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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1896)
V THKSloCX COUNTY Sinn iifiiHt 1I iloruml Prop. F. E. 4 S.VE. K-TimrtaluV. ;iuf t. ,uin(f Ku.t. Ho. , IO:W 'g. 6, luiul J. E. PIIINNKY, M. I). Physician, tuil Surgeon. All cull givcu prompt attention. Office in Drug tore, IIAKH1SON". - - KEBUASKA. NOTICE TO smi.EHS. The rules of the local land oltiee have recently lieen amended so that settlers to make liaal proof shall sett la with the publisher before sentting in their applica tion. All parties desiring to make linal proof fan have their papers made out at THK Jot liNAl. olliee, free of charge, find promptly traiismi"ed to the land olliee ho that no time w ill lie lost. For information read THK JiTKSaL. Old paiiers, live cents er dozen a The Jtt knai. oltice. If those who have promisitl to hrinr us wood on account will tlo ho nt owe it will lie appreciated, fur we need it. Call ut The Jul i'.NAI. ollii e ami have vour final proof paper-4 made out. It will cost you nothing. Tlio twelfth annual issue of the t'oluiuhia (tad calendar haslteen received. It is very convenient and can lie had by wnduif; ten cents to tin' Popii company. Marsleller Hrot hers have had scales moved from near the depot to the houth side of their stur Imildini;. a Hint h fnore c.invenient liw ation for them. The stot kholders of the ( 'omniercial Hank held a meeting on Tuesday. No changes were uiiule in the olllcers and the business showed properous con dit ons. tuite a numlsT have reionilel to our r;iiii's!s and statements and settled liccotiTils ilue, but, there are others who have p ml no attention lo them. A list of such is iieiii;; prepared and will lie placed in the hands of a collector as soon as completed. The ih Kinley ''all at the court house on last Thursday evening was ipiile well at U'ndeil ami a ood time eii juved. Hiiicr was served at the North western hotel and the dani ini; kept up until morning. The Tierce T ill tells of a youit'' coll ide that was at tending an ent'Ttaiiiment when the voting l idv fell faint, and said o to her escnit. Ih' pullt d notnethiiu from his vest pocket and told ln-r 'o ju-t keep it in her mouth anil not swallow it, and in a little while she felt fully re storm! After peltmif home she look the substance frt. in Iter mouth and lie hold it. : a- pants' button. II. II. Russ II, has a. pond on his place which he stocked with trout. He also has a bi yellu'V cat. Trout are noted lor their rapid movements, nnd calshavea well-estatilised reputation for avoiditi'.' Hie lite water, hut this partic ular li.luie seems to lie an exception to the rule and h is developed into (plite a vnccessful Usher. A few days iiro he 1) oiuht in a trout which weii,'lied two and a half pounds. On last Saturday Archie Akers suc ceeded in KjviriK a ln-nd in the sum of six hundred dollars which was approved by Jud)4 Wilson and tie; prisoner was r dcased until the next term of the dis tict court.. The sureties on I'm bond are Sarah Shaw and Aaron Wisdom, and they were reipnred to verify as to the prowi ty they possrf'ssod liefo.e the court would accept the bond. It is reported that John Uidd has l-ft the country, but there is plenty of time for Inm to return h.'f ire the next term of court. County Attorney-det t Fisher of L'awes county will be for the defense of Hathaway Do I I si) '.he court, his indicated that At torney Jenckes w ill lie appointed to pros ecute the case, and his know ledge of the Stonekin case w ill enable him to pre sent the case in c;ood hape when the time comes. - It is reported that the suit which was instituted In the district court, to compd the railroad to put in a crossing on their right of way in White Hiver precinct has lieen settled ami the cross ing put in, the roail district furnishing the material and the railroad company doin" the work. That is certainly better for all parties than for an action to have lieen brought liefore the state Ixiard of IransiKirtatlon, where it would he hung up for a long turns. In nwtwl ixf uiii'ti ... if il.- ron.l overseer, take the matter up proierly with the railroad company thev can get anything that is reasonable with less delay iind expense than would result from bringing suit to coniiel the company to act. The railroad have their law department and it costs them little more to light u case than not but it costs the other people considerable to maintain an action. The coon dive on White river came near lieing consumed by fire a f-w days ngn. The imlicationn were that it had is-en set on lire. It is simply a question of time w hen the taxpayers will have to pay the costs of a big criminal case growing out of that institution. It was iifged by Home w hen the application for license was made that the county com missioners might Is-ttur take the money and issue the license, for the place would 1st run without license if one was refused. Till! JmVHSAI, expressed the opinion then that the people of that community would not tolerate such a resort, hut it seems to have run right along, nnd while people kick and roar nlsuit it, the nuthorities are wiwerless, for the reason that wluhi ninny seem to know something of the place none can l found who have the courage to furnish information on which prow-culion can e bused. It is reported that several shot have been I! rod at woplu aid some line morning word will come that an other murder has been c iniinilled at the place. And HioilX county w ill have to loot the bill. PHltSON tl.. C. C. Jameson was up from Chadron i on Tuesday. j A. Mi-Oinley wan up from Running i Water Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. C. F. Colfee were at j Cladron tliiH week, j Perry White in. id a business '"Crawford the lirst of the week. trip to Alvin T. Clark left Saturday evening j fur the eastern part of the state where i j lie has employment. I John ( 'orhin and son, Kimus, went to ' I-ad, S. I)., the lirst of the wt k. Ti e former will return in a few days. hile ! the latter experts to remain there. 1 rroirram of ( Iiritiiias K n tTt a i :i iiu ti t . There will !e a Christmas tree and! entertainment in the M. 1.. church of Harrison on Thursday evening, Itecem lier 2-llh, under the auspices of the Sun day school. The following program will rendered: I'raver . by I'ustor. sonji . f hoir. Hiteiliitioli Archie linvi, Suliie II. " ...Hlit HI-. M:ttl.le'eil. (.race e'l. -omr Uceltnlloii. ..sehiMi! t liutr. Jeiitile 1'olilllls. M tv W. IImih. Kl'ic riiflit .. .l"!ile iH'tiitcli. IthiiU riiiiiney. . I'Mtsoils l ittle Ko!k. Mnls'1 Wartu-ke. .roiiK Itcir Murrteller. " . Minnie Wttrncke ' , Vera (,ntto!'l. inif li"!r- Ili i .t it inn - - ( larii llainliii. Iliitloifile. Ifecltlitioll lioyce Ti titiet. ..MiiIm-i It'ir. low. s()nlr seiniiil choir. Heel I ill ion.- Vermel 1 1 n in I In. MiiIkI Tclilft .Iiorolhv I'ut tet Mm. e hilim Itohwer. Sfitf i.ncy l.erinch, Onie stiHon. Kei It. ition . . l.arlie Mycr-. Kittle I'lii-siec.. Willie Harlell. Minnie s, I,,,,. ! !!:'n:;!;-i M..rv i.erlm h. ! ...Nellie siiimmut, . siinir.. Heeitu UlatoKur. Uecit.itlon. I'or't riurk. .. . . Miitele It-tiniln. ... Kil'lle (.itthric. liothii lliotill. Kloytl ( lurk. ... l oill-c t,el'l ich. Iiirristin lilee 1 lull. Sonu lllaloKaei. Tht! above program subject to change or correction. VxArcises w ill liegin promptly at sev en o'clock. Kvery one is cordially invited. Ilring your presents and h-avu with the committee to bo placed on the tree. We will endeavor to make the evening a pleasant one and most heartily reipiesl your aid in our undertaking. TlIK COMMITTEK. StlllMll Noll's. Tin. T. . 1 t . i.' i n r iu it lil of I .tlliits licit her absent nor in the primary depart - meiit of the village s huol for the mouth Hiding November !!0th: I.ucy (irlai h, Fesie Iiili.ver, Kit in Parsons, M.nnio Sutton, Klna Rdiwer, Elna Simmons, E In i Clark, t'lar.i II mi- in. Myrtle Scott. Mamie Morrow. Josie Sherrill, Archie Davis, Charlie Myers, Charlie Rirhstein, K'thi-rl Wilsrin, Aug ust Diehle, Frank Hiehle. Jluring the uioiith six nt;w pupils were eurnlled in the primary department, and sitet'ti in the grammar department, making a total enrollm-jiit of about ninety. A number of the parents have shown enough interest in the school to visit it. Tim work seems to be progressing nicely and the good results are noticea ble. The holiday vacation w ill be taken next week. The case of the county treasurer against H. S. Van Tassell for delinquent taxes has lieen appealed to the district court. The people of the county are in terested in the result of that case for if one man can get out of paying Ins taxes all ought to have the same privilege. In Dawes county a young man by the name of Martin pleaded, guilty to a charge of rustling and was given a year in the ien. The reason for the light sen tence was his youth and the fact that he was led into it by an older man. A war rant is out for the older man, bull at last accounts ho had not been appre hended. At the regular mooting of Jerry Husk Post No. Ilia, on last Monday the following olllcers were elected for the ensuing year: E. E. Eivermore, Com. ; A. J. Pogart.S. V. C.; L. Paldwin, V.t..; f.rorce, u. l., James jonn- son, O. G.;,Sanford Hill, O.- M. ; E. J. Wilcox, Chap.; John Plunkett, surgeon. James II. Cook received from Chi cago last week a very lino Percheron stallion. Mr. Cook sH-ut some time in the horse markets of the east and is sat islled that the future promises well for horses. The day of the brand-covered brnuc has gone by hut good horses, well broken will lie in demand. It fact, there is a good demand for tun h now. The supply of horses is short and people are just llnding it out. Yesterday Lillie Williams liled a petition in the district court for a di vorce from Charles S. Williams, charg ing him with adulterv, cruelty and other conduct not in c iiifortnity with the vows he made nt the time of mar riage. She also made application to the county court for an rest raining Williams from disporting of his property during Ihu pendency of the case and further set lis to recover the custody of the child which is now in the possession of it father. Judge Wilson net the hearing of the cases in his court for Tuesday next. K. W. Hnily and County Attorney Guthrie are attorneys for the phintill. Pinal Proof Nolice. ill jieroiii Ituv'.vu tfnsl proof liotlef lit till pJlT ill receive a mat kil t-t v of the I! r mel sre re.j ue-tcil to cfuiiiiiie tlieir notice nicl if miy rroi s exit rt jMtrt the ame to this ottlre at (IIU'V. I.ttM'J OflVcat Allililice , Net,., ! 'iiitr I, Sotto in hereby K'vcti til t tin I'll;. mint' nttine'l el t '.er tuts tiieij noliee of llisititeil fiitii Ui miike tliii pro-il in M'tpfHirt of hi clililll. Htl'l 1 !)Ht n till proof ill lie itl-ute lie t'oi M. I . lilfu t 1. ii't k lu-triii r.Hiit at llitrriwon, Nebraska, m Jnttunry 1-', I'.;, viz. Mi-hiol V H 'i.tiitn. ..I Umpire. Sell.. tin mule II K So. :,"iji for the ', in- sec. iuii witm-.-, to prove " r.-l.ten.v uim.ii nml enltiva- IJIMI "I, "MI'l lllll'l, IS. . J. H . .tiiitli. I'. K !tjri'iv. aiu,i ilufTiui;, John M,t ii. nil of i'ni'1 m Si tt, It tut rt.t--t Jm- in; tli ii'!n-l thi' prff, on or tM-'or" i -t tor tukiuir tu lliiUiy Kll'fJUJ p. iblllllt' it VW.l 1)' fOli -Mcifl. j. w . w tin, ill li kvi;i;vi:ujy is (;oixr; to h na 8 ml -3 ff U to0 M Fort HOLIDAY GOODS. CANi-Y mi' KS: ( 'reams, per pound, 1 ) la, 2fl & :t0c. .MiX"d, p t pound St ick, per pound A line stock of fancy SSG 10; candies, mint drops, etc., at low prices. NUTS: Hlack Walnuts, per pound Hickory mils, p-r f-im. Peanuts, per pound ...... .i cents. SJ .10 1" " la " 15 " .l"i " Uracils, per pound I 1'...- I IIU luT lllllOel ' Engli-di Walnuts, per pound Filberts, per pound . . . Almond ', per pound . Chestnuts, per pound . Oranges, Lemons,! Apples, Dates and Figs. Christmas Toys. LOOK ECESE! s- ; . , " l.O YOU WANT TO RAISE WATER? I will put you is a machine w hich w ill elevate from IlOO gallons to M.OOO gal lons per minute with the least possible power. It can lie operated by windmill, steam, water or horse power. , It has lieen tried and its nicrils are know n. It is just the thing to nsu in streams w here a portion of the water can be used to elevate the other portion. They nra cheap. They are durable. They are simple. They are up-to dale. Prices on larger machines or on iron work alone, furnished on application. Write for further information to, L. T. POOLE, Axent, Marslatid, Neb, mu Sioux County, THE LAND OF THE HOMESTEADER. Free Homes for Mors Than 5,000 Men. A new county with schools, churches, . railroads, etc., AND 8oo,ooo ACRES YET OPEN TO HOMESTEAD ENTRY. Contains over forty-five miles of rail oad and has no county bonds. Sioux county is the northwest county of Nebraska. It is about thirty miles east mid west by about seventy miles north and south and contains OVER 1,300,000 ACRES of land. There are more bright,, spark ling, small streams ill the county than can be found in the same area elsewhere in tin: state. It has more pine timlier in it than all the rest, of the statecombiiied Its grasses are the richest and most nu tritious known so that for stock-growing it is unexcelled. Tht: soil varies from a ieavy clay to a light sandy loam and is capable of pro ducing excellent crops. The principal crops are small grain and vegetables, although good corn is grown in the valleys, ihe wheat, oats rye and barley are al! of unusually Hue quality and commai.d the highest mar ket prices. I'oe water is pure and refreshing and is found in abundance in all parts of the county. Thecoiinly is practically out of debt and has over forty-live miles of railroad w itliin its borders, has a good brick court house and the necessary'cs for run ning the county ami thero has never been one dollar of county bonds sed and hence taxes will be low. The Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad crosses Sioux county from east to west and the I!. & M. has about .l teen miles ol its line in the northeast part of the county. . The climate is more pleasant than that of the eastern portion of Nebraska. There is still OVER 800,000 ACRES of land in Sioux county yet open to homestead entry. It is belter land and more desirably located than that for which such rushes are made on the open ing ol a reservation. mere is no rail road land in the county and for that reason its settlement bus been slow for no special tllort to get settlers was made, as w as donu in the early days of the settlement of the eastern part of the state. Good deeded land can be purchased sit reasonable rates with government land unjoining so that a person who wants more than one quarter sect ion can obtain it if he has a little means. There are about 1 ,500 jieoplo in the 'omity and there is room lor thousands more. Ilarri '.on is the county seat nnd is sit uated on the F. E. & M. V. railroad, and is as good a town as the thinly settled count rv demands. School houses and hurdles are pro vided in almost every settlement, and are kept up with the times. All who desire to get a homes! end or buy land cheap are invited to come nnd see the country for themselves and judge of its merits. Homesteads will not Ik; obtainable iiiui'h longer and if oil waul to use your right and 'get 1(10 acres of land from Uncle Sam free it is time you were about if. If you want a farm published in Nebraska, clubs with the X.-hntska and see a copy of it. a per get one Till! JllLltN.M. Fttrmrr. Call Look nt This 1. 1st of western cities; ( hicago St. Joseph Omaha Lincoln St. Iiouis lH-nver Kansas City Deiulwr-opd It tloes'nt matter which you intent) visiting. Tliu Burlington Route is the best linn to all'as it is to any one of them. Advertising matter and full informa tion about trains and rates on applica tion. J, Francis O. P. & T. A. Ouiulu, Neb. Isidor Richsloin, DEALBB XT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Afil'NT Pabst's Celebrated BEER. HAitn:sox, !RIE3JL3D We will send THE SIOUX COUN TY JOURNAL until January 1, 1898 and the Toledo Blade for 3 months for Or the above papers and the ( Jhicago Inter Ocean a year for $1.25. This o.LVr is to all new sulismbers and to those ayIio are subscribers, provided they pay all arrearages on subscrip tion to date of settlement at the regular price. Cash in all cases will be required from those Avho wish to take advantage- of our campaign offer. The Joi'itNAi. is the only paper in Sioux county that is authorized to publish the oilicial notice of the proposed amendments to the constitution, it is the official county paper, and is the only paper in Sioux county that is quali fied according to the Statute for the publication of legal notices and other notices repuired by the laws of Nebraska, to be published. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE Rev ! Monthly "If only one mnnzinr can he tnlen, vie would suggest the Rr.VlF.W OF REVIEWS, as covering more ground than any other magazine," Board of Library Commissioners of New Hampshire, l8f. rJHlS magazine is, in its contributed and departmental features, what 113 readers, who include the most noted names of tl-.e English-speaking world, are pleased to call "absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the times," "invaluable," and "indispensable." It Is profusely Illustrated with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. Its original articles are of immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects. The Editor's "Progress of the World" gives a clear, rightly proportioned view cf the history of the human race curing 11. o current month. The " Leading Articles of the Month " present the important parts cf the best magazine articles that have been written In every part of the world. The newest and most important boohs are cmcfully reviewed. Indexes, chronological records, and other departments complete the- V3 "5 certainty that the reader cf the Kevizw op Reviews will rr.k.s nothing of great significance that is said erv: itten or diiie throughout the world. 15- THE REVIEW OF REVIETS CO., 13 Astor Place, Ntw York. Single Copy, 2k. t Trial' five month:.), $1.00: Year, f 2.50. FOJ N ED n ASK A. THIS Illustrated EMWS Edited by ALDLRTSHAW - i Send 10 CtnU In Stamps (or Specimen Copy 3N t :