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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1896)
oral hlad of oh. "You look thin and careworn, Td- iey," said the m in the russet shoes. "Insomnia?" replied Tadley, with a groan. 'InomniaT" repeated the man in the russet sheot. "Oh! come now, a man with no more to worry him than you have, doesn't get insomnia." It'i the baby that's got it," ex plained Tad ley, aa he stepped off the ferry-boat and resumed his struggle with life. X. Y. World. A Household Aeceafclty. Cascsrels. Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the ait. plennant and n freidnuu tu the tate, act gently and m 1 1 1 1 c l" on kiduej. liver and bowels, clcaii-itiu the entire system, dispels ctdds, cures h-adichf. fever, hu bitual constipation and tiilimi'iiesn I'Ihioc buy and try a box of C. C (.'. to-day; 10. 25, 50 rent. Sold aud guaranteed tu ture by all dnmjjUu. Treatment for There it a great deal common every' day tense in he old ssyinir: A new broom sweeps clean" beyond it appli cation to a strantse servant. If you ex amine a new broom you ill find the ends of the straws and the base of the brush equare : after it has been in ute for some time they become sharp at needles, and likely to injure the carpet. To remove these sharp points dip the broom in hot suds and trim it off t eitly. thus preserving the square hspe rr'everv-! TH E BATTLE-FI ELDS. FIOTION OUTDONE. the smelt still remain, hve the feath er tak(T from their rover and prop erly dre-sed. Typhoid germs have been known to start from improperly dressed leather in bed etc. Votes Have been cast by thousands of sufferers from impure blood, and their verdict hn settled the question of the great curative power of Hood's Snrsaparilla. Kvery mail rnr brings in these letters of praise for Hood's Snrsapurilla. They tell the same wonderful story of health restored, pain and suffering" relieved, and happiness brought brick. They prove InloOcS S Sarsaparilla ! the t.e. t In fuel, the One 1 run Itiood I'lirlflT. A Girl'aBadden Fancy for an Old Man at a Meceptloo. Sometimes you meet with such stories as that of Col. James T. Stanford In a play or a uovel which unfold what Is seerojngiy" an utterly improbable tnilnjjf events. To Col. Stanford Jt seems Tike a terrible nightmare; much so Indeed, that be Is said to D Ttiere was a moment's awful paune, ruined In body and mind. He left his and then a small boy by the name of young bride of t wo uiouTbi some tofifZ Johnnie Challle, in the audience, an-! five years ago to go to South America, ewered: "Our clothes." ' News soon came aayfag that she was , . 'dead. He wrote many letters and got Just try s !' box of Cascarets. the fin- ' no answers. Then he met with reverses est liver and bowel regulator ever made, jnnd disappointments, and It was many . years before he saw the United States If feather beds or pillows have rn agal Fr the last twenty years he unpleasant odor, set them in the air fir'jjg, u(i,,n ur.turer the lecture a day or two, then give them a thor- j COUrses of the towns and smaller cities. OUith drying lefore a clear Ore. Should At a reception given to him In Mor- rlstown, Pa., recently, he met a young woman to whom he took a great fancy. They became so friendly that the lecturer told her the sad story of his early life. He had meant no more : than to touch a girl's sentiment with i the story of a youna bride's death. But phe supplied It with a sequel as astou Ishlng and calmly cruel as the climax ' of one of Thomas Hardy's short stories, 'and the mere telling of which would j wring the heart of the leust aeutlmen tal of molds. "Isn't It strange V she said. "My grandfather's name was the same as yours, mid Tie left his bride to go to South America. But he. and not his bride, died." A few direct questions and the long lost father knew the truth. He led the young woman to one side and asked: "Is your grandmother still living When the young woman, who was as yet quite unconscious, of what tie on swor meant to the charming, gray-hair- cd man before her, said that his wife wnn dead he nearly swooned, nnd since tlmt moment his friends speak of him as being no longer himself. Ho ha met the daughter who was tinhorn whin he left his young wife, and who Is now a mature nintron of 4-1, but seems to be unnble to recover from the shock of the news about his wife of the thought she had lived so many years after he supposed that she wns dond. He bus cancelled all of his lecture engagements, and will retire to his home in Wheaton, 111., and his daughter and granddaughter will do all in thir power to make, his last days comfortable. A Greater Scoundrel. A famous master of Trinity College, Cambridge, had been a friend In early days of one Jemmy Gordon, a solicitor. But Jemmy went to the bad, was struck oflf the rolls, and lived from what he could get from old acquaintances. One day he met the master and asked for a shilling. "Gordon." thundered the master, "If OLD SOLDIERS TALK OVER ARMY EXPERIENCES Hood's Pills rum all Liver III unit ht'-k Mcaiim-lie, cent. Gladness Comes w ith a better understanding of the transient nature ol the many pnys- til... ..;..l, u-.Tiicti )u ,r. nnir.eref. forts-gentlcefforts-pleasantciTorts you could show me a greater scoundrel rightly directed. There is cumtoit, in the knowledge, that so many forms of hiokness are tint due to any actual dis ease, but simply to it constipated cimd'i tiun of the f vsH-m, which the pleasant v laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt- , ly removes. 'Mint is why It Mho only remedy with millionsof families, and is everywhere, esteemed so hijfhly by all who'valuc (PxmI healfi. Its bcnelleial effects are dim t the fact, that it is the ojie re::icdy which promotes internal cleanliness without ik-bdi;;i v.-A t i organs on wiitcii i U'.'ls. it m. on f-;iu nil important, in order to g l i:;c liuiat effects, to i'"lo when y.u pur chase, that ym have the yc-iinnc nr i clc, which is in-iHufuclured by the ... forni Flff Kvrup Co only and sold by all reputable diiryi.4s. If in the enj i meiit ft ,rod heaU,i, apd the system is regular, laxatives or lhcr remedic i arc then not needed. H . afflicted with any actual disease, one ; may be commended to the most skillful , physicians, but if in need of a laxative, ( one should have the best, and with the j well-informed everywhere, Syrup of I Figs stands highest mid 1 most largely i tiscd and gives most general satislactioa Tha Bias aod tbe Gray Beview Incl- denta of the Lata War, aod la a Graphic and Intcreatina Manoer Tell of Camp, March aod Rattle. Roynton's Close Call. Colonel Sam Boynton, of Chicago, a member of Farrngut Tost of that city, Is a champion story teller. Most of his stories are of a character to raise a laugh In the post room, but he has a store of serious and sentimental ones as well. Knowing that be hud served under Colonel John i. Clark when that officer was provost marshal for a portion of Wisconsin. I asked him to tell me oue of his best secret service stories. "I guess It's all right to talk about It now, more than tuirty years uner n occurred," said the Colonel, and then he told this thrilllngly Interesting bit of personal experience: Colonel Clark hail convinced himself that there was a powerful influence ex erting Itself ngalnst enlistments in the southwestern portlou of the Stale to meet Lincoln's next to last call for troiis, aud he had every reason to believe that It was the result of oppo sition to the war felt by a society which called Itself the Golden Circle. He called me to his otllce and said: 'I want you to visit Benton and ascertain. If possible, jvho the moving spirits are In the Golden Circle lodge there, so that we may arrest them.' I was 'iv ui2 at .Monroe at the tlm;-. My brother- in-law. General K. K. Bryant, of Madi son, had Just been appointed lieutenant colonel of one of the new regiments. I told him my mission. He said it was rather risky work, and that he would rather go Into tmttle than to undertake such a task, anil warned me to he very cautious and to always be prepared to fight for my life. I had two good re volvers, every barrel loaded, and was otherwise well nretia red, and set out on the journey with both nerve and confidence. I was a duly authorized and equipped organizer of the regular Golden Circle Association, for that par ticular trip. Beaching Benton, I reg istered under an assumed name, took a room In the only hotel in town, got dinner and sauntered out on the street. I first visited a saloon. It didn't take long to discover that the proprietor stood on the platform of anything to pit ; an end to the war. While I was no; a dr'.ni'I'ig man. I Indulged in a number of dr.tiks that afieniooii with the saloon keeper for a special pur pose. 1 took small doses and the man behind the bar large ones. "Toward evening my friend was quite mellow, and I learned from him that he was a member of an antiwar S'sdety they had In town. I warmly congratulated him and then revealed to him that I had been m-nt there to regularly organize them Into a society of the Golden Circle. This greatly pleased him. He proposed to tak- me right over to the hall In which he and his friends hail been meeting for some mouths. We went. He showed me the records, and I explained to him bow much better It would be for them i to have frequent brotherly communica- lloil with hundreds of other societies timn vnnrsclf I would irlve rou half hi I ha u to exist as a lone society. We cmwn " and he walked stltlly away to i went around and aiv several of the nrdertook to dispose of me. After breakfast I told the landlord I would pay my bill, as I must be lu Mineral I'oint at a certain hour that day. He said: 'Yon have no bill here; get away.' He was very nervous. "I noticed, as I sat In front of the hotel that morning, various members of the society standing around talking. About H o'clock three of them started In the direction I was going, but turn ed to the right wheu a mile out. I asked one of the others to take me to Mineral Bohr. Within twenty min utes he drove np and we started. When we reached the point at which the three had turned to the right I said to him: 'Let me drive for a while.' He Bald: 'No; I prefer to drive my own horse. By that time I had one of my revolvers out, and when he reached for his gnu 1 hit him a blow on the head. The blood spurted and he fell over. Then 1 took the lines and start ed rapidly for Mineral I'oint. The driver recovered soon, and not liking the looks of my revolver concluded that the iiest thing for him to do was to accept the situation. Before we reached Mineral I'oint he owned up that the plan was to follow the three men and at a certain point I was to be hustled out and railroaded into eter nity. "I hnd heen thiv;;-!i tlu' buttle Shlloh, but saw nothing there as try ing as n y experience with the Benton delegation. A few days Liter tne lean lug It ."ii of the society were rested."-.!. A. Wat run. Tiuies-Herald. of duly ar-Chicngo Delicious Corn Pudding. Slit the kernals lengthwite upon a dozen ears of. corn, scrape out the milk and pulp into a bowl and add to it three epgs, 1 eaten very light, a teacup of sweet milk, a generous pinch of sail a teaspoonful of sugar and butter the size of an egg. Beat together until smooth and light, then pour into a bak ing dish and cook half an hour in a quick oven. Send to table in its own dish. This is as good cold as hot. An excellant supper dish. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. Price 75 cents. Boiled eggs which adhere to the she 1 are freeh. When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret. candy cathartic: cure guaranteed; 10, "c Feed the turkeys regularly go they will come home regularly. that DandiufTis due Vo an enfeebled state ol the skin. Hall's Hair Renewer quickens the nutritive functions of the skin, healing and preventing the formation of dandrnH'. Texart Sifter: Aeked a female lectur er impressively : "What are the things that touch us most as we look back through the years?" For Lung and chest diseases, Piso's Cure is the heat medicine we have used. -Mrs. J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out., Canada. Krara London linage la a bark Some years ago a potter named Ful ler, employed at Billingsgite market, London, made a bet that he would jump from London bridge tied in a eack his only stipulation being that he shoud be prvidcd ith a knife which he was not to open till he touched the water with which to rip open the sack. He succeeded in accomplishing the feat, a-idwben picked ud by some fiends in a boat wi none the worse for his dive. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Awav. If you w ant to quit tobacco using easily aud forever. r jsuin lost manhood, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take Xo-To-Bae, the Wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 4 M HJ cured. Buy Xo-To-Bac from your own drupttist, who will guarantee a cur Booklet aud sample free. Address Ster ling Keinedy Co., Chicago or New York. his rooms. In half an hour's til the butler announced that Mr. rompous, the esquire beadle, wished to we the master. Now. the master had a spe cial detestation of the beadle, who, when admitted and curtly asked what he wanted, replied. "Mr. (iordon Informed me that you den! red to see me." Said the muster: "Gordon has made an ass of you." In ten minutes more the butler came B',':iln. grinning, and said: "Mr. Jemmy Gordon lias called, and says you owe him half a crown, sir." IookinK Forward to Conflict. It has been noticed that for some time past there hava been mysterious purchases of old helmets of the cavalry regiments autloced along the eastern frontier of Krauce. It Is supposed these purchases are made on account of the'GeTuian cavalry scouta, aa, 1 case of hostllitlea, wearing the French helmet, and with their great claaks hiding thetr uniform, It would be easy for them to reconnolter positions qulel- lu ... Tho button wilk i tai cent u rf I yAoaVaavuTavui ' tha Idsol laxative j It is said that rati cannot resist sun and auoraott eo"" flower seeds. A trap baited with these on rtctlpt of flvt I-ctnl stamps. saotHi nin mm cosriir. eeeds is the most catching them. efficient method of ( ) I How Old are You? Tou need not anewer tho question, mndam, for in your oaae age ia not counted by years. It will always b true that "a woman ia as old as she looks." Nothing sets the seal of age so deeply upon woman'o beauty aa gray hair. It is natural, therefore, that every woman is anxious to preserve her hair in all its original abundance and beauty; or, that being darned the crowning gift of beautiful hair, she longs to possess it. Nothing is easier than to attain to this gift or to preserve it, if already possessed. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its original color. It does this -n. .Istlno nature. D7 SUDDlFing loo by nutrition Thar Is than necessary to neoitn ana ipwui. no better preparation for the hair AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. members. a::d tle.v were all pleased at the prospect of becoming regulars In the treat armv apposed to enlist ments and tlie Lincoln war. I "It was nrraiitfed that I should visit t'aclr l tilitf that Saturday evening. I The pri'lilllin oMicer was out of town, lull would be home lu time to take j charge. Twenty-live or thirty men I were present. I was called upon to I talk and I did It. as I tlioimht, lu a I way to ward off all sinus of suspicion. ! Vet I noticed that the presiding e- irus Kept ins eyes on me nearly an of the time, and when he said he thought It best to postpone oranl.liiL' for a week or so I was sure that he suspected that I was not a genuine Gulden Circle oritanlzer. "I had managed, from Introductions and other means, to get tin; names of nil present, and as soon as I returned to the hotel copied them in my secret book. ' "I hud Just gotten Into a deep slum ber when some one rapped on the door and said: 'Get away from here and save your life.' "The party disappeared before I could speak. I quickly dressed, exam ined my revolvers and awaited results. As nothing transpired In the next ten minutes I went out Into the hull, soft ly walked to the end of It and sat down hy the raised window. A short dis tance away from the house I heard several n talking In a low tone. They were planning to dispose of the Lincoln hireling. A couple of young fellows proposed to breuk Into my room, take tne out. and the society was to have a night hanging. The presiding geni us objecled to the plan and asked them to leave It to him. That was agreed to. "I never knew, but have always sup posed that the landlord, who had a iirolher hi the army and could not have been In sympathy with the antiwar so ciety, must have heard the would-be assassins discussing their plans and given ine the words of warning. "I did not sleep any more that night. About an hour before daylight the door of the livery stabU where my horse nnd buggy were kept was opened and the buggy run out Two men dragged It Into a meadow and let It drop to the bottom of a deep hole that had been made by the lend miners. Of course It wns ruined. When morning came I Ml that the situation was decidedly critical, but made up my mind to face It nnd make It as expensive aa possible to the antiwar society In case they Gen. fierce Youti''s Daring. Some years np the genera! was re i,iiii,r u. .mi. of his exiierielices in til war. lie had been asked especially to tell of the capture of the corral of cuttle, which Gen. Grant had brought together as ft base of supplies for Irs armv on the I'hlckahomluy, in isil- - . i ...I I This capture was one of Hie uiosi m o- 1 In tit find successful rinds of the win. In which Gen. Young had played a gal lant and conspicuous part, but through out the narration n casual listener would have thought that he was relat ing the incident to show how mngnill cently Hampton had conducted the af fair. The conception and plan were Hampton's. It was arranged that a picked body of olio cavalry, under Hampton, should sweep around to Grant's rear, capture the corral, and drive the cattle Into the Confedcrat.' lines, while Gen. Young should hold at bay any Federal troops that might come to the siiiniort of the corral guard. The scouts had gathered every detail of information needed. They knew tic exact location of the cattle, tncir iiuiu hcr, the number and quality of the troops on guard, the relative position of the great army of Grant, and how long it would require for him to dispatc'l assistance to the guard when attacked. Hampton relied upon Young to keep back the entire army, If necessary, un til he could, get the entile out of reach. As cattle have to be driven slowly, nnd over fairly good country. It was nec essary for Hampton to drive them quite (dose to the enemy's lines, making the risk very much greater. Kverything worked smoothly until the cattle hail been captured. The negro guard were soon disposed of, and the corral, consisting of i!..'tii head of cattle, was shortly being driven toward the Confederate camp. To reach tie" rear of the lilies Hampton and Young and all of their troops had been in the saddle day and night, and had ridden lit'ty miles almost without n halt. le solte the fatigue of horses and men, a forced march had to be made by Hamp ton, while Young and his weary caval rymen had to face the entire Fedora! !i::e and "draw their 111".'" until tic-imMci-s were out of harm's way. Geo. Young accomplished this lu most bril liant style. He stretched out his J.r.lli) troopers Into so long a line that It seem ed as If nothing h'-s than an army di vision could occupy the space. By rushing from one point to another a con siderable body of his men and conccii- (rating tire ou the Federal advance he succeeded 111 keeping up the deception. The Federals expected momentarily to engage the Confederates In force, and so advanced cautiously, feeling their way. The dashing cavalry officer was playing Napoleonic tactics in minia ture. Before the army of Grant real ized that It was putting forth Its giant strength against a handful of dar ing horsemen. Hampton was safe, nnd the spectral lines of the grand army of Confederates closed up and galloped away, having completed the most reck less foray of the war. "The Federal cattle," added the general, "formed the basis of our supplies for the rest of our ampalgn." New York Times. Judge: ' Look here, sir," Slid the irate customer to the dry goods clerk, "you sold me this piece of goods war ranted a fast color. It we.s a gieen when I bought it and now it has turned to a sickly blue in lesa than two weeks." "Well madam." expostulated .he clerk "you could hardly expect a color to faster than tint." Comfort to California. Yes, and economy, too, if you take the Burlington route's personally conducted once-a-week excursions which leaves Omaha and Lincoln es'ery Thursday morning. Tourist sleepers clean, bright, com fortablethrough to run Francisco and Los Angeles. Second class tickets ac cepted. Only $5 fir a double berth, wide enough and big enough for two. Write for folder giving full informa tion, or call at the depot and see the local ticket agent. .1. Fkancis, Gen'l. Pasr'r. Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and bowels. Never sickpn, weaken or gripe. Bismark ia represented townB and villages. by eighteen 0 Mrs. Wlnslow's soothing fcYROr ior cnim b ren teethine, softens the K"ms, reduces lnflsm mstion, allavn piun. cures wind colic, iic bottle. ProiBabcock "I find that Wil :? 1 absolutely curs. 2': cc. foreign to the p:-: of vnvz cccca: trc the preset is in every "C.V.wci iTorp tu. sure c cf an c.:e'.:xca", a leal', a rfctnec. v.ri-h to ce the the well-known Chemist, aker & Ce.'s 3re?.asJ"Cocoi is ::?ins no trace c": r.:iy c: rrai'fcia! i. a suciance :.z cdor is that artificial; md :.;v,3t have c.en z;:'; the Wcn ci'tiT sub- in cc::: oy r 7..T, N. m XT) 11 I I mmr x. 9 m i MPVWH i I v r fl i afmiT l.aiBir.Kl IW I IB 1 "How happy could I be with either Were the other dear charmer away." IPUUJ I hl An I n m ' Approach. Anions the experience recited In "( Mir Army Nurse"" Is one by Mrs. Cod-dlii),'ton-a midnight alarm. House keepers may find In It sometliiiiR more than a hit of humor. We were so far removed from the seat of war that we saw lltitle of an cxcltlmr character. One day's work wns much like another's. Once Gen eral Price threatened us, and every soldier who wm able, whether In the barracks or In the hospital, was order ed to sleep on his arm. I remember well that nlifht. After tups had been sounded and lights were out I went to my window, and looking out Into the night, wondered If the enemy would really come. After a while I heard In tho distance a sound like the tramping of horses' feot and the rumbling of wagon-wheels, and I expected every moment that our en tire force would be railed out to at tack General Price and his army. In the camp all remained quiet as usual. Still I listened, nnd soon I could see In the moonlight ft train of wagons approaching. It was an en emy In very truth loads of sour com missary bread. The ripest and sweetest leaf and m the purest ingredients are used in the manufacture of "Battle Ax," and no matter how much you pay for a m much smaller piece of any other high- grade brand, ycu cannot buy a better Sf f - -.1. II IT cnew man aarae ix. For 5 cents you get a piece of "Battle Ax" almost as large as the other fellow's JO-cent piece. ie4XM'(B3)GD(t)(l)i)g))(i)(i)(i)'3)( Do You Know that There Is Sci ence in Neatness? Be Wise and Use APOLIO PsTEMS. TBWMfr Etaialnstlnn md Advice M to PtUubartr4it ! Tendon. S0 Patent, V, nd tor latenton' OuM irmicK o-r laasu, ' N. N. r. No. 40-4. mm WBtTlMO TO WUbn mt FM