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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1897)
ALL GRAIN RATES CO UP. AN ADVANCE OF TWO AND ONE HALF CENTS. j Morgan and U. P. Affair--Lottery Mail Under the Ban Chinese Must Show Papers Englishmen Want the Union Pacific. I Chicago, 111., Oct. 19. AH rail rates from Chicago to the Atlantic seaboard on grain and grain products have been advanced 2V4 cents. It was the Inten tion of the eastern roads to advance the lake and rail rates also, but the Soo line refused to participate in the advance, and therefore the lake and rail rates will remain as they are until the close Of navigation. It was reported here that the action Of the Hoo In refusing to advance the rates was due to the resentment over the fact that the roads east of Chicago declined to participate In the recent ad vance on flour from St Louis and Min neapolis to Chicago. MORGAN AND U. P. AFFAIRS. The Railroad Company Executed a Deed to His Firm. New York, Oct. 19. The report of W. D. Cornish, who was appointed as special master to take the testimony in the suit of J. Pierpont Morgan and others, as trustees, against the Union Pacific Kallroad company, Frederick Coudert and others, as receivers, was confirmed Friday by Judge Laeombe of thhe United States circuit court. The report of Special Master Cornish States that on September 4. 1891, the Union Pacific Kallroad company exe cuted a deed of trust to the firm of Drexel, Morgan & Co., as trustees, to provide for the payment of the prin cipal and Interest notes, and deposited with that firm certain bonds, stocks amd other securities. Collateral notes to the amount of 118,719,000 were issued, payable August 1, 1894, with Interest at 6 per cent. Drexel, Morgan & Co., it is stated In the report, sold from time to time certain of these securities, and with the moneys received redeemed collateral notes to the aggregate value of 115,527,000. LOTTERY WAIL DON'T CO. Postofflce Department to Prevent Its Delivery. "Washington, D. C, Oct. 19. In con junction with the treasury department, Postmaster Gary has taken steps to en force the prohibition In the tariff act against the importation of obscene and lottery matter. The attorney general has Issued In structions to postmasters that where mich matter Is found in the mall un sealed It should be treated as unmail able, and sent to the dead letter office. When It Is under seal, and the post master suspects lottery or obscene mat ter, he Is directed to label the packages "supposed to contain matter In viola tion of the act of July 16, 1895," and to forward the packages to the ofllces of destination. If dutiable matter is found It will be confla?ated by the treasury; If other ob jectionable matter Is contained, the postofllce department will confiscate it. A CELESTIAL ROUND-UP. Kansas City Chinese Must Show Their Papers. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 39 All the Chinese In the city who could be found were rounded up and brought to the federal building at the instance of W. H. Chamberlain, a special employe of the treasury department, who arrived In Kansas City recently. The desire was to ascertain If any of the celestials were here In violation of the exclusion act of 1893. The police brought In between ninety and 100 of the foreigners. All save elevon produced papers showing that they had been In tlx? country before the act was enacted and they were released. The eleven were held for further examination. The recent shipment through Seattle cf a large crowd of Chinese laborers was the direct cause of the Investiga tions, says Mr. Chamberlain. TO BID FOR THE U. P. English Capitalists will Try to Se cure the Road. Chicago, Til., Oct. 19. It Is reported that a syndicate of English capitalists will file next week a $5,000,000 bond with the master In chancery who has charge of the Union Pacific foreclosure sale, with the view of becoming a bidder for the property at that sale. This syndi cate. It Is further stated, is ready to show the reorganization committee a keen contest for the property. Arrangements have been made by the Kansas City, Pittsburg Oulf road with the Atlantic and Mexican Gulf Steamship company for two steamers each month between Port Arthur, Tarn pIco. Vera Cruz and Progresso. Ne gotiations are In progress for the estab lishment of regular service between Port Arthur and Europe. The Fever Scare. New Orleans, La., Oct. 19. The early morning fever reports are rather of an encouraging nature. There had been no deaths during the night and the new cases were fewer. Several of the parishes have quaran tined St. Mary parish, because there have been two or three cases there. No more certificates, for the present, will be Issued for Camp Muton. The camp Is not yet entirely finished and until Its facilities are increased It cannot handle a larger colony than It has at present. The civil district courts here are not to open until the 2d of November, owlng to the prevalence of fever. Student Injured by Hazers. Boulder, Colo., Oct. 19. DeCalb Well man, a new student In the preparatory school of the Boulder university, has been seriously Injured by being tossed in a blanket by older students. Wellman struck on the back of his bead and shoulders with great force on the ground, paralysing the upper part of his body. Physicians think he will live, but say he will have a serious curva ture of the spine. The Injured boy Is the son of a mer chant In this city, Citizens are very In dignant over the manner In which he was treated, and demand that hazing at th university be summarily stopped. A Fatal Duel. Macon. Oo., Oct. 19. Constable Will iam Timba and Barker Amos, colored, fought a desperate duel yesterday afternoon at the home of Amos, about two miles from Powersvllle. As a re sult both men are dead. Young Tlmbs was only 27 years of age and was very popular. There Is much excitement. Colonel Thomas H. Hanks, sged 74 years, one of the best known and wealthiest politicians In Kentucky, died t Lawrenceburg, Ky., of liver trouble, ftftar lingering Illness. LEADER OF WASHINGTON'S 4GO Wlfeof the Vice President Occupies that Position. "Washington, P. C, Oct. 17. Social life at the nation's capital Is supposed to radiate around the wMte bouse, and as the largest factor In social Hilars the women, the woman of the white bouse is nearly always the directress of the Washington 400. Mrs. McKlnley, as Is well known, i not able to bear the physical fatigues of these duties, and tbey naturally fall to the lot of the wife of the vice president, Mrs. Garret A. Hohart. Mrs. Hobart's health has not been of the best during the summer, but her friends hope to see her able to take her seat on the social throne when the president's New Year's reception of ficially opens the season of balls, re ceptions dinners, luncheons and teas. Mrs. Hobart Is a handsome, well formed woman and is somewhat younger than he distinguished hus band. Her New Jersey home has been a model one in every respect, yet she has always found time to take an ac tive part In society. She has that charm and grace of manner that springs from the heart and bears no suggestions of the arts of the profes sional conversationalist. Women are very fond of her and she has a coterie of young lady friends whose admira tion almost amounts to idolatry. Mrs. Hobart's young son has already set the stamp of his approval on bis mother's approaching social promi nence by taking first place among Washington's official youngsters after a short but decisive contest with the 10-year-old son of John R. McLean, the newspaper and gas millionaire It was over the presidency of a small boy golf club, and young Hobart landed himself In the executive chair. PALACE CARS MAKING MONEY. Pullman Palace Car Company De clares a Dividend. Chicago, 111., Oct. 18 The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Pullman Palace Car company held heret represented over 124,000,000 of the capital stock. Directors George M. Pullman, Mar shall Field. J. W. Doane, Norman Wil liams and O. S. A. Sprague of Chicago; Henry C. Hulbert of New York and Henry R. Reed of Boston, were re elected. The annual quarterly dividend of $2 per share, payable November 15, was declared. The income of the company from earnings of cars was 17,743,344. In come from other sources swelled the total receipts of the company during the last fiscal year to $8,974,888. The disbursements for this year, Including $2,800,000 paid In dividends, were $7. 204,037, leaving a surplus for the. year of $1,770,851. The number of cars owned and controlled Is 2,428, of which 2,103 are- standard and 325 tourlHt, or second class cars. The number of passengers carried during the year was 4,852,398, and the number of miles run was 190,562,758. During the previous year the number of passengeni carried was 5,112,905, and the number of miles run was 191, 862,947. The value of the manufactured pro duots of the car works of the company for the yar wj $4,205,251, and of other industries, including rentals, $476,366, making a total of $4,681,617, against $7,704,938 for the previous year. "GENTLEMAN CEORCE"TOURING Assistant Secretary of War Takes a Trip West. "Washington, D. C, Oct. 18. Assis tant Secretary of War MelkleJobn left here Thursday night on a tour of in spection of military posts in the west. The assistant goes direct to St. Louis, where he will inspect the post of Jefferspn barracks and visit the site for a rifle range for the Jefferson bar racks troops, which has been offered for sale to the government. The next stop will be at Fort Lea venworth. Mr. Mejiklejohn will visit Omaha, where the headquarters of the Platte are located, and inspect Fort Crook. Before returning to Washington he expects to Inspect the department of the Dakotas, Columbia, California and lntwtne:i Ue posts and stations en route, which can be inspected con veniently, It being the purpose of the assistant secretary to familiarize him self as fully as possible with army life and some of the more important mat ters that come before bim for official action. Before returning to the war depart ment Mr. Mellklejohn intends to visit his home in Nebraska for thepurposeof attending to some private affairs that demand his consideration and to cast his vote at the coming election in that state. Still Fixing Up School Lands. Chadron, Neb., Oct. 18. Hon. J. V. Wolfe of Lincoln was busy all day leasing school lands here Thursday, where the old leases had been cancelled for non-payment of rent. By Mr. Wolfe's system of leasing lands the revenue to the state from this county will be more than doubled. Heretofore a speculator would secure a lease on a large tract of land, make one payment and then aslgn the lease to some irresponsible party and while continuing to use the land, would ever pay the annual rental. Mr. Wolfe has cancelled all these leases and let the land to actual resi dents, who will not only use the land, but pay for it. He was advertised to speak In the court house this evening, but having received a message from Lincoln to go at once to Hastings on official business, the meeting was not beld. Senator Allen's Appointments. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 18. The follow ing apoplntmcnts for speeches by Sen ator W. V. Allen have been made by the populist state central committee: Orand Island, October 18, 2 p. in; Al liance, October 19, 2 p. m.; Hemlng ford, October 19, 7:80 p. m.; Crawford, October 20, 2 p. m.; Chadron, October 20, 7:30 p. m.; Rushvllle, October 21, 2 p. m.; Hay Springs, October 21,7:30 p. m.; Valentine, October 22, 2 p. m.; Alnsworth, October 22, 8 p. m.; O'Neill, October 23, I p. m.; B as sett, October S3, I p. m.; WaAoo, October 25, S p. m.; Lincoln, October 26, I p. m. A CONSPIRACY UHEARTHD. THE WAY BIG CORPORATIONS GET INTO FEDERAL COURT. Every Subterfuge Known to Men Is Being Utilized to Defy the Laws of Nebraska Seeking Refuge in the Federal Courts. Lincoln. Neb., Oct. 11- Attorney General Smyth has file 1 a.i aiuwar bc f re Judges Munger in the Unir.l States ccurt in tue case wherein the South Omaha stock yards has sue 1 oat an injunction against ths enforcement f tbt new lav relating vo the fees to be charged by the stock yard compani?. The attorney general charges in his answer that a conspiracy exists be tween the South Omaha Stock yar4s company and the man who is sup posed to be the plaintiff in the case. This figurehead plaintiff is a man by the name of Greenllff W. Simpson, who claims he is a resident of Massachu setts, and that he is a non-resident stockholder in the Union Stock Yards company. He begun proceedings in the United States court some time age wherein he alleged that the Atterney General of Nebraska and the officers of the stock yards company were about to put into force rates for handing, yarding, loading, unloading and feed ing stock at those yards In accordance with the law passed by the last legis lature. Mr. Simpson submitted as proof of his claim that the officers of the stock yards company were going to obey the law a lot of letters and copies of proceedings of the board of directors of the company. Mr. Simpson alleges that the rates fixed by the law were In sufficient to pay a reasonable profit on the property and investment of the stockholders, and attacked' the consti tutionality of the act itself. Simpson asked for an injunction to restrain the defendants from putting into force the act of the legislature and the schedule of charges fixed therein. The case came on for hearing be'ore .Tuc'ga Munger, on the application for the injunction, and last week he granted the order and issued a tempor ary injunction, with the provision that testimony should be presented on some points raised before the final determiu tlon of the case and the dissolution of the Injunction or making It permanent. The case stood in this condition when Attorney General Smyth filed his answer. He alleges that the man from Massachusetts and his allegations about a great Injury is about to be done to non-resident stockholders in the Union Stock Yards company, and that the officers of that company werti about to put into force the rates as required by the law passed by the lust legislature, and that lnter-state com merce laws were about to be violated the letter writing and the workings of the board of directors of the com pany that it all formed a conspire :y for the purpose of getting into n federal court, which would not other wise have jurisdiction. The attorney general sets out that during the session of the last legisla ture the president and general manag r of the stock yards company spent sev eral months at Lincoln endeavoring to induce the legislature to not pass this act, and after It was passed the officers and stockholders endeavored to per suade the governor to veto It, and af ter Is was signed and became a law tbs president of the company, W. A. Pax ton, repeatedly declared that it would never be enforced; that it would be wiped off the statute books and that the company would do everything In its power to prevent Its enforcement. That the Letters of the plaintiff and the alleged procedlngs of the board of directors of the stock yards company, which are set out in the plaintiff's bill as an evidence that the officers were going to put the rates in force, were not written nor done In good faith, but as a part of a scheme wall understood between the plaintiff and the company whereby a fraud was to be perpetrated upon the court and whereby jurisdic tion was to be conferred, in violation of law. The attorney general denies that the stock yards company will enforce the act of the legislature If not restrained or that it will pay any attention to the law, but that the suit is a friendly one between Simpson and the company, In which the company seeks to transfer the controversy from the legislature, where it was beaten, to the federal court. All of which 4s pleaded and set up as a reason why the federal court has no jurisdiction to hear and deter mine the questions at issue. The answer in denial of the residence of Simpson in Massachusetts tnd that the matter in controversy Is of the value of $2,000. A specific denial of that portion of the bill which alleges that the "yards are now worth more than $6, 000, 000, and that twice that sum now expended would not replace the plant and secure the business Is now has." The answer alleges that the connection made by the yards with the ralroads, as set upln the bill, was for the bene fit of the railroads tnd a source of made by the yards with railroads, hauled large quantities of stock to these yards. The statements of the bill as to the lands In the neighborhood of the yards; the allegation that the yards and the railway companies connected are engaged In inter-state commerce, are all specifically denied for the pur pose of compelling the plaintiff to make proof, It is denied that the act of the legislature resulting the rates at the stock yards Interferes with Inter-statu commerce or that It deprives th plain tiff and other stockholders of their property rights without due proceec of law or that It denies to them equal pro tection of the law. It Is denied that the charges fixed by the law are far below such as will yield Just and reasonable compensation to the own ers. On almost every part of every al legation made by tbe plaintiff the at torney general enters bis dental, whloh will compel the plaintiff to Vrore the same. FlCHTINC TWENTY-FIVE Y E ARB. Longest and Strangest War of the Present Century. Not long ago the following cable Item was flashed over the world: "A despatch from Achin, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, says that in a fight at Segll yesterday a hundred and eleven Achlnese wer killed. The Dutch lost one man killed and had twenty-two wounded." That was all, and very few who read tbe few lines understood what the Dutch were fighting about and who these belligerent Achlnese, their opponents, are. As a matter of fact, the war of which this battle was an Incident is one of the most remarkable struggles ever carried on in any part of the world. It Is the longest war of the century, for the fighting has been carried on prac tically without a break for no less than twenty-five years. It has cost Holland her best blood, and in money has neces sitated an expenditure of seventy mil lion gulden a year nearly ten millions of dollars and from present appear ances it bids fair to drag along In definitely, for the Achlnese simply snap their fingers at their would-be conquer ers, and leave the climate to kill those their weapons leave untouched. These Achlnese occupy the northern and most mountainous end of the is land of Sumatra. They are a dark pkinned, tall and hardy race, who con sider that they have a right to retain possession cf their native country in spite of treaties made without their consent, consigning them to the tender mercies of Europeans; and for a full quarter of a century they have suc ceeded in proving themselves entirely capable of enforcing that right. The farce of Dutch possession of the terri tory began in 1872, when Great Britain, with characteristic shrewdness, suc ceeded in palming off Sumatra on the Hollanders In exchange for certain rather visionary rights claimed by the Dutch In Ashanti and on the ?old coast of Africa. John Bull didn't charge the Dutch very much for Sumatra; but if the latter nation had paid John a few hundreds of millions to retain his pre cious East Indian possession they would have been considerably in pock et, and many thousands of their citi zens might now be alive, insteic" of oc cupying neglected graves in the deadly fever jungles of Sumatra. The Dutch fondly imagined, when John Bull so generously gave them these happy hunting grounds, that all they had to do was to step ashore and take possession. That was twenty-five years ago, and they are still stepping ashore and staying there for the most part. The fever fiend has no terrors fot the natives, but proceeds to exter minate the troops sent from Holland with a merciless hand. It is a fact that ir. one campaign recently, seventy out of one hundred of the Dutch soldiers were killed by the climate before they could engage In battle. These twenty five years of warfare have cost the Dutch, excluding the untold loss in hu man lives, a heavy deficit in their colonial budget every year, the humil Irtion of having to abandon all hope of expanding their colonial possessions in the East Indias, and a loss of prestige that has made their name a laughing stock in the east The Dutch have tried many expe dients to subjugate the Achlnese, but neither diplomacy or bullets have been of the slightest effect. When It wa3 ad mitted by slow-going Mynheers, after a score of years of unsuccessful war fare, that the troops of the Netherlands were of little use in campaigns against the islanders, they tried to starve them lntc submission by establishing a blockade. But the hardy mountaineers paid but little heed to the stoppage of their supplies of tobacco, opium and spirits. They had played a waiting game too long to be disturbed by trifles. They merely retired to the Jungle, whither they knew well the Dutchmen would not dare to follow, and left the climate to do the rest. In the far east, It may be noted, the climate does not often disappoint those who rely on it ae an engine of warfare. In Holland many excuses have been made for the length of the campaign. A Hollander who Is quite unprejudiced said recenty: "The whole fact of the matter Is that the Achinese was Is kept going for political purposes. In the first place, It provides a means where by obnoxious members of the military force can be quietly eliminated. If a mil itary man Is indiscrete enough to of fend the party in power in the Nether lands, he is shipped off to Achln, where, if he escapes death at the hands of the natives he is sure to be carried off by the climate. Another way In which the war is found useful, at least to those who stay at home. Is that a con stant stream of supplies is necessary for carrying it on, and many thus have an opportunity to get rich at the expense of the government. It is ridiculous to suppose that the war could have con tinued for twenty-five years, beating all th war records of the century, had the Dutch been determined to bring it to a close. As a matter of fact, the stay-at-homes do not want It to end. It is far too useful to them. "If successes are gained they will not be followed up. The military comman ders will be Instructed to leave the rest to the admirals of the fleets which are blockading the Island, and the latter will continue their asinine cotirsa of keeping from the Achlnese the supplies which they get along very well without. The best thing for the Dutch to do would be to give upthe stupid fight and lrave the Achlnese alone; but this they will never do as long as there are ob noxious men to be gotten rid of at home and contractors with govern ments pulls to fatten at the expense of the Holland soldiers." So, In all probability, the war In Su matra will outlast the century, and the fable will go on recording from time to time a victory for the Dutch forces or a fr.rh raid of the daring and appar ently Invincible Achlnese. An armed government vessel inside of St. Andrew's sound, Georgia, sud denly steamed out to sea under full speed and shortly afterward came a report of cannotadlng. The presump tion is that the cruiser sighted a sup posed filibuster and fired upon ber. The mangled remains of William H. Rtttenhour, a Journeyman tailor, aged 60 years, was found In the Chicago ft Alton yards at Bloomlngton, III. It Ii supposed he was killed while trying to board ft freight train. A TALE OF TWO JOKERS. Py Charles H. Lewis. It used to be tbe firm of Baker & White, but Baker purchased White interest in tbe firm, and then the sign read, "John 11. Haker." it was Just af ter this change bad taken place that 1 was made head clerk, and that a stranger named Charlts William Thompson appeared in the town of Greendale. Our business was that of a general store, and Mr. Baker was the owner of a big woolen mill in tbe town. The rear end of the store, with an en trance on a side street, was divided off and rented to the government as a postofflce, and there was a door com municating from the store. Mr. Baker bad a large safe, and in this the post master kept his spare funds and stamps. We had three clerks and a bookkeeper, and it was rare that any of us had an idle hour. Mr. Baker was a jolly, good-natured man of middle age, who dearly loved a joke. People used to say that his bearty laugh was as good as a tonic. Mr. Thompson arrived in Greendale one afternoon to search out some long lost relatives. He was also jolly and good natured and middle-aged. By the laws of magnetism it was perfectly natural for the two to come together and joke and laugh. This was just what happened. They liked each so well at first sight that Mr. Thompson forgot all about his lost relatives, and Mr. Baker lost an hour out of the busiest part of the day. However, as he got ready to leave the store that evening he called me Into his private of fice and said: "Charles, you saw a Mr. Thompson in the store this afternoon?" "Yes, sir." "He's a stranger in town looking up some relatives. Very nice man ha! ha! ha! Tells a very funny story, and It does me good to hear him laugh. You heard us laughing, didn't you, Charles?" "Yes, sir." "Yes um. Well, you may like Mr. Thompson, and you may laugh and also make him laugh, but you keep your eye on him just the same. He's a very jolly man, but I've got an idea that he can be very serious on occa sions. There are times when one's safe holds sums of money, and Mr. Thompson may covet these greenbacks. Laugh with him, my boy, but watch him at the same time." Mr. Thompson soon began dropping into the store in an off-hand way and making small purchases as an excuse to get a general look about and engage the different clerks in conversation. He appeared to "take to" me as much as he did to Mr. Baker, and to make a dead set to win my favorable opinion. As a matter of fact, he could beat any drummer on the road telling a story, and all his conundrums were new and full of surprises. But for Mr. Baker's words of caution I should have taken the man as he evidently wanted' me to, and after a week should not have hes itated to scat him alone in the office. As it was, I laughed with him, but kept my eyes open, and after a few days I thought his object in dropping into the store was to get a close look at our big safe. The safe had a com bination lock set on four letters and changed every few weeks, and only two of us had the word. At this time the word was "Jose." After a few days, and one day soon , after Mr. Thompson had spent half an hour in the office with Mr. Baker, the latter called me in to ask: "Well, Charles, do you find our Mr. Thompson a very agreeable man?" "Yes, sir," I replied. "Tells a very funny story in a very funny way ha! ha! ha! Never re peats hiEiaelf, and never gets off any thing old. Makes you laugh, doesn't he?" "Yes, sir." "Yes, of course ha! ha! ha! How ever, keep your eye on him just the same. I think he comes in here to look at the safe, rather than to joke, and I'm giving him every change to inspect it. I think he will invite you to pass an evening with him pretty soon, and if so you had better accept. Laugh with him, Charles laugh as hard as you can but at the same time be on your guard. The funny Mr. Thompson ha! ha! ha!" Mr. Thompson had the best room at the best hotel. It came to pass that he Invited me to spend an evening with him, and had some cake and wine, and song ti.nd story, and I never enjoyed myself better. By and by, as we laugh ed and joked, Mr. Thompson turned the conversation to orthography and its blunders, and it came to pass that he asked me to write down twenty words of four letters each. I wrote "John," "Dash." "Hope," Bill," and enough others to make up the twenty, but I did not write "Jose." Mr. Thomp son knew that the safe was set on four letters. In asking me to write down twenty words of four letters each he might reasonably count on my writing tbe safe word. I might have done so, except for Mr. Baker's cau tion. "Yes, Charles, he was after the word ha! ha! ha!" laughed my em ployer next day when I related the in cident. "Mr. Thompson is a very funny man, but I think we are funnier than he is. Feeling quite sure that one of the twenty words is the word that he is after, bis next move will be to get Into the store some night and make a try for the contents of the safe. We must laugh, Charles we must keep on laughing with the funny Mr. Thompson bu we must also keep right on watching him ha! ha! ha!" Our general custom was to keep the store open until nine o'clock at night, and the postofflce also held to that hour. Then the bookkeeper would go, and he would be followed by the clerks, and It was my duty to hang on until about nine, so as to be the last man rights before leaving. By and by, to wards the laBt of tbe month, the funny Mr. Thompson began dropping In about Inle, so as to be the last man to go. On two evenings he detained me till 10 o'clock telling stories, and as I began to get suspicious of his inten tions, I sought advice of Mr. Baker. "Ah! that funny Mr. Thompson ha! ha! fca!" ! .nghed my employer, as he leaned back and rubbed his hands. "His time is drswlag very near. As near as I can figure it his game will be this: On the night of the 30th he will manage to be the last one In the store with you. As you are ready to go he will seize and bind and gag you and then go for the safe. It will be very funny, Charlea hal ha! bat" "But I dont see It, sir!" I protest. "iMm't you ? Well, you go rtajbt along and lethim carry out bis plan. If you don't fight Lack be won't hurt you. We will play a little Joke on th Jokeful Mr. Thompson." On the afternoon of the 30th Mr. Thompson dropped in and passed Jokea with Mr. Baker for half an hour, and we beard a great deal of l&ughter la the private office. At eight o'clock 1 the evening the postmaster bad about $2,000 in our safe, and the amount al together was about $22,000. It was av dark and rainy evening, and there were so few customers in tbe store that I let the clerks go home early. At nine o'clock, as I expected an counted on, Mr. Thompson arrived. It was a walk of five blocks from hi hotel, and he would not have com' out in the rain except that be was ex pecting important letters. He got. none, and the postofflce closed after hi inquiry. As he came through th store I was all alone, and there was no doubt in my mind that he was pleased to find things thus. He took a seat on tbe counter and began smok ing and asking me to guess conun drums, and at half-past nine o'clock tbe streets were quiet and the hour had arrived for bim to show bis hand I sat in a chair facing him and only a few feet away. Of a sudden, and? while he was smiling and laughing, he put his hands on the counter an leaped forwards and landed full upon me. I was carried backwards to the floor, and be had bis hand on my throat and his knee on my breast be fore I could put out a finger. "Be quiet and sensible, now!" h cautioned. I am Mr. Thompson. Some times I am funny sometimes not. There is no funny business about this. If you keep uiet I shan't hurt you. If you don't I'll use you might hough!"" I had no idea of struggling withv bim. He took from his pocket pieces, of rope and bound my arms and my ankles, and when he had finished, said; "I am after the money in the safe,, of course, and of course I shall get it It will save time and trouble, how ever, if you will give me the word If you are obstinate about it I may have to hold a lighted match under your nose." I refused him any answer, and af ter a minute he passed into the pri vate office and began working at. th safe. I could hear but not see hlm He saw that all the doors were locked before he let me, and on suck a night as that be had little fear of being; disturbed. He took the list of twenty words I bad given bim and started ia. on the combination. He had tried eight of them when Mr. Baker and. two policemen suddenly rose up from, behind a screen, each with a pistol ins. hand, and Mr. Baker caleld out in., great good nature: , "Ah, there, you funny Mr. Thomp son, but this Is an unexpected pleas ure! I was just dying to hear one of your funny stories, but I hardly thought you'd call at such a late hour!" Mr. Thompson was Btruck dumbs: for a moment, but he was a man of" cheek as well as of humor, and, after catching his breath, he answered: "That you, Baker? ha! ha! ha! Did you ever hear the story of the man who dreamed he was a horse?" "No, never did. If you are feeline well tomorrow cocme around) and telL it. I knw it must be funny ha! hal ha! Were you trying to work that combination?" "Why, yes, I was trying, but hav had no luck. You seem to bare ex pected me here tonight." "Yes, ha! ha! ha! Say, Thompson, doesn't the situation strike you a rather funny?" "Yes, devilish funny ha! ha! ha!""" "Same here. I shall miss you mor than I can tell. If you have time be fore you go to state prison, I wish yon would write me out a few of your beet. Jokes. The one you were telling me yesterday was a regular corfcer be!" ha! ha!" And for a quarter of an hour more the two continued to joke each otherv while one of the policemen came out: into the store and released me. E didn't feel ver mirthful over the af fair, but Mr. Baker slapped me on th back and exclaimed: "Charles, my boy, you mustn't hold? any spite against Mr. Thompson. He's? a very funny man, and if he could? only stay in Greendale a few weeks longer I'd get fat laughing over hi Jokes ha! ha! ha! Say, Thompson, tell him the story of the old maid and. the goblin ha! ha! ha!" "I I don't feel as funny as usual,,, for some reason," replied Thompson. "The fact is, I think I've got myself" boxed up." "Yes, just so," replied Mr. Baker. "I don't suppose any funny man cub feel funny when he's boxed up. If yon haven't any more jokes to relate th police may walk you over to the cal aboose." The funny Mr. Thompson took his dose like a man. He had played his hand and lost, and he was not the man to kick about it. He attempted no de fense, but said he was probably walk ing in his sleep. He received a sen tence of seven years, and before he was taken away Mr. Baker went to thee Jail to see him and say: "Well, Thompson, any new Jokes or conundrums before you are off? haf hal ha!" "Nothing today," was the reply. "Say, we used to swap some mighty good things, didn't we? ha! ha! bar Hang it. I wish you were going along: with me." "And we'd keep each other laughlngr from morning till night. Sorry t can't, but I'll see you seven years laterr and we'll have lots of fun." And it is the solemn truth that two flays after Mr. Thompson left prison he called at the store and visited wlth Mr. Baker for two or three hours, and' they slapped each other on the back and laughed until their sides aches with tbe exertion. In an encounter between Noah Rey nolds and Jerry Leverett, white, on one side, and a dozen infuriated ne groes on the other, at Paris, Tex.. Leverett was probably fatally Injured and Reynolds was badly used up. Ser-: eral of the negroes were slightly In jured. Pour arrests have been mader and others are to follow. J The executive committee of the But ter, Eggs and Poultry Shippers' asso ciation will be present at the next meeting of tbe Joint Traffic association ', to preM their demand for a carload J rate.