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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1897)
AtrhWaU (II. tr HlxNC ! Tin wittirit artu-la man limit in oi-wripaprrs In tlin porrinl mi'Mincinjj bin wtic r-tM)nla. Every womin probably believ-rn, ttiai in borrow inn Irom lier rmihlxir, eht; la a little the worst of. We wotiM liate to lie a prenier. Ktrery woman givei them chicken, and they must l awfully tire 1 of it. lettuce is o easily micd an.l to worth lf. We refufe to 1 itratelul at this otliiil for presents of lettuce. fttmke Into tour SFioen Alleu'a Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart lug feet, and Instantly takes tlie tttiujj out of corns and bunions. It's tut greatest comfort discovery of the He Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-tilt iu or uew shoes feel easy. It Is a eertaiu cure for sweatiiii:. callous and hot. tired. Aching feet. '1'ry it to-day. Sold liy all ilniZKlstH and shoe store. Hy mail for S rents, in stamps. Trial package FHKE. Address, Allen 8. Olmstwl, Ia- Hoy, N. Y. Self respect ia the backbone of man hood. Don't talk about a "free palvation" when you mean a cheap salvation. A city's riebterms men do more to prererve jeace than its police. 1'aldnevs in cither hereditary or caused by Bickne.-s, mental exhanxtion, wearing titlit-fitling h;n. and hy over-work and krjulile. Hall's Renewer will prevent it. A ttif I'mlar. 1 New York city from a point a little love VViUmmnbur clr ap to Wood-' lawn, al'inK the e.lgi o( the I'.roni, If hii uubn krn pasture. Here leed cattle and horses, duck and upon grass M-rpctually green from the ner pre-j H'ttw . I the witer. At ctrta.n tinots )o" w the horse) and cattle knee deep in tiie ptream, with naked ooys wmIhiu the former. The whole scene is a de lightful country panorama, as viewed Irom It. e railway train v ruth past HANDS TELL A STORY. -wnn t:-:yTt fis vaf 4' T W e. r. W JL i 1 F SPRING SAVES ACHING BACKS. The congregation necdi to stick as clone to the text as the preacher. I'iso'u Cure for Consumption has been a farnilv medicine with us since istiS. J. U Mac SO c, -.MOd 4 Jd Ave., Ch ca.'o, 111. The man who would lead others must have the courage to ctep off alone. I I O flint tiuj'n .ne i.f llr. Kllnft'i. lin-at Nrno K ccK.rcr. Send rorHIKK H.llii Irml iH.ttlr nd Irratli. 1'R II 11 kl.lNt, Ltd., tfll Anli Urn-el, I'liiladHpliUi, I 'a. V man with splendid abilities that srrt not consecraU-d to God is like a first class fiddle unstrung. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 73 cents. People who don't believe in revival of religion can't consistently believe in ah days or hou e cleaning. Ilio- niii-.rtnc p. rticujnfittKiii and the imit, are re Ur,ii l , c"iin - nl j Imr -..;,( Lili'ft Hair ami S liUkir Iim. black ur tiroAn. (ioc. ! lor i l.e 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 aaias't cignretn father is piillin;: i 1 H : V H ante u. tiTca! lo warn her hoys mi'iking, while their away at a pipe. Wt Till Man en email, go-d clniich st aiding, to c am our I amies, then act a i M:t. an i Ma e Ci nepc n lent here .'ala ry '.'. En se self--- il'd st'p'd envelope. A. I'.T. Eider, Mgr.,27KMich.Av.,C ocago. SLSCKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Mi D-tn't n ('"iic 1 with a m.v kmtmh r rubt r c o;it. if m wantneu! that wlH kr p you dry in tlu- haii est storm huv the f-ish BranJ SHck r If not fur saW In yjur town, wriv tnr raUtUnn.t to A I T WF: H .st ,ti. Mis. In Palml.try Will Rercal Manx 8crcta of Character. "A person has but to open his hand find he opeus the history of his life to a person well versed In palmistry," said a professor of the art. "The palm reveals more of a person's true char acter and disposition than could be learned In a life-long friendwhip. A person's peculiarities are written there us plainly as If in a book; each line Is full of meaning. Chronic diseases as well as acute ailments leave their marks upon the palm. I have known Instances where disease that have nonplussed learned doctors have been orrectly diagnosed by persons know ing nothing of medic ine or physiology. who formed their opinion from the ap pearance and condition of the haud alone. The molntuce, color and con dition of the cuticle and nails are Just as important to the palmist in deter mining disease and condition of the system as the lines upon the hand. "Malformations of the body are re flected In the hand. So far is this true that Hlce, the promoter of so many spectacular productions, splects his chorus girls who are to appear in tights hy looking at their hands, and that his system Ls not a faulty one Is evidenced by the appearance of the girls on the stage. I have never known a casu .viioro tho imnri of n criminal or thief i,nj ohewn tnr what he was. In examining the hands of people who come to me Just for the sport of the thing 1 have frequently seen the line of the thief well developed In hands whose owners are away up in tne so cial world. Naturally, I watch with Interest the careers of such people, but only in one instance have I ever discovered a proof of what the palm revealed. I have no doubt the thief ex isted !n the life of the others Just as in this man's life, but undiscovered. "The case I refer to was a bright socletv m -.n of Gotham who moved In the best circles. About three years after I examined his hand a theft of tens of thousands of dollars fxom a bank in which he was employed wa hushed up, but not before rumor had given It to the winds among hi-: friends. "So firm Is my faith in tbe psychom etry of the hand that I believe sus picious characters could he Judged by a well-informed palmist so that crime could be prevented by the detection of such parties. Bankers selecting their clerks and business men their trusted men would have a test for honesty as sure as any acid In the requirements of chemistry. The life of the street car spotter' would be at an end, for none but honest men would obtain positions. If the science of palmistry develops In coming years as it has In the past ten. the time may not be very far distant when every well regulated business house will have a palmist In Its em ploy as It now has a typewriter." A USEFUL attachment for a sew ing machine Is a "relief spring' attached to "the pedals aud uu- der part of the table. It saves much labor and many a backache by doing the hardest of the work of running the machine. Tbe pressure of the toes downward is the only motion neces- !40 1. 1 i. character. The achievements of kingi and iUi-ens and pr' n-es does i:o r kfi all of history by siny I i-ans. The do ings of ti c common p-. .;pU- the great class which keeps the world strong ai:d true and hclpf ul -m.'ike the noblest his tory, and women who realize that they are women sharing with all others In their sex the highest aims aud ambi tions for the good of the world have made a discovery that gives life a dif ferent color and makes a woman's pos sibilities rise to the noblest height. The true club woman is usually a strong and intellectual patriot, and an earnest . right student of political measures aud laws The fellow who is always si raining Indeed, women claim that the woman's be trreat, wears him elf smaller a club is a line school for culture and itnaller. broad mental occupation, and the true, wide-awake woman Is proving herself a power in the world a penver that is n permaneiK y. ) A drop of creosote will stop ths bloo log of a cut. For cramps t r pains in tbe stoma try a few d-ops of esn nee of cainph i Noihing as promptly cuts flnrt a c.o fehtion of ilia lungs, sore throat r rhc niatism as hot water, when applied eat in the case aud thoroughly. Sufferers srom neura gi'i aie v arc hy a liiedi-ul writer not to drink ten. i to drink freely of cofb e into whi li 'i jue. of a lemon his be-n pifez;d. lxive sets courage cii tiie. Some families have g m l h ime-n. I read and had home-made mmuers. ,Iuutic,' and Live aiu twin ' 1 we can not liave on.) withou. ' I jther. ..i..- evil" of our friends are more d,o p-rolls than those of our ene, It is our business to do ugli', it - i's biisinc-BB to see that we come o. t) ,r I'o wl t uiuiu i-.iloi l.kllj. Inquiry at the Ikistoii posioihce sbl I L.irre is one place in lioston ami .nth-s one or more in Ne Yon. .re, nt a prion nearly djuhle, foreir nip-can lie had to enclose in letter, it ..broad lor return postage. Ont ...1,1 ti ink in there days of intern-. .ul reciprocity that tbe respective .-ci uini-iits of the old and the new r d could make some official arrange- tu to- ih; accommodation of their .t?n in this ni.i'tt-r. THE M'UINO SAVES WOItlv. A Clever I'pvxe. A clever device for utilizing the beau ty that remains In line lace curtail that have seen their day is to cut oin the rich raised work rings and wreaths from which the delicate net has worn away. Apply them to squares of velvet or satin for use as cushion covers. Ap plied on olive or metallic greeu velvet or some soft wood brow n shade the ef fect is rich and elegant, especially when further set off with a frill of lac-a and the back of the pillow made of silk of corresponding; tone. -tic s-gnatures ;c the ink it tikes to d a th ,i . ii -d. s ti at "Uie li - I .1 Vr- e not woi ' on. siiec p are s.mietiniea taken over a bar. ad to a go 'd pasture. . c. is en-ier for watrr to run up hiU an for a .-elfi-h man to be happy, nappy the man who finds and re . es the particular cause of his mis '.rtune. i.iu preacher who would bear sinners jiu to pray, must first get his church , its knees. 'ui can never tell what a man will d ilc r e trade by the length of his rayers on Sunday. rite war horse of the Duke Welling m was named t'openhagen. ...rd. rc-r will out if be has ii.fl -ce .i.on-.'j. .liaii'd ci-acity for making a fool of i i mt-e - "- " devlonpd. AN ETTER Up-to-Date About Typewriters. linn of Ihe oldeal ateiinuraplieis in I hua;."! a: -ll weed I I aceoj.t.'.l as it mai tcr of cmirm- Iml a tvi curi: ten let:cr er ilc.cuiiH'til. no matte r do BccniHicly ami carefully cX'-ccilc.l. would liinii lilnrml and nanly, and cartiun c-i. Hi. were iiiiicli uor-e than the criminal. l.itt.eM ypewriier Kit. ,,n li na rc iiliili'.iilz. i t ii - - arl ml w ill, 1 1 mi r us it x' written letter 1 aacl. an. clcnr ate! (.riiilil t lineal print Hy iimiii; l.nlli -' I'nbvM... l a--Ihiii l'ar your c.iii- lii lie jn-l as cleiin arid liKlidMjine " '1 lic-, Koc-i are fur aale l.y Hie KEBRASEA BEWSPAFEE UNION, VllliK, M-.ltltASKA. Wlio ali"i carry a full line of Tytwrilrr nip .ici KililKiim, ( iiilmii I'"r Type writer ( ilt.fiej.oi ti-l a' r iiclU.aml sole ll.HikH, ami Yyi-curtter Paper of all klie is. I'rli-eaaa ln an tliu lonot. Mail nrdc-ra prnniptly lilled. f 2,000.000; . . IW . .. I U.I.I III. 1 ' fWl Str awbc rry lants$1.50 i.l la- iM-r Lhnmaml aiel ill", i " ' 1 .-fl. ii andup c isai;.- .rain.", lick. i. i n and Ant. S'-c-'l llnr 7'. . r thm lilel Supply .it all kluda "I c cccdlh true to ii inc. an-' atrii tiv lii iinck. Wilt for Price I i'i in I. Oil KM I t V. M lll III'. . Il'yn I cm order. .f i cm ". It. of niiinr or w aii ami c cMitn iplc ami pil. I lie fay t . iiiiiiiiiy. aniil- ii, r tlinuii A lari't i nino-l, nurscrj Ida S.-I, flight" pa i ok. il.nnila. Wrilc fur i-n in Mwiilllit l.onlli.v A Street ( rimil. The easiest tiling on tho face of the earth to entertain is a street crowd. Everything but curiosity in such a mot ley jam Is forgoii'U. Well aud poor. p iioi aut and learned, stand elbow to elbow with craned necks and open mouths. Just such n crowd as this, blocked the, way on Trenumt street yesterday at frequently recurring in tervals. Kvery time a very solemn looking man appeared In the show win dow there was a scramble to see whose nose would be flattened on the plate glass first. All the solemn-looking man did was to open a couch and proceed to make It into a bed by turning the plush cover mattress side up and put ting on a pair of pillows. When the pillows were squared "P the crowd was so great that a policeman had to compel the outer layer of spectator to move on. They did so, grumbling- iy- Then the bed was unmade, and a parlor couch greeted the people, who smiled and departed. In a few min utes this scene was again enacted. The bed-making tiuin never once re laxed his countenance or has.-encd his laborious movements. I'.ostoii Adviv tbcr. sary, as the spring brings the treadle back again, saving the heel motion. Tliis latter is what causes nil the back aches, and with the spring is done away with entirely. This spring can be attached to any machine. It is ob vious that this arrangement will prove a great relief to every woman who eews. It does half the work. Laiialitcr ( niies Wrinkles. It has long been a popular belief that wrinkles are chielly caused by sorrow and care. It is now claimed that this Is not always the case-in fact if is said that merry folk are far ofteiier afflict ed with them than are the sorrowful, and that laughter more frequently fur rows the face than tears. There is an art In laughter, and to know how to laugh Is really quite as Important as to know when to do so. If you laugh with the sides of your face the skin will work loose in time, and wrinkles will form in exact accordance with the kind of laugh you indulge In. The man who always wears a smirk will have a K.erles of semicircular wrinkles cover ing liis cheeks. A gambler who Is ac customed to suppress his feedings gen erally has a deep Hue running from each side of his nose to the upper cor ner of his mouth, which in time ex tends to the chin, forming the shape of a half moon. A cadaverous person Is usually marked with two wrinkles, one on the jaw and the other under the eye. meeting at right angles at the cheek j bones. The student's wrinkles form oil j the brow, while those of the schemer I round his eyes and resi mble the spokes of a wheel. Costume. llicycle 0 Cycling costume of plain green cloth, trimmed with Hut and corded braid. The skirt closes in front beneath tlm two straps of braid. The smart little bolero opens widely lu front to show the white linen shirt with three studs, To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE F.XCU.-SIVE U-E OF InE W-ikD " CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR IkAUE MARK.. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilijumds, Massachusetts, the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same ? vtfrrx on every ay!ffcUc&(M wrapper. was that has borne and does now hear the facrsimile signature of This is the original "PITCHER'S CA5TUH1A, which, has oeen used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty irars. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is . 7 . the hind yon, have always bought s-p JJ?rff--Ju n has the si gnat arc oj --ryv. wrap jYo one has authority from vie to use my name except Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is 2 a nd per. The 'resident March 8, 1807. Do Not Eg Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your c!i;M by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which Cl'cil lie does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF The Insist on Having Kind That Never Failed You. Mr CLNIAUn COMPANY, T7 MURHfcV BTIltET. NCWYOftK CITY. A Lucky ltride. ,uv ,n:,-. vjr 65SS8SSS88 Sweetness and Light. Put a pill i:i tho pulpit if you want praf,i?a.l preaching for t;o physical m;-n ; t-icr. p;:t V.:o pill ia tho inliorr if it docs not practir-u vj-.t.tit preach uh. Tliero'a a whole gospel in's Sugar Coated nils ; a "gospel of w. -.rc-r, and li,'ht." Pc-oplo usod to valuo thoir phy as they di l tholr rclijion,-b7 its Litlcrn-.-.;.;. Tho mora bittc . tl:o d.oo tho better t'.:-j &.' :. We'vo got ove-: th"t. .Vot:.ko "t-vcar i. " gopd or phyn-io r 'jW-.'.-days. ItV pov. to ploaao arfd to f.-uryu at IVo earr.o lirao. Thcro Co o ) may be power ia u gospel of ,9;'..?.UUt pill. 13 tl;o Ayer s n i VCl J Li'. Mor jiill .Hi hi. nt li-- , ,n. ' V',. Iriiliin l:i Ayrr' Cm--. J. t. A;-d Co., 1,0'. ft l M U . . M :i.,. . Konilin uh a lental Stirnulits. .'.n eminent Fi'fiicli rltic snicl lu a lecture recently in New York that "To distrust what we like ls the first requi site of progress in art i.'iid in life." II did not mean that hooks that are dls njTi'cnlile are the only hooks worth reiiilinu. lint lie did mean thai a book which opens up a new Held of kncnvl e(lt;e, a new outlook upon literature or life, is not at lirst likely to nive thy pleasure that comes from one which simply reflects the old familiar ideas of which we say complacently, "Iv L'oocl and true that is, for I've felt it ot said it. myself." A hook that pats you on the head or heart till the time Is np! to he little inure than a reflection ol your own narrow experience, and yon will nut lcani anything from it. A book that makes one feel ignorant is as mor tifying to one's pride as a superior per son. Ladies' Home .Journal. tVu.hih (or Fair Hair. Take one teasponiiful of borax, anil the same quanliiy of sail; two ounce? each of spirits of wine and nmmonh water; two drachms of tincture of can-tliaridc-s, and four ounces each of rose water and distilled water. If tlu; hail ls naturally ilry, a little almond oil maj be add"il. r lake one ounce of boraj and half an ounce of camphor, and dis solve them ill one quart of boiling wit ter. When cool, says the London Star, this will be ready for Use. f mm tlm mm' 'fMrle-Mnrk. OFT THK OEM'IXR ARTICLF Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Costs less than OiVTJ CENT a cup. Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark. Walter B: (Rstohliched 1780.) I? 8i Co. Limited, Dorchester, Mass. 1397 CQLUM TAKE THE SHE OFF OF OTHER BiOKCLES BIAS and HABTFGBDS Mrs. Kerry was married last year and went with her husband to spend the honeymoon in the gold fields of Alaska. When they were married they were poor, now they have $i:'.().IHll) In gold. So much for love, pluck mid luck. I-'roir Fkins for (ilovrs, The latest in the realm of glove-mak lag Is gloves of frog skin. This skin Ii said to tin; finest and toughest lent It er In the world. The demand for then; is not great, but of sutlicii-nt dimen slons to make it. worth while to maim fact u re. AfiroriH Ana n tn Vavor, Aprons, for so many years regarded as the distinguishing mark of serving women, promise to lie Ike rage lu the smart set in London. The apron of the fin tire, however, will differ from that of the past which our grandmoth'n's tli.c-d to wear, lu the days gone b,, i, i was a somber affair of black sill; or al- paca, souiHlmes set off by a few dnltily , tucks or rows of hei ruig bone stitching , unci a liitl)' M'.v tme nice ' the very r'lii'iiiiest iiproiis are made of the In, .-si while linens Mid muslins n-i'l batistes, (iiul are pnfi'cd and frilled with lace ti ml trimmed ult'i ribbons mil II the old ladles of .1 hundred years ago would never drca in that they were tipiotis. The finest aprons nn made of real lace, and are well worth passing down from generation lo -generation. Hiiltie"i AliUlty of WniKin. II is km Id that through the medium of clubs women are developing business ability, executive capacity, tolerance for the opinions ntnl views of other people and n broad Reuse of charily n ml loyalty toward tne world, which will inntorlnlly strengthen her entire A 1 fMv .$ fljmJU Enamel that wears and does not wear out that is Columbia enamel. It gives that lustrous, lasting and unequalled beauty to Columbia and Hartford bicycles. Our secret process gives us this advantage. - ICS7 a BABY. ..ill i -; ' , : Serious illness should be a mother's only excuse liif wet'tiitiji the I aby ilur bi:; hot v,' aihi-r. or tiiuil it la.s salelj passed lii) dangers of Ihe second sum iner. i The Hoard of lli-nlth of I'hiladi-'ciihlfi i-cceiilly ifsiiecl cii:i'r.'.i-iicy hlnis for tut! Mimm.-r cine- .!' !- - '''in. Vh'.,,.-ihh! mi Ions are . n in f " i i . I -if Ihe child be !i ul.v allac-ke(; j wiili vomiting, pttrgla:: aud pro.dra j lion, pul H Into a hot balh for a few! inluiites, i hen can-fully wipe it drjj with a warm towel, and wrap It It:1 u ii nn I lankcls. If lis liamls mid feetj ,1 , ...i... i ii... .....a. i.. lire com. nouns wmi not waici and wr.ipi i ll In llaimel slioulil In? lnh, ngnlnst llicm. "Five drops of brandy In n teaspoou fill of water may be given every ten ot lll'lei-u minutes: but If the votnltiii persists, tlve this brandy lu equal parti of mini nml llmo-wutcr. STANDARD OF THE WORLD. $7 Z - V 1 1 I3S6 Ccluiebias, 60. Hartiords, 50, $45, 40f $30 POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. If Columbus sre not property represented in ycrnr t'cfm', , let us krt&w. to all alike. "A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice. 1 1 Use Sapoliol U: '-f POl 10 . j dlf-ll-..,; VJ ii i ....:i3LF! ini uiiuiitural , tiiliitltnnntloriil, f 1. 1 w . lluraiiU1 J uil!.Ln,H m 11 1 cl litlotl ..J not w. if.'iu of in', colli, in. inl,rnii..i. -,..i-,.r.i,i cuunnon. I'uMiimn. n ml utrio .OUHllvOcSClllMICIlCo. K'-HI "I l'..liiniiu. L'ltJ'NNHH.U.I I , , , , . ...t in-nErwu, 0. S. i. 7. "f """I In plum -n.prr. iv ..TT..M, ,.'Mi,. fi, O IIIUIS HHlUt All tISt 1411 S. P. I Uiiiirn syrup, r umiwiuimki. uh i limn. Snlrt ry nruiiKi"". 312 to m PER WEEK run he malli. work- liiir for ua. I'm llcn pn'r.-m-il v ho run ir ivfl wlioli- liino lo Ihe biml- ! Ki. i'(,nn. n.iiirn, in'Kiifii, nia.r in- jironianiv miiu,,j.-. .fw! ',i)iiliii.'i f,,r lown i.imI i'lly w.irlt h c-mint.ry HkIi-Ii-Ik, J. K. OUTFiiU. I 'h MulllHU., Hl.lliuiund, V, mm "TR MTPBiiV't ' M. 0. WILLSON 4 CO. , Wni r CI I ElH I JViiirt'.n.lM:. Nurhmirntlll llnt N. M. U. No. 458- 30. 6.panc homh tr. lork, el. IIKN WK1TINO TO ADVKKTISKIS ' Dlnaiie hi wum uw tb BilvorllMmrnt i Hi K Inane f r 2l ' m . ,1.,,,,. I,,,. , in