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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1897)
-a-. 7 : x.'L- loux County 1 HE OURNAI VOL. X. HABBISQK, ISTEA.SIC:A., TIECTJ-SID isroie. Tfto Sioux County Journal. Kulwu-iption IVic, 1.C0 0"f IOIAL PAPER OF BIOUX COUNTY. u- D. Cnnoii, Editor. '.H.UT.-1 t the Harrison poat offline an A msrry Christmas to all v ur friends, is the Season's ieetinp from the Jocenal force. Spain is pretty Dear to the end of her mpe io the war with Cuha. It is our opinion that our National and iitivte elections should occur in the spring .of the ye&f. The South Omaha Ouily Sun has .hAnged hands ugniti. Its politics will . continue A of vore. Kuiz, a Spanish envoy, whom Czpt. Oeoerul Blanco 9ent to treat will) Gomez, the insurgent leader was hung for ven atemptirig kucIi an offof. The Ctibnn pAtriots are determined to have .independence at all hazzards. iAwt Iondny wan the universary of the laodirt,' cf the Pilgrim athers at Plymouth Itock, Mm, 277 years a;o. From this little grain of rnuhtHrd seed 6S00 churches have fcprun Iromlhe firnt one etublished tit PiymouLli Hock. After president Mi KmUy ih his mes hi'e to congress requested that Spain b (fiven mora time to subdue urid paci fy the ihlaod of Cuba, the Spanish Koveruaient warns Undo Sam thai they Itftd better keep hands olf of Cuba or lie will be taujjht a lossou they will not fcon forget. Hon. Thomas Brackett Hoed, who pre eWes over the deliberations of the lower h.nise of conifross, not ccritent with rvn tiinx it in the interest of speaker Rued, lie iOov Meks to l'r stop the uppir house from iloiuj; buMi.cfs or K'giHlatiu except as he iseen fit to let them. Speaker Retd is .'At'll named "Cz.r Reed." Senator Williatu E. Chandler of New illampi'iiire has written a p:rsonal letter to the Washington Foit, warning the ad , ministration and the Recre.tary of the ftrvasury that Hie pold standard plan will floor the party in 1303 and 1900, if thfy n-i;sist in trying to reform the cur-fT-ncy cysteni; he is nit talking through Ins hat, he is no doubt honest in his cor. ' . lusions; keep tab on what he has said. On laHt Saturday afternoon, the Hon. 'Washington Hewing of Chicago, died at thit home in tliat city, of heart failure. Mr. Hossing has been a prominent poli tician during the last twenty-five years of his life; he was a Journalist and ownwl the largest German newspaper in Illinois and probably in the United States at the time of his death. Mr. Ileswng was postmaster at Chicago dur ing Mr. Clevland's last term as president. He wgg a man of ability and influence tia Chitaeo. It is now in order for the "Riilway Employes and Expressmen's Sound Mo aev League of Nebraska" to hold a large nod enthusiastic meeting io one of tne Union Pacific shops. The members will , now have plenty of time to attend such a gathering. It would also afford a good opportunity for Mr. Baker, president of the league, to explain why some of the members' wagos were cut to $J9 per month, while the president's wages of 130 per mont continue to do busi ness at the old stand. The above is what the single gold standard does for those who are obliged to work for a living. This is prosperity you know. Notwithstanding protests of the A. P. A's, president McKinley has shown his good sense io appointing a man to be Associate Justice of the supreme court of the nation, whom he believed, would make a good federal officer. While we cannot for one moment endorse the pres ident's political viewtj, we do admire his bsvek hono in the matter of appointments to oftVo. The American Protective As- sodotion i s an organization, in our oninion seeks to destroy, rather than to build up good government. When one's reliirion Is made a test of his fidelity to his country to tlw exclusion of all others jt looks to us as if it was going too far It is not whether one is a protectant or ..i catholic, as the cuse may I. nut whether an aptfliotce will administer the duties of the otlloe honestly and js-itbout fear or favor to aoy body. Hon. W. J. Bryan was invited, and dtlivt-redari address beforn the Chamlavr j of Deputies in tlia city of Mexico, on the ' loth lost. The Jnpanwj.s government has landed j 40,000 natives Soldiers in Hawaii under the pji-e of immigrants, so says General j Lew Wallace. i I According- to Ju. Kysor of Onmlii, a newspaier lias no riht to advertise its own lnminess. If true, has anv body or firm such HuM? A seven-year-old i.y of Top. a Km., has heen admitted to pnet'ee lax tv (on? the har of the impr. m.- o i't if that state, that is the (vi t , iU: it .' . f a I mis- on haH been granted hut it will ii"t take effect until the boy ruaches his maj ri ty;he is a pretty youni; lawyer. The World-Herald of Omaha and the Omaha Dee are havinir another set- too. This time over the publishing of ? and tlien commence to tack the saloon license of t bat city. The Bee , la wm1 nii,c!! nii" ": W"kmU? has been worsted airain and has under-! taken to enj lin order to down it. the World-Herald in! Rut wnteli Mf iii,..h.l cock come in on thu home stretch, ha is i too sleek for R sa. I . The populist members of congress met, in party caucus in Washington, on the j 18th int and passed resolu'ions almost! identical with those pas-secl by the dem-1 o .rats in a si malar meeting the Ulh of this month regarding the retirement of ' the greenbacks and treasury note, the! recognition of Cuba and the bankruptcy I law. Little difference between them. j Countess'!astellaiil the daughter of J. Gould who married an Italian Count time years ao is about to separate from her husband on account of him squandering her vast fortune. It is pretty near good for her and the entire Oould family, as she could have married awhitemanin this country whom she would have been proud of as a life -companion. The steamboat Arabia that went to the bottom of the Missouri river over 40 years ago with a cargo of 105 barrels of whiskey on board has just been Jug out of a sundbar near Parkville, Mo The barrels arc well preserved and the find ers wtli be well paid for their trouble, besides the government will receive $7, 000 in revenue as a result of the find. DEMOCRATS OPPOSE LEG ISLATION FAVORABLE TO NATIONAL BANKS. They do Not Believe in Tletire meat of the Greenback and Treasury Note WASHINGTON', Dec. 14. -The caucus of the democratic members of the house of representatives tonight resulted in the adoption of resolutions defining the party policy on the questions of Cuba, ilnance and bankruptcy, The caucus was large ly attended, 101 of the 125 democratic members being present despite the stormy weather. Representative Rich ardson of Tennessee acted as chairman. Representative Bailey of Texas present ed the following series of resolutions: Resolved, That. It is the sense of this caucus that the democratic members of the house of repre-entalives oubt to re- i sist all efforts direct or indirect to retire the greenbacks and treasury notes; that we are opposed to and will resist all at tempts to extend the privileges of na tional banks or to reduce the taxes they now pay; that we consider the necessity of an early passage of the senate resolu tion recognizing the existence of a state of war in the island of Cuba, and that we favor the early enactment of a just and wise bankruptcy law. The tlrst three fea'ures of the resolu tions were considered separately, the discussion being vigorous and unani mously favorable. State Journal. G. M. Hicthcock, editor World Her ald, Omaha, was cited to appear before his honor, Judge Kysor, for allegtd con tempt of court; A Grand Oppotunity. There are today thousands of young people on the farms and in the villages who are tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dislike. Are you one of them my friend? If so, the Grand Island Business & Normal Coll age can put you on the road to success if you are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no differnce how backward you are provided rou are plucky and mean business. We teach everythmg necessray for a successful start in life. If you are short of money we will accept a good note without in terest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish everything tuition, board, and lawks and give you time to graduate and pay for sam-J afterwards. Business, Normal and Shorthand courses, Board $1.50 per week. Established 13 years. College Record sent free or catalogue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your chance of a lifo time. Will ypu let it blip bv? Adress, A. M. HaRhs. President, Grand Island, Ncbr. ADDITIONAL LOCAUJ. County Ootnmissionf-rs will mi.-et in ndj.iirnf session on WVIndsdiy hi-v, 29th'1897. M. J Blewett went to f'lmdron on business lust Saturday evening ai-d r turned Monday noon. ' Since the 4th of March hist. The hopii (jile increased sul"- ripl ion to the JOURN aL h is readied 110 or littln ovr 11 "iimthU mvr.iw o( 12. A very pr-tty portrait of Rev K n- dall's little d.nii.rlit-r whin they l"t lt tin- ane of two year and a half was re o iv.-d by them 1 !,r-(h "farsteilef Br.', as a ! t'-ri--h d X itsi mi I. - M-r tj-ri;u !i last niv-.t risi-ul r - i Si aoru.-r v. Iiy In- (!ul nt l.iii'j; soi, that evtryliody iva out ii town. Ejth nothing, savs Frd, since Mi Kitilev was president the liens tro out to the nest and set an hour or two anil then come o(T without layin.' n "'""" Mr. and Mm. Gustave .Noreisch were callers at O. A u.irfon s Mjnclav. Earnest Lyon spent Sunday with his Father. Mrs- J- w- Rxedorh" expects to spend Car sifoas with her lister fit Chadron. M s Mary Noreisoli is expected home CI rUtnins on a visit, P it. Slal tery has taken s'.ms of Mr. C. Chiistensen's cattle to winter. O. A. Oarton and family visit-d with Mr- i,ml MrH- p- B- Bigelow Sunday, School commenced in the Lacy dis- tiict Monday with Miss Uattie OVonner as teacher. J. Cm. Merriam finished his contract of hauling wood for the school house in District No. 15 Monday. News is scarce this cold weather. Echo, WOMAN'S COLUMN, Edited by - Krs. Geo. I). Canon. Short articles from the laillcs of Sioux county are solicited. The Etiquette of the Bow. In America the lady always bows first to the gentleman, thus indie iting that it is her wish to recognize him; in other countries, France, for instance, the gent leman bows first, it r.eing considered a deeper m irk of respect. According to the general code of etiquette, any one who has been intro duced to you, or any one to whom you have heon introduced, is entitled, to a how, which should be accorded promp ly as soon as the eyes meet, whether on the street or in a room. If you know per ons slightly, recognition is slight; if friends are met the bow is more or less cordial, according to the degree of in timacy; the salutations of tradespeople and servants are always returned. Al ways give a straight, honest glance into the eyes of the person y u wish to greet. .MO'Ciill'a magazine. Sunshiny Women Do we know any of them? Certainly we are greatly to he pitied if we do not, for social life would experience as gn ai a hhock as the world would if it were suddenly deprived of its llv.virs, if i's sunshiny women became extinct. In all grades of society one finds them. ' There is the sunshiny Society women One meets her at garden parlies at, dances, at receptions; but she is always the samet Wherever she goes, she takes the sunshine with her. She it is who, if any little contretemps occurs, has the happy knat k of turning general atten tion from it, and drawing it irresistibly to another quarter; while in h ir sweet presence women forget to make ta-cas-tic remarks about their ne ghhors,' for get even to be envious of their sunshiny friend's dress or bonnet, if it' happen to be superior to their own. Let me use an illustration. At a crowded garden party, at which I was present, there was a scarcity of chair. A young married I idy, however, o, e of the queens of Sciety of whom I have been speaking, was comfortably seated when I s.iw her sud lanly risi an I go tc wards ayoung girl standing near her, who seemed to know very few people and was evidently very shy, and hot and uncomfortable. With infinite grace and sweetness she offered her chair in such a manner as to place the girl under no slightest sense of obligation, but rather as if she were only vacating in order to walk about the grounds. A smull every day occurence, I hear someone exclaim. Is it every day, I wonder? Why, then, has this very little incident remained firmly rooted in my memory, though it took place quite eight years agol Then there is the Hnnshiny, philan thropic woman. Ah, how I hope .von know her too, be cause, if you do, the prejudice you may have shared with some other eople against women who speak in publiu will vanish away, like snow in sunshine, You have Ixen told,' P rh.tps, that Mi-s S .-and -o will adre-g aud.enc- upn so in : lead i tr nhilaiithr ! e i quest ant of toe day ; an 1 ou expect io--ee Well when I, d f.unslntie eorms upon the pi itfonn it will b quit suf ii'Ment, withoir entn.ig mt ) any oa' tit ulars, to say the tXi cl - poslle in j eVerV oart. ol:ir In uti-if vu, ov J p cled. Here, a;ain, I speak from ex-pi-rience. I know a philantr-pic woman ho.e ln!o of sunshoii; is not only d e t t!ie fact ,!,a' Dam Nat re willi lav h land srat'iireil suijImkios all over her h'-ad it) a wcjiliji oi' fair hair v.'sich, le I io be cjiitr-.ll vi, .v.f.VS' aie, ii in i! direct ions; lui t from le' v arm ' h a oil s- leln-.v. o! h,r iiiloi.', which w.aild IM-se ili-d loVe g!ii'li- all with !in;ii she comes in coti'ni'-t. 'Iliinlin' of tiii-, on-- ii n .sis' i ily "i -uiiiiile.l of th i-e words: "in her h tir she had li e traces Of a h c, Bringing Huishin to s.k! places Where t!ie sunlight could not fal ' Thank O.'d for our si.ns' iuv women, who carry a little of flis laiglit.eess into Path's dat kest and sadde t con ers! L 8 y, there is i e suns'iioy wot ! ing worn . . . Ah, surely e a I i know Ur the se -v;:n' in our horn it in iy lie wli ) d .;., work with a brave heart and a cheery smile, aod is alvvnys pleasant and oblig ing.,. Little us they dream it, our toiling histers aiil a larg.3 sharj to thi sunshine of everyday life Ons scarcely recog nizes bow one is affected by the pleasant tone of the shnpwoman who so obliging ly puts herself to perhaps unecessary t rouble on one's behalf; the unruffled pa tienceof the dressmaker, who, it may be, merely for a w him; has to alter or refashion work which perhaps has cost hours of patient toil. Oil, sunshiny women, we bless you, for you are earl lis priceless diamonds, reflecting, dimly it is true, yet reflecting a light which is not eartlily, but divine. How To Find Out Fill a bottle or common glass wilh urine and let it stand twenty-four hours, a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladerare out of order. AVhat To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that br. Kilmer's swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tie back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald- ng pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or be. r, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity o ibjing conqielled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggis s, price (ifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention The Smux t'OPNTY Journal and s-nd your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghanipton, N. Y. The proprietors of tins paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. STOCK liUANDS. Tirn .IiTmvAr. will pub tsh y nrbnnrl, ike tV following, for t::iO, pur K.u-h hi! c liio'iiil br uid ?:, cents. h'v-ry farmer or 1 a clrnen in Monx anil nil joining counties uoulil advertise Itieir limnils in TiikJouk n a l as it circul tes all over the st itn it may be the menus of saving money for you FRANK SUTTO. On loft side or cattle and on left Bhuokter of horses. Range on Antelope creek f. O., Cuilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES BIKHLE. On lei t stile or hip of cuttle, I On left Hhoul'ler of hnt-Mes. i Range on the head ol Warbonnet crelt Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. 8. W.CAREY. On left shoulder of cattle ihoraes. and IUmiikp on Little Cottonwood. fr"0. ., Crawford Nebr. BO YEARS' ex,PEA.eN$)(. Traoc Marks flrfiiaNt Mf'' Copyrights Ac. 1 I;,,tl""llng s dketrh and riranrlptlnn my ft! .uRArtAln our ontnlnn fraa whether an tliiln, .Ictlronnfld.ntfal. lUndbnokon Patent inn rm ii pronanif ruiemnoie. Communlm- t ' . Olilml aeenry for ecurlns patenta. an liu taken thrnutrh Munn A Co. racei nntiet. without chains. In the scientific flmerkatt A hanftaomely lllnatrated weeklf. I-arrMt rtr dilation of an? aolentiflo Journal. Tarma. IS year; four months, II. gold bjall newadeelara. MUNN 4 Co,!"". New Tori; Branch Ofloa, OS r Waabinalon, D.C. KMlgrad liloU pnundf p.rmiafh. N Karrlai, no, io had Man I It, n. ntaxmna tfrntfl. Trc1mnt MrfMily harailcM aa4 airlcllf eoam- 4talil. Ou.'Con Dl nk md Ponk Int. Tall or writ. PH. 1J. D. UVTTt, m fiut ktrM, tt. Uall, Mo. 'I'lf-.' I X 1 I.:. THE NEW YORK WORLD, THRICE A-WECK-EDITICN. IS f'ngen a Week 156 Papers a Year For One Dollar. P::b!is'.iPil i very Alternate I)ny en-ept Sunday The Thrice-a-Week-World Edition of The New Yoi K World is first among all the "weekly" papers in size, fre quency of publication and the freshness, accuracy and variety of its contents. t has all the merrits of a jrert $8dollard:ti ly, the )ncc of a dollar weekly. Its po litical news is prompt, complete, accur ate and impartial as all its revders 'will testify. Jt is against the monopolies and for i he people. It prints the news of all the world, having -special corn sponda nee from all important news points on the globe. It lias brilliant, illustrations, stories by gn a taulliers, a capital humor page, -com .h-t( marki ts, departments f. r the house hold and w omen's work and ot her special departments of unusual interest. We offer this umqualed newspaper i ml TiJESl'irx 'orNTT JouiiXAI, togi-th er one year for $1 70 The regular sncscription -price of iht two papers is ?2.00 MARSTELLER BROS., They handle every thing eral department counry store. SUCH AS DRY GOODS and GEOCEPJE, BOOTS and SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD and GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO MARSTELLER BROS. THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 16Q8. Harrison, E., President. a XL GRISWOLD, CaahJer. . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. r ansacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS American Exchange National ank. New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposito. Of DRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. ( J& r a e. Now write u for Description nut, It. Wo have boon tell ins- our Addroii, i in mWmm iff I Bo not longer be teeelved by sslf-woriicS n--l the truth. It will psy you dividends. OR STARV It THAT 13 THE ALTERNATtVL TO-IAY this moment yon ftr belnv roMj-ip; . what you ettin. How iriui-h I Xot lm) ti.i-'i iI.o-h. t $t. itu yuu Juiuw licw f lo you kitciv Ti'.y i Formerly NEW OCCASIONS'. The Bsst i Only RsiorraMaxaziue. I Oae Dollar a Yo?f in the World. W cents s iiuir.t)j. XlonlMg Eighty Fmge.d. El)ITtm3: j It. O. Flower. Fonndnrof thi 1 1 i'ett'ft I-', .iiiumu, tA. Hew ootx.t.'i. Tims l the fcni-lens advwatrof the Ihitiativ in J KitrRKKKni'M. Mnjotliy Uule. cicnliljc Govt.rni.iti-, Jiunetary Rulonn tirid 1'hynical and Ethical Cultfiw'. Aniottff hmulrpflH nf brilliant mriter tit will regalurla rorUritntte to It pmget trrx Prof. Frank Parsoas. ilenry 11. Ll.iyd. fei'nMor BiltUir. KiiwCvHl 1'omeroy, limnlin Garland. JUMtii:oVVa;tcr Clarlc Luyene V. Dcb-j. O.iv. II. 8 Plnree. Lillian Wiiiting. A. H. Lewiii. Prof. I!li-hird T. Ely Rtnator Tillman. Herbert N. Causes. Frances E. Wlllard. Pres. George A. (ato&. Mury A. Livermoi. Abby Morton Iiiaa John P. A ItKeM. Belen Campbell, (senator Pcttlgrow. BPECIAL TO rOTT. Bend 15 two cent, stamps ud celvo THE NEW TIME throe mom fca and FAE3ISEJTT JOHN BMITH, the gtory of a Peaceful Revolution, br Frederick U. Adams, an illustrated book of 20 page Ut4 an iUa on every pace. Write to-duy Claries f'. Kerr & Company, Publishers 56 Ftftb Avenue. CH1CAQO. usualy handled in a gen Nebraska. a F. Coma, Vice-PrwridMt H We pay the freight Kimball o ORGAN Nebraska and Western low.i. Yon Pet $198 Organ for $8. YOU PAY FOR IT WITH A FIVE DOLLAR BILL down and 15.00 pur month Fwlly Qai.ra.tM4 fw 6 yr. , and Catalogue. We will toll you : friends about thin now year. A. HOSPE, ; ' OMAHA, NliU. 4 f ,yfc- 'I 1- "M ' tut -ill