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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1897)
Iaatp ona. Rural MinisUw None of th brother! vhoae duty it i to pax th pUta is hei Xodmy. Would you object to taking op the collection? Molest Wor hiper I rever pus-vd the plate Id church in ray life, and I'm afraid I'd be rather awkward. "Oh, never mind a bunt that It won't b noticed. Mont of mr congregation become absorbed in their hymn book about the time the p'tate goe 'round " X. Y. Weekly. Hhnbarb aa a Vegetable. After the rhubarb Ima served Its pur pose by giving um it leaf stalk In early prlng. It often throw up an liu mousy bunch of flower. An Eugllsh wrlti?r tatoa that If thin head of flower I cut off, and treated like cauliflower, It I Just aa good and desirable. One would suppose that there waa something of the acid taste of the stalk In this flow er head; but this writer says not. Many plants hare a great difference between the elements In their flowers or fruit and the leaves. We can, for Instance, eat a tomato, and Ami it both healthful and agreoable; but If we were to Ten tore to eat a handful of tomato leaves they would probably be the end of u. Those who are on the lookout for new vegetables might, however, make a trial of the rhubarb flowers. It may be noted that the comtnou tomato Is very Closely related to the tobacco, and equally poisonous wlrh that celebrated Dlapt Median's Monthly. Hard Hit. Iteggy I.nwst night on the way borne from the club a great Idea strcck nie " "IVllston Good heavens: you don't ay. I thought yon showed symptom of being sandbagged. Exchange. Purify Ycrur blood. Words of wisdom at tn a tenon. During the winter months im purities have been accumu atlng in your blood, owing to diminished periirat on, close coiifliietrient and other onuses. These Impurities must now be eipelled. Now is the t me to purify Your Blood By taking a course of Hood's Sarsaparllla. Tbli me'iloine makes pure, rich, nourish ing blood. It thoroughly er. dca'es the dangercus poisons with which the blood Is loaded. It invigorates the sjtieniand builds up and fuMaiiu nil tie organs by feeding th m upon pure, rioh Lloxl. (nlood'S Sarsaparilla Is the beatIn lac!, the m Trus BlooJ I'urlller. nOOU S fills H,wi' aniliu. FO 14 CUNTS. V t-li fit until tlW) rMt ., 4M- ' ct,lmn.rj in m l li. t.i r uff 1 I'ty rt-riisnt ( m tintttr LV '.tot.- I'.ll ItV ' tart t rntt I'h- ki'l HiitififM l.rttur" 1' " M'ht H ittu i(t " fattm' Viluv t ntin IA- " U l'a, t;. lo litiilkaiU MuT Sf tJ ttc.tfa f l.UO. tt 14 ttml. , vf in i-ky- tni(h i wf will , till I t(n ;it on . .f (hi- Lllf . '..( .om kaf. Hum fi j II 1 H.-' atlft We ' mil ' u-i- 'jtice li fl?i in i .MOW 11 V'"i ' IwVrr Ut Mi.(t thotlt fUt III,, f tlti-K. Ths St. Joph and Crsni Inland" R. B IHIHt SHORTEST and QUICKEST LINE T'l u.i. points NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH kuoln:uTZ Union Pacifio Bystem 1TK rVITIt HOCTS To fllfonil, (in Kn ll Wnrn Points. For tiilormu'lim n-KnrJinis tte. vw , on er nldiTii n mm or B. M. aimii, M. P. ftfisi.HMix. Jr.. ien. P At. Geti'l Manscer, rit. Jiseph, Mo. opcmritif oi.ti. CHEAP UlTtODOnnr rrcuu 8 TRONGiicnrnuur WKrTnor KATTI.K. wluiirlr. A Dornl lp Kiitoiimir fir Planlrron wall. Wlrr lrol lirRlhlna f tun mtril, th .at S rtj-ilt ti lh itiftrkt Writ f of Iks l it JH.MJ.LAB00Kl.Xi CO.. tAUt.N.)i.J. CURE YOURSELF! I hie it ftiT untiBiiurttl r ia i t 4 f. I dif lisrvi, ItiBatJi lualluOl, W i ixi-wrt, of uiuceuf tnvttibrtkM. !i'rtu t.tct. t'jti,uB. or! not Minn la ttr iiranisia. nr fttl in plain rrapr, Itf fXlirf. prpiij, tul tl Hi. i. i iMttlna, 2 C'iciutar feut tjuat. ' rmtn Mm Iwfe nt fuiKW may loaf a ..rtiuM riKiUnh run rant l kjr.,ni bant nu. lav law LT,uTi. It fuu la.r pr., p-r fc-awr ....r m"a- oa aofl U.W ...iriMll at irniftwt 'IJ,'", aaaaw a aataaw, tara - 4 PATENTS, TRADE-MARKS: Klamloallun and Ailvl" to lalnlal)illljr of Id TrtilloD. Hin(t f,f l0ewt'ir'O'ulii. nt Hfiwlfirt a paiouu I'ATaica u'faaaaii, Waaulniuja, l. 0. DR. TKTVn AWTHMALKMK CURED lyiid or nunM wfiw iiinnmni- un.w.u. a i irntna, fr rHIalila ln("niaiiuri in iwlori-nm ui w i u.kll'4 Mom uf iui txi.. lamp. Horula. N . I, No. tin- WHF?WltiTISO TO A MVh HI lKi. pl.'. ar aaa lb sxivMiawine"' In tlila pNr. C4MHb trrun. Tutu Umia. IJsLr iifD ; sli'? af-JSr V OKunri.o.rl iniiriiTnninriit III nr II I MM I I III I II I Mil aJUFTJ'P Cow ai KlrptiMUt Nlecps Have you ever thought how the ele phant sleeps whether he lies down or stand op? A naturalist tells the Out look that in captivity the elephants a! ways stand op when they sleep, but when in the jungle, their own 'and and ami home, they lie down. The reason given for the. d (Terence itween the ele phant in captivity and freedom is that the elei.hrnt never acquires complete confidence in hii ki-ep rs, and always longs fur liberiy. Discovery of Glass Eu-hinsj, The art of et-lilng fram gla was dlacorered by a Nuremberg glass cut ter. By accident a few drops of f orris fell upon his spectacles. He no ticed tbat they became corroded, and eoftened where the acid had touched. That was hint enough. He drew fig ure uiHin glass with varnish, applied corroding fluid, then cut away the glass around the drawing. Wben the varnish waa removed, the figures apieared mlaed upon a dark ground. In the nbnrba. Mangles -Is this a church-going town? Citizen Yes, slree. Every man In town la a stanch Chrlstlnu except for an hour every Tuesday and Friday morning. Mmiglea What happens then? Citizen That's the time they meet to trade borne. New York World. A K jal A inljltlou. Seeker I wonder why It is that th male cycler always follows in the wake of his female companion. Rageman It is the prompting of a royal amhltien. He feels that he may beioine Bueeesxnr to the thrown. Bos ton Courier. very Like I jr. Mrs. Swiggs In cane of war on ac count of the Culm u resolutions what would be Likely to he rtie first howtile movement? Mr. Nnfflsg-a I think the Madrid Gov erumeut would capture all our castles In Spain Pittsburg Chronlcle-Tel .graph. Would Offart It. "I say, waiter, this game's just a lit tle too old." "Never mind, sir: you'll find the port new enough." J udy. Very Proper. "I Spenwell a proper person to know?" 'Certainly; he always lwis plenty of money with him." To-Date. The New York supreme court bold" that damages cannot be recovered (or atignis caiii-e 1 by delay in the delivery i f a telegram. This reverse! the princi ple eipmnled in the Omaha cane winter's caxe of Ilob Charters vs D, G.ore L. Miller. It waa in the early )-. Hon wa a type setter on the old, the real Herald. The brain department wan weitry and copy hard to y;el. Am a cousequem-e Hob "tasted" a liberas quantity of "while," and across the hpo:es expanse wrote in an elegant milesian fist, "3 000 for anxiety of mind." It went. RENO COUNTY RHEUMATISM. NERVOUS DISORDERS IN CAS TLETON, KANSAS. Ften Years a nfTVrrr-No Relief from I'll ynii lanx-l'ink I'll In Work a Cure on Alra. ArinT. Ix-venUli In Wx Week V om the Utiittle Ihttrltintnn. Knnnn. "If I here is anything I have entire faith in, in the way of medicine," snid Mrs. Ann T. Ilevenish. f Ciistletoii. It. -no dimity, Kim., to a reporter, "it in Dr. Williams' 1'itik Pills for Pale People. "Why? do yon ask well for seven years 1 was a wretched sufferer from ner vous debility and rheumatism. My wrists were mi swollen and my lingers so aiiff that I got no sleep at hikIh. My hip, hiickhoiie and shoulder hladf were mi painful if 1 moved that I would awake screaming with uk'oiiy, nnd a small lump of hone or callous grew on my spine, which wit exquisitely painful. My heart was badly arTccicd, and the numerous physicians whom 1 consulted said they could do me uo Rood. "1 could not leave my lied without help, and once lay for three weeks iu one posi tion and would not have been sorry If death hud ended my sufferings, when one clay shout three months ai?o, some one read to nie from the llulcliinaoii Car.elte an account of a wonderful cure of a patient whose ills were somewhat similar to mine, by using Ir. William' Pink Pills for Pale People. 1 procured a supply of Pink Pills about six weeks ago, and hud not got through the first box when f received relief. I con tinued with the pills, every day and my health improved. My nerves became tran quil, the rheumatic pains began to leave me, palpitation of the heart ceased, my kidneys and liver grew normal, and though I hjji still taking I 'Ink Pills, I am almost well. "1 can tell you of three persois t.i whom I have rcvoimucnded Pink Pills all of Cnstleton. who were suffering with heart difficulty: Mrs. L. Smyth. Mr. .lohn Purcell and Mr. Maher. and tliey will ted you what Pink Pills did for them, and they alo know what they did for me." I)r. Williams" Pink Piils contain, in a condensed form, nil the elements neces sary to give new li.'e and richness to the blood and reatore shatter! d nerves. They are also a specitie for troi bleu peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregulari ties and nil forms of weakness. They build up the hlood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in nil esses arising from mental worry, overwork or excess! s of whatever nature. Pink Pills arti sold in boxes (never in loose hulkl at 6l cents a lsx or six boxes for 1!..V), and may he had of nil drus" ;ists, or direct by mail from I)i Willi.ims' Mediciue Company, Scheueeiudy, N. Y. Women Itcvivi'.liiis, Two young tiniii;iiTie:l women h.ivn hen conducting a revival ut Malta Ilrnd, Mich., durlug the past week nr so, and with "wonderful" result. Among the many converts are several men more than 70 year old. No to-Ilao for Fifty ('em. Ovr ofi.OiMi ci.reii. why not lei e.o Iiae f'S'dHtii or rclnevo loor desire f'T lobarOoT Nne. in. n y a.. ik fic.ilth si,. I in nhojU. (Jure gUSI.lU.ftMl. iiCt' tl. dl niuptfl't'. A tiretna-i wile in South Ilnd, Ind., claims lo be the hsire- to an estate o! over one million ponnd in England. J cut irr 10f hoi nt Pas-a-a'a. randr rs'hatllr, fin K limr au lsal rss'il i nr in . ALL PUTTY MEN Fifty Good, Honest Citizens Becore a Pnttj to the Glazier, or Clay in ths Bands of the fotttr. A VERY VIGILANT SECRETARY. A i 'naich line th- way Snot aiiona are Conduct, at t alalia th II it out of frtracnt Oportuu.tle. Liscolk, Neb., Feb. 92, 1807. The fusion majority still flounders along in the toils of the rinir. The fifty negative nien in the house remain t-ub-niissive. They are not bad men, but merely negat ive men. They do not seek out the unscrupulous ring leaders and aik to be uianipu.ated, but when the ring leaders seek them out and whip them into the caucus, they have no power to resist. I have taid thefO fifty negative men are putty. I shv ki yet. They will remain o to the end of this session. These fifty men are neither fools nor knavt s. They are fnirly good men. In the main they desire to pass only junt meacureH. Houne roll No. ft, which is intended as a legal excuse for the perpeira'ion of a crime against the constitution, is not approved by the conscience of thi-He, fifty men. It was not, it iB not, '.heir deliberate purpose to do, or to attempt lo do, an unlawful act which w ill go into history as revolution ary and criminal. They did not think it out. It wan thought out by the ring of manipulators w ho hail absolute con trol of the fusion party and thin fusion majority in the legislature long before either of theeo fifty men had reached the state eapitol to take their scats. These fifty putty men who voted against their conscience for house roll No. 6, which g'.ves the Governor power to accomplish this criminal purpose in the interest of his brother-iii-law, are not a part of the crime only to the ex tent that they LOiiKentrd to it. The rank and file of fntmliat and free silver democrats in this state will be a part of this wii k-;d scheme only ho far as they endorse it, now ind in the future. If honest populists in the rural districts resist and denounce this attempted out rage on the constitution, resist it now and denounce it from the very begin ning, the effect will be to piirge the partv to Koine extent i efore it must meet the people end the public con science in the next election. Rut if thin little coterie of political schemers which concoc ted this hold measure and which hypnotized ami In I! dozed the tame j members into its support can also hypnotize and bulldoze the n n'i am file of the populists, and free silver democrats into the belief that this kind of business is reform, thet: each popu list victory at the pol is one step nearer revolution. If there had been one strong man in the house m senate to have given voice and force to the higher con science w hich was in t he breasts of most of the member, the dark puriose of this bill would have risen up like a ghost at a banquet and the conspirators would have slunk away into the oil inspector's oil room which is now the nesting place where the ring hatches out its con spiracies. When will the people lenrn that hon est government and good law-making is not a matter of honc-t intentions such as we I'm I in goody goody, easy going men, but is also a matter of mental strength ami ciianutcr force? The weak men who par. icipnled in thin in famous measure because they were weak, and because there w as no one in the house or senate of snlhcien; force t Btir their tatter manhood into iictiou, will remain weak to the end, an 1 the blame for their weak acts must icstw ith the mass of voters, who, in the tiiii,st of a feverish and frenzied campaign, se lected pine sticks when they oiij',ht to have selected oak beams. 1 could say some good things of the republican members, and some of the populists, whose voices wore husky with emotion when they uttered their weak protest in the caucus against house rm! No. 5, but I have not space to deal in personalities. House roll No. fi v. il', henceforth haunt the populist party lil.e a damned spectre, emphasizing the un scrupulous, character of its leadcts and the weakness of its followers. Maret, the gowrnor's private Htcrc tary, as noiseless ami agile as a weasel, whips in and out of a dozen different places at once as the errand boy of the rimj, conveying the desire of the gov ernor to the ring, of the ring to the cau cus, and of the caucus to the loitering members on whose neck the caucus yoke rests heavily. Now you see the nimble little secretary whispering over the railing to one of the Ikissch in tl , ho' so, who is atatit to crack tho party whip. Now you see him beckoning a senator into the hall. Now you see him rounding up the fifty putty men into a caucus, and now yon wee him whisper ing cautiously iu a dark corner to Hill l'axton, president of the Omaha stock yards. it is interesting to see this big, burly man of money and jsiwer looking down on the weascl'.y little secretary in 'ic dark corner and it is interesting to know that the littlf) secretary and his coterie of well cU. ssed chums, the "new blood," who have secured the soft snaps at the eapitol, find time to meet these men of money and corporation power several times each day and make rcort of how the work of regulation and reform is progressing. Perhaps I ought not to speak of this. Surely these smooth young men, cost of w hom have become reformers In the last few months, have a right to hold the soft places, and to make a few deal on the side, seeing they have taken upon theniHelve the resjionsihility of direct-' ing the reform movement. .Many an lionent, husky old pop journeys to the Ftate house, and sits hour after hour in the waiting rm of the executive office. He sits ai.d waits, and as be si is he seeg the ricture of the sainted Silas on the wall, and he f.-e!e the toft touch of the HrusMels caii under his feet, but where is the governor and where is the secre tary who should answer his call? Wait on, old man, you of the old guard who rallied aloiit Bill McKeighan at Wilson ville in 1-10, and w ho followed the clar-' ion voice of Kern from Hell to Broken Bow. Sit still, old man, and wait. Roll your quiet eyes about the room and look at the picture of Silas on the w all. Thi is enough for you. You cannot expect the work of reform to stop long enough to hear your modest plea. The secretary is busy with Bill Haxton, and the governor is closeted with Kirkpatrick consulting as to the further process of house roll No 5. When your understanding, if it ever does, grasps the true inwardness of what is now going on at thin eapitol among the men you have trusted and believed in, you w ill go home to your farm with the srules dropped from your eyes and with more good sense in your head than has been there (or veirs. ,1. VV . Johnson. He Was i'esieretl. A traveling man. who make monthly trips through Went Virginia, told this story of a courtihip of his: I "There is one of the prettiest girls in j the country living In a little West Vir ginia town," he said. "At one time I j though myself very much In love with ! ber, and wanted to marry her. The girl's father waa a customer of mine, j aud I always timed my trips so that I : could spend the evening at his house. j "One night I concluded to trv my fate, and managing to see her a!jne, I pro potted to her. I waa accepted, eondl- ; tlonally upon getting her father's con sent, and I was not to ask him gntil after she had a chance to soften him a llrtle. Of course when 1 went away that night, I thought of nothing but what presents to send her. 1 could not see her for a month, but we could write. We wrote every day, aud I lnreted a whole month's salary In presents. "When I reached the town again, I palled at once to nee her, and she told me to ask her father the momentous question at once. Approaching Che old man, he said to me: 'Young man, you act as if you was going to auk me If you could marry Sue. If you are, I'll just say fhat I've been pestered enough by her lovers. I've Just got to the p'int where I don't care who she marries. When that New-Yorker asked me, I told him yes; when that feller from Chi cago nked me, I told him he had my blessing; when the Wheeling man wanted her, I told him nil right. That was last week. You are the sixth this week, and I ain't going to let you nay a word. She told me this morning she was going to marry a young lawyer at our county seat, and judging from the two to three wagon loads of parcels she ha received by mall and express the lat two months, I should think she had about enough plunder to go to housekeping on right away.' "I did not say a word, and skip that town now the girl married the law yer." Washington Star. Kpfiilecl tlie I'crloriiianco. Last winter a number of literary pf-op!e Indulged from time to time in nmaleur theatricals.. During February they produced a comedy. One of the lifters played the part of a burglar and had to climb up the outside of the 1, in which the entertainment was given nnd enter through the window, which was at the? rear of the Impro vised stage. He hurried around from tic dressing-rooms, and valiantly com trcnt'cd to struggle up the wall, when a policeman grasped him by the neck, tliinkln:; hlin u veritable burglar. He. started to explain, but the minion ot a1 he law would have untie of It. The audience was wondering In the moan Itime why the play did not proceed, end the young actors and actresses oil Jhe stage were eagerly waiting for the) burglar to enter and give them the cue, when they heard shrieks,, truth nnd threats from the garden. Rushing out, they found the amateur burglar thriixhhig wildly nbout the grass, while a brawny policeman sat on his shoub ders hammering his nick into the mud. Iiondon Tid-Bits. Accommodating. The following is told of nn old lady who lind her hair cut off In a severe ill ness, nnd wore a wig In its place. She whs staying in u continental hotel, and on day noticed a gentleman looking curiously nt her hair. Soon after, on some excuse, ho crossed the room to behind where she sat. She calmly got up, turned around, and lifting her hair from her head, said "Yes, sir; It is a wig" When a woman gets too fat to be be coming, she begins to tell how bloated she Is as a result of poor health. The story c jmee from St. .Tub that a, teacher th-re recently w hipped a boy very severely. Every time a friend call ed to sympathize with the mother, she sent her hov out in the yard to pet s: stick of tho size that was used in whip-j ping him, to show to the syr.pathizer.' The boy brought a larger stick every time, and finally heizan to carry logs of uch enormous size that he one day over taxed hii strength, burst a blood vessel and died. The new piques are finer in texture and more dainty in coloring than ever u : fruA - V... V. B.MI1 nn.l ft,-. irr. UM H , Alley i o vwbii cwijn;u nun " V- , j . . , nred, but the plain colors in light tints I r-F6r the last 20 years we have kept riso s Cure tor Con of i iue, pink and heliotrope, with satiajrnption in stock.and would sooner think a groceryman could finished .tripes, are quite the prettiest witfK)ut sugaf fa fos storc than we could Without col! Charles d Poston i living in riso's Cure. It is a . sure seller. RAVEN & CO., Dwggtitt, poverty in Phoenix, Ariz. He was the , Cerejico, Michigan, September 2, I89f . leader In the opening of that flute. I . ... ... -.. '- ' . Ilairt l.lrphai I K-m ilr.a. The island of Malta l the only known Ipot where the mucins of dwsrl ele phants are found. There are several places on the island where the bone ot these mi nia f re pachyderms have been nnearthed, and hundreds of ekeleton have been secured, iu w hole or in part. One of these, whose teeth and bonee showed was a full-vrown specimen, wa less than feet in len.t'i and coul.i not have weighed over tiOO ( urnis whei in the flesh. St. Louis It 'public. Old Boopctiers. The following Item frjiu a London newspaper will Interest many wheel men and all men over 50 years of as: "A ten-mile cycling race was decided on the road near Cobham between the Marquis of Queensberry and Mr. C. 13. La wen. the sculptor. Kach of the rid ers Is 52 years of age. The result was an eaay wdn for Lord Queeusberry, In S5m. 4 3-os." It Alwaya Pay. "How did your daughter come to get the duke?" "By advertising." "Nonsense! You don't mean to tell me you advertised for a husband for your daughter?" "No. Kut I advertised my business." -New York WorhL Where? Scene WaHm-lla Hull. Time Sunday afternoon. Green Orator This age demands men who have convictioaisl Where shall !we find them? I ; Member of Crowd Iu jail. Ex change. Experience prove that it is easier to get a wife by advertising than It is to get a situation. 209 Bushels Oat., 173 HuaheU Farley M. M. Luther, Kajst Troy, Pa., grew 209 buuhels Salzer" Silver Mine Ooats. and John Brelder, Mishicott, Wis., 173 bushels Silver King Barley per acre. Don't you believe it? Write them! Fodder plants as rape, teosiute. vetch, spurry, clovers, grasses, etc.. in endless varieties, potatoes at $1."j0 a barrel. Salzer's seeds are bred to big yields. America's greatest seed cata logue and 12 farm samples are sent you by John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Orosse, Wis., upon receipt of 10 cents tamps, worth $10, to get a start. Aconventicn of Sea Island cotton planters will be held at Blackshear, Ga., to protest against the ad miason of Egypt ian cotton. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. J. CllENKY & CO., Props . Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wkst ft Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists), To ledo, 0. Waltino, Rinnan & Mabvik Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. HalFs Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, antina itirortlv uoon the blood and mucous i surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testi monials free. j Mrs. Manila M. Baker, a lawyer of , Dover, N. II., announces herself a candi ' date for the office of United States min ister of Columbia. rAftrp.KTi rtimu.ftte 'tvr, kidneys and bowels. Nea. ar a ciuu. wuaKt-n or grH6. 10c. When y. u are a fool don't pretend to be a s ge Master. To master is to overpower. ST. JACOBS 0!LH lsthe elATIA Master cure ot V W I r x It overpowers, subdues, soothes, ANDY NCUR COHSTIPATIOH IPCfU riTPT V riUDaUTlTI'l1! to cure any raaeor constipation. Caaearata are the Ideal BDOubUILbl UUHtlnniLDU tire, never crip or tripe. hut cause easy natural result 8am. plaand booklet free. Ail. STKKI.INO KEMKt . JTihtcyt. M(Hitraal.Can..or NewT)rk. sn. "Use the Means and Heaven Will Give You the Blessing." Never Neglect A Useful Article Like SAPOLIO I II t or (oRsumpilofi I I'u'Oiliuv nt of Ku-ala- OIBrUla. Kursla punishes onending offieial.1 The governor of Mohilew recently sen'' enced a man to fifty strokes of th knout, though corporal punishment haa leen abolished, and the district presiV lent increased this to 100 strokes. The' man complained and the president was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. This sentence has tieen set aside as be ing too Pght, and both orlicals are to !e tried for endangering the man's life Chicago Inter Ocean. Th l.lsicut-r. General P.aratieri is spending the' winter at Tre'jt writing bis book on the Italian cam pa gn in Africa I The Gtnnan explorer, Dr Ja.'or, re-1 cently celebrated h s eig..t.eth and Urj sichweinturth his sixtieth birthday. j It is said that Dr. Temple, the neir arc '.bishop of Canterbury, is the worst degaed man an the episcopal bench. Archl isho Ryan (Roman Catholic) of Philadelphia w ill have taeu 25 years a pishop on April 14, 1897 Tiie event will be duly 'celebrated by the Roman Catholics of Philadelphia. Urlt'ka of 1618. The first bricks made in this country for building purposes were manufac tured by coloniBts in Virginia in 1612. They were used in the construction of a church edifice at Jamestown and the lesidence of the governor of the state. A part of the Jamestown church is still standing, and the bricks are in a good state of pri-se-vation, showing that the colonists believed in making articles to resist wear by exposure to all kind o weather. Boston Budget. To retain an abundant head of hair of a natural color to a good old age. the hygiene of the scalp must be observed. Apply, Hail's Hair R?newer. A fat man is all right so long as he is not in his own wav. WnN-f bU!oi nr cuatlve. eat a Cascarat, caodrc tharuc cum ifuaranleed, 10 , 25c The complaint known as grip is as de pressing as unrequited love. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump lion cured me of a bad lung trouble. lrs( J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. 26, 1895. As soon as a man falls in love, every. thing conspires to punish hini. , Mra. Tlnalow'a Soothino Kybop lor child rcn leeUiiior, softens the jnrni, lactam nation, alia ya paiu. cures wind colic, iic uoitlft Two men were arrested at Greenr-s-castle, Ind. for passing spurious co r. COMFORT TO CALIFORNIA. Kvpry Thursday aftfruoon f. tourist i-leeping ci.r for Den, ver, Suit Luke City, Sn Fran cisco, and Los Angeles leaves Oinahii una Lincoln via tho Burlington Route. It is carpeleu, upholstered In ratlau, has spring seata audi backs and la provided wita curtains, bediliiiK, towel-. "cap eic. An expcriei-ced excur-. sion conductor and a uni formed rulliiiau porter ao company it through to tha 1'ui'ilif Coast. W hile i, either as expensively finished nor as fine to look at as a piilncf sleeper, it Is just aat pood to ride in. Second clar tickets are honored and tb.jj price of a berth, wide enougfl for two, is only .. ("or a folder Riving full pa ticulai-b write to Francis. Gen'l 1'ass'r Agent. Omaha, Nei I " JiiSn f heals, cures it. GATHABTIC ALL DRUGGISTS I ill if J