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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1898)
The Sioux County Journal "VOL. X. HLA-RSaiSaiSr, 3STEBBASKA, TECUISJD.Y, FEB. 17, 1898. The Sioux County Journal. fESTABIJHIED Subscription Price, fl.00 OmoiAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. . ft. Oiion, ... KilKof, Kntprt-'l nt Uifl Harrison pot ofllcfl ax HHtond cliinv mutter. Tills Is our rintforin. Fxrst Tlicy are unaltirahhj opposed to gold mottmetalUm. Second They demand the immediate rextn-(ttion if bimetallism at the. present ratio by the imlprndent ari'om of (his ciaintry. Third Tliry oppose the rrlirenwnt of the grevnh tek.i. I f ourth Tiny opjione the issue, of jxi j per money by national mulct. F'.flh They oppose the inane of interest Ir'irinq bonds in time of pi nee. Sixth T'ie furor the. income tax as a tn nnx of raising a part of the rrivnue vrff nary to (tdiuinfcliT the. fcd.'.ial gov f With They favor the. almlition of trust. I I Eight T'.wy arc opposed to government j by injunction. j Ninth They tare in favor of arbitra tion ax a meant of nettling aispule h t awn labor and capital. II". .. liryan. A report flashed over the wire early yesterday morning from Omaha to the effect that the battle ship Maino had lieen blown up in Havana harbor late last Tue-sday evening. Whether done by the Spanish military, by the bursting ol the ship's boilers, or by the bursting of a powder magazine on board the Maine the dispatches fail to say. Whatever the cause amy or might have been, 2''i of the blip's crew ue missing, and the (.hip is a total loss. i Many opinions are rife ay to the. cause of the distruction of the battle ship .Maine. Coming as it does, so soon after the DtLorno incident, many believe it to be t!.e work of tlie Spanish boldiers, but Bottling authoritive has reached the coutry to corroberate any of Ota tate cnentH thus far sent out All is excitement at the seat of gov ernment at W.sbington, and later dispatches say that war is liable to be .declared between this government and Spain at any moment. Ex-Governor Boies of Iowa has for mulate! a new currency plan, which lie thiuks would work nicely. It is not impossible but that lion Mar ina A. Ilanna may have his seat in the United States senate contested by Mayor McKisson of Toledo. Last Saturday was the birthday of the martyr president Lincoln, and Ike day was fittingly, observed and celebrated in most of the large cities throughout the United States. One h.ut only to pick up the daily pap ers an 1 pjruse them over to have any idea haw m.iny ruicide are taking place from day to day. It would seem as if there w,ls a suicid il mania taking bold of the people of the country within the t vo or three yeari. And it It not confined to any particular class or na tionality of people. There are Doctor, Lawyers, Ministers, Bankers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, and Laborers; all ae and both sexes are among thorn who take their owu lives. Of course there is a cause for ho raany suicides, but what is the general cause?. Barlos, president of Guatemala, who bad held the important office of president six yeiri, .ts assassinated in his palace garden Sunday I i ht. Thot f I he wore no crown, yet sleeping, or waking (its every breath was troubled, as he lives! in contir.usl fear of twine poisoned or deprived of life in some unnatural manner, Several years aito he married a Kew-Orwlean' I Wile which net served to sdd fresh fuel to the already kindled hat red of the Guatemalan's. At the time of his death he was one of the wealthiest pjeO in Central America. Chicago's auil New York's four hundred, limit in order to be fashionable soon close their doors (o the gay so'-iety w hirl in which they have Jived during the past few months ub the jeuitentiel season of It-nt is almost at huud why not all enter our clowits a few moment! each day. l)u Puy IH-lome the Suauinli amlnis a' or to Washington, 1 as heeti forced to re s k on accou it of criticising the ad inifcistmtion of president McKinley. It in too had that president McKinley per mitted him to resign; the authorities at Washington oimht to have asked tie Spanish government for the Ambassador' recall. lie li:is b-eo a kind of an olllcious hlatherskite and has sought every oppor tunity possible to interfear with the for eign policy of this nation whenever and wherever he could. It is similar to and almost a paralel to the Siickville-west case duriug Cleveland's Urst term. Adolph Luuttft-rt the big sausanemaU er of Cliicno, is at last convicted and sentenced to penal herritude during his natural life. The case has attracted more notice we presume than any which has been tried in the history of our coun try; a recital of the case is we think, too revolting, sutlice it to say if Luetgert be guilty the verdict wns a compromise, if innocenct why did those men w ho coin ssed the jury condemn that poor wrelcl In conclusion we will say the duty of any juror is a delicate one.. Content for Haiina. CI.KVLANl), Feb. 10. Mayor McKis son sent to the clerk of the United State Senate to-night a formal notice of con test against the seating of Mark A. Ilanna in the senate. BOODLERS ARE PLOTTING They Make a Malicious Attack on the Populist State Committee. THE SHERIFF GETS AFTER THEM. Joe Johnson and Ed Sizor Propose to purify the Republican pnrty. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 16. (Special correspondence.) While the farmers of Nebraska are making their plans for an other season of hard -work and giving all their thoughts and attention to tha?,, the old gang of republican boodlers are making their plans to recapture the state government and re-establish the old regenae, under which the farmers ot the state have been so unmercifully rob bed. Realizing that they have a difficult job on haed they looked about for a vulner able point to attack, and found none. Knowing that their overthrow was in a !arge taeasure the result of the brilliant, honest, open-handed campaign made under the direction of the present popu list state committee, their malice sug gested an attack on the olficers of the committee, so last week the vilest slan der that could be invented by malicious men was printed in a Lincoln republican paper, with the intention of using it se cretly in the next campaign. The men attacked were J. II. Edmisnten, chairman of the populist state committee, and Geo. W. Blake, its treasurer, with some in. siiwations thrown in, implicating Gov. Ilolcomb and others. The story printed was a rehash of the old tale, so often told by Joe Johnson, about the re count ef the ballots on the constitu tional amendments, but charging spe cifically the grossest crimes against Ed miasten and Blake. These men hate Edminsten with a ha tred that know no relonting. Why? Because Edmisten is one of the old pops who has fought the thieves since away back in the preceding decade. Ha was one ol the original organizers oftbe populist party. He was a del egate to the Cincinnati and St Louis conventions, which laid the plans for the formation of a new party. He was a member of the Omaha convention that formed the populist party. Gov. Ilolcomb was first nominated for judge in grove on Edmisten's farm, the us of which and a beef for a bar becue was donated by him. He was chairman of the congressional commit tee that conducted two successful cam paigns in the Sixth d, strict and sent tl first populist from Nebraska to congress, and although he did not have the best timber for a candidate with him he laid out the renowned George Wash ington Dorsey. The people of Lincoln have been con vulsed with laughter most of the time fer the last week. The republi can city administration became so no toriously corruot that it could be en dured no longer. The leaders learn ing that a lot of the city officials were pretty sure to be indicted at this term of court, held a meeting and resolved that they would purify the party. Tliey organized what tney called the Hamilton club and placed Joe Johnson and Ed Si zer on a committee to do the purifying. Joe is now a purilied saint and goes around singing, "I want to lie an angel. And with the angeta Htand." , T. II. TlBlH.ES. P. S. One of the libelers, Simons by name, was arrested, in spite repub lican judges and political writs of ha beas corpus. WELL WORTH READING. Something In This Column That Mill Interest Every Itody. Some of I.iiK -olo'rt Sayings. "We cannot escne history." "Revolutionize through the ballot box." "Let none falter who thinks he is right." "It is no pleasure to me to triumph over anyone." "I do not impugn the motive of any one opposed to me." "I have not willinjrjy planted a thorn in any man's bosom." "All that I arn, all that I hoe to be, I owe to my angel mother." "There is no grievance that is a fit object of redress by mob law." "God must like common people, or he would not have made so many of them." "For thirty years I have been a tem perance man, and I am too old to change." "This government must be preserved in spite of the acts of any man or set of men." "Stand with anybody tiiat stands right. Stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong." "Let us have faith that right makes might; and, in that faith, let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it." "I know the lord is always on tne side of the right. But it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation shall be on the Lord's side." "No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from pov ertynone less inclined to take or touch aught which they have not honestly earned." The Typical Mill Man. Andrew G. Pearce, for years treasurer of Wanisutta mill and now president, lives at 103 Spring street, estimated salary $40,000 a year, or $770 a week. Believed to be the richest man in New Bedford. Family of wire and several chil dren. One son, Andrew G. Pierce, Jr., is treasurer of Pierce and other mills with a salary of $20,000 a year. Another son, Edward T., is treasurer of Wamsutta mill, salary $20,000 a year. Assessed for ?9,400 worth of real estate and $&ri,3'i0 personal property. Holdings in different mill properties and various enterprises do not show on city recordw. House richly furnished through out. does to his office and leaves there when ready. Rides or walks as suits his pleas ure. Table for three meals a day Bpread with the best and choicest food. Keeps several servant. Family enjoy vacation trips abroad and have all the luxuries money cau command. Is a citizen and voter. ITowTo Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blader are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that I. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidoey remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder qfld every partof the urinary passages. ' It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during tne night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing canes. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail, Mention Thk Sioux County. Journal and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghampton, N. Y, The proprietors of this paper guarantee the geuneneuiss of this offer. Tre es and Plunts. tieaeral Assortment ofKursery Stock. Best varieties for Nebraska. Millions of Strawberry and Raspberry Plants at wholesale and retail. Our plants have been irrigated when needing it therefore very thrifty and depp rooted. Buy the best near home preventing loss by delay and saving extra freight or ex press from eastern points. Write for price list to NORTH BEND NURSERIES, - North Bend. Dodge Co., Neb. bTOCK IiKANIiH. Tiir. Jocrval will publish yourbramt, ike tho fullowlnK. for f-J:Ui, per vxar. Kueli ail (lltionnl untiid 75 cent. inrmer or raiii'liniHTi in Hionx nnil adjoining counties siiouM advertise their brand in TiikJouh sai. an it c-Li-i-iUuti-s till over the stiite. It may be the means of saving money for you. Fit AN K Nl'TTO. On left side of cuttle and on left uhoiildiT of ljorses. v Hun go on Antelope crejjt i O., tihilchrist, Sioux Coc Neb. ' CHAKLKS liiKUl.E. . On Irf t side or hip of cattle. ) Un left shoulder of hnes. j Jl!atie''on the hoiul ol Warbonnet ierek Address Ilurrl.-ioii, .Sioux Co. Neb. IOn left shoulder of cattle and horses. Ifiuifrt. nn IVilt.onwrfd. a w t ' i tt If v I'O.jr, t raw ford Nebr. riual Proof Notices. All pTions having final proof notices In this nWjer will rei-eire a marked copy of tho papeijftid lire requited to exunmui the:-.-nothpVfid if any ri-nus exist report tho samefo tlflls ofneo at once. JL ---X- - . - Legaf Notice. Christian JeBseiyrflil i1ce notice that on the With day ol JuftJuttjlttM tt. 'h. Smuck ft Justice of the, pe.uofi of llowcn I'rccinct, Sioux county Nebraska issiiod an order of attachment and garnishment for the sum of fl.1,40 with In lereat due thereon at 7 per cent, per annuum from July lt, 1HW, In an action pending before him, wherein M. J. dayhurt is plaintiff and Christian Jensen, defendant, that property of the defendant conalsting of a school order to the amount of liii.OO dated Oct. 1st 1897 Issued by School District No. 23 of Sioux County, Nebraska to said (lirUtlan Jensen has been attached un der ald order. Said cause was continued tot- .litu day ol March. 18W, at 1 o'clock p. m. - ' Harrison, Nebraska, Fcbnary S, lstw. Sf. J-W thabt, riaintlff. lljr Alvis T. Clark, his Attorney. Sheriffs Sale. Notice la hereby given that by viltuc of an order of Hale to me directed Issued by the clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, lu an action pending in said court wherein Ocorgo 11. Turner la philntlU and George W. Cobb, Mrs. (ieorgc W. Cobb whose christian name Is unknown, and Dakota Mortage Ixan Company aro defendants, I will on the 2ith dav ot March, lsfft), at 3 o'clock p. m. of unld day at the cast door of the Court House, In Harrison, Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue the following described real estate to-wit: Lots one ( 1 ) and two (2) and the east half of tho north-west quarter of Section 19, Township 31, N Range 56 W. of the 6th prlncl clpsl meridian In gloux county, Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure entered in said cause by onr said Court at the regular November A. D. ItW term of said court, to-wit: on tho 6th day of Decern tier, 1M7, wherein onr said court fuond duo to the said plaintiff, Ucorge 11. Tumr the sum 42.83 with ten per cent Interest thereon frftm said date and costs, together with an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the ainouiitso found due, and adjudged the same to be a first Hen on said premisss, with costs and accruing costs. Said premises will be sold for tho purpose of satisfying said Hum. . Thomas Hollt, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Hotice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed Issued by the clerk of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, In an action pondingdn said court wherein George H- Turner Is plaintiff and George W. (Xbb, Mrs. George W. Cobb whose true christian name Is unknown, Farmland Security Company Asa Duvls, and km. Asa Davis whoa christian name is unknown, are defondcnU, I will on the )tb day of March, 1IW, at S o'clock p. m. of said day at the east door of the Court House, In Harrison, Nebraska, offer for sale at publlo vendue tne following described real estate, to-wlt Tee South half of the North-East quarter sad North half ot the South Fast quarter, Section K4, Township 34 N of Range 57 W. of tke Sth principal meridian In Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure ettored in said cause by onr said Court at the regular Noverntor A. D. 1H97 term of said court, to-wlt: on the Oth day ol December IW7, wherein our said court found due to the said plalntlfl. George H. Turner tho sum J2.4 with ten per cent Interest thereon from said dato and costs, togrtln r With an amount equal to 10 per cent, of the amount so found due, and adjudged the same to be a first Hen on said premscs, with costs and accruing costs, said premises will be sold for tho purpose of satisfying uid jims. v, ,', Sheriff, SYPHILIS.: f4. m ymn' vnasSMtMprMtlf. TrwIaMBt antaaaSM X Crw k a4 row. nsM. DS. WMO lllTl! )R. WMO mtflTUTI. N.tttM..M.Usl.iU. JUST ARRIVED: A carjpad of Wheatland Flour at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, at prices that wiir.defy competition any where in the state. The .RANCH SUPPLY DRY-GOODS & GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, HARD-WARE & TIN-WARE &c, &c. Our Motto is, "LIVE and let LIVE" We fieed jnoney, and the people need our goods, bo come in and see how cheap we can LEWIS THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. E. Bkhwstbji, President. D. H. QRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS America Exohakok National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Fikst National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ; larDBJLFTS SOLD OK ALL PAftTS OF EUROPifT HARNESSES SOLD ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour ajid Feed of allkinds at my harness shop. TMM& Building West of J. II. BarteH'socery Store. The best of Wines, and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the MCi&M ln Now write us for Description lioiil It. W'o hayo Leon telling our ' AddroM, HOUSE is Head-quarters for sell you goods for cash. GERLACH, Prop. Nebraska. C. F. Coma, Vice-President. 1 SADDLES AT EGGERT R0HWER, Proprietor. tut nrMiMp ci-nn Brandies, Whiskey Omaha Beer. MICHAEL BRUCK, Proprietor. VVc pay the ir ON THIS KJIV IBALL o ORGAN o yfc, r.nd Western Iowa. You Get $105 Organ for $3S. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and $o.0'J ior mouth. Fatly Guaranteed fur 6 years. and Catalogue. We will tU you aii friends about thlp now Zi year. A. HOSPE, v OMAHA, NEB.