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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1897)
HUNTING THE WIIAI.K:, DECAY OF A ONCE PRttPITACLE INDUSTRY. Thc Old Hhi p, t're w, and I m I-meata i . . . i-. . . . i ,D " ,nB,linS down, .ccorUirg u, rr,k. tht fi.rvs Formerly Koricbed the New Kneland I vary in is with the market and 'he size f Coast Towns-Perils of Whaling. i the ship. '1 here sr' f.ur mate-, a stew ... ' ard, a cook, a cooper, ordinary .arii.-u and (tret n hands the itst it.-ttiiitr the iruijr Ao A latitat ForgotteD Fi-h. , ..ft l -j j11ttT- are The city of New Bedford, Ma-., re- j m, f()- 'Vx-jerk-noe." and the. j-em-rally fently eelebrateii it bftieth anniversary a a mouii.'iiaJiiy. It in a typi'-al New England city, wbobe people, with Vauke aJaptivenewa, baTp. replaced the whaling industry once its principal reliance -with ' rimny more imi;rD busiuens enterprise. The whaleT, like the Indian, the cow boy and the logger, is a vanishing type of Ameriea. A centuty finds him relegated from among the foremost features of the New England seaboard to be an almost forjfotteu figure. The fauioua fortunes "down Kant" were built on a foiiudatijii of cetaceous blubber, ami the wheels of proKjxrity were lubricated with upcrma reti, but when the rock farms of l'eun Kjlvauia began, gf-yserlike, to tpout le troJum, the hollow roar sounded the death knell of the whaling industry. The keen Yankee, however, was equal to the emergency, and the millions that had ac--I-umulated through Kperni oil were met e4 in manufacturing. The nisting har pooua were traiiwforined to shining &piu illeR, the tempest-tosM-d tiniler of aban doned ships fed the glowing grates of new enterprise, romance of the sea fled away as the electric shadow ed the astral lamp, but thrifty profit cheerily nestled in the embrasure of the old New England man tle tretn, smiling at the ghostly memories aud heroics of long ago. Hare Did New Bedford. What of the licet of 4 whaling ships once registered from New IWford. Nan tucket, ;ioucestr and Proviucefowu'r One would find only a few reninnnts of ihis glory to-dy. New Bedford. iiieed, is one 'if tbe largest manufacturing cen ters of the EiiM, but Nantucket is merely ;in exhibition at and for tourists :tf;er a dip" or iu scurch 'if colonial curios while I'rovincetown is a sleepy point at lanil's end. liowii nt the mosH-growii wharve of New Hi-dford thi're is mi aggregation of o,reer old .bim, Heating miiiiimtits of i he ancient fleet. There they lie, in their i';:et reservations, hoary in air, linked in p.-iirs, as though to keep up the old form o "gam" i whaler' a g"ssipp and look in in id reMike at the wheezy, impudent Ut ile lugs t hat. bustle about the harbor ag grei"ve!.y attachetl to Utrgeand lazy ships that are tnlng frtuu or going to foreign shores. These old heroes, that were once tin- nride and sdorr of American scumc-i w hen our flag floated in every port on the ( giobe, are freighted with rare romance ! mi A curious in contrast with the craft of io-uajr. The largest of them did not ji:'-:isure over 1-5 feet, or exceed 5ia j - giosts tomiHge. Take the oid Coiuni'Mioie i M'trria as a type. She was built in l-Ml: ' toMinge, :SSK.2l: length, .!'"; iH-am. -; depth, l.i. lhe (pinint on! hgiirelieatt is hatiered almost bcyimd r'Cognit!sti, but may take pride in the fact that it cleared f-!;0,CHM) for owners in a brief commis sion. Tbe Wbaleship Structurally. '1 heir bows, broad, round, are heavily timbered, ornate with curious earring, their sterns are at might and square, giving an ungainly look; y.-t these old have boldly battcrl aniic ice and scorched tmder the "line." Tli'. y h.ive sail ed in every ea, roving in uiieutl.iig i.tu ur.MKion, until their water casks were filled with oil. Not '!!htit nding the Standard Oil Co., venturesome whah-rs it ill sail into New I5edfirl, and unload their car gt os on the ancient tin rvesi, tvlieie bar rt'; and barrels are wailing a f.i vorable mnrkel, protected from the wen'ber by nitisaea of tiriit! sett v hi iI j ;i ' -k - t about ' tl.eiu. Sperm 'jil is no-.v 1W cents jht gal lon; it used to command from $1 to 1.5(1. Two obi wlmU'.thtps ensue s:, ; ..,, New Bedford recently 1 he ItMiig Sun, odoriferous with nil, after a tbree-nioiitha cruise, and the Io!ph:n. packed with whalebone, after a cru'se of thirty-three months n round Cape I fori!. The Hieing Sun " 1 serve ;i a type. The distinctive architectural feature cf In r deck forward was the big brick furnaces inclosing the oil try pots. A tiro inspector might call it a "target," hut whalers, tajnked as they are with oil, and, when trying out blubber, the roll of the ship seeinibg to send flames up to the masthead, seldom bum a fact due only, to the most extraordinary cau tion, the wooden water backing about the furnaces being kept constantly lii'ed. The cook's galley wat no larger thau n dog houae, and did not admit, of that function ary standing up w hile at his labors. I'KKILS OF The iiiaster, Captain Taylor, extended ao invitation to go into the cabin. The reps inclined at UU degrees and were Tery slippery: so we desceuded on the air line, fo to apeak. The Httie room was about even by eifht feet, w-lth three open berth.! on a side and a small rowing tanip in tne center. Things were neat enough, and lockers nil about the sides and under the berths showed where thinga not in us were preserved. A trap door In the floor opened into tbe Iniarette, where the table leliciiclet were stored. la th Captala's Cabia. Tbe cspf sin's wife, a delicate and re toc4 llttlviroaMia, bad made number of TMCt with him, and found this cabin lte twafaruhfe Tbe apartment was aasiajy aai 4tatiactly "swell" compared U tb faraeaatle. op to tbe bow, wbert aalion tmoM aad slept sn pna Clir pom. ' Ttor ware parked Iu like la. C:7 a milted saaviy of iignt J Cl C3 r tkraO tk IHUa hatck. i which is iw-sled tli In rough IN S score (if men nn hie and keep habhy tnJ happy in th drk aiid H-ir some bole for uioi.ths or ycsr. ta my tery. A whulw'i .-Tew usually enlm' fr-n twenty-four to thirty men. en h man on bin "kiy," for they ail share in percent age of tli? p'orit the hrst mate. 1 iu 4; tbe second mate, 1 in 3; the others shar- fret it in la..'e, unvarnished ijiiantitj. It w etitimated that it requires $.;0"i to fit for a long voyage, as every emer gency must be antifipatod and provided for say a period of three yean. Into the hold are packet! 15i Itarrel M salt beef, se cut y live barrels of salt pork, thirty barrels of ship biscuit, thirty or ftjrty barrels of Sour. :'.! gallons of mo-lassa-s, U H pound of coffee. 'J'") pounds of tea, 5" jxunds .if sugar, equal q'tan titles of rn-e, meal, heans. intj appi bams, butter, raisins, chooe. canned grsxis, vinegar, arid foisl staple. The new oil casks are blied with fret-h water, and then- are quantities of oak and pine slaves, headings and iron hoops, with a thousand and one things, from paint and tar to pills and gunpowder, in the spare supplies. The Wbaleboat. The conspicuous equipment of the whal er as the sharp, double-prow cd boats that hang from awkward looking wooden da- vits, one on the larboard and two or three i on the atarhoard side. Tbe Vank'i" that i Oer "Sh' VHi ijr s-J-" - 4r. '4r ised this craft built for sjie.-d, stability and buoyancy. These twenty -four-f.-.t bonis, step- d for a mast, and !trraag'-d for si.v. oarsmen, vvi'h platforms u! cin-h end for atid steersman, have brought more. wealth fr.-ni the n-f:,er world of tbe de.-p than enn ! c aspuod. Aside from th.-'r c tnalcic eq'i ptii -t.t th-ir distinctive furii'-'.iitig t a t't. w iirc spir ally coiled -n concentric layers, i,r vlf,i ., is the whale line. This lino is n maaila rope, two-thirds of an inch in thickness, and mtastire soinetbins: over -'''I fath oms. This line is attached to the harpoon, and the other end is iimitlaclipd, first, as a matter of safety: second, for fastening to a second line should the whale "sound" so deep as to take up the entire length of line. (Scoresby records an instance where the quantity of line withdrawn from the different boat's engaged in Hie capture of one whale amounted to 10.4'iO yards, or nearly six English miles.) The upper end TIIK CH ASK. ut the line is taken aft from the tub, and. after passing around a loggerhead, is car ried forward the length of the boat, rest ing upon the handle of every man's our. ; so that it jogs against hi. wrist in ; lug; passing between the men as row thcy j alternately sit at the opjiosite gunwale, to the groove in the extreme prow, where ! , littl wooden pin prevents its slipping out. The whale line thus enfolds the j boat in its complication, and sll Its crew in its contortions; when it whirls out fast to a frightened and frenzied whale it fairly smokes, and keeping the line free Is essential to tbe safety of all concerned. The harpooning Is done by- the man who handles the steerloa oar; this merely gets the boat fast to the fish; thf officer in tbe bow does the lancfnt, which is to fire the whale the quiet ns. In modern whal tof bomb laaeea are fired at the harpoon ed whale from a short inn that kicks like MM. Kvwa wwh these powerful am, a w&ate k aat always aaay I'll! !c55r SSmiWiW I ',' II if, i H , i ,;i f f jt ' i -. ' ' 7 -"-;-.-- I S tr-4 tSc-T- -r- - l-J I-' L .. 'Lh'-' ) -. wir: I I A P"t of Oi j rir-i ir 3 rrr:" . - " " j NEW liEMOiiU IH.LICS OF A CUKAT AM IIEKOIC JNOlM'iiV. i . : devised this craft built for sj'-1, stability fermline had a gieai p-.rpoi.e ran! fr-.m spern.a. '.; tu its pure l.tnp.d n-l o.;.. -ifer- . 'boais. sti-pi l for a mast, sii.d arraag'-ti I !;e veal bails. Z-.goniii.iti. an old-!:ui j f'.iiid ii'.iillovi-l tu eti.v oiler part of the d'.siinettre nirn'-'.iitig t a too. here splr- -fritters" and ta-o- !:!-- pork cracklings; i I ally coilo'l in coticentr-c niyi-rs, or 'ii'-jo", ;i the wtia.i-rs. tiowr-ver. na y aic i , is t ip wha e liic. l ims uie is n man.ia r.-.-i.i told the nf-r (hat it -fc ic ' eri. ialirt. liclllb- ... li hi last ruiat' II whalers Istc-am .ti p l;ri lit. without the o t lijtTi -even rrl ii:h l':X whale ! i ii.iera tl.Tinan i ni' i a 'he wLab-s li'd of Tli!l boats. the bar) "a "' 1st., is i-cits-. fired from a bl swivel jrim in the how. This was the way Kmpcror Wilham raptured a whale two year o, in the North Sea. It rnay 8pper uncanny tbut mau should f.-d upou the cr.-ntiire that feeds b.s lamp; but other thau the tint over fastidi- LAMIN'. A niia Eskimo have so feas'ed. without tfi odoriferous vintage of train-oil. It is re corded that three cetiturns ago the tongue of tbe right whale whs esteemed a rare delicacy in France, and in the time 'if Henry Vllf. a certain court chef won royal recognition for coii-octini" aii' to tie served with narhw oil ix.rp-nse. a appeies of whale. The monk of Inin- i7fesff3- -r r - ;,rl. l,,!t till' fcrniline had n gieat p-.-rp..; i he crown, serving u-l s-as. !;e vi;il balls, ...gontijisti io.-ior. recommended strip for infants ns very juicy a III tla- case of ft sni.-iil ',.' bra. us are a u:ii-l a 11;.- di.-b ,-ures. The s.-r.:pi of (dui bi-r ar- s and t:.te i:i-- porx era haters, however, ll.ey a for fwdiiig the flu that try out Wha I era wreked in i reeulu nd have If knoun to subsist up..n inolciy s. rap blubber that had bei-u left ashore, which is a tribute to their nourishing quality, in a pinch. Ia the order of levint.hans, the sperm whale and the right whale are the must imiirtant, as the only ones regularly bunted for by man. 'I be external differ ence between them is mainly marked In their bends, the sperm species having a symmetry that is lacking in the right, whose chief treasure is whalebone. Cant over the sperm whale's head that it may lie lioitom up, and have a peep down the mouth. What a really beatiiiful mouth! From floor to ceiling. pacred with a glis tening, white membrane, glossy as bridal satins. Pry up the lower jaw and expose its rows of great ivory teeth. It sems a terrific portcullis, and such, alas! it proves to many a sior wight in the fishery, upMi whom its spikes fall w ith impaling for. e. But far more terrible is it to behold, when fathoms down in the sea you sw some sulky, harpooned whale, floating there suspended with his prodigious jaw. Siuie fiefeon feet long, hanging straight down at right angles with his body, for all ibe world like a ship's jibbootn. The Powerful I,owi-rJw. The lower jaw can be unringed by a practical artist and hoisted on deck for tbe purpose of extracting the ivory teeth that the sailors decorate with India toik de signs, and the hard, white nhalebone that they fashion into canes and whip ha miles during their long days of Ina.-tivity. There are forty-two teeth, those In old whales much worn down, but never decayed. One of ibe darx-st tragedies of the ..can res ul tel from a whale sinking the whaleship Essex, Nov. 11, lM'.l. Tbe in furiated monster first struck the ship just forward the foreehalns, with a tremen dous shock that started her butt. The fated ship was settling hen the whale returned and struck her under the cat hesd, and completely stove in her bows. Home of the survivors of tbe crew drifted in open boats for three months, (heir lives living sustained by cannibalism. As for the head of the right whale loos, at that hanging lip: what a mammoth sulk and pout! By meastirinu M is twenty fee! long and five feet deep, and will yield you some 510 r "ins of oil or more. The roof of the month Is about twelve feet high, and runs up to a sharp angk", like a rtdfe pole: while these ribbed -rched, hairy sides prasse.t as with those-wonderful vertical sriailter shaped slataof whale bone, say 100 on atde. which. diaI A vinalliia mi-'mn In 1);.- case of ft sni.-ill sperm halc :!n- j f.-t long the In Jld ) -i ! "lit 1 !,! -i I ! bra. os are a un:-l a !in- !l.-h by ;:- " f. -1 I'.iii,-. b.e ttciy assijii,.. (bat the idole I .-nr.. '1!. s. rvis i.f l.'ai Va-r arc (;.!'.! of frojii tb upper wart tif thm rnn heaie, t f'-rni Hi til iMntian liMnda. The e!- f !hw are triiie( with hairy Mr-fi. thri.iiKli bit h be (raiii the waier, at'l Hi h h'te Ititru at i- be retain the leall bb, when oe)i-miiitbitl be ir'e through of brit ia minute )et!w stilnta rue Uft hi h the ritht whale larpely 1 hi ttiiYun truie off the famoii Brazil bank. The rolonaih- of bone m meth'l- j blly arfanirfd renihlva pipe nrtan. r , a i-arjiet ti this oryan in a tii'ie that the ', Ubl vorat ioiia harka iw"rainH)' nali-h WIIAI.K. oot s.iine?i!ne-" whi n the tormented whale is alive !.efore the whaler can ecn vert it into five barrels of oil fwhalehotie commands from &1 to ?'! p-r pnind'. The right whale has two external spout holes on top of bis bead, the ;perm lisle only one. The great battering ram of Ibe spertn n hales bead yields bis most pre cious oiiy vintage, the highly prized rtn a . i oijs Mat four d u' creature e' ga linns of si fet I long the la fi -! lolli,-. ' !,- 11 i- the i-pidi ra -; the cms i-ten.v of ',. toiijlit-r, ttioie clasii no ti, i.g of ! ! beef, but compact, nod or even hftccii tlie i r. -.- ..f a rang from eight to ten, iii lies i si thii km. In large sperm whale tliere w yield of barrels of oil. tie a tiiab'.cr When Otie en. siilcrs that ibis only represents three fourths of the entire cm!, and that ten barrels to the ton is a fair allotment, one may guis that a whale weighs as much as a Ismail locomotive. t-perm Wliult'a Characteristics. The sperm whale, like other leviathans but unlike other fish, breads indifferently at sll seasons. Again it is warm-blooded nd requires air to fill the Inngs. The In haling 1 done through the spiracle or hole in tbe top of his head; not through his mouth, which is eight feet below the stir- FAST TO A ITISII, fsi-e when the big fish comes np to "blow and inhale; something like an hourly pro cess. Aside from the wide expanding and massive jaw of the sperm whale his tall la his powerful arm of defense. To begin with, at that point where It Upera to the girth of a man, H comprises on its upper surface an area of fifty square feet; tbe compact body of Its root expanding into two broad flakes, shoaling away to less than an' Inch In thickness. Tbe entire member Is webbed bed of wedded sin ews, with subtle elasticity and amaalnf siissfigth, that ee-nds the owner through the sea like a flash, flourishes gloriously graceful in the aoaablae aa be dives, ar deals out death la a jtroka wha ririoaa- ly aiming at a wkaJe-.; (harCK Wt nntr'.ti-.its. ' r" gallons of , .tin. In n fcha'c e.ghfj- .tev ?r-u- R' l -. wph their entire crews into tf sfv a t Juggler tiHwos up a ball ben a ttbsle ha soi . miiiImsI to lane it and died the nea with sponltng Mood the huge ImhIv is to the .hip Slid larg chains arc put ntx.ot ' bea.l and fluk.-s to bold the b.-lv fast. tackles are swayed up to Ibe ai: top sod firmly hi.hcd to Ibe lower uui-t b-ad, the strongest Miitit stw the ship's deck, to the Mid of a hni-cr-likc r... ndmg through the intricncie. is the bbibl.. f hook, weighing a hundred pounds lbs bluldwr i tivel..s s a w liale like a rind d'-Ti an orange, and ss the ship curevti to the strain f the tackle fixed to Ibe b.-avifig windlass, tbe hook takes bold and follow ing the line s arf made by the keen cut ting spades, the great b.sly roll- over as atrip aft-r strip of the bbsHl-dnpping blub, her is pulled aloft and lowered through tbe mainhatch to the blubber room. Tin-re it is cut np by Jonldr-lninded kniws. snd lip to the de-k ls in.--' ''it in the smoking bri.k funm.-e. with ....-ls w ater back als.tit their hs.-c Kdaed Tools of the Wliutcr. The whaling spade, liki all the lajiclug and cutting equipment. i of tba hl kt'-sl, is kept as sharp as pwible and m Ix.lwd like a raor. This spmle is mImiui as large as a man's spread hand, and has a so ket in whi. h is a pole handle twenty feet long. These Ige tools are kept in canvas pock et, lined with wool. line of the most profitable and curious products derived from the sperm whale it I ambergris tgray amber, a morbid score I tion of the liver or imestmes. It is a solid opaque inflammable substance, lighter 'ban water, having the cous.hI ency of wax. and luiving when heated a fragrant odor. It Is highly soluble In alcohol, and is uw-d particularly as the holding base of perfume, mid whs once cotisalensl as haviug gnat medicinal iroperii-s as an iiphrodisiac. and for fpic itig wines. It is Mtmetimi-s ohtairii-d from jstst-niortcius . n diseasisl w bab-s, or found floating on the water in the ncitihhorh'xs of tin Bahamas In mass.-s of from sixty to 'S-'i pounds. AmU-rgris of the liest grade is now quoted at .ZT per uiince. t hus. E. Nixon, in the Chango inler Ocean. AN ABSENT-MINDED MAN. Kroults of a I.tarncd IVofc-soor Losing lliuiHi If in Kealrnn of Thointlit. "When I was .younger than I will ever be again," i-alil the professor with n three story bead and eyeglasses of telescopic psouer, "1 was Hi'1 victim of sti. h intense menial abstraction that 1 removed en irely ftotii the world of practical affaire. I was In the boundless realms of thought mid paid but fleeting attention to the active tlcbl of human notion. It was necessary to notify in.- when I should attend my class, cut my iiu-als, mid even when I should retire. "I was at one time requi stcl to lec ture in a Western village, and agreed to do so. Tin tbelne was one that l.a 1 received my best thoughts, all"! ttit lucre pr...-pecl. of delivering it was it physical pli-iiMite. When I art hod at the il.-jsit toy tlii(!i:.lits were concen trated tip.ui Itie pro posed address. I realized that my tniiti v.-us nti hour Int.' aia! that I must hurry, b-it ti. yoinl the mere fact of bunyin' I did not grasp n detail. "Itrlve fast,' I shout. -d to the driver of a dingy lie-Mug vehicle as I aira:i.g in and h.iii.l.-d him a bill. 'Spare ro lini'M tu-r uiiln.' "A nay we went with fi plunge. Tlie enn inis'e t oilctl like a siiip iii I be troil;'!i of tin- sea. Street light -a-elui'd M torchlight prncc-.-soti nc, ing riipldly t!ic other way. Constables- sliotllcd, dogs. Larked, stioill boys cbn-,.-.! us, nnd Lusli.c-s c. n-.. .l that ..-.ib- might stand "ti the- s.bleniilk and gaa. I'p (Hie street and dou n lutothcr we dashed inadly. We lo-ik t .u ticrs on t w o wlicc.s. grazed t !-grap!i j.i.lea and oti's k d over sui li iiinvab!' s as asb li.-irrcl.s and dry goods Imiis. "After half an of ibis Lew ildcr itig ep rb tice 1 stuck my bead tro'ii tbe wltiiloiv ami iboutcd: 'Are w'e tii nrlv there?' " 'Where did yez watil to go, sor'.'' came the edlfyin;; answer." The Oldest Plow Maker. Chicago has the oldesf plow-maker !' the I'lilti-d States. His name is Oavbl Bradley, and he la nt !he head of a l!j manufacturing; comiany m Ibe Wet Side. Mr. liradley first workisl at the btwlness in Syta-tise, N. Y., In IXC In 1W5 he r-arne to f.'hlcago, which then Durnliered als-iut 2,f0 InhaMtants and a camp of several thousand Indiana, to help ertv-t the first Iron foundry estab lished here. Mr. Bradley was the first man to brlnK pig Iron Into Chicago. In connection with tho foundry which he helpc-d build was a machine-shop, and the establishment soon began along with Ita other business the manufac ture of plows. Mr. ' Bradley, by the growth of bla btislnejsa, was finally forced to build a little town of bla own, which Is known as Bradley, 111. Mr. Bradley haa passed bla Willi birthday, but Is stiy hale nnd hearty, and thor oughly enjoys the prosperity which hard work haa liroucht blm. Tlie ac tive business ha Ix-en surrendered to bis sona. Chicago Trlliune. Where Iluels Are Fouglit. More duels are fought In Germany than In any other country. Most t,f them, however, ure student duels, which culminate In nothing more sc rlotts than alashed checks or torn scalps. Of all fJermnn university towns, little Jena and Gottingen are moat do voted to the code. In (lot tinmen tho number of duels average one u day, year In and year out. On one dar, mil eral years ago, twelve duels were fought In Gottlngen In twenty-four hours. In Jena the record for one day In recent times la twenly-one. fully 4,000 student duels are fought every year In tbe Or Din n Kmplre. In addl t'.'.m to tbs there nre the more sk-.-I-iiih duels U'tween olflcei-s and clvlllntis. Among (JerinmiH of mniure yenea ih annual numla-r of duels Is about lsi. ajtreets n H g Plea. Londoo liiis I. '1' m! of Mreeis Paru. hum mliu , nnd M-w iom oi saJlaa. Ti Jxllas I t - FMr Walter F-atit haa written a vol ume of ' draw room plajra" in col-lals.rat--n with Mr. Waiter PoUoclu Kunmus baa a new monthly uia.fasJne :ar..-.l Western Homes. It Is jui)l!bod t Tiq- ka, Is eslited by J. H. 0. Tbomp .u. and (iiln to be tbe tirat dUUoo lively home niagaine published weat ;jf 1 'blcago. Mrs. Craigie luis nniMbed iiT novel, 1 In S b.. fr alntK." which will b by U". Flaber I'nwln. Tba st.ry ifers to .oiitcal life Id tb ruld lle of the ictitury, ami one of the cbar-i.-ti-rs Is modd'sl, so It Is said, on an "tiiinclit polltU inu of the time. . The t'-.U- f Sarah Oraml s forthcom .tig no' el Is derived from tbe tiatno ot 1-sr Ucrtiin. "Tbe Iteth Itook" la tba story vf El zals lb. a child who deveJ a.s into a woman of geniu-. This la lb.- tii-st tii.vel which the author haa written since "The Heavenly Twin." Aubrey dc Yore's recollection are about p. U- .uldifdt'sl in Uw-k form by Edward .Vni'dd. They ought to be high ly reiuialile mid worthy of preservation, for Aubrey dt ere combines the ela; iiiid Minor of a rare teller of is tori,- wi ll i-si-ijllar dignity and lofUneaa of tone. It is said Unit thf highi-M price pef word ever paid to an author waa paid by Messrs. Scril'iier to Kudyard ICIp llng for hia railroad story, "No. 0O7, published in Ncribnor's. The story number over seven Uioilsitud word, and the price paid ".va.- -'.l-out fl.500, covering all serial rights. This la 20 celHs ;i word. Marion tlrawford s fort!i-oniltJ nov el. "Corlc'ite." la unusually foil ot thrilling lira i natlo action. A Kh1 vl dcticc of this author's popularity uiaj Is seen In tin .slateinelit of Ilia publish ers that three weeks before tbo day set for the Hppe-iranoe of tin; book the wa re In retcl-.! of orders iimoutitlnn to twice fho mituLer printed for a Ural edition. Of Mr. Crook-jtt'b new novfj, "Loca lnvar," tbu hero 1 a younx cavalier driven by adverse drcuiu.slancit ta n-rve as n coiuinon soldier in the regl' in. -ins of the Prime of Orange. H! sweetheart Is Mdnaped 'inl carried to ti b.tit iy Island whither ho follow to b. r !- -.. Their luck if again ros.ed, however, uii-1 the cavalier gets renew e fighting with ' Bonnie 1 undee." Tbe juvenile lesiks aiiiioiinci-d Ly the M.i-j-rs. Appb ton are as follow". "True i to ltis Hoi,..'.'' a ory of the boyhood i of franklin. !iy Jie;,.-kiah Itutii-rworth, I iiltis-tratcd by II. Wiii'hro., pierce; i " The K ! Patriot." by V. O Stoddar.!. ! ii!iis;;ai.l by P.. West ; "The I l.poi!s of M!-s Suutdi.sli." by lleo I ry Jo aii...ri. Illu-t rnH-i; and "i.amino 1 I'. iiuiii i.lgo." by .lames Harm-a, 11- i !.i;r by ;.,-;. ;itL- a nJ oitiora. Al I'crl u men. Tl.c agi t!i- m ; T 1 1 1 . v -j-i which are the most to ii.e seii.-cs aru not always , I. ;'..! lo the ii. rve.s, saya tha rnibuicip ir.u lillics. AtllUTKHf, IOT in liositiiciy ofictinive to many, HjillCC, yet H i.s mi !l to, im-AiM a woii'lerTUl jsiwcr of (Uaiitig tlie btiiiii and dr!v Ing away ii oe evil sp rits known aa the 'blues." an tin other band, attar of rMs, with the siiggcstloii of glow ing suns ami --.riotis eii.-stt'ru ct, n a, pre I.-pos.-s on.- lo tears. A faint txlof of umk act as a tonic, while civet bring.- ''ro liii of soul, for which the Ua.t .iii::-!".?'- is .In .iiu-iit Oiior of a-iiidalwiMxI. 1 la- t.-avratici? of citron U us .ootbiii;4 bi .i. : -."otis jit-opk' a far uiT music. - - Msuy pet fumes delightful In the open air isi-oiiie psti tu ui;triy uisuijrw.ii.wo In a close room. A wbol; evening can lie. sMj;k-sl by the preacii'-e of. tuberowa or liHts In u reception r.m. ThoJr htrong fragrance has a very had effiK-t. Mngiioll.t blossoiiia, too, ha ve a djllgh ful perfume lu their uaUv grove, but woo to her who Bleep through, tba eight with a tilngU? blossom on her pil low. There are many frugrajit flowers. atich aa cartuitiona, clove pinks, aweet bticr ami a-iple blots-sotua, Uutt are a Ibt.nntltni a. ttiev u re u uves-t acejitisi. A vivid perfuuie la tioarly alwaya, bracing, while a aubtk one la generally epervatlng. Utw may become poalUva- ly intoxkatcd Ly tlie odor of the pt-ach, almond, wild cherry and other bloa Botns of the aame clatmn, bx-cauae tbey tyuitaln a luxgeatlon of pmaatc acid. No !oro WlilstlnK. Ao old geoiluman reve-rtily remarked a to how much loax whlt-tllng la nrw hearxl on the trfji tlian when he wag a boy. "Why," uald he, "when I waa sji apprentice lad we all whistled. There waa whistling, whistling by er ery brlpiu young lud you met." Blng asked ';' be accounted for the change In thii rt:'iect, he replied: "Well, I w ill tell you one rcaton. Our young lad can't whlsile now be-ennae they hav clgn relies In their mouths." And thera is 'oo lunch truth In that remark. female Uesperailo, Cora lIiibLard, the Plnevllle (Ark.) Link robber, is 25, and was born In Ohio. She Inherit from her father a silent admixture of Indian blood. 8b la fairly well educated, and her favor lie book in childhood waa the "Life of the Jame Boys." Cora doaan't drink, but an Inveterate smoker, and swears like a trooer. Her chief complaint against her captors la that they didn't allow her to put on bar beat toga, but carried ber off In a Mother Hubbard. Utility or Sheep. In Kartern AuatraJla - 100,000,000 cheap now And turtenance la a fa?0B which tMrty yean aq wh a modf dsaert Tbe sheep grmdaaUV tmapMO . . . . ' ajs tba aotl into inWK ae. w n JOwwaa v i t 1 . ' - 'i .'4 -