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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1897)
It . r tbardson Journal D. CA909. MiMrua Trp. EI80H, IB, The ctininless bicycle is lien, SU! th( COStleh wheel isu'l. bui The aggressive women of America are AkIUIiik tlJ-ir way to the front with I an m,ii"i uieir emus. That candidates rnu for office arises from til fact that ui many others generally want it, to allow any to win In a walk. The 'tuWht leeSh" the dentist have succeeded iu producing way la; consid ered the logical ami necessary evolution of the rubberneck. Itegardiug the claim that Americans are growing taller, it may be they only seem so, Is-ing pussibly straightened by circumstances of late. Men have substantially the same opinion of a girl who smoke cigarettes a the girls would have of a man who st In a hammock to show his pretty stockings. It Is announced that the crusade recently organized in Boston has collapsed. Of course it bad to go; the girls simply s4 their faces against Vt ami that ended it. Queen Victoria in said to hold "very essimistic view" concerning thin country. It will Ik renieiiilercd that one of her ancestors entertained the km me feeling as early as 1770. A man in New York has been sent to the penitentiary for stealing an um brella. This is rather startling; can it be possible that such things are re garded as private property by the courts ? If we correctly understand Mr. San rtow his opinion Is that good health does not necessarily accompany great strength. It would not be no ciulw antly healthy for Mr. Handow, perhaps, if everybody were as strong as be Is. There is a great surplus of lawyers and doctors in this country. Chicago ha 5,000 lawyers, while all of (lermany only has 7,000. France, with forty million people, has only a thousand more lawyers than Chicago alone. Sir Wilfrid Ijiurier, Premier of Can ada, said in a recent address to the Montreal Board of Trade that the St. Lawrence is the highway of the con tinent, lie is about to propose joint action of the United States aud Canada to deeM-n the river's channel. And now comes a scientist who as verts that the human system I full of microbes, and that one is healthful Just a long as one' a microbes are In good health. If that's the case, it clearly is a mistake to wage war oa these little fellows; bwtter treat them well. The meanest man in any coinuiuuity Is tbe stingy, penurious pirate who gets the benefits of the advertising and hard work of others who assUt in develop ing a city that directly makes hi in money and who never helps in the work. They are no better than the dog that tips over a table te get what la on it. The bicycle was originally a French invention, but American workmanship and Ingenuity have so greatly Improved and cheapened It that we are nupplyiug tbe French with a large share of their wheela. Consular reports show that the French Government received last year no less than $'fil,00o in tariff du ties on American bicycles, while the im portations from England amounted to nearly nothing. On the other hand, there la acar-ely one rench wheel in sll America. The American working mau knows bis business. Where are the grandmothers of tradi- lion the tmowy-halred, wuiie-eapjted gentlewomen to whom as children we were taught all deference should be shown? Look about you; she Is no where vUlble. Alaa, the elixir of youth, or, more properly speaking, an artl- Hctal maak of tbe real bloom and I s-a li ft, has tempted the aging woman to vnme that which she should graceful ly relinquish, and the true grandmoth erly type,. with soft shawls, tine hue, artlatlc cap and a heart in tune with the morning of life, though the ldy bends under the shadows of eventide, Is goae, more'i the pity. Daring the shrt time the arbitration law has been in operation in New Zea land It appears to have worked well. TTnder the act iu question the colony la divided Into district. A board of con ciliation, composed of an equal num ber of workmen and employers, can be ceaatltated In any district, and over tide is a apeclal central tribunal which possesses apellate functions and whose decision Is final. Tbe arbitration court Is presided over by a Judge of the Bu preme Court of New Zealand and be Is assisted by two assessors, similar to the practice In our own Admiralty by the employers, tbe other by the workmen. . The trades unions have power to swe and are liable to be them selves snsd, a Mljr the union funds beta attnefestta, bat the Individual members responsible to tbs extent mi atS sacs) shensd the common tend tea t qever taw ItabUltles. Tbs pen aK st ths nsneobservance of the award la gaftsd to am. Nn strike sr lockvat a tsusned abses the act ban been In attest - X-i'.i "S c 7 H tTML" Andrew band We can not Mil have a genius '' ! ' FOR A LONG CAMPAIGN sloii; Indeed, that genius K at tirst, j rather uuiiitnl. and, t--ouy, I apt to j Is- confined to 8 sin"1e object. ,;lrl,,!rHc COMMITTEE PROPOSES AN ouiiht not to f educated In a trf-iief tbe coup (If fotidrc. Mit of them will tiuJ some good fellow who l much at tached to them, as they will ! to htm; j they w ill marry. If they have lin k, hu.1 never think of bV.iig their heart, in the style f 1 ii of M-h a. This tun al ways been the prow fact of matrimony, ... -I f . - . I i..u.f t , . If Tl n.l "3 '" "- If voting women wait for the coup de foudre and the batid-ome knight who comes riding through the forest, tiiey will coif St. Katherine, or lead apes In, hell. Novels prove the inadequacy of the ideal. The heroine always loves the unsatisfactory poet, is Juted. meets the solid squire or business man. and finds that 'what she bad taken for love was.' etc. we all know the formula and lives happy ever after." - The Palatine, chief of the t-evtn hills of Home, as huvhig been tti- site of the dwelling of Komulus. and, under Augustus, the residence of the emper ors, is beginning to attract almost as much attention as the Aero;olis at Athens on the part of archaeologists, ami as but little of the hill has been excavated the promise of "ri.ids" Is much greater. Prof. Baeceli has devot ed himself since 1WI to that part of tiie Homan Forum itiimedin'cly under the Palatine, and, as a result, the quar ters of the vestal virgins and the Via Nova have lieen disclosed. Tli church of St. Maria Liberatrice, which was built out of the temple of Vesta, pre vents the complete exeavat'on of the Forum, and the church is an obstacle that at present swans insurmountable. Among other portions of the Palatine that have been unearthed In recent years are the Stadio Palatino and a cir cular cistern connected with the hoi:-e of Lioca. Eventually It Is hoped luat the whole of this famous hill, or at least all that part overlooking the Via Trinmphalis, will be excavated. A London statistician has been look ing up the records and has made a dia gram showing the annual variation in the price of wheat since 1041. Tbe most remarkable fact disclose by his Investigations la that the price rises and falls with great regularity every four years, and he explains that the phenomenon is due to the fact that when the market has been gcsd farm ers have planted an increased quantity, thus making a larger supply and forc ing prices down again. The average price In 1893 was 23 shillings 1 pence a quarter or 70 cents a bushel, and in 1896 20 shillings 2 jsnice, or ks cents a bushel. The highest price ever known for wheat occurred In 1812, when it sold for 126 shillings pence a nuarter, or alsut $3.85 a bushel. The lowest price was in 1743, when It fell to 22 shillings 1 pence, or 00 cents a bushel, although it should le remembered that the value of money was very much greater In those days than now. Wara In any part of the earth have Invariably Increased the price of wheat. The most rapid advance ever noted was in 17!, when the career of Napoleon waa at Its height. Wheat went from $2 to $.1.50 a bushel in a few months. There have tsen a number of rough attacks by women on the New Woman In the magazines lately. Mrs. Buckler, who took high honors at Cambridge, declares in the North American Re view that woman's achievements In literature and art have in two thousand years produced little if anything worth mentioning. She has never written a great history or a great drama, nor achieved distinction m discovery, in vention, painting, sculpture, or archi tecture. At any rate, her achievements have fallen far short of man's. Her success in collegiate fields Is eiHed to the same criticism. I'nder the title "The Unquiet Sex," in Bcrihnef Mag azlne. Helen Wattersoo Moody srotesW against women being thus shut off by1 themselves. They exhaust each other merely by Mn together; lavish ex travagant friendship on one another, or Indulge in excessive admiration for some teacher. When they graduate, thcli first idea, if they undertake career, is io prove that tbey can do s man's work. They neglect those facul- th-s and capacities for which women have constant need, unless they are to Im educated or co-educated out of lite fashion of marrying and housekeeping, g for herself, she says she would glad s ly exchange her birthright of Oreek and Latin for tbe ability to make one good mesa of pottage. Their healthi she declares, Is also neglected in col-: lege. After graduation a few drift Into teaching, fewer still Into medicine, lltJ erature, and law; but In these pursuits' woman has not proved herself remark able. Tbe next volley, although nred anonymously, baa the sanction of Ml sal Frances Wlllard, who sends It to the4 Critic. According to this dissenter the1 main quality of women's college work. Is an Imitation of man's. Women's ed ucation Is a "fad," to which their health and vigor are sacrificed, instead of un dertaking to develop their own capaci ties and ambitions, all stress Is given to recreate tbelr natures and ca pacities. The teachers are unmarried women who sacrifice almost every thing to books, to the neglect of social training and of refining influences. There Is a failure to uphold and foster the Ideal of wifehood and womanhood. Subjects particularly gapU-d to wo men as mothers, wives, ana me guar dians of the homes, like sanitation, do mestic economy, social - science, the science of teaching, are scarce:? rccog ntsed, and the whole scheme Is worked a the old lines tbst men laid down in mediaeval times. It is somewhat re markable that witbta a few week there should have hem tare of these attacks on women's higher education front members of their own set. There is swmethiag w-oog with In woman wan talks nl, s-heti ska has fHE COMMITTEE EARLY CONVENTION. Would Nominate a Presidential Can didate Nest April for the Kace In llMH) Call Outlines tbe Leading Is sues for Which Populists Contend, To Meet in tt. Louis. Tbe executive coniiuiiiee of the na tional organization committee ap ,.in!...i ,v the Nashville conference held a meeting at the LaClede Hotel, j St. Louis, and practically issued a call i for a national convention In April, j lsjis, at which time a Presidential i candidate will probably be nominated for the campaign of 1WU. This committee meeting was enthu-t-iastlc and thoroughly Popuiistic in every sense of the word. There were no contentions nor se-iiMi bickerings and after comparing notes from all parts of tbe country, fully realizing that the general dissatisfaction caused by lat year's fusion would result In absolute destruction of the party un lcs measures were taken to rally the scattered forces, they issued a call which should call together every pa triotic worker iu the cause. The general complaint was that of dissatisfaction and lack of educational work growing out of the lat cam paign. Fusion, ail admitted, waa the great ottstacle to advancement, aud it is found to be atsoIutely imitoosible to convince aity great numbers that there will isj no further dealings with the politicians. It waa proposed that Chairman Butler and the national committee be invited to join the com mittee la a call for a national conven tion at once to nominate candidates lor Uki. A subcommittee was appoint ed io 1 1 raft the plan and when It re turned iih tbe following report It was adopted without a dissenting vote: The Call. Recognizing the iuJirtauce of im mediate, united and aggret!ve work to secure tlie lining up of ail reform force for the approaching campaign, we, the national organization commit tee of tbe People's party, hereby call a meeting of said committee at the LaClede Hotel, 8t Louis, Mo., for Jan. IX 1KJ8, and respectfully invite the national committee of the People's party to meet with us in conference on the above date, appealing to their patriotism and sense of duty to aid us lu restoring our jtarty organisation to Its once splendid estate. Feeling it due to the members of the People's party to outline the objects of this call, we submit the following recommendation: First The holding of a national nominating convention, on the first Wednesday to April, 1. Second Tbe holding of State con ventions in third week of March, 1898, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the national convention. j Third-TUat the nomination of Con gressmen Is delayed until after the holding of the national convention. Fourth That tin- platform on which She content for 1808 and 1900 be waged should embody the following proposi tions; 1. Absolut paper nxmey bused upon very commodity and resource of the nation, s full legal tendsr. and receiv able for ail dues pubftt um! private in the United State. 2. Free coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio; the coin debts of the United Statm payable In either at the oMlon of the government. 3. All money to be insued by the na doria! government only, atsl pay out dlreet to the people, for services run dered, or to te loaned to them at low 'ate of interest on safe security, and without the Intervention of natiouial or jrivate bojiks, provided that the vol unie of the currency hail not exceed $Vi per ep!ta. 4. toveroment ownership and opera tion of railroads, telegraph and tele phone liue. 5. Opposition to alien ownership and tbe holding of hind for specula tive purposes. 6. Opposition to court made law. 7. OpjKwitlon to trust. 8. We especially recommend the In itiative and referendum and the Im perative mandate. MILTON PARK, Chairman. W. 8. MORGAN. Rerretary. People's Party National Organization Committee. Failures Inrrrase. Though no mention is msde in th leading dailies about the alarming in crease In failures since the tnaugurs Uon of MtKlnley, the fact still exlsu that we are in the raUVt of a cycloaa of financial asd bu.-iLn- destruction. Brads tree and Dun both are keeping lab on tbe conditions, and their re ports show that during the past week there were forty-six more failures than were reported for the same week last year. Not a paper comes from tbe press hut shows a general crash In butaess bouses sil over the coun try. Their frequency bss, U a large extent, alls red alarm, and vampire like, lulled the people Into quiet, while the work of destruction Is augmented with each sunceMlIng day.-DslIss Mercury. That Monetarr Comssiwdnn The monetary commission has been la session t WaaMagtan hearing "evidence." The commission Is unof ficial being merely s creature of the moneyed Interests, yet what It says will probably go through tbs House and may possibly sqoeeae tniwugh tbe Reaate. Those who make sr send statements to the (XMnmlntaw- pretty nolforndy agree that tbs greenbacks and treasury aotss ahsnjld ls barnH np. A large laws of bnajgn seenw slo in he s fs rents Man asnoaa thss- ' )rp"d generally to let the banks Issue the iaper money up to a certain amount. Then If their Kjucexing th.. life out of Industry threatens to bring ruin on themselves, thsy are to be per mitted to issue a lot more money at a tax of 5 per cent Wanks don't like to pay int..i n,1 Wice It nresumeu ti lit a tinn th danger io the banks Is over, the extra Issue will b promptly retired in order to avoid the 5 per cent. The commission pretends to be seeking proT currency reform but the real object Is how to enable the moneyed interests to more rapidly and uiore erfectually plunder the mass es of the people. We suggest to them the financial planks of the Omaha plat form as a remedy-banks of Issue abol ished, money volume speedily increas ed to r0 jwr capita, government loans to the people at 2 jt tent.;"postal sav ings bank. Missouri World. "Hepudiutlon." Repudiation has !!:-, s ,i initiou from the sold clI:U(J :ew def It now uieaus an olsNlieme to law. The law of the laud is nothing to tbs money power. The law gives the treasury an option to redeem green backs in either silver or gold, but th wishes of bondholders and moncj grubbers are paramount to the law. The endless chain was created by a disregard of the law. It is the easiest thing in the world to break the chain. Simply obey the law. Secretary Sherman In 1878, when in the height of his mental lowers, and In the position of Secretary of the Treasury, told the finance committee how to break the endless chain. His advice was to obey the law. In discussing the ijueation, Sherman said: "Our mere right to pay in silver would dolcr a great many people from vr rvti nnii n rf nile for riMli'mntlon who would readily do so If they could gel tbe lighter and more portable coin in exchange. Besides, gold coin can be exported, while silver coin could not be exported, because Its market value la lesa than ita coin value." As the Cincinnati Enquirer very tru ly says: "There is no repudiation In that and no 'anarchy.' It Is 'sound money doctrine' from the great 'sound money' apostle, John Klierman." There Is no popular demand for tbs retirement of the greeulacks. The people are satisfied with this medium of exchange. It carries with It no burden of Interest, and It is Just ss good as gold anywhere In the United States. Nobody wants to destroy the green backs except the organized members of the gold clique. It la alleged that the President la opposed to tills de mand, lie will do well to maintain his position, for should he yield to the pressure of tbe money power he wtU find himself exposed to the Just criti cism of the people whose r!gU be has gworn to protect Government by Wall Street. It Is alleged by those who claim ta be in a position to know that If the President "had his own way as would take radical sie( in the Cuban matter. Why Is It that Uw) President of the United State cannot have his own way? What malevolent influence pre vents tbe chief magistrate of this na tion from expressing bis personal views on great ijuUon of monteuU ous Import? Unfortunately for M.-Klnb-y and most unfortunately for lbs js-opla. the preaemit occupant of tiie White House was placed In his high pWittott by the money power, and Ui moiiey power demands obedwrs-s to Us iliilate. WaJJ slreet dons lufi want Ifldwpeiwl- wnce for Cuba, ami Ut-rfre holds the Iresldent In check. Secretary Sherman, who wsa sup ported by Will street when be was Senator and when be wa Swrwtary of tbe Tres.stiry. is now made the vto tim of its siJarks, and U orws of Mm reiifistion re siieizcd to lisve tsiem Started in the slreet. But Sbcrmnn says he will not re slzn. and if he goes out of the cabinet he will have to be forced out. If tbs Stnte had the power be would bring the Cuban matter to I crisis at ouce. snd no doubt his posl- Mnn on this ouesUon Is the cause of tbe attacks made on him. The lroddctit is placed In a very embarrassing position, and sooner or later there is bound to be an explo sion In the cabinet which will shake the country Chicago Dievstch. In Iebt to Knrope. It Is easy to understand why Bm gland Is so sjixious to keep the United States on a gold basts. Every security of this country bead In England Is appreciating in value with the acureclaiion of gold. This Is an uui-arned Increment, and It Just that much more dlfneuM tor the pus.le of fids country fo pay thstr dnbts. No one can tell exactly bow largs Is tiie amount of American sncnrtUss hi1d sbrond. but It Is certain, with the bslsfkce of trade In favor of country to the exten of $14.1,887,000, that over $1S)0,00 of gold had to be ciporvst ho square the This proves that the deht abroad was rar In ernes of the baiaans ox trnoa It 1s euuiau-d that Die amount T'nitiHl Stntes boude held In Burope rencluNi the enormous sum of $300, ono.iviO. This (h'ltiMids.aa annual ex portaton of $12,000,000 la Iniersnt Add to this ever ote Uiouaand nillrlon of municipal ami ftste h la no cause for wpnnW that England Is so deslroua of holding thla caonty Io the ff"id standard. How ten the United RtAts sxpset te tmnsfer the hslsnrs ts tint fagjst side of the Isdgsr ns Inag an It abroad tm,onMM annnafly In est, and Amertean fovrlsSj snon thi.1 amount In ths ntl reerl A Hunk (Ireenhouw. Where the "lay" of the land is favor able, a very convenient greenhouse or forcing bouse can Is- constructed after the plan shown In the nccouipan.vlny Illustration. The basement is carried Into the bank only far enough to give room for a heating apparatus and the storing of necessary fuel. The green house floor is partly below the surface, the walls here, as well ns In the case of the basement, being laid up with rough tield stones. The entrance is a the further nul. steps down iroin iue t , srway to the greenhouse floor Is-ing ovlded. Such a building will Is- ex cdingly warm In winter, not only be cause of the earth bank, but because cat can ls generated and sent to a (sir above much more rcad ly than It f ,11 w... .1 can Is- generated upon ano uuiuw-u over a single floor, American Agricul turist. Kami Kconomjr. Profits on the farm are much greater j hen the averages for several years j re compared, as each year most bear j proportion of expense, and n failure j to secure a pmnt this ytjar may tun e loss, IsH-aue there may 1h a corre j xmdiiig reduction .f expense next t ear. .Nor must we ovenooa me au- atituge of the oppur'.uulty offered the aritier of selling his own lalr in the orm of some product. Where a farm er makes only a small pcotif, but lias erived a fslr sum for the lalstr he p,rr- sotially iH-stowed, his gain is greater uiiii the actual profit. The -"arm has ncr.ed In value as the labor or manure or other accretion has failed to yield a reasonable cash prollt. On the farm the item of lalr ml be cousld ered according to its a-ual iml as au j xpeudlture. Though the lulwfr of tlv 1 furmer himself i sn Item or cost, ami must lie paid for, yet "ic pays it. to him- t self, and it really is orotlt lecaitse of he employment secured by him on the ,' farm. For that season s small farm, or . small rlis-k or herd, will always pay lore, iu j)rotsrtiou to expense incurred, iiati larger areas or an iticreSie of stock.-irange UouieH. Winter Feed Cwiker. Warm mahe nr-- desirwlile for fow ml in wuter. To cook the fooi I ' half a Inirrst box. ailing in Willi but tittle iatsr, (sse nd it In a gns-ery I HEAP Vt CO IMKfcK. suit it with chuff. Make two covers, one to !H inside me narrvi. tue oilier to shut tightly down over the box. Put It. the meal and wet it soft with one or more pnlls of boiling water. IK this t night and close tightly. The mass will cook all niglit long aud be nice and warni ror reeuing iu me luuruiug. Orange Judd Farmer. hmrrow DestroviuK (imim, it is becoming extremely difficult near cities 10 ru u npe-u kts-s, ts--s use of the a tucks of sparrows on lh! fruit so soon as It begins to color. Fortunately this pest rto not go far from cities and Urge villages, where It Buds plewty of feed scattered In the- streets, aud where tbe warmth from city houses affords It partial shelter. Hut we have learned enough about the h shits of the sparrow to know that K Is s peet that should be destroyed wherever seen. In Bngiand thousand of ls,ys are employed to watch grain ft.dii and drive ths sparrows sway Rut even after all this rare millions of dollars' worth of grain Is destroyed by them every yesr. Kxcbunge. o AI4ernf. Ksrmers snd dsiryuien nre not s parficulsr la making known their good In a mani;er Ut Impress tbe fad Lbs t tbey hroughlJr uuderstsad their esfltng. "Aldemey milk" la a frsqnsnt sign ou milk wsgous, jys ths- Phliadel nhla Record, ret there Is no ucn arti cle-as thsrs Is not in AhWswy cow la the I'nlted Htatss. "Imrhsm" cattle Is oaed for designating I he Uort horns, sHboagh tbs term Is one that does not asw apply ts any particular Itreed. aslt tmt Assl Or. karSs. WhiM It Is wall nxr'.erstisid that salt U not a nmattra, It t o good a sol rant of otlsar annsrals t lu. i where they el Tlih IIAXK liKkkMloL'SK. t t 1st In the s.vll it tnsy slwsys be used with sdtsuiiiirs We have often ad vised farmers to apply lstli potash and phosphate to apple orchards. But If this Is done every year It Is probable that some of these mineral revert to an Insoluble condition. Whenever the apple tre.- set full for liearlng It will pay while giving the usual annual dressing of potash and phosphate to add some wilt to It, widen will ts muc h cheuper and probably more effective than supplying directly the minerals which the salt will Indirectly furnish.' Exchange. Feeding the Work Horse." In f.iling the working horse I would feed com aud oat! equal parts, either ground or whole, ami if convenient cli-mge from marsh bay to clover. Corn m.iil s'li.u'd ii Is fed without some dlliiteiit. The bran of oats is sufficient to preveu-. It bccomliiK a iasty mass in the stomach. If meal Is not mixed with ground oats or with bran, It should te Ted with dampened cut hay or cut sheaf oats With a ration of corn, oats aud timothy hay or marsh hay, either bran or oil meal or sprouts should be added, say six 'pounds vt bran a day. or if oil men! two iinds a day, or three to five of proutS. If fed iu the e;1r. corn may be fed three times a day, with oats and brnn added at noon and night, with less corn. A good day's feed for a l..l-pound horse Is 14 isjunda of hay, 1" lsiunds of corn meal, ti pounds of o:its and (i of bran, in place of bran one may use two pounds of oil meal. If he feeds vlover hay he doe not neinl either bran or oU meal. Corn should never be omitted from the ration of a horse at nam work, just as meat Is essential In the food for lalxiring men. I once knew a testifier hauling gravel to say that ten ears of corn at a feed (thirty cere a day did not keep his horses up. He ua tohl to unit count lag corn, snd 1 with a scoop shovel. This be did. and slopped losing flesh. This was, of course. In tbe severest kind of work, long continued. Rural New Yorker. Cures a Horse's N heiitnstism. Horses troubled with rheumatism have been treated successfully With Turkish baths. Trainer Patter-soil. gwve Hamburg one a few weeks ago and the king of 'I -year-olds came out of the bath as supple a a youngster. The rheumatism had disappeared. He sub sequently led his field under the wire Ksrtjr Pia . Wherever a farmer has wsrm.bsee ment istables It Is essy U mrfke s hog pen In one corner atwl use It for the breeding sows, ' Mveryotv'sdvnUa -that pigs drotied early in March will ptwvs inncli more vstoable Susn those born a month or two later. It is some extra trouWe to kep tbem warm, snd they will also rei extra feeding for both ows sad pig while the cold w nattier continue. IKit wlien the wsrnt days come the enrly pig- that hsve s run in pa-iure Hie) plenty of milk will ls txr letter nttisl for heavy eoiti fs-.l 14 than will the late pigs j li""'eiM, f M to 76 There is w uotuxls ic Ivies fed Just the tatne. and whose only difference : ths' tbe heavier wers born four to six week earlier than tbs other. Keep Good Animals. There is more profit lu keeping a few good animals than to have the stall occupied wlfh thoss that give no return for their keep. There sre two duties devolving upon fanners which are sel dom fulfilled. One Is to thin off ths fruit from a tree and the other Is to cut out the Inferior animals. When the herd Is thinned out the cost of food Is les sened and less labor Is required. Kvery year the herd or flock should be inn- proved and the least profitable anlnia disposed of, so as to Increase produ ttou and reduce the cost Mtlck 10 a Uoud ilursa. When you hsve a good horse stick te him. He may not be fast, be may not be completely sound, but he does all you need of a horse, la safe and healthy. Why change If some Jockey with a more snowy horse does offer te trade 1 You know nothing of the other horse, snd do know your own la fully houcet. The chances are that the maa who deals In horses knows more shoot them than you do sod tbst you win make nothing by tbe transaction and will In nil probability lose. He Is In ths business for what he can get out of It. Ileef snd Batter Breeds. If a beef breed of cattle Is preferred make h-f production a specialty, and not look upon cows of such tireeda to be Iu,ru4 as oroducers of milk snd hot. ter. There ussy ue a rew goon miner cows among the beef -producing breeds, but where a certain article la desired K should be the prime object If milk and butter sre epeclslties the breeds used should be tlssae Uist excel In those products. Too many good points can not be hsd In cows. Mach cow will ex eel In one line ouly, and should made ... A,ttw vhsrs tha tnnat nrofltahls j n,,Zri ' IAKISII A H BIII HATH. It alar on a Tfcerau A case Is reported ut a quince bush grafted upon common thorn and nncnl tlvnted which has borne regular craps of frnlt for over forty years. If this be n (art K Is a suggest I vs ons, ns the on Its own roots nsaairy snap Bortteorrarhrts ohonM be tar- od ta try an simple sad sany n nnstt- s nswrtkiKs In mj. ;-' .A. . Ai Jl -tf vs. , f