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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
W-- f4fl av'.... " 1 ' 1 i v I i V -S ! ? t 1 A 4 l t '1 J a if; 7v i, . 1 THE SIOUX COUNTY Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 19S. ieo. D. Canon, Editor ami Prop. F. K. t M. V E. rt. lime table Going Went. Golnif East. No. 5, iniie'l, .U :20 No. 6, tilled 8:00 II North-Western LINE 1 JL V. R. is tiis best to ami from the BACK HILLS, 1EA0WMI AMI HOT fcriilSUS. SOUTH DAKOTA. GRANT GUTHRIE, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legp.i matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. CITLegal papers carefully drawn. HaKKISOS, - NEW1ASKA. J. E. I'HIXNEY. JL I). I'hjLsi-Ua ami Surgeon. Ali calls given prompt uucuion. Offloeiu Vra Store. -HARtUSON - StfcKASKA. A map of the United States. J. Fl " A V.lil ,nl iw-n bj li.t; rurilni;l4n Umitt iw Urn,' feet wiilf by (ir long; ! rint,'l in xevjn -olir-t; i,-, niiml-ii on rolh-rn; xhfiwit evvry t lit u, vomit v, Important town itii'i jniilroml 'In l!w: ruion, und SiorniH a vnry ilirubio mill nwfl S'ijunit to any t'ne hold orbuim-sel:ilitU)i!iieil. ParcliMlHil In larKi' huhuU tie, t map cot UnrlitiKton Euute niorp than fifteen ci'Ufci rneh, but mi receipt f that amount In slumps the uii'li r signti! will lie plesscl to wml yon line. Write Immediately, Mi the supply in UmtW-d. iancib, rteD'l Fa Aifi-nt, Ofliiiha, "eb. i.-n n A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Gflioe: iu tin Hicbetmn lttiiit i.ii?, HARRISON, - - - NEB Dcalt-r inllil( & Furs. I pay the ki?tiil market prlcf. COME TO TIIE OFFICE For your JOURNAL JOB WORK I Stationary. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, 8TATKOKKICEKS: Wlao A. HolcomU Coventor , James K. Jlnrri U"nti-nnt l.ovi-rnoi V. F. l'orlr - SiHrctiiiy of ftato .John r. I'orm-ll - Vinlnor .J. K. MesKrvf- Tri x-nrpr ,;. J. Smyth Attoriu y ii,u'ial J. V. Wolfe IjuiiI tiflimii.-iiif 'w. B. JackHoii MipL Public iMMtrurllrtit (XT.ItESSIONAL DEI.KGATION : Jolin M. Thurston. I". 8. Senator, Omaha Wm. V, Allon. l:. 8. Senator, Mudlmi I. B. Mrode, ( ongiHxmau Irt Oint., I.lru-ola J. H. lli'rc-r, Samuel Maxwell, W.L. St.irk, ). 1. Sutherland, W. I.. ireen, 2d Snl 4th Sth Omuba I'rt'inont Aurora Nclwm Ktarney , jmiUIAKf: e yJ. J. SiUvan- hief JuiUt-o, C-oln tubus r. O. '. lIniTion ..As'te Jnl, Orand Island T. L. Norval AMKK'luttt Jildg", Swarl ). A. (.iiniiiU-llCicrlc and Kdiwrter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JCWfJAL DISTRICT: -ill. T. Kinkaid -4dK, 0.S-111 AV. il. Weiitovcr M. J. Blewutt " Uuiivilk XlwW, Harrison XOTICiS TO SKTTLEKS. The rules of the local land cdlice have recenllv leen ttmendtid w that settlors to make fiiuil proof ball wttlo with tlie otitilislier be I ore si' in ineir nptiuca tion. Ail parties desiring to n.uke linal iiroo! can tiuve Hiejr tiaiwrs tiKKie out ai I UK Joi KKAt, olhce, free of ciinrire. ana promptly iransniitieu to me una oiuce .o that no tinie will te lost. I.5.U VeeklyTmterOcean LpiJ LARGEST CIRCDLiTIOI OP AIT POLITICAL PAPER II THE WESTS It is radically Republican, advocating S the cardinal doctrines of that party e with ability and e4ltstnaWMJ., v.3ut ii can always be ftlicd on for fair and hontst reports of all po- litical movements J JJJ J J J J M O II n e M t tl a THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN suKKkiaa THE NCW3 AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURIE It Is Morally Clcaa aad cs a Family Paper 1$ Without a Peer. 15 XEDDQ3DmLXm Tbe Lltsrature of Us columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines, his intcreftlng to thecbll dren as well as the parents. T a s Oil TT HE INTER OCEAN fa a K5 ERd while it bnngi to tne tamuy uui 1 , , , THP WP.RI.n And Pives its readers the best and ablest drscussions of all questions oi tht day, it U in full sympa'hy with the idejs and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature aad politics from the Western standpoint. J Si.CS-PHISE ONEJDQLURPER YEAB 51.00 TTP 9AILT ArTraEATmOWS OF THE IKTZa OCIAH AKE BEST OF THEIE KUD. Prlcf of Tailr bT mall Pr nT FrWof Sund.y by mail lr T1"" i,..ii. .i K.t.iH.v k m.Il M.OO per rar uisiiai"""""" m Special Local.' TKRMSOKCornT: .llistrict Court, At llarnwon, eoiuiuencps prinKU'rm April 13th, jury 14th, Va.ll " OetolieriB, Jnry th. j.nntv :ourt. At Harrison, commences first Monday of each month. J.1.(,ILAT1VE: fW Mut7.-i !uiUr, litii. No. 11, Springview A. E. Shel'lgn Ilt. So. 5S, ( 'had ron CWSTY OFF1CF.RS: fiotrt Wilson County Jiulsfe ,M. J. lilewf'U ( lrk !!. ISinJile TmurarH J'.lle err!aui ...Supt. l'ubIlclritriictloti Thos Holly Hlieriff jj. E. I'himwy Coroner 15. F. Thorna Surveyor M. J. Blewett Clerk of Dint ric.t tXmrt f.i&nt luthrt - County AtUrncy JIOAKU Or COMMISSIOXEIW:' Jens C. Slenar I1 Dwirict Andrew l'rociiiilrr..... Id " Jackmn MeiUeiHCliainuan) 3d ' ViLEAOtt OFFICE ES: K. F. Fontlna (cbatroian Trustee ,Jolii Iavis f " I). II. tirlxwod " AV. U. MarsteUtsr " Huhwer " W. II. DavtH '. Clerk Lewl Gerlac-ii Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICEER: irggnrt Kohwfcr 1 rector ft. L. Stnnck Morli rntor wis CerlacU Tretumrer (TitJKCHES AMI MXTETIF.S. Mcthodidt Sunday Ccluxjl meets every Sun lay inorrilUB ftt 10:110 W. If. IAVI, M!B KTC1.I., ' Snperintendwit. Secretary EFWOUTIl I.EAGI K. Itejfiilar hnsincBM tninding first Tuesday fveninir In each mouth. Mm . KCIAIX, Hiretarv. DevotUmal tneetin every fnnday evening at 8:4j. K"- KbMjaLL, xwkt. '' , Jl'XOK I.KAOI K. Meats t-neb Pundav af Urnoon at 2 :M. WKH, UaKPALL., Mnpt. IFlt HT RI.'SK KOHT, So. !Mo, C. A. U. Meeta aeeond Monday In each month la, " - afte cMCt iMusa at lIarrlon. ' , K. K. Llvertncrc, Com. WOOIMF OF THB WOBLP. MjirrlKW Camp,' Mo. M, meeU on e W Mniate Wednesday tiTimlng. , , parii,' . . J. A.lUoir, -i','. "'y-'' ciorK. " -' Con. Com. ,;J :,rtM votmui or anwca. " ' 'i.Mk aUtnaM rU7 ! -The Cincimiati Weekly Inquirer and Hiov.x County Jof Rjf al for 1.55 i"r year. r?" We are able to offer the Journal, the Thrice-a-Week-Worhl and tbe World Almanac, all for 1.05. Now irt the time to Fiilwribe for the three. rr FOR SALE-Kifrthy-three head of heifer calves three and one half miles, north of tov;n; at the Hester Ranch. ( I. W. 1 1 ESTER. A high prade bicycle given away free at Bartell's arid this U the, way we do it, with each cash purchase of 1,00 we will give a ticket that will intitle the holder to drawinp on a wheel. Call at the ptore for parti culars. J. II. Bartkll's. tr There will be a grand ball eriven at Andrew's hall .Valentino's evening, Feb. 14. The best of music will be furnished and a good time is guarented. Every txxiy is invited to attend. Supper will U; nerved at the Hall. II. D 1.(1 ERIN' S. Valkkh, preaident. or ad' fiuperintendent Merriam commenced visiting schools on last Tuesday This ha lieen a busy week in Harris on, at least Judire Wilson has thought so. Mr. Eli 8mith of Codarc,. was pleasant visitor at the Hub on last Tues day. Mr. Kendall of Custer City S. Dak hiui been visiting at the JL E. parsonage this week. Mr. Robt., Neececame up from the ranch last Saturday to spend a few day's with tier daughters. 'otlr Anybody wihliing to buy met tal wheels will do well to rail on dress Oban, Schilt Harrison Neb, The Riorj County Joints AL and the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean f 1.35 per year lust think. The Sioc Cousty Jochsal clubs with any pacer in the United Hlates, Now is the time to subscribe. A larsre attendance and a nleawin time wa spent hy all who attended tbe SQginl on lastrrniay eveniog. About fifteen of Olen'a reaideoU were in our fair city on last Tuesday, all were w linemen in We Uiinoore murder c Wverriff Holly who lias been in the neighborhood of (ilen. during the paat few day's on ottlcial ihmmoom, returned to Harrison Monday noon; 1 Another Itgal light fcrrired in town early laM Monday morning t the. horn of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Clark an Broad at This ooe ii an noder-study of A Ta, and Alrin aV'attM "flrsa word'a he utUrad : il MAURIED-On last Thursday juslj as we went to press, at the Harrison house Mr. William Hixson ard Miss Liz zie Witt. Judge Wilson tied the nuptial knot The Jociinal extends its congrat ulations to the newly married couple. Old paers for sale at this ollice, 5c per bakers dozen. Now is the tima to subscribe for tbe Joi'KNAL only 1,00 peryaar. "EJ Swartz was in town Monday and Tuesday of this week on a cattle deal. IL 11. Russell of Andrews was doing business at the county seat last Tuesdy. -Tltomas Dunn of Warbonnet precinct was visitor at the county seat on last Monday. The Hawiian annexation problem is not likely to be settled at this session of eongresi Henry Will drove Clias Biehle's cat tle home from J. C. L. Ragland's last Tuesday. lion. Jiida Crites of (liailron Rpent Monday of this week in Harrison, on la- gal business. Mrs. Eggert Rohwer entertained her sister Mrs. Chris. Christiansen of An drew's on last Monday, With this issue of the Jolusal John Kay of Warboonet will write his name among its Imt of subscri!)ers. 'otl I tun cattle bides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or without or Usither. See sample and prices in IL Kartell's store. IL Ocbiucht. Glen, Neb. Mrs. Chas. Diehle has been quite il dunnar the r,ast few day's but at this writiaar is some better, though far from well. fiheriff Holly went to Glen on last Monday evening to serve another sub- vona, in tbe G'ilmore shootrnc affair. icU made liltecn witni-ssn-e in all. Have you seen that colmubian bicycle at Bartells? He is going to give it away to the lucky bolder of a ticket abtained by buying good at his store. Rev. Tather Muenich celebrated 2nd mass at Harrison on last Saturday, after which he delivered a very practical serm on, subject: oe me anu ueaui ot tne hyjxcrite, and also that of a christian. John Kay expects within a few days i. ..-..,:. .1 U ...;il iO cornoienue vacciuimnj; cavi-iu nu begin do n in the neighborhood of Bell. Mr. Kay uses two kinds, the government and the Pastuer, the latter he used in 300 bead last year so far not one of them have died. Mr. J. Stimson of Glen who was In attendance at the Gil more trial Tuesday and Wednesday of this week called at this office and subscribed for the JoriiN- AL. We are always glad to have callers, so come again when in town friend Stirn-son. Have you subscribed for The New Time it has twooma tbe grandest weapon ever placed in the hauls of the people. You should not be without it. Ve oiler a clubbing rate of $1.65 for The fiiocx CoCNTT JouBSAL and The New Time, or will forward your subscription of $1,00 for Tbe New Time. As the editor of the JofUVAL is like all other poor men in need of fund's; be would deem it a favor if all who know themselves to be in arrears to this institu tion, would call at their earliest conven ence and do the square thing by the printer, this is our first time to ask for subscription funds in Sioux County. County clerk, Blewett's family took a trip into the valley last Saturday fora few day's visit with his father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. concluded it would bene fit the little ones to get away fora while after being tick so long. In tbe mean-time Mika can try single bleased ness for tbe time being, which will bring vividly to his remembrance the past. Blake Mahar, brother of Col. J. O. Mariar. Court report; for Judg Wastov- r, has been an ployed to take tha evi dnce in the preliminary trial of Irving Ofltnorefor tha shooting of Franklin Miler on Hie night of Jan. 20th at Qiao. Mr. Mahar was court reporter for Hoe. J. J. Sullivan, who (a now ooe of our ao- JadMe. Mr. Babe, 1U Ht Oil YES! Oil YES! Here We Are Again. Just received over 500 pairs of shoes of the latest styles. ,i The above is an addition to our already large , nu complete stock of boots and riioen now on IianfX We have the largest assortment ever uuw" "i Vnrth.West, Nebraska, and as to prices we DM l Competion and are sure to swit all who come rionR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAM Diolu I I w . . - r rii 1 1 I,' IS STILL THE LAIvtiEST Ai J JEST IN HARRISON. CALL SND SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brotliers. Hf. J. Stimson, J. T. Mason, William Mil- . , - t' ... I Tl I 1 er, Lewis iirunuigc, rreu Biuiuuiirs, Rev. Barr, Ishom Mcintosh, Abram Mc intosh, L. W. Frye, U. E. Kalstrom, Emery Gilmore, M. J Weber. Have vou noticed the beautiful spring weather. A special term of court for Feb. 15th has been ordered by Judge Westover. June Smith who has been teach ing the Andrews school for the past two months has resigned. Commencing with this issue J. T. Mason of Glen will read the Journal for a year. Among those, who were in attend ance at the preliminary trial of Irving Gilmore from Glen were: -Mrs. William Huff of Running Water who has been seriously ill Tor some week's is slowly regaining her strength. While tlie crowd was not as large as was anticipated at the court house on last Friday evening, yet all who atten ded enjoyed themselves. Mr. John Bourette of Running Water went east to Chadron on last Sat urday evening to be gone about a week, on spiritual business bent. Last Tuesday marriage license were taken out in Judge Wiison's office by a couple from Montrose, who will doubt less have been united in holy wed-lock by tha time this local reaches the readers loybe Jovknau rT Frank Moravek, who is a fireman on the B. & M. Railroad btweeu Edge- mont and Deadwood, S. I)., and who has been home on a visit for a couple of weeks, returned to his labors last Hatur day evening. Frank expects by this time next year to las made a full fledged engineer. - )':U!:t F! .iwan'i -. ivlmw i.finie i at Ft Wayne, ii,d., ami wti' is voting for a month or six weeks at Crawford, with Father Muncich, accompanied him to Harrison, last Saturday and assisted in holding mass, after which tbe two rever ends went to Montrose to hold services. Father Plumanns is quite juvinile in appearance; he being but 33 years of age. He is a member of the Clevland, Ohio, diocese. THE EVENING STAR. The best of Wines, Brandies, Whiskey and Beer kept constantly on hand. I handle the Omaha Beer. MICHAEL BRUCK, Proprietor. HARNESSES 1 SADOLES SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES, I ALSO HANDLE Flour and Feed of all kinds at my harness shop. Third Building West of J. JL BartoH's Grocery Store. EGGERT ROHWER, Proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. Gillmore Held for Trial HIS BAIL PLACED AT $2,000 Drama nratterOat. Kahftr, te ft patleaenp, is . The Prrlliniaary Hcarlns". '(The case of Irving Gilmore held by the state for the felonously or otherwise as the case may be-for tlie shooting of Franklin Miler of Glen the evening of Jan 20th, is probably one of the most ex citing cases ever tried before his honor Judge Wilson and perhaps in the history of Sioux County. The case opened for trial Tuesday, at two o'clock, with A. u. Fislier of Chadron and A. T. Clark of this place as counsel for the defendant, and County attorney Grant Outherie repre- sntinir the state. From the moment J Court Convened to the close of the trial the Court room has been crowded with interested spectators, anxious to hear tlie testimony and learn the final out come of the the trial. lMrs. Gillmore wife of the defendant shows a commendable spirit and true de votion as a wife to her husband in this his hour of (rial that be is now paaaing through. Mrs. Gillmore is almost prostrated over the serious trouble which has overtaken her and husband so soon in their married life, and all parties con cerned have the sincere sympathy of their neighbor! and friends alike. Tbe preliminary bearing was conclud ed last evening about 4 o'clock, tha Judge holding Mr. Oillraore to appear t tlie next term of court in the sum of $3,000. Mr. Gillmore at once furnished the required bail and he and ma wife de parted for their home on tha evening usssonirarPntrli- opinion wm divided ae to Use ontoome of the Uial, also aa U the nilty or innocence of Mr. Gillmore, whatever that may be the Joowat re- Ma from earing anything that wnjd ESTABLISHED 1868.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. E BnrwsTf.a, President. c. r. Covm, Vice-President D. H. GB1SWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50000. Transacts a General Banking Business, CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bant, New York, Omaha National Bask, Omaha, Fibst National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. OrD RAFTS SOLD ON ALL PAHT8 07 EUROPE. - .2S a We pay the irciuc t)N T!iH Kimball o ' o ORGAN la Nebraska an J Kcnfeni Iowa. You Oat f!05 Orcan tor $015. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL ( !own an 15.00 por month, mil Oaeraatecd tut 8 rr. Now write tie for Description and Catalogue. We will tall bout it, We bave been telling our friends about this now 23 yean. all Addreaa, A. HOSPE, iff? If , : ' ' . l Hll I.