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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1897)
- E r " ("I" Nil ill .nil In I tic .w JRMAL Ml T . Lit.. . ' uVrtibf' l i A V TT T X X iff r -j 1x1 JOURNAL VOL. ZX. HARBISOiq-, TSITJE,SIDJL-3r, OCT. 1 183 ito. e. .1. 0 The Sioux County Journal.!i:i lc' SllllNC iptlllll Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL P.PCR OF SICUX COUNTY. tif. II. .('mum, - - . Editor, Knt-r.-il t the Iliindwui post ott'ice us t-rciiiid CllOUl UlhtttT. 1'uslim Slate Ticket. l'iu bid) of tin- S'l prf-rne Court, J. J. Sl'I.L! VAN, "i .1 it ml.' j-, 1 nr i'eiciit, of It1. t'iiivi-r.ltv, CP.O. K KKNOWKIi. Visiir. v.. v. f,ui:ki.l. ::.unv. I'iimoii (.Vm;itT Ticket. I nuTii v I U I li. M. J. iU.KWETT. 1 nu nv Trciooirrr I chaklf.s;i!Lr.. ' n'l i: y shrrin . THOMAS IIOI.I.Y. ii'iul r Jitdtfc, koukkt v;i.sos. ; ( timilr Mipi-r nfri tciil. miss KLsii: m. i i i miuty Surveyor, ; R F. THOMAS. ! I)r .JULIAN'. E. PSIIMNKY. ' Jt'.N' -C. MKNG- j (iiml y ( itinmi liuinT. 2inl flint. I ANi-Ui.V PRO. UN'lER. I 'im v ro:i(inl.iioiiT, 3r-! I'M, I JAMKS F. YOLN(J. TIk- Winui7 TP.ii-H. ! The caiidiilati-s on the fusion county j t n ktt w ith the except ion of Miss F.Nie ,M iria.i) for Sujieriiiletiilenl, of S'-hools, i ami Thou-as Holly for slseriir will ii"ed 1 ii- iiitroilii-ti-ii to tie: vcters of our! county. : M. J. .!li-w-tf who h(fi.l-i the ticket for . ,r i ii i nt v i. I'ik aa.l ho is tie! pr-.-sent. in- cumlii'iit Is a com i t ( '!'.( lect and iiiitiest diii-i r ami lor f i"-jf of this Male j liieiit any hody w hi cnr-s to take the, trouble to inform thnis-lv-?- can call atj .Jerk tllewett oliico anil mal;e h -rson- j al exaiiiiriatiou of his hooks or Mr. Iliew- ) ft wiil t-ikv .p-:'. -.1 pains tv show 1 them. ! Charles Ca in-- wdio is a canilidato foi ' Trea-urer aud, like Lile-tt is1 tn present, i-iri'y tre tsurer. Cli irles I ll.ehli! h( en on-of ti; liest -oon!v tr- asur- i Si'iu county h is ever i the pio-l fort uici to p issess; f. has! .col ( ti-d taxes that none of his pre-! decessors could t w het her t!n-y tried or not v. e do not, know at. any tat! the man who can collect th taxe, .i-ventbiKK elsH iK-mj; equal is just, what. we want ami that is Charles H ehh; j .whom we know to h honest, r-ompft-j t-it;ind in every way fllted for tie; posi- j '.ion. Tiiomas Holly the nominee for slienir of f-noux county is a resident of Iiodarc"t, is aixxit 40 years of a,'e and in I the prime of life; he is an ol.l reid.-nt of J tlii" -.-ounly ;trnl is n, man well qualhfled 1o (ill thu olllc-j of sherilf ami in our j ipiricn when lie pies lifter a criminal, j will brini; hint in dead or uIivd ii such n j tiling' ran ho done, if thu voters of our! county want a man that will do his duty under all circumstances pvo Thomas Holly a hearty vote on November Viul. In Ik half of Hon. Jud:o Wilson, our present county Jml,'e, it would not he out of place, to say that ho has no doubt been one" of the very h--t.i, county Judp-s this county has ever had. He has lilled the oHice for th') past two years with credit to himself and to the pcoplu he M-rves. iio is honest, upright und com petent atnl we believe his decisions on points of law in eases brought before his Honor for ailjuilicaViii have always tx-en fair und impartial. He lias made as litlle expense for tliu county as pos sible. Judpt Wilson has read law with Judpj James Pollac of Paxton, 111., and Jinlpj Iii.wis of lluUhiusor., Minn., 1h!--ides readuiff law hero. Judpj Wilson li'ld.s dipiily uinl lionor to the olfice tind we li-lievo no better candidado could liiivu been found in the county for the place. He has lieeti tried ami not, found walituii.;. He is gentlemanly, courteous .mil oblipu at all time's and ho is the ii.'hl man iu the right place. it. F. Thomas nominated for tint olllce of county surveyor is wu lielieve as well qualifiud for the position as any man in the state of Nebraska; hu is the present county Purveyor mid docs work in his Jitio both in Wyoming and S. Ifcikota, which tpr.uVg for bin ability as a couijk. ent 'lurvcyor. Jo honuster man was vcr induct e'l ino oftl'- in the county than we believi; f,,n. p. V. Ticua . to b y: expect to sen b;--i r- -l cie-1 'o t'- r ' As oniinty rur.wr I lr. Juli.m E. I'liiir ' 14 urd"iiy to ii'j:rt !nrnr:t!ily .'(.ti1 i f ttlm iio!ii:n;tt-l l y tlif fu-,iin niMiily :iu I i)i:!li ully 1 ( i- nnri:iin-? of !lic furn-s S .t . '.'."ii 1 1 . i ill in mi r (! n l f'oiufiitiuii. Now in rc ml tu Hit- slieri;!' (Imc'.iI wit li nil. . i;niMtiii iiml lin (idlit tli eilitor of t ii" prt-.-s'' Mis the JJeini' !n I. It is true tli-re h ts nut mi far cmts iviTe allowed to iiame cli ik iin.l Ihmii another caiuii.kite put into tin- l.t-Ui shcrili', I U-; ,-av f) ch(!Vr; til-! Vmo :it-;iu-:iin.-it liim, hut 'V.-n if timns vvms no aki'U luit ohm (;l!i-e tlmtof ui.d tin moi'f ("ouipi'tiMit ihiko:i in tli:( coonly Populists iihiiiI and n')iuiil:ti tli-) sliT co';!l h-3 found to preform tliv liii;. ies ill'. J ronall v iixjuird fruni iifip'i'oor t liat il evolve upon the county coroUKr of Mr.llolly's hu his pnio:i.:iiil nl--:is tliu'i tlr. Plniuiy. i '.vcre on tli reform pinst:-ju of thn ci.iy, i Mi-s M-rri;! in who was tin i h i-) as informed ly t'n'iii l h:it lw was a of tin Pi-opks In..p"n(hi)i Party con : strong fr.? silat-r nun, ani that. Ii wor!:- vi ntion i r.J in.loi . lit' tho I hwM:n ti; i;onvr)'ion f ir t ounly Mipi inti.-rid.'iit of Piililic Jiistriirtion is a resin jnt of War- honiiut ireciiicl. and so faras w are ah!e ; to lerirn lias the alulitv and iiuulilicit- j t ions to ad mini -r tli'i dot ;s of t lit !II- ' i f of s'lj. i-riuti-iul 'iit if eleoi.l as wu 1,- Imvc s!ie will he. W; helii-ve Urn i: mi j mat ion of vhss Mrriam was an li mor ; wo!l in-mowed and orm wp know is hh- ; ly appreciated hy her arid wehelieve the voters ought to rally to her support. ! - - i ."i.'iiic na .nistaiiP. 1 Then is one tiling w.j d.-sire to im- j prison th voters r.f the ; i (I. i iimiins i i,iTs nisi , isi.iih. -i.i. ii ; iiiissiom r i oiin ' ou 'it tiy all iie .ins tii he i leid'-il tills fail, h h 'in t ',v otilv niein-iii-r of Ihe fild h,;ai';l w h i has iien nom iii.ih il ti (ill th.' olli.-e a;' iin: tin) other two, one lias resigned, and the le.rm of the other has ex pi reil, heticij it, looks as if it would ho w roii to put three new men in tie? nll'ice. who will liavn in knowledge j if Iiovv the county alfairs are run. We do not mean to say that thu other andiates are not, all of them men j or, tliat. tlicy aro not. ipiaiineu t-ven n ; i.r. , i any one of should hi! l-leo'ed, hut, lii-c'lll-.-' Com II I i -SH ,-ner Youri has had a year's experience or nearly so to assist him in the discharge of the dulies of the office if elected. Mr. Youn' is 1 i'ii i.-st , conicictit i'Uis, can-ful ami compeiuilt to f i 1 1 t h" olli.c'. if is a eradiiati) of an Publish co!ep and he has been a resilient of this country for over sixteen yars. We are quite sure no mistak-i will ho made if Mr. Youns is elected in November. An Opft'i Letter. E htor Siucx ' 'o. Juries at,. Imr .Sir: I wish to m.ik:; a correct ion in regard to an item in lu st w-ck's issu of the Jol'KSAl. in regard to Mr. Fon-e, have either been misquoted in what I said or wilfully rnihf -qir" v-nt "1, a del e'atC to the Imlpl. convi n'.i'in in whoci I havj implicit roriliduniaj came to me i and in a conversation with M". Force he Frank, why dont you run lor count.' ju'!'e Mr. Force's reply wan I haven't thought anything ah-iut it in , . . ' i i ,- further cor, vi-rsation he sanl i you pi - o - 1 pie s.-e proper to nominate me fir the ofliee I will come be f ire your convention and make a statement be d d n it, iid'v I II mat siaien.eui. ... i opoosu e e . t . .... II i... n i .. . Pepubhca.ii or i democratic I m:i iioiniiiation with the full kuowlcd th that it would add strength to the wh,.l ; tick- , i . . , , et rep.nlless of what his political f- filiatiotw tui'ht he, he w.u my n-iL,'hh ir for year'" anil his reputation is above reproach anil his qualification for the position cannot be questioned and know-1 v,;t(;r!i h(x (-;inU Xahradia, that in' Ins personal influence in certain pnr- j hy an a-l. of thu la-.t h-filslal ure, the tiousof the county th -re was not a I judges an I clerks of i.-l-ed ion in I he couu intestionof doubt but what he w..ul,l . '.v are to be pp .iuie.1 by the county ,, i- .i i, Jiid,'e, and that, sin h el 'Ction olhcers will draw a respectable vote frmu th - Ki-;.. i,,pm,., fl,,m Ui(l vvll) 11)iiv )H publican ranks and every vote so taken ; i.omin.iUsl by precim-t ctiueuseH of the was equal to two votes for the ticket ( several parties, provided that Ihe curtifie- tiominated the 25tli, if the delegates at ; the convention could not see it, in tlie lit I did, I have no cause to find fault. if I understand the principle of tlu Pop- j "a, r Persons for judges and two for ulist party they dont let party name's cb-rks o( election. become a stumbling block in the way of j i'rnm ""'"inecs certified tr. me I reform, Judge Maxwell was ami I cannot j h,i reij iired hy said law to make tie' sav but tsa n-publiean. The Po1iulists ; a-l'ictments on the 2Hrd of October; nominated ami elected hirn why, Ih-chus.. i 'f ;i,l.v l"'irlv in "".V princinct shall he was an honest Judge and true to his.''1'1 to hold its cau.-us and certify,!, convictions of honesty he could not be nomination, within tl e time hpcoilied, I used as a tool by corporation and poll- i '' U'i-after make such appointments ti.-.-tl tricksters audi for one am proud i as shall upon impartial information seem of congressman Judge maxwell ami if Mr , l" most M' "J i' conformity Fvrco should have been elected to the of- i Wlln tl,,! l'uv' fice th.) blush of shame would never j 1,1 prccinels which have not already have had come to mantel the cheek of i nominations the caucimes should anv fonohst. H.-siiectfullv yours. j held without delay, to insure time j r , . Wrn. J. A. Racm. What Do. the Disturber Think of til's Fullowiiiii Eellcr. Editor Smrx CoiwrY Jouknai. Iieir Sir: t i.i i.:. ..ii.. .,.,!. r.. .. 1 :...:. I i WOillil IlillOl.l ttll IOI fh lllllll.i njin, 1 I 1 II I . ijlllllOI'- II ill. .1 li, linn .11 , i iiiiiii J . . , in reCiiril to the iate con vent 'in - I r. ad ii brief acc t of tic- proceedings of thai body iu the Press of your cil y ; I nothing but feelings of respect (or the editor of the tire-,s,yet 1 think he is mis- , ,-. ,., . seonstruiug the actions of the convention that took place the 2"th it is very true the Pops are a pluarahty in the county i but that cuts no great linger w hen if is u mutter of vital importance to unite Pol- itical forces of different additions, on one or mom principles of reform; and that was the main object in view in the con- venfion the 2"lh, tbe silver 1 )etnocrats asked for Ihe olllce of County Clerk, and l.' lth'i remaining ollicns to the ot In r p tri a ' , i( 'VM'-i : uplya iirilter of I ' il.llli-.t-i -d and support ,-d tli.j 1'opuiist noii.iiu-'-'h i lor hnvcral years, chat, was stilhriwit, rn- I -otn.iid.t lull for toysdf a. id 1 M;-vn for , the niajoijty .f tins ,oiiveiit on, or tli. v ' would not Ii.ivj iioinin:itd Mr. li iifv: i!ie idea and the p--at I'oire of t hh PUKji.s" is to i r- a',- i!i:..i;isfaijt ion aaioii tn Voters of the silver forix-s, thy ar well aware that united we siand; devid.-d we fall, heia-e the ik-Mre forsowirj; the s-eil of discord. 1 for one favor a clean open campaign on party I, ties tu:d principles, anil t.'ii- f i .- of tii- s. vera I candid its for the rsp-j,;-tive ollices th "V aoire to (ill: I hav i no rj , (.rif lsiz ;l KU1S pr, v;U(i a;r;l, l,ull.i,puhl:.' I,fe' havea ri it to censuie i ' r :i hl; to the manner h performs the trust confided to his keeping and on thoso lines I am willing to take up my shan; of the ii'ht, in the corning cam pai.,'n an I filit It to a successful Yours for sun-ess. Win. J. AR.vCM. Fiodure loins. J. B. Burl; pit a f-in:in (O'llrai't lint t.ik" a month to eou.pli-l.-, for Mr. . . r ' . . , . ii : . . : m inn hi it hi, .-ii . .im is as.c i l. .o . ., , " Potat i di-jpn is the order of the d i v : from present indn-al ions potatoes will he h.ih. Tni-y are w..i-:ii Slh li p--r bushel in Omaha and 1.(11) in i 'ouin il Hlull's, so it will pay farmers to hold their's lor a. -a Ink- hinder. Mi-s Jordou made a short but pleasant call al the I'.oilarc P. (). hist week. .Mr. and Mr. ZouuM-mian and Miss I. lie also their son E nrie-ry and Mi's. L-v ibuit vi.iled witli Mr. I'.ll hlliU h'r Family 1. 1st We.-k, Wo tru st to see them soon a;rain. V. li. i.ari.s was a valley visitor last Monday. N.-il Jonlon traded some of his anil Mr. J- Puce's driving horses m Mi;. for cattle Neil isexfiecied home any ilvy now, Mrs. Oeliock returned from Indian creek Sunday alter tiiri-e weeks ahs'-nce, she has lH?en mu sing Mrs. John Kirker. Mr. Hibhlen has pin i there tOtUy as Mrs. K. is still ver- sick. Mr and Mrs. J. Smith wets valley visit- orM vesivntav. f- n- (i Mr. Tom Holly has bought Jan.- S uiht. h imestcae. tin eosi ii-ration live hundr-ii ,i,,,irs. I Mr. and Mrs Picdorlf returned from S'1"-"' "'' 'ripth.-y left, here last sprint; with their horses Thev traihsl ' '.. ... , f ,,. . , i oil some of their horses for cattle w hu h j , h,.y 1 1 1 f t on I he t rain, has. i 'otl'ee shipped ten cars of eatth s'it uruay ami twel ve Sunday to Omaha Emmery Zimmerman went with the , , ... ,.,.,.,,, ., ,,., , ,.. ' I complete nis si inbes at lieh-vu t'ollcp Mr, W i-i klr m a u is conlineit to his liid h" ,rt'" 11,111 il" summer. 'Mrs. W. came home last week she lias I wrkill(; rr ,,.!r S(II1-S h,Vin-ontfir ; all sumoier. ():n;.I;vi;it. NOTICE, VaII,.., I. ...... I v ,. 11,,. I..,r.l '""- '"' ''laion .ir-i lil-U in my o,n -e on or lie fore the day of October; each precinct party caucus should for the caucus nlllcers to return the certificates for l.luing by Oi tolier, 22, No persons nro eligible as election nlllcers w ho are not of good character ; approved integrity nnd well informed: or w ho cannot read, write ami speak nhe En glish I tnguiii-'e, or have not resided in the ' . eleCtlOt) recim t in which the, nre to serv-i next preced ' nig their appointment '"' a,v ""' ei'tnled to v-nt-- th, re.ii. or nr. candidates to be voted for at the elect u to bo held Nov.-, uber 2ml Kj; or who i . . ,, . . , , ., have anvthing bet or wagered on the re suit of kin h election. RofiTlKT vVlI.'ON. I , , ! Mint h. ; f. W. Drown will take notlco that on tin- i and tl ay of sept, i k:i7, d, s. Cox Justice of tlie peace for sioiix County Nebni-ka, h.iic I mi order of nt liteliinent ror mi), mi In un net Ion, hern a. Prhneiui x, in ,liiliitl( anil l I W. Iirown ili-reiiileiit, tlmt pronci iy coimiio. .(f II lirn.l ol lior-es of ilelViwInut Iiiis l,i-i :l i.i I ,,-),i ,1 . -a el iri '.oi, I i mn T (( s.l le i I I. i I', ii.'.l . I tii al-'-iiaei-s I': ! JiVrr-son. Vft. ) in t 0- l,".i;. t ' To rd of count' coeirnis.soiiern met tare IJllIlT ceiio i. 1'rei.jiit t 'iimi.j!ofc'-r Wi-bitr, Vouag :ti. l I iiikliiini ii ml ( le. 'k. Ylie ri'!;;ii:itioii of V, p. Iliuuijn us liraml .-t.iiiiiiissioaer W..H pKsei.tuil and on inota-a jec,.:,t,.,t. '1 in- i sl srn n t --i i f Charles, K. svli'p as jue 'if-o the I .nee iv.u presumed and on mo. ! teei neeep ef), The hti.temeiit of '.V. II. I .; vi-. comity r, j.j v,.,i ilieriat.i-ii li-at of ni(,.iiei dStiir-! an.! 1 was p e-iieiteil and o t motion ! .ppriiv.-d. ! na iiiot'eiii lvrry Wh'.ti wus eppii ited ro.:d over -teer In lio.vca l'ri-ei.iet, Ui.,t. M). i Ti- r.'ipieKt of thu sol tier i relief eoniniis--i'ei r lull .loan I'lti ikett -!'i, ml ,ie.-oiiiit if th- nolil -.ers relief wis p ci it d .u:d oa n a ion allovved ;uirt w;irr iat oi'iti-red train o.i si, id fund for nunc. Tin-oiliei i! lioad of J'eii-y H'llito road ; aver-n-cr in 1'isL, No. 1-w..s presented ana i oa lentioii i.ppi'iveil. ! i J In- peti'ion of J. C. Miiph y and otli-rs j isking that t .e pollliit; phiee in Whist.e i i 'reek pneiuet lie idi . ,:(,'eil to the store ol ('. 11.1 rlo j at I cil, N h. Wis pr--,iti'.d u-id on . iiiotioii Ihe prayer of pethio.iei-H is liereby nu eil. j Tile complaint arid petition of the Cotton- : .-.o.;d jii-ople alii--, ia r!i a the in mi traveled road to Harrison h n! ln-eti ohst i-uel. I by 1 irtiiM leneiu-x and My-:t ilm; J I ro.ite yvas presente! and on motion Commission r i WelM-ra-id Voini wire appointi.-d to view i said roaj aud r.-ii irt it this ui-i-Lia.. I tut motion llo i.-il itdjouruc I to view said I ro:id. I .V. J. Ili-Ewurr, C'ic rk. I lliirri-on, Vi b. Oct. 7. is'.)7. j j V.n ir 1 of cou ''y connnissioiiers met pur- j -ii nit t i nil journmen t. i'rt'cnt Coinniis.iouir Widjer Yonnff and Tliililiani and Cliak. Com ails-loner Wi-ber anil Younj.' after i aeviiiK t hi- road com pi line, I of, report la fa vor lit open; n s .hi and o , uiot io l I lie c nuty attorney is hereby requested to no tily thii ro tit overseer of Cottonwood pr i-inet, ,lii .t. o. 9. to notify lluniiaii K. Mil' ler to open up said road, and Co amissloner Vi Cbi-r aceo up ini d by the coiiii.y survey or are on mo! ion antiiori.i-d to reopen ami plot sa d route brinninK it county road o. ji. eoraer -if sect! u 7 il-.-,', a 1 1 iatsrs 3t coil ity road ii. 2 '. -ve s.i s etio is I ,ia I ;t, .'!i .vii -hip II, t i.i : j i. on motion aX.o-rt ilohwi-r Was ippinnted t itii-iiiber of t lit: bran I committee ofsiour iloiinty, M-b. The fullowi i! elntuis :i; ihis! Sions C-ninty Mere ii'iilili'-l and on li.otiiin ;ilmve. and u-irrant oi-'len-I ilrawn on county bruise i u ail oi ).-'. 7 t or - une. i iury While buililuu; br'ul-i- V.: Lewis Cerlai-li brid Ke spik . :-"ta Tne foiliiWiHKelaiiiis it stnux County vTere ii'iiliti-i and on motion anT v, rrarit s orde, u.l di nwn on p nerai fund of is-, 7 for same. ( li ines lliehle tiostiure fi.M aiiiui-l 'ji-bb-t l.ii cry hire S.UJ M. J. I'.l -wett , K ilary' post ie, slation- j :o y and i-ii ii;n II u j n last ,:cn (7 j 1'r.i iik i .'i kliam. ser ices us i o. I mn 1 1. mi ' I. .). Webi-r, - " all v' : 1 1 1 -s 1-. 1 ounk', " " i .ran t ( ,u 1 hrie, " " '.11. '-II Alt. 7. ..Ill iiiiVi l I'.a t i-tt, " " sle rill' - :..0n -I. it" Jour. i I Co., statin. i iry '... 6 .-ii . iia I'ri a lam; ( o. si a tio-i ry in ( i iiavi'l VielirMiu, Hliplii-S fill- pauper..- .-,2 I i.i Lewis lo, " " " 4.0.1 Tlie claim of J. K. Hartwidl for nuiilieal si-rvi -res riselereil to p.iup ir was presented and oa motion laid over till next, meeting. Un motion th; I illin:? pi iee In Five I'oiuta precinct Is chunked from the resilience of f rank Tinkhain to the school Hou,o in Dist. No. ''4. mi motion the Polling place in Hat creek precinct i clittwl froai the resid -nee of i:, . Coll' -e to the r-si-le u-e of Han .ford en. un moiio i iliiar i adjourna l till II. a. m. Xuv. 4 Lit . Ii'j7. M. J. ni.K.w :i i , Cli-i k. How To l-'ind Out Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-lour bouts, a sediment or settling indicates uu un healthy condition of the kidneys. W hen urine stains linen it, is evidence of kidney trouble. Too I requcht desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is a I so convincing proof that the kidneys aud hlader are out of order. What Tn Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that In-. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy lullils every wish in relieving pain in th- back, kiihie.s, liver, bladder and every partof the urinary passages. It corrests inabilit y to hold urine and scald ing pain ill passing it, or bail ell'ects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, nnd overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to tret up many times during the night to urinate. The mild nnd the extraordinary- elici t of Sami llnot is soon icnlized. It stands the highest, for its wonderful cures of Ihe most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by drug''is s, price lifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle nnd pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention THE SlOt'X Cot NT Y Jni'usu. and send your address to I)r. Kilmer & Co.. Piinghampton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. ('II II fur A'l'ii ilhural r, c Ic'y i ling. 'Ii ri'l.i'i i. N ' I, , i. I- r I .! Mi ' e '' t V Of Oil o a ' '.-toll i iC.Mi, ' ' 'I l-l lO',', A l.'li it i 1 11 r 1 1 i li"ld ir II iril o p u-tio'e (.r 11 ' I.ecU"! with till n- tie I. li ( 'v i .i t t, I AH the d liter nt co tiailit' ts u n-t be er -i-nt to report tr in-u -lions conil'ig nu ler tlielr cjui I urn iturln the Inst conn y fair, held September, II, 11 iiii'l U'.tli, nnd nl ti n complete detnileil iiscoinit Iroin eiicli iitnl pvrry one tlmt nee rniipaii led Die i !ilb"l to thu -tilie fair It s rnqniMlnl, -letn Ming Ihe iiiiioiint taken In cari-, lilto the ntiiount r'liirneil to tlni ottiiers tin'l iiNothn nrtieli'-i (linlKii.cll of H h I Iii nwnv It tu uIm.. ,i,..,.l ' tlmt. thef be ni iniinr nieniher of til- uncle. iv ,ii-i-iict,'ii line i'i oi'ui-r lai llrilsll ill) ',, It . Hirn pcrl.autiiiii; lo f, f !r J. I.' I- ' !.!,( . .' a-ercl .'li V. stuck i.vii's. Tuk ,Io:-uxai. 111 imiilish your brand, 1k the lollo-.rin, for f ':, j-r yei-.r. l.aei; :nt- ililioiail I ran. I 7r, ( cuts. Kvej-y farmer or! rain-litneii ia si-,ut ami uijohiiiir coiintii-s: iiioiil'l ailvertis. Iliiir hra.nlH in 'J'HKjo.Kj st lis it clreiili-ies al! over the stata-. It imiy be tlie mcaici of (,avii,Lr nioiiev lor vtia. rr'H THINK NfTTO. "jl left .side if I'll ij'ili'j i-liiiol'Ier of liorsiv. ! lll li-fL si, n of cuttle oil rf., T pJy jfJ R-.uiBft on Aute'olie creek I". U., (.hneliri-t, Sioux Co., Ne!i. ( HAlil.KS HIKiTI.K. Cm let t side or hip of cattle, ) . i ''It shoulder (.1 ' liii-rM s. i i' -i-'s llinnire on the head ot vt urbonnK !V.'.P're.'k f jj'&j A'ldroMf Uarrison, Sioux Co. Neb. wp qjy-l S. W.CAKKV. f'AiflC?;'"" I,,ft 'ouliJer of cattle and B-A '(liorsi'M. Llvi.'it h.o.i-'i- on I-it'.le Cottonwood. I'i. ., ( rawlord ;-ebr. A ('raiid p,irtunity. There are today thousands of youn peoilu on the farms and in the villages w ho are tied down hy lack of education tii work thev hi-artilv dislike. Are vo,i one of them my friend? If so, the! (irantl Island iiusim ss & Normal Coll-j avfe can put you n tlie road to siii-cessj if vou are ambitious and willing to study. It makes no diU'ernce how liackv.aril you are provided you are 1,1111 ,e aiai oe-an onsniess. v, ia.e n evervthin-x tn-iessr.iy for a mn cesslul start in life, if yon are short of money we will accept a piml note without in terest for tuition or if necessary we will furnish everything tuition, hoard, ana hooks anil give you time to graduate and pnv for sani afterwards. Iiusinr-ss, Normal ami Shorthand courses. Moan! $1.50 per week. Established 13 years. OolpLre Record sent free or catalogue for 0 cents tn stamps. This is your chance of a life tune. Will you let it slip hv? A dress, 'A. M. llAIWis. President, Grand Island. Nebr. ImLER BROS., They handle every thing usualy handled in a ge: era! department country store. SUCH AS DUY GOODS and GROCEttlE, BOOTS ?.! ! SHOES, HARD and TINWARE; also FLOUR, FEFD GRAIN, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY -THE r r r fr"n r j , iV IV H .K W J. JL JL J -I J-,Js -i- J I ' J- J. l ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. E. BREWSTT.Tt, President. D. H. GPJSWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. . jansacts a General Banking Businec z CORRESPONDENTS: Ameiiicas ExcriAViK NATtoVAt. Wamc. New York, Omaha National Rank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. HTDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. - r-T"- " 1 '.."'.j'j.'v-l:. .. . i " - IT'S DAK vi A F1 f ti r:-" rrs jr m n - Tu .'.- M 4 I.VM. ... ;;)! AH" MlrtBUBV. . I,-., ,., ., ,.a in un ,, iihv, iii-ii-Mii vi.ii (-(. i,i- , clim-i hi-iile l,i. niiml. i'ii.,.iiMV,. Iiim ynii ran n.nk-i It , unri-l' e,i... ,. , 1 1 '- vi t I hut ' ' 'ifliiitT vhii H.iMt im,. ia-.ei. lv mly II rrelilnr. II,'hI I i,.i ,,, ,.,1 j-. I lal.t TtHH lilfh will lam. j',,,1 llf.-iltn,-, icrl r.n. ihn hriipr.l In I III-en. I. .',ii,,io r , ill. ri tlinniun foiirweluhK. IIKHAttEOI' I ni l A I'lWftMi faicsaw;c3, roc E Ct CO., 1102 rt, f i-.h-j, r.'tli. fJlUNT OUTElw'L, iliiornoy-aMevv. Prompt at tent ion given An r.U by:'; matters in Justice, County urn! E'-ind Ivourts, and befoiu tlie ViiiUi SU', r,,T rl'i,.u Fire Insurance written it; -r companies. Lepil j apers carol ully d: av i IIariuson. - Kuii.'Jis n7, ci i:fif in a But still on d? rp -to do wagon worl; r n A o olrCTTt 1 "1 '"i XJJ-U Uia-Ji.kJjLiJ.J. Lj.iJ.ii. r Third building soutl; of livery barn, - J)Q YOU WANT JOB WOJtK D0XM THEN COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE. GOING TO MARSTELLER V.l- . a t a ATT T A , A C. F. Comrs, Vioa-I'tesidsnt. 0AVMT1-. TRADB Htl., " DESIGN PAT)-;. COPYRIGHTS. tor Infnrmattoe and (mo Hndbink n ru HUNN CO., Mil UlirnuWAr, NrT ' Oldf-Kt bnnaii for tornrtnff fiau-ntii In ii-,-Kvnry TiAli-nt takta out hy in U lireu-.-lit ' the iiulillu by a uuUo lvt-n ln of i-rni Irff t rtrf-nliitlrfl of unr -tintlfte pi. weriil. M.len.lldlr lllimtiMtml. N b, tnrn cMnt-l tm wlthoot l Wwklv t ' ci?: r,:JiHr month". Art'ln-wi ML'NV I I'aLO.I.m, fttil lit I Jti" r., "... v; in. . . , , v- - -. -i tj'". -t r .; -it- . 5- ii t, V II. . . I. ... -f