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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1897)
A SI, 000 BMJ. MISSING. (t Wai Vant for a Whole tiny an. J th Hank Van Konmickcd. There wis an abundance of hand shaking nd a superabundance of glad uiile iu tlnv Bimhers and Drovers' Bank Thursday morning over tlx? re covery of a $1,000 hill which myeiori jufily disappeared the afternoon before. When the bank officers came to strike their balance at the closing hour they found that for some reason or other the two aides of their account would not agree by Just $1,000. They then polished up their (spectacles carefully, arranged their ink and pens and went over the long columns of figure for a second time. Wtien the operation wan completed the balance was no nearer correct than it was the first time. The third Journey over the figures consumed about twice as much time as had both the others, but It was no more successful than they had been. Whou the third trip had been com pleted it was time for dinner, but none of the bank officers or clerks felt at all hungry, and then, besides, they all had other things to du. 'They spent the dinner hour In com paring nole,aud trying to think up all the transactions made in the course of the day's business. In spite of the fad that on account of the cold they were Inclined to bo a little shivery, they were fairly successful so far as ufero ory transaction went. Rut for all their memory feats they could not. determine where the mining money had gone. - From the fad that just an even $1, 000 was missing, the Officers decide ! that some mistake lyid been made in the handling of a S1.000 bill. A scare!) waa made of all the books to see whether the bill might possibly have fallen between two page. Then the floor was swept, and after this all the men shook out their coats and inspect ed the ceiling. John I'. Dees, the receiving 'teller, bad gone home several hours before the closing time, so he could not a id bis knowledge to the consultation, bu' it was decided at last that a certain customer" must have handed in a slip for $l,(ifl) more than the cash he depos ited. The assistant teller said that he would go to see this customer, and all tho men were getting ready .to go Iume at i) o'clock when the janitor, who had been poking around underneath the lesks, aiding Ids search with the light from a match, made a wild grab at something he saw 'ticking out from be hind a pile of books, and arose with the uilsxlng bill in Ids band. A gust of wind had evidently lifted inc. much hunted piece of paper from its place on one of the desks and car ried 1r to the place where it was found. This was the cause of the handshakes and smiles ho much In evidence around the bank. New York Evening Sun, The Children's Bleep. A physician in a a addrexs before a woman'! club on the care of children's health, recently said that it Is criminal to attempt to save a little money by not giving every child in the family a bed to himself. The plnsiiian also emphasized the need of early sleep. "It is so easy." he said, "to let a ner vous child liise sleep In the early even ing, when hi: or she hould be hard at it, When a physician prescribes otne imjwrtant remedy that miLst be taketi and which is not pleasant, a mother feels that it Is time well extended to ciKijt and wheedle, and even bribe the little one to swallow It. Spend just a much thought and effort In getting your child to sleep every nidit, if he does not fall off his chair at the evening meal from drowsiness, as the normal hild should. (Jive up concerts, thea ters, parties, anything till you have secured for the nervous, twitching boy or girl the benign habit of sleep. Coax lilm to his room, give him a ijnlek sponge Iwith, tuck him In IiIh single bed, with a light wool blanket over him be sides the sheet, and iu a lowered light sit by him and talk to him till he Is quieted. Tell hhn gentle, Hoothing stories, nothing to excite his Imagina tion, and when he Is .finally asleep, have the room cool, dark and quiet. Don't let hlni try to sleep in a room which has been a sitting room all tin; evening, without having It thoroughly refilled with fresh outdoor air, which may be accomplished by throwing win dows wide open for fifteen minutes." t oiK)lernte. "You Jiy," remarked the debouaire debtor, "that 1 am owing more money than oiiylKidy else that your Ann have ou their books?" "Yes, sir," replied the collector. "Ami that I am nliout the only per son with whom they have trouble In getting their money?" "That's what they told me." "Young man, I blip your looks and I like your manner, and I'm going to be a friend fo you. 1 bate to have that del knocking around my accounts, but for your aake I'll put up with It, IT 1 were io pay up, the chances are ten to ne that yaur firm would tlnd tlona no easy that they would discharge you, and then I should never forgive mynelf." Kqnul to the Emergency, Chinese cheap labor may yet ruin New Zealand, In Olago, where (here arc a good many Scotchmen, a contract for road mending was awarded to the lowest bid, which wo algned "Mae Pliemon' When the bidder appeared to sign the contract lie was yellow and had a pigtail. "But," sold the official who met blin, "your name cannot ho Mad'hemon." "AH llghtee," answered the China' man, "nobody eaU hee eontlaet In Ota go unless be named Mac," and the con tract was signed. ; . Hmwm Te, ' "Will yon mind the baby, Jack, for a little wMar eed Mrs. Hlamore. -I shall torn to. I s'poee," replied Camera. "Tbe kM won't iad ok.-C-!tr. ' Mcbrasha iRotcs Gering people are having the mumps, j t-l. . i r . . ' lueri1 arw more lanut-rs uiitu lairuis m Boyd county. E. 8. Mitchell of Shelby makes money raising St. Bernard dog A court of the T.ihe of B5u Hur has been instituted at Lexington. Norman Jackson and wife, of the Crete Herald, are visiWag friends in Idaho. A n'Epworth League has been organ ized in the Methodist church of Gandy. Wallace voted by art increased ma-, jority that water ia a good thing to drink. Pra;rie schooners are moving west Hard again as fast as soggy roads will permit, Eiebard Skinner of Freeport, Bannei ;ounty, is a candidate for land office honors. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Duncan of Har risburg, -eiebrated their tin wedding April 10. Holdrege has but one man on the council who favors saloons, and he talks of -esigning. Tiie deadly "nigger-shooter" has been outlawed in Ulysses, and the small boys are in tears. Thirteen carloads of California oranget passed over the U. P. recently, billed for New York. The banks at Newcastle show a re markable gain in deposits within the past four months. The stockmen of Banner county re port no losses among ther herds during the, recent blizzard. The Ponca Journal is figuring on run ning a ( apur in the near future to bt printed in German. : A car load of corn was shipped froir Cambridge to India laet week for the re lief of famine sufferers. The people of Watisa are already talk ing about celebrating the Fourth of July They also propose to piay ball this tea son. Mrs. Fritz Wethrich of Bt llevue took a severe remedy for toothache in such larga doses that it nearly caused hei death. The washing out of the dam at West Point has improved the fishing in the Elkhorn river for several miles west of there. "Hell," says Judge Edgar Howard ol the Papdlion Times "is full of a be'ter quality of justice than that dispensed in Nebraska." The last report of the Gering Building and Loan association shaws that no shareholder has failed to keep up hie payments in full. Hon. J A. Tnlleys of Red Cloud, custodian of the Masonic grand lodge ol Nebraska, has been terioasly affected with gastric neuralgia. Two hundred and ninety cases of eggi and a ton and a half of . butter is the ', record of one's day's shipment front ( Leigh, d 1 ax country. j The Dixon Tribune states that the creamery at that place paid 18 cents foi iniik in March. This is clear of ex penses. A good showing. !, H. M. Sianclift of Alexandria got in the way of a horse's hind foot and re ( reived a body blow that sent him to bed. i The bruiee is not a dangerous one. j The Randolph Times save it will prim ! everything in the line of newrs that U i fit for publication, no matter who itcon I corns, what it is or where it is found, j The room of Dr. H. H. Schultz o; ; Seward was entered a few nights ago, ' by burglere. His watch and $12 wer taken from his pockets while be alept. The people of Madison are awake and propose to revive tne creamery industry . again. They aiso hope to add a chicory factory to their collection before winter, j Osceola baa a large number of "gentle men who are banded together in whist club and they meet at the home! of the different members and have right royal time of it. I Perhaps one of the largest cherry orchards north of the rlatie river wat planted by the Boone county nursery al Albion last spring, 1,000 trees, with almost a perfect stand. j Plattsmouth, says the Tribune, is be ginning to feel the tllccts of an incip I lent boom, good houses to rent beiiiK j held at a premium, with lots of peopU ! bunting for places of residence, i One of the Peavey corn cribB at Cur . roll was reported smoking, by the rail I road boys the first of the week, about 1,000 bushels of corn being destroyed, ( Too much dirt which retained the mois i tuie, is said to have been the cause. j A total of 700 is now offered for thf arrest of Ibe murderers of David Jones. Gage county offers $.100, the state 2(,fl ! and the heirs of the decease 1 $200. The offer of the county is to include ex pencei of arrest, except such as are otherwise provided for. Professor Currie, superintendent ol the Broken Fow schools, has been off ered a position aa manager of a big cat tle company, which proposes to purchase cattle in Mexico and elsewhere, to b placed on a ranch northwest of Anaelmo, in Custer county. Lightning meandered around ovei Wayne a short time ago and passing aeven saloon keepera, toe county com miasioners, all the newapaper men and 0. J. Rundell, flopped down on a poor, inoffensive preacher and knocked the wnejr ou' oi him, sajre the Diioa Tri bune. The Tribuoa makaa iteelf aadar stood, bat it might find a mora delicate way of handling a dolafal eubjxt. Th Kearney police killed 1M no I lean tad dot laet year without dlmla iMhiCi tiM 'kU a;!. ttAILtiMJH TO CI T .)!.. Wrlm liiiili llr.ira to Mluiul .t j I a- BT Tntrfic by Cat, Chicaoo, Apiil 10. .-ome of the west ern roads are openly advocating a re dufl ion in passenger ratei to what they term an "emergency bteis." The rea-i son they give for their wish to cut the rates is that the passenger bucirie's dead ami tiiateome measures are needed to Increase the volume of tiatlic. The opponents of lower fares say that if the rates are reduced there may be some trouble, in view of the recent supreme court decision, in getting the rates back' to their old ba-iis again without taking fonie action that would bo illegal. They t'dnk. also, that it would be most un advisable at the present time to reduce any rales, for the reason that it will give the various legislatures of the western Elates an idea that the roads cm make money with the rates at a lower point than they now are, and that bo-tile I 'gWatiou. will ensue. The advocates of the lower rates have no argument to off'r save that in their opinion thtf cheap fares will Bir up traffic and that if it once begins to move it will keep rnov ng, after the rates have been restored totheirold level. There ia no chance of a concerted reduction in rates, but as long as there is a Ptrong element which favors the reduction of the rates a genera! feelini of inse.urity will pre vail among the roads. The general committee of the passen ger acrents of the western roads, which has for two weeks been working on the new agreement for the association, has finished its work. The agreement is radically the same as the wgreement, w ith the exception ihat it contains no provision regaiding the maintenance of rates. There is no doubt that it will be adopted by the executive officers practically aa it stands. Some minor c ianaes may bo made, but the agrea ment will be put into operation just a'oout as it comes from the committee. JJi w O-'eaiiH Big ( Ire. New Oklka.n , La., April 16. The Moresque bio.-';., owned by Gauch & Sons, was totally destroyed by fire yes terday afternoon. The' ' conflagration broke out shortly after 1 o'c'o. k, and at t half past two the edifice had collapsed and upwards of $400,000 had (tone up in j smoke. The Moresque buildina occu- j pied one entire block, and its walls were built entirely of iron. Tho Moutjreaiery Furniture company and Gauch, Sons & Co., crockery merchants, were the ten ants of the building and botn firms car ried full stocks. The fire is supposed to have originated in top floor of the Mont gomery section. A general alarm called the entire fire department to the scene. The depart ment saw quickly that the Moresque building was doomed and the efforts of the firemen were directed to keeping the flames from spreading to adjacent property. In this they were only par tially successful, for two newspaper offices, the German Gazette and '.he Evening Telegraph, were completely gutted, their contents being destroyed and se.v. ral stores were also burned. Adiacent dwellings and business prop- rtw aurA also damaaeil more or less by water. The total loss is $400,000, well insured. "Si-vr Lawn Enforced. TxuiANAi'ous. Ind.. April 16 The new laws went into forcd at midnight by the governor's procl nuation. Chief interest here attaches to the 3 cent , street car fare. The Citizens' Street J Railway company gave no instructions to conductors and declines to consider . the law until a decision Is reached in the federal court, where a test case is under , argument. The law provides a heavy ; n ...... J : I penalty wne.e more tnan , ents .are collected. While the 3-eent injunction 8Ult WHB DClIlg argueu 111 lm. irumai i court, passengers on ainerent line? throughout the city, who refused to ,ay more than 3 cents fare, were forced from tliose who were compelled to walk aftr refusing to pay 5 cents was police Judge Cox, who was violently ejected by the conductor and rnotorman of a Col lege avenue car. One damage suit has already been filed. La tn last evening ex Attorney-General W, H. Miher filed in tho United States court a petition for an order restraints the patrons of the street railway company from demand ing a 3-cent fare, The petition recit-s that the proclamation of the governor putting the laws in force came earlier than was expected and bad already caused trouble ou the street car lines. Itlrycle Swindler Arrentcd New York, April 10. Willitm S. Thompson, who was Indicated in Chicago last October for carrying on swindling operations through the mails, lias been arrested here and is held in $2,500 bail for hearing. It is alleged that Thompson sent out letters offering to send bicycles worth 100 upon receipt of $45. Persons who sent money claim: that they never bard anything more from Thompson. He has been arrested in Chicago and furnished (1,000 baiL The concern, of which Thompson was the bead, tent out circulars offerings) prize to the person msking the greatest number of words out of the letters in1 the title "Empress bicycle." rind Mtolrn Property. Wkbsteb Citt, Ia., April 16. Officer of Radcllffe hare unearthed an import ant "fence" on the premises of Charles Bosen. His barn was filled with stolen articles, buggies, harness, stores and dosens of other things. By digging in the yard they unearthed a large quan tity of silverware and queensware. Bo wen, the owner of the place, is a on of Colonel Bowsn. oi Meiuiota. IILj I pedde-t of the First National bank of ' thai city. ' SEVERE STRAIN Strained Relations Between Turkey and Greece Threaten War. DIPLOMATS REGARD WAR INEVITABLE j King George Fearful Met Determine d to Fight to Uik l a 9 rnrk rorniiiily In form Greek of Their War-Like Intentions. Vienna, April 15. The best informed diplomats here regard "' ar as inevitable. Tiiey say the strain cannot much longer be bene by either Turkey or Greece and that the time has passed for the powers to attempt to intervene. In view of the dangerous po-ition assumed by Greece, the question is reiterated whether she does not count upon some power coming to their support at the crucial moment. Elassona, April 15. The Turkish troops are now centered in very strong force at Grevena and the insurgents have little chance of advancing further. Key mullah Bey, , the officer sent to Krania with instructions to ascertain the ex-ict situation in that locality, de clared that he recognized among the in surgents near Krania and between that town and the border several Greek offi cers whom he bad met previously at Athens ' London, April 15. The daily Chroni cle published the following today from its Athens correspondent, Henry Nor man: "I nave had an audience with King George. lie spoke without much hope but firmly, like a man who can only do his duty and leave the rest to heaven. More than once he said, 'If Greece had been a great power and had walked into Crete long ago, her action would have been welcomed by the pewera, as well as by the rest of the world, as a bless ing. But she is only a small power, and seems unable to do anything that will satisfy the great powers." Londos, April 15. The Evening News yesterday afternoon published a d;e patch from its correspondent at Athens saying that the Turkisa government has formally informed the Greek govern ment that any furtner raids of inegulars into Turkish territory will be regarded by Turkey as a declaration of war upon the part of Greece. Hryan Wants Montlcello. Washington, April 15. W. J. Bryan, who was the guest of honor at the Jef ferson dinner here Tuesday night, left for the west yesterday. Before his de-partu-o Mr. Bryan was asked about the rumors that he was to purchase Monti- cel'o, the home of Jefferson. I have felt for some vears," replied ,vi Mman "that. Airinnceiio. t,oh noma - ... ... ,i l l. of Jefferson, should be made a national park in order that all bis followers miht feel free to visit the place and Bather inspiration from its sacred mem- - ories. Having this thought in mind, I (wrote to Jefferscn Levi, the present ! owner, asking whether he would sell it ! on condit'.on that it might be conveyed , o the national covernment or the state i r,f Viruin'u or some association similar j w the Mount Vernon or Hermitage as eociatioiis formed to care for it. I have just received a letter from Mr. Levi, in which be expresses a desire to retain the ownership of it and assuring me that a welcome will at all times be ex tended to visitors. His refusal to part with it, of course, puts an end to any plans of ra sing by subscription a suf ficient fund to purchase it." Asked whether he had anything to say about the course of ihe democrats in the house, be replied : "No, I have carefully avoided any . discussions that . P to time My on,y have ariren from time to time. desire is that those who ag.-ee in a com : .. , , U)ethodfJ of it accorupli8hment. Honest djfferenwfj of &pinio(l 8re alwav8 apt to arise, but are easily aujusieu wirem charity and good will are manifested among those acting together." KID Om.'eru unit Exeape.- ' If kndkrhon. Kv.. April 15. Near Do- Koven, Union county, Kentucky, yes- tcrday evening, James Green and Will- j iam Green, a deputy constable, were shot dead and Constable William Beset ( severely wounded by William Cody and Thomas Hite, who were under arrest for postoflice robbery. Cody and Hite escaped, hut are surrounded in a dense , forest. They are armed with rifles. Idi-ntlDed the Body Salt L kb, April 15. The body ol l the man found in the Webber river at i Ogden is believed to be that of E. A. Kilday of New York. On bis clothing was found a memorandum oook in which was written: "If lost, return to Edward A. Kilday, 1241 Broadway, New York. If anything serious happens no tify Mrs. K. A Kilday, 32 Johns street, San Francisco." The body appears to have been in the water about two months. To llai'K a Woman. Atlanta, Ga,, April 16. A motion to set aside the judgment, which fliee April 23 as tho date for the execution of Mrs. Elieabeth Nobles for the murder of her husband, waa made before Judge Hmith at Jtffersonville yesterday, and was promptly overruled. A Tragedy at ibn Table. Chicago, III., April IS. While seated at the breakfast table yesterday morn ing. Matthias Duster, twenty-one years old, wss shot and instantly killed by John Formlller, hia step-father. For mlller then placed the weapon to hla own temple and fired. He died In five minutes. The shooting waa the result of a quarrel. Members of the family aay that Formlller and his eten-eon have been quarrelling lor a week over lb bor'i desire to lea re home. l:uter ibe I neuij'- V ont)- A ciu .1 IU atj lid (i ml Cieut ( oiifu ... NfcwYowc, April 14. A diipjtch the Journal from Athens fays: i to The3,0U0 heroic Hellenes who entered Macedonia have taken the towns of Bal tino and Krania. orivine out a tarris -n of BOO Turks at the la'ter pi nee. They are now advancing along the eDowy ridges of the Pindus mountains towards the town of Grevena. They have al ready cut the teleiraob w ires between Macedonia and Epirsna, closing com munication between the two divisions of the Turkish army. The Pindus range, which runs north and sout h, is the ony safe route for the insurgents into Macedonia. Tne insur gents intend taking t ) the heightsabout Grevena, am', there will harass the Turk ish tr. ops in the flank. The enterprise is daring, even to the poi t of madness, and will go down to hisiory as tne bravest act of the cent ury. There are, 3,000 irregulars con fronting a trained army of 90,0 )0 Turks. The fact that the Greek soldiers did not follow the insurgents shows the Splendid discipline of the army. 1 ae war spirit here has reached fever heat. Five hundred volunteers arrived yesterday from the island of Cyprus and ma ched through the city, headed by priests with long llowieg hair, 'wiring flags. ' Siria) prix in Cub i. ! Havana, April 14. Smallpox, is rag ini at Gaines, a village of 800 inhabi tai 3. During the past, week there have been 150 victims 'j Guerillas killed ten insurgents at Ped ros , Matanz.-s, stripping ihe dead of t . r arms. : , The coast steamer Triton, arriving here after to icliing at various points, brought seven ofiicers ar d 150 soldiers, all -ick. " "'' '. be insurgent leader, Ricardo Gonza les Falcon, will be tried tomorrow by court martial at the Cabanas foi tress. Pedro Garcia, an insurgent a; cused of ine-ndiarism, was shot. , i skirmish with the insurgents has tal -.n place at Picojo. The insurgents lef' eight men killed on the field, among th. m Lieutenant Gonzales. The Barcelona battalion has kill ad fifteen men in a skirrni.-:h and it is ie lieved that the latter formed part of Bandera's band 'of dipereed groups fortaerlv belonging tn toe force com- rnanded by Gen. Maximo Gomez. The I troops bad fifteen men wounded Some Spattifiu TufTy Havana, Aprd 14. La Lucha in an editorial yesterday says: "We have been waiting for a year and a half for a break in the. relations be tween Spain and the United States, due .1. . I : .... I ; . : u., V. . io luh dohliciu exci tuneu t, in wuai cuuu- , tries, which their lulers were unable to J subdue in spite of their efforts in the i way of prudence, tact and patriotism. j Bur, now, the coolness of both govern- : ments has quieted public ODinion in both countries and the fear of a rupture t of amicable relations now seems far off. ' There exists a feeling of great cordiality : between Spain and the United Status . which it is understood will foon be of priceless benefit to all concerned. The policy of the cabinet at Washington is now firm and energetic in compelling Americans to obterve neutrality in Cuban affairs. Spain, on her side, ac cedes to all the claims made in friendly notes regarding American citizens and has thus nullified in the United States the propaganay of the anti-Spanish and the American government has quieted the violence of the press and the sen ate." The Union Constitutional also treats the subject editorially in the same tone, and adds : "An offer of J'iendly intervention upon the part (ft' the American govern ment cannot be ill-considered. Yet the ; Union Constitutional expresses the hope ; that the Unil(,d State8 will e proo of its friendship for Cuba. A Clone Kesemlilunce. New York, April 14. Joseph Adams, w ho was sentenced last Monday tc three , years in Sing Sing prison fo.- forgery, , nns confessed to having swindled the Columbia bank of this city out of $580. Ibis is the crime for which Alonzo J. Whitemau was tried and acquitted last week, Adams, whose right name is Hecker, is an ex-convict, having served time in Ohio and Pennsylvania for forgery. His resemblance to Whiteman is remarkable, and his confession clears up a mystery that puzzled everyone con nected with the case. A Cnmljr Krror. 8an Antonio, Tex., April 14. Two Southern Pacific freight trains crashed together three miles west of Lang ry early yesterday morning, resulting in the death of Fireman A. S. Welch, and the severe scalding and crushing of En gineer Geo. Farr, Firemen L. C. Lane and Brakemiin Bobiuette and W. L. Harris, all of this city. Through an er ror of the telegraph operator, Lozif r, the eastbound train was not held and the -wreck resulted after it left the station. Knot Insurgent InrtmclUry. Havana, April 13. Jose GlUmIcs Carlos, charged as an insurgent incen diary, was shot at Cabanas fortress yes terday morning. Own Half n City Kansas City, Mo., April 14. A deed was placed on file in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday conveying to William J. Isaao of this city nearly one-n-U of the city of Argentine, a manufacturing suburb. Argentine, a manuiannng luuuru. ThTdaed 1. mad. bV the hein of the 'eblldren of Nancy Wbltefeather, .gbaw Me Indian, who died many years ago, ;Md who waa the patentee of the land, -w ai nnri oft i Tr.i. nl ori. is In. T; dod wae ritJy ..'prof. t of l iAterter. 'GREECE READY Awaits War and Prepared to Maks it a Savage and Fierce One. ! WILL DO NOTHING TO FOI CE A CRISIS Should the Turks Aiirmpt to Cron the Fronlinr, Die Walian's Army Will Meet Wi.h Jii'fiHtttiic - Grecian Officer! to Act Unlit i UKly. New York, April 13 The press prints the following from its sjecial corre spondent at Larisa : "I had a personal interview with tho Crown Prince Constantiue, commander-in-chief of the Greek troops, at bis headquarters here Sunday afternoon. The prince talked freely of the situa tion now confronting the r eople. He said: "I am duly piepared to make war when it becomes necessary. My troops are in excellent condition dnd the war like spirit prevails in th" i ll of every man under arms, If the '1 urkish army should make an attempt to croes the frontier and attack us I should act promptly. I shall stand by thisde-- cison,. whatever may happen, but I shall not do anything to force the cneis. "In the face of any popular demon stration iavorable to a declaration of war I am convinced that my soldiers would nrove true to their allegiance. and would obey me no matter what ' in fluence would be brought to bear on them. Therefore, I do not fear any baty action on their part, without first considering my orders. The incursion into Turkish territory by several rebel bands of armed Greeks was wholly un authorized by me and absolutely aaainst my policy and my instructions from the king. The attack uoon the moslems will, by no means, be used as an excuse to begin war, and I shall do my utmost to pi event a repetition of such a viola tion of the neutrality laws. The Turk ish position captured by these rebels will not be occupied by the Greek army nor will we aid the invaders in any : way." ' Waters Break a Lerse. Memphis, Tenn., April , 13. The mighty swoop of the waters south of Vicksburg has at last had its effects up on the lower levees, and last night a tele gram from Tallalulah, La., reports that the levee which protects Davis island has given away and the island will in all probability be flooded. Twenty-five hundred people inhabit Davis island, which consists of about five thousand acres of land. The placs 6 situated in Warren county, Mississippi. Throughout the upper delta the flood situation 6i;ows little change since last reports. The work of government re lief has been actively inaugurated. Many people are being fed and housed at Greenville, Rosedale, Helena, Friar's Pnint and other noints alone the river. A relief steamer is now plying - up the St. Francis river with food and forage for man and beast. At Helena the river has fallen two- tenths of a foot in the past twenty-four hours. The weather observer at that point says last night that a steady fall will be noted in the river, despite the rise at Cairo and upper river points. The Williamston crevasse has widened considerably, but the velocity of the water has been checked and no further breaks are feared. At Greenville the river is stationary tonight-. Capt. H. C. Martin, represent the secretary of war, bas arrived at Greenville and is now thoroughly in vestigating the needs of the overflowed eufferers in that territory. Fully 3,000 negroes in Washington county alone are penniless and must be taken care of. At Memphis the river is still falling hIowIv. the weather bureau reporting a fall of one-tenth ef a foot in twenty-four hours. Bull Fight Terminates Bl)y. Yuma, A. T., April 13. La Grand Fiesta de Yuma wound up Sunday night with wild west sports and Spanish bull fights, which constituted a crowning feature of the five days' revelry. The feature of the show was the Spanish bull fight, headed by the renowned bull fighter, Capt. Carlos Garcia, from Juar ez, Mex. Capt, Carlos Garcia and bis troupe, innindincr La Carlotta. a female bull fighter, displayed wonderful -kill In fighting fierce animals, but a manifl ' cent black bull, Porforio Diaz, proved almost invincible, and before he was dispatched in the third fight in which he was used, he cauht Captain Garcia upon his long, slender horns and ripped open the man's jaw. Captain Garcia's wound may prove fatal. After goring and badly mutilating Garcia the bull charged full at the bull pen, and after several desperate at tempts, he smashed into kindling wood a panel of the pen and charged into the grounds surrounding the amphitheatre, which were filled with people. Many were injured. After a long chase and hard work the bull was returned. . -ink" Seltlrd. Chicaoo, April 13. The strike at the H. P. Nail company was settled yes terday on the basis of sixty houra of work per week, Arrect Baab Official. Chkoo, April 13.-More warrant were issued for the officials of the de Junct Globe savings bank yesterday afternoon and officers were tent oak to mat O. W. Hpawinf , presiawii; a. u. , - - , n . ' Awill, ,lef president, and O.Obarek- tSSSSSm . San iHIfSl bjirtww Ita tj JgSSfrf detooaU from him on teaitX90 J r? wmiw ?