center field through attack of opponents to a goal ahead, rfiders using 'specially made sticks In striking or driving the wheel. The end of the alleyways are the goals for tlxs. respective teauw. Players ride lu slu-. .gbj, uTfvRiid aUays circle to tbe left Then the two ti-uuis ure constantly., meeting aud passing each other In op posite directions on op,-!te side of , 'the alleyway. The game requires mix h skill lu riding and la very exciting. Iiiikdelpbla Ijiucet, Itellec-tlonn or a Itaehetor. . Ananias ought to have let his wife tell It tir.t. The trouble aliout falling In love ai that you can't alway light on you fe-t, like a wit. , . Good society Is one that retpiirea ministers to lw moral, women to act a ami men to look It. liidcr certain circumstances chaia pngne will affect a woman's brain al most as much as a new hat. A woman tlwit 1 clever enough to muke a man think she Is silly can do anything she wants to with him. When a woman look happy hi church, as If she enjoyed the Mention so much, she has probably Just thought of a way to have her old serge fixed over. New York Tresa. i 1'laxr.a Amenities. "Is your sister's husband comlac down over Sunday) , "No; H loo far." .. . "Too far! Why, the charm of Oil place Is Its accessibility!" "Yes; but my sister I a'uldow'' ,,U' k' ' ,v- '' If a friend come t your'offlca ta ' Ikiitow UMjney and And you Id yj will lie out, but If b Oao m' t you will 1 la r i -. f--c.