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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1896)
- r i '"'111' I' t H-4fcA ,UJBJLmMj,fa wit s ' T si 1 4 p .i Tte Sioux County Journal. o Subscription Price, f'1.00 I J. Simmons, K.Iitor. Ilarrboa po,t a U Kntertsl t the aecond etas matter. THUKSDAY. I EfEMISER IT. W The Cliristmas cumber of the, Lincoln Journal which was issued on last Sunday Was a great paier. The cover was a work of art and the (.ae w ithin were filled with excellent reading matter. 1 It seems to ! delinitely M-ttld thfit no Nebraskan will have a place in the ; cabinet of McKioley. Senator Thurston was rtRht in line for a ortfolio. and it is afe to believe ttiat one woul l have l'.'ti : offered to him were the jiohtical t-omli- j tions in his state different. As it 1S ' will represent the administration on e floor of the senate. There Thurston's -u:!: n ..... ,.... rift n Will enailie nilU IO OO lOOSl rs.eunu I work and will redound to his honor as much as would a place in the cabinet. " ; Tlie. railroads have joined the attorney j general in an application for the ad-1 vancement of the maximum freight rate j cane which has been Ion-,' pending ; in the j Hupreme court of the United States. If the matter is deterniiiie.1 botli the ra'b i roads and tlie people will know wbat that law amounts to and can act accord- j ingly. The court is asked to set tlie i hearing of the case for the 3d Monday in j January, 1"07, and if the court shall not ' be in session at that tim-i it shall come udoq the first Monday on which tlie ! court stiall be in session. j i A man from near Rushville wa taken i to Omaha a few days ai;o to answer to. the charge of fencing government land. It looks as if that kind of foolishness oujrbt to be mopped. If a man fences government land and his doin so inter feres with the rights of any one it is all right to make him remove it, but if it is simply to allow some one to vent a little personal spite the court ought to take cognizance of the fact and make it unpleasant for the complainant. There are many thousands of acres of govern ment land fenced which would lie of no use to any one if the fence had to be removed. Tlie Atkinson Graphic tells the repub- j licans wno are anxious to secure up- to secure up- i pointnie.ot under the incoming ndminis-j tration "not to rush the cattle." That is Rood advice. It is some time yet un-; til the inauguration of a republican j president and it will lie sometime alter j was given to the jury it took them less i(lle((t;,in Hun-a'! I'.vha b answers ipn-s-that before tha terms of ollice of the j than tiiirty minutes to return a verdict j tllinr (uf MJh,.rjU-rs). the news of the federal appointees will expire. The liar-1 uf guilty on every count. The case was , Wt,A.i j tniplete form, and other special ber-shop rule of "first come first berved" j notable for two reasons. It was tlie j fmres. .S iman copies gladly sent will not obtain in the distribution of fed- j first conviction on a tharge of perjury i aj.j.intion. and if yi w. 11 send us a ml natronace. and hence an atu.licantl in tlin state, and tiin fact that it wa-. se- i list ol ail.lres-es. we will mail a copy to gains nothing by being early in the ' field. It frequently hapjietiK that ap- plications are received and Hied for a position for months before the place is 1 to be vacant, and just liefore that time ! ... comes the right man sends in his appli cation and gets the dace. The advice not to rush the cattle is good. o peorsonal I . I ariiusiii'. to i To the olwerver who has no interest in the matter it is amusim? to watch the distribution of places at the i . . , i a , i 1 Hint, w hwri" ni:id liv ttm , state officers-elect. Jl IIV UVIIIt.lUV'1 HIV i being taken care of and the i"'l's "". being permitted to take care of them-!'"" selves except in case of a few minor appointments. Once in a while a wail goes up from some Kip who has fought, bled and died for the fellows who will occupy soft seats in the state house for the next two years, but no attention is paid to it by the powers-elect, and one by . one the pops come to realize that they are not to be iu it. The division of the spoils in Nebraska is like the sailor said tlie division of prize money was in the navy when a vessel was captured during the war. lie said it was sifted through a ladder, what fell through went to the officers, what stuck the sailors got. In Nebraska the democrats are the oMicers. The pops of this part of the state are all wrought up because of the unfair apportionment of representation in the legislature and are clamoring for a re districting of the state. How in the nam of reason are they going to do it? If tbeyr wanted to do the fair thing why did they not fix it at the session next fol lowing the census of 1890? There is no census now on which u re-districting can be legally made. The trouble, was that in tlie districts where too large a projior tion of representation existed in the pops got their strength. Now they have it in the west and northwest and hence the roar. Pop reformers are very much like other political parties only more o and want everything to come their way. While it would be very nice to nave this part of th state properly rep resented there seems A be no way to provide for it until after the census of 1M9, ant) the roar by the pops at this thne it all btincarob and simply calls at iBtkm to the reason thee did not tor net the wrong in 1W1 when the ' legiala tart waa under pop control. N t ra-,k t is j.fvjMnii,' to helo lulu, as ' iitvcrv .ji!r stale in the. I'uion at..) j Pr.-j.iJ. lit t 'leiviui'l un-ht a well join ' the j r .cession. The jisti. '-lovmj spirit , i awakened ami Spain wiil ri lit mur- j Jrf rf M.iiwi. A u.pular call to arm j Las s-Ae-.t over the Tinted States iu be-j tuilf of I Via,. ; 1 .4 Sod it.ur.y men ho talk K.Uv ; .about T.-int.v do not know ha't ; prosperity is. They are alay hard up: and nlwavs eruiubiinz anvuav. and tbtv : would he hard i: an J grumblm;; if ( wheat was two dollars a bushel and cv-.-rv man could p-t work at live dollar:. ; iier dav. York Tims. It is retiorttd that Jader lireetie tun! , one of his attacks a short tune a'o riht ...... . . . . . I ......... n. 1 1 : in uie niuii in a criuiuiai .run iu ii.-URru 1J..W iiihS lie ai'journea court ano t::ve his entire attention to liinix-tf. The i fact ti. it a man ho has so lost control . f himself is to represent tie- Sixth lie j trict in ..ogress is not very inspiring to the peopie, not even to those alio v.iteu ; for him. i Thelat-llroinfulia is that the re. j ... ... I a- ..I, ..' ... ....... 1 .,..,1 . ' that it was the result of tr-... h-rv nest j . ,.i i... .... ; pose. trietids and h iul.1 prom-rlv lie class, d as ' pia:u tnurder. The Spanish .i-rs i and tie.ii.le are asniiiui' a d.-ci'le.!! v at' and ais tnakiii f.,.,, al i'm Ti i- true A niericati OVe of lilrty has been all over ltljs mUoll al,a M;,ii bawls of la-u tire Ml.auizmj to pi to t uh.i to h.-lp the , their strnfjfle lor inde.ndeni e. .rnm and other iicessitrieii or war are U.irl;, Uatliereil b 1 transK.rted to , llw w.t lt w a ;i, t of in- j i)m., v f,)r t,e chief ex--titive of this ,l.ll.,)0 , sta,u , tt,e way of its takin- ; )()vUulJ Spun t,. i le ,,lt. ijlmHy r' vlll( , has .t, r,,r 'i,,,,... nd wbi'-li ai.jear : t lio nearer an tn 1 than w hen it liec-un. The insurgents do not I l-art over the assassination of ofj their most noted generals but say that J they will yet win their cause. While the conviction of a catt rustler in Sioux county has attracted great deal of attention in this part of the state, tlw conviction of a man in l.'awes county on a charge of perjury has over- j shadowed evervlhin in the line of crim-j inal convictions in the stale that has oc- curred for a long tune. H seems that a house belonging to the man in Crawford i was burned and he ot the ii'-surance, , and he then went in w ith the msunince I company to k'et pay for it from the rail-! road company on his claim that the lire i ! oriiTiiuteil from sparks from a li. & M. niririe. The case was so clearly a put i Up joU that as soon a il was a no un job that as soon a it was ended the representatives of the railroad company -aused the man to 1 arrested on a charge of jierjury. Five counts were returned flgaiiij-t him and when the case . cured when tlw crime wa committed m an elfort to do up a railroad company show that all men do not believe that anything is right so long as it i against a corporation. The case indicates that the public has come to realize that many have come to look too lightly upon the import of an oath, and do not hesitate to violate lt. How many peo- in Uw sl:,t! L,)' ljltmlvc's '''ll,!e to prosecution every year in the matter of I lis,!ni' "ir . for, " liuw ofttn does ah t. tln.ia I violate liis 1 of the court to lio certain tilings accord- . ....ii. .. mi. .ii i """" -""'' ) JV lilllS WUU m. ILlllLtl I1J vi u'-'i 3 i the law, and then makes his return, cer tifying that he ha lerformed his duty iti the matter as ordered? If sach ot hers are called upon to answer to a charge of perjury and are impeached from their ollice and their bondsmen are called upon to make good damages .sus tained by reason of their having ignored the law and falsified their returns, they may leurn that laws are good thitigs to obey. If men who go on the witness stand to testify come to reah.d that un less they tell tlie truth they are iu im minent danger of serving a term in the pen, and officials lind that unless they go according to law they will lie called to account, justice will come nearer being done and better condition will prevail in such matters. Christmas and Jiew tears' Holiday Kates. Tickets on stile llecenilier 24th, 21th and 31st, 108, and January 1st, 1MJ7, at one Hnd one-third fare for round trip to all points within 200 miles. Good re turning until January 4th, ly97. E. F. Pontics, Agent. Sheriff's forerlomri. fair. Kv virtue of an order of ! lu'd out of tin. KiKtrlet ( ourtot Hloii Co.inty, n hrstkM, upon s Jurtninent Mini decree of forerl.nurii rendered ny mill court In favor of Wllllmii II. Msle. Hnnjniuiii t.riilmtii, M t II In in lliiiin, Jr., snd lli.nls II. ilayilen, hh plulotlfTs, and iiifituiHt l.eornH VV. I'obli, Ida A.Cohii, snd . J. Itowden, ilefeml 11 nt. I will, on tlie tsth liny or Jsnuxry, A. I., I7, st t.n o'clock til tlie forenoon, t the eiwt front ilKr of the court house. In the vIIIhCc of llnrrlon, in said county, offer for Ml, MHl sell st pul.llo auction for ch, the following null eUtc, situate ill Mid county, to wit: lut This () stid the Worth Bust tfnur U.r ot the south Wet ginlrter mid the Went Halforibe South jtt tjosrtor of seetlcm Hlneteen (IV), Township Thirty-four (Hi) North, Rang rrtf-nl tdT) W.t of Mie slilli r. M. OArn. guru.IT, IVI8 thiTtf of Mid County. J. X. HARtnnr., AMurney for PlaioUff. . Life at V 41 Ii i ir toll, The inauytiraticn .f a .n-MJtit. the v - Ui - tuiu el cal in. t, and the sUiti' f a ,,.w ronjfress evrota t1(. vo(,K year Misfit tlw ...enoii. v-iai iire the l.ers and duties of th.-e hii, orticials. iunii,' 1-aT it wi.'l be auswt - rrd through the Youth's 'ofi.aii- . MM'"."! art.. les rcturv Herbert. PiMmK.!.! " ""5' AU.-rnej-t.ei.erat iiarmon. a:or :iuJ -s-auer R.-.-I. Tiw Illustr.ite-J Aiii.ouu. eni. nt (. r l'JT tniaiM free on application to the Youth's C'oinp.iti.oii, U shos th..t ! the above only tii-ill the inaity I r I- hatit features" hy which the i oii.panioii i will signalize it sevviit v l;rst vir. I t. .... . c i .i i hree novelists I... at tireseut t,, I tlie. . , i.ui'ilc eve ai i i..r-iJ, li'iovani l!Vr ;ltlli stei.h -u r .me ill coutr.lM.te ,. t tiu.r strongest wurk. i'mctical j alfairs and popul ar lu'erests wiil Iw treated by .VidroW t'arn-gie, lion, Thes! - .re Koos. eit, i Jr. I.y man Madame Lillian Nordica. Hon. Cari Schur. t'luirlt I (inlley Warner, Mrs. Burton Ilirr- u. and a hundred oth. r famous lie II ai. i . '.on, ..ii. r' (a. iitutii.,' v-r.als mor- than two Honor.'. i soon si.;e-s, an. ie;j .nu.- many sket.hes and anecdot.. h will U pr.uted iliir.n 1-W7: and ail th; depart ments will lw niaiutaimd at the hih stall. i.inl u iiit li ibif made the I'otiipati ; ion's name a synonym for impartial ac curacy. . Th" cost of Mi' Companion is but J 1.7.1 a, and we know of no investment ' that ll! yive s i cj'.-at returns for so ' small an aiiioiiii'. of money. New- sole scriU-r, ill r.-.-.-i v,; the p.iper free rrom i Uk time the Kitbs. ription is received un- j t'l J-t'.-r.V I. l-.C, and b.r a full yar ; January. 1 '.',. New soU, n'-rs- also receive the '..i.. anion four pn-e ( ab n-; dar, in twelve r. dors, w lii It i tb most .exje.;,Mv.. color production , its j.ul.;lii-rs have ever .If. r-l. Address. The Y.tOH's t cmpan.i.n. C01 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. The Tided" Weekly r.ladc. Kverv intelligent family need in addi tion to their local i:r. a ;ood national weekly. The creat-'st and iuot widely n. ... .,,,,. r..l family newsi !.r is tl T.,edo Weekly Hlade. For thirty years )t jiiis ;i r, visi'or iu every ,(J in j,,,,) j .H known at aflIOf,t every one of the 70. (Mid p.iHt- i0(;,.t,s jn the country. Jl is e.tiltHl with , . national circulation. It js a rr,hic:ni paH-r, but. men of all IK)i,f, take it liecause of its houesly anj fa,rnes; j the ussiori of all pule i . . .;,. It i the favorite family I I ,.;,i,cr w ith sot-tlou--for every mem-1 bcr 'f the household. S-rial stories, poetry, wit and huui"r: the household departmeiit. (l-st in the world;. Yun;r Folks, Su-iday School I-s-on. Tal uia'e's S-rmoli, the farmstntil, tha h. Onlv f I year. II you wish to raise a club, writ, for term-. Address! Hi: Hf.AIiF.. Toledo, Ohio. Ili-fui e suli-niilng for h Mas.-.zine Sec the Hist iemorest s AN UNPARAI.t.ED OFTTR. Deuioiot 's ( ut Paper Put terns i.r" til" most Tliey are of any f " meunier ..i . I - .i lio'ielioiil eoill.l re liiuire. la earn copy (pure. la earn copy ol tl.e .iiiiruzii.e 1-. prln tell h coupon untitling tin- Miliserl or pur -linwr. to a pjllera unrili uii'l r. Z Iiirly sold for '.) or any ntiiiitcmf p-.itt.-rti for loar cents .-ti.-'a to i-'iot p.u-k.ute and postiifc-... W Ikti tlie nlu' of tlie p.ilUrniil, eoiii.Wcre'1 the siilwrilier iictuully gets DEMOiinsrS MAfrAZINK FREE And list a mutt i.ine It Is! Kor 1"7 It will he more lirllltunt thHii ever tx-fure. Sew inniiiiKeaieiit, tirw metlivls, new l.tfit. Kaeii copy eoittrtln un t-vpii-lto r.'iir..'Iur tUm In color of wni.e celi-hralerl pletiire hy tMiiinon nrtlst, wm tliy to I'.lorn tlie -nt! ol tlie most r. Hiu '1 liome. Il tstifflrmi ! flint IK!' HtMs'I in tlie only complete Kamlly M;,i.iJtilie coniLinlal? nil M tile lucwt excel lent point of II eo itemiioi iirle. Ih1iI' liuv lnK Uiliiiiliitile rent ure of ltorn. DKM tiltKl"s!i;ctiiuly a Jm.tN 11 AijA.INF.s In one, , It Is a Dl(ct of Current Invent nod Mum for tlie b'iy man or omii, it ISevli'W Karl a Morehouse of lnti-re.t for nil. '.Viv.-, niolli e;, nl-t.-i ati'l dsuj(!iU'r f.iu find exsetly whnt t'.iev tie;d l.i i.mue and lntract IIicih, nlso prnctlrl helps In every department ol mid social llt, iu.ludtnK the faru- IslitnK iiud orusiuri.tinii; iif tUe liouie, eui-lirold.-ry, brie s hrur.ut tlntic iel fsney work .if nil kind, etc., en:., uii'J ii?leiiUoii mid sdvlcf regarding the well baing und ilr.fs insi of on n persons. The scope rf til" srtlcles fur 1' " and l"tv; Ul em er the bole country snd It v nriel Inturents. ud tlie article will he I'rofuwdy ll!iii.trnteil with the lliii it eiigriivinp,. nI, In addition, it wll! piilillsh Hie U mt and pur it lletlon. It trenU ut lengtli Out of Door htrt, Home Aniueui.mtM unit lailertahi-ineiil-; it K,vr A Kr eit denl of utleiltio.l to the t lli)drur I'epiirtmelit, ilnd "(Mir l.ll Is," m. 'I li.n it M.eilhlv fyiiiiHwiiiui iij i l. lir .u-d I'Miple. tn which He illwnlwd ImiHirUnt .picstloiuittf tlie hour of lutMtmt to the older reader. I't 11 hi. v. ynur unhiicrlptaitt nt once. You get more vime for your inoiiey than It I potedl.le to securi' In nny oltn-r un zlnn. 'I'iie Mifiiiue one your for S'i.n. tir rx inoiilh for - I 00. (Over rtin'creul (rurmenlii tn hown each war, pattern of nil of which lire oli iHl.i'.iil!' hy ul..Tll-r nt . e ieh.1 H iinpU' copy (with pattern coupon! win tor lltMxNIr I't'llLI'IIISO t o., 110 Avenue, Sew York. A I.IBKRr. orvvn. om.t:.2f) THE S10UX COUNTY JOURNAL ' SB'I UKMOIiBsT'S PAMII.Y I.VGA;iK. Hfntl Your !!)' riptio-ai to t'.iUCUI.ii. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. TTrntHI V.: A. II' h-Hth 4,oi.-H.r j it- K. M'h.i. , l.iv-ui.'i.ttiil ii.iv.-ni.-i . J. A. I'ij r .rcreury ot -t .tr Kuy.-ue . Jo, j.ii . Ili.rt'.ey Tr.M-.ur.-r J i Ml nr. lit!) Attorney trt-iiernl j It. t '. li t:. ! I l.n n't l ..fiutitw-i.niei li. 11. t urUi tt U.t. I'utillr iiiatrurt.on i ''). i:l Al. )K H.ATKiX : John M. UnrL.!! t". . -i.ntor, MtinhB Wl:l.V, ::.-ll l . -. 't.Htor J. !: :r'l-. t'.iiir.-'.iijiiti t-t li. I!. M. r.-.-r, :. t-!iv.n 1 lne,,!ii OlIIMllk .. I. V.'ikiejuhn " 1 1J II. ...i.r, ' lh V4 . t.. An !r.- a, " .'.Hi ' O. M. h io, " ta ' Jt i'l MKT: .,,.. , ' 11 i' . ll..rr.wu..As teJu.lK.-.t.ra.i'.l liau.i 1. 1.. ..rvi.: Ao.-i it - Jinlrr, s. url S " A- 'ail'f-.-- f-rk to-.rt.T, Liuraln nm.KVTlI Jt I'll IAI. IiIsTKKT: - I. o k..: I. Jti'le, ii'N.-H! vt f. lo k..: I. W. II. w .I..O r Ku-hville U.J. I'.Ui.i tt t 1. rk, ILirriwui 1 if NT V liitirHIV rl Wi;v.!i (omit- Jiil.- Hot .! .i i.:.-eit ( li.i-. l:ieu:.. ". II I en . - i". is. it;. -it J. I.. I'd, io, li. K. I i.'i l:..-. M.J. P.!' uett or.ct ..uil.ric r.iMKu t)K Frank Tlnkiiam ,i M. .1. Vt .-iH-r !i. K Jo'ci-oa el ' .Ttcj'-iir. i i.j't. I'uiilit lriiru.-il..a Mierilt 1 ..roller Mirtt-v.ti ..('let kul IH-n ii t r.cirt ---''"' Attorney I iM MlssIoSKHs-. :i.cnu i i l-t liUiri. l - si A I.Kt.JsI.ATIVi:: II. I,. t-w;irt.scnat..! , l.-i y0. u.t r:. for . I 't ii.jiM y iiep., in, i. j.;, u.-iiiiiiKi.'i ! Vll.l.v.,1. l;l l-ji . i-li;li ;!tii:i ... .. Us: i:. itoiitv. .Tru-le J. V, . i II. i o. 1 V . P.. il.-r N. h. i:a i.Uii I. J. Sii,ij(.i4 ..... ... f.-tt i, t.c: ia. Ii si !m,I. nt HI .1. V. '-olt.... It. I- sin, i, 1. I-wi-. l.erl.u ll i i.-ru .1 reii-iir. r . .Iiirecior .Mo l.-r.llol ..1 reasuier TI.KVs (if n( T: lil-tr'.-t fo'irt. VI lliirn-oii, roiniiifiices M.a.-li 'LUS an .1 .o t-iniMT loiinty to. ut. At II. nr. -on, t.i.iiiiieiii-o tifnt .Moieiav ol c... li month. fin i! ut-: a v 1 1 sih !i:tiks. Metllnlit Mill'! !J- s-IKnil III. -ts.' very S un Jay moraii. i; nl II :i. J. K. .M iH-1 l.i. Kit, VV. . Invi. Supei 1 11 tell. lent. ss-. K-lin y JKItliV Ht'-K Pds-p, N. ::t .;. a. I!. Meets weeo'i l Moic! .y in each month in liie court lioti-e at l'iirri-m, I.. K. el more, I oai. WtKltiMKN UK 'i'lIK VVliUI.ll. Ihiri ison t in p. No. n.i'cu on eaeli nl ti rlmt W.-'tne '!:c, i-xeniii. W. II. Davis, vv. I,. .,tt, t lerk . I on. i oui. Miil.i.:;-.: tvii'iii.i i; up V.IKH( . Meets ea. li iiHer.iat.' S.ilor'i.iy ei.. ilnir nt s o'clock. A. it. Ii. , V. ( .. J. W . skiti:, fieri;. I.PWliItlll;. iP-nJar lin-lii,-.,.. ine.-iiiij,' li;st Taevlnv eveuia); in e n li month. t '. I.. M;. .V. II. iMVl. Pr.'.-Iilent. se.-retury. iM-votional ii. eetui every Munltiy ev.eiinj) I't I.:!-'. I-. J.' I.Ji-K. !-a.l..r. JVM'll! I.KAi.ll.. Me.-t-c ica s.iadiiv nlt .rnoo.i at 2;:l. Mus. li. II. t.itiswoi.n, it jit . GO TO TIIE NE'.V ke -I'OIi- Fresh and Salt Meats, Oysters, IFish, Game, Lard, and Poultry. PBICE JTlD ! rrvp PilllTDV HinPC T'l ' " wn rVJULlnf, DIULO, I h L" J LOW AND EVERYTHING IN I NY LINE. j COME AND SEE HE.! E. E. SMITH. Oiiposito THE JOURNAL nmVo. JlAHI!:K.,.f. l-.UHA'.Ki. GASOLINE s IRON 4MB W03D PUMPS K-!tpn' tliJ Ks'rhsolii Vloi mllU Twwem Tilr'li. Tr II..& OulDK. iUmr. II'-i,:i.k. i.nnitnr- sliiier-.Woort ., i:v 1'uinn.. I'lw, l-uiiif.. Hri- coists urel jlrln'. ilanOnrd lrnif c, . . I. Ur I ttlt tn I. ' HU o.'iir OF Ll KIHI5 fAiHArt::s, ?,cr?sc cv ',j.f, 1102 Fomam f .JOmalie. Xeb. fin Interest Vun. OiT.-r v! cheap rei '.n matt' r you can't afford lo miss. I J.irri th (k'rejit at:ititi want tie .,.rs and j.u th tu 1 . 1 1 t tier are fivh pud re -v. Tlw S. ni; 'e kly Suta Journal, Iai t In. N h.. .i;'lie the demand, as it iil le iirnled tune a eek from uo until January 1, j 1 JJT, f .r -j" tent.,, t r from now until ' Jatiuarv J, l1"'.'. for one .loll;ir. The ttt.tity-five-tttit 'i-i'is:ti on takes y hi all through Mm canijuin. zlv' .-ru the " uia-rtoa election returi.n, anJ tiiroiili the h.;l Aurora I ame of tlii year. A dollar f r the Ili-i ( i.m t ,v;it twice a-.-ek p ijr from now ttn- j til January 1, Is', 1 the bi-.-est offer ever made to readers. A 'l'throuh the campai-jn, nil through the Nebraska le- i i,i..,.ifv. .. ,."., w , and tlw iitau'u- I ration of a new rt-i.W'tit. Never kimv the war has so many incident f vital interest to the mass. -. !..!. . i-.w.;.-d in'o ,..,, .,, , I, ... .) ... ,! . ,,irin ' this nod. file S, oii-Vte!;!v J-ionril almost ns pjod as a ila.Iy. ,s 'iriVmr ord.-r direct or give it.'lo you. pay master. At a Huh. I red Jur.ttimi Point in Nebraska, cotiie i lu.u. are made w it li i P.urlirifrton Route t rains for ' hic:ii;o. Si. ; Iiiiis, K itisas ( Ity, St. Joseph, Om aha. j; im.j(lj - nvi-r, I "h'-yenne and U yola!. (lur maps and tiiiie-tables s.iohii. where, when and lev our train. run and w herein I h"V excel the trams of ollai lines in many imp ittant rep--. tt j:ie tit on reipiest free. Alwavs '-lad to ouote rales and civc 1 information. ! J. Fhancis. (j. 1', & T. A. Omaha Nebrasla. I'ofl't force! that Tl i K J'H'PVM. 1.1. -a lur. i liibbiuir I'-st und'wh. n v 1-. ting reading matter for tl.e 1011.110.' year .all ami give ii vour (.:-r. We c-.n save von Iliola-V. 1 , I Good rig fiirnishe l on short notice. liellal'h. driver .'itel ipll.'t (i.lod a. -comm. station:, Horses l," iiile,i. TERMS REAS0NA1LE. j . v . ft nr - . .4 - .1 -THE COMMERCIAL BANK, ESTABLISHED 1C23.) Harrison, E. Bp.KwsTut, l'l'eSident. D. n. GK-'SWOLO, Casliier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. 530 000. ' Transacts a General Ba,nking Businecs. CORHF.SPON'liKVTS: Ani:rti('AN ExniAWE National Makk. Ne-.v York, OMAHA NaITiN.U. FiAN'K, Om-ihi. FinsT National H.kk. Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. --T ,r r-rv cnrii flV II I T, IMPTO oe rfnuvp CI. 00 1 Weekly The Greatest Republican Paper of the Vest. - IT ii the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly puD- lnhed today and can alway be reliod pon for fair and honest re-5 J pons of all political aflairs. nirT'iTheWeek,y Inter Ocean Supplies AH ol the NewS n-i UlL? I and the Best ol Current Literature. fcj4J It ii Morally Clean, and as a Family Taper i U'iihoul a Ter. lt Literary to those ot Its Youth's finest of its It bring to ttiJnmllf tha New. nf th rntlro MorM and lira tb lie.t and Biiiv discumlona of all qucmirma of theax. I lia Idler mean lvs iel MCr. f re)lnK mutter each week and b.ln tmhlulird In 1 hlrarn la Iwttcr auapte.l in th neiirla of tbapeopla of tbn Allch.ny Mouatalna luao any oittnr paper. A A. A A SI.UU PUJg OWE The Dally ud Sunday Edl- Hobs of Tbt Inter (km tn Um best of tbelr kind.... Prlr Prn Daily itiJUNT i.t'iuu;K. ; A!torney-aM2W. Promj t attention J,iven to il leal mat; 'is in Ju- ice. County and I.istrut , t'out ts. and before tiie United State I -and (Jihce. ' Fire Ii'.nir.ince in r liable i .-oiiijianie-.. 7)'IVr'l pi'r cartfully draw n. ! Hai:Ks, - NKhKASKA. ti. 1 S-Ml't-K. Fachioiubie Barber & Hiir Dresser. OPCN 3'JNDAY FROM 9 TO 12. KAZ -fcVS AM. If- IN l.lJ'Ut. l.lve J in.' 1st fall. Rip-'ris T.i;,i;lr?. Hip i.r T li'i.i- s cure nat; -m. i ns T.i!':i'.'-: at d.-iifg i;:f.,? T;!'tib h "ire d 7x110. w'. Uliiaic T.iluil.'K ai.' if't di?eftinn. K'.par.s Ta Utiles cure nad nri'M.''. Hlp'ins Tali. 'h :- cure billousm ?s. Kiii..i)a Tabult-s; one fives relit :. Ititi:iiis T;'h:i! i : r raiharilc. K;i).iin Tal uii 3 i pr..' rniiMipatlon. i T :1 !.!"?: le.i'jiit l.ixativ i Tal al. s ' 11 v. -r trouhlt-s. North-Western LINE .. I".. & M. V. il 11 is the besl to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF Noinil NEllUASICA. Feed and Sala Ti lie lie lor r- s nlwa.t s on h ind. Iran- lent 1 10I..11H rs. GIVE iE A CALL D. HAMLIN, Fijofu i-rror? Nebraska. C. F. ' orr-Eu, Vice'l'reiidant. tiIe- 01.00: Ipter OceaM. I Columns are equal the best magazines. tyyy. Department is the kind. : : POLLAW PFR YF B 01.00: if n.lly hy mall MM per yar ijf Kund br mad 12 W ir ar anil tJundtr br mall in 00 pr narf Addrraa THE ISTKH OCCAM, Chlra. J n 1 1 Mao e t. l'-J''., . i