The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 30, 1897, Image 3

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CHAPTER XIV.-(Continued.)
"To undeceive her now would be cruel,"
aid NftHtoritiii (travel-. "Her idem of ber
father' existence is a connoting halluci
nation. As she grow older and knows
Bore of tbe world, doubt will ariie and
(hen sad certninty that they two can nev
ermore meet on earth. Poor Boidwood!
I can a him now rushing along Holywell
In hia rug of h itown. A tall, Herculean
form, a fii c like a Titan's ugliness and
power curiously combined. H had fine
ryes, I icniembcr, but not her eyea. They
r Southern."
"The legacy of the Gitalin, no doubt.
By the by. 1 found something among my
brother' hoards that may interest you
Bohlwood's relics only a miniature and
soma charred aper utterly unreadanl'i."
"Who l,m.w whether we might not get
them read; experts contrive to decipher
even a charred manuscript nowaduys. I
should like to examine Bold wood's reheti."
"How keen you are. Upon my word,
you have ail the eagerness of a boy."
Lashmar lose nnd went to a Chippendale
cabinet, one of the gems of the library.
It ran the place in which his brother had
kept all his privule letters, and Lu-tliniar
had explored it six mouths after he mine
Into his irhcrilance, curiously, sadly. The
tin case was opened aud the packet of
P!Km laid on the tuble.
"These enn be deciphered, I believe,"
shM Nestorius; "Ihey are only scorched
and blackened by mnoke, not charred. I
am going up to Ixmdon on business to
morrow; will you allow me to take theae
with me and place them in the baud of
an export for transcription?"
"If you really think it worth while.
They may be papers of no importance
letters from duns, perhaps."
"Boidwood would hardly have kect
them in that tin case unless they weie
of some consequence. They may throw a
light upon uis life abroad upon his mar
riage." "And on Stella's birth. I undermnd!
It is your interest In her which makes
you eager to find out all you can about her
"Naturally. My interest is in the living,
not iu the dend."
He opened the case and looked :it the
"Stella's eyes!" he snld,-"nd the out
line of Stella's el k and chin. This tiust
have been her grimdfather."
Mr. Nestorius was absent three day,
during which interval everybody missed
him, the women sorely.
Sella welcomed him with a happy smile,
wnen they met unexpectedly iu the park
on the gray October afternoon that wit-
ues.vil his ret in u.
"I was going to Verner'a cottage," he
said, looking down at her with a smile she
Interpreted ns paternal and protecting,
but in which shrewd Mrs. Mulclher would
have seen ionic touch of deeper feeling.
"I thought I should find you there. 1
gave your story to one of the keenest pub
lishers in toun- lold him to make his
render give nn opinion upon it instantly.
lie was to sit up all night to read it if
need be, for I wanted the manuscript sent
to the printer forthwith. The reader did
sit lip for the best part of the night. Stella.
He declares that the story is the finest
thing he has rend in the way of fiction for
the past live years; full of power fiesh,
young K)wer-uiili:iiiied. of course; but
the style is incomputable. 'Where did the
writer get his style V he asked. 'It is so
simple, yet so strong; scholarly, and yet
so original.' "
l am so glad, gasped Stella, dizzy
with delight; "and so very glad he thought
the writer as a nmu."
The statesman was delighted at her
girlish rapture. When a man of mature
esrs stoops to admire a clever girl of
nineteen, his Admiration baa a gentle pro
tecting air, w hich is very sweet to the re
cipient, and from such a man as Nestur
lns, kindness was like the notice of a god.
Stella felt as if she were living In a new
atmosphere, balmy, reposeful. She felt
i herself lifted out of the region of slavery
Wand hmr.ilation.
Tv Were but this little book successful her
"bondage would be at an end forever. She
wanted so little for freedom. She could
live upon ao little, she who had never
had any rioney or known what it was to
have her wishes gratified aince she was
a child. One feeble ray of success would
be light enough for her obscure path. Only
to get out of this great, grand, beautiful
house, in which she felt herself ever so
much lower thau a servant, a dependent,
an incumbrance. 'nly to get away from
the possibility of encountering those proud
eyes and noinfiil lips which always stir
red spirit to rebellion. She had school
ed herself to endure her ladyship's tyran
ny; but never could she so school herself
as lo look without angry feeling upon the
man who had ordered her out of the li
brary is if she had been a dog. Yes, he
had driven bur like a dog from that famil
iar room Iu which she had lived so hap
pily through the sunny years of her child -hood.
The return of Mr. Nestorius enlivened
the. lea meeting In the specious library,
where deepening shadows softened the
daggle of gold nnd color info a harmonious
blending of many tints, just as balf a
dozen fa its photographed rapidly, one lip
en the other, produce a combination face
f greater beauty thau the handsomest of
the sit. Mr. N'estorias was not a man
who overwhelmed either the house or the
anion ilb flood of talk, but be talked
well, and bla voice and conversation to-
l get her had a rare and potent charm for
y feminine hearers.
V It was half past eleven when Nestorius
nod Laimr went in the library the
former carrying a little portfolio with
the pan he bad brought from Londta.
The ertvaag had len livelier than us
aal, and ehmar had hardly left Lady
Carminow'a side to the delight of his
mother, who watched the two from her
arm-chair by the fireplace, where she sat
in a kind of semi-royal atate, with Mrs
Mulciber for her lady In waiting.
Mr. Nestorius seated himself near
reading lamp, and opened bia portfolio,
I irat, let me restore the original pa
pers, he said, handing Lasbmar a Dack
et "They are there, unreadable to Uie or
dinary eye. You will keep them in trust
for Stellu. Here are the copies. Four
are love letters, pure and simple, written
by the future Mrs. Boidwood to her hus
band. The fifth and last is from Mra,
Boldwood'g father, and it dated two years
after the date of the other four, and Mas
written, as 1 understand it, jnst before
Stella's birth. It is a letter that may
nave helped to bring around the mother's
untimely death."
"Will you be good enough to read them
to me?" ashed Lashnrar, hating himself
ror never having learned Spunish.
A yum, n yum, n yum!" began the
statesman, murmuring gibberish, as he
rnn his eye over the page. "Perhaps it
is Hardly worth your while to hear the
love letters. Such things are always
I will have every word." answered
Lnahmnr. "If you don't rend them I
shall think you don't know Spanish.
That is a cbatrewge, said Nestorius,
so here goes.
He cleared his throat and bei:an:
"Alas! dear one, I know not where or
when I caw hope to meet you agnin. Not
in the church, or on the way to the
church. It is too dangerous. Nita never
leaves ine-und I had hard work to pre
vent her telling my father of our last
meeting. I will be it tbe garden between
seven and nine o clock every evening. If
there might be a chance that way It would
he so uweet to see jou again, just for a
few minutes by the little door, while Nita
na gone into the house on some errand.
iou kuow how watchful she is, nnd how
she always brings her sewing out into
the garden to sit whh me. There is so
little for her to do in the house of an even
ing. My father is almost elways out of
uoois at ins club or . ith his friends
"How can you talk of your shabby coat,
dearest? Do you Think r value people for
their coaU? And if - ou are ever so poor
now, jou, w ho are so clever, are sure to be
rich some day. Or, if you are always poor,
it will make no difference to me. Nita says
my father has a large fortune; but I have
never necn any signs of riches in our
house. We have no flue furniture, or
plate, or jewels-only the things that my
greatgrandfather had before the Penin
sular war. We have all we want, hut no
more. If jou could only see my father
and talk to him and yet his consent to our
marriage I should be the happiest girl iu
Madrid. Yours everlastingly,
The next letter was more impassioned
and glanced at past meetings, ot vows
interchanged. The next, agnin, was a still
wilder outpouring of a girl's all-confiding
love. No more talk of the father's con
sent. All was surrendered to th lover.
"Whate.-cr may be your fate I will share
it. I will go with you to the eiH of the
world!" A second suitor had appeared, of
noble family, wealthy, middle-aged, fa
vored by the fnther. The girl shrank
from him with loathing, flung herself in
to the arms of her out-at-elbows English
man. "T'iie me away from them, dear
est," she pleaded, "or my father will make
me marry that man. He raged with
anger when I told him that there was
some one else I cured for. He swore he
would lock me up till my wedding day.
late me away, Juan; make me safely
your wire hetore he can lock me ud. No
dearest, I am not afraid of poverty with
The last of Uie four letters was the
briefest, arranging a rendezvous which
was to eud in an elopement.
Then, after an interval of two years,
came tne tamers letter curt, icy in
"Vt.l ..Kam ..... . L 1. . ,
' J""' in aenance
of me. Iou may keep it. Whether It
lead you to tbe gutter or the grave ia of
no matter to roe. You disobeyed and vou
deceived me for the sake of an Euglish
adventurer. You have your recompense
iu your sdventurer'e love. You say that
he is still devoted nnd that by the labor
of his hands he earns your daily bread.
You are belter off than you have any
rigni 10 ie yon, me disobedient, deceit
nil uaugmer. leu tell me that a child
will soon be bom to you and that you
would win my forgiveness for yourself
ami tie-oMK my love for that unborn
child. I answer you that I have plucked
you out of my heart, that yon are for me
neither loved nor hated, but non-existent
As for your unborn child, there is no beg-
Dars urnt annul to be. spawned in the al
leys of this city whose birth will be more
Indifferent to me. X. O."
These initials were the only signature.
I he only oddresa was Madrid. Idfflcult
Vj trace the writer by such indications.
"Are the language and orthography
those of an educated person?" asked
"And the date would agree with that
of Stella's birth. Then we may dismiss
the idea of a gypsy origin."
"I think so. This 'X. O.' may have be
longed lo the professional or the commer
cial classes. There Is nothing in the girl's
letters to Imply that her people were no
ble; and, Indeed, her father's eagerness to
marry her to a suitor of good birth Indi
cates that such a marriage would have
been promotion."
"And this vindictive father ia perhaps
the original of the miniature."
"Most likely," answered Nestorius, clos
ing his portfolio. "The costume Is that
of Ive and twenty to thirty years ago- A
Spanish giifs elopement with an English
man muat hs occasioned aotne talk at
the time een In so large a place as Mad
rid, and b mn ful Inquiry one might find
out all hhnut the business, I take it."
"Verv likely but the game is not worth
the candle. This vindictive old wreti h
has positively renounced his grauddaugh
ter nothing would be gained by unearth
lug him.
"Who knows? Nineteen years may have
made a considerable difference iu his feel
ings. If he ia still alive a lonely, miser
able old man he might be 'ery glad to
acknowledge the granddaughter of whom
he wrote in such brutal terms.'
"My dear Nestorius, it is like you to see
tbe thing in that rosy light. You have
but to tnke up an idea to be interested
in a question und that fiery spirit of
yours breathes around it and wraps it in
a luminous atmosphere in which all out
line is lost. How much more likely that
the old brute ia dead; or, if alive, so much
the more of a hrne by trie passage of
those nineteiu Anyhow I shall
not turn slei'th-bound and hunt him
What are you going to do with those
copies r
"Keep them."
"They can have no interest for yon.
"They can have none for yon, aa they
are In a language you don't understand.
"I am on the point of taking ud Spanish
It has always been a reproach to me that
1 am not able to read Don Quixote in th
I II give you a translation of these let-
tera, and keep the Spanish for my pains
Upon my soul one would think you
were smitten by that girl of my broth
er s.
"I am not smitten by her, but I am
deeply interested in her fate. Good
uood-mpht, answered Lasbaoar,
After that evening Lashmar
himself to the allurements of Circe, in
the person of Lady Canuinow, with less
reserven than he had hitherto shown, and
in proportion as his attentions grew more
markl, Clarice became more- enchant
My this time I.ashmar had decided that
destiny meant him to be Lady Carmi
now's husband. He had escaped the
doom once, he had pducked himself out
of the v.eb; but this time he felt that he
was cauu'ht
He could account for his tepid emotions
by no other theory than that nature had
made him colder than other men. He
fancied that he had even an aversion for
women, and that he would have ended hi;
days a bachelor, were it not that self-in
terest and his mother's incessant prompt
Ing urged him to marriage. He had had
everything to gain from a union with
Lady Cnrminow, and it was sheer wan
tonness in him to hang back; and yet he
put off from day to day the utterance of
those ml words which would seal him
as a sla.e forever
He had promised to drive to Brumm
with Clarice and Mrs. Mulclber that af
ternoon, to go over the great Danebrook
iron works, of which Lady Canuinow was
sole proprietor. Her name was on the
carts and wag". "Clarice, Marehion
"f Cnrminow." Lashmar had never
been over these mighty works, and he hat
ed seeing works of any description hated
the thud of the engines, the smell of the
furnaces, the grime aud dust upon every
thing, and was not very fond even of the
operatives, though a humanitarian age
insisted that tie should adore them.
Brumm dud the outskirts of Brumm
looked n little more detestable than usual
to Lord Lnshinar that October afternoon.
although Lady Cartninow was sitting op
posite him. clad in ruddy brown velvet
and sable mils, with a little sable bonnet
that harmonized deliciously with her rich
fcuiu-ui'M n niiii. ii lue neautv of a
.1.1 l. l...:.. i , . .
woman or the luxury of a barouche could
have sufficed hiili, he might have been
happy; but on this particular nrternorm
ic beheid even Lady Cartuinow's perfec
tion with a jaundiced eye.
1'he visit to the great Hnuebrook works
did not serve to change his mood, as the
workmen were on the eve of striking and
received the visitors in a rather sucly
It was between six and seven when
Lady Canrinow and her companions re-
urned to the castle. Afternoon tea was
over, and the shooters had retired to the
bath-rooms and dressing-rooms, and thr
was the sound of a piano and a very thin
soprano oice from the drawing-room,
whereby Lashmar opined that Mrs. Vava
sour was indulging iu a ballad alone or in
company. He went to the library, Intend
ing to enjoy a quiet half hour with the
newspauera before he dressed.
Tbe room w as only lighted by the battl
ing logs in one of tbe two fireplaces and
single lamp on a reading table. The
curtains had not been drawn, and as
Lashmar crowed the room toward the
lamplight hi saw two dark figures pacing
stowiy past tne winnows
He opemid a casement and looked out
A miu and woman were standing a little
way off In esrnest conversation. The
woman, black lobed, hare headed, tall and
straight and slim, waa Stella. The man
waa Nestorius.
He was bending to speak to her, until
It seemed to Lashmar that his lips must
almost touch her hair. His band was on
her shoulder, as If be bad been pleadim
or arguing with Intensest meaning. Sud
denly Stella released herself from that de
taming grasp, knelt for an Instant at his
feet and clasped and kissed bis band
with quick, passionate gestures, then rose
quickly a she had knelt and rushed
away to the other end of the terrace.
Only Southern blood would have shown
Ita feeling in such Impassioned move
ments. Strange as the act was, it seemed
In no wise false or theatrical. All was
natural and spontaneous. To Lashmar,
who had seen the girl silent, statuesque
In her Immobility, this new aspect of ber
character was startling In the extreme.
Has she gone suddenly out of ber
wlta?" be asked himself, angrily. "Ha
Nestorius inftcted her with lunacy, or I
he pl.nyiiif a deep game? Yes, that I it,
no doubt. She moans to book our enthu
siast. Be ia more impressionable than
Ulysses, and she Is as crafty as Calypso.
Those silent women with lowered eyelids
are always shy."
He went out into the gloaming. Au
tumnal mist were rising all over the
park. Night waa coining up from the
valley and th river like a palpable pres
ence, a mighty winged monster, spread
ing wide pinions over the earth, cirtaia
Ing and covering homestead and Meadow,
man and beaat, diffusing a falat air of
near and athmce and solemnity vr all
There waa m la
breast, waka wM villa Km trKk
Why he should be angry he never stopped
to ask hinihclf.
"The buss)," he muttered: "the artful,
incorrigible hussy. This is the kind of
woman who leads men to ruin, who sub
verts class distinctions, who creeps into
foolish women's houses und steal" a hus
band's heart from his lawful wife."
He saw her standing alone at the etd
of the terrace, above that tennis lawn
where he and Clarice hnd played ro often
in duys gone by. Nestorius hud gone back
to the bout-e. She waa leaning wearily
against au antique vase, gazing into the
He could not command bis temper; that
white bot fire in his breast must needO
have some relief. Silence, calmness, were
alike impossible. There is an unreason
ing anger which must be satisfied, even
at the loss of self-respect, which ia sure
ly the heaviest price that any man can
pay for self-indulgence. He walked
quickly to the spot where Stella was
standing, he placed himself by her side,
but was not able to see her face, which
waa turned from him.
"Well," be began, in his harshest voice.
you have taken the measure of our
statesman, Miss Boidwood. He is a man
peculiarly susceptible to flattery, espe
cially n woman's flattery, and your little
bit of melodrama just now muat have
delighted him."
She turned quickly and faced him,
white us death as it seemed to him, in
that dim light. Her face gleamed upon
him like the face of a ghost. The large
dark ey?s, wet with tears, alone had a
look of life.'
"Were you listening and watching ua
from some corLer, Lord Laahmar?" she
asked, contemptuously.
(To be continued.)
He Has Ten Fingers.
Charles W. Haines of Cincinnati, who
la 2-1 years old, baa five fingers on each
of his bunds, but no thumbs. In the
place of his thumbs are perfectly-formed
tlngeps similar In appearance to an
index linger, only a little longer. The
reinarkability of his case is that nature
so arranged it that the rst phalanx,
unlike other fingers, has a ball joint ar
ticulating with the first metacarpal 1
a way that enables him to turn tb fin
ger about In any direction, even upon
the back of bis band.
Haines Is a silk bandage weaver, and
by the aid of his thumb-fingers he can
reach Into the loom and catch up brok
en threads and tie them with one hnd,
not being compelled to use a hook Ilk
other workmen. He says that on ac
count of his hands being so constructed
he can save time and do more work In a
day than anyone at his shop. Llk
Miss Sayers, Haines is a musician. Ht
Is a good performer on a zither, and
when not employed at his work he
spends a great deal ef time playing
upon this difficult Instrument. He can
pick the strings more nimbly with
what serves him as a thumb than with
his other fingers, and he verily believea
that nature furnished him with a de
formity that has proven a physiological
To Replace India Rubber.
The bicycle craze has created such a
demand for India rubber that It has set
Inventors at work to provide a substi
tute. An Englishman, Charles Grist.
claims to have produced a material
which will take the place of rubber In
many of Us uses. He has named It
"oxllin," and It appears to be an oxi
dized oil. Oxidized oil Is not new, but
the Inventor claims that he is the first
person who has ever succeeded In com
pletely oxidizing It. In connection with
the oil he uses vegetable fibers. It la
stated that oxllin will perfectly replaca
India rubber for a large variety of pur
poses, such as hydraulic packings, wlr
Insulations, etc., being Impervious to
mineral oil and standing a temperatur
of from 200 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
in its natural and vulcanized forms re
spectively. It will be sold much cheap
er than India rubber. Minneapolis Tri
Remember War of 1812.
"Aunt" Aurella Fuller, the oldeat
woman on Cape Cod, who waa 100
years of age this week, cornea of revo
lutionary stock, and was born within a
stone throw of the house In which
ihe now resides. Part of her present
dwelling waa constructed of lumber
from the old bouse in which she wag
born. Her tether waa a farmer, and
Aurella was one of a family of nin
children, all of whom are dead except
a brother, who ia a great many yean
her Junior. When th war of 1812 brok
out she heard the new, and remember
the haste with which her father and
one of his neighbors left for the acena
of battle, which wa at the time when
tbe man-of-war Nimrod sailed Into
Vineyard Sound and bombarded th
town of Falmouth.
Kxplolt Their Own Hobble.
Tbe Railway and Engineering Re
view raise th question "whether th
present tendency toward heavier track,
more powerful locomotives, and larger
cars has not reached Its practical limit,
If, Indeed, It has not already exceeded
It. The fact that a railroad Is primar
ily designed and operated for the pu
pose of making money Is too often lost
sight of, and some officials In charge of
tbe various departments are apparent
ly Impressed with the Idea that Ita
chief use 1 for the exploitation of theli
various hobble."
The Swedish Pollueman.
In Stockholm a policeman' lot I that
of a dignitary. H must pa an ex
tensive examination, after which ht
wears a handaagge uniform and occu
pies quarter provided with line furni
ture, hot and cola bath and a plana,
with free singing teuon. The 8wed
lab police syatem of telephone and
electric bell la hardly equaled any-
wnere eta in tne weria.
"Why, Jlmmle, what was that ylnn
i naara from your nacayara ui mora,
"It waa a auaatmck case, na'asa."
-A (onatrack easar
Tea, ma'am, rtn tka gaa.n-4Urf
faai rtala Daatar.
H" 17"
fi-- !
The difference between a planet and
a star Is this: A star shines by Its own
light; a planet by light reflected from
another body.
The poles of Jupiter are flattened al
most exactly like those of the earth.
The phenomenon can be plainly seen
with the telescope.
In the useful report of Dr. Lintner,
State entomologist of New York, K 1
stated that the little red ant, a pest in
troduced from Europe, has the single
redeeming feature that It Is an active
and efficient enemy of the bedbug.
Tbe Pleiades contain six stars visible
to eyes, of ordinary keenness, though
twelve or fourteen have been counted
In this cluster by persons of extraor
dinary eyesight. A two-inch telescope
shows about sixty stars in this cluster.
Mathematical calculations show that
an lion ship weighs 27 per cent, less
than a wooden one, and will carry 115
tons of cargo for every one hundred
tons carried by a wooden ship of the
same dimensions, and both loaded to
the same draught of water.
The most scientific forester in Eu
rope says the oldest trees in northern
Europe are the pinea of Norway and
Sweden, and that these are not known
to live more than 570 years. Germany's
oldest oaks live only a little more than
three hundred years.
It bas been a source of interest and
wonder to arctic explorers to find such
quantities of singing birds within the
arctic circle. They are abundant be
yond belief. But the immense crop of
cranberries, crowberries and cloudber
ries tb:at gaa In the northern swamps
account for tbe presence of the birds.
The depth to which the sun's rays
penetrate water has been recently de
termined by the aid of photography. It
has been found that at a depth of 553
feet the darkness was, to all Intents
aud purposes, the same as that on a
clear but moonless night. Sensitive
plates exposed at this depth for consid
erable length of time gave no evidence
of light action.
A case of blindness from teeth
crowding bas ben put on record by Dr.
J. E. Gemmel. A boy of eleven went to
bed one night with normal vision, but
awoke m the morning quite blind. The
pupils were dilated, fixed, and not In
fiuenced by light. Investigation at last
revealed the fact that the teeth were
wedged and crowded together, when
two permanent and four temporary
molars were extracted. Sight returned
In a few days without other treatment
The city of Breslau recently consult
ed the chemists of the university re
specting some old manuscripts of the
sixteenth century, which damp and old
age had made quite illegible in some
parts. A remedy was very easily found
It was ascertained that gall nut Ink
hud been used, as had been expected,
WJWn painted with a 1 per cent, alco
hollc solution of tannic acid, the char
acters became at once fairly discern
ible. Ammonium sulphide brought
them out again in full distinctness
mis is trie well-known cure, which
once more has proved reliable.
More people over 100 years old are
found In mild climates than in the high
er latitudes. According to the hunt cen
bus ef the German empire, of a popula
tion of 55,000,000, only seventy-eight
nave pnssed the hundredth year,
France, with a population of 40,000,000,
has 213 centenarians. In England there
are 140; Ireland, 578; and In Scotland.
40. Sweden has 10, and Norway 23;
Heigiam, 0; Denmark, 2; Switzerland,
none. Spain, with a population of 18,-
000,000, has 401 people over 100 years
of age. Of the 2,500,000 Inhabitants of
Servla, 575 people have passed the cen
tury mark. It Is said that the oldeat
person living, whose age has been
proven, Is Bruno Cotrim, born in Afri
ca, and now living In U0 de Janeiro.
He la 150 years old. A coachman In
Moscow has lived 140 years.
One of 4he most important factors in
the mining of coal to-day 1s the electric
mule. After the eleclric drill bas done
its work and the coal ia shoveled into
cars, they are gathered together with
the aid of a mule or electric locomotive
and nrranged Into long trains, which
are hauled to the mouth of the mine by
powerful electric locomotive. Tbeae
are made of narrow gauge, of small di
mensions, so as to be capable of use
In galleries and runs where mules can
not be used without extra cutting.
They are controlled by means of a se
ries of parallel controllers now so uni
versally known In connection with the
trolley. An electric headlight Is pro
vldedH which draws Its current from
the same wlrea, and Is powerful
enough to enable the motormnn to ace
any obstruction on the track a long dis
tance iihend. Tluwe locomotives are
nude In 1r.e from fifty horse-power
up to 100.
Iaaao Bell's Generosity.
Tbe late Isasc Bell's itopularily with
an sorts and conditions of men and
women was large. In social, political
and financial circles he was esteemer
anil respwted by all, but lie was. belov
ed by man In the humbler walks of life.
He disliked publicity In bis charltle.
but maay stories could be told of bis
generosity. "He had a heart as Mg as
the side of a house, God bless him!"
aald aa etovnror man In one of Mia big
Wall suvat building, whan ha hrd of
Mr. Bell's death. He then told a few
stories of Mr. Bell' kindness td mora
than one jsior man. Year ao Mr.
Bell's popularity among the broker
boys and district messenger In Wall
street wus assured. It was dne to bla
habit of supplying them with lunchea,
Mr. Bell would approach one of tba
Itinerant venders of frankfurter and
pies In Broad street and purchase tat
man's entire stock. He would thaa
cause it to be Rpread on the sidewalk
and gather a crowd of boys about Mm,
tbe smallest urchin In the front nutk.
At a signal from Mr. Bell the ravenooa
crew would precipitate ltaelf upon the
feast. Two men always watched oh
scene with smiling face the fraaaV
f urter man, who bad done a good day's
business at one stroke, and Mr. BeJ
His appearance in Broad street was al
ways the signal for excitement among
the urchins. New York Commercial1
In speaking to a church woman, call
them "whist" cards, instead of playraf
cards. Aa "whist" cards, she doeant
think it wrong to keep them in her
No bride should complain of a preJ
ent, if it is real silver. You can get a
real silver thimble for ten cents, and ia
very nice sterling silver button hook
for a quarter.
When boys go fishing, and begin
throwing rocks into the water, It Is a
sign that they don't believe they can
catch any fish.
If a justly Indignant father gave nil
son a spanking half as bard as the blow
he gets In playing foot-ball, how quick
ly an indignant people would rise op
and mob him.
Society dictates that when a man
meets a lady on the streets, and ll
smoking a cigar, he must throw th
cigar away, even if costs 20 cents. W
refuse to do it; we will give up society
Society men who think they are ex
pert "whips" should get up early when
a circus comes to town, and see the
ragged, unshaven circus men drlra
eight horses. The circus men iiefP
eight ribbons and drive around snarp
curves, up steep grades and down
sharp Inclines with perfect ease. Some
times, the driver rips out a string of
oaths, but it Is never more than flra
minutes long. If a circus driver should
ever break into society, he would cre
ate a sensation If he bad occasion
to handle the ribbons of a tally-ho.
It is a trial for a modest man to visit
a dry goods store now, owing to the"
displays of underwear for women. One
Atchison merchant has his best Willi
dow filled with women's underwear
and a woman's figure is used to show
it. There Is something majestic about
a naked man, if shown in connection
with feats of heroism or strength, as is
usually the case, but the naked figure
of a woman, if shown in connection
with underwear, becomes horrible.
The more completely a woman la
dressed, the better she looks. i
The woman who Is in It up to her
chin will wear a bird's head and at
least a dozen wings on her hat this sea
son. The women are so smart. Why
don't they help to solve a problem by
wearing rabbits' heads in their hats?'
Rabbits are becoming a great pest, and
some Inducement must be found for
getting them killed. Is there not also
some part of the snake that could be
made an article of fashion? Snakes
and rabbits are a pest, but why should
the woman pursue the birds? There
are not too many birds In the woods.
Glorlflcattsn of the Ham.
No man who lives on meat waa ever
known to lick his wife or ask for a di
vorce. Adam got into a row, right off,
because he had no hog meat, butter or
black bass. Napoleon lost Waterloo bej
cause ttie allied forces had bacon for
breakfast the morning of the fight. The
French had vegetable soup. The Souta
had to give in at Appomattox because
they were out of meat! No war can be
uccesefully waged without hog meat
Americans are the most frisky people
on earth, because they eat the most
hog meat. Ingalls would have gon
back to the Senate had be not lived oa
oatmeal, baked apples and blind rob
ins. A vegetable diet woman la as cold
and clammy and unlovable as a turnip.
If you wish to put roses In the cheek
of your girls, vitality In their every m
tlon and brains in their beads feed
them meat. If you want your boy to
get a job and hold it, go to the front and
amour to something, give him bacon
grease, ham fat or tallow three times a
day. The world 1s full of cranks who
are alway getting up some new fad
about hay soup and corn fodder tea.
El Dorado Republican.
lis Glory Has Departed.
In the days of Its prosperity Bath.
Mnlne, had almost five miles of busy
ship yards. The town hnd never dona
anything else for a living than to build
nd sail ships, but It prospered In that
Thirty or more years ago Its harbor
was always filled with shipping and Ita
Mreets were busy with trade. But there
bus lMH?n a steady decline since the end
of the war, and a vivid exemplification
of the decay in American shipping. At
present not one wooden vessel la being
built in ihe town, and there is not a
vesaol intended for the merchant ma
rine on the ways. Old ship owners are
selling their vessel property as fast aa
they are able to do so, and putting their
money Into other things that pay bet
ter Interest, and unless some change Is
quickly made In the economic condi
tions of the country affecting shipping,
it Is evident that Bath and a great
many other towns of th same charac
ter will be eompjd to go out af th
business of building ships. New York
Don't think baoaua a aa U aawsura
narpiaa- oa oaa saaa iaat M g
n Hilda.