The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 14, 1897, Image 2

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CEO. D. CANON, Editor.
Seidell Trott ifl the appropriate name
of a livery table kept in Kearney.
Fifteen Hooper women, tired of their
preeent condition, have banded to
gether and organized a woman's club.
A Nebraska City man whose vocal
cords were paralyzed was so tickled
to see his grand children that he re
covered his voice.
Two Harrisburg men saw a thousand
antelope in a bunch out in Wyoming,
but the weather was too warm for
them to bring any of the game home.
The Nebraska City papers are
troubled over the momentous question
whether it is truly metropolitan or not
to publish party tickets in the papers.
The Florence Bulletin thinks that if
it is impolite to "gawk" at pretty
things in a strange house, the owner
has no business to have them there to
be gawked at
Oliver Perry of Table Rock was
awarded $250 damages for a broken leg
caused by a defective sidewalk. He
was suing the city of Table Rock and
he asked for $2,000.
Two red-headed and one tow-headed
boy ran away from Plattsmouth in
braska City caught and jugged them
braska City caught and jugslel them
before the combination set fire to any
thing. Like the smell of new mown hay
upon the evening breeze comes the fol
lowing familiar words from the Banner
County News: "Don't forget that we
are in need of hay, corn, vegetables
and wood and will allow you the high
est market price."
Owing to the crowded condition of
the primary department of the Shelton
schools the school board at a special
meeting last week voted to add another
teacher. Mrs. Lucas has been secured
to take charge of a part of the primary
scholars. There are sixty-two enrolled,
this number being more than ever be
fore. T. J. Wise, alias F. J. Wagner, alias
"Big M-ike," who was under arrest at
Fremont, where he had been indicted
by the grand jury for shooting Night
Operator Pargeter of the Union Pacific,
one night last May, when he and an
other man tried to rob the station, and
who broke jail the night of September
26, has been recaptured at Wharton,
Kas. He will be taken back to Fre
mont. The mortgage record for Red Wil
low county for the month of September
makes the following showing: Farm
mortgages filed, $2,373, released, $11.
753. The city mortgage filings are
$500, with $800 released. In chattel
mortgages the filings aggregated $24,
818 and releases $18,485. The tax col
lections for the month exceeded any
thing in the history of the county,
The little two-year-old daughter of
Alex Balderson, a prominent farmer
living two miles west of Cortland, was
bitten by a rattlesnake last even n ,
while playing on the cellar stair and is
in a verycritical condition with very
little hope of recovery. Medical aid
was at once summoned, but before it
reached her the arm was swollen to the
shoulder and the poison well circulated
through the system.
F. G. Gooche, an employee of the
Burlington & Missouri, was in the back
room of the Capitol hotel at Lincoln
Saturday night in an intoxicated con
dition. Charles Burnet, a colored por
ter, attempted to eject him and Gooche
showed fight, using a spittoon as a
weapon. Burnet struck him across the
neck with a ball bat, knocking him
senseless. Gooche was taken home and
is thought to be in a serious condition.
The fourth annual Phelps county fair
closed at Bertrand Saturday. In point
of attendance and attractive features
It fully justified the expectations and
promises of the management and was
financially and in every way e great
success. The liberal purses offered
brought a fine string of horses Into
competition and the races were excep
tionally good, giving the best of satis
faction. Fine weather brought out
large crowds on the second and thiid
days, the paid admissions numbering
about 1,000 and 1,500 respectively.
Last Wednesday morning fire broke
out at the home of S. W. Horten at
Benson. The fire started in a little
room used as a storeroom In the base
ment joining the kitchen. It was first
discovered by Mrs. Horten, who was
alone at the time, and only prevented
a rapid spread of the flames by closing
all the doors of the room. The alarm
was then given, and it did not take
long for a number of men to put the
Are out before much damage was done.
The damage is covered by insurance.
The Are started from a defective flue.
Word wag brought to Beatrice last
Friday of the burning of the large
barn of Frederick Littemeier, who
lires near Clatonia. Littemeier's son
William, 13 years old, whs burned to
death. The boy was sleeping in the
hay mow. The huel man was also
to sleep there, but had sat up to visit
with a friend and was about to go to
bed when he detected smoke In the
building and started to locate the fire.
He Anally started after the boy and
had got to the opening leading down
stairs when he was partially overcome
by the smoke and, leaving the boy,
fled from the burning structure. The
building burned rapidly and is a total
Ions, together with eleven head of
horses, 800 bushels of corn, 1,000 bush
els of oats, a quantity of wheat and
rye, thirty tons of hay, farm machin
ery, wagons, etc. The aggregate loss
la over $5,000. The amount of insur
ance could not be learned. Origin of
the lire unknown.
Everv Department in State Affairs
Shows a Need For New Brooms
Short Sketh of the Candidates of
the Reform Forces.
So far no state institution nor branch
of state government has failed to show
the great need of a change of officials.
Nebraska's state university is no ex
ception to the rule. The management
of these higher institutions of learning
is of vital importance and should be
taken and kept out of the bands of po
litical cliques.
The nominees of the united reform
forces are both excellent educators.
They are not bookish on school mat
ters and foolish on all others, but they
are thoroughly practical, having been
made so by their constant association
with the people.
No doubt the readers of this paper
and the friends of Nebraska's great
university feel an interest in these two
gentlemen which warrants a personal
mention of them.
E. V. Forell was born in LaSalle
county, 111., near the city of Ottawa, in
the year LS65. He is of German par
entage, and is distinctively a self-made
man. Reared on the farm in Illinois
until eighteen years of age he had no
chance to attend school except in win
ter and then at the home district. In
183 his parents settled In Thayer
county on a farm four miles from
Chester. Young Forell began to breathe
in the progressive Nebraska spirit, and
at the age of twenty he entered a nor
mal school in Kansas, of which J. M.
Reid was president, a man whose
worth is known to a large number of
Nebraska people. Two years later he
was happily married to Miss Mary
Walker, and for the next three years
he taught in country and graded
school, climbing upward in his chosen
profession. His old determination to
get an education again took possession
of him, and he entered Fairfield col
lege in September, 18S9, working his
cwn way through and graduating with
honors and the degree of A. B. in 1894.
He, however, continued at the school
pursuing some of the higher studies
and teaching bookkeeping, German and
penmanship. The following year he
was offered and accepted the chair of
German and history at the same col
lege. At the close of the year 1895 he
resigned his school work and moved
to Kearney, Buffalo county, as pastor
of the Christian Church, which work
he followed very successfuly until last
spring, when he accepted the Chap
laincy of the State Industrial School
for Boys, located in his home town.
Mr. Forell is a man well liked by all
who know him. His home life is ex
ceptionally happy and pleasant. He
has one child, a little boy of two years
of age. He has always voted the in
dependent ticket and is a man of strong
political convictions, a very striking
personality, is a good campaigner and
will be elected by a majority of such
dimensions that his friends will be
proud of the man they have supported
and the campaign he has made.
George F. Kenower was bora at Car
lyle, Clinton county, Illinois, forty
three years ago, of sturdy Pennsylvania
Dutch parentage. His youth was spent
upon a farm near his native town,
where he was trained to habits of thrift
and industry. After completing the
studies taught in the district school
and that of the neighboring village, he
entered the Illinois State University
at Champaign, and completed the full
course of studies in the school of Eng
lish and modern languages in the Col
lege of literature and science. He was
valedictorian and president of the class
of 1875, which numbered thirty-six
students. In 1880 he was granted the
degree of Master of Letters. After
leaving the university he engaged in
teaching in St. Clair county, Illinois,
and taught eight years, three in rural
and five In graded schools, the last
two being in the High school depart
ment at Belleville, 111. Mr. Kenower
took a leading position among the
teachers of his county, and was presi
dent of the St. Clair County Teachers
association for three years. He was
granted a life certificate as a profes
sional teacher in 1880, being one of four
successful aplicants out of fifty-two
who attempted to pass the examination
that year. In 1881 Mr. Kenower was
appointed on the Board of Regents of
his Alma Mater by Governor Cullom,
to fill a vacancy In the board, upon the
recommendation and petition of the
alumni association and students of the
university, being the first alumnus to
receive that honor. He was reappoint
ed by Governor Hamilton in 1883.
Mr. Kenower resigned his position at
Belleville In 1883 to take editorial
charge of the Belleville Advocate, the
oldest and most Influential republican
newspaper in Southern Illinois. In
1886 he located at Wisner, Cuming
county, Nebraska, where he purchased
the then recently established Wisner
Chronicle which he rapidly built up un
til it became a profitable and influential
journal. Although he has other and
somewhat extensive interests in his
section of the state, his time and en
ergies are chiefly devoted to the man
agement of The Chronicle.
Mr. Kenower was nurtured in the
principles of the republican party and
all of his life prided himself upon his
stalwart devotion to that party. In
sympathy with the masses of the com
mon people, be tended to the side of
the anti-monopoly element in the re
publican party, and In 1894 supported
the candidacy of Governor Holcomb
with all his energy. He was an ardent
advocate of the remonetlzatlon of sll
rer, and when his party last year de
serted its old financial principles and
became a gold monometallic party, he
repudiated the name of republican and
followed the standard of bimetallism
and supported Bryan and the entire
silver and fusion ticket. He has vlg
orously demanded a reform in the ad
ministration of state affairs, and to
that end has labored for the supremacy
of the people s movement.
Mr. Kenower Is a man of positive
convictions, and uncompromisingly
follows the dictates of bis conscience in
politics In all other concerns of life.
Hi Integrity and the purity of his life
have neer been questioned, ftnd those
who know him best are glad to b-ar
witness to hl worth. A student him-'
self, he has always taken a lively In
terest In educational matters; a suc
cessful businessman, he is practical and
safe. As a contemporary and admlrerj
has said, the reform forces of the state
could not have found a letter or more
worthy man In the state for the re-1
gency of the university than Mr. Ken-;
ower. He will bring to the discharge
of the important office for which he Is
nominated valuable experience, emi
nent qualifications and a taste for ed
ucational matters. The voters of Ne
braska may confidently entrust to his
care the welfare of the great and grow
ing university which is the just pride
of our state and the crowning glory of
a grand system of public education, j
School Lands in Demand.
Niobrara, Neb., Oct. 11. Oommis
missioner of Public Iands and Build
ings Wolfe closed the leases of all
Knox county school lands yesterday.
The attendance at the bidding was
larger than at any other in the state,
and the bonuses netted the most,
amounting to $910. The highest bonus
was $271 on a quarter section.
Tent MeetinRS at Tocumseh. j
Teoumseh, Neb., Oct. 11. The tent;
meetings here in charge of State Evan
gelist Davis of the Baptist association
and Rev. T. D. Davis of Tecumseh.
which were discontinue 1 the past week
on account of the meeting of the asso
ciation at Pawnee City, will be con
tinued, beginning tomorrow. The same
men will be in charge.
A Bii Ice House.
Ashland, Neb., Oct. 11. Phil Armour
has decided to locate a big ice house
at Memphis, a few miles from Ashland, :
and it will be the largest in the world. :
The i-e house will be a third larger !
than the one in Omaha and the latter
has a capacity of 100,000 tons, five of i
the rooms holding 20,0oo tons each. .
Tried to Jump Into the Creek. j
Niobrara, Neb., Oct. 11. Mrs. George
W. Sawyer, who was missing for sev
eral days, was found in a cornfield j
three miles from her home. When her !
pursuers came upon her she fled to a !
creek, and tried to jump in, but was
caught before she could accomplish her i
Tekamah Is putting on metropolitan
airs, and the Bulletin feels it neces
sary to warn its readers against con
men in their midst.
Senator F. Q. Feltz of Keith county
has filed two complaints before the
State Board of Transportation; one
other against the express companies
doing business in the state, and the
other against telegraph companies. In
each he claims that the companies are
charging extortionate rales and that
the business is such that an unreason
ably large and excessive profit is re
ceived on the investment of each of
said companies. He asks that the com
panies be required to answer the
charges and that an order be made re
ducing th rates 33 1-3 per cent.
Mr. Nelson, a young man living
north of Florence, went to the house
of Jacob Ivong Wednesday night when
Mr. Ixng was absent, frightened Mrs.
Iong from t lie house and built a fiie
in the stove and then sat on the stove
until part of his clothing was burned
off. Mr. Ixing upon returning home
took him off the stove and brought him
to Florence, where he was taken care
of by the city marshal until the county
commissioners came for him and took
him to the county hospital He
imagines he is cold all the time and
wants to build a fire and get into it or
sit on a stove.
Rather a simple short-change trick
was operated upon the Adams Express
company at Omaha the other day,
which left their accounts $10 out of
balance. A stranger entered the office
and requested the favor of having a
$10 bill changed for two fives. This
was done and the stranger, after a
moment's hesitation, asked if the of
fice could give him $2 for the two
fives and another ten. When these
were produced the man carelessly
pocketed the twenty and the two fives
and disappeared. When the intrica
cies of the transaction had resolved
themselves In the mind of the cashier
he discovered that the two- $5 bills
were his just due and so notified the
A good story is told of the late Dr.
Von Stephan, postmaster general of
Germany. One day, when he was on
an inspection tour, he overheard an
instrument in a local telegraph office
clicking his name. This is what he
heard: "Iok out for squalls. Stephan
is somewhere on the line. He will be
poking his nose everywhere." The
postmaster general smiled, and then
went to the key and flashed back this
reply: "Too late. He has already
poked his nose in here. Stephan."
John Ruskin is 78 years old and Is
not expected to live very much longer.
His mind has given way and he is
feeble in body. He spends mo- of his
time planting bulbs, and then the next
day unearthing them to see how they
are growing. A recent visitor to Brant
wood, his home on Conlston Lake, saw
him wandering in the park, talking to
the trees, patting them, scolding them
as though they were dogs or children.
And of this man it was said not Jong
ago, that the nineteenth century would
be remembered in future ages chiefly
because Ruskin lived in It and wroto
In it. He has spent the $1,000,000 In
herited from bis father and the fortune
he made by his pen.
The Russians are at present making
vigorous efforts in the direction of a
religious propaganda in Syria, and to
this end are subsidizing on nn exten
sive scale the orthodox schools estab
lished in the principal centers, such ss
Tripoli. Bcyrout, Damascus and Ifaiffa.
Six new schools are to be established
before long. One of the conditions of
this liberality, viz., that th Russian
language should be thoroughly taught
In the schools, has caused a certain
amount of discontent in the community.
Nebraska Day a Crowning Event In
the History of the Tennessee Ex
positionSenator Allen Delivers
an Oration.
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. '.The cele
bration of Nebraska day at the Ten
nessee Continentlal exposition last Fri
day was a notable success. Thousands
of people were present, every
regular and special train being
crowded. W. J. Bryan. Governo.- Hol
comb and staff, Governor Taylor end
staff, prominent citizens of Nebraska
Tennessee and adjacent states formed
a procession and paraded to the. expo
sition grounds. Among the features of
the procession were detachmenis of
United States cavalry, Irish Ianeer3
and German cuirassiers from Buffalo
Bill's Wild West show. The exercises
at the Auditorium consisted of ad
dresses by Hon. James Head, Governor
Taylor, Colonel A. S. Colver, Governor
Holcomb, W. J. Bryan, Senator Allen
and Hon. W. L. Stark. A public recep
tion was given the Nebraska visitors,
followed by a luncheon.
Senator Allen ,in his address, said In
"Tennessee Is among the first and
very best states of the union, being
third In her admission after the forma
tion of the government. On her own
application she was admitted to the
sisterhood of states in June, 179'!, and
we of Nebraska rejoice with you that
the history of the state I so full of
glorious deeds and splendid events. Ne
braskans know of your great water
ways and mountain ranges, of your
splendid soil ;your rich mineral de
posits and agricultural products; of
your famous blue grass regions; of
your flocks and herds; of your elee
mosynary institutions; of your schools,
colleges and churches; they know also
of the glory of the men, and the beauty
of the women of Tennessee; of your
far-famed horses, and, in fine, of every
thing that has made, and will continue
to make this state a favored spot, and
an inseparable part of the United
My first visit to Nashville was not
under as auspicious circumstances as
the present. I came when the union
was in peril, and when the question
whether this government should sur
vive or perish depended on the sheer
force of men, for all were alike brave.
I came here in 1864 as a member of
the union army under General John
B. Hood; and here on your soil, and
in view of the spot where I now stand,
on December 15 and 16, of that year, a
great battle was fought. In which, as a
private soldier, I participated. 1 have
come now for the first time since that
great battle, and when peace and good
will reign supreme; when sectional
feeling has disappeared; when the men
of the north and of the south meet
as brothers and mingle as thv should;
and when the bitterness of the war is
no longer felt. I have come at a time
when Tennessee is looking her best
and when she Is wearing her Sunday j
clothing. I have come now on a mis- i
sion of peace, of fraternity and good
will. I have come to assist you, as far
as is within my power, to successfully
celebrate your centennial exposition
and to add my mite to your happiness
and prosperity. I have come also as a
representative of one of the younger
and fairest states in the union.
"Commercial and social intercourse
as well as intermarriage have done
much very much and will do more,
to soften the sentiment of the sections
that has heretofore existed but beyond
these, and better still, there will be the
consciousness of all, that we are of
common blood, origin and destiny, and
that we must act in harmony to pro
mote the real greatness and glory of our
country. Passion may rend and sepa
rate for a time, but passion is an un
wise consellor and an unsafe guide.
Public sentiment, which is, I nd must
continue to be. the final arbiter of all
public questions and policies, Is rapidly
becoming educated to the fact that dis
putes of a political character must be
settled by the ballot and not by vio
lence. But I am here my friends to speak
more particularly of Nebraska, and I
want to say a word in favor of that
state of boundless plains and generous
people. You in Tennessee, who are
rich In the memories of a great stale
of long and splendid history, may not
have given to Nebraska much atten
tion, passing It with the thought that
it is a young and growing common
wealth of heterogeneous population,
possessing no history of consequence
and destined to remain on the frontier
for many years. But I am proud to
say to you that America no longer has
a frontier, except those portions of our
domain washed by the oceans and th
Gulf of Mexico, and bounded by Can
ada, for in exery state and territory of
the union civilization can be found in
Its highest form and Is rapidly Increas
ing and becoming more permanent and
widespread and permeating every spot
of this hemisphere.
The eastern half of Nebraska la as
fertile as th valley of the Nile. It an
nually produces enormous crops of all
the staple cereals and grass s, and Is
a typical agricultural and stock rais
ing country. The western half has
much valuable agricultural land, al
though a large part of It Is more prop
erly devoted to pastoral pursuits. Ne
braska, as a whole, Is one of the best
Btates In the union. The climate 1h
genial In summer and not unpleasant
In winter, notwithstanding there are
occasionally severe storms. But they
are of short duration, and the winter,
with the thermometer at 30 degrees he
low zero, Is not felt more keenly than
In Tennessee, a molster climate, at
Nebraska Is a perfect state In point
of health-giving qualities. I know of
no place where there Is such universal
good health as In thnt slate. The
climate Is not debilitating, but energiz
ing, and those who come among us
from other state soon find themselves
In a bracing atmosphere and returning
to health and energy.
Of course our history covers but a
few years. From a few sparse settle
ments of a few thousand people, along
the western bank of th Missouri riv
er, forty years ago, .Nebrimka has In
creased in population to nearly a mil
lion and a half of human bplng.
Where, a thrii of a century ago, the
buffalo ranged are now found cities
and towns of large commercial and ed
ucational Importance, containing a pop
ulation, that in point of refinement,
and all the qualities that make good
citizens and bright men and women,
stands in the very front rank of the
best manhood and womanhood of the
United States. We have scattered over
our plains schools and churches by the
thousands, numberless academies and
colleges and many universities, where
our children can get as good an educa
tion as can be obtained on the con
tinent, and we have an intellectual and
God-fearing people, who read and think
for themselves, and who cannot be ex
celled in the manly and womanly vir
tues by those of any other section of
this country.
My friends, next year will be held
In Omaha, the metropolis of Nebraska,
a city possessing 160,000 inhabitants,
under the auspices of the Trasmississ
ippi congress, the Transmississlppi and
International Exposition, to which we
cordially and heartily invite the people
of Tennessee and the southern states.
It is by no means an easy task to
leave an established community where
one was lorn and reared and go into
a new and unsettled land, burdened
with cramped financial conditions, if
not handicapped by absolute proverty, i
and successfully lay the foundation of
a great state. A people capable of such
to work must possess qualities that
commend them to the sober Judgment
of all, and they certainly deserve well
of their kind. Those who had the
courage to invade the untrodden soil of
Nebraska and establish the foundation
on which the state rests found many
inconveniences and hardships to en
counter. The land was to be broken
and the soil subdued, and the usual
period of experimental farming was to
be undergone before agriculture could
be said to be a success. Homes were
to be built, bloodthirsty savages en
countered and subdued, transportation
lines established, cities and vilages,
school houses, churches and public In
stitutions to be reared and, In a word,
everything was to le done from the
foundation, under the most trying cir
cumstances and inconvenience. I feel
confident that for our people, who have
made such a heroic struggle, there is
nothing but admiration in the breasts
of the noble men and women of the
south. But amid the toll, struggles and
privations of pioneer life the people
of Nebraska have found time to In
form themselves and provide means for
their children to obtain a liberal educa
tion, and there Is now no excuse for
any young man or woman leaving the
state to get as good an education as
can be obtained elsewhere.
The struggle of a long pioneer ex- j
perlence makes It desirable that our ex- ,
position shall be a success, and that t
you, as well as our fellow citizens
throughout the land, shall visit us and ,
see the progress we have made. My
friends. I want you to come to Nebrns- .
ka next year, and join with us Inmak
Ing the cloning days of the nineteenth ;
century the best and most brilliant of
our national history. Give us the ben
efit of your ripe experience and mature '
Judgment, and afford us an opportunity
to show you our hospitality. In the
sun-kissed land of many rivers, lying
to the westward of the great Missouri,
where civilization Is yet new. but well
developed, we need your encourage
ment and aid, not material aid, but
moral encouragement, and if we can
persuade some of your young men and
young women to settle with us, we will
assure them a hearty welcome and an
equal opportunity with all In the race
for wealth and station.
Behold, my fellow citizens, the lm- ;
portant events that have been crowd
ed Into a little over a renturv of na- ,
tlonal existence. Civilization has grown
and spread until It now extends in Its ;
highest form and greatest development j
from ocean to ocean, and from Canada :
to the gulf. Powerful aboriginal sav
age tribes have been steadily and grad- ;
ually pushed back from their native ;
fastnesses until they are now broken ;
fragments of a once mighty people, j
scattered over the plains of the great ;
west, invoking the sympathy and ask- i
Ing the aid of those who have succeed- j
ed them. They are rapidly fading from
the earth, and within a few decades at
most they will be numbered among the
extinct types of the human family, vic
tims of the Inexorable law of the survi
val of the fittest.
All these and other Important events
I have not now time to mention at
length are the work of a little over a
hundred years of deveopment and pa
tient industry under a free govern
ment. They are being swept into th
vortex of the centuries by other events,
but like the pillars of a temple, they
cannot be dispensed with In the great
structure of free government we are
building. Iyct us add to the greatness
and glory of our country, let there be
universal accord and good will among
the people, and let us work In harmony
as brothers and sisters for the un
building of the race and the nation,
and thus perform well our duty In our
day and generation.
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 11. Bryan has
come and gone, but his speech is still
with the people of Nashville. His ad
dress was pronounced by many as one
of the finest efforts of his life. Tin
crowd present to hear Is variously esti
mated at from 10,000 to 20.000.
It Is now settled beyond doubt that
Nebraska day was altogether the great
est day of the exposition. The gate re
ceipts were alout $5,000 more than for
any other.
The Nebraska party today drove out
to the battlefield of Atlanta, where
Thomas defeated Hood thirty-three
years ago. The party was accompanied
by Senator Bate of Tennessee, who was
one of the generals In that battle on
the confederate side. Senator Allen
was also a soldier In this battle in the
ranks of the union army. Together
the two went over the scenes of their
struggles, Senator Allen showing the
eiact line o -harge In which he parti
cipated which decided the fata of the
That the tendency U to the loncn
tratlon of Industry the hand of
corporations " (ir'"1 ,,,,'"in " ,J
as In the United Hales Is hoi If
the fact that tb nuinUr ot industrial
companies In England has iikth.m-4
from 8,692, Hh a capital of il'-v "
DiM, to 2 1.2-3, Wi. Hu a cnttbl or
1 145 000,000. in 1
Municipal or municipally sul sidd
labor registries, where woikingmen
may register for emplovn;i,t or em
ployers may apply for woikrnen, exist
in most of the German cities. I he
total number of situation" offend dur
ing June by employers through thirty
six of these was 22.62!; while 2fv.a2
situations were sought.
The large influx of foreign-born,
workingmen into Pennsylvania has lei
to the passage by that state of a law
which provides that all persons, firm
or corporations employing one or more
foreign-born, unnaturalized male jcr
aon, over 21 years of age, shall be tax
ed 3 cents per day for each day mi h
such persona shall be employed. One
half of the fund is to be used for
school purposes, and the otbr
half for defraying the general
expenses of county government.
The act took effect July 1 It
Intention, as stated in the preface, is
to protect citizen laborers of America
against the competition of citizens, in
other countries.
The evil of the employment cf ali'n
labor has been felt chiefly in the min
ing industries, large numbers of Huns
and Slavs being employed. The re
turns show the average pay of a Penn
sylvania Iron miner Is J 259 a year, find
that the average pay of a coal miwr
Is $"37, in the same state.
In Switzerland from the sma:iest vil
lages It Is possible to telephone to any
place In the country at a fee of from 2
to 8 cents on Instruments on wbiih
one can' he;.r with perfect distinctness
and which are kept In perfect repair.
The number of towns in Great Brit
sin that own and rent sanitary dwell
ings to the working classes is con
stantly increasing liecauae of the suc
cess of the experiment. The district
council of Hornsey, one of the Ixridon
districts, recently decided to creel a
series of Individual dwellings at a co:-t
of $150,000. Two classi s of cottages are
to be provided, one of seven roon.n,
to rent for $7.50 per month, and the
other of six rooms, to rent for $6,50
per month. Glasgow has found i's
system of municipal dwellings so prof
itable that it has purchased property
in the suburbs to provide further low
priced sanitary accommodations.
The city of Huddersfleld, in England,
was the first to adopt the plan of con
structing and operating Us own street
railway. The city's balanre sheet
shows that during the year ended
March 31. 197, its receipts from the
street railway were $115,256, with ex
penses of $03,970, the surplus being
$51,221. The city now has in operation
a system of parcel delivery and, in Auc
gust of 1S97. completed a year s exp'il
ment In using the street railway line
for the removal of refuse, trucks bein
run at stated intervals. The experi
ment has been most successful.
Nearly two hundred cities in this
country now own and operate electric
lighting plants, and the number is con
stantly Increasing.
The recently published budget shews
that during the last flcl yeur tb
profits of the railroads opern'cd ly
the Japanese government we re $6.(0.
000 gross and $2,71o.OuO net. This is in
spite of the fact that railways in Japan
have been of recent development, for
it Is twenty years since the first rail
way, eighteen miles long, and which
ran from Yokohama to Tokio. was
completed. The railroads have been
constructed on American methods, ex
cept as to financiering, and most cf
.the material and rolling stock has
been sent there from this country. The
state owns and operates 593 mlies,
while 1,697 are the property of in
dividuals. The report of the United States col
lector of internal revenue for the year
ending July 31, 197, shows an Increase
in the liquor out-put of only 1.793.S35
gallons, while the ordinary annual in
crease has been 8,000,000 gallons. There
has been an actual decrease in the con
sumption of cigars, the receipts hav
ing fallen off $523,760, or about 4 per
cent. These decreases are variously
ascribed to the growth of the tem
perance sentiment and to the hard
Most of the ferries In New York are
owned by the city, but are leaded to
private corporations. Under the new
charter the Dock Board has the right
to provide for municipal operation and
under the leadership of Erastui Wl
man a fight is being made for that
Investigations made by German dcrn
ographiHts show that the rich live
long and the poor die earlv. Th
mortality of Infants among the noble
families of Germany Is 5.7 per cent,
while among the poor of Berlin it Is
84 5 per cent. Diseases arise from the
conditions under which the working
men labor and live.
For some years past the state rail
ways of Austria have granted two
weeks' vacation annually to their em
ployes. The private-owned railways
have not ben as liberal, hence tiie
Austrian railroad minister recently
made an appeal to the railroad man
agers to grant their men the sum priv
ileges, on the ground that It would
promote their efficiency.
The gross earnings of the govern
ment owned railroads of Russia in
1896 were CV4 per cent greater than In
1895, amounting to $9,102 per mile of
road, against $9,095 In 1895, the mils
age having ben Increased.
State operation of railways will be
in an issue In the coming campaign In
North Carolina. Senator Butler Is op
posed to any further extension of the
lease of the state's railroad lines to
private corporations, and Governor
Russel has taken the same position.
The New Zealand official year-book
for 1897 contains an Interesting ar
ticle dealing with the land system cf
the colony. The chief features ol this
system are State ownership of soli,
perpetual tenancy for the occupier, end
fixed rental value based upon the as
sumed value of the land nt the time of
disposal. The "unearned Increment"
Is secured to the state by the land (ax,
and nt the same time the tenant's Im
provements are secured to him. The
well known Torrens system of land
transfers la employed in making conveyances.