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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1897)
i he Sioux Cou NTY JOURNAL HA-IRISOIsr, NEBRASKA, TXiXJRSIDAir, MAiCXX -. 1897. 20. ST 70L. IX. The Sioux County Journal. (iTAi:lJUl- J, (Vtlitt and FitisiiiKiiC, are rereiv-. .tig a great dvai of frw advertising id I nK.pi.jih 1.1 Ihe United States aiki , Enroiif- JiO'.v, tw:ati-t lit the pr..-s Translations .f Indian Eir-. OrriCIAL DIRECTOR. 1 , .; Ji iiiiluiKHi : ww ji.t.i-n . , r. 1., i,wri... sTATKOt t jcl- It Ho'comb ... ; I uteres ta Vou. 'OSV "f t'nif rea.limj at twr you I :.tS'otd to iiiWri. nil they are wioti Ui eiigaire in f,T tiu a rule tv U-mi iinKitit.fii.-Ury, 'iw.tigu j. a. Ilr.. Bub -Wot nm Pi-e, f'i.00 lh.-ra nra ei.-eptioiis. The cae is re- V" ported fpiiiu tli Joseph Mo.-re -. Lartav. , ...i.overnor j i)ui;n,, tfM j.-peat campaign jmv.j-I j Prompt attention .N'tr liUV HI 'lit J 1 . It5 Unlit. i WiH,t ami waat tlioi.i whilu : II1;Ul,.ri in jasl . ... J I rt-Hxi.n-r liwy are ire:i aim neis. i ue .-h-ii. Attorney i.eneral I YVt-eklv State Journal. Lincoln. Nei .j,iuii IViimnUrfioiiri i ti.p ,i..,n:md. ns it will Ik- ttiail.d Lnutl 'Jhiee vrf iCiAi f-APtH of ejtux county. -Mipt. i'ublk- lio-tructioti 0o. II. 'aii'iu. liilittir, twice a week from now until January 1, I oNt.Itl.SMONAI. Dtl.KiiATHtS: j IMC, for 25 cents, or from now until lot W.TImrston t - senator, Omaha ' January 1, 1 $!. for one dollar. The (nwiwl t lr,f llarrifton punt ostii.e n f tuud ei iiuiirr. To tlie People (if IImi'iImhi, Hiim. ( j,uutr aijd Ncbm-lm, We comr ffrretln?. i huu.piohship belt of te world. IN. tie, iiH.jfrvai ion. A t hun-Mil... ' Tlie plm key Cuiuus are m.kinjj a d-K- Oklahoma, of an Indian iwiiio "-nix- j ,. (,.um., (-r.tli; lifchl for tlwir iml. twnilrm -e. ruii-rali-l uk-kiK.. lie w:i rommonly j;. Jt. ( tK ll. . Siaii) U lunU-rupt sii-l it l.Mik now- Af.aiii-of a-Uar. The l.'ial inttrpreta- j - tlwt 'iim uM trm M 'ti-l t. K'- t tioin.f Ins name , as ivn io Wf l fr-1 Coin tli-nlit t. foin uo inii- iiiik-i.t jnttaljt-arllmt is wim. iuj iu m-1 vv n, v A)1,.n ( .B,,r. Maaim ' tw.t y-nve-ot-m protiosit on takes vou r('lll4l('. ( Irprt'iai loll Hie ,if;-iii. i " , n. 'iriiiir, i.unjii:iimi .n iJni,, i.imunj - - - I ttm huhun .Kearitur B. vVilJ: not a d l- M.-.-v-rr, " -'1 ' oiualia KiiL'eii MN.rv. tliw i-x-M.iU' auditor was ;,rr;in--..iu-iitJ if lie lia'l tnaili- a suutw of j ' M'-ikl-jln . . . i K. J, H.lilliT, drrest.ii ami t li.itf -I w ith MalniUuiii- ,t. J$t la; diJ not, for tlw allot n;tnt was j w K Aar.w. Mfimlii -fit mm ot ?,'T,-0 i.O.i, front thf f,naiy made to tin- Iinlian'n nativo oaiiif. 1 (). M. K. in, . inl.lio tmisury. Sir- Moorw a t't(ut hm It name a 1'Iyin-e.isl. 1 'J' . (kANT (UJTlUUf:, D'1! Attorney-aMav. ivm to all Ifli'.il t 'ounty urul Li-tn. t tjourls, ur.J before tins United Stut- 3-1 4 til MJi 61)1 ' all llirouli the campaign, Klves jou the i . ... ... i . . i. .i... i .. i ' IruJITton fcii rliou iciui n, anu inntun inn iui ' Aurora ami? of this year. A dollar for the ):-l riouij iiroii';n laiw uniU-r ten tlwiiixuiiil dollar Uimls und tle i -liic-f. t'razv horse. Yellow -b inui-t, rtiKt as routinued thirty d i- Afraiil-of-hiseneinv, Watk-iu-tlnt-wat.-r, I A. M. I'ot.. j;reat twi.-e-a-wei k jia)er from now un til Jauiiary 1, IW, ia the liigy;e(it o.'fer ever made to reader. AH through tho nii-t Ju-'Uvf, Coliinitnis ' ..-aiupaign, all throuli tho Nebraska U- JI'IHiIAIiV: I ."., J(!irrion ..A'teJuilai". ' iriii't Ulini'l ' ii.I:.tiin tlu i-niii'rwisw anil the in:io-'ii- j ; , , i fciin-in-tWi...-.-, Buil-ail-tlM-time, K-ep-, r. I., Nnrvai Ai.-lat.. Jude. sewunt ; r.lU,n oflinew prudent. Never sin It... V f II. mm n, ! .il 1 1 I : 1 1 .. 1 .. ...... V,.l,-, i iti.lio. ! 1 V ( h III I llu-ll ( lit k 11 llll iO-lHiI'l IT 1 .1 1 u-nl 11 I 1 1 ' .uii. i.u.iiiiii.'ii ink-i i-'.ii.-.i i Hi n i.i'. i ..i. i. .in......." . - i - ' for the pivsidi-ni y w.u a visitor in tfiojtaji lki!i-tail-wilf-Ko.-3, K U-the-ono lia viuiir iun based Tar: Slot X XTY lower house of eonre- on the 21 It nit. j with-ti-e-hlije-mark-iii-tlie-teiKerf-the JolKNAL, mailing 1I-.1, will and ' He vas well retfived by iill parties with- ( i,,,,, ttr0 rediculotis ami tlionlJ not bo f out rt-srarj to ticir party aDJiUaiions. irtuated. hueti names are UQeoutii He paid his rep rt to Hun. torn lUeii, uri-Aineriean, and tiiieinli.eii. ricni i job out lit of . J. Simmons, the the war has so many incidents of vital; J'lrTKKVni Jt liirlAI. UJSTUKrr; j int'ixvt to the masses' lieen ri owded into ; M. )'. hi:iknii! ., Ju'txe, j sixteen months, as there will lie ilurin,' VVr it Witner " liilM)ivil! M J, lili-w i-tt ..t lerk. Ilai i isuii Fire lnsurinee written in reliable 'Oinpaniei. I"2?IXal pa)ers f-arefnl'y drawn. iiAr.itiKiix. Neuhaska. ""liipaBS Taliultsr"' Kipans Tauules cure nauwa, liipans Tabiiien: at flrug?s:i. Uipans Tabtiles ure dzinrs. Itipans Tabulcs anelvl diKertion. Hipaiisi Tabules cure bad brcat:i. l.ii-jiuis Tabules eure biliousnf ss. H.pans Tabules: one gives relief. I'.jpans Tabules: pontle cathartic. Kipans Tabules cure constipation. Kipans Tabulcs: pleasant laxative, Ripa.ns Tabules cure liver troubles. ,iiito- and proprietor, the tindi-rsijjned speaki f of the luiuy. i ill l ontmiii) l publish Tlji: J"t"KtAl, ; ,it Ihw isimji ollji-e and as of o) l, with tl j Little fireeee is iiiakms; it juit un-; , x, option that ll,8 future j.h. y of Til plesuit for the Moody Turkish monarch , . , i . il 1 iust ut i-re. nl. Kiiil' (Jeor,:! seems ta i A'SNAt,. while we are in l ommand will J u t " , im lo.m-T .ii .ii. rinw mil1 i- v " - j "Xamiu the Indians," by Frank Teiry, ! in .March Jicvicw f Ihruw. 1 this period. The Semi-Weekly Journal : is almost as good as a uaily. Send your , order direct or give it to your past- Sonit'thinsr f"r Sntliin. In addition to srivint; two pnrs H.erl V ll-ill.. I M.J. Kle.wett... ! i 'has. I'.ielile .... W . fl. Unvl I II lianletl each ' '' ' 1,1 - li, I . I iiOlllit- tm lk-mncrti.s 00.1 a advtruU : j(. )j( ;lv,ll .,,;, of Ku-ope j week the Se.i-We.-kl.V Slate Journal j uii-w.-tt ."V ( Urn p-innipl.-s of the - free mid iiiihm- , woll,, ,,, ,;,,! olft ;,, would . "w in em-U frM Miuhn' fl.OO a I .,rant .iutlirl...... .. , .. , ... . .. .i. m' .1... n-. . i. .,..1 .. n.u..ifre iiii.niiuin. You can lav your . ; i i-hoice of tiio Toledo Blade, or New ork IIHWI. other our-Lard rub, j Trjlmn0. Oryoueanhav any N of .V,,;IJ lU'! "'"!'t "",n; TiHin-puTdn-ans'of the Smlh Dakota), ' the l-apers free: Poultry New,, Swine ll8 emtwt number of tU ; J.UIature s.;e. to have it in for Sena- ; H-'eeder, Farm New and Wonieukind. thi i-reut common wealth au) the Unit- U.r Fetti-rew. Thinking that the re- Hundreds of oilier fr.-u pr.;miums, Mich M a.aten in general. Mm of Senator Kyle for a econd I an a splendid Atlas. State Journal Alma- 4 4tdPLn , ! . , L. s s,,ri!ll inae, United Stales Jlutory, etc. Send VCedesi.tO!fayw.(,enei! m the-;;'J.-'; i ldhUl CaH flf p,.,iu,n list, Wirr "rU Hi"us comity thai . t)j t( tiri(-J m a)) HtIfiporUH, I Y Kl.oul.1 read tl. Junrual during Hie .veWill not knowingly take up Htiy. v!a ut);ln, j 1,-islatun-, no matter what other papers MVMiKl.U oroeiKUIWHl ouarels ' - you read at other times. You must that tvould ii !Wy way bri,f hi It i to U, hop,,! that our lepHlatorH; yr ''"Z ,, r , , , . . iu ,.djt. ' down at Lincoln will tore the wetlfair , l'"'"'"- i t " iijJ dwepnta to th JiilHSAI. or Us euu-, , , ., f lavmiuins. K , , lot onr Male ut heart, enough at ftlly i U these In . piuiimm,. Or id tU future. It d.x. not belong to ; ...,t,u :1ii..n : i l.lli; V- iM.inir ii i..i.,.......iv ...,..-..r. . county Juilt- ! master. Clerk I , , . . 'I n-n.iurei I ...U.t. i-uoin-lintr.i.-tlon 1 At a llnndreil Junction Points " Micriif t) t,(.;ls;.li ,-otmi'i lions are made with ...... . u oniT ; . I '..,.!. ..... If, ,iil. , !f.,irw I, ,r 1 ' li--i iro St . . . -iij r. i". in i-ii .......... ., ...... , i l.-rli of Dli-irjci conn ; Jniis, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Omaha, .....-cmuty Attorney : jWli,n Jfetiver, (.'b.-Veiiue and h. onil. POAUl, Onr maps and time-.aliles showiue Krank Tinkbuin ct-hairmatO lslliu.irn-t '. where, when anil how our trains run mid .M. J. el,) r ii - wherein they excel the trains of other li. K Johnson '.'A " j lines in many important resiects, are !.K(;pZvTIVK: jsent-on rcjin.-iit,-free. It. i;. stcwiirt..Siiiitor, UiHiKo. U, CrawforH j Always tftad to quote rates and givt W. HeiiiiMey...Heji., Dist, No.6;i, HeiuiiiKfoiU ' information. J. Fkancih, G. I'. & T. A. (Jmaha, 1 1.1, AUK Or r lCKIiS: l North-Western LINE F., E. & M. V. K. E. is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NOllTJl NEBRASKA. ., newspaper worU und is tniireiy loreitfu i f)f tho Trans-Mi-sisippi fXwwition to j to it. We will be glad at all times to ! 1. held at (Jmaha in lsrs. It w ill un-i Just l iiiin the Press. l:. Pnhwer ( t-rialniiitii . .1. w . -.coll H. 11. iiri.wod ...I., Vt , 11. Mjrteller ........ N, I. Hamlin I, .) . simiiionM I.w in a-riiu-h , Trustee i a. I ..Clerk Tre.uinirt.-i SC1HM1I, OKI- ICHUS; ,!. IV. Srott ..liin-cior II, 1.. snm.-ii ..... . ....Moili-r.itor 1.1-ttU I-r in sli. Trtiiuiuri-r Don't for-i-t that Tim JofnKAl, has a lai'ce elubhinK list an.l when selecting reading' matter for the coming year til 1 1 and (jive us your order. Ve can save you money. DO YOU WANT JOB WORK DONE; THEN COME TO THE ' JOURNAL OFFICE. A ...,., 1 1 net i v-i. oil hi ii-'.i 1 ion lniii ul;l publish news from all parts of the county i doubtedly more than repay for all the ( u;in ''.y tne p.lsM.-er depart luent .... , . U-ost and trotiblu that the state will l ,,f i , Itorhnl'ton Route. It bea;s the provmeu l.0ver, um, le nmvwr ; the tlU, .-Ttl0 S.nver Norllvwest" anj de, !r!c. v,urtf At tlarrn..,,. impreg-imted with pwonal and neighbor- , u j i in a most intereslin and read- 1,00.! scandal. We have come amon, - r' lZnT you an entire rtaner und have a hmit-1 It ha len estimatetl by those tin li.kota w hioii are reached by tli; -com- i . .1 . I . d awidaintanee with tho pwple as ye t j claim nunmw inut, uie loss u uk maie m ; v" but to far a we can m-e The wenery, towns, mines, iM'opljf and I I ;.. .1.. I.... I... l.y... . ami learn, w "S " . industries of t hese two renmrkabl., se- , ,. . ,., , ! will amount; i over ,lor)H ,,f ,., ry ure treated of with ale teller tly area-nlawabalHlffelassof. uh, t(w price ;,,1)te (Idelety. 8IM paKes with illustra- people PS e Imk'e tver met with; and if , rrum jjVt! j)t ( ,,,s ,,r bushel," it ; lions, sent on receipt of 1') wiIh in 1 . .. .. t l.'o i.i-iu I! P A T A ...:u v.. .... ' .1,..,, ,. f .i.l 1... I,. 1.1,,. .... f,... .,.., r I,.iv!i u on il staoien. u . . ... Wlli W lllll i.H . -J .in, vii, i j iiiuiib . li' Hii'iii'ii .'1 .,"i. lo unto , have ha.d w.iling the coming year, un-1 leva McKinlyism 1'niiiw ipiickly and nil j hufje chunks as pmphiied by the g, o. p. Lit us sou what we shall see. 1 Umaha. Nebraska 1 Insleadtof a bill for cutimy: in half the I atfordms to tl golden rua otliera aa to uoulil that Others should! - ' . f do unto you'1 We exjiect to Ins criticised by onr po iitical t-nepiies, but if done in a Kent It manly wav, couched in decent nnd r"f''sS rattt for mlvertisnifj, lliere oufjtit , . , ,' ,, ... , , ,.; to lie a bill providing for the Hhujj ultt ppcUb o ana'ingB It will, Iw accepted in 1 " ' f i rw...i,,t imtilihi.ra lor!li-Il li'il ! It Ho. t A "pint of kindnrwi even though we may j tj,e 1lImt)wJi HSVt,r,, to u,at Uw flI k,. U ojlawpwsented by our opponent. On gtt r.,te Ux U-en riid, und providing a j AN UKPAUALI.EI) OFFEIt ; lie older hand we reserve the right to ! penalty for t lie publication of any notice . noniorest'scut l'nper I'atti rns nn the mtwt Hi-ioi-n su!irlliIiiR for r Magazine Sec the Best emorest's pritipii friend or foe nhk whether a publm nervantora ciyilion that might fn our judgment effect the jmbjic weal ir woe. We realize it is true, we wens Imrn in to the work) tlie name a all other men ; iind just rh liable to err. Nevertho- j leaf, we spun tine evury iiu-un! in our for less than the legal rate. If contry i nrm-tlenl nit tne market. They re ol any newsnntrt-rs d. sii-e to raii 1 ho business s'-K" a uieuiber l the noas.-noiu mum re- TKiiMs (,K ( UI IIT: Murh ii:iil ihmI .VoVember '.itti. Comity CoUlt,-At Hill l'i-in, i-0,'tiltil!in;rw irnt Monday of encli month. . ., . ... , i . ,.i i 1 i aire, in cm ii )) In each copy of the M;iKn.iive Is tirhilnil a i-otinon entitlinif the tnhnef llx-r. tatihO the unwarranted neers at it to or lmTi.m r, to u imttern j worth find ren cease, they oul.t to unite m c-aijHintf ; itirly olt for 8-V.) or .my nuinberof iwtti-rin. t.i.h I.-.'ihI lii.m in trf. ..ti.,.-ted n would 'for lour cenU.-a.-h to cover jwckiiuo mnl ....t ,. V.1...I, tin. lift III t .1- tl:llt.l-riIW 1 .1... .i....:.,..i t .. ri... ;., - UUi.,11 inn i.rr....-u ........ u.,m,1(i,.r(., , h Hut,,,-,! her n- tunlly If Is rip- I DKMOltlisrS MAfJAZINE FREE Correct you me this lime, if there in a , v,,il t,nt a nint;.izint! It is! t or )'.i7 It will ) 1-lfii.i. ..r ri.i.littii ill ittl llli. wide world who turner to live that which we teem to lie , ' immiiunnieiil. ... , ... i uro a ptxirEly tiaiil us the coiitilry ii.iws-i L;iU.h ro,,y i-ontiilns itii xi iind will jeaveuioour irenns anu u,e, - - . . ..I, . ,ra f,r ,-ei,i . ! paper iinil primers, men iroi inem out public to judge of our future conduct j'"1' while here with you. The Utcli-Mxin , aill in) hIwbjs hanging out to tliooej ivho feel djsiiosed to call anil get ls-tter will be courteously treated. In conclusion, we w isli to isay in he- and wo will yield the point. Meat Irrlatjiin Law Stands. brilliant tllita t-M-r l-(nre, !i;W tiew nietiiol", new lili-ai.. (Kinitf! re.IHIUf- timt.-it plt'turn n,y fitimionii tirtint, worthy to utlorn the niiHi of tlin iiin-l rellni-il lionie. 11 In iKlinni J that Ul.M'HiKS'l 'S 1 tlie only Complete r'ltuiil' .M.iinzlne t-oiiiljinini; nil ttf tint tnosit c-s l lent points of Its contemporaries, b''i(!ih's huvlMjr liiliiiltnlile fi-iituri-ij ol IHoml. IHCM ;tc fjtiainle4 with Hie new editor of TUB j Chadr.m, Xeb.. Feb. ?l Ad-eision re-, ,UKr r '""'"''J' tZKN MAiiAZlNKs JWMKL Weoan assure all who come Igurdm the cotistitutiouality of the irri- ' 'Vi'u'n ,.)wt ef Current KvenUi ami Pi' its Ration lawn of Nebraska was rendered for tl,... btuy man or woman, it Kevlew r.' n j in thslricl Ooiirt here today. A fciiit in- slnn-hous.: of Inti-ret lor nil. Wives, mo h !ul,.,il.,. .,..l,t t tl.' .,f i'.M ts, slfl.-rstm.I (iBiinhtem ciin Jlttd fviieiiy half tf lur prcdeceior that wherever!,,.,., . ,. . ,. i -tiatthe-neit Umniu-eitiel instroct thoe. " .. , . White liver m this county Tor irrigation nUu 1(1 ev,.rv .par,,,,,.,,, ,: 'n, j;.:iyM-e tit to cat.t Ins future lot to- ; .,1,,.,,,, waH brought last fall by the ,imu.-.He itinl lodul hie, liii lmUnit Un; Ini'i ettitr with liiB faiuilv, whether in the i Crawford Cinal com pan v mid mi injunc-! l-lltnit mid ornament In of the home, ei i- ,ew,r, work or o.e other lmSl..e; restraining the Whitney ' -';'''i'- "' 'Zra whiuli mi-ht suit hi. fancy better, We ! company and a number of ive,,. mivM th ,., and lr,,, lhv farmers from using the water. nK ur tie ir own penmns. I ,vih!i and his family along R ; jinJj,e Wetver today coiitimietl the in- The s.-.p.-..f the m tkl.-, lor IW. n-l !Mw . !." ; lint journey through life and . that ! j,ul(.tion until the regular term next ' 1 "" ',,,,!,; nm,ltr "a u ,. . il, , , . , , .. i Imereslit, Mint ihe nrtit'l.-s will he I'rof nm-iy j XDz-vti 1 4-mr i heir cup of my and hapiiiness may con. March, but overrule.1 the demurrer "f i ,miMra,,, wlUl u, nnetm.irrvii,Ki. .!, ITOUltl 'onil! to loW toward then, lis it has in!,,m uefentlants as to the eonslituttoriati- n.pntioii, It will puiilUh the tiet mid pur! I ly Of the law, (Jorigressumu . Maxwell o! . est in-noii. il ireKUi in, innmii tmi oi itour ' a"u tlie third ex-fimVe of the Ne- Bl,"rU- Aiim..-inent ai.-l Ki.tnrluni- , . . , , i .i menu: It elven a grciit (ieitl of attention to ; braska supreme court and Judge H imer: UH ,H.,,.tnl, ..0ur :nf K-irney were council fur tins defend-1 , h.m a Montlily MyuijMiiiititii by l .-h-limteil lalils, Evtliimj WolUl Ifil'ilhl. j People, la wlilcli lire tliemwil Itiiporlant j i tpienlion of tins hour uf inti-ri-Kt to the olili-r. ' .... , , ,. 1 reiirti rs. vv lien men learn now to walk on one Clit Rl 1IKS ANll Mll'IKTlK-, Meliioili-.! humhty Sciiool mi'ei every inn (lay uioraliiK ut II :;.0, J. K. M iit-ri',i,r.t;!t, V. II. Invis, .superintenftent, si-eret.iuy JfcURY HCKK POST, No. ,tl i, li. . I. Meet-, aecottil lon(tuy In each mroith in the court liotHtt at l!;u ri-.on. lv K. biverinore, ("otn. WOOUVKN OF Til K WOULD. Harrison Cjorip, No. . rneets on .larh it! tumuli- Wutlne.siluy uveiilng. ,V. H. invis, W. I,. HoVT, Clerk. Con. Com. MUDKl! WooDMi-iN Oi-' AMF.HICA. Meet-M eacii alternate ;itnriliiy evening at s o'i-loi-k. A. It. Uw, V. C. J. W-. s.mitii, Clerk. i;i'V0IiT!l l.KAUCK. Hi-itulitr hiilnnsn meeting Urst Tuedijay evening la eae) uiontli. ('. 1 .Maiisti:mi".k, W. II. Duvi.-, I-ri-siileiit, Sni-rntary. Ili-votional mi-ntin ecery Suiiday .-vi-nlnK at ii :-.;. ii. .1. I'i.ark, l.i-ailer. Jt'Mou i i: i,i i.. Meets each Mindav alti-rnonn s. t U Mils. I. I!. liuiKnoM!, Mipt. -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1800. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. Bukwptt'.h, Piesident. C. F. "om, Vice-l'residtnt, D. It 0RI9W0LD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SSO 000. Transacts a General Banking Business, CO TO THE NEW mm FOR Fresh and Salt' Meats, Oysters, Fish, Game, Lard, and Respectfully, Gun. D, Canox, j"lUail the JouKSAi, add thin week, ( ,,.. .....,, , (,,, Ulf (,llV(, your miliM ilptlon at once. j leg, to ride comfortably oil one wheel, I V.mi .-l molt- value lor your 11101105' Hum It i'-iondiu, Urn ramoim rope walker died 1 t M"0 dourly with on. eye, to hear with ' t i'--ij t.t w ciirr lit any other,ii-,iae. i Umdon Feb. 22ml ' i one ear, to brent Ii with one lung, and f. i n,.. M.iRHlne one 5 ir .i h)ii.jou, 1 cu. uu. 1 ' 1 or rlx months tor : - l.fio. U Id reported tlmt Fitji Hughe Leo, iSftl U'cneral toC'ulta Ima resigned. live with one wife or mots than one der side lo the lied, to build a house that "i'v; ' ' T i J has an inside and no out nitle, and to Xi.i Ibiggfd Top mining district in thu prove tluit nature Is not iiiihIh up of two .luck- llilla i experiencing a Ikjoiti this elements, the positive and the negative, vu,mr and hidM lair to continue during , then the ninglo goltl staudend will coii- t':f rftu'u'jf -'it- nil! stimnu f, (over zv, tlKfi-ji-ut urn r iti t 11 1 4 nr shown w ife, eat with a knife and to eschew the (,(i h ji-,ir, pati.-rn of all or which m-r ie fork, to have an upier side mid no un- j itiiinUile hj- miiMt-rliHirs at l, (un it.) Sumpla copy i tin pitncrn eoiiponi stmt tor lue. : iu.mohk.i't l'l'iit.isniM, Co., j JIO Fifth Avenue, Nt.- York. A l.IIUHAt, oerKH. owly .;s THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL kml HKMllHKsr! KAMM.Y MAliA'ISK. sn. Vou)' -uliVrM'tlom lo tlimutice. iltp R t-j ivH-iei ity., l nrff Thnr, HIGHEST PBIOE PIID FOR POULTRY, HIDES, TAL LOW AND EVERYTHING IN NY LINE. COME AND SEE ME. E. E. SMITH. Opposite THE JOURNAL ollico. llAiuurtcin, Ni:piHsg. CORRESPOXDK.XTS: A.wi'JWan' ExoiAXiiE Nation a r. Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omalm, Fihht National Bank, Chndron, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tlTBRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. A'rA Feed and Sale hcUahlp. an hl v M . u mm m mi Good rigs furnished on short notice. Reliable drivers and tpuet siiddlu horses always on hand. Good accommodation for tiaiiscieut customers. Horses boarded. TERMS REASONABLE. GIVE ME A CALL N. D. HAMLIN, PROPRIETOR. 5.1